BeverlyARTS! 2016 review

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2015 - 2016 year end review

Many thanks to our partners and supporters. If you are interested in supporting the arts in BHUSD; we welcome your help - please contact the BHEF. at

Vision BeverlyARTS! aims to ignite the human spirit with creativity. Students of all ages benefit from comprehensive, balanced, and sequential learning in the arts. BeverlyARTS! recognizes and supports the power of the arts to enrich the human experience, foster creativity, cultivate aesthetic awareness and prepare individuals for the 21st Century.

Mission BeverlyARTS! mission is to foster opportunities for professional development in the arts, to review and regularly update curriculum, to address programatic gap areas, and to support programming needs that advance the caliber of the arts in BHUSD.



BeverlyARTS! year-­‐end report 2015-­‐2016

BHUSD is a small urban school district in which the demographics are diverse, with approximately 40% of the populaAon speaking a language other than English at home. BHUSD has a student count of 4130 in 2015-­‐16, down from 4185 in 2014-­‐15, which represents a decline in student enrollment. The Arts enjoy a strong level of support from the district administraAon and the Board of EducaAon. This is reflected in the ongoing wide range of arts offerings, regardless of a changing populaAon, demands of new construcAon and other challenges a district faces.

Highlights 2015-­‐2016 Some highlights include a stellar District Honor Choir for grades 3-­‐5 that has grown in 6 years to more than 80 students. This year they were honored at OAKE in a special performance. Our Photography, Sculpture and Architecture students were awarded 10 ScholasAc Awards, the Beverly Hills High School Marching Band performed in London, England for the Queen and

BHUSD also has a growing STEM program that is acAvely making the shi\ to embrace STEAM with conscious arts integraAon themaAc Ae-­‐in efforts through teacher collaboraAon. This program has grown from a 5th -­‐6th grade only to now include lower grades, middle and also high school. In 2015/16 BHUSD combined the BHHS Arts FesAval with the K8 Stem Expo and is now the K12 STEAM Expo -­‐ the first annual was held April 21, 2016.

2015-­‐16 work proposed In 2015/16, BHUSD renewed our commitment to strategically address gaps in the K8 curriculum, specifically in Theatre and Dance. Our efforts this year address access and equity in these disciplines, by mounAng two programs that approached the issue in different ways. We also address programming challenges throughout the district as they arise. For Dance, the approach addresses teacher capacity building, beginning with a K-­‐2 series of 4 day-­‐long TCAP facilitated workshops addressing

‘teachers as learners’ first. The series builds Dance content knowledge with a foundaAon of Dance Language and Concepts. Teachers engage in addressing Dance standards through movement, choreography and then apply the learned concepts in their classroom and share out each session. For Theater, we’re partnering with The Wallis in a CollaboraAng Teaching ArAst/Subject Teacher approach. We’re focusing efforts on Theater Arts concepts integraAon with Middle School language arts classes; specifically English and Social Studies. This year we are building teacher buy-­‐ in with a ‘Dine, Discourse and Discovery’ event at The Wallis to determine what the teachers need and a ‘Master InstrucAonal ArAst’ planning session to design the parameters, goals and outcomes of the partnership. In 1516 we propose to test-­‐out a day of our plans in the classroom; review and rework as necessary. In the High School we are confronted with new challenges. The impending construcAon and proposed bungalows,will play havoc with a number of our exisAng programs. AddiAonally, and perhaps because of these changes,there are decreasing numbers. Other challenges include, stringent a-­‐g and graduaAon requirements that limit opportuniAes for the Art student, and scheduling in

general present challenges to our Visual and Performing Arts programs. To miAgate these, In discussion is developing a streamlined, focused AME academy program and reworked BHHS graduaAon requirements to provide addiAonal access and equity for arts oriented students to pursue his/her dreams with the necessary support. Graphic Design student work. Shannon Sadighpour grade 11

a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.

HONOR CONSIDERATION tribute admiration dignity


BHUSD has Art Specialists at each of our 4 K8 schools in Visual Art, Vocal Music and Instrumental Music. Beverly Hills High School has a wide range of offerings in each of the Visual, Media and Performing Arts disciplines to include highly regarded Design, Film, Dance and Theatre programs.

our Dance Company annual performance was held at The Wallis with sold out shows.


BHUSD Overview



Beverly Way Typographic Poster


BeverlyARTS! year-­‐end report 2015-­‐2016

BHUSD 2015-­‐2016 outcomes Gaps in K8 Dance addressed

BHUSD increased the quanAty, quality and equity of arts educaAon in a number of ways; first by providing 10 K -­‐ 2 teachers a series of 4 day-­‐long Dance Content literacy building workshops. The teachers responded with great excitement. The exit survey’s (google forms) pointed to a strong need and desire for PD in dance in this age range. The teachers also gave feedback on ways to conAnue the momentum. Many brought their new-­‐found knowledge to their classes providing approx. 300+ students with Dance instrucAon who didn’t have it before. Gaps in K8 Theater addressed BHUSD also addressed known gaps in K8 Theatre Engagement access and equity by providing Middle School language arts teachers (English and Social Studies) an opportunity (completely self-­‐ selected) to parAcipate in first a discussion about their needs and how a theater engagement program might increase student concept understanding. Then the self-­‐ selected teachers were invited to an a\er-­‐school 2-­‐hour planning session

and provided them sApends for afending. The excitement was palpable during the planning session; which started with theater game warm-­‐ups, allowing teachers to be learners and realize how even theater methodology warm-­‐ups could help students infuse emoAon into the characters they are learning about. The outcome was for The Wallis teaching arAst to come to a total of 10 classes two or three visits in the first and second week of May for a total of approx. 500 students being provided with Theater Arts literacy skills. Responding to emerging needs Just as art methodologies are used to help make other subjects ‘sAcky’; 2015-­‐16 also hailed an upAck in awareness of arts healing powers. It occurred in three ways: High School students established an Art Therapy Club; a student established a student art aucAon to raise funds for mental health organizaAons because of arts healing powers and; The ‘Girl Empowerment’ program was introduced to the BHUSD Superintendent and then the District Arts Coordinator. The High School has long had in place an intervenAon counseling center, NormanAid, to help the emoAonal needs of our students. In the middle schools, teachers and

administrators both are seeking ways to help students’ emoAonal needs. Because of this growing need to uAlize the arts as intervenAon, the dynamic quality of the Arts Strategic Plan and general mandate to respond to arts needs in BHUSD; This year BHUSD piloted the ‘Girl Empowerment’ program that explores self-­‐esteem issues in middle school girls through 10th grade confronAng impossible-­‐to-­‐ achieve media messaging and provides them a series of art making acAviAes to develop media literacy and build self esteem. The pilot program began at the High School and at Beverly Vista School, whose teachers and administrators alike felt their students would benefit from this programming.

2016-­‐17 Strategies to address arts educaGon vision.

• Expand our Dance IntegraAon Program to grades 3-­‐5. • Support Dance K-­‐2 with planning Ame. • Implement/expand the plans designed in 1516 for MS English and Social Studies Theatre/Language; InstrucAonal Teaching ArAst and arts integraAon program with The Wallis. • Refine High School AME pathways. • Support professional development as needed in these efforts. • Support addiAonal VAPA Coordinator Ame for responsibiliAes beyond the 2/5 currently in the General Fund.

“Thank you for the wonderful opportunity afforded me and my students through the art's grant you procured. We had a two fabulous, valuable days with Kate [Randolph-The Wallis teaching artist] and she did not disappoint! The students responded very positively and I was awed at how Kate was able to engage even my most withdrawn students. It was great to see and experience and I also learned much that I will be able to use to serve my students in the future. Additionally, we were able to address about 12 different History - Social Science standards as well as about 4 ELA standards. It was definitely two instructional days wellspent!”

- Laura Stark, 6th/7th Social Studies Horace Mann

Highlights -­‐ 2015-­‐2016 •

Aug 2015 -­‐ District Arts Coordinator aIended the CCSSESA: CreaLvity at the Core. convening

Sept 2015 -­‐ Mar 2016 -­‐ BHHS VAPA teachers explore AME (Arts, Media and Entertainment) pathways.

December 2015 -­‐ BHHS Band, Madrigals and BVs Concert Choir give community holiday performances to include The Holiday Concert in the Park on December 13.

December 2015 -­‐ The event of the year for the BHHS Instrumental Music Department hands down was the performance and tour at the London New Year's Day Parade and FesLval -­‐ December 27 2015 through January 3, 2016. 76 students, seven chaperones, and over 20 parents traveled to the UK. Two ensembles performed during the tour: The Beverly Hills High School Orchestra performed at St. John's Smith Square on a program including 3 other high school ensembles. The orchestra performed the first movement of Dvorak's Symphony No. 9 and a medley of Broadway show tunes enLtled, "Salute to the Cinema"

Dance Company Poster underwater photoshoot -­‐ fall 2015

BHHS Band gives a royal performance in London, England -­‐ fall/winter 2015/16

Highlights -­‐ 2015-­‐2016 •

Spring 2016 -­‐ The K-­‐2 Dance IntegraLon Workshops once a month second semester. TCAP facilitated this series to approximately 10 K-­‐2 enthusiasLc teachers, reaching roughly 300+ students. January through May. Spring 2016 -­‐ The MS Language Arts Theater Engagement for English and Social Studies teachers and their classes began with a couple of working dinner/snack meeLngs and a planning session. Throughout May approximately 4 teachers had Kate Randolph come to 3-­‐4 of their classes for two days reaching roughly 400 students.

Invitational Dance Integration K-2 Teacher Opportunity Integrate Dance into your core subjects! Announcing a PD opportunity for Kinder, 1st and 2nd Grade Teachers! Work with The California Arts Project (TCAP) Dance Specialists, 4 Days throughout second semester. Learn Dance concepts and methodologies to enhance your teaching practice and student engagement! Teachers commit to all four days. The proposed dates are: February 1. March 14. April 4. May 5. This invitation is for a total of 15 Kinder, First and Second grade teachers! First come, first served. C’mon - Let’s get Moving! Please send your response to

TCAP BHUSD K-2 PD • BHUSD District Office

Mary White K5 PE, Belinda Maisterra 1st grade HM, and Jory Lindsay K HA, work on their Dance rouLne

contact: Deb Joseph for more info

The Wallis Invitation to

• Spring 2016 -­‐ VA, VM, IM aIended NaLonal and Regional Conferences in their disciplines and arts advocacy


Dine, Discourse and Discovery BHUSD Middle School

English + Social Studies Teachers

Join Mark Slavkin, for a ‘working’ dinner at The Wallis. An opportunity to expand BHUSD + The Wallis partnership targeting Middle School English and Social Studies Teachers. Discuss ways The Wallis could collaborate with you. Discover and help determine how that collaboration would take form. Dinner Date: February 10. 4-6pm Big Idea: Theater Arts is Language Arts. Guiding Questions: How can Theater Arts help with Story Telling? How can Theater Arts help make our subject matter more ‘sticky’. Please RSVP to


BHUSD K-­‐2 teachers Dance IntegraLon PD. Teachers work on their Dance rouLne movements for share-­‐out each workshop.

Planning session aier educators went through a series of Theatre warm-­‐up exercises. clockwise from lei: Kate Randolph The Wallis’, teaching arLst; Laura Stark SS HM; Julie Levi SPED ENG HA; Marissa Long SS HA; Robert Croll SS EL; Aaron Bennahum ENG BV.

Highlights -­‐ 2015-­‐2016 •

BHUSD also has a growing STEM program that is actively making the shift, embracing STEAM. BHUSD is doing so with conscious arts integration thematic tie-in efforts through teacher collaboration. This program has grown from a 5th -6th grade only to now include lower grades, middle and also high school.

2015/16 BHUSD has combined the BHHS Arts Festival with the K8 Stem Expo and is now the K12 STEAM Expo - the first annual to be held April 21, 2016. Dance, Performances, Robots, Food, Pull Toys, Skimmers, Gliders(CAD), Art Show, Bands, Song, Drag Race Robot, Hovercraft, Engineering Origami, Calder Mobiles…

Beverly Hills High School -­‐ Instrumental Music Mr. Bill Bradbury and the BHHS Orchestra Spam-­‐a-­‐lot Performance BHHS Marching Band in London -­‐ New Years Day -­‐ January 2016

BHHS’s two band ensembles performed at the Forum Music FesLval at Fullerton College in Fullerton, CA on Friday, April 1st. Both ensembles, the concert and symphonic bands performed a program of repertoire for the panel of adjudicators. Both were awarded "Gold" raLngs for their performances. This award is comparable to the top 10% of students musicians at the same age and level experience naLonally. Senior trumpet player Danny Barroukh received outstanding musician award for the Symphonic band and freshman tuba player, Ryan Cheung received the award for the concert Band. CongratulaLons one and all!

Beverly Hills High School Dance Company 2016 The Dance Company 2016 annual performance was held for the first Lme at The Wallis with great reviews to sold out shows. Bravo! Dana Findley and Dance Company!!

Senior Dance Company members. CW from lower lei: Isaac Spector, Marielle Woroboff, Karmel Stevens, Tristan McIntyre, JusLn Friedman, Scout Sklarew, and Olivia Ayl

BHHS Dance Day at SMC —Intermediate and company take an African Class Ms. Findley and 35 dancers met with faculty, students,and took a modern class, an African class and watched performances by two performing groups on May 10. BHHS Dance Company -­‐ DANCE DAY AT SMC

BHHS Dance Company -­‐ DANCE DAY AT SMC -­‐ May 10, 2016

Beverly Hills High School Theater and Performing Arts

The Performing Arts Department is gratefully supported in part by the Michael J. Libow founda>on in associa>on with the Beverly Hills Educa>on Founda>on.

The 2016,Theater line-­‐up included four performances: Shakespeare, Fuddy Meers, Spamalot and a student adapted version of Alice called Wanted in Wonderland. All programs are the work of students in Theater Arts Workshop and Stage Design & ProducGon. A Midsummer Night’s Dream -­‐ September The Beverly Hills High School Performing Arts Department present the second annual John Ingle Memorial September Shakespeare. •

Fuddy Meers -­‐ November The Beverly Hills High School Performing Arts Department present this year's Fall Play, Fuddy Meers, a show the New York Times called “heady fun with fresh, zingy dialogue…[a] dark, sweet and thoroughly engaging comedy.” •

• Spamalot -­‐ March The Beverly Hills High School Performing Arts Department present this year's Spring Play, with over fifty student actors, singers, dancers, technicians, and

instrumentalists invite you and your friends and family to The Salter Family Theatre to experience one of the greatest Broadway musicals of the modern age: SPAMALOT!

Wanted in Wonderland -­‐ April The Beverly Hills High School Performing Arts Department present the world of •

Alice in Wonderland like never before. Students working with writer/director Annie Terry to adapt Lewis Carroll’s stories with a twist. In our version, called WANTED IN WONDERLAND, Alice is being investigated for a mysterious crime by police officers Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee…

BHHS Performing Arts students. SLlls from ‘Wanted in Wonderland’ -­‐ April 2016

BHHS Performing Arts Theatrical Posters 2016

Beverly Hills High School Visual and Technical Arts -­‐ AME • •

In 2016, Photography, Sculpture and Architecture students were awarded 10 ScholasAc Awards. 2016 Senior Art students were accepted and/or are afending: Emerson, Art Center, SAIC, CCA, RISD, SCI ARC, UCLA Media Arts To name a few.

JUST DRIVE. The future is near.

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Beverly Vista Vocal Music

The BHUSD District Honor Choir and Middle School Choirs performed at the NaAonal Conference Choirs Concert held in the Terrace Theatre at the Long Beach Performing Arts Center on March 12, 2016 They rehearsed with their music teachers, Judith Chan, Christa Gutheinz, and Fred Pinto for 2 ½ months to learn the repertoire. The Choirs rehearsed for three days at the conference with the guest conductors. A lifle footnote on the side…Of the 15 middle school parAcipants, 11 of them were past members of the District Honor Choir. Also note that many alumni are now with Stacy Kikkawa at BHHS. The 15/16 students are: BV Middle School Katherin Bim-­‐Merle, Noa Brenner, Amanda Chong, Bridgefe Fussman, Michelle Moores, Alexis Nagler, Eva Simon, JusAn Wolfe El Rodeo Middle School

Penelope La Paglia, Charles Levy

HAW Middle School Shayna Eastman, Celeste Emein, Parsa Farnad, Jordan Potorak, Nahal Sarafian

4/5th Grade District Honor Choir

Beverly Vista and the District Honor Choir 37 BHUSD students -­‐ 22 District Honor Coir and 15 from the middle schools -­‐ Performed March 12, 2016 at OAKE.

Paulina DePaulo (BV), Gregory Forston (BV), Alyssa Galen (BV), Emily Gorin (BV), Olivia Green (BV), Hannah Harooni (BV), Ashley Jourabchi (BV), Suhhyeon Kim (BV), Rachel Kohley (BV), Avery Lo (BV), Sofia Maurer (BV), Jayden Park (BV), Maya Rendon (BV), Areila Rugendorf (BV), Jihee Seo (BV), Shaina Separzadeh (BV), ValenAna Steele (BV), Analiese Gutheinz (HAW), Noor Houriani (HAW), Charles Greenleaf (HAW), Camille AlaiA (ER), Alexandria McCormick (ER) More praise to the Beverly Vista Choir for receiving a GOLD raAng at this year's Heritage FesAval. To earn a gold raAng, the Choir needed an average score in the range of 85-­‐100 from three adjudicators. Each choir, band or orchestra can also get a ranking (1st, 2nd, 3rd place) if there are mulAple groups in their category (concert choir, jazz choir or chamber choir). As it is o\en the case, there are mostly high school choral ensembles compeAng at this fesAval. Beverly Vista was the only middle school choir compeAng. BV's scores this year were 94, 94 and 94. The highest score ever in all the years BV has parAcipated in this fesAval. It turned out that our choir's score was indeed the highest as a choral ensemble among all 14 choral groups. The Choir also received an addiAonal Outstanding Choral Group Award which they have never received before.

Beverly Vista Instrumental Music Beverly Vista Instrumental Music had a great year, Performing 4 concerts in (October, December, and March) with their final concert May 10, a “Pops” Concert featuring music from Star Wars, Jurassic Park, Bohemian Rhapsody, Music Man, Ghostbusters. The BV orchestra played the song “Shut Up and Dance” by the band Walk the Moon. Ms. Vallens is friends with the manager of that band, and plans to send a video of the performance of the song, ‘Walk the Moon’ to see if they respond. “I think that will be fun for the kids.”, said Ms. Vallens. Here’s more from KaLna Vallens: •

We took 2 field trips to Disneyland for the Soundtrack Workshop and to the Forum FesLval and KnoI’s Berry Farm.

We also brought in guest clinicians to work with the advanced groups before their fesLval. It was a very cool experience for all of us (me included!) to learn from someone new. (see pictures aIached).

BV started a “Fun Run” fundraiser this year, and Advanced Band played for the crowd as they ran (see picture at lei)

Members of orchestra performed at the CelebraLon of Books for our book fair and will be performing for our 5th grade graduaLon ceremony.

Finally, we started honor band and orchestra this year, with great success! (pictured at lei, top, boIom)

PS We also had super awesome band shirts this year.

K8 Instrumental Music -­‐ Hawthorne and Horace Mann •

• •

1. Some acLviLes from Horace Mann's Cantare Choir this year include: On January 22nd, Mr. Smith and his students aIended Disneyland's Performing Arts FesLval. The students went backstage at Disneyland and made professional level recordings. 2. Later, on March 18th we went to the Forum Music FesLval and were awarded a "Gold" raLng (highest raLng). 3. Willa Ziegenfuss is seen in blue at the fesLval accepLng an award for her solo singing at the fesLval. We will finish the year with our Spring Concert on May 12th at Horace Mann.

4. Hawthorne Instrumental Music students performed at Open House for the first Lme this year. This first for Hawthorne enjoyed immediate posiLve feedback as they performed in the newly re-­‐opened Hawthorne courtyard!

Hawthorne’s Advanced Band and Advanced Orchestra combined for the very first Lme in a public performance and played music wriIen and arranged for “full orchestra” – something that is not commonly done at a middle school level. They did a great job performing pieces ranging from Beethoven’s 5th symphony to a medley of music from the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movie. 4.




K8 Visual Arts -­‐ Beverly Vista. El Rodeo. Hawthorne. Horace Mann •

1. Beverly Vista Art Teacher Ryan Lisko and B.V. Art Club members Florence WestacoI-­‐Basile, Alexis Nagler, Ciara McCarthy, and Liza Zacarias created portraits of Ethiopian children for The Memory Project. The Memory Project is a unique iniLaLve in which art students create portraits for children and teens around the world that have been orphaned, neglected, or disadvantaged. The purpose of the portraits is to provide them with a special memory of their youth, to honor their heritage and idenLty, and to help them build a posiLve self-­‐image. The Memory Project delivers the portraits as giis, and then photos will be taken of the kids receiving them so the arLsts can see those special moments. The goal of the 2. project is to inspire caring, global friendship, and a posiLve sense of self.

2. Hawthorne students, with Mrs. Joanna Smiths’ guidance create illustraLons aier Hokusais’ Wave.

3. Ms. FE Young has El Rodeo students draw face ‘map’ portraits and reinterpret them as Wire Sculpture!



4. Ms. Elizabeth Call’s students at Horace Mann draw tons of cockroach illustraLons for a children’s book, The Cockroach Invasion!


Dance IntegraLon in Kinder, First and Second grades -­‐ BHUSD Theater Arts Engagement, Middle School -­‐ Social Studies and English.


Teacher Development and capacity building in Dance Content made visible! And -­‐connected to other content -­‐ Dance IntegraLon. •

1. Hawthorne Second Grade Teacher, Viviana Ostrzego’s class choreographs, with props, the Life Cycle of a Plant. In this case: a sunflower complete with bee’s pollenaLng them -­‐ Adorable!

Teacher Development and capacity building in Theater Content. Big Idea: Theater Arts is Language Arts. Guiding QuesGons: How can Theater Arts help with Story Telling? How can Theater Arts help make our subject maIer more ‘sLcky’? •

2. Horace Mann History students, with Ms. Laura Stark’s and The Wallis teaching arLst, Kate Randolph’s guidance create Tableau’s in reflecLng a wriIen prompt about a parLcular historical event or culture they studied.

Mr. Aaron Bennahum’s Beverly Vista middle school English classes responded posiLvely to the visit from Kate Randolph of the Wallis Theater educaLon program. He says, “Student’s understanding and interest in Shakespeare and theater is deeper. Ms. Randolph performed for them and then helped students to apply basic theatrical skills to their own monologues and dialogues from the play we are reading. What a success!”




Horace Mann MS Students work out their tableau posiLons [‘frozen picture’] aier receiving their prompt.

Thank you This June marks the end of my tenure at Beverly Hills Unified School district. 14 years as an Art and Design teacher, six of which were concurrent with being the District Arts Coordinator. It is a bifersweet, ’so long ’, I extend to all my BeverlyARTS! Colleagues, the Arts Advisory stakeholders and the BHUSD community at large. Together we have moved the ‘needle’ of arts educaAon programming and accomplished many of our goals. These goals strive to be relevant, on target and responsive to shi\s in arts educaAon, stakeholder, and community needs. Some highlights of the last few years include: • WriAng a PD Grant and acAon plan that has informed much of BeverlyARTS! work in recent years. • WriAng two BOE approved Strategic Arts Plans; Current Plan in place unAl 2019. • WriAng addiAonal Grants in support of Teacher Development and Arts Programming needs.

• Building Teacher Capacity to acAvely address programmaAc gap areas . • CreaAng Professional Development opportuniAes with an increased focus on cross-­‐disciplinary efforts and Career/College readiness. • Fostering community partnerships with The Wallis and The Armory for the Arts. • CreaAng processes for annual VAPA programs AllocaAon DeterminaAon and DistribuAon. • Establishing a ‘brand’, logo, newslefer templates, and social media outlets with suggested procedures ready to move forward. AddiAonally this meaningful work, has fueled my own creaAvity and teaching pracAce, and lit a passion in me for Teacher Development, InstrucAonal Design and Arts and/ or Programming AdministraAon. Areas of interest I plan to involve myself in my new community up north. This bifersweet ‘so-­‐long’, would not be complete without expressing deep appreciaAon…

• To my VAPA colleagues, you are all amazing educators who on a daily basis turn the light of creaAvity on, in many, many students. • To the PTA and BHEF parents, your steadfast fund-­‐ raising efforts provide the seed-­‐monies that give new programming ideas a chance to root then grow. • To the BeverlyARTS! stakeholder commifee members and students alike who have brought forth an idea, then with help and support, worked hard to see it come to fruiAon such as The Gallery and the Annual ARTREach FesAval -­‐ now the STEAM EXPO. I’ve enjoyed working with you all, and leave you with hearyelt graAtude and a heart full of wonderful memories.

Many thanks to our partners and supporters. If you are interested in supporting the arts in BHUSD; we welcome your help - please contact the BHEF. at

Deb Joseph, District Arts Coordinator

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