INSIDE THIS ISSUE Rabbi Ferratier’s Findings........................ 2 CBS Annual Meeting/Slate 2020-21...... 3 Live Streaming............................................ 4 President’s Message.................................. 5 Pesach 5780................................................ 6 Spring Blood Drive ................................... 7 Sisterhood Slate 2020-21........................ 8 Men’s Club Slate 2020-21 ....................... 9 Youth/Young Family Programming ..... 10 B’nai Mitzvah ............................................ 11 Religious School ...................................... 12 Graduation Shabbat................................ 13 Sisterhood........................................... 14-15 Men’s Club................................................ 16 MyCBS/App .............................................. 17 Spain Trip .................................................. 18 Birthdays/Anniversaries......................... 19 See What’s Happening .......................... 20
CBS Highlights ......................................... 21 Milestones ................................................. 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Social Action ............................................ 25 Ads........................................................ 26-27 Candle Lighting & Service Times ........ 28 Rabbi ....................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ...................................................... Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................... Warner Ferratier Executive Director .............................. Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ..................................................... Leann Blue Director of Education ............................Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ..............Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth & Young Family Engagement ……… Eric Golberg Controller ............................................ Susan Karlinsky President............................................... Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President .................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President ............................ Steven Elisco USY President ..................................Brandon Wagner Rabbi Emeritus.......................................... Carl Wolkin Shalom Designer/Editor................ Deanne Friedman SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
A Message From The CBS Executive Director Dear CBS Congregants, We are learning everyday about COVID-19 and how to keep ourselves and our families safe. We continue to spend the days watching the news, listening to our Governor, the experts at the CDC and what is happening in our local community. Over the next few days and weeks Rabbi Melman, Rabbi Ferratier, Cantor Stoehr, our CBS President Tanya Solomon, myself and others will be making wellness calls to each household to learn what is needed in our CBS Community. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime. We have many congregants that are willing to help those in need, as well. Although our CBS building is closed to congregants, most of the CBS staff are here planning and creating programs for our membership through our NEW CBS Live! virtual online programming. Working with our Board of Trustees, our focus is finding and understanding the needs of our congregation by reaching out to our membership. We are currently streaming daily minyan and all Shabbat Services which can be seen from the CBS website. We also have begun to stream select adult education classes, youth programs and soon special programs for our members and for the greater community. As your CBS Executive Director, I am making decision based on what I know, not on what I assume is going to happen. As circumstances change we will need to adjust accordingly. Most importantly, we will always follow the direction of our local and state leaders. Stacy Ybarra is creating a plan for our Religious School that will come your way after Spring Break, giving you time to adjust to online learning from the public schools for your children. Eric Golberg is reaching out to our Youth Groups with many programming options to keep them busy and connected with each other while at home. Leann Blue is working with our educators and clergy in live streaming more of our Adult Education programming. Cantor Raquel and Susan Stoehr continue to tutor our B’nai Mitzvah students via phone and Skype. The CBS Staff is hard at work; Susan, Deanne, Maria, Eli, Brenda, Estelle and Lisa have been priceless. We are so lucky to have an incredible and strong staff managing everything they do for all of you at CBS. Rabbi Melman, Cantor Stoehr and Rabbi Ferratier are meeting every day, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day to discuss how we can support each of you, our CBS Family, through life cycle events, Shabbat services, education and spirituality. Most of all, they are a phone call away with all and any questions or concerns. There is a very good chance that what I am sharing with you today could change in the next minute, hour or day. Just remember during these trying times, the staff and lay leadership at CBS are here for you. Call us, text us, email us, whatever you need. Although these are difficult times, please know we are doing whatever we can to make things a bit easier for all of you. Michael Garlin
Michael Garlin CBS Executive Director
Rosa Parks statue