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Solo Buceo

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Sabio Tulum

Sabio Tulum

Solo Buceo


Raya águila

La Raya águila es un animal marino que me encanta, es uno de mis animales preferidos, porque yo les llamo las reinas del mar, son animales que llegan a medir dos metros de extremo a extremo, son planos, son peces muy planos,tienen una característica muy bonita que es la boca enfrente, a veces comenconchas y a la hora de nadar son graciosas como si fueran unas princesas, unasbailarinas de mar. Pero ya para bucear con ellas necesitas por lo menos credencial deavanzado, y tener paciencia y ganas de verlas, porque no es una animal impronta, queimprontes, que pueden venir a comer de tu mano, no hasta ahora, entonces tenemosque tener suerte y saber los lugares y los tiempos.

Solamente llevando a la gente a verlos y hablarles dé la belleza y lo bonito que es para evitar que, si alguien las mata las con, pues la raya Águila no está protegida. como ninguna otra raya, la gente la puede matar ¿qué tienes que hacer? Conocer a tus habitantes, sean de tierra, sean de mar, quiérelos, promuévelos, que los vean, que los gocen, no hay per nada que lo que está escondido tienes que sacarlo al mundo, que la gente lo vea y hablar de ello. Conoce a los habitantes de Caribe Mexicano, pero, sobre todo, conoce su medio, conoce dónde viven, trata de aprender de ellos, mientras más sepamos de ellos, mientras más contacto tengamos con ellos, mientras más gente llevemos a verlos, vamos a tener muchos más aliados.


Solo Buceo

Eagle Ray

The Eagle Ray is a marine animal that I love, it is one of my favorite animals, because I call them the queens of the sea, they are animals that can measure two meters from end to end, they are flat, they are very flat fish, they have a Verybeautiful characteristic that is the mouth in front, sometimes they eat shells andwhen it comes to swimming they are funny as if they were princesses, some seadancers. But to dive with them you need at least an advanced credential, andhave patience and desire to see them, because it is not an imprinted animal, whatimprints, that can come to eat from your hand, not until now, then we have to belucky. and know the places and times.

Only by taking people to see them and talk to them give the beauty and how beautiful it is to avoid that, if someone kills them with them, because the Eagle ray is not protected. like no other stingray, people can kill it, what do you have to do? Knowing your inhabitants, whether they are from land, are from the sea, love them, promote them, let them see them, enjoy them, there is nothing for nothing that what is hidden you have to bring out to the world, that people see it and talk about it. Meet the inhabitants of the Mexican Caribbean, but, above all, know their environment, know where they live, try to learn from them, the more we know about them, the more contact we have with them, the more people we take to see them, we will have many more allies.


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