DN 2.0 #8 CLUB BRP SHOCKER Can-Am Motorcycles Return Dealer Profile: R&S POWERSPORTS Rick Alcon

CONTENTS 7420 26 INDUSTRY RESEARCH+ NPA’s Jim Woodruff On Pre-Owned INDUSTRY RESEARCH+ Don Musick Muses On Flying Cars Part II eDEALERNEWS A New Rebellion Is Coming! CURRENTS+ Orca Surfaces, Greenger Charges Ahead, Dayco Belts BMW WORLD’S LUCKIEST MAN Bob Althoff On The End Of Life As We Know It? EDITOR’S NOTE Robin Hartfiel On The Voice Of Reason LETTERS+ The Latest Headlines NEWS+ All The News That’s Fit To Print SHIFTING GEARS+ Personnel Postings DEALER PROFILE+ R&S Powersports Group On Staying Ahead Of The Curve OEM UPDATE+ Club BRP Shockers, Can-Am Motorcycles Come Back PERFORMANCE+ Stern Words Between Mark Rodgers & Dan Stern Come To A Close INDUSTRY RESEARCH+ Lenny Sims On J.D. Power Marine Industry Overview eSHIFTING GEARS Who’s Flipping The EV Switches… And Where? NPDA DEALER NEWS When Bob Althoff Speaks… NPDA MEETING MINUTES National Powersports Dealer Association August Update NPDA PARTNER PROFILE Find It Now Finds Dealers A Hidden Profit Center SHOWTIME! Coming Events SNIPPETS AIMExpo Education Videos, EQUIP Exposition, Handstands @ 100mph Returns DIVERSITY+ REP Developing The Next Surge Of Riders TOP 100 WOMEN IN POWERSPORTS #powerwomen Class Of 2022 Continued MIC RIDE REPORT What Does The MIC Do For You? PERSONNEL FILES+ The Bachelor ADVOCACY+ Don Amador On Coming In Hot! CONFESSIONS OF A CUSTOMER Eric Anderson On The Bucket List TRAVAILS WITH CHARLIE ISDE Six Days Reunion GEAR+ Maximizing Minis PRESS PASS+ Celebrating 52 Years Of Costa Mesa Speedway PRESS PASS+ KC66 Teams With Moto Doffo VALE+ Ave Atque Vale Bobby Hill AD INDEX This issue Brought To You By… BACKFIRE Tariffs & Today40080610201612263438484247 70555852566162666864727478828788658486 4

Bob Althoff World’s Luckiest Man EDITORIAL Robin Hartfiel Editor Gus Stewart Creative Director Brenda Stiehl Production Manager CONTRIBUTORS Don Musick Genesys Technology Solutions Dr. Paul Leinberger Denny+Leinberger Strategy Eric Anderson Vroom Network Jim Woodruff National Powersport Auctions Mark Rodgers Performance Consulting Lenny Sims NADA Appraisal Guides Scot Harden AMA Hall Of Fame/Harden Offroad Hector Cademartori Illustrations William Douglas Little Unique Powersports Charlie Williams Off Road Editor Marq Smith Holeshot Motorsports, Canada Alisa Clickenger Women’s Motorcycle Tours Don Amador Quiet Warrior Racing Joe Bonnello Joe B Photography Uncle Paul Wunsch Love Cycles The Anonymous Dealer OUR TEAM ADVERTISING Robin Hartfiel Publisher (949) 489-4306 robinhartfiel@gmail.com Blake Foulds Account Executive (760) 715-3045 blakefoulds@dealernews.com Brenda Stiehl Production Manager brendastiehl@dealernews.com John Murphy Publishing Consultant johnmurphydn@gmail.com Dealernews Magazine 3250 Knoll Dr. Columbus, OH 43230 www.dealernews.com © Copyright 2022 8684 5AUGUST 2022

World’s Luckiest Man
By Bob Althoff
Now, your National Powersports Dealer Association ( www.npda.org ) has entered the fray and is “working hard for hard-working Dealers.” NPDA is doing its best to collaborate with our friends at both the R.V. and Marine Retailers Association as well as our friends on the Congressional Motorcycle Caucus, the M.I.C. Governmental Affairs Office and others to protect your business.
Dealernews has been a trusted source of business intelligence, analysis for well over five decades. We have a history of early calls to arms when it comes to overly aggressive government regulation… And as you have read in recent issue’s, we are definitely banging the alarm gong these days.
Be confident that there are smart and committed folks who have your six. In the meantime, join us. Join us at AIMExpo. Join us in staying abreast with Dealernews. Join us as a member-in-good-standing at the NPDA. Individually, we are sitting ducks. Collectively, we are invincible!
Running your retail business is already a seven-daya-week pursuit. Serving as the pillar of the local community hosting Bike Nights and charity rides to sponsoring Little League teams adds to the social responsibilities of your store. Your place is with your staff, your customers and your community.
Bob T ake your pick of any news headline of late. Does it send shivers up your spine to hear that the Governor of California thinks that the sale of a new internal combustion engine (ICE) cars should be outlawed in a decade or so? By fiat he has arrested lumped leaf blowers, chainsaws and lawn mowers in on the mandate starting in 2024 and gas powered portable generators by 2028. Sucks to be in the Outdoor Power Equipment field, but that “ban gas” thinking couldn’t possibly be extended to your motorcycle dealership… could it? Nah!
These and other threats to our business’s profitability (and our customer’s right to buy what they want) seem to be constant and increasing. My most Orwellian nightmares in 1984 can’t hold a candle the scary realities we face in 2024!
The non-profit association’s place is to be on duty as a watchdog in Washington, eyes on the Fed and otherwise guarding all that you hold dear.
Or how about word that the Department of Commerce is on the hunt for Dealers who sell “unnecessary” financial services to our customers (says who?!). And which government bureaucrat was it that arbitrarily became the F&I Czar by appointment rather than being elected?

Of course, he will be the first to tell you this is only half the story. Alcon’s longtime business partner and better half is wife Susie (the R&S is for “Rick & Susie”). “We worked together for 25 years before Susie took over their Lomas Location. “We worked shoulder to shoulder every day for 25 years and we raised our kids in this store.” — Now you have an idea of the depth of Rick’s passion for this profession… and why he keeps raising his hand to help raise the powersports industry to new heights. Do yourself a favor and read Marianne Todd’s profile of R&S Powersports in this issue… then fast-forward to February of 2023 and make it a point to talk to Rick in person when AIMExpo returns to Las Vegas. It is the right thing to do… and he can convey your message to the MIC so that we can continue to do right by our dealers.
Former Editor-in-Chief and publisher of Dealernews circa 1990-2003, Robin returns to the magazine. In addition to having been instrumental in creating the Dealernews Top 100 program (still the industry’s ultimate accolade for a motorcycle dealership), Hartfiel has worked for most of the B2B publications in the Powersports arena. Prior to the trade side, he worked as a beat reporter for a local newspaper and was an editor of publications ranging from All About Beer to VW Trends. “As our industry continues the work to manage legislative issues, create enhanced distribution channel experiences, and promote ridership, the MIC Dealer Advisory Council is poised to play an increasingly important role in the industry,” he said back then… and as an MIC Board member, I can attest to the fact that Rick has been telling it like it is ever since. “We look forward to being more accessible to MIC dealer members and developing a stronger, more meaningful relationship with the MIC Board of Directors. Together we can further our mutual goal of guiding the powersports industry into the future.”
By Robin Hartfiel
Fast forward to February 2021 when the MIC needed someone to replace Dealernews’ own Bob Althoff as Chairman of the Dealer Advisory Council. MIC DAC members named Alcon Chair. “Since 2013, the Dealer Advisory Council has been an important conduit between riders, dealers, OEs, aftermarket companies and the MIC Board of Directors,” noted Erik Pritchard, president and CEO of the Motorcycle Industry Council. Rick was the right guy at the right time. “Rick brings decades of industry and leadership experience, which will help continue to make the DAC an invaluable resource for dealers across the country,” pointed out MIC’s Pritchard.
Rick Alcon is passionate, professional and proactive. Back in February of 2017 when the U.S. Trade Representative’s 100% tariff plan on European motorcycles would have harmed American consumers, Alcon joined AMA CEO Rob Dingman, KTM North America President John Hinz and Motorcycle Industry Council’s thenPresident Tim Buche in testifying against the “irreversible damage to outdoor recreation and families that participate in it.”
Editor’s Note
Alcon has served as Team R&S Powersports Group president and CEO for the past 35 years. Further demonstrating his deep involvement in motorcycling, he is also the chairman for the New Mexico OHV Program Advisory Board, a multiyear chairman of a 20 Group, a member of the New Mexico Motorcycle Dealers Leadership Board, and a lifelong member of the American Motorcyclist Association. His leadership and vision extends to the dealership level. “It is the mission of Team R&S to be the market leader in the promotion, sales and support of motorized recreational products. To this goal, we will recruit, train and reward the best possible team of employees. We will provide them with a positive working environment and the tools necessary to ensure success. We will seek out and commit to suppliers with quality products, reputable service and a vision for the future. And finally, we will serve our customers at a level above their expectations and never lose sight of the fact that they are the reason for our existence.”
Never mind the fact that his New Mexico-based dealership didn’t even carry most of the brands that were facing the 100% tariff. It was just the right thing to do.

Thanks, Robin Hartfiel and Dealernews for the love in the June issue! I’m always willing to jump in and help my powersports friends! I’m also so excited to see NPDA happy I can be one little part of See the about myself and some of peers the 100
Bill Berroth, President Motonation - Ciclista America Santee, CA Sorry, Bill. We have not run any gray market stories since the 2-strokes coming in from Canada and the off-shoring of non-current bikes years ago. There might have been a couple of news snippets about Chinese knock-offs getting caught in customs, but all of that was pre-supply chain SNAFUs... the past two years everyone was so desperate for anything “gray market” stopped being a third rail.
thrive, and I’m
Ralph Flanagan, Zippers Performance Products Wow! Not sure I’m a fan of this new fox hole… Carey Bohn, Chairman At Mainstream Media Services Once you’re on the VC train, it’s hard to get off. Ray Butts, MBA VP Online Sales United Motorsports Hmmm, they split from their gun/ammo side to save face, but now are involved with a motorsports (think gasoline and oil) branded apparel and accessory company. Whatever.
WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY? Vista Outdoor Group (which already owned Bell Helmets) announced they were acquiring Fox Racing for $540 million. The dust is still settling but the comments continue to come in via our social channels: https://issuu.com/dealernews/docs/ issue_7_july_5bda31a993fa53/12
Stuart Bourdon, Bourdon Motorsports Communications I’m hopeful this will work out. Iconic brands should live on…
David Asher, GM, DragonFire Retired
Women in Powersports on Page 61. https://issuu.com/dealernews/docs/ issue_6_june_5d1f0b03583043/60
Liz Keener, Certification Manager Marine Retailers Association of the Americas 10
This industry consolidation of assets is likely to not end well given the history of consolidations in the past 15 years. Good luck and best wishes to all involved.
A question, has Dealernews ever run any stories in regards to grey market imports/sales of aftermarket products into the USA? If so, could you share any Regards,links?
SOUND OFF! Dealernews is indeed back. Join in the conversation via e-mail: Editor@dealernews.com Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dealernews/ Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DealernewsFan/ Follow along on Dealernews.com Tune into the new YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/ Dealernews50/featured Where can I purchase a Qooder? Carol QuantumSpankeHealth & Energy Portland, OR A combination of COVID restrictions and DOT not being able to classify it as an autocycle (like Slingshot or Spyder) nor a motorcycle/scooter like Yamaha’s NIKEN or Piaggios MP3 led to Qooder pulling the plug on the U.S.A. after their 2019 AIMExpo appearance: https://www.dealernews.com/Home/ post/quadro-qooder/2019-09-18 We also ran an extensive three-part interview with them: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=cAXbdZWeqLw&t=57s However the only Qooder dealers we know of these days are in Europe: https://www.qooder.com/dealers/#storelocator
I thank you for your attention. I am trying to send e-mail to MOTOTASINARI but the computer system does not recognize it. I do not know what happened, but I need the email and the website for MOTOTASINARI. Jaime Medina Medina Motoser Sucre, Bolivia Looks like a typo Jaime. The source of VForce reed valve system is: https://store.mototassinari.com/

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Our team is committed to innovating and developing ways to support our membership and the entire industry. This includes spearheading initiatives for our industry to accomplish together. While there are several examples, I’d like to share updates on two programs. In light of the growing popularity of the dual-purpose category, the Motorcycle Safety Foundation created the AdventureBike RiderCourse. This course will help new owners get the most out of their bikes by teaching them fundamental dirt-riding skills so they can gain the confidence to go off-road. You can read more about what this course entails in Men’s Journal: https://lnkd.in/gU7k-t_f
Dual-purpose sales have shown continuous Year-Over-Year growth since 2016 and impressively, the Q2 2022 sales volume is the highest quarter in the history of sales reporting for this segment. The off-highway category is also on a sales tear; YTD 2022 sales are the third highest since 2008 (with only 2020 and 2021 outperforming the current cycle).
Fuel prices are expected to remain high, though they have eased somewhat recently. During previous spikes in fuel prices, our industry saw an influx of new and returning riders seeking an efficient commuting alternative. With two years of increased sales, can we leverage this spike in fuel prices to attract even more new riders, while keeping the tens of thousands of new riders who purchased during the pandemic riding?
• Dual: 63.7% Increase
• On-Highway: 3.8% Increase
TOOL TIME WITH TEXA Sure, TEXA has diagnostic solutions for all the new motorcycles finally hitting showrooms (and subsequently service bays) around the globe, but they have the old iron wired too… literally. More than 200 new wiring diagrams for old bikes were incorporated in the BIKE update 34 launched last spring. In addition to comprehensive wiring diagrams numerous tech bulletins for everything from Adiva and Aprilia to Vespa and Zontes have been collated and curated within the TEXA database.
Significant are the many new features on historic makes including: ADIVA, APRILIA, BENELLI, BMW, BROUGH SUPERIOR, CAN-AM (BRP), DERBI, DUCATI, FANTIC MOTOR, GILERA, HARLEY-DAVIDSON, HONDA, HUSQVARNA, HYOSUNG, INDIAN, KAWASAKI, KEEWAY, KTM, KYMCO, MACBOR, MALAGUTI, MBK, MGK HELLENIC MOTOR, MOTO GUZZI, MOTO MORINI, MV AGUSTA, PIAGGIO, PIAGGIO COMMERCIAL VEHICLES, POLARIS, ORCAL, QOODER, QUADRO, SUZUKI, SWM, SYM, TGB, TRIUMPH, VESPA, YAMAHA and ZONTES. As an added value to the BIKE software, new updates for 500+ guided diagnosis/nominal value sheets and technical data and maintenance sheets. TEXA’s BIKE update 34 offers numerous current technical updates that, along with the constant improvements and evolutions of the IDC5 software, guarantee a uniquely complete, top-notch solutions for techs worldwide. TEXA has diagnostic coverage of 101 makes and more than 3200 models! Check out the clip for more detail or tune into TEXA directly to request a demo: https://www.texausa.com/products/request-a-demo
“We are just past the halfway mark of 2022, and remarkably, sales results for the first half of the year remain strong despite inflation concerns, some predictions of a recession, and ongoing supply chain challenges.” — MIC CEO Erik Pritchard MIC members, through the association’s latest retail sales report, are now getting a detailed look at sales performance for the industry at the end of second quarter. When you compare this year’s sales performance to the same period in 2019, the last year before the pandemic, sales are up in every category: Scooter: 18% Increase
• Off-Highway: 40.7% Increase
The other program is our market expansion initiative, Ride With Us. This year we have diversified the locations and events where we bring RWU Moto Intro experiences. In May, we helped reporters and content creators attending the Motor Press Guild event in Malibu experience their first ride, and later this summer, attendees of the California Capital Airshow in Sacramento will have the opportunity to experience Moto Additionally,Intros. this fall we are launching a national campaign and a new comprehensive website at RideWithUs.com. In growing Ride With Us, we are working to meet potential and new riders where they are, in order to help inspire, encourage exploration, engage their interest, and integrate them into our community. It is the right program at the right time, and we encourage the entire industry to get more involved.

Consolidated revenue was down 4% in the second quarter, driven primarily by HDMC revenue being down 5%. The revenue decline was driven by the production suspension in the second half of May. Consolidated operating income decline of 1% reflects 3% growth at HDMC and a decline of 9% at HDFS due to an expected higher provision for credit losses as the credit environment normalizes.
Despite a two-week production shut down at the height of the selling season, Harley-Davidson heads into Sturgis on the right track according to The Motor Company’s CEO. “Reaffirming our guidance for the year, despite the production suspension, demonstrates the effectiveness of our Hardwire strategy and the power of our brand,” claims Jochen Zeitz, Chairman, CEO and President, Harley-Davidson, Inc. “Now with the suspension being behind us, we are fully focused on mitigating the impacts of the volume loss with the ambition to deliver on our Hardwire II goals, in year two of our five-year strategy.”
• HDMC Operating Income margin of 15.1% was up 1.2 points versus last year; pricing, lower operating expense and lower EU tariffs offset the impact of the suspension
Global motorcycle shipments were down 15% in Q2, caused by a two-week production suspension stemming from a regulatory compliance matter at a third-party supplier. Revenue was down 5% as global pricing and growth within Apparel offset much of the negative impact from the production suspension. Other Q2 factors included:
Continued on page 14
The bottom line for Harley-Davidson: Global retail motorcycle sales in the second quarter were down 23% versus prior year, adversely impacted by lower inventory and the production suspension.
• HDFS Operating Income decline of 9% was driven by the continued normalization of credit losses in-line with expectations • GAAP diluted EPS of $1.46 was up 10% vs last year; HarleyDavidson repurchased $64 million of shares (or 1.7 million shares) on a discretionary basis in Q2

WHERE: OC Fair & Event Center 88 Fair Dr. Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (714) – 708-1500
The spate of recent mergers and acquisitions continues following on the heels of the Side By Side Stuff/Seizmik/EPI/ System3 buyouts by Nivel comes news that SuperATV is going to be sold to publicly traded Dorman’s once the anti-trust formalities are out of the way. The deal valued at more than $500 million ($490 million in cash at closing, plus an earn-out of up to $100 million in the aggregate payable over a two-year period subject to certain performance targets being achieved in 2023 and 2024), is subject to customary closing conditions, including clearance under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act, and is expected to close in the second half of “This2022.combination aligns with our strategy to diversify our customer base and product offering by providing a compelling entry point to the large and rapidly growing powersports industry,” claims Kevin Olsen, Dorman’s President and CEO.
HarleyJobs.com is the only online job board built specifically to service Harley dealerships and the V-Twin industry. The primary focus is connecting the best companies with the most qualified job seekers in the V-Twin industry.
#GetAJob by clicking here: www.HarleyJobs.com
WHEN: Friday, September 16, 2022 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Saturday, September 17, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Sunday, September 18, 2022 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Continued from page 13 DE FACTO DUNE SEASON TRADE SHOW
Currently, and for the foreseeable future, the United States has more job openings than unemployed candidates. Skilled positions like trained technicians are almost impossible to find so MotorcycleIndustryJobs.com (MIJ) as the only job board built specifically for the powersports industry, has decided to double up. After the past 12 years comes the launch of HarleyJobs.com — dedicated specifically for the V-Twin industry. Unlike other online job boards, HarleyJobs.com will be operating a little differently. Harley-Davidson, Indian dealerships and V-Twin repair shops as well as aftermarket companies can post all their job openings year-round for all those impossible jobs to fill, including A-level techs, service advisors, GMs and the ever-revolving door of sales.
“HarleyJobs.com will be doing all the work just short of the interviewing and hiring) for its customers,” explains founder Alex Baylon. “The biggest hurdle for employers is not being able to fill an important position when a key employee leaves. Many employers don’t understand that finding employees is not a simple overnight task… depending on the employee — like a master tech — the process can sometimes take up to 6 months or longer.”
“Not only is SuperATV a leader in their space with an extensive portfolio of widely recognized brands and proprietary products, but they also have a highly successful approach to new product innovation that aligns closely with Dorman’s business model. As a result, we are confident we can leverage Dorman’s playbook to further accelerate growth. “
Save The Date For The Sand Sports Super Show!
WHAT: The Sand Sports Super Show is the largest dune/desert expo in the world with more than 300 exhibitors. OEMs, aftermarket and even dealers pull out all the stops for the start of Dune Season. Features include ATV/UTV demos at the Proving Grounds. Manufacturers launching new products and showing off their latest innovations to an engaged crowd of enthusiast attendees.
Over the past three decades, the Sand Sports Super Show has become the de facto trade show for the UTV/ATV industry. OEMs have held global press launches and many aftermarket leaders save their hottest new products for this event. Save the date for September 16-18 at the Costa Mesa Fairgrounds in Southern California.

“The combination of Dorman and SuperATV is extremely exciting,” adds Lindsay Hunt, SuperATV’s CEO and President.
“The resources and expertise that Dorman provides will allow us to accelerate our growth and expand to our fullest potential by delivering an even better experience and more products that our customers love. We look forward to becoming part of the Dorman family upon the successful completion of the transaction.”
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SuperATV generated $211 million in net sales in fiscal 2021, and the combined company is expected to be a best-in-class powersports aftermarket platform. SuperATV’s omni-channel approach, which combines a leading direct-to-consumer platform and relationships across a network of 3,500+ dealers enables customers to have access to the products they need wherever and whenever they choose to shop. SuperATV’s recognized reputation for quality and innovation has cultivated a passionate and loyal customer base.
THE OTHER SHOE DROPS… “We are excited to welcome SuperATV to the Dorman family and are excited about the value the combined company will generate for our customers and shareholders,” concludes Olsen. In connection with the transaction, Dorman expects to obtain a $500 million incremental credit facility under the terms of its existing credit agreement, resulting in net leverage of less than 2.3x. The cash flow generation of the combined company is expected to provide Dorman with flexibility to continue executing on its strategic priorities. Until the transaction closes, both companies will operate independently.

Brought To You By MotorcycleIndustryJobs.com Continued on page 18
David Piercy is back on the platform and ready to dive into American Landmaster after a brief hiatus. “I am pumped to be back… it’s a similar feeling of that rush I’d get when I use to dive back in college right before a national championship… and It’s the finals baby!” Piercy received his Bachelors in Graphic Design from Indiana University, Bloomington. He also competed as an All-American NCAA DIV I diver for the university leading as team captain for two of the five years. “Time to show everyone what Landmaster is all about. And that is what I’ll be doing. I will be leading the group to create more content — blogs, videos, images, social, reels, press releases, etc. — to build up more awareness around Landmaster. I am “diving” right in where I left off, except this time is 10x. Stay tuned to see more content on the capabilities a Landmaster has to offer and all the cool technology we’re working on with our EV product. I will be playing a role with the product development team for our next generation product. I will also be assisting with design needs for brochures, decals, web and much more.”
American Landmaster President Jeff Bannister adds, “David comes with a unique sense of creativity and passion that American Landmaster needs. You can give him a brief concept that he’ll dive into and bring it to fruition quickly. I worked with David for several years to launch our new branding, product, advertising and other marketing efforts in the past. It can be hard to find a single person that can shift into so many different roles, Sturgis Shifting Gears: Just in time for the August rally, the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall Of Fame announced Leah Whaley as its new Executive Director. “I’m excited that Leah has joined the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum team,” said Museum Board President Paul Johnson. “She brings more than 20 years’ experience from the motorcycle industry and experience with nonprofits.” Leah is an avid motorcyclist and is a member of the Motor Maids, Inc., the Antique Motorcycle Club of America and Harley Owners Group She builds, restores and shows antique and custom motorcycles in her leisure time. She and her husband Dan moved to the Sturgis area just in time for the festivities.
The Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame has also promoted Penny Tolrud to Museum Manager. Tolrud has served as the Gift Shop Manager since 2020 and brings a wealth of experience to the role. “Penny has been instrumental in growing the Museum’s retail environment and the Museum’s daily operations,” Museum Board President Paul Johnson stated. Established in 2001, the mission of the Sturgis Motorcycle Museum & Hall of Fame is to collect, preserve, and interpret the history of motorcycling, honor those who have made a significant impact on the sport and the lifestyle, and pay tribute to the heritage of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally.
Kenda is on a roll! Powersports vet Serena Van Dyke is now in the role of Marketing & Sponsorship Coordinator. She will focus on development of customer-facing order and communications tools, oversight of digital marketing channels, and management of Kenda’s sponsorship and affiliate program. Before joining the tire company Van Dyke was with the American Motorcyclist Association in a variety of positions including club sanctioning, volunteer recruitment and retention, and digital communications over a 20+ year period. An active rider and mother of two, Van Dyke joins Kenda’s growing powersports team led by Director Dave Komoroski . “We’re all pumped for what Serena brings to the table. She’s a Swiss Army knife of talent who’s helped grow some well-known AMA programs and she’s positioned to make an immediate impact at Kenda. We went on a national search and it turned out what we were looking for was just a few miles away in Pickerington, Ohio ,” said Komoroski. but David can shift quickly into different roles where the business needs the most attention. We have several new disruptive products that we’ll be bringing to the industry in the near future and we’ll need David’s creativity, personality and tenacity to help market them effectively,” concludes Bannister.

In fact, Chase joins NPA with firsthand experience of the benefits NPA delivers — for the past five years he was the pre-owned inventory manager at a dealership in Austin, Texas, where he consigned and purchased vehicles via NPA virtually daily. “Having worked with NPA for years, I knew it would be a great fit for my next career step,” he adds. “I’m looking forward to traveling, meeting new people and forging great relationships with different dealerships around the states in the region.” After riding motorcycles since he was 8, Chase started his career at Central Texas Harley-Davidson in 2015. Chase says he enjoyed the sales side of the industry and is ready to move up to NPA. Dealers can reach him at echase@npauctions.com
Former HardDrive American V-Twin Products Brand Sales Manager Gunnar Heinemeyer has partnered with Jessica Shine at Brands That Shine. He will bring his V-Twin, ATV/ UTV, Off-Road and eBike expertise in distributor/vendor relations directly to dealerships . A former wrench, Heinemeyer got his start at a dealership back in 1991. He gravitated toward the V-Twin segment and moved on to sales and product management roles at Custom Chrome Europe, CCI and most recently HardDrive. When he is not on the road repping Brands That Shine, Heinemeyer still enjoys spinning wrenches on his project bikes, racing of any type, sailing and fishing. from
From avant garde Zero to retro Royal Enfield , industry veteran Ron Luttrell is on the move. Most recently national sales director at the EV outfit, he goes old school with Royal Enfield: “I’m happy to share that I’m starting a new position as VP of Sales and Dealer Development at Royal Enfield.” Dealers may remember him for his roles as Brammo’s Global Sales Director and stints as Triumph’s Dealer Development Manager before that and the National Sales Manager of Hyosung and Aprilia gigs before that.
“With more than 20 years of business experience across sales, marketing and strategic planning, Ron is the right fit for Royal Enfield,” says Breeann Poland, Lead- Marketing, Americas Region/ Global Brand Manager- Continental GT Platform.
Speaking of what is going around in the tire world, Warren Dunham is the new Race Program Manager, Bridgestone Motorcycle Tires. Dunham has spent 31 years at Bridgestone in the Sales Engineering Department as a Senior Field Engineer. In this new position as Race Program Manager, Bridgestone Motorcycle Tires for the North American market he is responsible for managing all motorcycle roadracing programs for the U.S. and Canada. “I have always enjoyed working in motorsports, but motorcycle roadracing is my passion, says Dunham. “We have a lot of exciting plans for the near future and look forward to showing the road racing community.” This new role is a perfect fit for Dunham because of his experience with a wide variety of motorsports disciplines, including Sports Car Club of America (SCCA), International Motor Sports Association (IMSA), National Hot Rod Association (NHRA), AMA Pro Racing: Supercross, Motocross and Roadracing , Pike’s Peak Hill Climb, Championship Auto Racing Teams (CART), CIK/ FIA RacingKarting, MotoGP, BaggerLeague and the American Historic Racing Motorcycle Association (AHRMA). “Bridgestone Motorcycle is proud to welcome Warren Dunham to our team,” adds Jared Williams, general manager, Bridgestone Motorcycle Tire Business in the United States and Canada. “Warren is well known and respected within the motorsports community, and he is the perfect addition to our team to help us expand our commitment to motorcycle road racing.” For roadracing sponsorship opportunities reach out to Dunham at BridgestoneMoto@bfusa.com
Cut to the chase… National Powersport Auctions has shuffled the deck and Erik Chase is now calling on NPA dealers in New Mexico, Southern Texas and Louisiana. In a related move, former Territory Sales Manager Donny Erickson has transferred to another region for the leading remarketer of powersports vehicles in the nation. “We are lucky to have Erik as part of our national sales team and look forward to the continued growth of the territory,” states VP of Sales Mike Murray. “He is a welcome addition to the NPA sales team and understands how beneficial the pre-owned market is to a business.”
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“They were completely different scenarios in the business,” he explained. “COVID has actually been the best thing that has happened to the motorcycle industry. It’s been challenging in terms of consumer demand, but there’s nothing that compares to it from the inception of motorcycles until now.” Both issues demanded swift maneuvering to rapid market changes, he reiterated. “But nothing has ever created that level of spike and demand as COVID did for our industry.”
“During the economic downturn of 2010, like everyone, we contracted substantially organizationally,” said R&S Powersports Group CEO Rick Alcon. “In 2010, we lost 65-70% of the entire motorcycle market because of the economic conditions at that time.” They were hard years with hard lessons… some of which Alcon is still applying in today’s post-pandemic recovery.
Like many longtime dealerships, R&S Powersports Group has seen its share of industry travails. Still, the Albuquerque, New Mexico, operation remains a powersports industry leader, having gone from eight employees in its infancy, to 200 at its maximum, and settling in at 100 in its prime.
By Marianne Todd
THE BETTER HALF OF R&S Alcon and his longtime business partner and wife Susie (the “R&S” is for Rick and Susie), are accustomed to quickly pivoting to rapidly changing industry dynamics, having gone into business in 1985 with little money. They managed to take a standalone Kawasaki dealership to new heights, raise a family and expand into two more dealerships through the years. Before that, the couple went to high school together, fell in love, attended every class but one at the University of New Mexico, graduated together, began their first business as an indoor gun range and then married. These days, they have two grown daughters, one of which manages R&S West, a son-in-law who manages R&S Lomas and a 3-yearold granddaughter who is already wearing the treads off on her electric bike. Susie works at the Lomas location, R&S Can-Am. Kawasaki, Sea-Doo, Suzuki, Yamaha, while Rick manages R&S Honda/Polaris on Wyoming. It wasn’t always this way, though. “We worked together for 25 years side-by-side,” he said. “We worked shoulder to shoulder every day, and we raised our kids in this store.” Ahead Of The

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The challenge these days remains post-pandemic recovery and in keeping the flexible maneuverability learned in 2019. Alcon contrasts the economic hardship of 2010 to the rapidly changing market of 2019. “In 2010, dealerships were shuttered and went out of business. Products were stacked a mile high with no demand… as an industry we spent 10 years digging out from that.”
“We had a phenomenon that doesn’t generally happen,” Alcon said. People were suddenly trapped, had expendable income, had the availability of low-interest, long term financing, and most importantly, time. “People were used to going to work every day, and now they had kids at home all day staring at computer screens. They started looking at every form of stay-cation available. Within 30 days it became apparent that we had demand. How we were going to deal with it became the question, but remember, many Dealers were still digging out of the 2010 shut down.”
21AUGUST 2022
“The owner of this store had gotten dealer agreements for the west side of Albuquerque with Polaris, Kawasaki and Suzuki. Then the Santa Fe Harley-Davidson dealership became available, and he bought that instead,” Alcon said. “That store came with a half-done building on the west side, near Interstate-40. We had that store for a couple of years.” In 2006, when the city’s population shifted toward the Cottonwood Mall area near Rio Rancho, they decided to relocate and R&S West was reborn.
He attributes the company’s success to Susie. “My wife is up for sainthood. She is a hell of a woman. Our roles were defined, and she was willing to put herself in a position that helped us to be successful together. We knew what the roles were in business, and they were potentially different than the roles in our personal lives. In the earlier days we had more time than money so we did a lot of events and trade shows. We were consumed by the business seven days a week. We made it work.”
Rick says they are perpetual students of business, even though they earned university degrees in the field. By the end of the ‘90s, when they were looking at acquisitions and creating multi-point dealerships, Rick and Susie were also looking at expansion. Their first store, the Kawasaki dealership located on Lomas, had already expanded to include BRP, KTM, Sea-Doo, Suzuki and Yamaha, then the couple fell into another dealer’s deal that had gone in another direction.
R&S had managed to sustain small growth during each of those years, but it wasn’t that way for a lot of dealers, who struggled to regain footing from the downturn. Then news of COVID hit, and the doors were shut. “A lot of dealers were wondering how they would survive with no customers. Will this throw us into recession or depression? These concerns were founded on the realities that happened not too many years ago. This was still very fresh in our minds.”
It was a lesson in creativity, he said. Dealers began pivoting rapidly to meet new governmental restrictions, offering sales by phone and other contact-less selling, curbside and home delivery – and are still pivoting two years after. In fact, the industry likely will not see pre-pandemic conditions until 2023 or later, he stated.

The granddaughter of R&S Powersports Group CEO Rick Alcon, Raelyn embodies the future of the powersports industry – electrification. She also represents the industry’s fastest growing demographic, females. “Electrification is in the youth segment now predominately, but every manufacturer has made a commitment to electrification across the product line in a relatively short amount of time, 2025,” Alcon said, from the dealership he manages about a mile away, R&S Honda/Polaris.
Outside the Lomas Boulevard service department of R&S Kawasaki, Sea-Doo, Suzuki, Can-Am & Yamaha, 3-year-old Raelyn Sodon is ripping the treads off her little bike. At her Albuquerque, New Mexico, home, she rides a Strider and a STACYC electric bike.
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Having dealers in each congressional district is also invaluable.
The problem now lies in the consequences of “just in time” manufacturing, established in the late 20th Century, wherein components arrived within two weeks of assembly. At the time, it may have seemed like a good idea, Alcon said. “We’re no longer in the world of true manufacturing. We’re in a world of assembling. Now we’ve got 100 vendors, 200 vendors or more, scattered in every corner of the world. No manufacturer is going to build their own shocks, or forge their own wheels, or create their own chips. If one of those facilities has a problem, we have 99% of our units built, but until we have 100%, we don’t have a unit.”
The “suck of product through artificially accelerated removal of product from the supply chain” quandary persists. Shipping, delivery logistics and human resource issues exacerbate the problem. “Every part of the economic spectrum in the world was affecting manufacturers’ ability to get the product out – shortages of steel, chips, trucking companies, freight containers. All of that still continues to be a problem today.” But there is a key difference. “The difference is that people have started going back to work. People don’t have as much time. The stimulus money is gone, interest rates are rising, kids are back in school, so the demand is subsiding slightly.”
By Marianne Todd
Aside from overseeing three Albuquerque dealerships, Alcon serves as a dealership liaison to the Motorcycle Industry Council as chairman of the Dealership Advisory Council. It is a role he has enjoyed for some five years, he said, although his formalized position as DAC chair was announced last year. Alcon said the MIC had historically stopped at the back dock. “Then they decided the industry stops at the cash register instead,” he said. “Dealers were added as a class of membership, and in adding dealers it helped to provide guidance to the MIC board of directors. It’s all about communication, understanding the industry from a variety of perspectives.”
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Still most dealers have limited inventory and would love to have 10 times what they have on the floor, noted Alcon, and they are looking down the road for a potential crossover point. “Demand has so far outreached supply, but that point will come. Then what will manufacturers do to turn the oversupply ship around? They’ve worked so hard at ramping up, can they throttle back when that intersection of supply and demand begin to cross again? We’re all looking at our crystal balls.”

The hard part is looking at available data to ascertain statistics before statistics actually arrive, about a year or two after market shifts and trends. “It’s a history lesson,” he said. “There’s a lot of things we understand in this industry anecdotally, but a of things haven’t been proven out yet.”
From the dealership perspective, industry level communication with open channels between dealers and manufacturers benefits the industry and ultimately, the consumer. In short dealers need MIC, and MIC needs dealers. SHOCKER!
BOTTOM LINE His best advice is for dealers to arm themselves with knowledgeable mentors. “Be a student of the business. Figure out who those mentors are going to be,” Alcon said. Peer mentorship can come from other industries or other professionals within the industry.
The MIC also acts as a watchdog organization, tracking legislation that can potentially touch the industry, everything from design standards to infrastructure. “Is it favorable, or not favorable, or neutral? Are the roads safe for motorcycles vs. cars? Does autonomous vehicle technology impact motorcycles, and if so, what design elements have to be part of that autonomous vehicle in order to keep motorcycles in consideration so that a selfdriving truck doesn’t run over a motorcycle? You wouldn’t believe the things they have their fingers in. Literally the angle of a license plate, the turn signal design, the fact that you shift motorcycles one down and the rest up.”
“There’s a million questions around electrification. It is huge, and there’s a lot of public conversation on the marketing side. “Is it a cool vehicle? Is it fun to ride? How far can I go without running out of electricity? But from an industry standpoint, there’s a lot more questions,” Alcon said. “What do parts and service departments look like? What does dealer training look like? What safety concerns are there? There’s a whole level of safety requirements that come into play. How do they get standardized so that each state doesn’t have its own rules?”
Current conversations between the MIC and DAC explore these questions. “Will electric and internal combustion survive together? Will one come and one go? What do we call these things? How fast do they go? How does voltage relate to cubic centimeter, and does range come into play on that?”
From a dealer and manufacturer perspective, how do lithium batteries play a role in safe transport and storage?
With the emerging market, dealers will have to bring the educational component to the table, he said.
23AUGUST 2022
There are freight issues as well. “We just had a container load, millions of dollars worth of Porsches and Audis sink to the bottom of the ocean and by all accounts is started because of a lithium battery fire. It took 4,000 luxury vehicles, sunk them. These conversations need to happen between dealers and manufacturers and the aftermarkets in this industry.”
“Prior to dealerships being a part of the MIC, it was not a marketing organization… and it’s still not,” Alcon said. “They’re research and government resource organization, the keeper of the stats for our industry. They report who has what market share, what the market health is this year, or last year, or five years ago. MIC knows if we’re growing, not growing, what percentage of the population uses our product and what do those demographics look like.” They were also the reason motorcycle dealers were declared essential in the early stages of the pandemic.
“How do we protect against a fire that starts with a lithium battery and cannot be put out with conventional methods?”
Land use issues are another conversation. With the explosion of off-road segment products, more people than ever are hitting BLM lands, forestry roads and wilderness preserves for fun. “Even if they wanted to, they don’t know how to respect the environment,” Alcon said. “They don’t know they’re supposed to stay on the trail. They don’t understand the distinction between a wilderness and a game preserve and a wide open area. Some are federal, some are state and local specific. How do we keep legislators from knee-jerk reactions about outlawing products rather than creating mechanisms to properly operate the products?” These are industry questions.
“From legal, to accounting, to marketing, how do you value your relationship with manufacturers? There is a need for Club 20 environments for financial information, best practices, a look at trends, data that’s happening in real time, on the ground in dealerships. The most astute dealers are involved in those, and if a dealer is not involved in a dealer peer group, they might consider getting involved.”
Alcon often refers to pre-pandemic and post-pandemic verbiage in making distinctions relative to powersports dealerships. Pre-pandemic dealerships were a far cry from what they are today. In 2019, the MIC had just begun an initiative to drive ridership. Little did they know that the bump in ridership would come from a virus and pandemic.
“If I told you that’s a CBR 600 or a CBR 1000, you would draw some information off those two statements. One is sportier than the other. The 600 is smaller, the 1000 is bigger,” he said. “But if I told you that minicycle out there is an EV2 or an EV4 or an EV3, there’s no point of reference for you. Maybe one is more powerful, maybe one is a minibike or one is a motorcycle?”

The solution is to rely on best business practices, stay aware of current marketing channels and trends, and be willing to pivot when the time to change arrives. “There will be some dynamics that remain, but we’re more driven now by social media, internet shopping experiences, reviews. Things have changed a bit. Consumers have gotten used to that, and they’re not going to let all that revert. They got comfortable with the convenience of home delivery, and this will affect how we do business going forward.
So what is the plan for R&S? “In 40 years, we’ve experienced a lot of ups and downs, and we’re pretty resilient people that are students of the business. We’re going to continue to look for best practices and pivot to meet those needs.”
When is that point? “Nobody has the answer. From the indicators that we have, we have such a short supply that the manufactures still don’t have the capacity to really fill our floors. Even if demand really dropped off, they still couldn’t fill it. I still see this problem persisting well into ‘23… and probably beyond.”
Governmental initiatives to prevent inflation and recession are in direct opposition to the industry with rising interest rates, consumer confidence levels dropping, people with high stock portfolios pulling back, and less money flow, he said. “We are discretionary. Gas, food, and groceries will be bought before they buy from us.”


“With the motorcycle industry shifting to electric, we saw an opportunity to reclaim our motorcycle heritage and to re-enter the market. This new product category is extremely important to us, and we are thrilled that Can-Am motorcycles are the first EV models in BRP’s electric lineup to be confirmed to consumers. Many of us have very fond memories of riding the early dirt bike models, and now we look forward to building on the rich history of the Can-Am brand to inspire and impress a new generation of motorcyclists and electric vehicle enthusiasts,” concluded Boisjoli.
BRP plans on revealing full specs in August 2023, just in time to celebrate Can-Am’s 50th anniversary. In the meantime, Can-Am faithful can join the community and be the first to know when the future of motorcycle riding is ready to hit the road at the new website: canammotorcycle.com
With the first two new models in a proposed family of electric motorcycles on stage behind him, Boisjoli brought the house down. “Half a century ago, Can-Am roared to victory on the track and the trail, and today, a legacy is reborn. In true BRP fashion, we are bringing our very own electric powerpack to our motorcycles and crafting thrilling riding experiences for a whole new generation… What do you think?” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfqckWvsSkU
The Pulse and the Origin dual-purpose bike are powered by the new Rotax E-Power proprietary electric powerpack technology. Although details are scarce, Can-Am’s onboard charger will offer rapid charging times and are easy to charge at home or at automotive standard Level 2 charging stations. Moving forward, the Rotax E-Power technology will also be at the heart of all BRP electric models, across all product lines – from water to snow, to dirt and asphalt.
The New Rebellion Is Coming Club BRP in Salt Lake City witnessed the return of Can-Am motorcycles. “Our story of innovation reaches new heights,” José Boisjoli, President and CEO of BRP told the dealers assembled for Club for the first time in three years. “We have set out to reclaim our motorcycle heritage and are very proud to re-enter the market with the introduction of the first two models of our all-electric Can-Am motorcycle family.”
The first Can-Am motorcycle was introduced in 1973 and immediately reigned over motocross and endurance racing. The instant success elevated the brand to an iconic status right from the start. Half a century later, the new products have been developed with many different riders in mind, more specifically for those who crave adventure, seek the thrill of the open road, long for a quiet ride in the country or want to liven up the city streets. Riders can expect these new state-of-the-art electric Can-Am motorcycles to be perfect for everyday commuting and, to stay true to the track & trail heritage of the brand, recreational on- and off-road riding.

BRP’s existing dealers who are interested in carrying this new product line should contact their District Sales Managers. Not a current Can-Am dealer? Those who are interested in becoming a BRP dealer for electric motorcycles are invited to submit a request on the Company website: https://www.brp.com/en/becomea-dealer.html 27AUGUST 2022

LEARNING TO RIDE A CAN-AM 3-WHEEL VEHICLE IS EASY, CONVENIENT AND FUN! Tell your customers about our Rider Education Program. Visit our website to learn Canamonroad.com/learntoridemore: ©2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (BRP). All rights reserved. ®, TM and the BRP logo are trademarks of BRP or its a liates. Some models depicted may include optional equipment. Carefully read the operator’s guide and safety instructions. Observe applicable laws and regulations. Riding, alcohol and drugs don’t mix. See your authorized BRP dealer for details and visit canamonroad.com.

In addition to the return of motorcycles, BRP brought the house down with the news that Can-Am Off-Road range was getting game changing 30” tires added to Defenders and a whopping 15 hp bump to the most bang for the buck 2023 Maverick X3 Turbo: https:// am-off-road-adds-30-tires-to-defenders-and-15-hp-www.facebook.com/DealernewsFan/videos/canto-the-most-bang-for-the-bu/407427098152415
“Now more than ever, there is a Can-Am and a playground built just for it,” Bernard Guy told dealers as he presented the 2023 updates to BRP’s market leading UTV products. “I am super happy to be here with you again. For 2023 the complete lineups of Maverick Sport and Trail, Commander and Defenders are back with some awesome new coloration added in just to change things up. Select Defenders will even be fitted with forward swept front A-arms to accommodate massive 30-inch tires standard.”
Ride: On! Guy added, “This is the segment where the competition offers between 100 hp-112 hp, 14” to 18” of travel and a look that usually says, ‘that’s the old platform.’ So we made it our mission to give that customer what they deserve. The most horsepower, the most suspension travel and the most style per dollar around. Introducing the 2023 Maverick X3 Turbo!”
The Maverick X3 DS Turbo solidified its position as the mid-horsepower sport UTV leader by boosting performance to 135 hp, up 15 hp over the 2022 model. This bump comes courtesy of an upgraded turbocharger for higher boost, and bigger fuel injectors. Also raising the bar, the Defender is now the pinnacle of working performance for suspension performance and unrivaled tire clearance in the utility-recreational category and comes stock with 30-inch tires.
It’s the sweet spot at the other end of the line-up where Guy says the real action is, though. “We set our sights on the largest and most competitive sports side-by-side segment in the industry: The mid-HP segment.” Not only is it the largest selling segment, it is where BRP sees the greatest growth opportunity. “This customer doesn’t want the most they can get at any cost… they want the most they can get for the price!”

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On the water, Sea-Doo adds two all-new personal watercraft with the Sea-Doo Explorer Pro 170 and SeaDoo RXP-X Apex 300. Switch, Alumacraft and Manitou marine dealers were invited to Club BRP this year — possibly for the ultimate crossover product: an EV hydrofoil (see eDEALERNEWS in this issue). See the sizzle reel for a taste of the Sea-Doo Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp1e3V-iWHg BRP
For 2023, the Can-Am Spyder and Ryker lineups received fresh styling and exciting, long-awaited new updates.
All-new for 2023, Can-Am has added the fuel-injected four-stroke powered Renegade 70 EFI, Renegade 110 EFI, and Renegade X xc 110 EFI youth ATVs to the lineup, taking performance and reliability to a whole new level for the entire family. The full-size Outlander and Renegade lineups feature a bold new look and feel, with improved rider comfort across both product lines. Meanwhile the Can-Am On-Road lineup brings fresh new stylings to the Spyder and Ryker portfolio, along with enhanced customization options.
As presented to the various marine, motorcycle, on and off-road dealers assembled in Salt Lake City, Can-Am continues to redefine what the ultimate rider experience can be across its powersports product lines. Regardless if it is two wheels, three wheels, four wheels or floats there is an increased emphasis on fun and accessibility. Starting them off on the right patch, Can-Am Off-Road adds three all-new youth ATVs to the roster and a suite of updates to the rest of the ATV and side-by-side vehicle (SSV) lineups.
“Our relentless pursuit of maximizing rider enjoyment across our different powersports product offerings has been a driving force of our success,” said Sandy Scullion, President, Powersports Group at BRP. “The mission to enhance the rider experience across our product lineups manifests itself in a number of different ways, like making more intuitive and easy-to-use vehicles, offering enhanced personalization options, and pushing the boundaries of performance, that’s exactly what our 2023 powersports lineup does.”
The Ryker Rally and Ryker Sport now offer increased personalization options, which include new wheel options, color panel kits, and a slim profile driver backrest with passenger seat option. Additional Ryker updates include new heated and textured ergonomic grips with 4 temperature levels for extra comfort and that remember the rider’s last setting. Compatible with cruise control, the easy-to-use grips also feature IP67rated waterproof sealing to keep them safe from the Seeelements.thesizzle reel for the 2023 Can-Am On-Road range here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2hwlp-Fno0w
The Spyder F3 Limited Special Series is now available in stunning Mineral Blue and show stopping Petrol Metallic colorways. The exclusive Spyder RT Sea-To-Sky returns to the lineup in a Green Shadow colorway, with Prosecco highlights and trims, as well as sleek new wheels. For both the Spyder F3 and Spyder RT, a new platinum package redefines what the modern interpretation of luxury styling is.

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I’ve got a bunch of stories like that. I found Sean. He was a vacuum salesman. Here’s a young guy in his 20s — what does a 20-year-old know about vacuum cleaners?
He explained that he used to be in the photo department next to the vacuum cleaner guy, “I heard everything he said, and I knew I could make more money working over there. Here’s the guy who wants to learn to be more and better himself…. Hired! I found Albert at the Boot Barn. I found Andrew Michaelson working at Ford as a service writer. The talent, the good employees already have jobs. People that come in who are unemployed is a red flag. They are unemployed for a reason. I have to steal talent! That’s so funny, Dan. I always say that when someone asks, “How do you get talent?” I always say steal them… And you don’t steal him from the other dealers, because those people can be terrible. Terrible. I’ve only had one guy that I ever hired from another store that worked out. Only one! Everyone else had to go. I can train talent. I can’t train attitude. I would always hire attitude. Okay, I have a final quick question for you. But before we do that, can we look at some pictures? I want you to tell us what we’re looking at? (Screen fills with a rainy image of a greasy biker at 3:35) That was taken about 1979 and it says, ‘Hey, this kid is going to college and he’s about to date your daughter and marry her.’
Gotta love it. What in God’s name are you riding?
By Mark Rodgers
In our final episode with Dan Stern, we get a peek inside his approaches for finding talent. We also learn about store design strategies… and we find out about Dan’s penchant for building custom motorcycles. Spoiler alert: No trailer queens here! Dan, you once found a MotorClothes person while boarding a commuter train. Tell us about that. I look for attitude. Shirley and I were headed downtown and we get on this commuter train. I see this woman come up and she’s got a baby in a stroller. This young girl that was in front of her, probably mid-20s without being asked, turned around and said to the woman, “can I help you?” She reached down and picked up the front half of the stroller. The woman picked up the back out of the stroller, and in they went. The woman thanked the gal that helped her profusely. And she sat down to read her book. I turned to her and said, ‘Pardon me, where do you work?’ And she told me and I asked are you happy? She said, it’s okay. So I said, ‘Do you want to work in a place that’s more fun? Do you like motorcycles? She says my Dad rides. I gave her my business card, and said I really want to talk to you. We ended up hiring her because there’s a person that cared about somebody else… So yeah, that was a good hire.
Finding Talent In The Darndest Places, Part IV

I really spent a lot of nights thinking about this, to make it subliminal. There’s a huge dome that was painted to look like sky and it had sunrise and sunset settings. The floor was done as distressed leather. Some of the biggest compliments I got was when people would say “you could tell a motorcycle guy designed this store.” Now tell us about this… Did you say the ceiling changes colors during the day?
I got the idea from Las Vegas from one of the casinos that did it. I did the research on it and I found a better way to do it. The whole perimeter of that dome shines indirect light up on it. We had a program that changed the lighting from a soft sunrise on one end of the dome and light it up, getting brighter and brighter over two hours. And then the sun would slowly start setting and then it would start over again. We wanted that ‘wow’ factor. And then down to the salesman’s cubicles, the walls were actually made out of real leather. You could smell the leather. And then there’s the interior walls… I hate linear, flat walls. It might have been a Disney store or something that was the inspiration. I tracked down the store designer, and he explained to me what he did and why he did it.
35AUGUST 2022
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A 500cc Triumph. Ignore that oil slick underneath the pipe there. This is before choppers were in vogue, right? I just kind of built something I could have a lot of fun with. I was going to school full-time, but motorcycles really were my passion. Even now you’re never gonna find me on a golf course because motorcycles are still my passion. Let me ask you, did you rake this frame yourself? I did. Actually, I did everything on that bike. I was building cars at a very young age and then stumbled into motorcycles. I think I picked up that engine and the stock frame at that time for 50 bucks or something, so it was just more of a mechanical challenge than anything else. I feel bad for my in-laws. Now I have to ask, did Shirley know you at the time? Yes, we met and she was running around on a rigid frame with me. A proper girl from the North side with this guy from the South side. Here you are riding your bike to Sturgis. This was last year (2021)? Yes… I used to ride to Sturgis every year with Custom Chrome. Now I try to go every four or five years. We ride right out from here to there. Going on back roads the whole way. I built that Road Glide to ride. It was featured in a magazine for the custom work, but it was built to ride… and ride. I like to ride them.
So then here is a shot of House Of Thunder. You were in Hollister for a couple of years before you moved to this location. And then here’s you and your beautiful wife. This was opening day in 2004. We built that building from the ground up. It was a new point right on the Freeway. In late 1999, I was talking to Harley and expressing my desire to build a state-of-the-art facility in a great location, and in a market that I thought was underserved. Here is the interior shot. (6:18)

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And I did, I really did.
That was an ongoing argument. I didn’t tell them I was doing this because I knew it was going to be a problem. The service counter, literally is elbow-to-elbow with the parts counter. To get to the service department, you had to walk in the front and the service counter, of course, is in the back near the parts department. So you would walk by new motorcycles, MotorClothes, everything as you walked all the way through the store to get there. Our staff would walk you back through all of the product and look at your motorcycle and then walk you back through all the product again. But here’s the reason I did this. Typically at a service department, the significant other pulls up, waits for you to drop your bike off, they stay in the car and will not notice the significant other came out. So they would be shopping while we were working with the service customer. Those numbers went way up. Occasionally during turnover inside Harley themselves, we would have somebody to try to argue that I needed a separate service entrance. But we all know we’ve been in every service department you walk in the back and the service department you hand them your keys. You might see a couple parts hanging up, but you don’t see the MotorClothes. You don’t see the new bikes. You don’t see any of that.
Didn’t you have some sort of hassle with The Motor Company because you wanted to put the service door right alongside the parts counter or something?
Your goal should be paying them more. Honestly, if everybody’s making more, get rid of the dead weight. Make it fun. I took my guys drag racing. If it was hot out, I would walk in with an armload of ice cream. Two of my guys were celebrating a 10-year anniversary with me, so I took them to Las Vegas, and we raced exotic cars. Yeah, I wanted to race exotic cars, too. So I got the luxury of doing that. But when they come back, it sets the tone for the rest of the staff — “Oh, my God, they care about me.”
If you’re not ready to sell your store, manage by using the three W’s to communicate better. And then use the open book management we discussed earlier… or use some form of it. Educate people where their paycheck comes from, and how they can earn more and show them when the whole store makes more, then I can pay you more.
By sheer placement of the entrance to the service department you were able to create lift across all departments? It created a tremendous amount of dollars per motorcycle. It took a while for the customers to adjust to it and anybody coming from out of town? Honestly, they would circle the building, looking for a way to get into the service department. Tell us about this unit? Well, that has been in construction for a lot of years, I started and stopped multiple times. Everything on that is hand-formed. I made bucks, I made molds. Pulled the parts out of the molds. You’ll notice it’s a left hand side car, because yeah, nickname “Dangerous Dan” since Shirley faces the oncoming traffic. The sidecar itself is on an air ride, so when I park it, I dump it and it goes all the way to the ground. Those are real Halibrand car wheels that I took six of and cut them in half and welded them together. It was in Pomona at the Grand National Roadster Show. It will start getting used now that I finished touring it around the shows. Honestly, I probably got about 10 years’ worth of work in that bike. Here’s the other thing. What are we looking at here? You’re a patent holder?
I am. The patents are one of those believe it or not kind of things, I guess. I was drag racing an FXR making about 92 horsepower out of an 80 inch bike. But even just going down the street, I kept hitting the lever trying to go into another gear. At that time, the Pro Stock cars were running six speeds, and it dawned on me that some of the Japanese sportbikes had six speeds. I’m familiar enough with transmissions that I know the five and the four speeds in Harleys are so overbuilt, that I could reduce the gear profile, and put a sixth gear in the same case. I went to work at that and figured out the ratios that were needed. I was working at Custom Chrome, and I presented it as a viable product. Everybody got excited about it, so we brought in a couple of real engineers, because I just act like one. We knew it was going to be hugely successful. So we patented it. So yeah, I’m officially a patent owner for six speed transmissions for Harley-Davidson, To round things out, if you had two or three final pieces of advice that you would share with dealers about how to find, attract, develop or retain talent. What would those two or three pieces of final advice be?
I think retention is probably more important in this day and age than finding talent. I think you have to have your eyes open to find talent in unexpected places. But I think retention, honestly, is the key. Get off your ass and go work shoulder to shoulder with your staff. If you’re not willing to do that, I’m going to be real blunt: It’s probably time to sell your store.

Copyright ©2022 by Mark Rodgers. All Rights Reserved.
Be sure to tune into: SALES SUCCESS IN 60 SECONDS OR LESS as sales expert and award-winning
Dealernews columnist Mark Rodgers shares how to accsellerate® your sales. Watch Mark explain the guiding principle of how to succeed in the motorcycle business even in these stormy times. (FYI, Mark only counts the content after the whizbang video open in his time limit, so start your stopwatches then!) Mark Rodgers is an award-winning speaker, best-selling author, and soughtafter consultant, who has spent 33 years working in the Harley-Davidson industry. Check out his 60-second sales tips twice a week at Dealernews social media channels or contact him via e-mail: Mark@RodgersPC.com
Bottom line: 1) Create an environment 2) Look at your budget. These last two years have been crazy good. I don’t think anybody can explain why. I don’t think it’s going to be this crazy good going forward. But hopefully, you got a little bit of surplus in cash. And maybe you should launch a 401k. Maybe you should look at your benefit package. That’s how you’re going to get people to stay! Provide a little more in benefits, maybe, but it’s more environment. Make it fun!
I hope you enjoyed our series with Dan. He’s an extraordinary operator and innovative business mind and just one fun motorcycle guy. There was so much for dealers to glean in these episodes. If you’re smart, you’ll watch them again. Now, go sell something well, you!
Lastly, there’s this guy I know — Mark Rodgers — and he puts these really good “best practices” up on the Internet, I’m not getting paid to say this, by the way. I think people really need to listen to some of those Sales Success In 60 Seconds snippets and the long form Conversations you have. That “Manager Or Damager” one you did recently, I think everybody really had better go back and listen to that one, because that’s true.

So far this summer, the market has stayed hot. Changing economic conditions and rising gas prices have not put a damper on customer demand for boats and personal watercraft. As long as demand remains strong and supply tight, pricing will follow suit... and things should be shipshape for Q3. By Lenny Sims
Talk about the ultimate crossover product: https://www.sea-doo.com/us/en/sea-doo-rise.html
Buoyed by a nearly 50% increase in the value of outboards and a jump of more than 36% for PWC, the marine market launched into strong summer sales for 2022. But like many other segments of the powersports industry we may have seen the high-water mark as of Q2 2022. Certainly pricing for boats and personal watercraft has plateaued, albeit at an extremely high level, following explosive growth in the second half of Time2021.for dealers to make hay while the summer sun shines on. Looking at individual segments, the most recent 10 model years of used outboard boat values averaged 48.5% higher in the first half of 2022 compared to the same period of 2021. Note that new unit inventory is normalizing and these values for used boats may dip by the end of the season. Stern drives averaged 34.5% more money over the same period, inboards averaged 49.4% more, and personal watercraft averaged 36.4% more. All segments are currently at or near historic highs through Q2 2022. So far, so good! Also note the lines between Marine and Powersports are blurring. Club BRP brought Sea-Doo and its newly acquired boat dealers into their national powersports dealer meeting for the first time. Then they showed off the all-new “Rise” — an electric-powered hydrofoil!
Dealernews Research
A RISING TIDE J.D. Power Marine Market Industry Overview 38

J.D. Power Specialty Valuation Services (formerly NADAguides) is a leading provider of specialty vehicle valuation products and services to businesses. The team collects and analyzes tens of thousands of wholesale and retail transactions per month, and delivers a range of guidebooks, web service data, analysis and digital data solutions. J.D. Power is a global leader in consumer insights, advisory services and data and analytics. A pioneer in the use of big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and algorithmic modeling capabilities to understand consumer behavior, J.D. Power has been delivering incisive industry intelligence on customer interactions with brands and products for more than 50 years. The world’s leading businesses across major industries rely on J.D. Power to guide their customer-facing strategies.
J.D. Power/NADA Guides, Inc. 3200 Park Center Drive, 13th Floor Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (800) 966-6232 Fax (714) 556-8715 www.nadaguides.com/Motorcycles

Metrics More in the Mix, Average Miles Split
-16% -18% *All data provided by National Powersport Auctions includes live and online transactions from all NPA locations. Closed OEM auction data is excluded. For more info visit NPAUCTIONS.COM. JULY ‘22 VS. AVG OF PRIOR 3 MONTHS AVERAGE WHOLESALE PRICE CHANGE JULY ‘22
Soft Pricing, Rising Model Ages As we’ve been predicting in recent updates, July brought softer prices than previous months across all categories. Prices are on track to follow 5-year average seasonality in most categories, including Domestic and Metric Cruisers. The trends are clear that normal seasonality is in full effect. Also impacting values, the overall average model age continues to trend older when compared to previous years.
-20%-15%-10%-5%10%5%0% -7% -1% -6% -6% -2% VS. PRICE CHANGE
While new supply remains tight, auction inventory continue to shift in a metric direction. Domestic Cruisers, still the largest category, declined in share as more metric vehicles found their way into the lanes. Specifically, Metric Cruisers took up a larger portion of the auction product mix. July mileage for on-highway Metric segments continue to trend upward, while Domestic Cruisers experienced a dip in average mileage. Cooling Off, but Still Warm This time last year, Average Wholesale Prices (AWP) were beating five-year averages, a trend that continued well into late Summer. While dealers are still searching for the right inventory today, the frenzy for product has ended, signally a shift back to normal seasonal market conditions. With a few months of summer left, expect pricing to continue to slide as we move into fall and the economy continues to be a question mark. Consumer confidence and reaction to growing inflation, rising interest rates, and atypical gas prices will continue to influence dealership traffic and vehicle demand.

Set Up A Demo Today! TrafficLogPro.com | 727-241-4633 Schedule a DX1 Demo Today Call:Visit:1.800.700.4391dx1app.com Over 70% of consumers want to ask companies questions and want answers in real-time.* Texting (SMS Messaging) is the easiest solution to this demand for response, but finding a reliable texting service can be a struggle. Demo Traffic Log Pro. The choice of how you text is ultimately yours…like it should be. Traffic Log Pro gives YOU the option. Traffic Log Pro has: • Built-in unlimited two-way SMS text messaging • Utilizes a business phone number • 3rd party integrations, like Kenect, available too *Statistic from AttentiveMobile.com Dealers are loving DX1 and how it can make their job easier & more profitable at the same time. “Until you have [DX1], you don’t realize how much time and energy it saves you.” David Hansin – Owner/General Manager All Out Cycles | Chesapeake, VA “DX1 came in and changed how we ran this dealership. It really helped…which made us more efficient.” Ryan Hitchcock – General Manager Select Cycle | Greensboro, NC The ONLY All-In-One Powersports Dealership Software Solution

By Don Musick ROCKET the last several years, there’s been a lot of media coverage of JetPack Aviation’s innovative Jet pack. remember seeing their CEO David Mayan flying around the Statue of Liberty in 2015? At a price tag of $295,000 (as of 2019) and a flight time of only 8-10 minutes, as cool as it is to watch, it’s not going to be an “On Any Sunday” candidate any time soon! But can still book a 2 day training session (tethered of course) for a mere $4,950! there’s II MIX AND MATCH!
Maybe you
don’t despair; you
Dealernews Research
But wait….
While Jetpacks’ business continues to grow, they’ve redirected most of their time and resources into a new platform the “Speeder Air Utility Vehicle”. Instead of trying to walk and chew gum with both product lines, they’ve created a spin-off company “Mayman Aerospace” which is dedicated to development of the Speeder.

What’s unique about the Speeder (aside from its name) is that it is a modular platform. This gives the Speeder the ability to be re-configured to adapt to a variety of use cases as shown below.
Continued on page 44
43AUGUST 2022
Let’s revisit hover bike types that are powered by electric motors. The San Francisco-based company “Hoversurf” has created bike named “Scorpion 3”. Looking much like a motorcycle perched on a drone, the Scorpion 3 is capable of reaching speeds of over 40 mph and flight times of about 20 minutes. It also features an electronic emergency landing capability as well as all-weather LiDAR for navigation. The lack of propeller guards is a little concerning but that doesn’t seem to faze the Dubai Police Department which has ordered a fleet of these machines. A Scorpion 3 will set you back $150,000. You can see the Scorpion 3 in action here LEGO TECHNIC In our last article we explored the extraordinary features of the fully autonomous BMW R 1200 GS. Well it turns out that they’re not necessarily earthbound in their aspirations. In 2017 BMW Motorrad challenged the designers at LEGO Technic to design a motorcycle without limitations based on the Technic model kit for the R 1200GS shown below.
The Speeder platform will be developed in 3 size categories described as suitcase-sized, motorcyclesized and SUV-sized. Powered by 8 jet engines and capable of extremely high speeds and long distances (100 miles without the optional wings), the Speeder can be operated piloted, remotely or autonomously. The Mayman website describes the Speeder as a “Pocket BeyondF-35”. its obvious recreational appeal (to us!), it can also be repurposed for firefighting, emergency responders, medevac or military support. Pricing information is not yet Here’savailable.agreat video that shows this micro-VTOL in action I(above).wantone!

Continued from page 43
From his first motorcycles (a Honda S65 and an S90) when he was 16 to 50 years later, Don Musick has never stopped twisting the throttle. Although his accomplishments in the research arena have surpassed his MX career Don has over 25 years experience with major manufacturers in the Powersports and Automotive industries specializing in e-business solutions for retail distribution networks. His solution portfolio includes the development and implementation of manufacturer/dealer extranets, consumerdirect commerce portals, manufacturer/dealer e-channel integrations as well as development of webbased sales force automation tools. For most of his career, Don has been fascinated (his wife would say obsessed) with geographic market analytics, dealer location planning and sales territory optimization. He founded Genesys Technology Solutions (GenesysTech) http://www.genesystech.com/ to develop new tools and market intelligence products to help manufacturers understand the competitive landscape of their industries, recognize opportunities and grow their businesses. A Spartan to the core, Don earned a B.S. in Physiology and PhD in Biochemistry from Michigan State University. Contact: dmusick@genesystech.com
The LEGO designer’s concept hover bike so inspired the folks at Motorrad that they decided to build the full size replica shown below! The process usually works the other way around from real deal to model. Since this vehicle is a design concept only, it’s pretty much in the same league as the Star Wars Speeder. Looks awesome though! You can check out the LEGO hoverbike journey above and how it would actually work in the video on the right. And with that, this feels like a fitting place to stop.

PWC: Sea-Doo (BRP), Honda Marine, Yamaha Marine, Kawasaki Marine USA inc. 409 Joyce Kilmer Ave, New Brunswick, NJ, northamerica@texa.comwww.texausa.com08901+1855.200.8392
Motorcycles ATV’s Snowmobiles POWERSPORTS DIAGNOSTICS Diagnostic coverage includes UTVs, ATVs, Motorcycles, Personal Watercraft, Inboard/Outboard Boats, Snowmobiles, and continues to expand. Features include error clearing, interactive wiring diagrams, activations, adjustments, key programming, injectionandtiming,more! Coverage includes, but is not limited to the following: Motorcycles: Buell, Harley Davidson, Polaris, Indian, Victory, Yamaha, Ducati, Adiva, MV Agusta, Honda, BMW, Suzuki, Royal Enfield, and more.
UTV/QUAD: Arctic-Cat, Can-Am (BRP), GEM, Polaris, Defence, Ranger, Quadix, Rotax (BRP), and more.
Snowmobile: Arctic-Cat, Lynx (BRP), Polaris, Ski-Doo (BRP,more.and
Navigator TXBE AXONE NEMO 2 By

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e CAN-AM MOTORCYCLES RETURN The New Rebellion Is Coming Page 26 TAIGA DELIVERS Dealers Get Orca EV PWC Page 48 GREENGER CHARGES AHEAD Shredding The VurbPageTour50

“This is a significant moment for the Taiga team because not only are we kicking off summer with Orca deliveries, but we are proudly marking the milestone of the first-ever mass-produced electric watercraft available to consumers,” he explains.
Pierre Fitzgibbon, Minister of Economy and Innovation for Quebec adds: “Taiga is focusing on innovation by allowing users to practice their favorite activity without polluting with this new electric watercraft. For 100 years now, we have been innovating in Quebec by creating off-road vehicles. I am proud that we continue in this direction today with their electrification.”
Is this the next rising tide that floats all boats… and PWC in coming years?
Coming in 2024, the Sea-Doo Rise Hydrofoil Board continues 50+ years of re-inventing fun on the water. “This latest innovation sets a new all-electric standard for adventure with features designed to allow anyone to enjoy the water from an exciting new perspective,” notes the Canadian company. “Riders can surf from standing, kneeling or even lying down. Best of all, the Sea-Doo Rise transitions with the rider as they gain confidence and skill, making it the perfect source of on-water fun for the entire family.
Buoyed by a nearly 50% increase in the value of outboards and a jump of more than 36% for PWC, the marine market launched into strong summer sales for 2022. In fact, J.D. Power notes the pre-owned PWC and outboard markets reached a high-water mark as of Q2 2022. Pricing for boats and personal watercraft may have plateaued, but it is at an extremely high level following explosive growth in the second half of 2021. As the lines between the marine market and the powersports industry continue to blur, the recent Club BRP brought SeaDoo and its newly acquired boat dealers into their national powersports dealer meeting for the first time. Then they showed off the all-new “Rise” an electric-powered hydrofoil! Talk about the ultimate crossover product.
Taiga’s deliveries of the Orca are another achievement in its ongoing mission to electrify the off-road segment. Tangentially Taiga initiated North American deliveries of its Nomad snowmobile back in March, made its European debut in April, and supplied units to Sépaq, Québec’s Parks & Wildlife Reserve Agency, in May. Taiga was also recently named Fast Company’s 2022 Best World Changing Idea Overall in North America.
According to Bruneau, Taiga developed the world’s first performance-focused, commercial electric off-road powertrain pioneering cutting-edge technology to electrify the off-road segment. First installed into its snowmobiles the powertrain was adapted and fine-tuned for the Orca PWC. “Orca quietly powers through water with up to 120kW and peak torque from zero RPM. Orca delivers reliable, linear power for precise performance and ultimate thrills of gliding through the water.”
Orca PWC Now On The Water… And In Dealer Showrooms
The Honorable François-Philippe Champagne, Canada’s Minister of Innovation, Science & Industry congratulates Taiga for this achievement: “Our government has always been a champion for a greener economy. This’s why, last year, we recognized the leading role Taiga is playing in the electrified powersports industry, and stepped up to support the manufacturing of their electric vehicles. I’m very pleased to see this Canadian company beginning deliveries of their first-ever electric personal watercraft. We will continue to support Canadian businesses that are on the cutting-edge of green innovation – it’s good for the economy, the environment, and Canadians.”
“Years of engineering and testing of our revolutionary electric powertrain platform in snow and water has now come full circle, truly changing how people connect with the outdoors.”
Taiga Motors Corporation announced it initiated deliveries of its Orca personal watercraft to select dealers this summer. Taiga’s 2022 Orca marks its world’s first electric personal watercraft sale, as the company continues to ramp up production. “This furthers Taiga’s legacy of being a pioneer in the electric powersports industry,” claims CEO Samuel Bruneau.

Elaqua’s 100% electric personal watercraft features instant torque and acceleration, smart software, long range, integrated GPS, carbon fiber hull and more starting at $16,500. Low maintenance and zero emissions makes sense… but more importantly it can make your dealership some dollars during the summer months.
Range is 81 miles, top speed is 55 mph with 175 hp on tap in Launch Mode for experienced riders or for when you’re the only one on the open water. Cruise Mode: Activate cruise mode for when you are sightseeing and traveling to enjoy a smoother ride and increased battery life. Pristine Mode: For when you find yourself in an area crowded with people or wildlife, Pristine Mode reduces speed and engine noise so that you can move without disturbing your neighbors.
Conventional wisdom is that electricity and water don’t mix, but “Elaqua” is offering a smart PWC they claim makes sense.
Elaqua has also partnered with Enel X, the world’s largest energy demand services company to provide exclusive offers on chargers, accessories, and energy management applications.
Elaqua dealers get access to exclusive offers to purchase and re-sell Enel X charging equipment and accessories.
Both dealership and fleet opportunities are available. “Our flagship model is perfect for PWC enthusiasts and first time PWC owners who are looking for a modern, high tech, luxurious experience while our base model suits the needs of the rental and fleet business sector.”
“Become one of the first dealers in North America to carry the new generation of fully electric PWCs,” offers Owen Scholl of the Newport Beach, CA-based operation. “Ease of use, ease of maintenance, and an integrated vehicle communication network truly revolutionizes the PWC experience for riders and dealers. We will provide custom solutions to the dealer and an aggressive monetary policy to make it profitable for both partners.”
Set up an Elaqua dealership introduction here: dealerintro?month=2022-07https://calendly.com/elaquamarine01/

After a wildly successful pre-order period on July 1, Volcon has announced its new Stag is powering ahead via General Motors powerplants. Although the Stag hasn’t exactly been the best kept secret, the connection with GM definitely was. In addition to battery cell modules, the Stag (and the as of yet under wraps “Project X” vehicle) will use a number of supporting components from GM. This should greatly accelerate time to market for the EV “GeneralUTV.
The GM propulsion system will provide instant high power and torque, with AWD capabilities, enabling the Stag to have exceptional acceleration and speed recovery in a variety of terrains. Variable driving modes will allow the driver to adjust the power delivery to optimize performance or range according to the needs, while the innovative cockpit will provide a class leading human-machine interface (HMI), including multiple displays, and the capability to generate content and connectivity via the Volcon App. All of which will increase the driver’s interaction with friends and community.
Click here for more about the Stag:
Motors has transformed from an automaker to a platform innovator, with scalable architectures designed to accelerate EV adoption across different industries and product types,” says Travis Hester, GM Vice President of EV Growth Operations. “Our work with Volcon is indicative of our plans and demonstrates the flexibility of the platform as well as potential applications well beyond traditional vehicles.”
“Bringing GM’s electric vehicle expertise and systems to the Stag will produce an off-road experience that could set the standard for the entire industry. Having access to immediate power and torque along with the customizable digital integrations that the Stag will offer, creates the perfect balance for a class leading UTV,” adds Christian Okonsky, CTO of Volcon ePowersports.
“Sponsors are cool,” says Brent Stallo, Vurbmoto’s Co-Owner. “Sponsors who ship you two new motorcycles are especially cool! The feeling of uncrating a new bike never gets old, especially when it’s a bike and manufacturer that we have very high hopes for. Families are going to have fun trying these things out.” The all-new CRF-E2 will not only be on display, but kids can also rip laps on them during Vurb’s demo days at the remaining Shred Tour stops. SC NEXT
LVL 101 October 8-9 Pell City, AL at MILLCREEK November 4-6 Okeechobee, FL at MOTOBROS December 10-11 Little Field, AZ at MESQUITE MX PARK Shred Tour Details: https://www.vurbmoto.com/vurb-shred-tour/
CRF-E2 Demo Days Schedule September 9-11 Hedgesville, WV at TOMAHAWK September 30- October 2 VURB CLASSIC Gray Court,
“Everyone at Volcon has worked so hard to bring the best possible UTV to market and our alignment with GM could not be a better fit for making this project become a reality.
“Our dealer network will have the opportunity to be a vendor at each stop, connecting them directly to the community that supports them everyday,” Chapman adds. “One of Greenger’s goals is to connect with the next generation of riders. The Vurb Shred Tour provides us with a platform to grow and support the sport we all love.”
“We save an enormous amount of R&D expense and gain years of drivetrain testing and validation by joining forces with GM. In essence, we significantly reduce our time and cost to get to market.” Volcon also continues to explore racing opportunities with the Stag. Volcon Technology Innovation Group (VTIG) has invested substantial efforts toward developing a competitive off-road race UTV which is expected to raise the bar in off-road racing with the help of GM EV technology.
Little rippers can now demo the new CRF-E2 from Greenger courtesy of Vurbmoto. This provides a prime opportunity to connect with the moto community during the remainder of the Shred Tour. “With the mission to get more kids on bikes, the electric revolution is here and the CRF-E2 is a perfect stepping stone for younger riders to get introduced to the sport,” notes Greenger Powersports Marketing Supervisor Doug Chapman.

“Our belt drive for the BMW CE 04 is clean, lightweight and, in contrast to the conventional chain, doesn’t stretch, which makes it the safest solution for all the personal mobility drivetrain applications,” explains Nijenhuis. This optimized complete belt drive solution was designed and developed with close engineering support and a strong partnership with BMW Motorrad. Dayco’s belt allows the BMW CE 04 to run smoothly and silently.
For more than 115 years, Dayco has delivered innovative energy-saving belt drive solutions with reduced power losses for the next generation of scooters, bikes, e-bikes, and motorcycles. Dayco also continues to embrace new technologies and smart partnerships to achieve a sustainable environment. This collaboration between Dayco and BMW Motorrad is a stepping stone on the path to reducing CO2 emissions with chain to belt conversion, focusing on the urban mobility segment.
“Dayco has the most silent, maintenance-free belts, which can be customized to customer requirements,” states Wouter Nijenhuis, Dayco’s Executive Vice President of OE Sales & Business Development. “They have best-in-class NVH performance, with no lubrication required.” The company’s recent partnership with BMW Motorrad is an example of Dayco’s goal to make the future sustainable for the next generation. Dayco developed and delivered a tailored final drive belt solution for BMW’s CE 04 electrically powered, zero-emissions scooter.
BMW says they have been applying “captivating dynamism” to the mobility market for the past decade to develop solutions and concepts for urban electromobility, something that means far more now than just getting from A to B. It is from this longterm innovative leadership that the BMW CE 04 is launching into a new era of design, to seamlessly integrate into your everyday life thanks to its intelligent connectivity solutions. The Dayco belt is an integral part of this solution.

Parts Unlimited is proud to announce the promotion of Mike Ralph to the role of E-Bike Category Manager. He had joined LeMans Corp. a few months back as the first specific hire in the E-Bike category as the Key Account Rep and Product Specialist, however as this industry category expanded, so did the need for a Category Manager. Ralph has several years of managerial experience related to bicycles and other wheeled sports and his riding experience includes being an eBike early adapter and a Vespa enthusiast as well as owning various dual-sport and street bikes. When he unplugs from the eBike business, Ralph enjoys camping, kayaking, jogging, visiting theme parks, family trips and playing with his 4 dogs.
In a related move, Parts Unlimited adds eBike eXpert to the sales team. Industry veteran John Korsog is the now E-Bike Key Account Rep & Product Specialist for LeMans Corp . Korsog comes to Parts Unlimited with more than 20 years of managerial and sales experience related to powersports. His riding experience includes many years racing Enduros, Hare Scrambles and Motocross as well as riding/racing mountain bikes and road bikes. In his spare time, Korsog says he enjoys going to the gym, riding his bicycles and spending time with his family.
Oddly enough, MoonBikes electric snow machines were the hit of the Electrify Expo in Long Beach to kick off the summer. Joseph Sweet, Director of GoTo-Market- North America was not about to look a gift horse in the mouth and made the most of the marketing opportunity with the mainstream media, but between TV spots he says the end game is to reach dealers.
“Our dealership network is extremely important to us,” says Sweet. “Their respective experience in their communities ensures that we, as MoonBikes, are providing personal service to our customers. We see this as vital and will continue to expand our network over the coming years.” This isn’t his first circuit of the EV industry, having served in sales management for a company that manufactured EV charging systems, but he readily admits charging around on a MoonBike is way more fun that talking about plug in stats. Money in the bank! Harley-Davidson has announced the appointment of Tralisa Maraj as chief financial officer at LiveWire. Gina Goetter, CFO of Harley-Davidson , had previously done double duty as LiveWire’s CFO. “It’s great to have Tralisa join the team at such an exciting point in LiveWire’s journey to becoming the first publicly traded EV company in the U.S.,” said Jochen Zeitz, chairman, CEO and president of HarleyDavidson. Back in December LiveWire merged with AEA-Bridges Impact Corp., a special purpose acquisition corporation (SPAC), although Harley will retain majority ownership of the company. Maraj joins LiveWire with extensive experience in leadership, corporate governance, accounting and finance. Maraj formerly served as both CFO & corporate secretary for CGX Energy Inc. Prior to CGX, she served as corporate controller at Remora Energy Management after a 15-year stint with PricewaterhouseCoopers
The guy with the coolest gig at Electrify Expo was Chris Davidson, MoonBikes’ Marketing Operations Manager. “It is an exciting time to be at MoonBikes,” he claims. “This was our first winter expanding into the North American market outside of our home market of Europe. It went really well and we sold out of our entire inventory. We have been actively building out new retail and after-sales partners for North America. So far, we have some great partnerships, and we get lots of excitement since it’s such a unique product.” When he is not handling demo rides on the slopes, Davidson is cruising around on his Harley, a 2010 Forty-Eight. Perhaps better known as The Bullit — the blog he founded for cafe racers, bobbers, trackers and the people who ride them back in 2008 — PR veteran Patrick Flynn rejoins Zero. Most recently he had been the Social Media Manager circa 2019-2021. “I’m so pumped to share that I’ve started a full-time position with Zero Motorcycles Inc. , spearheading marketing automation. I’m back doing what I love, working with an amazing team, and behind a product I truly believe in. Let’s do this!” In addition to EVs, he also served stints on the ICE side as Piaggio Group Americas Marketing Manager 20162018 and Digital Marketing Manager for Ducati North America 2014-2016.

The “Baja Borrego” Dual Sport Ride will be held the weekend of Dec. 9-10 at Ocotillo RV Resort and will feature a 130+mile GPS guided ride only Johnny and Scot could design. Riding Seminars, a group campout and party will be held to celebrate our amazing history, past legends and champions.
December$250DecemberDualBorrego$50BlackmoreSeptemberReunion/Celebration:24thRanchBajaSportRide:9th-10th9th-10th REGISTER HERE
The Desert and Baja Motorcycle Racing community is set to gather once again to celebrate our amazing past, present and future. This time on two separate weekends. The Reunion/Celebration will be held Sept. 24th at the legendary Blackmore Ranch. Displays, Presentations, and Discussions in a beautiful park like setting surrounded by powersports memorabilia.

All Franchised and Independent Powersports Dealers ENCOURAGED TO JOIN ABOUT NPDA
The National Powersports Dealer Association (NPDA) founded in 2021 Statement is for
and is an association dedicated to direct interaction with our members. Our Mission
the NPDA to empower franchised and independent Powersports Dealers through special services, products, programs, education, and advocacy of Dealer views and concerns to create a professional, successful, and profitable industry. Our Vision is for the NPDA to advance our industry by elevating Dealers to be well prepared, sustainably profitable, and exceed the expectations of a growing Powersports customer base. www.npda.org 844-673-2266 For the NPDA to become a productive and powerful force, we need to expand our membership base and bring all franchised and independent dealers in the country together. Please complete your membership application today. WHY JOIN NPDA NATIONAL VOICE OF THE ANDADVOCACYDEALERDISCOUNTEDUCATIONDEALERPROGRAMSCOMMUNICATIONMUCHMORE


News from YOUR National Powersports Dealer Association Welcome to the August 2022 newsletter from the NPDA! There is strength in our growing numbers, and we’re on the move in furthering our mission: “To advance our industry by elevating Dealers to be well prepared, sustainably profitable and exceed the expectations of a growing Powersports customer base.” Survey Says! - Membership Survey #3 Results The NPDA is about listening and learning in order to successfully advocate, educate and celebrate members, partners and supporters of our industry. To that end, we launched a series of surveys to gain insight into what’s on the collective mind of our membership. Each survey has been short, but the information is allowing us to drill down on the topics important to you and allow us to achieve the greatest success! Our third survey, issued August 3 and focused on the role the NPDA can play in your Powersports business, included these key findings: • Which benefits do you now offer employees? • Health insurance – 88 percent • Dental/Vision – 55 percent • 401K – 55 percent • Which benefits would you offer if the NPDA could secure better pricing? • Health insurance – 100 percent • Dental/Vision – 77 percent • 401K – 66 percent • Does your Dealership currently participate in a “Buyers Club” or other group for pooling members’ collective purchasing power? • No – 100 percent • Would you be interested in joining an NPDA-organized “Buyers Club”? • Yes – 100 percent • The NPDA wishes to create a Foundation to offer greater support to its membership and the long-term viability of the organization. Would you be willing to make a donation to support such an initiative? • Yes – 62 percent Thanks to everyone who has participated in our survey series! 56

NPDA “Awareness” Survey Coming September 1 Our survey work continues September 1 with a questionnaire going out to our members as well as others involved in the Powersports industry. This time, we’ll be seeking input about what you know about the NPDA, why you have joined, why you haven’t, and what things are important to you as our industry moved through the remainder of 2022. Be on the lookout for the NPDA survey in your email in-box on September 1, and as always, thanks in advance for your responses! National Powersports Dealer Association | 435 S. Washington St, Falls Church, VA 22046 (844) 673-2266 Just Something To Think About ...
In 1982, the U.S. unemployment rate was 10.8 percent, the worse it had been in 40 years, and the worse in the 40 years since. Back then in towns across America, young people weren’t able to find work; fast food joints had dozens of applicants for any job that opened, and it was worse at the local mall or in small shops on Main Street USA. to today, and it’s the opposite scenario. The news has been filled with stories about the worker shortage, and one recent statistic points out just how bad it is: A study released this month by the Outdoor Industry Association and Outdoor Recreation Roundtable, the “Outdoor Industry Workforce Assessment,” showed that 66 percent of survey respondents report having difficulty finding qualified applicants.
“I wish I was 40 years younger and looking to get into the industry,” Hartfiel said during the program. Well, 40 years ago was of course 1982, and if those of us back then looking for work had been presented with what young people have in front of them now, well, you can imagine we would have jumped at the chance to be part of this industry.
Hartfiel, of course, is an industry expert, and the NPDA is honored to have him on our Advisory Board.
Well Powersports businesses certainly are outdoorsy, and things are pretty bad for us, too.
It’s worth the five minutes you’ll spend viewing the full interview
“Everybody’s struggling to get good help,” said Jason Gearld from Motorcycle Industry Jobs, which many of you reading this use as an employment resource. Gearld was a recent guest of Robin Hartfiel on the “Dealernews Live” program discussing “the elusive unicorn,” the A-level service technician, and the Powersports industry job front in general.

Are you a powersports dealership looking to add something at F&I that is valuable to your customer and profitable to your dealership? You can find it with Find It Now GPS Security. Although Find It Now was founded in 2008, some dealers still haven’t found the hidden profit center the service represents. The following questions were posed to Mike Conners, Founder/CEO of Find It Now USA: Business Summary? FIN launched the First Early Warning GPS Security System for Motorcycles and Powersports products in 2008 and has received many accolades over the years, including three times as Powersports Business Nifty Fifty. We have continued to improve our hardware with the Only U.S. Patent for “Early Warning Theft Alert & Tracking System,” keeping us Best In Class. We started with a Purpose & Continue with a Passion! Why Is Find It Now USA A Partner Of The NPDA?: We have always supported our Dealers in every way possible and wanted to continue that path here. How Can NPDA Members Best Benefit From Our Partnership With Find It Now USA? We offer preferred Pricing & Shipping to NPDA members! Find It Now Offers A Hidden Profit Center For Dealers Anything Else You’d Like To Add To Help NPDA Members Understand How Find It Now USA Can Help Them Do Business Better? We take each Dealer partnership seriously and strive to deliver a great result every time. Without the support of our valued Dealers, we would not be where we are today: the world’s #1 Early Warning GPS Security System for the PowerSports AsIndustry.weembark well into our second Decade, I have never been more optimistic about our potential and the opportunity before us. We will continue to earn each Dealer’s business and never rest on our past accomplishments. Our commitment is to continue to provide the attentive and insightful service and exceptional results that have become a hallmark of Find It Now GPS’s success. Click here and find it now: https://youtu.be/orDKEH8_0XA Partner Spotlight – Find It Now USA www.finditnowusa.com/dealers Headquarters: Spring Hill, Florida Year Founded: 2008 Number of Employees: 12 NPDA Partner Profile 58

New products | tools | education and networking needed to grow your business Dedicated powersports trade only event aligned with the buying season


Want to see how the other half lives? The Early Bird registration deadline for the show ends on September 9, 2022. Register here:
The MIC Symposium series has been updated to include June’s “rider first” mindset, enabling dealers to develop a local motorcycle culture, and support their riding community. Jared Burt of HeroHub, and an AIMExpo Disruptive Thinking moderator, led the discussion with Lauren Hensley, GM at Indian Motorcycle Sturgis; Ian Riley, GM at Fredericktown Yamaha Triumph; and Jeff Schoetz, sales manager at Karl Malone Powersports. “There are some threats to our industry,” Burt said. “I think we need to recognize it and this creates for me an urgency for us to work together as an industry. There are barriers to becoming a rider. Our discretionary time and money can be spent in other ways. But there’s great opportunity for us and that’s why we’re here today.” See it for free here: https://vimeo.com/726335438/08d7458f29 62
Every session of the education platform from Ricky Carmichael’s “Mind Of A Champion” celebrity keynote, to the MIC Symposium: Last year was great, this year could be Legendary — panel discussion with industry experts Tony Gonzalez, Garage Composites; Pat Kennedy, Spader Group; Gart Sutton, GSA. Moderated by Mark Rodgers, Rodgers Performance Consulting is now available.
Of special note is the precursor to the shocking developments on the EV front as Marc McAllister, president & CEO of Tucker Powersports; Dan Quick, Communications Director for Zero Motorcycles and Bill Jenkins, Senior Vice President, Sales & Operations, Kawasaki covered the coming electrification of powersports. These panels were packed with industry powerhouses, and indepth sessions covering vital topics facing powersports today from electrification and emerging from the pandemic to capitalizing on the tremendous opportunities that lay ahead. Better yet, they are all available free of charge at: https://aimexpousa.com/2022-education-videos/
After four decades, GIE+EXPO will become Equip Exposition at this year’s event! Mark your calendar for Louisville, Kentucky from October 18-21, 2022. “Equip Exposition is where the landscape changes, and is the place for outdoor power equipment dealers, distributors and manufacturers to connect, learn and grow,” notes Kris Kiser, President of OPEI. “The tradeshow remains the best place to connect with your peers, network and gain a competitive business edge. We’re excited to evolve the show and can’t wait to see you in Louisville on October 18, 2022.”
Back to school! For those wanting to get a refresher course on the AIMExpo’s Disruptive Thinking educational program, the 2022 curriculum is now up for review in video format. This education platform was designed to help dealers approach their business from different perspectives, bringing together current industry need-to-know content with broad, high-level topics that impact all aspects of business and life.
SOCIAL CLIMBING Last time we went to the Outdoor Power Equipment industry trade show, it was still called the GIE +EXPO… and it was well worth the trip with nearly 40 UTV suppliers on hand, educational seminars from the likes of Seizmik and TGB and pavilions powered by Kawasaki and Yamaha. Now the show has transformed to Equip Exposition and climbing to new heights… literally. Seven live intree workshops, sponsored by STIHL, are being offered during this year’s show! How’s that for an incentive to come hang out, take in relevant dealer education and otherwise see how the other half lives?
Speaking of UTV, the show is highlighting powersports products at the “UTV Driving Experience” where attendees can drive and compare the latest vehicles while putting them through their paces on curves, hills, rocks, bumps… and maybe even a little water and mud.

Last time we went to the Outdoor Power Equipment industry trade After the successes of the inaugural gathering of desert racers, promoters Scot Harden and Johnny Campbell have decided to divide and conquer for the return of Handstands @ 100mph. The main program is set for September, however the ride portion has been greatly expanded and moved into December. Even with doubling up, space is running out… Fast!
To be a part of the historic happening at Blackmore, sign up here: https://harden-offroad.com/handstands-at-100-mphcelebration “Super excited to announce all our great sponsors and partners for the 2nd Annual Handstands at 100mph Reunion/Celebration and 2nd Annual Handstands at 100mph Baja Borrego Dual Sport Ride has also been expanded,” Harden adds. That has made it possible to make the ride a stand-alone component this year. Johnny and Scot have been working one full year with government agencies and private property owners in the Southern California desert to bring about an epic 130-mile Dual Sport Ride that is every bit as challenging as any ride in Baja.
Register for the ride here: handstands-at-100mph-dual-sport-ridehttps://harden-offroad.com/
Officially called the Handstands at 100mph “Baja Borrego” Dual Sport Ride, Harden says this year’s event is sure to go down like a ride to remember. Based out of the Ocotillo RV Resort in Ocotillo Wells, the event will include seminars and demonstrations by Johnny and Scot on the finer points of Dual Sport riding, bike setup, and preparation and will conclude with a group banquet on Saturday night after the ride. In addition, expect several special guests and other legends from the sport to be in attendance.
“For 2022 the party will grow even larger as the Handstands mission to honor the history, heritage, and legacy of the Baja/ Desert racing fraternity moves to Blackmore Ranch in Murrieta, CA,” explains Harden. “There is a full day of activities, special displays and presentations all focused on bringing the Baja/ Desert motorcycle racing community together. Display bikes, legendary riders and clubs that lie at the heart of the Baja/Desert Racing community will be in attendance.”

Enter the Can-Am Rider Education Program, which started as a pilot initiative in Florida a few years ago. Can-Am worked alongside a handful of riding schools to build a specific 3-wheel classroom and closed-course riding curriculum, loaned the schools 3-wheel vehicles, and identified instructors who understood and appreciated the place for 3-wheel vehicles in the riding industry. Most states require a 2 or 3-wheel riding course to get your license. To that end BRP has taken the guesswork out of the state requirements with a master database: license-requirements.htmlhttps://can-am.brp.com/on-road/us/en/learn-to-ride/
“In my opinion, REP is an under-reported piece of the Can-Am success story,” adds BRP Global Consumer Public Relations (and three-wheeled evangelist) Brian Manning.
Manning adds, “Part of the story, alongside the incredible success of the program, is how BRP is growing the industry by facilitating a product that’s easy to ride while promoting the importance of rider education. AND we want to get even more dealers involved in REP to help with registrations and follow them through the process. These people are new to the market and it’s an excellent opportunity for dealers.”
• Over 50% of participants are women. Can-Am currently is providing 1,300 loaner vehicles used by REP schools, all done through a program with local dealers. When the schools are done with the vehicles, they go back into the dealers’ inventory and they get to sell them for a nice margin. “It’s a solid program all around for the dealers,” says SpeakingManning. ofbenefits
“It’s also quite relevant for a dealer audience. Just consider the number of new customers REP has brought to the entire powersports industry since REP was introduced.”
Some quick hits: We recently celebrated our 50,000th Can-Am Rider Education Program (REP) course completion.
• What started as a pilot program with 7 REP schools in Florida a few years ago has ballooned into 250 schools throughout North America today.
• 185 in the U.S. and 65 in Canada.
“REP was built from the ground up to alleviate one of the biggest barriers-to-entry for new riders – intimidation,” explains Mélanie Montplaisir, BRP’s Manager, Global Public Relations. “Traditionally, people who wanted to learn to ride on three wheels had to first learn to ride on two wheels through local Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) courses, taught by instructors who lived and breathed only two wheels, in classes with other students who only wanted to ride on two wheels. Can-Am decided to take action.”
to dealers, REP has an incredibly high conversion rate of course graduates to customers. Additionally, any student who completes REP is automatically passed onto the nearest dealer as a “hot lead” that they can nurture the process. People who take the course are also getting an incredible value. They typically pay $99 or $199, with BRP offsetting the remainder of the cost, which is generally around $300 per person.
T he original mission of Can-Am On-Road when the brand was introduced in 2007 was to “Democratize the Open Road.” Simply put, to introduce as many people as possible to the incredible thrill of riding. That same mission rings true today more than ever as Can-Am celebrates 50,000 completions of its acclaimed Can-Am Rider Education Program (REP).
“’It’s essentially a free vehicle rental/test ride. BRP offsets the classes to make it easier and provide a better experience through the purchase journey. Gaining new customers. Generating more sales. All while promoting awareness and safety. And the dealers don’t pay for any of it, other than sometimes transporting the vehicles to the school and picking them back up again when they’re done using them,” concludes Manning. Click here for more details: https://can-am.brp.com/on-road/us/en/learn-to-ride.html
CAN-AM CONTINUES TO THEDEMOCRATIZEOPENROAD Rider Education Program Revolutionizes Customer Base 64

Gina Marra — VP YAM Worldwide Previously general manager at GO AZ Motorcycles in Scottsdale, Arizona, Gina Marra has worked her way up to her current position overseeing the operation of all powersports businesses under the YAM Worldwide umbrella, including GO AZ Motorcycles, Harley-Davidson of Scottsdale, Southern Thunder Harley-Davidson, Blues City Harley-Davidson, Graceland Harley-Davidson, Spooky Fast Customs and the GO AZ Training Facility.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9cpliaYENs 65AUGUST 2022
Taylor Loethen — Director Of Operations, Digital Lead Performance
Loretta Lynn — Country Music Maven/MX National Hostess
“To make it in this business, you either have to be first, great or different. And I was the first to ever go into Nashville, singin’ it like the women lived it.” When recent flooding devastated the region, Loretta Lynn’s Ranch became the epicenter of the recovery effort.
Dia Matteson — Dealer Principal & NPDA Founding Board Member Dia Matteson is going places… literally. After building up the family business and branching out, she is now Owner/CEO at Kenai Peninsula Harley-Davidson, Denali Harley-Davidson and House of Harley-Davidson in Alaska as well as Legends Harley-Davidson, Grand Canyon Harley-Davidson, Whiskey Row Harley-Davidson and Sedona Harley-Davidson in Arizona! When Dia originally purchased the three dealerships in Alaska back in 2012, she became the youngest female sole owner of a Harley-Davidson Franchised Dealership at 25. “I am excited to bring a fresh set of eyes to the Dealerships and focus on reinvigorating the community of riders in the area as well as providing an exciting place to visit for events and good old school motorcycle culture and community.” Mary McGee — Pioneer/AMA Hall Of Famer Mary McGee has had quite a ride before becoming the most recent AMA Membership Ambassador. Eric Anderson interviews this motorcycling legend and AMA Hall Of Famer for Dealernews. The stories are amazing, including how she was never sponsored by a dealer, did the Baja 500 solo and was convinced by fellow racer and personal friend Steve McQueen to start riding dirtbikes in the desert.
After starting in the trenches as Marketing & Business Development Manager at Naples Harley-Davidson, a Scott Fischer dealership, Taylor has parlayed her position to the dealer service provider side. “I’m passionate about making people’s lives better and influencing their emotional journey to help them find the ride of their dreams through an exceptional sales experience. There’s nothing better than meeting new people, building a relationship, and joining them on their journey of freedom.
Although she sang her way to fame as the most awarded woman in country music history (including 24 #1 singles and 45 million singles sold) it is her role as the gracious hostess of the Monster Energy AMA Amateur National Motocross Championship for the past 41 years that has endeared her to the entire moto industry.
Joey Lindahl — Senior Marketing Manager, Slingshot Joey Lindahl started riding shortly after joining Polaris in 2012, inspired and encouraged by the large number of female riders she met there. She quickly developed a love for motorcycles, off-road vehicles and snowmobiles, discovering a passion for introducing others to the joy, freedom, and adventure she found in powersports. Through her work at Polaris, Joey champions efforts to increase representation, inclusion, and participation in powersports with women and diverse riders. Joey also brings this experience and excitement for riding to her role as a Motorcycle Industry Council Board Member.

LAND ACCESS Off-Road Enthusiasts Have an Anniversary to Cheer 66
According to the U.S. Department of the Interior, “the GAOA also established the National Parks and Public Land Legacy Restoration Fund for projects that aim to increase public access by restoring and repairing roads, trails, bridges and parking areas,” among other much needed work. And in the 2023 fiscal year, these projects “are expected to support more than 15,100 jobs and generate about $1.6 billion in local communities.”
“GAOA is already a huge success, permanently funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund with at least $900 million each year and ensuring substantial resources for federal land and water management agencies to fix and maintain our parks, forests, trails, campgrounds, lakes, and rivers,” said Jessica Turner, president of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable, which is supported by the MIC, the Specialty Vehicle Institute of America, and the Recreational Off-Highway Vehicle Association
This month, the outdoor recreation community is celebrating the second anniversary of the Great American Outdoors Act, among the most significant legislative achievements in decades.
“Landmark legislation like the GAOA is important for off-highway vehicle enthusiasts and we are certainly celebrating this anniversary,” said Scott Schloegel, senior vice president at the MIC Government Relations Office. “Riders and drivers across the country can look forward to better maintained parks, trails, and facilities for generations to come.”
The DOI has plans for 222 deferred maintenance projects in all 50 states and multiple U.S. territories. An additional 63 projects have been proposed for future funding.
The MIC wants more members for its new working group built to examine PFAS legislation and proposals, and develop a comprehensive approach to federal and state regulations that could forever change manufacturing across the industry.
IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: PLEASE JOIN Members Called on to Confront the PFAS Problem for Powersports
In powersports, PFAS chemicals can be found in or used to produce a wide range of products such as riding gear, vehicle components resistant to heat, fuel, and chemicals, as well as semiconductors and chrome plating. Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances are a class of synthetic chemicals used for decades in many consumer products. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these are “long lasting chemicals, components of which break down very slowly over time” and “are found in the blood of people and animals all over the world and are present at low levels in a variety of food products and in the environment.”
Both federal and state governments have examined the health impacts of PFAS in recent years and many bills have been introduced to ban its use. Some states are setting up registries to list any vehicles, components, parts, and clothing that contain PFAS. And news reports are now regularly covering the PFAS story.

So come on Cinderella! Let’s get you ready for the ball. How To Alleviate Your Pre-Interview Jitters
By Alex Baylon Date?
THE BACHELOR Job Interview… Or First
Dressing up is the first part. Should you wear a tux or even a suit to the job interview? We can safely say we work in a very casual industry and if you over-dress it could be uncomfortable for both of you. But yes, you have to wear pants instead of shorts and flip flops to the first interview… even in ImagineCalifornia.afirstdate and you’re going to dinner. Well just like on a date, you find out what type of restaurant you are going to and let that dictate what you will wear. Same with a job interview, know your audience and dress appropriately. If you are applying at a major OEM or a high-level position, you dress differently than if you’re applying for a sales position at a dealership. Even though that last comment is just an assumption, you really want to do some research about the place you are going and what you should wear so you don’t end up wearing flip flops and a tank top to Ruth’s Chris, while your date wears their Sunday best.
One more pro tip: being on time is being late, so show up 10-15 minutes early. This way you can get the lay of the land and lose the tie beforehand, rather than bursting into the room like Jeff Spicoli in Fast Times At Ridgemont High — no shirt, no shoes, no dice! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k2NaHBVVYzY
Asking Questions Remember that an interview is not just about you answering a bunch of questions to see if you are a good fit for them. You have to be asking questions in return to see if the company is a good fit for you as well. Asking great questions will show your interviewer you are a high value candidate who cares about the gig. Most of the time, the interviewer will ask at the end of the interview if you have any questions. You better be ready with at least a few and NEVER say “Nope I’m all good.” If you have an opportunity, ask a question toward the beginning, then close with something like “What results would you expect from a new hire in the first 3 months?”
Personnel Files
This is a great way to get some insight on what you will be doing, and it also shows the interviewer you are interested in getting started and you want to deliver results. If you feel you didn’t dig up enough questions about the role, you can always ask about things like “what an average week looks like in this role?” This should give you a better glimpse into what you will be doing and at the same time, you will be getting a sneak peek on how to best answer more questions that will come your way during the interview later. Sure, if you are a technician or sales guy stepping into a similar role, you should know your expectations right out of the gate. However, if the role is slightly different or you’re stepping into a brand new role like transitioning from a dealership to a distributor or an OEM, best to know exactly what their expectations are for you. Another pro tip: Be careful NOT to ask the “expectations” question if you have already been discussing job duties for 30 minutes… it will look like you haven’t been paying attention. Employers asking: “Do you have any questions for me?” is one of the most important questions you will be asked. Why? Because employers view the questions you ask as a direct reflection of how interested you are in the opportunity. If you don’t ask any questions in the job interview it will make them feel like you’ll take any job that comes your way. Thoroughly researching and taking the opportunity to ask the proper questions during your date… um, interview will show them you truly care. Also, the
Ajob interview is like a first date… awkward, full of angst and expectations. However rather than an unscripted drama or a sitcom, we are going to schedule your programming and talk you through the process of preparing for your first date… um, initial job interview. A job interview is not much different than a first date. You dress up, you leave the bad manners at home, you’re extra polite and hopefully you remembered to shower since this is not just another COVID-induced Zoom call.
But first, this is where I come clean and admit that I watch The Bachelor TV show with my wife. The reason I just admitted that to you is because if you have ever watched just the first episode of any season, some of the participants try their best to make a big impression. They can arrive in and on anything from a tricycle, horse, or even a forklift trying to make a grand entrance just so they can stand out and be remembered. While you won’t be making any grand entrances at a job interview, you will have to find a way to stand out from the other applicants.

majority of the interviewers like it when you ask questions… and they hate it when you don’t.
“When you start reading the Industry #PROfles, you will notice that 80-90% of them get their start at a motorcycle dealership,” says MIJ founder Alex Baylon. “The dealers are on the front lines and have always been the heart and soul of the industry. Without motorcycle dealerships, most of us wouldn’t be where we are today, so part of our message is always going to be ‘support your local motorcycle shop.’”
Dealernews is honored to work with Motorcycle Industry Jobs to recognize the people who make up this great industry.
Another Pro Tip: Don’t talk bad about your ex! And we are not talking about the Bachelor here — 9 out of 10 times your interviewer will ask you about your last job and why you left. This is NOT the time to unload all the baggage you’re carrying about your last employer. Trust me! I have made that mistake in the past and it’s easy to get carried away talking about all the wrongs that were done to you by the company or your boss.
Here are some examples question you can consider asking: What led you to working here? What do you love about working here? Why did the last person that worked here leave? What are some of the challenges this role will have?
Just like a date you must be able to read the situation. Did you connect and have good flowing conversations without the awkward pauses? After you have asked all your questions if you feel the time and moment is right, there are smooth and funny ways to ask for the job. Like “So when do I start?” “I have one more question, can I have the job?” But you better read the situation right and remember there is a very fine line between confident and cocky.
founder Alex Baylon has been hiring and firing people in the powersports industry for 25 Currentlyyears.with a major distributor, he has also been with Dragon Alliance, Ceet Racing, MX GP Services in Europe, Acerbis USA, Motonation/Sidi Boots and Scott USA. He started MIJ as he saw a need in the industry for people who are passionate about the motorcycle industry to have an employment outlet. The motorcycle industry like many others has always recycled employees from one company to another and it has always been done by word of mouth. MIJ allows companies in the industry to post their openings and give others in and out of the industry a chance to apply and insert new blood and fresh ideas in the many opportunities in the motorcycle industry.
A simple canned answer like: “I really enjoyed my time with X company and I learned a lot during my time there. I realized that I wasn’t being challenged enough and I wish them the best.”
Asking For A Goodnight Kiss
69AUGUST 2022
MIJ Industry #PROfiles
Many dates… um, hiring managers actually want to be asked. This will also give you a good hint of their perspective on how the interview went. If they “hmmm” and “huhhh” they are probably not sure yet or you are one of the first to interview. The opposite could happen and just say “of course you can have a kiss.”
Simply put, the best answer you can give in this situation is what we learned in Bull Durham: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZprAlFcQLA MotorcycleIndustryJobs.com
In addition to recognizing industry pros, Dealernews is also working with MIJ to create a job ticker tape of the latest positions opening in the industry at the Dealernews.com site. Check it out at: www.dealernews.com/Industry-Jobs “Tell us your story,” adds Baylon. “We would love to feature you! Click here to fill out the questionnaire: www.motorcycleindustryjobs.com/industry-profiles/

Post Disater Restoration Key To Sustainable Recreation
Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot, literally. Proper post wildfire restoration is the key to a sustainable recreation future for all of us, not just the OHV community. But we can lead the charge and start to pay it forward right now.
The good news is that numerous land agencies responded to unauthorized OHV and other recreational uses — and the resulting resource impacts — by completing significant restoration projects to regrow damaged vegetation, protect cultural resources, install or reconstruct soil loss mitigation structures and replace damaged barriers and signage.
By Donald Amador
Land management professionals in both the private and public sectors have noted the increased amount of diverse recreational activities that exploded during and since the COVID pandemic. It’s understandable that people wanted to escape the shutdowns by visiting the great outdoors that exist on public lands. Unfortunately, that increased use occurred when government offices were boarded up and field staff were directed to work from home with little, if any, in-person contact with the public. It was almost impossible for recreation staff and seasonal workers to keep up with even the baseline services at campgrounds such as cleaning restrooms or picking up trash… let alone long range fire mitigation and addressing key sustainability issues. The more specialized services such as trail maintenance and repairs have suffered severely from capacity challenges at all local, state and federal recreation areas. With many designated campgrounds being overcrowded on the weekends, some users selected to “create” or “designate” their own de facto developed site that often included an informal trail network or play area where target shooting, fireworks, allnight music parties and other activities occurred that were not authorized or permitted on public lands.
Don is President of Quiet Warrior Racing/Consulting.
One of the issues that I noted at or near designated or historic OHV recreation areas were impacts to grasslands and forest regions from off-route travel where motorized use had not been authorized or allowed. This is not necessarily OHV folks, but it reflects directly at us!
One such unit is the BLM’s Ukiah Field Office that manages the Walker Ridge area. There was a historic staging site that had been impacted by illegal recreational activities where some groups unofficially created their own designated play area and route network that damaged lands not open for motorized Onuse.
a recent field trip to review post-COVID inspired recreation impacts to closed areas, I was pleased to see the BLM’s restoration efforts on Walker Ridge were successful in controlling soil loss, reestablishing native vegetation, enhancing vehicle barriers to restrict off-route travel and signing to inform the public about protecting cultural/natural resources and what areas are open or closed to vehicle use.
Information on Protecting Cultural ResourcesWalker Ridge (circa 6/22)
Public lands will continue to face natural disasters of various types and the challenges they create for generations to come. The current fires are red hot proof of that. However, having access to the appropriate tools and the ability to implement their use in a timely manner will ensure the future of sustainable recreation for outdoor enthusiasts.
This op-ed comes straight from the fire lines… I was up in Willow Creek today helping supply the Fire Base there as they battle the Six Rivers Lightning Complex Fire. I’m also doing some part-time driving for the North Zone Fire Cache in Redding as we battle the Yeti, McKinney and Six Creeks Lightning Complex Fires. While things are hot, now is the best time to start thinking ahead as we rebuild sustainable recreation from the ashes of these disasters.
Don served as a contractor to the BlueRibbon Coalition from 1996 until June, 2018. Don served on the California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission from 1994-2000. He has won numerous awards including being a 2016 Inductee into the Off-Road Motorsports Hall of Fame and the 2018 Friend of the AMA Award. Don currently serves as the government affairs lead for AMA District 36 in Northern California. He may be reached via email at: damador@quietwarriorracing.com
Don Amador has been in the trail advocacy and recreation management profession for almost 29 years.

Keeping trails open is everyone's responsibility. By working together as one motorized community, we can keep our trails open, healthy and beautiful for generations to come. Do your part by riding responsibly, keeping trails clean and trash-free, and volunteering with organizations that are working to keep access open for everyone. Do your part, support Tread Lightly! and it's mission by becoming a member at treadlightly.org.
WHEN TRAILS CLOSE Do Your Part Don't Lose TrailsDo Your Part / Don't Lose Trails WE ALL LOSE

Do you know what MasterClass (.com) is? It’s the latest greatest way to learn “anything” online from experts and superstars for about $15 a month. Want to learn how to cook (and survive criticism) with Gordon Ramsey? How about honing your entrepreneurial skills Sir Richard Branson?
Confessions Of A Customer®
J ack Nicholson always makes me laugh… and think. I just re-watched The Bucket List, his movie with Morgan Freeman which showed Uncle Jack and Freeman living their last days filled with activities they felt they needed to experience before they “kicked the bucket.” These “you-only-live-once” activities like skydiving, race car driving and mountain climbing were enriching to their souls, bonding and hilariously funny.
One serious message to carry away from the movie is to start on that list today. Live your life “along the way” instead of postponing the adventures until the door is almost closed. A second, more subtle message from the movie occurred to me several days later.
By Eric Anderson
Unlike the past, all the great experiences exuberantly enjoyed by the “Bucket Boys” can now be instructed or coached by professionals. Skydiving schools across the country give lessons. Drag and roadracing schools give lessons, then provide track days. SCUBA lessons are available at a local community college or store. Horseback riding lessons are given at just about every stable in existence. Ceramics, rock climbing, photography, guitar, voice, computer science and sewing lessons can all be found in an adult education program near you. You can pay instructors or coaches for lessons in sailing, surfing, skiing, rowing, throwing, running, jumping, tennis or any other activity on this Earth. It never ends. I know. I paid for a lot of those lessons while my kids were growing up and testing the waters for what it is they liked best to do.
Society is becoming more and more obsessed with taking lessons or all sorts. So where do you find out about lessons for a new activity which you or your relative may be interested in? At the local retail outlet, of course! The music store offers piano lessons. Camera stores offer photography classes. Go to the SCUBA store to learn to dive or take the new “resort course” at your favorite ocean-front vacation spot. A golf and tennis club may have at least a dozen instructors to select from for private instruction. Baseball pitching lessons? No problem. Go to the local sporting goods store and you’ll find a business card there for, sure enough, pitching lessons. So why do many motorcycle dealerships seem to have very little to do with the promotion of local motorcycle riding lessons? Maybe it’s because most males assume they are born with the “motorcycle riding gene” on their “Y” chromosome? “Lessons for me? Why?” Many menfolk seem to think we’ve inherited these alleged riding skills from a distant male relative and don’t need lessons. But isn’t a skinned-up elbow (or worse) more of an embarrassment than taking a motorcycle riding class? Would getting “the bends” while SCUBA diving be honorable? Would losing a baseball, tennis or hockey game from ineptitude be something to be proud of too? How about screeching a solo on that new saxophone? Macho? No! So why should motorcycling be any different? Riding lessons will make us all better riders while preserving and building our customer bases. Newcomers and old timers alike should learn to set the ego aside so more skills can enter the space left behind.
Heck, I am taking the Johnny Lewis Flat Track School on a Royal Enfield in 2 days because I want to learn more about… well… turning left.
Just click here: https://www.masterclass.com

Track days are becoming more popular for intermediate riders, but what about those who really want to get started learning at the beginning — to just steer and shift across a parking lot?
Why should racers and newbies have all the fun? I’m taking the MotoAnatomy Slide School for the second time because I had so much fun the last time. Royal Enfield launched SLIDESCHOOL in collaboration with Moto Anatomy to provide the ultimate intro to flat track experience in a three-hour flat tracking course. Developing the fundamentals to break down the slide technique used by professional riders in the American Flat Track series. This program provides you with the knowledge that it takes riders a lifetime to figure out on their own The slide is an art — and once experienced it’s hard to get away from the feeling. Click here for a course coming to your area: https://www.moto-anatomy.com/slideschool
73AUGUST 2022
My second message from watching Nicholson and Freeman catalyzed as “Learning to ride a motorcycle is on everyone’s “bucket list!”… except Jack Nicholson’s of course who has already checked that box on the set of Easy Rider.
The MIC is launching their new “Ride With Us” industry growth campaign which by the way includes dirt bikes, ATVs and UTVs, and MSF has just added an ADV rider course to their curriculum. What can you do to help them increase MSF class loads with new riders and your future customers? MSF and others offer courses at more than 700 civilian locations around the US! That is a huge number of places to learn how to ride. Have you volunteered to the local classes to become the “dealership homework assignment”—it might be a great way to welcome new riders to your store bypassing their built-in intimidation factor as a newbie. If you have never made the move to contact and integrate with local motorcycle training facilities and Rider Coaches, then get started now! More riding classes will help you build your business, and you can help reciprocally build the number of students taking lessons. If we all build the local riding population together, we will all have more customers in the future.
HOW TO FIND LOCAL RIDER COACHES & CLASSES“LEARN-TO-RIDE” Try Googling “motorcycle lessons” and you will find plenty of motorcycle schools across the nation to choose from. Better yet, go to the Motorcycle Safety Foundation link to locate more than 1,500 US-based active motorcycle Rider Coaches and 700+ schools that have trained over 400,000 new riders (customers to you) last year. Get acquainted now and start making your own new customers. Log on at: http://www.msf-usa.org/ or call 800-446-9227 for the course nearest you.

I’ve been to many of the ISDE Reunions over the years, dating back to the first one in 1997 in Arkansas. I still remember it like it was yesterday: I had finally accomplished a lifelong quest to ride the Six Day. I performed miserably but came away with a bronze medal. Now they are hosting a reunion ride and I would be included. Oh it was a magical time, Paul Clipper had sold Trail Rider Magazine and we were on a trajectory to the top! My story about this 1997 Reunion Ride article would be printed on real magazine paper!
ISDE Six Days Reunion
Around 100 of us Six Day Vets and fans sat down in the new banquet room and shared an outstanding dinner, my sincere complements to the chef. Our sports number one fan, Jeff Debell was our entertainment between interviews with the Gold Club. A tremendous Gold Club was there too, Fred Hoess (most), Jeff Fredette (tons), Drew Smith (lots), Terry Cunningham (some) and my own global record of the highest finishing score ever.
Playing opposite of Jeff Debell was the amazing Suzy Barr Fann Moody. Not only is she beautiful, she is also a level seven bad ass, (the highest level). I was too shy to look her in the eye let alone engage in any pertinent conversation. I wasn’t the only one! Without even trying she could reduce some of the toughest guys I know, multi-time Six Day champions, to little boys, drawing Xs on the floor with the toe of their shoe, both hands in their pockets, shoulders and elbows rolled forward. Then at their most vulnerable moment, she hands them a microphone, now speak to your peers while on stage.... All my Kryptonite at one moment.
Skip ahead 25 years and the event has grown into dare I call it a dinner party? We were hosted by the Mungenast family of St. Louis Missouri. You see the Mungenast name above in my list of stars of previous events. Dave is gone but his family carry his legacy extremely well. We were in the new location of the Classic Bike Headquarters in Villa Ridge, Missouri, which is just outside St. Louis. The Mungenast family have just moved their collection from its previous location in down town St. Louis, so don’t get confused (see Thesidebar).new home is 15,000 square feet and has around 150 bikes on display, with even more memorabilia. Not only does it tell the history or motorcycling, it also tells the Mungenast family history and that’s very cool. I would love to come back and get a tour with a guide to point out all the stories behind the bikes.
“Nothing planned sir, but you might check over by the Michigan guys… we’ve always wondered about them.”
“Well, do I need to show my medal at the gate? How will this be policed? You don’t want a bunch of riff raff showing up!” A long sigh and: “Yeah, you better show your medal at the gate, that and a $10 bill, you’ll be good.”
The stars were there, Malcolm Smith, Dick Mann, Dave Mungenast, Leroy Winters, Preston Petty… and now me. In my excitement, I called the number:
“Oh good, will there be a medal rubbing ceremony? You know, where we all circle up and rub medals together?
By Charlie Williams

https://www.donelsoncycles.com/ 75AUGUST 2022
Rachel Gutish gently kicked me awake under the table. You know where she kicked me? Yep, right in that oozing sore spot on my shin where the pillow hit it and it won’t heal. She leaned forward and in all earnestness asked me how to become famous? Me? Of all the people to ask anything. She herself is already a multi-time Six Day medalist, EnduroCross, Enduro, GNCC…
Of course my advice was to do something extraordinary! A few days later I sent her an idea, an extraordinary idea, in fact… her reply was that it was “way too illegal.” Pffft, there’s over 280,000 laws on the books so everything is illegal in some jurisdiction. I’m always guilty of something… Hell, I have more trouble in my front right pocket before “wandering lost” gets brought up.
Fred has more Gold Medals than anyone. Jeff Fredette has like 27 Medals, Drew Smith has 20 Six Days under his belt, Terry Cunningham ain’t no slouch either! My goodness, if these guys are not inspiring to younger riders I don’t know what we could do, at least not legally.
she has made her mark on all of them, yet she’s asking me? Any fame I have acquired is only because I’m so freaking weird and unashamed of it, I would have stood out in any field not just motorcycling. If On Any Sunday had been about a medieval festival, I could just have easily been a retired jouster and own a wooden mumblety-peg barrel, “Loose a finger, win a dollar!”
I look back up at the stage and Fred Hoess is telling stories and it comes to me just how incredible this group really is.
Stories I heard before, some I had witnessed and written about, my mind wandered. The old heroes aren’t here tonight. The guys who inspired me are going or gone. I kinda realize I’m becoming one of the old guys, 63, but I’m aging quickly. I wonder on, did our generation inspire anyone? Surely, the most 6 Days and the most Gold Medals still strike a chord in the true “lifers” of our sport…
Rachel, there are many routes to the top and you have more than made a few new assents. Records might be hard to break, but there is always room for style and grace. This is where I pull the local dealers in with my challenge: are you inspiring? There is a generation of customers out their looking for the next Dave Mungenast, Malcolm Smith or Carl Donelson to lead and inspire them.
How about a little inspiration or yourself? If you find yourself in Missouri, check out the Mungenast family museum and visit the museum at Donelson Cycle in St. Ann, another suburb of St. Louis. Two worthy stops in a town that already deserves some exploration. Donelson’s has a great collection of 60s era flat track stuff and I saw a set of Freddie Nix leathers and that was something I’d never seen:

The U.S. Women’s World Trophy Team won last year, and previously had won in 2019 and 2007. The U.S. World Trophy Team last won the ISDE in 2019, which was the second ISDE World Trophy title for the United States. The U.S. Junior World Trophy Team last won in Argentina in 2014.
The 2022 U.S. World Trophy Team includes: Joshua Toth, KTM 350 XC-F Factory Edition; Kailub Russell, KTM 350 XC-F Factory Edition; Dante Oliveira, KTM 450 XC-F; and Layne Michael, Yamaha YZ450F.
The American Motorcyclist Association has announced the 10 World Trophy Team riders selected to represent the U.S. at the 2022 FIM International Six Days Enduro — the world’s largest and most prestigious off-road motorcycle competition. This year, the festivities are in Le Puy en Velay, France, Aug. 29-Sept. 3.
“I’m excited to welcome back Kailub to lead the Trophy Team this year,” Kallonen said. “Although he retired from full-time racing nearly two years ago, he has proven to have the speed and is more motivated now than ever for ISDE. Two solid riders I’m also looking forward to working with are Layne and Josh, who both have proven this year to have the sprint speed to fight for the top step. Our fourth rider, Dante, who had an outstanding performance at last year’s ISDE on the Junior Team, has excellent speed and definitely belongs on the Trophy TheTeam.”2022
Joining the 10 Trophy riders are the 21 Club Team riders who were announced by the AMA in June.
The 2022 U.S. Women’s World Trophy Team includes: Rachel Gutish, GASGAS EX 350F; Korie Steede, KTM 250 SX-F; and Brandy Richards, KTM 350 XC-F Factory Edition.
“As with all three teams,” said Kallonen, “expectations are high. But they’re especially high with our Women’s Team, as we have two of last year’s champs — Brandy and Rachel — returning to the team to defend their title. Brandy has continued showing great speed and improvement in all types of terrain this year, and I expect her to fight for another ISDE win. Rachel will be very solid when it comes time for ISDE. She’s been dealing with some injuries, but I have no doubts she’ll be ready come the end of August. I’m happy to welcome Korie to the Team, as she has shown great speed the last few years and finally gets a chance to show that at the world level.”
U.S. Junior World Trophy Team, made up of riders age 23 and younger, includes: Mateo Oliveira, KTM 250 SX-F; Austin Walton, Husqvarna FX 450; and Cody Barnes, Honda CRF250R.
“We have been unfortunate with many rider injuries this year leading up to the event,” said KTM Group Director of Off-Road Racing Antti Kallonen, who has also managed the U.S. World Trophy and Junior World Trophy teams since 2012 and the Women’s World Trophy team since 2017. “On the flip side, we are fortunate to have a deep field of world-class riders to choose from to be able to build championship-level teams in all categories.”
The Trophy riders will compete as the U.S. World Trophy, Junior World Trophy and Women’s World Trophy teams. Every country participating in the ISDE is allowed four riders on its World Trophy Team, three riders age 23 or younger on its Junior Trophy Team, and three female riders on its Women’s Team.
“With so many changes to the Trophy team,” noted Kallonen, “I’m glad to have two riders from last year returning to the Junior Team. Cody and Austin are both hungry to prove a point and race for the title. Joining them is Mateo Oliveira, who has had a phenomenal season so far this year, and I’m looking forward to seeing what he can do at ISDE.”

Classic Bike Headquarters is the next generation of a vision started in 1998 by Dave Mungenast Sr. Dave’s son Ray, along with Dave Larsen, Matt Prunty and a small group of dedicated volunteers have relocated to the Union, Missouri, area in a modern 15,000 square foot Withbuilding.approximately 150 motorcycles ranging from an authentic 1914 Indian Board Track racer to motorcycles from the 1930’s through the 1980’s and all of the associated photographs, clothing, and memorabilia, there is something for everyone to enjoy. NEW DIGS MUNGENASTFORMUSEUM Our museum is a gift from the Mungenast Automotive Family to the community that has supported our family of businesses since 1965. Our Mission is simple: To Preserve and Share, for All to Enjoy. Come and see us! https://classicbikehq.com/hours-location/ 77AUGUST 2022


We saw it with the Firepower Project Grom at the WPS Sales Meeting in Boise earlier in the summer and then this past weekend at Parts Unlimited’s NVP where the big news was full exhaust systems for Honda’s Monkey and new Navi from Vance & Hines. Groms, Monkeys and Navi now have everything from factory Öhlin’s shocks and custom Corbin saddles to trick titanium race cans! Don’t dismiss the diminutive bikes as being small potatoes... top dollar is coming from customers of these pocket rockets! Guess what a Corbin seat for a Grom retails for? Nearly $500! That is a relatively big hit for your “bottom” line being delivered by an itty-bitty little bike! Throw in the TLD graphics from Yoshimura (MSRP $150) and a titanium exhaust from S&S or Vance and Hines and some serious margin can be made! Maybe good things really do come in small packages?
79AUGUST 2022

This kit does an incredible job of replicating the R7 race bike look that Troy Lee Designs painted and that Yoshimura R&D debuted at MotoAmerica’s Laguna Seca round in July 2022. As with the paint livery on the R7 racebike, the graphic makes the Honda Grom look like two different bikes depending on which side of the bike you are looking at. “As with our other graphic kits, this Yoshimura graphic kit contains 19 individual decals for the new Grom that are our own proprietary templates designed in house.” Made right here in the USA from high performance 12 mil air release material. 2022-23 Honda Grom P7 TLD Graphic Kit MSRP: $149
Taking all the tricks from their flat-out flat track factory bikes, the gurus at S&S Cycle created a Grand National Slip-On Exhaust system for the Honda Grom. The 3.5” brushed stainless steel slip-on even features a removable dB reducer because you never know when you will have to pass sound at tech inspection on your pit racer! Made in the U.S.A. MSRP $359.95 2022-up-grom/exhaust-brushed-stainless-steel-with-aluminum-end-cap-for-https://www.sscycle.com/products/grand-national-slip-onDROPS NAVI AT NVP
The buzz in the booth at NVP was the new megaphone muffler with stepped header Vance & Hines announced for the Navi. “Hailed for how easy it is to ride, the Navi is perfect for new riders or anyone looking for a great around town mini-moto,” claim the pros at V&H. “The Upsweep Exhaust System spices up the Navi’s styling and gives its 110cc motor a nice hearty tone that’s just right, whether you use it to zip around campus, as a pit bike in the paddock or hitched to your motorhome for running around the campground.” MSRP $299.99 upsweep-exhaust/https://www.vanceandhines.com/product/honda-navi80

81AUGUST 2022
SITTING PRETTY Corbin’s dual saddle for the latest Grom. This generation’s seat model has a new trim panel in the side for an added custom touch that keys into the bike’s design nicely. Like all Corbin saddles, we start by crafting a seat using our highdensity Comfort Cell foam. Comfort Cell retains resiliency and doesn’t crush down like the stock foam so we can build a lower seating platform. This seat gives you more square inches of body contact and firm support for amazing comfort value. Sculpted to fit the shape of the human body to eliminate centralized pressure on the tailbone. Built up on a Fibertech basepan that is rigid to support the carefully designed foam shape. Corbin’s basepan rides on rubber bumpers to avoid scratching the bike. MSRP $492 https://corbin.com/honda/hgrom21.shtml
Too much is never enough… or is it? Upside down works forks and full factory piggyback shocks for a Honda Monkey might be a bit excessive? However, Öhlins has it for that select customer who won’t bat an eye at the $849 a pair of piggyback HO 819 shocks will cost. For the more bargain minded buyer the HO 919 conventional coil over shocks are “only” $599!
Ratchet up the thrills with the Hi-Output Slip-on for the Honda Monkey. The Z125 Monkey is the perfect blend of fun and classic mini vibes harkening back to the original Z-series Hondas of the 60s and 70s. The Hi-Output Slip-on gives the bantamweight Monkey a heavyweight punch with a deep throaty growl and a beautiful stainless brushed finish. MSRP $499.99

The Oxley’s team goes above and beyond to create a family friendly event. Before the singing of the National Anthem, the riders parade around the bull ring at Costa Mesa Fairgrounds giving kids of all ages high-fives and letting the fans see who is inside the helmet. From the veterans like Bobby “Boogaloo” Schwartz who has been racing at this legendary venue since 1969 when it opened to the Juniors who aren’t much older than the kids sitting on the safety fence ringing the track, there really is something for everyone — recent expansions of Knobby Night and Harley Night, help bring even more new fans to the sport. The Greenger EV will keep that flow of innovation and fun buzzing through the rest of this season (see sidebar).
However it is the historic nod to American speedway legends Jack and Cordy Milne that gets things off on the right foot (well, actually the steel shoes worn by the competitors are on the left foot as the 500cc alcohol burning Speedway bikes have no brakes), but you get the point. In fact, the ageless Bobby Boogaloo won the inaugural Jack Milne Cup back in 1998 and again a decade later in 2008.
By Anthony & Aliceje Wellington Saturday nights are Speedway nights in Southern California! After a COVID-created 954-day hiatus Speedway celebrated 52 Years of racing tradition at the famous Costa Mesa “Bullring” oval. This year’s schedule features alcohol burning motorcycles with no brakes, insane 2-man Sidehacks, Harley races, Knobby Night, Freestyle Motocross and more. Promoters Brad and Jaleen Oxley, were happy to host the first Jack Milne Cup to kick off the 2022 season back in May and will keep the lights on through October.
The Cup itself honors Jack’s 1937 World Speedway Championship and is the actual Queen’s Coronation Cup presented to Milne when he became the first American to win his world title… He was an inspiration to many American speedway racers over the years. Jack was instrumental in the founding and promotion of Costa 82

Mesa Speedway. He was a fixture at the venue until his passing in 1995. The Milne brothers barnstormed throughout Australia and England until WWII broke out. They returned home to Pasadena, took $4,000 of their winnings and opened a bicycle shop that evolved into a motorcycle shop. Later they opened car dealerships and a thriving grandstand business. Appropriate, Speedway has literally been putting butts on seats since the beginning. The seats people sat in at the Rose Bowl Parade and the Long Beach Grand Prix were the Milne’s. They started in that business after buying the old grandstands from a track that closed than anything the 2022 Milne Cup represented a roaring return to normalcy. Veteran announcer Terry “Ike” Clanton hasn’t missed a beat, the Durty Water Band keeps the beat going on and the industry celebrates the return of Speedway!
Chapman adds, “With this series of demo races, we will be able to work with a collection of youth riders allowing them to experience the adrenaline rush of being on a track for the first time. We look forward to hearing everyone cheer for these kids as they take that next step with the CRF-E2.”
This partnership kicked off August 10 during the famous “Fair Derby” when OC Fair attendees got their first taste of the all-new CRF-E2 ripping around the Speedway Buck Ring when Hudson Jones (@HudsonJonesRacing) took the bike for a couple demo laps in-between the Knobby main and Speedway main events.
“As a parent myself, the only thing that brings me more joy than a day of riding is getting to see a kid jump off a bike with a smile bursting out of their helmet,” says Greenger Powersports Marketing Supervisor Doug Chapman. “Speedway is a place for families to enjoy a great night of racing. The CRF-E2 is the perfect stepping stone for the next generation interested in riding.”
“For over 50 years Costa Mesa Speedway has been hosting legendary races at the OC Fair Grounds,” says “Rad” Brad Oxley, 2X Champ and International Speedway owner. “Throughout the years Speedway has featured minibike demo races, but things are going next level this season. “Those races would encourage and support the next generation of riders and racers to get out there and face their fears. The stands are packed with family and friends cheering them on. Now we get to continue supporting the next round of little rippers using these awesome electric Greenger minibikes.”
Greenger Powersports and American Honda set out with one mission in mind when collaborating on the CRF-E2, to get more kids riding! Keeping this in mind, Greenger is proud to announce the sponsorship of Costa Mesa Speedway. Greenger will also be hosting a three round demo race series and display at the iconic Southern California track. The demo races will feature four little riders of various skill levels. The display will feature units for fans to check out as well as product experts on hand to answer questions. Encouraging these little riders to get out in front of a crowd and show them the support they need to continue to push their limits will be the highlight of the evening.
The CRF-E2 youth demo races are set for: September 10th September 24th October 15th Full Speedway Schedule: costamesaspeedway.net 83AUGUST 2022

Kurt’s mom Nancy also presented the Kurt Caselli Scholarship to 8 recipients for the Fall 2022 Semester. Each recipient received $2,500 that will be applied directly to their school’s tuition. The Foundation started the scholarship program in 2015 and has awarded over $115,000 in scholarship funds to 46 recipients. The Fall 2022 semester recipients are Ezra Johnson of Litchfield Park, AZ, Alyssa Van Dusen of Hermosa Beach, CA, Bolton Beroth of Pfafftown, NC, Cade Christensen of Meridian, ID, Tyler Russo of Peoria, AZ, Jack Anderson of Helper, UT, Caiden Roos of Waynesville, OH, and Logan Lifsey of Ellijay, GA. The Kurt Caselli Scholarship for Spring 2023 semester is now open, and all racers are invited to apply at www.KurtCaselli.com/scholarship
In addition to a live band, food and MotoDoffo Caselli commemorative beer and wine, this year’s event featured a silent auction. Some special Kurt Caselli items were up for bid, including his 2011 helmet in a glass display box and a signed 2013 NHHA racing number. Other items included a signed Malcolm Smith Troy Lee Designs helmet, signed rider jerseys, Doffo Winery Cork N Torque tour for two, a day of adventure bike training, and more. Sales of event tickets, drinks, silent auction, raffle tickets, and merchandise; all of which help fund KCF’s annual $120,000 safety budget.
he 8th Annual Caselli MotoDoffo event in Temecula was the best yet, raising more than $41,000 for its mission of Protecting and Supporting the Lives of Off-Road Riders. The non-profit also presented 8 scholarships for the fall 2022 season, raised awareness of the foundation and brought together the industry and off-road community for a great cause.
The Kurt Caselli Foundation Board of Directors gathered on stage to share some milestones and announce some new initiatives. Since 2013, the Foundation has raised more than $1.8 million! Last year KCF sweep/medic vests were introduced at the annual winery event, and since then, 40+ vests have been donated to off-road motorcycle sanctioning bodies and clubs. Some 25 races/ series across the country work with KCF and last year, the Foundation started working with the Moto4Kids youth motocross series offering year-round racing. For 2022, the Foundation is planning Riders 1st Responders First Aid/CPR classes. During the presentation, KCF’n President Donny Emler Jr. announced a new safety initiative to provide a mobile medical X-Ray machine for racers! The Foundation has been working with OXOS Medical about possibly purchasing a Micro C, the world’s first handheld compact x-ray machine. It is a safe, fast and accurate imaging device that allows x-ray imaging at the point of care. The new technology was displayed at the event, and local OXOS representative Robert Dodson was on hand to talk about the technology, “This is a portable x-ray machine that has 5x less radiation than a normal x-ray.”

Although the party is over, the gifting continues into the holiday season in the form of a bike raffle, with the winners being announced December 3rd during the Ride With Kurt event at Fox Raceway in Pala. This isn’t just any bike, however. A 2022 Factory KTM 500 XCF-W was donated by Brad Baker of CTG Federal. This one-ofa-kind Baja racer was built inside KTM’s race department with factory mechanics tending to the build that cost in excess of $30,000 with the addition of several trick factory parts that you can’t even buy! To enter to win, go to: www.KurtCaselli.com/bike
About The Kurt Caselli Foundation
The Kurt Caselli Foundation was established in 2013, focusing on the safety of riders in the off-road motorcycle industry. While we understand the inherent elements of danger in this industry, we aim to help minimize this danger to the best of our ability. The foundation has a three-part mission that encompasses safety precautions for riders before, during and after a racing career. more at: www.KurtCaselli.com
85AUGUST 2022

Bobby Hill: AMA #1, Member of Indian Wrecking Crew of the 1940s and 50s, then Daytona 200 winner for BSA.
“What is it about Columbus, Ohio, where Bobby Hill lived? The last person I knew from the motorcycle sport who made it past 100 was Jim Davis, and he was originally from Columbus,” adds Emde. “My dad and Bobby were competitors back in the 1940s but were friends then and remained good friends through the years and always enjoyed visiting and seeing their old rivals of days gone by.”
His passion for racing soon followed when he joined a motorcycle club in Wheeling, West Virginia. Starting as a novice in 1940, Hill quickly excelled at racing, but his promising career was put on hold during World War II when he enlisted in the Marine Corps. After the war Hill picked up where he left off, nearly winning the first professional race of his career at the 1947 Daytona 200.
“ 86
The AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame offers its condolences to the loved ones of AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famer and member of the Indian Wrecking Crew Bobby Hill, who recently passed away just days after celebrating his 100th birthday. Hill was born July 8, 1922, in Triadelphia, W. Va. When Hill was a teenager his brother worked at a local Harley-Davidson dealership, giving Hill an opportunity to familiarize himself with motorcycles. At age 16, Hill bought his first bike, a Harley-Davidson WLD 45 cu. in. model.
What a finish to an amazing life! Just last Friday -- July 8th -- Bobby Hill had his 100th birthday and now comes the news he passed away,” says historian and Hall of Famer Don Emde. “A winner in so many ways. Rest In Peace old friend.”

87AUGUST 2022
Hill claimed back-to-back AMA national titles in 1951 and 1952, the front end of Indian’s three-year title streak that was capped off by fellow Wrecking Crew member and AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famer Bill Tuman. Marked by the success and loyalty of Hill, Tuman and AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famer Ernie Beckman, the Indian Wrecking Crew made sure the fading Indian company did not go quietly into the night. Hill further left his mark when he captured a victory at the Daytona 200 in 1954 to win the first-ever AMA Grand National Series race. In 1959, Hill hung up his racing leathers and retired. He stayed busy in the 1960s as an engine builder, modifying Harley-Davidsons for several well-known racers. In his personal life, Hill married his wife Nancy and had three Hillchildren.wasinducted into the AMA Motorcycle Hall of Fame in 1998. INDIAN WRECKING CREW “Today, we celebrate the life of Bobby Hill and offer our condolences to his family and friends,” noted Indian Motorcycle.
“A pioneer who helped establish the groundwork for American Flat Track racing in its current incarnation, Bobby was an original member of the Indian Motorcycle Wrecking Crew and the winner of 12 AMA Nationals. He was crowned the 1951 and 1952 AMA National Champion.
AIMExpo ............................................................................ 60 All Balls Racing ................................................................ 19 American Guardian Warranty Services ........................ 31 Bobcat ............................................................................... 11 BRP .............................................................................. 28-29 CanDo Diagnostics, Inc. .................................................. 39 CycleNews .................................................................... CVR4 Denny-Leinberger Unfiltered Marketing..................... 89 DX1/Traffic Log Pro ........................................................ 41 Evolution Electric Vehicles ............................................ 49 Find It Now GPS Security................................................. 7 Handstands at 100 .......................................................... 53 MaxOpp Marketing .......................................................... 59 MBA Insurance ................................................................. 63 Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) ................................ 67 Motorcycle Industry Jobs (MIJ) ...................................... 17 National Powersport Auctions (NPA) .......................... 33 National Powersports Dealer Association (NPDA) .... 54 Phoenix Handlebars ........................................................ 37 Piloteer ............................................................................. 46 Rambo Electric Bikes ...................................................... 51 Red Line Oil ...................................................................... 15 Sullivans/Joe Rocket ...................................................... 25 TEXA USA .......................................................................... 45 Tread Lightly .................................................................... 71 Triumph Motorcycles America ...................................... 13 Tucker/DragonFire ........................................................... 9 WPS ................................................................................. 2-3 Shameless Plug – For the most up to date dealer news, check on the news feed at Dealernews.com, be sure to like us on Facebook and click on Dealernews’ monthly digital editions: www.dealernews.com AMA Hall of Famer and Daytona 200 winner Don Emde says, “When my first Daytona 200 book was published in 1990, we got this group of Daytona 200 winners together at Del Mar for a total of 7 wins (me 1, Floyd 1, Ed Kretz 1, Bobby Hill 1, Brad Andres 3) “ With a desire to further his racing career, Hill moved to Grove City, Ohio, to be closer to the racing action. His commitment paid off Aug. 8, 1948, when he won his first national in Atlanta. The race was made more memorable in that Hill shared the victory with AMA Motorcycle Hall of Famer Billy Huber, who crossed the finish line simultaneously.
“Bobby passed away July 12, just four days after celebrating his 100th birthday. Born on July 8, 1922, in Triadelphia, West Virginia, Bobby’s ascension to glory was delayed as he became a hero of another sort. He enlisted in the Marine Corps and saw action in WWII in both China and the Philippines. Following the war, Bobby quickly made up for lost time.
“Thank you Mr. Hill, for all that you have done for motorcycling, and the world.”

The other Big Four manufacturers responded by quickly resizing models to skirt the tariff and introducing a line of safer four-wheel ATVs that are still dominating the U.S. market. The market here continued to grow for more diverse import products and the Japanese manufacturers continued to change and capitalize on it. The best year on record after the recession cratered the motorcycle market by half was 2014. In 2015 Harley sold 168,240 motorcycles here and controls 35% of the domestic American marketshare. Honda is about 15% by comparison and sold about 17,000,000 — yes seventeen million — units globally the next year. I believe that is proof of theory in the open market for Honda and the future of the motorcycle industry.
What kept Harley-Davidson in business wasn’t the tariff… if anything it increased domestic competition for labor driving up wages. It also made the market more expensive as a whole, increasing profits for the Big Four through their diverse and constantly changing market. Harley is still in business because it asked for and received design and infrastructure help from Honda and their subsidiaries that helped to truly change the machine into a much better product with the introduction of the Softail, which had a modern suspension, transmission, rubber mounted engines and supported by a just in time production plan instituted in a modern re-tooled factory.
Tariffs, The Right To Repair & Our American Motorcycle Industry
It’s almost 9am and the used bikes aren’t out of my workspace yet. I’m a commission wrench and there is no payment for pushing bikes for an hour and a half a day, it’s what you do as a part of the team and the back of the house doesn’t appreciate it when the sales and parts guys don’t help out. Pop is always pointing and questioning during this Shriner parade of inventory every morning, but not today, I didn’t hear about any salesmen, yes they were all men, getting into trouble, so it must be big to not have them out here helping us. I hop on a JR50 and roost out of the shop and into a skatebowl run that’s been filled to display the hot selling ’83 RM250s and ATC250Rs that we race at the local short track. Little did we know that after today, these types of units are going to be the profit leader in our family run franchised motorcycle shop. The news that morning was that my simple job as a motorcycle mechanic was affected by a protectionist U.S. government. President Reagan and his advisors had decided that the lobbyists for Harley-Davidson were right. They hit Japanese motorcycle manufacturers with an additional 40% tariff to sell their highway-sized bikes in the U.S. market under a five-year plan to save Harley-Davidson through free trade import restrictions. The prior tariff was 0.9% in 1982 and the product line was exciting with the industry standard dragbike bullet GS1100 and Peewee Gleason ripping 12 second passes on the 120hp V4 Honda! These were priced comparable to the Harley-Davidson product line of the day. Not quite comparable was the fact that a full 50% of Harley-Davidson products were delivered with defective parts when we were delivering the Japanese manufactured products with a 2% defective part rate. Over the next six months the price tags in our showroom effectively doubled for the flagship machines that were being advertised and raced every weekend. We raced on Sunday and sold on Monday. My friends at the BMW shop weren’t concerned since they weren’t covered by the tariff. Even though the BMW product line sits directly in the H.D. wheelhouse of protection. In fact, the Germans, Italians, Brits and the rest of the world’s motorcycle manufacturers that sold in the U.S. market weren’t affected.
By Shannon “Shoe” Gower
Over the next couple of years, the market proved a few things that we should keep in mind as our then-President threatened that imports to the American market should have huge tariffs of 35% or more. When our Congress levied this against the Japanese manufacturers, it set in motion many unplanned forces. Honda reacted by building their biggest machines, the Goldwing and CBX here in the U.S. where it was able to further compete with the Harley-Davidson products.
The cherry being placed on top the resurrection sundae was Arnold riding it shirtless in a Brando jacket shooting a shotgun astride the new Fatboy. Fashion and hard work within a global economy saved Harley-Davidson, so much so that they had to ask Congress to repeal the tax after only four years. Within this four-year span, the results weren’t completely as intended, making the market for 699cc motorcycles jump from 43% to over 60% after 1983. The rising prices across the market making the Harley products profit and share comparable to the pre-tariff era and the rewards were being realized by Kawasaki and Honda that were 88

Thank you, ride safe, peace! HotshoeShoe Customs & Motorworks Salina, Oklahoma http://www.hotshoecustoms.com/
Let’s all be sure not to repeat the mistakes of the past, it has proven true, we have a penchant for cyclical fashion with minor changes. Marketing, distribution, technician deployment and yes, that third rail we aren’t to speak directly to, franchise owners, have to grow past the last decades of dictated stagnation for an ever-declining, fashionable, public position.
I can still hear a speaker from Lemco telling me “the next myopic, touring, so-called pro wrench to wander into your franchise” is seasonally disposable… and every franchise owner I met for the next decade treated me like that, “seasonably disposable.” This thinking has brought us the current right to repair fight — literally the effort by Harley-Davidson to eliminate the greater value of my 40+ year career as a motorcycle mechanic. Multi-Line franchises are the only path forward, requiring multi-talented employees within our industry.
Shannon “Shoe” Gower is the dealer principal and head builder for Hotshoe Customs. Nothing here is a bolt-on. I am a fabricator, not a distributor of other companies mass-produced parts that make you fit in — I make one-of-a-kind bikes that stand out. I can make your bike entirely or make your bike entirely yours. I charge a fair price and am competitive for my parts as well as for me to pick up and deliver.
American-made products and their margins were set to a matrix that raised their prices quicker. The way the American market realized profit was by Congress devaluing the dollar in 1985. Even now, the under 400cc market makes the most money both here and abroad.
When we promote one American’s job at the expense or another, we are monetizing leverage at the expense of our industry’s success. Motorcycles, to those of us that live among them for our entire lives, are not a lifestyle, not a hobby nor a curiosity, for many Americans they are our jobs. As many baby boomers who insisted on the dated styling and performance of a classic marque begin to age out of motorcycling, the market is changing just like America. Will our government dictate through economic stress that we, the supporters and workers in this industry, aren’t given the opportunity to change and grow with it?