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EJM Interior Design
Answers by Ellett Jude Miciotto, Owner ejminteriordesign.com
What inspired you to pursue this line of work?
My mother, Cindy Ellett Miciotto. She was an accomplished and wellrespected interior designer who taught me about art, travel, style, and appreciating the beauty of nature and the nature of beauty.
What services do you offer?
We offer residential and commercial interior design as well as consulting and curating of art and acquisitions.
If you had to describe your style in three words, what would they be?
Timeless. Curated. Evolving.
What do you feel distinguishes you from your competitors?
I work to continuously evolve with different styles. I have an appreciation for all styles of interior design, be it classic or modern. There are so many different styles to appreciate and discover. I’m always open to working with and learning a new style. It challenges me to think beyond what I have already seen and worked with.
Will you take on projects of any size or scope?
Absolutely. I’m always open to meet people who are interested in my work and collaborating. It can be a consultation for art placement, new bedding, finish selections for a bath, a remodel, or new construction.
What’s your favorite type of project to work on?
Honestly, I enjoy all my projects. It’s extremely validating to be asked to collaborate on any project and to be creative.
What’s one thing people often don’t understand or realize about your line of work?
That it’s actually a job—and not an always glamorous job. There is a big misconception that interior design is frivolous and doesn’t require any work beyond selections. It’s also very competitive, as well. I find that there is conflict of interest in who is the trade and who is the public.
What do you love most about what you do?
I’m very lucky; I love what I do. My job allows me to be creative and create art—that’s what I love the most about it. I can’t sing and I’m not a painter (although I wish I could). I want to be creative, and interior design allows to me express myself through tangible beauty.