Congregation Beth Shalom April, 2022 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Annual Meeting/Slate 2022-23 ...... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Executive Director’s Editorial ................ 4 CBS Happenings ........................................ 5 Religious School/Youth/ B’nai Mitzvah ........................................... 6 Sisterhood Slate 2022-23 ........................ 7 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ........ 8-9 Sisterhood .......................................... 10-11 Men’s Club ......................................... 12-14 CBS Happenings ............................... 15-18 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 19 Calendar ............................................. 20-21 CBS Happenings ..................................... 20 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 19 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28

Head Rabbi ......................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Rabbi ............................................... Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director ............................Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ................................................. Bob Spector Sisterhood President ..................... Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents.... Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ............................................. Paige Star Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.


NISAN 5782 | APRIL 2022| VOLUME 100 ISSUE 70

RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES Mah nishtanah ha’lielah ha’zeh. The famous question! Why, or How, is this night different from all others? For the last two years our Pesach seders have looked vastly different. For the vast majority of us, our seders were small in number, often accompanied by Zoom or FaceTime. It was not the way the rabbis envisioned the seder taking place and yet, we had no choice. Rabbi Melman

Pesach is my favorite holiday. I love the cleaning and koshering the kitchen (and yes, I do both of those), and cooking for this special holiday. I get excited about the seder and the traditions that have been passed down to us through the generations of our family as well as new traditions that Elisa and I have adopted over the years. And this year, more than ever, I look forward to being with people (outside of my household) at the seder. I look forward to our traditional Pesach kiddushim here at CBS. I love Howard Freidin’s potato kugel and all the other treats we get to eat. And, to put it simply, I just can’t wait to be together. More and more people have started to come back to shul on a regular basis and I hope with this holiday season, warmer

weather, and our snowbirds returning, even more people will be back to celebrate the Festival of Freedom. Festival of Freedom. That seems to take on a new meaning for us this year. We are certainly feeling a new sense of freedom this year and I hope and pray that we can continue to feel this way. While we continue to proceed with a sense of cautious optimism, we are finding our way to live as we transition from pandemic to endemic. I know that there are those that are still not able to attend large Pesach gatherings at this point, and I pray that the time will soon come when they can. There are two main requirements at the Seder. Both of these requirements are mentioned in the Talmud. The first requirement is that someone has to ask a question, and the second is to tell of the Exodus from Egypt. Our Haggadah deals with the issue of questions by having someone ask the Four Questions. This is a part of the Haggadah that is probably done at most homes for two reasons. First, it comes toward the beginning; and second, it is a part customarily reserved in many households for the “youngest” person at the table, giving that person an opportunity to show off what they learned. There are many unanswered questions that the pandemic has given us. I think as we ask Mah nishtanah ha’lielah ha’zeh at the seder this year, we will have many different answers and we will be able to appreciate what we have. Chag v’Kasher Sameach

ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION Congregation Beth Shalom Annual Meeting 5782/2022 The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Monday, May 16, 2022 at 7:45 pm beginning with minyan and immediately followed by the meeting. The Agenda is as follows: 1. D’var Torah 2. President’s Welcome 3. Committee Reports and Highlights 4. Presentation of Endowment Report 5. Presentation of the 2022-2023 Slate of Officers and Board of Trustees Members 6. Presentation and Vote on the 2022-2023 Budget 7. Presentation and Vote on Bylaw Changes OFFICERS: President VP Fundraising VP House VP Membership VP Programming VP Ritual VP School VP Social Action VP Youth Accounts Receivable Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Administrative Secretary Immediate Past Presdient

Dr. Bob Spector Ellen Grossman Arlen Lasinsky Susan Lampert Randy Samborn Bill Shulman Robyn Rosengard Suzy Hakimian Seth Schrank Raymond Rokni Howard Freidin Cheryl Braude Linda Foster Tanya Solomon

Bold is new to executive board or position for 2022-2023 BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Judy Balter Harold Dembo Rick Dissen Jim Donenberg Steven Elisco Hillary Elkins Ari Footlik Annie Goldman Bob Goldwin Andy Lebovitz Sandee Levin

Diana Lewis Bret Maxwell Marjorie Maxwell Roz Mokhtarian Amy Offenbach Jill Olefsky Mitch Padnos Leslie Rogoff Fern Roseman Neil Rosengard Edna Schrank Elana Schrank

Dr. Alan Shapiro Brad Shaps Howard Sigal Dan Sher Laura Shulman Jay Silver Charlotte Stern Alyssa Weisbach Sara Weinstein Adam Weinstock Alan Zelkowitz

Thank you to the following members for their service on the Board of Trustees: Karyn Liss, Wes Nissen, and Jill Roter We are so appreciative of your time and service to Congregation Beth Shalom.

Respectfully submitted by the 2022 Nominating Committee: Suzy Hakimian, Dr. Rachel Laven, Diana Lewis, Tami Rokni, Neil Rosengard, Randy Samborn, Seth Schrank, Dr. Bob Spector (President) Tanya Solomon (Immediate Past President) Dr. Andy Wagner (Men’s Club Co-President), Jackie Zelkowitz (Sisterhood President)




Shalom Chaverim,

Ahhhhh, spring is here which means we have just finished joyously celebrating Purim and Passover is just around the corner, two holidays that represent our ancestors’ strength to conquer their fears caused by oppression and tyranny securing our future as a Jewish people. A world without the COVID virus is not likely, but staying connected to family, friends, and community can mitigate our anxieties and fears. Our strength to survive for 5782 years comes from our belief in the power of our connection to our faith and the Jewish community. I have come to realize that there are two environments that melt away my unpleasant feelings: my home and CBS. While I rationally know that neither can offer me full invulnerability, it sure beats the feelings of insecurity I often feel outside of my two homes. I would like to share two recent events that have strengthened my resolve to stay strong and hopeful, and not to be ruled by the unknown. I just saw the musical Come From Away. If you are not familiar with this true story, it is about the small town of Gander, Newfoundland whose citizens cared for over 7000 passengers who were on 38 airplanes that were diverted to the Gander airport from the U.S. immediately after the 911 attacks. The town had a minimal government infrastructure to handle such a crisis. Yet, by collaboratively coming together as a community they welcomed, embraced, and cared for these 7000 scared strangers. It is an inspiring story that exemplifies the power of kindness and the strength of a group of people who felt empowered based on the relationships they had with each other. The second event occurred right here at CBS. I had the privilege of being a member of our most recent Rabbi Search committee. I believe all of us on that committee would agree that it was a very special and perhaps profound experience. Many of us did not know each other prior to the formation of the committee. We were a very demographically diverse group by age (30 year spread), career, and family status (from grandparents to parents with young children). During an eight-week period we easily worked 50-100 hours, carrying the weight and expectations of our community to find the best possible Rabbi for CBS. We started off as a group of individuals and we ended as a cohesive group. Several members have commented to me that serving on this committee has been a highlight of their CBS membership. How could this be? Too many hours, too many late-night meetings, and too much stress and pressure - yet with our goal achieved the end was met with both the joy of success and the sadness of our group being disbanded. What made this experience so special was more than the importance of our singular mission. What we had in common with the town of Gander and their ability to welcome their uninvited guests was that we took the time to get to know each other by sharing our stories and our values. Once that happened, our demographic differences became irrelevant. Relational Judaism 101 my friends. The power of community and our connectedness to it, can provide incredible strength during times that pull at our fears, worries, and insecurities. We have a social structure in place through our YACHAD Affinity Groups program to bring people together through their common interests. But we also have many committees at CBS that are also opportunities to get involved and to get to know your fellow members. You do not have to be on the Board of Trustees to join most of these committees. For those of you who chair these committees, I ask that you take a few minutes from the demands of the work to provide our members the chance to truly get to know each other. The more connected we are as a community the stronger we are to take on any challenges we face both individually and collectively. L'Shalom, Bob APRIL 2022• VOLUME 100 ISSUE 70



PATIENCE I am writing this word in CAPS as today while I am writing this article my patience is running thin. How do I slow the rush and enjoy more happiness, success, and peace of mind every day? I know I can change my level of patience with the right attitude and a bit of practice. I know I can learn to harness the power of patience in my life, and you can as well.

I believe it’s a combination of motivation (wanting to), awareness (paying attention to our inner landscape), and cultivation (practicing). I believe this is the formula to fix a lot of things in our lives. The best example is wanting to lose weight, this takes incredible patience as I’ve been trying to do this for 56 years. What can patience do for us, why it’s so crucial now, and how to become more patient? I believe it starts by doing random acts of kindness. Nothing says patience better than just doing something for someone else, no matter how long it takes, showing gratitude and appreciation for what we have in life and saying thank you to someone when they do anything for us. Patience is a crucial factor in whether we have satisfying lives or not. Patience gives us self-control, the capacity to stop and be in the present moment. Patience helps us be more loving towards others, more at ease with the circumstances of our lives, and more able to get what we want. Patience rewards us with the fruits of maturity and wisdom, healthier relationships, higher quality work, and peace of mind. I like to think that patience gives us persistence, serenity, and acceptance. Patience gives us stick to it ness, the ability to work steadily toward our goals and dreams. Walt Disney was turned down 302 times before he got financing for Disneyland. George Lucas put up his own money to make Star Wars because no one believed in his vision. By the time the movie came out, he was completely broke.

A canceled plane, a missed deadline by a workmate, our spouse forgetting to do an errand, are all things that we can put it into some kind of perspective that allows us to keep our cool. We’re the ones people look to for comfort and humor when things go awry. With patience, we’re more able to stay calm on the inside no matter what is happening on the outside. We trust in our capacity to deal with whatever comes our way. And that trust gives great peace of mind. With patience, we oversee ourselves. We can choose how to respond to a given event, rather than being hijacked by our emotions. Remember when we are patient when things aren’t going the way we want, we truly shine as heroes. Take a moment to reflect on a time when you employed the power of patience. How did it make you feel? Better yet, how did it make someone else feel? Please feel free to reach out to me at anytime via email or my direct line at 847-498-4100 x21. Please be patient as sometimes I am away from my desk. Who knows, maybe I am taking time to clear my head with a quick walk in helping me be more patient of others.

Office Closings (closed all day unless noted)


Friday, April 15 In observance of Pesach Closed at 12:00 pm Friday, April 22 In observance of Pesach 4






March was a busy month as we celebrated Purim and began learning about Passover. We also celebrated the formal beginning of our Kitah Gimmel (3rd Grade) learning t’filah. Mazel tov to our amazing 3rd graders! April will be busy too as we get ready to end our school year and begin to plan for next year. 4th Grade Led Shabbat B’Yachad Our 4thgrade students will lead Friday evening services on May 6th. For more detailed information regarding time, location and dinner visit the CBS website. Information will also be included in the weekly school emails.

Kindergarten Hagigat HaGan (Kindergarten Celebration) Our Chagigat HaGan Celebration has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 1st at 11:15 a.m. For more detailed information regarding time and location visit the CBS website. Information will be included in the weekly school emails and also sent directly to our kindergarten families. Plan Ahead and Save Money! Religious School registration for next school year begins this month. Look for emails and flyers with specifics on fees. For a paper registration form, please email Stacy Ybarra at Hiring teens!

The Religious School is looking to hire youth entering 8th through 12th grades in the fall to work in the school as madrichim. All madrichim will be required to be enrolled in Jewish day school or in the CBS High School program. Contact Stacy Ybarra at for an application and to set up an interview.

ELLA MILLMAN Daughter of Dana & Brian Millman Sister of Alexa & Hanna Millman Granddaughter of Michele & Skip Rosenmutter, Elyse & Manny Millman

EDEN FISHMAN Daughter of Laura & Ken Fishman Granddaughter of Judy Eglash, Norb Eglash of Blessed Memory, Bette Nowell of Blessed Memory, Ronald Fishman of Blessed Memory

HANNA MILLMAN Daughter of Dana & Brian Millman Sister of Alexa & Ella Millman Granddaughter of Michele & Skip Rosenmutter, Elyse & Manny Millman

SIMON FERENCZ Son of Dawn & Max Ferencz Brother of Alex Ferencz Grandson of Daniel & Eva Sideman, Barbara & Glenn Ferencz



SISTERHOOD SLATE 2022-2023 Sisterhood Slate 2022-2023 Nominating Committee- Frannie Goldwin, Edna Schrank, Elana Schrank, Claudy Thompson, & Sara Weinstein Robyn Rosengard - Sisterhood Nominating Chair Ex-Officio - Jackie Zelkowitz President Vice Presidents

Jackie Zelkowitz Executive Communications Education House Membership Program Ways and Means

Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Parliamentarian

Elana Schrank Frannie Goldwin Jody Sigal Darlene Padnos Sara Weinstein Debbie Hamilton Diana Lewis Claudy Thompson Elana Schrank Marti Sinton Robyn Rosengard

Communications Communications Coordinator Facebook Coordinator

Edna Schrank Simone Toubes

Education Adult Education Programming Chanukah Bags CJE Senior Life Mitzvot Committee Sisterhood Shabbat Social Action Torah Fund

Suzanne Minkus/Sheri Smason Sandy Falkin Jenny Schneider Fern Roseman Eva Footlik/Claudy Thompson Jodi Joffe/Teri Robins Jody Sigal

House Kugel Pesach Kiddushim Serving Coordinator

Risa Appelbaum Robin Bright Erin McGuire

Membership Membership Recorder Shalom Baskets Volunteer Coordinator

Gloria Weinberg Stephanie Roseman Jill Roter

Program Author Event Coordinator Event Decor Knitting Group Program Coordinator

Debbie Bell Laura Hochstein Maureen Gold Stacy Gordon

Ways and Means Anniversary/Leagrams Boutique Judaica Shop Managers Judaica Shop Bookkeeper Jan Blum Memorial Game Event New Year’s Greetings Simcha Shop

Leatte Gelfeld Leatte Gelfeld/Robyn Rosengard Donna Fox/ Diana Lewis/Darlene Padnos Marjorie Maxwell Ellen Grossman/Sara Weinstein/Andy Widen Randi Starkston Suzy Hakimian

Board Members At Large Zivit Blonder Rita Janowitz Pauline Gimbel Denise Krug Linda Gold Cece Lasinsky Jill Hatzman Cindy Marder APRIL 2022• VOLUME 100 ISSUE 70

Jill Olefsky Lisa Rosengard Karen Rosenthal Lori Shapiro

Matty Shechtman Julie Warshawsky



Israel in Depth Israel to the Rescue!: Through a mix of government agencies and voluntary organizations, Israel extends emergency assistance to countries around the world at their times of greatest need, We'll get acquainted with the work of IsraAid, Mashav, and other entities that take seriously the goal of being a "light unto the nations." Instructor: Carl Schrag Date: April 3, 2022 Time: 10:00 – 11:00 AM This session will be IN-PERSON and via Zoom. There will be no breakfast by Men’s Club this week.

NEW CLASS! Is SATAN Real? Learning to Channel Negativity in Your Life, Thoughts & Attitudes

SATAN…the opponent…our inner voice that makes us have doubts, including his own existence. He is anger, jealousy, selfishness, depression. He thrives in negativity and cynicism. However, there is a secret: it does not matter how low we have fallen. We have the power to change it. Instructor: Date: Time: Fee:

Cantor Victor Geigner Tuesdays, 4/26, 5/3, 5/10, 5/17, 5/24, 5/31 9:00 -10:15 AM Free for CBS Members $50 for non-member friends of CBS Click here to register:

NEW CLASS! There’s A Psalm for That! Joy…Grief…Fear…Anger…it can be difficult to find words to express what we are feeling. The book of Psalms has 150 sacred poems which express the entire range of human emotion. Each session of this six-week course will examine a selection of Psalms which relate to a specific emotion, examining multiple translations and, where applicable, musical settings for how we can use sacred texts to validate and balance out our feelings. Instructor: Date: Time:

Rabbi Warner Ferratier Thursdays, April 28, May 5, 12, 19, 26 11:00 – 12:00 am Click here to register:

If you have questions about these or any other CBS U classes, contact Lisa Orlov ( or Leann Blue (




Contemporary Issues in Jewish Law -- Part III ATTENTION ATTORNEYS (open to non-attorneys / members / non-members too!) Description: This class will explore Jewish history and legal precedent through examination of specific topics including Genetic Testing, Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis, Forgiveness, Delayed Justice, Laws of War and Personal Injury. MCLE approved for attorneys for 9 CLE credits including 2 for Professional Responsibility (Ethics). Instructor: Rabbi Aaron Melman Dates: 4/26, 5/2, 5/10, 5/17, 5/25 & 5/31 (Note: 5/24 has been changed to 5/25) Time: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Location: In Person at CBS AND Via Zoom Fee: $50 for CBS members; $100 for non-members Questions? Contact Leann Blue (ext. 44) or Lisa Orlov (ext. 46) at 847-498-4100. Click here to register for:

CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS New YACHAD Affinity Groups are continually being formed - which one would you like to join or lead? Browse our CBS YACHAD ON The Move webpage. If the activity you enjoy isn't listed, let us know and we'll look for other CBS members who share your passion. Join so many other congregants who have made new friends, building relationships and community. We look forward to continuing to build relationships and deepen connections within our CBS family! Membership Vice President, Sue Lampert ( CBS staff members Leann Blue ( and Lisa Orlov (



SISTERHOOD Jackie Zelkowitz

Passover is right around the corner, and after a two-year break, we were so happy to be back in the kitchen baking for Passover Kiddushim. There is always a great amount of effort that goes into baking for Pesach. I would like to extend a big thank you to Robin Bright for coordinating the baking and to Maria Catezone for purchasing all of the items for us. Sisterhood could not have done this without the two of you. Thank you also to all of those who helped bake. I look forward to seeing all of you to enjoy these Kiddushim.

Our Torah Fund event on Sunday, March 6th featured Cantorial JTS Student, Josh Ehrlich. Josh has a magnificent voice and the selections he performed for us were beautiful. Thank you to Matty Shechtman for all of her hard work on this event and for her continued push to reach our Torah Fund goal. There is still time to donate to Torah Fund. Please reach out to Matty to contribute at On Thursday, March 10th, Sisterhood held our craft night. Edwards Florist of Northbrook taught us how to create beautiful centerpieces for our Shabbat tables. It was so refreshing to see so many of us back in the synagogue again for an event. Those attending online picked up flowers at Edwards Florist and participated from home. Thank you to Debbie Hamilton and Stacy Gordon for putting together this terrific event. Mitzvah Day will be on Sunday, April 3rd from 9:45 -11:45 a.m. at CBS. Sisterhood will team up with the Religious School and work on Social Action projects. Jodi Joffe and Teri Robins will be coordinating this for Sisterhood. Please stop by and join us while we work on doing good deeds. On Monday, April 4th, Sisterhood will tour the Illinois Holocaust Museum’s Rise Up: Stonewall and the LGBTQ Rights Movement exhibit virtually. See page 11 of the bulletin for sign-up details. You can also reach out to Debbie Hamilton at We hope that you can join us. The year is flashing past us so quickly! Our Culminating, Installation and Valued Volunteer dinner will be on Tuesday, May 17th. John Boda, the Music Man, will be our entertainment. We hope that you can join us as we celebrate our very successful year. Chag Sameach! See you at our upcoming events soon!

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around The Corner~

FIRST SEDER NIGHT, FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2022 It’s time to SPRING INTO SAVINGS, with our beautiful selection of Judaica and giftware. Support CBS Sisterhood with the click of the mouse! Simply use this address We look forward to connecting with you via Square or in-person. Keep browsing, keep shopping and keep in touch! For additional information or to schedule an in-person appointment, contact our Co-Managers, Diana Lewis 847-903-6175, Darlene Padnos 847-217-4531 or Donna Fox 513-378-2491 or email Diana at 10



Monday, April 4, 2022 7 :00 PM

Please log on at least 20 minutes before the start time, as the program will begin promptly at 7 PM.

Virtual Tour Rise Up: Stonewall and the LGBTQ Rights Movement

$10 member-Sisterhood or CBS $15 nonmember Register by April 3rd The link will be sent to you upon registration Questions-Debbie Hamilton

SAVE THE DATE! Culminating, Installation, and Valued Volunteer Dinner Tuesday, May 17, 2022 6:00 PM Featuring John Boda, The Music Man Details to follow



DONATIONS MEN’S CLUB Andy and I are very happy to share with Congregation Beth Shalom that our Man of the Year Honoree is Richie Kurnick, z”l. We lost Richie last December after a tough battle with MSA, Multliple System Atrophy. I personally knew Richie as a young boy running around Congregation Beth Shalom with his parents Barbara and Lester Kurnick z”l, who were founding members of Beth Shalom. Richie will be missed by CBS Men’s Club as one of the good guys who was always there to help especially in the kitchen when needed. You can find his bio in the Man of the Year flyer in this bulletin on page 13. Our best wishes to Richie’s son Jeff, his mother Barbara and brother and sister-in-law Edward and Marcie on this very special honor to Richie. Steve Lessman

Dr. Andrew Wagner

We just finished the month of March and what a month it was for Congregation Beth Shalom Men’s Club. We are happy to report our Lox Box program was a major success and we sold over 1460 boxes, the most since 2008, 14 years ago. Most important, our Lox Box donations to The ARK and CJE will feed over 5000 people. As I have shared with many for years, our Men’s Club is filled with amazing men who do amazing work day in and day out. Thank you to our Lox Box Chairman Don Pike, VP Ways and Means, and of course Lawrence LeVine and Howard Freidin, who both work hours and hours to make this program the success it is. And thank you to our CBS Men’s Club Board for making the calls, and working all weekend to pack and drive. Yasher Koach to all!!!!! To complete the month we held a wonderful Men’s Club Sabbath on Saturday, March 19th. We honored Lawrence LeVine, our Kavod Award Honoree for 2022. The morning was so spiritual seeing our men lead services and doing an excellent job on all the Torah portions. The morning was very special presenting the Kavod Award to Lawrence and then celebrating with a beautiful Kiddush. Thank you Alan Wernick, VP Ritual, and Andy Wagner for assisting in putting it all together. And a special thank you to our wonderful Sisterhood under the leadership of Jackie Zelkowitz and Robyn Rosengard. The Kugels were delicious and your help with everything for the Kiddush was much appreciated. April will be a month of Passover and we will complete the month with a very special Yom HaShoah Program on Wednesday, April 27th. Thank you Mitch Padnos for taking over the Yellow Candle Program for CBS Men’s Club and making Yom HaShoah a special event at Congregation Beth Shalom. Andy and I want to wish all our congregants a happy and enjoyable Passover and we look forward to seeing everyone back in the synagogue. Steve and Andy

CBS Men’s Club Lox Box Packing March 6, 2022










Enjoy the Sisterhood Pesach Kiddushim following these holiday services: Saturday, April 16 @ 9:30 am - Shabbat/Festival Service Sunday, April 17 @ 9:30 am - Festival Service Friday, April 22 @ 9:30 am - Festival Service Saturday, April 23 @ 9:30 am - Shabbat/Festival Service/Yizkor Thank you so much to our CBS Sisterhood for their hard work, delicious food and continuous time and dedication on behalf of the synagogue. APRIL 2022• VOLUME 100 ISSUE 70








CBS HAPPENINGS Biyur Chametz (burning the leaven) Ceremony Friday, April 15 10:30 - 11:30 am CBS parking lot Bring your Chametz, which you found during Bedikat Chametz (search for leaven), and join the CBS Clergy for the Biyur Chametz Ceremony (burning of leaven).

60 Minutes of Jewish Music Presents: “What the World Needs Now” Sunday, February 20, 2022 Save the Date 60 Minutes of Jewish Music Presents: “A Yom Ha’Zikaron and Yom Ha’Atzmaut Israel Tribute Concert” Wednesday, May 4th 6:30 PM CBS

More details to follow soon



BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - May Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: lisa Gruber Sheryl Schneider Carolyn Golden Amy LeVine Ilene Shapiro Amy Taub Susan Shapiro Marcy Grant Projansky Michele Rosenmutter Jennifer Kaplan Anne Spector Lorraine Horwitz Beverly Sugar Elaine Zeidman Joan Kawer Dara Shlifka Alla Turetskaya Joyce Younes Lori Khanuk Amy Gottstein Hilary Braun Susan Freund Lauren Cohen Barbara Scott Janet Miller Jill Roter Laura Shulman Jackie Gichner

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 8 8 8

Barbara Levine Louise Kerschner Gitie Jaffe Anne Goldman Sheila Handler Kelly Glauberman Bonnie Dannen Sheila Benjamin Deborah Metzl Anita Grobart Elaine Powell Susan Lampert Sandra Levin Frances Greenman Amelia Wolfson Debbie Wulfsohn Eve Mermel Janis Harris Beverly Silverman Jami Mende Sammantha Starkston Abby Wolff Barbara Winn Marsha Diamond Lisa Schwartz Enid Grabiner Myra Holman Eva Gurin Leslie Abramson Rebekah Almeleh Melissa Merkin Susan Capitel

9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 12 12 12 14 14 14 14 14 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 19

Irene Rogers Judy Kamensky Tami Rokni Marisa Mandrea Judith Balter Maria Catezone Arlene Warshawsky Julie Warshawsky Nancy Rabinowitz Sheryl Schwartz Marlene Silverman Jean Kosova Joyce Hammer Melissa Lyons Joan Siegan Charlotte Graff Judy Wolkin Lori Shapiro Stacey Sandler Debra Elisco Denise Longoria Tracey Becker Alisa Steinberg Elyse Linderman Allison Gordon Harriette Kurtz Paige Gitles Allison Weinberg Lauren Stein Karen Fine Helene Lachman

19 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 24 24 26 26 27 27 28 28 28 29 31 31

Happy Anniversary - May Jonathan & Tracy Williams 20 yrs Steve & Sandy Falkin Peter & Susan Brown Morry & Cindy Glicksman Harris & Samantha Diamond Samuel & Kimberly Grief Eleanor & Justin Castellano Lewis & Gayle Hirsch Lewis & Linda Cohen William & Linda Hunt Glenn & Cindy Schwartz Darren & Jami Mende Joel & Marilyn Fish Larry & Debra Cohen 30 yrs Stewart & Mitzie Herman Adam & Rhandi Weinstock Jonathan & Jessica Aaron Harold & Lisa Dembo Jay & Robyn Glaubinger 25 yrs David & Ami Handler 30 yrs Michael & Carol Nadler 25 yrs Aaron & Sharon Taksin Scott & Joni Wald Daniel & Jennifer Schneider Andrew & Elizabeth Neiberg Gregg & Devra Shutan 25 yrs Jonathan & Denise Handler Alison & Cary Wolovick Henry & Lauren Estes Steven & Becky Charous


1 1 3 4 9 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 24 24 24 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 27 27 27 28

Skip & Michele Rosenmutter 50 yrs Jerry & Maureen Edelman 55 yrs Aaron & Hilary Malina Mitchell & Fern King Ron & Missy Rabinowitz Michelle & Ross Feldgreber 5 yrs Allan & Anne Spector Michael & Barbara Zaransky 45 yrs David & Simone Toubes Robert & Sharon Krakowsky Irving & Linda Mangurten Lisa & Rich Orlov Allen & Joan Schoeneman Scott & Susan Field Michael & Myra Holman Scott & Beth Steinberg Max & Melany Shaftal Craig & Amy Golden Ari & Dori Hakimian Aaron Melman & Elisa Rotman Michael & Paula Fohrman Howard & Elaine Michaels 35 yrs Alan & Janet Sear Russell & Lori Shapiro 30 yrs

28 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 31

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)


Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:





Susan & Michael Cohen are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Naomi Reese Neumann. Susan & Sheldon Karlinsky are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Pnina Bari Karlinsky. The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To:

Joyce Mlodinoff on the passing of her granddaughter, Orli Sarah Sheffey. Steve Bosse on the passing of his mother, Selma Bosse. Shelley Stern on the passing of her mother, Eve Stern. Linda Petchenik on the passing of her husband, Bernard “Bernie” Petchenik. Michael Appelbaum on the passing of his father, Dr. William Appelbaum. Linda Dick on the passing of her husband, Richard Eugene Dick. WE ARE HERE FOR YOU If you or a loved one are ill, injured, or facing surgery, please let our clergy know so we can listen, visit, or care for you in the way that you need. Please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email, so that we can confidentially respond to you and be here for you. MI SHEBEIRACH LIST If you would like a name read on the Mi Shebeirach list, please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email, This name will stay on the list for three weeks. Please contact us again if you would like the name to remain on the list beyond that time. A few important reminders 

We ask that you sign in to your MyCBS account (ShulCloud) and make sure that your contact information is up to date including your cell phone number and email.

Please check the Congregation Beth Shalom website ( for updates and be sure to open any emails that you receive from us. Use the online calendar (https:// calendar) for the most up-to-date information on

BIMA FLOWER FUND Thanks to our CBS family for your donations and good wishes on the birth of our granddaughter, Pnina Bari Karlinsky. Our family is truly blessed. Susan & Shelly Karlinsky CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque.

Death of Esteemed Members: Roselyn Chaikin Melvin G. Zuckerman Bernard “Bernie” Petchenik Richard Eugene Dick

what is happening at CBS! You can also save to your own calendar, share with a friend, etc. from there.



YAHRZEITS April 1 Anita Fagot Seymour Holleb Edith Horwitz Martin Kahn Irving Kramer Ida Singer April 2-8 Nehama Chudacoff Beverly Stein Eisenstadt Joseph Friedman Lottie Grimson Leon Handelsman Melvin Heller Bernice Kessler Iva Lerner Louis Rosen Anne Barron Schwartz Shirley Netter Selmanovitz Rosalyn Wilson Marcella Wolgel Badonna Berliner Alfred Blum Shirley Dick Sofia Gesklin Elaine S. Kahn Sarah Lazare Joseph Leavitt Albert Manesberg Lillian Rosenfeld Adolph Singer Dr. Oscar Sugar Harriet Wedner Shirley Zelkowitz Harry L. Zimmerman David Flanzer Anna Freedman Thelma Goldsmith Rose Goodman Jospeh H. Levenson Joan Orlov Lois Barbara Reisman Arnold Rothstein Harold Shapiro Mac Turner Faye Weil Esther Bobroff Eleanor Kramer Rose Krefetz Belle Lee Carol Tucker Reginato Abraham Rich Rose Saltzberg George Saltzman Edyth Sandler Ida Topel Rebecca Weiss Nathan Ander Rebecca Salter Arnold Tillie Friedman Paul Kauffman Anne Kurnick Ruth Ritt Rose Rothleder Charles Sitnick Lena Steinberg Dina Lea Weberman Brenda Friedman Albert Geiderman Sherry Grabois Albert Handelman June Handler Norma Olesker Anne Schuster Jane Small Harry Stoehr Esther Stone Jane Weingart Sam Yusim Shirley Brozosky Rivian H. Greenberg

Joseph Greenberg Sherwin Jacobson Alex Lerman Esther Lerner Irene Minkoff Francis Perrin Sharon Polisky Raymond Schwab Mayer Zandberg April 9-15 Benjamin Berks David Fisher Bertha Perlik Elsie Polay Vilma Sadowsky Louise Sherman Joseph Solar Bernard Tannenbaum David Givertz Geraldine Grant Jerome J. Regal Edward Rubin Norman Satinover Leonid Shkolnik Jack Solomon Howard Treguboff Howard Warshawsky Jenny Epstein Dorothy Faigen Louis Fischer Holly Joan Fox Lenore Gluskin Joyce Goldberg Rose Jaffe Martin Kanter Florence Morris Philip Novak Larry Richardson Minnie Ross Judith Schwartz Rose Smolensky Fannie Braverman Hortense Bregman Carl Elvove Phillip Gagerman Jacob Glikman Beverly Goldstick Charlotte Padnos Albert Pell Marsha Skinner Leonard Stein Judith Tecktiel Maurice “Maurie” Albin Rose Collender Mollie Forman Leo Himmelblau Carole Kent Moses Kupferberg Warren Milton Pulner James Schneider Sidney Sitnick Louis Teven Eugene Usow Bernard Weingart Fred Wilensky Seme Auslander Dena Cotler Shayndel Hencel Linda Oppman Jacobson Jerry Kaplan Svetlana Latash Rose Newman Theresa Bloomfield Pulner Louis A. Schwartz Dr. Malcolm Schwartz Martha Shellist Newton Steinberg Gilbert Agrest Leslie Arenson Auslander Philip Beckerman Hyman Beitler


Abraham “Al” Blitstein Edward Brodsky Morris Dubin Eve Handler Howard S. Israel Rose Kay Jack Kerschner Ida Kramer Rochelle Lerner Patricia Markel Marion Markovitz Edwin “Eddie” Rose Robert Shapiro Melvyn Smilow Cecil Taplin Rose Teinowitz Samuel Weinberg April 16-22 Figel Highea Africk Roslyn Drizner Rose Elbom Sidney Field Ida Gorsky Mildred Grabiner Leon Kazan Louis Mackin Milton Mintz Frances Pinsky Alfred Carl Rogers Harry Rothenberg Jacob Shapiro Adolph Twersky Harry Weinberg Leo Zelkowitz Ronald Barany Dr. Zygmunt Buchsbaum Ira Paul Diamond Stella Greenberg Gerald Jerry Gurtz Harry Levin Sara Moldofsky Frances Rieger Dr. Barry L Vishny Mildred Winick Norman Boron Irene Burnstine Bernard Grad Karen Gruen Rose Halap Riva Jaffe Judith Fingeret Krug Jeanette Lowenthal Barry Allan Morrison Philip Stern Joyce Straus Rose Aberman George R. Baxter Mae Garden Bertha Kaiserman Sarah Kopolavics Sally Lerner Gussie Michaels Lorange Shmuel Mendelevitz Leone B. Milten Shirley Rodin Gordon Bob Shneider Irwin Teven Lillian Chizever Adrianne Chunowitz Joseph Elbom Max Gentner Rose Greenberg Joseph Henson Rachel Landesman Tillie Primer Barbara Render Solomon Slotky Stephanie Rhonda “Taffy” Steinberg Donald Jack Weintraub Louis LaPorte Yeidel Jean Barrington

Kathy Greenberg Bazarsky David Bernard Bogan Gerry Diamond Leo Krasny Hymen A. Samuelson Milton M. Shaffner Marvin Asher Abe Belstock Maurice Berkelhamer Louis Braverman Samuel Elster Hymen Factor Sidney Leibowitz Irving Schwartz Robert Sonenfeld April 23-29 Harry Aberman William Amsel Hannah Arnold Dr. Mortimer Bauer Marvin Ehrlich Anna Glotzer Ruth Goldsand Reba Hartzman Helen Lefkovitz Jennie Marcowitz Barre Marder Cary Jay Melnick Milton Pekay Julius Sacks Anna Sexner Betty Lou Strange Herbert Zelkowitz Louis Victor Batler Philip Beckerman Edith Birnbach Joan Canel Harry Cope Yvonne Gomberg Osher Karlinsky Shirley Krasner Percy Mason Abe Poncher Javaher Rahmanim Ruth Sahlins Jerome Shneider Sarah Silver Wilma Marcia Klein Weinberg Florence Zelkowitz Lillian Edelman Joseph Garber Sheila Kaufman Charlotte Kramer Phyllis Podolsky Harriet Morrison Richmond David Rosenblatt Narcissa Rosenthal Edna Rothstein David Yale Shapiro Leon Silverman Bernard Sneider Herb Weil Alfred Behrstock Maurice “Moe” Betman Rosette Louzon Cardone Stan Flower Louis Geller Sherwin Glazer Anna Gohenberg Leo Gold Sidney Grinker Gladys Heller Renee E. Kaminsky Madeline Kaufman Rose Klepper Melvin Jerome Nevel Sidney Schneider Howard Soboroff Ernest Stern Morton Stillman Joseph Bell

Anna Ceder Mania Ceder Sucher Ceder Lillian Diesenhaus Anna Fleischer Jesse Forman Pesach Jaffe Julius Lorig Charles Meshulam Myron Minkoff Dr. Arnold L. Podell Leo Shechtman Zira Singer Ethel Sperling Joel Stone Isaac Vatkin Tesa Vatkin Bella Wenetzky Lillian Bentkover Moissi Faratzi Baruch Aharon Fenster Jacob Fleischer Leonard Goldstein Sylvia H. Golson Irving Jacobson Leo P. Kaiz David Karp Norman Marcus Herman Neumann Mildred Rosner Etia Snaper Rosza Wasserman Aron Wasserman Bella Wassermann Lutzie Wassermann Emanuel Wassermann Ben Bandalin Bertha Banks Harriet Baranchik Helen Tansey Farhat Rose Fohrman Ronald Lake Alan I. Lapping Pearl Rudich Zakary Shirley Toby Stalnick April 30 Bruce Blumenthal Estelle Burland Eugene Byrd Howard Jacobson Daniel Knopoff Judy Lachman Hannah Lewis Abraham Michell Dinah Michell Lillian Nattenheimer Louis Newman Louis Padersky Harry Roseman Molly Rosen Millie Singer Sema Steiner Harry Strom Janna Sugar Max Weisbach


DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of Audrey's birth and as a thank you for her meaningful Baby Naming. Hillary and Jeremy Elkins Jerry and Judy Shapiro In memory of your dad, Marvin Shapiro. Barbara Chotiner Cece Shapiro In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Our heartfelt and sincerest condolences, thinking of you. Bonnie and Jeff Kramer Dr. Neil Levin and Family In memory of Shari. With heartfelt and deepest sympathy. Bonnie and Jeffrey Kramer Richard and Vicki Lesnoy and Jeff and Eve Lesnoy In memory of Joan Lesnoy, beloved wife for 65 years of my deceased brother, Mickey. May her memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herb Lesnoy For the yahrzeit of my beloved father, Max Lesnoy. May his memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Herb Lesnoy For the yahrzeit of my beloved cousin, Selig D. Lesnoy. May his memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Herb Lesnoy Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your support and meaningful memorial service for our beloved brother and uncle, Wilmore Neiditch. The Family of Dr. Wilmore "Billy" Neiditch Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your wisdom and compassion. Neil Levin and Family Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your compassion, love and support to our family during this very sad time. Jerry and Judy Shapiro Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of our granddaughter, Isabella Rose Abrams’ Baby Naming. Sandi and Gary Abrams Cantor Steven Stoehr For a speedy recovery. Leslie and Scott Rogoff Mr and Mrs Carey Cooper In honor of the birth of your new grandson, Chase Gabriel. Mazel Tov! Dayle and Dennis Teven The Shapiro Family In memory of Marvin. Sandi Berkowitz, The Cooper Family, Melissa and Marc Spellman Cece Shapiro In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Harlie and Jerry Ezgur Judy and Jerry Shapiro In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Jeff and Sheryl Blackman Lynda and Alan Wallis In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Robin and Allen Berg Ellen and Adam Scholl and Family In memory of Marvin Shapiro. We loved him so very much and he will remain in our hearts forever. Michael and Leslie Berkowitz, The Grauer Family Jenna Bauer In memory of Marvin Shapiro, grandfather of our friend and colleague. Springman REPS Zuckerman Family In memory of Mel, beloved father and grandfather. Joy Berks, Renee and Elliot Roth Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund For the yahrzeit of my beloved father, Joaquin Jose Farnos. May his memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Loly Farnos


Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Steve and Ann Lessman In honor of the birth of your granddaughter. Barbara and Marshall Dickler Brandi and Dan Argentar In appreciation of all of your help - it is so very appreciated! And a refuah shlemah to Dan. Judy and Joel Greenman Cece Shapiro In memory of your beloved Marv Shapiro. Wishing you strength and comfort. He has left the most powerful legacy through your incredible family. May his memory be for a blessing. Devra and Gregg Shutan and Family Ellen and Adam Scholl In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Jeff and Sheryl Blackman Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Bobby and Beryl Block For the birth of your granddaughter, Ava. Mazel Tov and best wishes to all. Sharon and Marshall Shifrin Elaine Michaels To healthier and happier times ahead. Carol and Ed Kaplan Charlene In memory of your beloved sister, Lois. Iris Lerner Jean Kosova In memory of your beloved husband, Len. Jill and Glen Roter Jerry and Judy Shapiro In memory of your beloved father, Marvin Shapiro. Jill and Glen Roter Alan and Lynda Wallis In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Ronna and Brad Steinback Ruthanne Field and Family In memory of Sandra Ramis: sister, mother and grandmother. Sheila Ander and Family For the yahrzeit Rose Kwalwaser. Mark and Sharon Telpner Gold Family Sabbath Fund Marjorie and Bret Maxwell For the birth of your granddaughter, Audrey Jean. Merrill Medansky The Shapiro and Wallis Families In memory of Marv. Beth and Mike Gilford Cece Shapiro In memory of Marvin Shapiro, beloved husband, father and papa. Maxine Burke Joyce Mlodinoff In memory of your beloved granddaughter, Orli Sheffey. June Kadison Jean Kosova In memory of Len Kosova. Rick and Robin Dissen Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Alice and Jerry Stanton In memory of your son-in-law, Robert Roberman. Marcia and Henry Rabinowitz HUGS Fund Jeremy and Hillary Elkins For the birth of Audrey Jean. Lisa and Harold Dembo Neil Levin In memory of Shari, very special wife, mother, grandmother and friend. Paula and Michael Fohrman Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Shaynee Jankelovitz For the birth of Brody David Cohen. Mazal Tov on the birth of your newest great-grandchild. We are thrilled to share in your joy! Bev and Dave Sugar Lisa and Henry Goldberg For the birth of Brody David Cohen. Mazal Tov on the birth of your grandson, Brody. We are thrilled to welcome the newest cousin to the family. Bev and Dave Sugar

Rachelle Rosenfeld In honor of the recent marriage of your grandson, Shai Gutfreund to Chavi Gruenspecht. May we continue to celebrate happy occasions. Mazal Tov! David and Bev Sugar and family Joyce Mlodinoff In memory of Orli Sarah Sheffey, your beloved granddaughter. Arlene and Ray Handler Dr. Barry Kirschenbaum In memory of Orli Sarah Sheffey, your beloved niece. Arlene and Ray Handler Rosalie Roth In memory of Martin Hutensky. Cindy Bloomgarden Tom and Barbara Schwartz In memory of your brother-in-law, Sherwin Siegel. Our deepest condolences. David and Bev Sugar and family Tom Lindsay and Family In memory of your mother, Doris Lindsay. Marc and Terri Schwartz Ganan Family In memory of Cliff; our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Rebecca Sostrin and Rachel Sostrin Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Debbie Geenspan and Family In memory of Billy Neiditch, beloved uncle and great uncle. Susie and Shelly Karlinsky Arnie and Jeannie Neiditch In memory of Billy Neiditch, beloved brother. Buddy Kalish, Susie and Shelly Karlinsky Florence and Arnie Sklair In memory of Billy Neiditch, beloved brother. Buddy Kalish, Susie and Shelly Karlinsky Evan Dreifuss and Family In memory of Mary Jane Asher, beloved grandmother and great grandmother. May her memory and legacy be a blessing for you and your family. Sue and Shelly Karlinsky Sheila Handwerker In memory of Fred Altman, beloved friend. Susie and Shelly Karlinsky Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Dr. Neil Levin In memory of your wife, Shari. Lisa and Evan Oblonsky Jerry and Judy Shapiro In memory of your dad, Marvin. The Oblonsky Family Lisa Sagan In memory of your father, Shelly. The Oblonsky Family Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund Barbara Kurnick In memory of your son, Richie Kurnick. Marcia and Henry Rabinowitz Kathy Kurnick In memory of Richard Kurnick. May he always be remembered for a blessing. Renee Edelman Lynda and Alan Wallis In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Jeff and Sheryl Blackman Cece Shapiro In memory of Marvin Shapiro. My condolences to your entire family. Phyllis Ruttenberg Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Howard Freidin In honor of your 65th Birthday. Eva and Daniel Sideman Lawrence LeVine Mazel Tov on receiving the Men’s Club Kavod Award. Jamie Lake Ann and Steve Lessman For the birth of your granddaughter, Joelle. Fred Fisher, Leslie and Scott Rogoff, Steve and Ifaat Bosse and Family In memory of Selma Bosse. Leslie and Scott Rogoff, Jody and Howard Sigal


DONATIONS Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your kindness to our family when our beloved Dad/Saba passed away. The Studnitzer Family Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your kindness to our family when our beloved Dad/Saba passed away. The Studnitzer Family Lynda and Alan Wallis and Family In memory of Marvin Shapiro, beloved father. Mr. and Mrs. David Brenner Ellen Scholl and Family In memory of Marvin Shapiro - the greatest father, grandfather, and friend. May his memory be for a blessing! The Aronson Family Neil Levin In memory of Shari Levin, beloved wife. Andy and Rick London For the yahrzeit of Ruth Ritt. Anne Solar For the yahrzeit of Eugene Solar. Anne Solar For the yahrzeit of Jack Kessler. Betty Ashman For the yahrzeit of Betty Loeb. Diane Lebovitz For the yahrzeit of Barry L Gordon. Janice Gordon For the yahrzeit of Joel Arnold. Jeffrey and Davida Arnold For the yahrzeit of Solomon Blum. Milton and Joan Blum For the yahrzeit of Herbert Kreiter. Sharon Kreiter For the yahrzeit of Esther Simon. Stuart and Phyllis Simon Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Scholarship Funds Adam and Ellen Scholl and Family In memory of Marv Shapiro. We will miss his smile that lit up every room. Sending you love and wishes for comfort. He has left the most incredible legacy in your generations of family who exemplify the example of support and kindness to each other and everyone. Devra and Gregg Shutan and Family Adam and Ellen Scholl In memory of your dad. Thinking about you all and sending our love and condolences. Nancy and Scott Greenberg Prayer Book Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the Aufruf of Hallie Nissen and Bradley Margolin. Sue and Wes Nissen Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your compassion and support during our father's and grandfather's recent passing. Jerry and Judy Shapiro and Family Ann and Steve Lessman For the birth of your granddaughter, Joelle Marguerite. Mazel Tov!! May you both shep naches from Joelle. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Donna Fox and Family In memory of your husband, father, and grandfather, Irv Fox. CBS Sisterhood Cece Shapiro and Family In memory of Marvin Shapiro, with our love. Jeff and Sheryl Blackman, The Fink and Resnick Families, Janet Rosenbloom Neil Levin In memory of Shari Levin. Our sincere condolences go out to you and your entire family during this very difficult time. Linda and Rusty Eisenberg Ifaat and Steve Bosse In memory of Selma Bosse. May her memory be blessed and in your hearts forever. Lori and Russell Shapiro Jerry and Judy Shapiro and Family In memory of your beloved husband, father, grandfather, and great grandfather, Marvin Shapiro. Marlene and Bruce Saltzberg Lynda Wallis and Family In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Michele Berkowitz Levitt In memory of Eve Stern. Jeff and Susan Stern


Rosengard Museum Fund The Holtzman Family In memory of Arthur Holtzman, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Cece Shapiro and Family In memory of Papa Marvin. Carly and Matthew Lebenson Jerry and Judy Shapiro In memory of Marvin Shapiro. The Resnick Family The Holtzman Family In memory of Arthur Holtzman. Ed Maslov For the yahrzeit of Adolph Pawlan. Gail Pestine

CBS Men’s Club World Wide Wrap February 13, 2022

Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Roz Mokhatarian and Elissa Pelts In appreciation of you organizing a beautiful Sisterhood Shabbat service. Cindy Marder Jerry and Judy Shapiro and Family In memory of Marv Shapiro. We are so sad for your loss. We will miss seeing his smile and receiving his kindness and compliments whenever we saw him. He has left the most incredible legacy in your phenomenal family. We hope you find comfort in warm memories and time. Devra and Gregg Shutan and Family Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Michele Gohde and Joshua Gilford Mazel Tov on your marriage! Kathryn Korman Thinking of everybody during this difficult time in Ukraine. The Hakimian Family, Edith Korman In loving memory of my dad, Ernest Jacob, on his yahrzeit. Sue and Abe Drayer Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Marjorie and Bret Maxwell For the birth of your granddaughter, Audrey Jean. Mazel Tov! Mona and Neal Weiss, Ron and Andy Widen The Shapiro Family In memory of Marvin Shapiro. We have great memories of your dad. David and Barbara Menn The Wallis Family In memory of your dad, Marvin Shapiro. We have such great memories of him. David and Barbara Menn Jerry and Judy Shapiro In memory of your wonderful father, Marvin. Janis and Neal Strom and Family, The Teitelbaum Family Lynda and Alan Wallis In memory of your beloved father and grandfather, Marvin. Sue and Jack Greenspan, The Teitelbaum Family Neil Levin and Family In memory of your beloved wife, mother, and grandmother, Shari. Marcy, Rick, and Family Marla Templer In memory of your beloved sister, Jewel Sutton. Our thoughts are with you. Merle Cowin and Larry Ordower




3433 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062

Permit 144 Northbrook, IL


Candle Lighting and Service Times (All SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND ARE LIVE STREAMED) Friday – April 1 (Candles 6:59 PM) Shabbat Service/ 5th Grade Shabbat B’Yachad Saturday – April 2 Shabbat Service Mincha

6:00 PM

6:00 PM

9:30 AM 12:00 PM

Friday – April 22 (Candles 7:22 PM) Festival Service Mincha/Shabbat/ Festival Ma’ariv Service

9:30 AM 6:00 PM

9:30 AM 10:30 AM 12:00 PM

Friday Morning – April 15 Morning Minyan/ Siyum for Fast of the Firstborn

7:45 AM

Friday Evening – April 15 – Erev Pesach (Candles 7:14 PM) Mincha/Ma’ariv/Shabbat/ 6:00 PM Service to Welcome the Festival Saturday – April 16 (Candles 8:18 PM) Shabbat/Festival Service Mincha

9:30 AM

Thursday – April 21 (Candles 7:21 PM) Mincha/ Service to Welcome the Festival

Friday Evening – April 8 (Candles 7:06 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – April 9 Shabbat Service Study Minyan Mincha

Sunday – April 17 Festival Service

9:30 AM 12:45 PM

Saturday – April 23 Shabbat/Festival Service/Yizkor Mincha

9:30 AM 12:45 PM

Friday – April 29 (Candles 7:30 PM) Shabbat Service

6:00 PM

Saturday – April 30 Shabbat Service Mincha

9:30 AM 12:00 PM

Daily Minyan (in-person, Live Streaming and via Zoom) Sunday & Legal Holidays 8:45 AM Monday - Friday 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday 7:45 PM

*Please note: Morning Minyan on Sunday, April 17th, and Friday, April 22nd, will be a part of the Festival Service at 9:30 AM.


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