INSIDE THIS ISSUE Annual Meeting .......................................... 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Hineynu ....................................................... 4 Culminating Celebration ......................... 5 50th Anniversary ....................................... 6 CBS Connections...................................... 7 Q&A/CBS Staff........................................... 8 Social Action .............................................. 9 B’nai Mitzvah ............................................ 10 Youth/Young Family Programming….11 School ........................................................ 12 Keruv ........................................................ 13 Programming/Distinguished Speaker . 14 Israel Trip .................................................. 15 Sisterhood........................................... 16-17 Sisterhood 2018-2019 Slate ................. 18 Men’s Club ................................................ 19 Birthdays/Anniversaries ......................... 20 Milestones ................................................. 21 Yahrzeits ............................................. 22-23 Donations ........................................... 23-25 Ads ........................................................ 26-27 Service Times ........................................... 28
Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ..................................................Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ..................................... Ari Averbach Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ............. Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth Activities................ Matt Rissien Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ......................................... Debbie Solomon Sisterhood President..........................Leatte Gelfeld Men’s Club President ................................. Dan Sher USY President ................................ David Zelkowitz
Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director Emeritus .................................... Harvey Gold, FSA z’l Director of Education Emeritus ................... Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, RJE SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
APRIL 2018 • VOLUME 60 ISSUE 30 Rabbi Averbach
In the nineteenth-century novel, The Youth of the Period by JF Shaw Kennedy, one of the characters quips, “If I don’t attend other people’s funerals they won’t come to mine.” This wonderful line has been adopted and used many times, usually attributed to the late Yogi Berra, who had other similar witticisms, but never said this line. There is some sad truth behind these words, no matter their origin. We do our best to avoid thinking about death, and many of us do what we can to avoid funerals and shivas. We don’t know what to say or do or bring, how long to stay, if we’ll know anyone. But we need to remind ourselves that we are not there for us, we are there for the mourners. Whether or not we knew the deceased, we can go in support of a friend or even an acquaintance. When it comes to shiva, just our presence in the house can bring a bit of joy to the mourner’s day. It has a come-as-you-are attire, and we need not stay long. If they are hoping to daven, it is nice to stay to ensure there is a minyan. Come empty handed, or bring a little nosh for the families. No need to bring a gift (and it is not in line with Jewish tradition to bring flowers). Some other things to remember – the food is really not for the “company” but for those in mourning. We do not show up expecting a meal, though often there are plenty of cakes and cookies, which the mourner is happy to share. Having a nosh is
allowed if there is enough. It is sometimes extra difficult for the mourners who are used to hosting a party. They really should not be checking on us – making sure we have coffee, introducing us to people we should meet, helping clean up. The mourners should be sitting and should be taken care of by the community. How lucky we are to have such a large and wide-reaching community. No one in the sacred Beth Shalom family should know the pain of mourning alone. If you are able, even if you don’t really know the family, just show up. It means so much to the family. Just show up. One thing is certain – we will all be mourners at some point. Let’s take care of each other, to ensure that we will also be taken care of in our times of need.