INSIDE THIS ISSUE MBFJW Thank You ................................... 2 Passover ...................................................... 3 President’s Message .................................. 4 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 5 Youth ........................................................... 6 Religious School ........................................ 7 Adult Learning & Programming/Milestones ................ 8-9 Annual Meeting 2016 ............................. 10 Men’s Club Slate 2016 ........................... 11 Sisterhood Slate 2016 ............................ 12 Keruv ......................................................... 13 Library........................................................ 14 Calendar .................................................... 15 Israel Trip .................................................. 16 Sisterhood........................................... 17-18 Men’s Club .......................................... 19-20 Anniversaries/Birthdays ......................... 21 Donations ........................................... 22-24 Yahrzeits ............................................. 24-25 Advertisements ................................. 26-27 Candlelighting and Services .................. 28
Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor .................................................. Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ..................................... Ari Averbach Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Dir. Of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education ......................... David Barany Ritual Director .................................... Naomi Weiss Director of Youth Activities................ Matt Rissien Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President .......................................... Larry Grossman Sisterhood President................................. Beth Sher Men’s Club President ............................Scott Rogoff USY President .............................................. Bari Sigal
Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director Emeritus .................................... Harvey Gold, FSA z’l Director of Education Emeritus ................... Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, RJE
SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
APRIL 2016 • VOLUME 49, ISSUE 10 Rabbi Averbach
RABBI AVERBACH’S REVELATIONS in the upcoming elec"on, I briefly Twice this month I have had the answered the ques"on and then quickly great honor to speak to middle school changed the subject to encourage them students (from Wood Oaks in Northto feel comfortable approaching their brook and Caruso in Deerfield) about Judaism. The format of each was essen- own clergy for meaningful, deep conversa"ons about the mysteries of "ally the adolescent students asking their religion. ques"ons about religion, faith, and I write on behalf of my colleagues Jewish culture, and me doing my best to here at Beth Shalom – we love having give an answer that was both on their level and open enough to speak for all of these conversa"ons. We love having our doors open and invi"ng in those who are Judaism. The ques"ons ranged from grappling seeking clarity and meaning. It is very with issues of keeping Kosher to the on- easy to make an appointment with us through Eli – or by emailing us directly. going crisis in Israel. Some ques"ons I On Pesach was not quite (star"ng the evening equipped to anof the 22nd), we read, swer (“Why is the “On Pesach (star!ng the evening of “All who are hungry, pope’s kippah the 22nd), we read, “All who are huncome and eat.” We white?”) and gry, come and eat.” We extend the some were very metaphor with our congrega!on – all extend the metaphor with our congrega"on personal (“What who are hungry to learn, to ask deep – all who are hungry was your journey ques!ons, to study our tradi!on’s to learn, to ask deep to becoming a ancient texts – come and dine at our ques"ons, to study rabbi?”). tables.” our tradi"on’s ancient One thing texts – come and dine that surprised me at our tables. Ask those (though maybe it shouldn’t have) was the lack of any ques- ques"ons that have been on your mind "ons about God. Or Jewish beliefs in the for decades and were never fully ana#erlife. Or the purpose of so many laws. swered. Or the new ques"ons that only came up recently. Because deep down, So many people tell me that they ques"on their faith and ask if that is allowed there are parts of us all that are s"ll in middle school yearning to learn. in Judaism. (Yes, it is.) th When one of the 7 graders asked me what I thought about the candidates