State of the ARTS! Introducing the BeverlyARTS! 2011-2014 Three-year Arts Education Plan. June 28, 2011
Who’s got the ARTS?
We do! The ARTS! happen regularly in Beverly Hills Unified.
We’ve Got the ARTS! at the K8’s -
•Musical Theater •Vocal Music •ConcertChoir •District Honor Choir •Visual Art •Ceramics •Animation •Instrumental Music •Strings •Dance and more!
at the High School -
•Dramatic Theater •Musical Theater •The Minisingers •Madrigals •Dance Company and more!
•Instrumental Music •Symphonic orchestra, •Marching band •Drum-line •Jazz Band and more
•Photography •Drawing and Painting •Architecture •Ceramics •Visual Communication+Design •Motion Graphics and More...
Clearly - We have the ARTS! However - it takes WORK A lot of work by a lot of people. We’ll get back to that in a few minutes...
Back in 2004 • BHUSD joined the LA County task force on Arts Education; a strategy of Arts for All: Los Angeles County Regional Blueprint for Arts Education. • One of the first 39 districts to adopt a long range arts plan and budget in February 2005 • The Arts Advisory met formally 3 times per year to move the districts’ Arts plan forward.
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• Some Key outcomes of the Arts Education Plan(s) from 2005 - 2011 • Instrumental in all schools • District wide Stringfest • Kinder Dance Residency • Debbie Allen Dance Academy - Dance Residency MS + HS. • District Honor Choir • Jazz Band • Conversations on Creativity
Flash forward - 2011 •Time to review, reflect, rework and rewrite the Arts Education Plan for 2011 - 2014! •Time to use the resources provided to us by the Arts For All initiative! •Time to renew our commitment and refine who and what we are! •And so we have...
We are...
Work! It takes Work The BeverlyARTS! Team; Composed of educators, administrators, community members, parents, and students, have used these resources and current findings in Arts Education to go from good to GREAT! To create an Arts Education Plan that continues to raise the bar and unceasingly work towards excellence!
We use...
16 INDIC AT ORS OF QUALIT Y AR T S EDUC ATION IN LOS AN GELES COUNT Y SC HOOL S THROUGH 4 LENSES Pedagogy The capacity of arts instructors and the design for comprehensive, accessible arts instruction.
The 16 Indicators of Quality Arts Education to guide our practices
1. Exper t Instr uct ors 2.Ar ts as Core Subjects 3. Accessibility Assessment (regular monit or ing t o ensure eq uit able access f or all students)
S tudent Lear ning Specific criteria for the demonstration of student learning in hte arts, as articulated in hte curriculum and tied to educational, artistic, and community values. 4. Academic Focus (cur r iculum em phasizes t he acq uisition of ar ts know ledge,
in determining programming needs and plans.
cross-cur r icular connections and lear ning strat egies) 5. College and Career Preparation 6. Ar tistic Rigor 7. Cultural Inclusivity
Envir onment
Tangible and evident program elements, including funding, f acilities, material resources, instructional time, and the exhibition of student work. 8. F iscal Commitment 9. Creative Spaces 10. Mat er ials, Supplies and Eq uipment 11. T ime on Task 12. V isibility of Ar ts Lear ning
The relationships among those who directly or indirectly impact arts instruction through their decisions and actions. 13. Ar ticulat ed Ar ts Plan 14. Ar ts Lear ning Community (t eac hers are given resources t o par ticipat e and collaborat e in ref lective lear ning groups regarding ar ts education) 15. Inf or med, Engaged Parents 16. Broad Suppor t (from sc hool, community and funders)
Weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve used the... The Key Components of an Arts Program
SUSTAINABILITY Leadership Communication Advocacy Program Evaluation School/District/State Policy
to anchor our thoughts in the development of our 2011-2014 Plan.
Standards Based Curriculum instruction & Methodology Student Assessment Professional Development
Adequate Funding Facilities & Equipment Partnerships & Collaborations Program Administration & Personnel
Big Ideas for Focus Area 1: Content Developed by BHUSD K12 VAPA Teachers on March 21, 2011
The AEP Process began... K8 – Visual Arts
In March, K12 VAPA
• • •
Develop sequential, standards-based benchmarks K-8 Create a virtual space to develop professional learning community – bench marks, lesson plans, ideas, resources Begin articulation with High School VA program
K8 – Vocal Music
teachers established
• • • •
the Content Focus Area Goals for the
Create a research-based presentation to advocate for benefits of vocal music instruction K8 Explore and plan for implementation of scheduling options with administrative leadership Deepen K5 vocal music program to include integrated units and collaborations with classroom teachers (increase instructional minutes) Establish sequential course offerings with tiered/leveled offerings in 6-8 vocal music program
K8 – Instrumental Music • • •
Research and plan for ways to offer full-spectrum, instrumental music offerings to all students K8 Develop site-based budget for instructional materials Research and plan for ways to implement alternative class offerings in computer music, guitar, percussion, film music, etc.
HS Performing Arts – Common Goals
Arts Education Plan.
• • • • • •
Receive training on website development Develop a BHHS Performing Arts website to enhance community connections Develop cross-curricular working VAPA collaborations Improve technical facilities – Projection system (?) Plan for ways to supplement budget to maintain integrity of existing HS VAPA program Expand a fully-articulated VAPA program into Middle Schools
HS Visual Arts • • • • •
Build, implement, and promote a departmental website and virtual gallery Develop semester class offerings and HS “Arts Academy” workshops Schedule, and promote new semester classes and HS “Arts Academy” workshops Establish graduation goals (based on common core standards) for literacy in Visual Arts Evaluate new semester classes and workshops – curriculum and student assessment
Content Leads the way.
Content goals lead the plan, Infrastructure and Sustainability goals support the Content goals.
Across all disciplines the emphasis is on: •Content, •Consistency, •Collaboration and •Promotion •(along with increased technical know–how).
In conclusion, The BeverlyARTS! Team asks for the Board of Educationâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s support and approval of the BHUSD 2011-2014 Arts Education Strategic Plan. Please support our work in the ARTS! As we put forth the effort, detailed in the strategic plan, to go from Good to GREAT!
T h a n k
y o u !