Innovation + Entrepreneurship Global Entrepreneurship Week Plan your activities Pitch your ideas
Start up a company
D E PA R T M E N T S E D I TO R I A L Publisher Edward Davis Editor Christopher Young Editorial Committee Barbara Henn, Shirlee Kyle Advertising Cindy Allen Art Direction and Design Chuck Beatty
D E C A N AT I O N A L O F F I C E R S President Kurtis Conkel North Atlantic Region VP Nate Keeney Central Region VP Paige Dorman Southern Region VP Aramis Betts Western Region VP Brennan Boehne
B OA R D O F D I R E C TO R S President: Jim Brock President-elect: Melissa Zelinski Secretary: Oleg Shvets Treasurer: Curtis Youngman Members: Marsha Bock, Roger Cartee, Kevin Reisenauer, Jacklyn Schiller NAB Chair: Mike Marchetti Ex-Officio Members: Edward Davis, Milton Ericksen, Deb Moore
E D I TO R I A L CO R R E S P O N D E N C E DECA Dimensions Attn: Editor 1908 Association Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-1594 deca_dimensions@deca.org
SUBSCRIPTIONS & CHANGE OF ADDRESS Dimensions Circulation 1908 Association Drive Reston, Virginia 20191-1594 (ISSN 1080-0476 is published four times each year—September/October, November/ December, January/February and March/ April. Copyright © 2010 by the Distributive Education Clubs of America, Inc., 1908 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191-1594. All rights reserved. Annual non-member subscription rate is $5.00. Periodicals postage paid at Herndon, Virginia and additional mailing offices. $1.00 of membership fee goes toward subscription to DIMENSIONS, a publication of DECA, (USPS 566-200), Volume 30, Number 2. Postmaster—Send form 3579 for change of address to: DIMENSIONS, 1908 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191-1594.
2 Let’s Talk 2 DECA Events 4 My Turn 27 Chapter Clips
F E AT U R E INNOVATION + ENTREPRENEURSHIP DECA celebrates a global movement of innovation, imagination and creativity during Global Entrepreneurship Week. Think big on page 5. 6 Synergy: Plan your activity to promote entrepreneurship 7 iStart: Helping aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their ideas 8 Start-Up: Diane Keng creates her own social media business 10 Study: Pursue the entrepreneurial dream in college 12 Conquer the competition A three-time international champion shares secrets to success in DECA’s competitive events.
17 Discovering the truth about college Dimensions readies you for college while putting your myths about college to rest.
18 1-2-3-4—We declare a DECA thumb war! Engage in a social media activity with your national officers.
19 Expand your network The DECA International Career Development Conference is the biggest springboard of the DECA year for you to jump start your career and prepare for college.
22 Where creative minds meet Imagination defines the destination making Orlando the place where creative minds meet.
24 Wizarding magnificence With a unique, new experience, Universal Studios utilized innovative tools to promote the one-of-its-kind attraction.
26 A diamond is forever DECA’s diamond might have a new look, but its significance and importance to our organization remains unchanged. Go to www.facebook.com/decainc to join the conversation. DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Recognizing a job well done Dear DECA Members, One of the most powerful ways to get members pumped up and excited for the year is through recognition. It can be one of the most powerful tools for an officer or team leader in DECA. Through recognition, you have the power to motivate your members, make them feel good about themselves and inspire them to work harder and do better in everything in which they are involved. There are many ways to recognize a job well done. It can be something as simple as remembering to say “congratulations” at the completion of a project or a handwritten “thank-you” note that lets a person know that the effort was appreciated. Simple gestures like these can make people’s days even though they might never tell you that. It shows you are a supportive and attentive leader. You will steadily gain respect from your peers, while at the same time, their confidence in you as a leader will grow. Another easy way to recognize members is to use a “recognition board.” This is a place where people can place congratulatory notes, encouraging postits, etc., for other members, recognizing them for their dedication, hard work or accomplishment. This method not only provides recognition and respect for the worker, but it also encourages others to participate in the appreciation process. If you use this method, be sure to monitor the posts on the board closely to see that
all posts are positive and reinforce the DECA work ethic. To recognize your members in a more formal way, try setting up a “member of the month” program. This can be applied at chapter and state/provincial levels. On the smaller scale, for a chapter, have the person overseeing the membership run a short nomination process and a ballot vote once a month at meetings. Then the whole chapter can recognize an individual for his or her hard work and dedication throughout the month. You can even select a “member of the year” from the “member of the month” honorees. Don’t forget that DECA Inc. also has recognition programs that can be applied to individuals or whole chapters for service to the organization, including the Membership Campaign for chap-
ters and the Emerging Leaders Honor Award for individuals. Check out www. deca.org for more information on these programs. These are just a few of the many different forms of recognition that can be very beneficial to create leaders and encourage members to further their involvement. Always remember that a simple “job well done” can go a lot further than you think. Sincerely,
Kurtis Conkel National President High School Division decakurtis@gmail.com
DECA EVENTS November 2010
1 Notification of Candidate Nomination for Honorary Life Membership Award and Outstanding Service Award 12–14 The Ultimate DECA Power Trip Conference, Washington, DC 15 Online membership dues deadline 15–21 Global Entrepreneurship Week 17–21 Innovations and Entrepreneurship Conference, San Diego, CA 17–21 New York Experience I, New York City, NY 19 Virtual Business Challenge I ends
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
December 2010
1 Diamond Level Membership Campaign Due 1 Deadline for Honorary Life Membership Award and Outstanding Service Award 1–5 New York Experience II, New York City, NY 2–4 Central Region Leadership Conference, Chicago, IL 2–4 ACTE Annual Convention and Career Expo, Las Vegas, NV 8–12 New York Experience III, New York City, NY 17 Stock Market Game ends
Leave them loving it H
ave you ever heard someone speak and left feeling wowed and inspired? You may have thought, “How did he/she do that?” and “What made me love it?” This person probably started just like you but over time learned how to speak publicly. With experience, anyone can become a great public speaker. As with any skill, some people have a knack for public speaking, but for others, it is developed with experience. The first time we speak publicly most of us are usually nervous, shaking and hoping we delivered the speech correctly. But as we get into the speech, we tend to forget about what is happening around us and focus on what we are doing. As DECA members, we have countless opportunities to speak publicly. Whether you are a state/provincial or chapter officer speaking at a conference 4
or meeting or delivering a role-play or manual presentation to a judge, you need to know how to speak publicly. Learning to do it well will only make your speeches or presentations better. With time, public speaking starts becoming as natural as breathing. Once we got the basics of public speaking down, it is time to move on to making our speeches memorable. There are many things you can do that make speeches unforgettable. Here are some tips that I feel make any speech exceptional. Have Passion: You must believe in what you are saying if you want your audience to believe in you. Speak about something you feel strongly for. Even if you are given a certain topic to speak about, relate it to something you really like. Be Confident: Go up there and act confident, even if you are not. Confidence makes any deliverance of a speech a lot better. Know what you are saying and do not be afraid to say it to your audience. Confidence is key. Vary Expressions: When you do get a chance to publicly speak, vary the expression of your voice. When it’s happy
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
or exciting, you should sound happy or excited. When it is a serious matter, be serious. Varying your voice keeps the audience attentive and interested. Leave Them Loving It: A speech should have its valuable lessons and moments. Most audiences remember the beginning and end of the speeches they hear. Make sure you leave them remembering your lesson and who you are. End with something that gives them that “wow” moment and leaves them loving it. Whether or not we like it, public speaking is a part of our everyday lives. It is a very important skill at which DECA members have the chance to excel.
Nate Keeney North Atlantic Vice President High School Division decanate@gmail.com
Global Entrepreneurship Week celebrates innovation, imagination and creativity.
or one week, millions of young people around the world join a growing movement of entrepreneurial people to generate new ideas and to seek better ways of accomplishing goals. Countries across six continents come together to celebrate Global Entrepreneurship Week, an initiative to inspire young people to embrace innovation, imagination and creativity—to think big, to turn their ideas into reality and to make their mark. In the span of two short years, Global Entrepreneurship Week has inspired more than 10 million people in 102 countries to unleash their ideas. It has touched aspiring entrepreneurs from major cities to remote villages. During November 15–21, DECA will continue its annual celebration of Global Entrepreneurship Week with a myriad of local, state/provincial and international events. More than 2,000 DECA members will kick off the week during The Ultimate DECA Power Trip in Washington, D.C., that will feature speakers with the entrepreneurial spirit. Throughout the week, DECA members will host grass-roots events in their communities and chapters to spread the buzz about entrepreneurship. Finally, DECA will culminate the week-long festivities with its first-ever conference dedicated to this hot topic—the DECA Innovations and Entrepreneurship Conference in San Diego on November 17–21.
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It’s all about unleashing ideas and sparking innovation. www.unleashingideas.org www.deca.org/events/gew
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Synergy: Plan your activity to promote entrepreneurship G
lobal Entrepreneurship Week has grown dramatically in a very short period of time, because it’s driven by grassroots organizations like DECA chapters. DECA is one of only seven national partners with Global Entrepreneurship Week/USA. Many DECA chapters promote entrepreneurship so why not make your event official and use November 15–21, 2010, as your catalyst. Your activities can come from any of the following:
Schedule an existing entrepreneurial activity. If you’re already planning an event that focuses on entrepreneurship, align it with GEW to increase visibility and attract new participants.
Select an activity from the Ideas Bank. To the right are excerpted ideas from www.gewusa.org that you can organize as a DECA chapter.
Be creative and innovative. Design your own activities based on your chapter members’ interests. Be sure to sign up as a partner at www.gewusa.org, share your event with your local media and report it to deca_dimensions@ deca.org. You can even consider entering your event in DECA’s Entrepreneurship Promotion Project, which provides an opportunity for chapter members to plan, organize, implement and evaluate a campaign to educate chapter members and a targeted group about the opportunities available for becoming an entrepreneur. 6
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
S A E D I BANK Creativity Workshop Organize an afternoon workshop teaching young people how to unleash their creativity. Design firms, artists or educational institutions, would be uniquely qualified to demonstrate various creative processes that elicit the best ideas of participants. The activity may feature case studies of how creative projects developed from an idea to an actuality using different intellectual processes or ways of thinking.
Entrepreneurship Immersion: Operate a business for a day
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Contestants win an opportunity to experience what it’s like to run their own business by pairing up with local established businesses.
Doing Well Through Doing Good Social Entrepreneurship Business is a place to not only make our lives easier, but also to make our world a better place. Organize a competition in which the contestants submit a plan that will not only make money, but improve the world around us. This program will introduce the concept of corporate social responsibility and demonstrate that financial outcomes do not exclude positive outcomes for the environment and social performance (the triple bottom line).
Local Entrepreneur Hall of Fame Students explore and research the history of prominent local businesspeople and businesses. Each student selects one of these entrepreneurs to present to their class in a creative and innovative format.
How to Start a _________! Whether it’s a bowling alley or a restaurant, young entrepreneurs need a place to start. Invite local entrepreneurs to speak at an event designed to provide direction about starting specific kinds of business. For example, invite a restaurateur to describe what he or she had to do to open the doors and gain clients.
Protecting your Product! Learn all about trademarks, property rights, intellectual property and patents. Entrepreneurs have rights, too. Plan an information session to inform inventors and aspiring entrepreneurs about intellectual property and patent laws.
How to Make It Big In Business Organize a day for aspiring entrepreneurs to observe and experience the day-to-day operation of a business venture. Invite local small businesses to open their doors and share their experiences with up-and-coming entrepreneurs.
Franchising Franchises offer ready-made packages for the aspiring entrepreneur. These companies all have one thing in common: successful branding techniques. Invite experts from local franchises to discuss the issue of branding and techniques that can lead to an advantage in the marketplace.
Sales Pitch One of the most successful ways to find financing for a business is by having a great sales pitch. Host a competition between student teams, awarding the most persuasive sales pitch. Students should be able to demonstrate that they know their target audience, that their product fulfills a need, and that their product will improve society.
Shadow an Entrepreneur Seek out local entrepreneurs and ask to observe them on a typical business day. Ask the entrepreneur to share their insights into what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur.
Lunch with a Mentor Sometimes all a future entrepreneur needs is a mentor and a nudge in the correct direction. Organize a luncheon with future entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial leaders in the community.
Creative Coffee Break Host a breakfast lecture series on entrepreneurship. Encourage university departments with entrepreneurship programs to organize an open lecture/seminar for students on campus, so they can better understand what the program is about and what avenues and possibilities entrepreneurship can open for them.
Students Teaching Students Organize discussion panels where young entrepreneurs converse with future entrepreneurs about their successes and failures. These discussions should also provide potential entrepreneurs the opportunity to exchange ideas and receive feedback and advice from entrepreneurs with experience.
helps aspiring entrepreneurs pitch their
ideas E
ntrepreneurs are the engine of the economy, and business plan competitions often serve as the spark that gets them going. Budding entrepreneurs can now find many opportunities to showcase their ideas all in one place – iStart. Launched by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, iStart is a web-based platform that helps organizations simplify how they market and administer business plan competitions worldwide. iStart also is designed to connect entrepreneurs to a network of support, including mentors and others who can assist them in the growth of their businesses. “We created iStart to make competitions easier to run and participate in,” said Katie Petersen, who manages the iStart program for the Kauffman Foundation. “And, importantly, we will do something that hasn’t been done before by making the thousands of plans that are part of these competitions available to the world as models for aspiring entrepreneurs and possible opportunities for mentors, investors and service providers.” In the United States alone, more than 50 universities conduct business plan competitions annually, awarding up to $10 million in prizes and in-kind services. As the first customizable platform to provide this service, iStart makes it easy to administer business plan competitions and provides a single resource for every aspect of what can be a complex undertaking. iStart also allows those entrepreneurs with potential breakthroughs a place to connect and find opportunities to present their ideas.
www.istart.org DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Diane Keng creates her own social media business
ne news channel called her the “Miley Cyrus of Silicon Valley.” She’s been featured in the local media, in The Wall Street Journal, on Yahoo! and on AOL. Not convinced? Just Google her name—Diane Keng. This DECA alum that graduated from Monta Vista High School in Cupertino, Calif., last year put in a lot of work to build the buzz around her third (yes, third) start-up company—MyWeboo.com, a Web site that aggregates social media accounts into one. DECA Dimensions asked her to share her experiences as a teen entrepreneur—first as a t-shirt company owner, then as a teen market researcher and now as a techie. Here’s what she had to say. What has been the most challenging aspect of starting a company—while you were in high school? Definitely time management. There are opportunity costs that are presented to me everyday. I am an early riser, which I found to be an advantage. I have been able to get a ton of work completed in the morning before my friends woke up. During school days, it was a matter of completing everything as soon as school let out. Procrastination will kill you. I learned that fast. If you put something off, you might forget about it. It’s important to stay on top of your responsibilities and understand that you have 24 hours in a day. Seven of those hours need to be dedicated to sleep. Don’t take on everything if your time does not allow you to do so. Of course, take time to reflect at the end of each day. It will help determine if you were actually working hard or hardly working. Another challenge comes from learning. I was working with individuals who have been in the industry for 10 and 20 years. I kept my mind open to learn. More than just learning from those around me, I am constantly reading articles online to keep updated with different trends. Tell us about your startup internet company, MyWeboo.com. MyWeboo goes beyond a social aggregator. We are bringing a revolutionary new concept to social network management for everyday people and businesses. MyWeboo not only allows users to manage all their social networks from one simple location, but it also pushes out data to different social networks. For example, from the consumer point-of-view, you can drag-and-drop a folder of pictures you had on Flickr into Facebook and Picasa. MyWeboo would make a copy of all the pictures and push them into those social networks. In addition, you will have the social network environment in MyWeboo. For the Facebook app, you can comment, write wall posts and make status updates. We are still developing the business side. Soon, you will not only be able to manage more than just multiple accounts, such as professional and personal Facebook accounts, but also manage your fan pages and groups. For businesses with fan pages, they are always eager to drive more traffic to it. Franchise businesses need this even more so since they have a fan 8
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
page for each location. However, the problem all these businesses face is that there isn’t enough content to keep consumers interested in the page. Sure, sometimes they’ll have a promotion every week, but what about the rest of the week? Our new feature will allow these fan pages and social networks to have different customized articles, pictures and data posted at different time intervals. We think of something new every week. You recently pitched MyWeboo.com at the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco. Tell us how you prepared for it. We actually applied to be an exhibitor only two weeks before the conference, which was risky since we didn’t have any promotional items available. No banners and no flyers—just our business cards and a limited budget. When I say limited, I meant limited. However, that comes with the territory of a start-up. The week before Web 2.0, the team and I were scrambling to create something unique and eyecatching, as well as fliers. All the other booths had flat-screen televisions, but our foam board (with a projected promo video) brought more traffic than any other booth. It was more elevated and our video was bright and vibrant on the white of the foam board. In addition, it was a great conversation starter at the event. Overall, how was the Web 2.0 Expo? It was amazing! It was my first experience behind a booth at a trade show. I have attended trade shows before but as an attendee. It was definitely interesting to be on the other end this time. It was not an easy journey from prepping for the expo to when it ended. It was strenuous in that we were standing the whole time (for me, in heels!) and constantly talking. We could not just stand behind our booth. To be different, we would grab the people that were walking around us and bring them over. It was important to keep the traffic at our booth high, because then other people would look at us and say, “what’s going on over there? Let’s go look!” Tell about the experience of actually pitching your idea. It was great to get our initial idea out there. We were fairly young and new with both the concept and technology. We did not expect to get as much traffic as we did. However, now our idea has changed but still revolves around social network management. We were able to spike a huge user number increase. However, our technology at the time was not able to accommodate the number of users which resulted in our first system overload. At the Web 2.0 Expo, we were pitching our concept to as many people as we could and overall, we received positive feedback. It was fun to be able to release the features and the hard work we put into MyWeboo.
There were mostly adults participating in the expo. How did your age factor into your participation at the expo? It didn’t really come into play until the ABC7 news crew showed up on scene. Our younger age actually interested O’Reilly Media, so they interviewed us even though that was a silver-level sponsor privilege. However, I try not to give off the 18-year-old vibe when it comes to work. You never know how the age thing will affect others. They are either going to say, “you’re really young, you lack experience,” or they’re going to say “good job for taking the initiative.” The flattering doesn’t help the company or my future in any way. It’s a momentary warm and fuzzy feeling, but it goes away. All I can do is remain professional and if people find out down the path, they will be more likely to say “wow, I had no idea. Her age doesn’t affect her performance.” Once The Wall Street Journal and ABC7 News appeared on the scene, that’s when people learned I was 18. ABC7 News called out of the blue in the morning and said they’d be there in two hours so be ready! We were so surprised and taken back. How did the media find out about your story? Prior to Web 2.0, they provided all exhibitors a press list that offered press contact information. I sat for seven hours and sent personalized emails to over 150 press people telling them that we are the next big story. My age helped create an interesting headline. The Wall Street Journal is a partner of ABC7, so they talked with one another and ABC7 came along. Then, The Wall Street Journal spoke with Yahoo, and we appeared on the front page of Yahoo! What were the results of participating in the expo? We had a ton of publicity, or as I like to say, we hit the PR “home run.” It brought in a ton of users and visits to our site. We were the number one Google Search for a while, and my name yields tons of results in Google Search. I still can’t believe that! Our system overloaded with the number of users signing up. We received tons of feedback as well as things we could improve. It also gave us the launch we needed and brought visibility to investors. What advice would you give to budding entrepreneurs in DECA? Don’t be discouraged when obstacles appear. Be unique and don’t be afraid to challenge different things. Think something is a crazy idea? It just might be needed in the market! Diane Keng was the California DECA State President for 2009–2010. She is now attending Santa Clara University majoring in computer engineering and pursuing an MBA.
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Study: Pursuing the entrepreneurial dream in college
Can entrepreneurship be taught? My answer is an emphatic “yes!”
by Dr. Jeff Cornwall
growing number of college students are looking to create their own jobs. These students are using their time in school to gain the skills and knowledge they need to forge their own career paths through entrepreneurship. The generation of students entering college today are the most entrepreneurial we have seen in decades. They are eager to have careers with the autonomy, independence and fulfillment that being an entrepreneur can offer. “Can entrepreneurship be taught?” As an entrepreneurship professor I get asked that question quite often. My answer is an emphatic “yes!” Learning about entrepreneurship helps improve your chances of success. For the average entrepreneur, the odds of a business surviving more than five years are a little better than 50/50. However, success rates climb to 80-85 percent for entrepreneurs who have received formal education and training in entrepreneurship. I have found that the most effective way to teach entrepreneurship is to challenge my students to get their hands dirty and learn by doing. When looking for a college entrepreneurship program, choose one that is fully committed to teaching entrepreneurship experientially. Entrepreneurship classes should allow you to pursue your ideas and develop your business through classroom projects and exercises. Each class should be designed to move you further down the path to launching a successful business and a successful entrepreneurial career. 10
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Entrepreneurship is not learned through memorization and test taking, but through application and practice. In addition, look for a program that facilitates learning about entrepreneurship beyond the walls of the classroom. Many universities now offer innovative co-curricular programs that enhance the entrepreneurial concepts learned inside the classroom. For example, Belmont University offers a dual track, cocurricular program model to attract and engage entrepreneurially minded students from across our campus. Both tracks of this program use an experiential learning model that addresses students at various career stages of entrepreneurial development. For students who are already actively starting and growing their own businesses, Belmont University provides a full array of educational support including hatcheries where students can operate their businesses, mentorship, coaching and just-in-time learning from entrepreneurship experts. Students who do not yet have a business of their own can create and run campusbased businesses as though they are the owner/operator. In short, find a program that offers you the kind of experiential learning opportunities that create a runway to successfully launch your entrepreneurial career.
Dr. Jeff Cornwall is director of the Center for Entrepreneurship and the Massey Chair in Entrepreneurship at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. He has served as advisor for Belmont’s Collegiate DECA chapter for the past seven years.
Student-run businesse s on campus, including Buzzy’s candy store pictured her e, give students the opp ortunity to learn first-hand how to operate a small busine ss.
It’s the
difference between
here and anywhere Named one of the top “Schools to Watch” in the nation by U.S. News & World Report, Belmont University in Nashville, TN is a fast-growing Christian community of more than 5,700 students who come from every state and over 20 countries. Belmont’s Undergraduate School of Business Administration offers a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree with concentrations in Accounting, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Finance, General Business, Information Systems Management, International Business, Management, and Marketing. We also offer Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degrees in Economics and International Economics.
Recognized for excellence, our undergraduate and graduate business programs have earned accreditation by AACSB International for business and accounting, and our entrepreneurship program has been named a national Top 25 program by Entrepreneur magazine and the Princeton Review and featured as one of five schools for entrepreneurs by Fortune magazine (2010). Belmont University also has one of the top Collegiate DECA chapters in the country. Experienced faculty, innovative resources, small class sizes and dynamic internship and study abroad opportunities combine for a rewarding learning experience that prepares our students to go from here to anywhere.
Learn more at www.belmont.edu
Conquer the Competition A three-time international champion in Apparel and Accessories, Arthi Vellore shares her secrets to success in DECA’s competitive events.
What are some important things to remember about DECA competition? Be calm, be professional and be enthusiastic. Don’t be scared of your competition. There are many creative ways to approach a role-play, and no one way is necessarily right, so focus on adding your own creative twist to what you do. Setting yourself apart through innovation, creativity and quality ideas is the key way to stay in a judge’s mind long after all the competitors have finished presenting. Balance confidence with professionalism when you present, and you’ll do a great job.
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DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
What do you look for when you read a role-play? When reading a role-play, I quickly skim it so I can begin to think about the objectives the judges will be looking for and the ways I can give it my own creative twist. Then, I go back to read for the details as I match parts of the role-play to the performance indicators. It’s important to both solve the problem the case presents by answering the questions presented by the case (i.e., “How do I, as a manager, go about increasing credit card sales?”), as well as addressing all of the judge’s expectations described in the performance indicators section. I then know exactly what knowledge I am to be demonstrating and can go back through the roleplay looking for information that will help me elaborate on key points.
What was your “secret to success?” I usually divided my prep sheet into sections and gave each section one of the performance indicators as a heading. When I went through the role-play, I put each of my ideas under the objective it fulfilled, making sure that I had points to discuss for every judging objective. When I presented, it was easy to signpost for the judge so they knew that I was addressing a judging objective when I discussed a certain topic. In addition, I developed a signature, or my own stamp, to put on nearly any role-play that came my way. By using terminology rather than vague descriptions, by referencing key concepts, and by developing a unique personal touch or framework to use in tackling a role-play, you can use the limited time you have efficiently while still coming up with a unique, thorough and professional presentation.
What type of vocabulary and speech did you use during a role-play? I tried to be as professional as possible, while still being personable and accessible. This means using accurate marketing terminology when the situation calls for it. Do not be afraid to use sophisticated or otherwise rich vocabulary—without sounding like you’re just trying too hard to impress, because, of course, you still want to be relatable, friendly, and down-to-earth.
Dominate the exam Some of DECA’s competitive events require participants to take an exam. Questions on DECA’s competitive events exams are designed around each career cluster. Here are a few tips for success. • Study the appropriate performance indicator lists for your exam at www.deca.org/competitions/highschool. These are the foundation for questions that can be asked on the exam. • Utilize study groups. Since DECA only offers five exams, find DECA members that are taking the same exam as you and study together. • Use previous exams for practice and familiarization with the format. • Review your math skills. • Research unfamiliar terms or ask your DECA advisor or business professional for guidance.
6 What are some easy ways to make a good impression on a judge? Be friendly, make eye contact and give a firm handshake when you first meet your judges. Do not wait for them to introduce themselves; rather, take the initiative. While you might be nervous and feel awkward, taking initiative shows that you truly are mature, confident and comfortable in your own skin. Also, adhere to the dress code, because you come across as much more professional if you really do look like a business executive. Think about the career area in which you are competing. For example, as a competitor in Apparel and Accessories Marketing, I got some good advice from a judge once. They said that while we shouldn’t wear something outrageous, we are people who are supposed to be representing an interest in fashion or a more creative point-ofview. We are sort of palettes in ourselves. As such, a bright tie or eclectic necklace or unique print blouse would add the kind of personality and ease with fashion that judges in this particular event would like to see in their competitors.
What methods help you employ creativity in a role-play? I would often find creative ways to promote something and tried to think of innovative or unconventional ways to accomplish the various judging objectives or solve the manager’s problem. I also tied in areas of outside knowledge or personal interest or things I was particularly strong in. My experience and interest in these things would more likely help me come up with something really great. It helps to just do brainstorming exercises beforehand so that you always have a handful of new ideas ready, which you can just pull out as the need arises during a role-play.
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
How do you build confidence and overcome nervousness? If you already have a strategy or plan of attack for your role-play, you have a foundation on which to build your specific ideas and plans for the role-play problem. This takes a lot of the stress out of preparing a role-play, since a lot of it is already put together before you get there. It helps to know everything you can ahead of time, because it saves you time in trying to figure out if you’ve covered everything thoroughly. Also, brainstorm a pet idea. For example, since my strength was promotion and personal selling, I tried to tie in a promotional or personal selling component to every role-play, which gave it a unique twist that may have been beyond the expectations of the judge for that particular role-play. It also brought me to the well-worn and familiar territory of something I was good at. Earning the opportunity to compete means that you have the skill and talent to succeed, and that you have the ability to do a great job. Just be confident in yourself and the rest will follow.
Please list a few “do and don’t” tips for DECA members.
3 Be professional yet friendly. 3 Adhere to the dress code, but still make it a reflection of your personality.
3 Be at your event at least 15 minutes early, 3 3 3 3
with all necessary materials (pencil, pen, calculator, ID). Wear your DECA blazer, even when it’s not required, because it looks more professional and makes you seem more put-together. Be confident in yourself. Answer every question on the multiplechoice test, whether you think you know the answer or not. Enjoy your time at competition!
7 Be rude or overly attached to your event competitors.
7 Stress about your events or analyze them too much afterwards.
7 Do anything outrageous to be noticed by a judge.
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
In what ways did DECA prepare you for what you do now? I have gained the ability to think quickly on my feet, to present confidently to others and to come up with fresh, innovative ways to problem-solve. I have learned to balance familiarity and personality with professionalism, and I have learned that the ideas and terminology we learn in DECA really are relevant and applicable to the world of marketing and management.
Keep your written event free from penalty A Competitive Event Checklist helps ensure that all written event competitors are on a level playing field. Penalty points can often turn what could be a firstplace project into one that does not even place. Here are some ways to help keep your written event free from penalty. • Make sure the Statement of Assurances is signed by all participants and the advisor. • Double-check to make sure page numbers in the table of contents correspond to pages in the report. • Make sure the report follows the sequence outlined in the guidelines. • Keep the report page count within the guidelines. • Give it another check to ensure all pages are numbered in sequence starting with the executive summary. The executive summary should be numbered page 1. • When you’ve completed your written entry, use the DECA Competitive Event Checklist to check yourself.
Welcome to DECA’s Congressional Advisory Board Congressman Gary C. Peters accepted an invitation from the Michigan DECA State Officer Team to join DECA’s Congressional Advisory Board (CAB), recognizing his support of DECA and career and technical education. The CAB is a bipartisan group of United States Senators and Congressmen representing varied political philosophies. They have one thing in common: a strong interest in the youth of our country. CAB activities include making public appearances at major DECA events, hosting receptions for DECA groups, meeting with state delegates, offering advice on special projects and more.
What else do DECA members need to know?
The most important thing is to not over think things or try too hard to remember a million tips or suggestions. Just be yourself and be confident that you can do well. Being at ease with what you’re doing really shines through in your demeanor, your ideas and the overall quality of your presentation. The whole experience is a really great one.
For more information on DECA’s Congressional Advisory Board, visit www.deca.org/about/7.
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Discovering the truth about college by Julia Pitlyk
Myth #1: There’s no way I can afford four years of college on my own. Reality: Through grants, loans, scholarships and workstudy programs, you can find plenty of ways to make college affordable. Submit your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to see if you’re eligible for federal loans, grants and opportunities to earn while you learn by working at school. Also, a little effort goes a long way, so make sure to seek out and apply for as many scholarships as you possibly can, and you can start with DECA! DECA awards over $300,000 a year to active and achieving members in scholarships that you can earn based on employment, career interest, entrepreneurship activities or leadership achievements. Check out www.deca.org/scholarships for more information!
Myth #2: Sitting in a lecture every day won’t give me the real world career experience that I want. Reality: While college learning does include a good amount of time in the classroom, you can earn credit hours towards your major and learn by doing in the industry by participating in an internship. Many colleges will allow you to spend time working as an intern in your area of study in exchange for credit towards your degree. Check out your college’s career resource center to learn about internship programs they may have in place or how they can help you find a way to get experience and course credit all in one.
fter months of sizing up schools, filling out applications, writing essays, trudging through standardized tests and anxiously checking the mailbox each day, you finally have it— your college acceptance letter. Congrats! As you prepare to take your education to the next level, some doubts, questions and concerns cross your mind, making you wonder if you really know what college is all about. Fear not. Dimensions is here to put these myths to rest to make you completely college ready! With these common college myths debunked, feel confident and get excited to take the next step towards your fantastic future in college and beyond.
Myth #3: My DECA days are over now that I’m in college. Reality: Everything that you love about DECA is already waiting for you with Collegiate DECA! Collegiate DECA lets you use what you learn in the college classroom through competitive events in marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, hospitality, management and more. Collegiate DECA gives you the opportunity to compete at state and international career development conferences, letting you travel the nation and network with Collegiate DECA members from around the globe. Worried your college doesn’t have a Collegiate DECA chapter? Being a member of Collegiate DECA is easy wherever you are. Use the virtual chapter to gain all the benefits of an on-site chapter, or check out www.deca.org for resources on how to start a chapter!
Myth #4: Class, homework, Collegiate DECA, maybe even a job—I’ll never have a life in college! Reality: At the beginning of your first year at college, you may get the feeling that you’ll be so busy you’ll never have time to relax and have fun. This couldn’t be more false! You’ll be spending so much time on campus—probably even living there—that you’ll be surrounded by hundreds of new friends to have fun with and work with. By going to classes and getting involved in activities on and off campus, you’ll surround yourself with people of similar interests. Keep yourself on schedule and manage your time with school, work, activities and friends to make sure you’ll have plenty of balance. DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
1–2–3–4 We declare a
DECA THUMB WAR! Social media is a great way for DECA members and advisors to “Expand Your Network!” Once a month, a national officer from the high school and college divisions will go head-to-head in a race to have their Facebook status “liked” by the most people. The inaugural thumb war pitted Kurtis Conkel against Josh Shankle. During upcoming thumb wars, the national officers will battle over topics such as marketing, hospitality, finance and management.
vs. November 17: Aramis Betts vs. Oscar Chavez December 17: Nate Keeney vs. Cullen Madden January 17: Paige Dorman vs. Tracey Smith February 17: Brennan Boehne vs. Conor Pommerville March 31: High School DECA vs. Collegiate DECA Like the idea? Set up a thumb war with one of your friends in your chapter or state/province. Visit www.facebook.com/decainc.
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DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
The 2011 DECA International Career Development Conference is the biggest springboard of the DECA year for you to jump start your career and prepare for college. Expand your network by joining more than Looking to develop your personal leadership skills 15,000 DECA members in and increase your knowledge of teamOrlando, Fla., from work, communication and DECA? Participate in April 30 to May 3.
DECA’s Leadership Development Academy. Want to learn how to take your chapter to the next level by leading productive meetings and developing a comprehensive program of work? Join current and potential chapter officers in the Chapter Management Academy. Were you elected to provide leadership to your state/provincial association and want to learn more about your role and opportunities to achieve success? Sign up for the DECA Leadership Education and Development Series (LEADS). Are you in the market for ideas to improve your school-based enterprise (SBE)? Network with your fellow student leaders of gold-level certified and re-certified school-based enterprises at the School-based Enterprise Academy. Are you wanting to enhance your teamwork, decision-making and decision-making skills for your transition to college? The Senior Management Institute will engage you in activities that will help prepare you for college and professional careers. Do you have the leadership skills, commitment and passion for DECA to provide leadership to this international organization? Throw your hat in the ring in DECA’s national officer campaigns and elections.
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
BEST-OF-THE-BEST COMPETITORS More than 10,000 DECA members will demonstrate their prowess in marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality and management in DECA’s premier competitive events program. The best-of-the-best competitors will vie to see who will earn a spot on the ICDC stage and a trophy designating them as an international champion. Earning the opportunity to compete at ICDC usually requires advancing from multiple levels of competition, so begin preparing for your competitive event entry now. There are many types of events—from role-plays to case studies to prepared business presentations—that best match your personal strengths and career ambitions. Check out the DECA Guide today at www.deca.org/competitions/ highschool. There’s nothing like sitting in the audience anxiously awaiting to hear your name when your competitive event is called!
When it’s cold outside, stay warm in these great hoodies from DECA Images PINK HOODIE POLKA DOT HOODIE
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INSPIRING ADVISORS More than 3,000 of the world’s most enthusiastic, dedicated teachers of marketing, entrepreneurship, finance, hospitality and management will join their student members at the ICDC. They’ll network, share innovative ideas and rally DECA members to perform their best. The Advisor Academy will also spark new ideas for incorporating DECA into the classroom. Visit www.deca.org/events/icdc for updates on the ICDC in Orlando.
CORPORATE AND COLLEGE REPRESENTATIVES There is no better place to meet representatives from colleges and career areas of interest than on the trade show floor at DECA’s career exhibits. You won’t want to miss the networking opportunities with hundreds of business and education partners. Some of the finest executives in the corporate world will mentor DECA’s graduating seniors in the Executive Mentor Program as part of the Senior Management Institute. More than 1,000 business professionals will evaluate innovative ideas in DECA’s competitive events program.
Where creative minds meet L
ook around Orlando—at Walt Disney World and Universal Studios Orlando—and you’ll see that imagination defines the destination making Orlando the place “where creative minds meet.” This April, the creative minds of nearly 15,000 DECA members will arrive in Orlando for the DECA International Career Development Conference. The grand awards stage lined with championship trophies will be waiting—but so will imaginative destinations to spark creativity. Home to the new Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Universal’s Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios Orlando invite you to be courageous, be outrageous and be extraordinary! You can go behind the scenes, beyond the screen and jump right into the action of your favorite movies at this real, working film and TV production facility. You’ll enjoy studying the themed dining and shopping experiences and exciting special events, and you might even catch a real film crew at work on the backlot. Entertaining shows take you behind the scenes of the moving making process and state-of-the-art rides make you part of the action. Best known for its spark of magic, the Walt Disney World Resort is home to four theme parks that each feature an educational twist. The 22
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Magic Kingdom encourages guests to experience storytelling in life in the enchanting fairytale world. Epcot encourages innovation in Future World and cultural diversity in the World Showcase that features 11 countries. Disney’s Hollywood Studios put guests in the middle of the action while Disney’s Animal Kingdom embraces the conservation and nature represented by 1,700 animals from 250 species. Explore the many sides of the sea at SeaWorld, Discovery Cove and Aquatica. SeaWorld immerses guests in the mysteries of the sea through up-close animal discovers, amazing attractions and unforgettable performances. Whether riding a flying manta ray, getting drenched by Shamu, meeting dolphins, braving astounding thrill rides, counting the teeth on a shark or feeding seals and sea lions, adventures become lifelong memories at SeaWorld. And, if that isn’t enough, there’s Wet ‘n’ Wild, dinner theatres and so much more to discover and learn in one of the country’s largest tourism sectors.
Wizarding Magnificence Universal Studios utilized a variety of innovative tools to promote this one-of-its-kind attraction.
he Harry Potter books and films have captured the hearts and minds of millions. Now, the pages come to life at Universal Orlando Resort. The most highly-anticipated entertainment experience of 2010 brought together imagination, hospitality and tourism, and destination marketing to unveil the grand opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter on June 18. Visitors to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter are swept into the adventures of Harry Potter. They tour Hogwarts castle, shop in Hogsmeade and dine in the Three Broomsticks. Other adventures allow them to fly with Harry, ride on a dragon, sample Butterbeer, eat exploding sweets and experience all the magic and adventure of the Harry Potter books and films. “We have created a special place unlike anywhere else in the world,” said Tom Williams, chairman and CEO for Universal Parks and Resorts. “The adventures of Harry Potter are among the most popular of our time—and we are bringing them to life. We will put our guests in the middle of a Harry Potter adventure. They will feel as if they are in the movies with Harry and his friends.” With a unique, new experience, Universal Studios utilized a variety of innovative tools to promote the one-of-its-kind attraction. Universal Orlando Resort and USATODAY partnered to provide the first-ever augmented reality map of the The Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal Orlando Resort. With just a computer, webcam and the newspaper, fans could make this one-of-a-kind experience appear before their eyes. Augmented reality blends real-life environments with computer animation allowing them to explore things in a completely new way. By rotating the map, fans could take a closer look at this 20-acre magnificently themed environment from all sides and angles. Hogwarts castle appeared before their eyes. They could hold the map closer to the webcam and explore 24
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Hogsmeade and see the Hogwarts Express. Blowing on the computer’s microphone waved the flags on the map. Universal Orlando Resort launched a brand-new, national commercial for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter during Super Bowl XLIV. The ad, created by Universal Orlando and Rosso Media Ltd in the UK, offered guests a look into the magic that awaits them at the highly anticipated theme park experience. The commercial also began a new brand campaign—“Be Courageous. Be Outrageous. Be Extraordinary.”—showing viewers that Universal Orlando Resort is the only theme park destination in the world where you can soar above Hogwarts castle with Harry Potter, swing above the streets with Spider-Man and help Shrek save Princess Fiona in Shrek 4-D and more. Universal Orlando Resort invited viewers to watch the official grand opening events for The Wizarding World of Harry Potter live on their microbrand Web site at www.universalorlando.com/ harrypotter. Viewers were treated to highly-visual and entertaining events commemorating the opening of the world’s most anticipated entertainment experience. Live updates from the grand opening events were also shared on Universal Orlando Resort’s Twitter page at www.twitter.com/UORnews. Harry Potter film actors Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton, James and Oliver Phelps, Matthew Lewis, Bonnie Wright, Michael Gambon, Warwick Davis and thousands of excited fans were also sighted during the opening. “I remember when I was shooting the films when I was younger and I absolutely wished this world could be real and that I could be a part of it,” said Daniel Radcliffe, who portrays Harry Potter in the film series. “It’s amazing that people will finally get to do that and realize everything they’ve seen on screen.”
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Got Leadership? Bring your high school leadership experience to one of the world’s best business schools. Reputation Ranked in the nation’s top 111 undergraduate business schools by Bloomberg BusinessWeek (2010). The James F. Dicke College of Business Administration earned high marks in the nine categories used for the rankings, including an A+ in “Teaching Quality.” AACSB International – Earned excellence; among the best business colleges in the world. Quality Programs • Accounting (forensic accounting option) • Finance • International business and economics • Management • Marketing • Pharmaceutical business Opportunities • International and national study • Required internships • A dedicated experiential learning support staff Successful Outcomes Historically high placement rates in all majors.
An Education of Value A new PayScale study released by Bloomberg BusinessWeek ranks Ohio Northern University among the top four schools in Ohio for its return on college investment (ROI). ROI is a function of two things: how much students spend to earn a degree, and how much graduates earn. ONU placed 155 out of 853 institutions nationwide.
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
A DIAMOND IS FOREVER Perhaps the most significant symbol of our organization is the DECA Diamond. Our newest diamond is the fifth design in our organization’s 64-year history. It embraces the organization’s affinity for the diamond while displaying a bold, modern design.
The four points inside the diamond represent the first set of DECA’s guiding principles while the four outer points represent the second set of DECA’s guiding principles and the polished leaders DECA prepares. In this issue’s Chapter Clips, we’ve organized your favorite DECA chapter activities around the guiding principles below.
DECA’s Comprehensive Learning Program
DECA prepares the next generation to be
Integrates into Classroom Instruction An integral component of classroom instruction, DECA activities provide authentic, experiential learning methods to prepare members for college and careers.
Academically Prepared DECA members are ambitious, high-achieving leaders equipped to conquer the challenges of their aspirations.
Applies Learning DECA members put their knowledge into action through rigorous projectbased activities that require creative solutions with practical outcomes.
Community Oriented Recognizing the benefit of service and responsibility to the community, DECA members continually impact and improve their local and broader communities.
Connects to Business Partnerships with businesses at local and broader levels provide DECA members realistic insight into industry and promote meaningful, relevant learning.
Professionally Responsible DECA members are poised professionals with ethics, integrity and high standards. Experienced Leaders DECA members are empowered through experience to provide effective leadership through goal setting, consensus building and project implementation.
Promotes Competition As in the global economy, a spark of competition drives DECA members to excel and improve their performance.
The DECA Diamond Through the Years:
DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Our opinions matter
Powder puff for a good cause
Northern Highlands (N.J.) DECA participated in Piper Jaffray’s consumer insight panel at the 30th annual Consumer Investor Conference in New York City. The DECA members shared comments on their favorite brands, shopping patterns and spending intentions. The audience included executives from many teen/ youth brands, mutual and hedge fund managers, and members of the media. Piper Jaffray’s partnership with DECA is rooted in its bi-annual Taking Stock With Teens market research project, which occurs online each March and September.
The Landstown High School (Virginia Beach, Va.) DECA chapter hosted its annual powder puff football game. Students enrolled in the sports, entertainment and recreation marketing classes coordinated the festivities. With more than 150 participants, the event raised more than $1,600, which they donated to the American Red Cross.
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SCHOLARSHIPS $4,000 ($1,000/year) - Active students with a 2.7 GPA and letter from advisor.
$10,000 ($2,500/year) - State officers and national or state 1st place winners by category with a 2.7 GPA and letter from advisor. $20,000 ($5,000/year) - All national officers with a 2.7 GPA. Your advisor must submit a letter on your behalf by May 1. DECA scholarships are renewable if G is maintained and are in addition to academic scholarships. To learn the academic a 2.5 GPA merit scholarship for which you may qualify, visit the Freshmen Merit Scholarship Estimator located in the financial aid section of our website.
Several business majors available. Choose from three campus locations: West Palm Beach, Florida - Midland, Michigan - Cedar Hill (Dallas), Texas
www.northwood.edu DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Spread the word to end the word
Visiting the hardwood
In partnership with the Special Olympics, White House (Tenn.) DECA organized a nine-week campaign to end the use of the r-word in a derogatory way. The campaign included a pep rally launch, promotional t-shirts, selling of silicone bracelets, a pledge table, video public service announcements and viral communications. Their goal was to receive 2,000 pledges from students and the community.
The Wisconsin DECA State Officers visited the Milwaukee Bucks front office to meet with a member of the marketing department in August. The purpose of the visit was to enhance the existing state-wide partnership, learn more about the NBA team and share specifics about initiatives in DECA.
Fund Raising
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DECA DIMENSIONS | November–December 2010
Reaching out to freshmen To increase awareness for our incoming freshmen, Klamath Union DECA in Oregon sent postcards to all incoming freshmen. The postcards featured pictures of past events, travel opportunities and marketing courses available and enabled the chapter to reach potential new members before school started. Officers created the postcards, printed them and attached mailing labels provided by the counseling office.
Statement of Ownership, Management, and Circulation (1) Publication Title: Dimensions. (2) Publication Number: 0566-200. (3) Filing Date: 9/28/2010. (4) Issue Frequency: 4 times/year: Sept./Oct., Nov./Dec., Jan./Feb., Mar./Apr. (5) Number of Issues Published Annually: 4. (6) Annual Subscription Price: $5.00. (7) Complete Mailing Address of Known Office of Publication (Not printer): DECA Inc., 1908 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191-1594. Contact Person: Ed Davis. Telephone: 703-860-5000. (8) Complete Mailing Address of Headquarters or General Business Office of Publisher: DECA Inc., 1908 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191-1594. (9) Full Names and Complete Mailing Addresses of Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor: Publisher: Dr. Edward Davis, DECA Inc., 1908 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191-1594. Editor: Christopher Young, DECA Inc., 1908 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191-1594. Managing Editor: Christopher Young, DECA Inc., 1908 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191-1594. (10) Owner: Full Name, Complete Mailing Address: DECA Inc., 1908 Association Dr., Reston, VA 20191-1594. (11) Known Bondholders, Mortgagees, and Other Security Holders Owning or Holding 1 Percent or More of Total Amount of Bonds, Mortgages, or Other Securities: None. (12) Tax Status (For completion by nonprofit organizations authorized to mail at nonprofit rates): The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal income tax purposes: Has Not Changed During Preceding 12 Months. (13) Publication Title: Dimensions. (14) Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: September 1, 2010. (15) Extent and Nature of Circulation: Average No. Copies Each Issue During Preceding 12 Months/No. Copies of Single Issue Published Nearest to Filing Date: (a) Total Number of Copies (Net press run): 146,687/103,075. (b) Paid and/or Requested Circulation: (1) Paid/Requested Outside-County Mail Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541. (Include advertiser’s proof and exchange copies): 140,060/96,425. (2) Paid In-County Subscriptions Stated on Form 3541 (Include advertiser’s proof and exchange copies) 0/0. (3) Paid distribution outside the mails: 0/0. (4) Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS: 5,086/4,420. (c) Total Paid and/or Requested Circulation [Sum of 15b (1), (2), (3), and (4)]: 145,146/100,845. (d) Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (By Mail and Outside the Mail): (1) Outside-County included on PS Form 3541: 0/0. (2) Free or Nominal Rate In-County Copies Included on PS Form 3541: 0/0. (3) Free or Nominal Rate Copies Mailed at Other Classes Mailed Through the USPS: 0/0. (4) Free or Nominal Rate Distribution Outside the Mail (Carriers or other means): 0/0. (e) Total Free or Nominal Rate Distribution (Sum of 15d (1), (2), (3), and (4)): 0/0. (f) Total Distribution (Sum of 15c and 15e): 145,146/100,845. (g) Copies not Distributed: 1,541/2,230. (h) Total (Sum of 15f and g): 146,687/103,075. (i) Percent Paid (15c divided by 15f times 100): 100%/100% (16) Publication of Statement of Ownership: Publication required. Will be printed in the November/December 2010 issue of this publication. (17) Signature and Title of Editor, Publisher, Business Manager, or Owner: Edward L. Davis, Publisher. Date: 9/28/2010.