Congregation Beth Shalom August Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Rabbi’s Column Continued .................... 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 4 CBS Highlights ........................................... 5 Youth/Young Family Programming ....... 6 B’nai Mitzvah .............................................. 7 Religious School .................................... 8-9 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming….10-11 Sisterhood........................................... 12-13 Men’s Club ................................................ 14 Social Action ............................................ 15 MyCBS ....................................................... 16 CBS Mobile App ...................................... 17 Donations ........................................... 18-20 Birthdays & Anniversaries..................... 21 Milestones ................................................. 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Zoom How-To .................................. 24-25 Ads ........................................................ 26-27 Candle Lighting & Service Times ........ 28

Head Rabbi......................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor......................................Steven Stoehr Rabbi .............................................. Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra & Young Family Engagement ……… Eric Golberg Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ........................................... Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President .................................. Ryan Eisenstadt Shalom Designer/Editor .............. Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.


AV/ELUL 5780 | AUGUST 2020 | VOLUME 83 ISSUE 53

RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES Dear Congregation Beth Shalom Family, I hope this finds you well during this summer of establishing new routines and new norms in our lives. While the world around us has been increasingly unstable, Congregation Beth Shalom remains your community, a place to find comfort, perspective, connection and inspiration. We have heard from many of you that your connections have grown deeper than ever, despite the fact that we have made so many adjustments to how we can gather. The resilience of our community has been incredible to witness, and we have faith that we will continue to find ways to sustain our souls together, through the duration of this time in which the world calls on us to put health and safety at the forefront of our decision-making in new ways. Our staff and lay leadership team has been hard at work finding innovative and creative ways to create connections and meaning, preparing for different scenarios throughout the summer and into the fall and beyond, if necessary. We are right there with you, yearning to be able to gather together again in person, yet we know we must continue to take precautions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in order to honor the central Jewish value of pikuach nefesh, preserving life. We know and understand this is a very difficult decision for many, and, perhaps impossible to imagine not sitting in our sacred spaces together. Yet the only way we can show our care and concern for all is to elevate our health and safety above all other decisions. Among the plans for the fall that we have discussed has been our High Holidays Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and the 10 Days of Awe that occur between them. Our current world has pushed us to think differently than ever about how we do everything, including how we celebrate our most holy occasions. After working through many different scenarios, we have decided that the only way for us to safely honor these High Holidays together will be to do so virtually this year. We are announcing this decision now, to allow you to grieve the loss of how we have always done the High Holidays. It may be minor in the grand scheme of things, but if we do not allow ourselves to grieve even these small losses, we risk never being able to move beyond them and get excited for what might be possible. (continued on page 2)

RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES (continued from front page Rabbi Melman’s Minutes) While the experience will look different from past years, our recent months have shown us that different can also bring incredible blessings to us. Over the next few weeks leading up to the High Holidays, information will be forthcoming on our online schedule of services, educational opportunities and youth programming. In streaming our services, from our very own congregational bimah, each one of you can have a front-row seat this year in the most comfortable setting, as we continue to bring forth the music and the messages of this season. (For those who like to sit in the back, you can still set up your screen further away from you, as well). While we are saddened we are unable to be together in-person, we are so grateful to be a part of such an incredible community and have you as part of the Congregation Beth Shalom family. At the same time, we are excited for the opportunities this moment brings. For one year, we invite you to take a detour from our regularly scheduled High Holiday experiences and experiment with us as we focus on new opportunities for ushering in the New Year together. Then, we pray we will return in following years to our in-person gatherings, hopefully bringing along some of what we discover from this year’s celebrations. Should you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me, Cantor Stoehr, Rabbi Ferratier, CBS President, Tanya Solomon, or CBS Ritual Vice President, Seth Schrank directly. As always, we deeply appreciate your support and understanding as we navigate these unchartered waters and look forward to a time when we can all be back together and gather in person at Congregation Beth Shalom! (An early) Shanah Tova, Rabbi Aaron Melman

CBS Website (online) Calendar

Go to the CBS Website: and click on calendar link ( )

1. 2. 3. 4.

Go to date and event you are interested in and click on event link on calendar Read details of events and link to registration form (if necessary) In bottom left hand corner there are Share - Print - Save to my Calendar buttons Use the Share button to email a friend about the event, share to your Facebook, Twitter, Gmail or Linkedin and more!!! 5. You can also use the filters/views feature at the top of the calendar to look for events by a certain category (ie: CBS U, Services, etc.) or a particular date and only view those event(s) or dates(s).




Those of you who know me well know that I have catchphrases I like to say to myself as mantras. These phrases have significant power over me; sometimes they serve to calm me down, sometimes to drive me to action and sometimes they remind me to stay true to my personality. My four favorites are: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Rules are a joy to follow unless they are pointless rules. Consistency is critical. Do not confuse activity with achievement. Plan the work, then work the plan.

Since March, I have added a new one - change is a constant. This newest mantra sometimes conflicts with my first one, and this can cause me internal confusion. When that happens, I slow down, make lists to explore steps and models and examine consequences to create a plan for the next change. I try to determine the impact of change on myself and others by checking in with others and running the new plan past those who can help make it better. I can then continue to follow my other mantras, taking the change into account but balancing it with what is already in place. As I go through this process, it helps me realize that change does not have to be bad; it can just be different. More important, I am learning that change can be good. As lay leaders and staff, we can embrace these changes we are all experiencing during this pandemic and use them as an opportunity. They can provide us with the opportunity to examine new ways of thinking about how we engage with our community. They can give us the freedom to expand our horizons. We can consider what can we accomplish if we build our programs from scratch. What is our purpose? How can we continue to live our mission together while apart in a meaningful way? How can we continue to lead proactively, rather than simply reacting to change? How can we anticipate change and draw strength from it? I am so proud of what we have accomplished since March. We have become interactive and innovative. Our guest speakers, clergy, and teachers of our many classes and programs for all ages have not only increased participation but welcomed members in an inclusive way we have not seen before. No longer does distance or lack of transportation prevent members from participating and being part of our community. The same goes for religious school, minyans, and services. Members have used new opportunities to reach out to each other, calling to check in and visit where possible, running errands and helping each other wherever needed. We are continually reminded of the value of being connected to our Jewish community and finding new and creative ways to live our mission. As lay leaders and staff, we have given ourselves space and time to be creative and effective. This has increased responsiveness to our communities’ needs, and you have responded with overwhelming enthusiasm and support. By being our partners in change, we can all work together to do what is best for CBS. So, join me in embracing my newest mantra - change is a constant. Let us strive to make sure that as change occurs, we make it change for good. Tanya

Jewish Child & Family Services has a partnership with CBS Dawn Levin, our Jewish Community Liaison at JCFS, is available to offer support, assistance and make connections for congregants experiencing challenges or looking for mental health or social service resources. For more information about services provided by the Jewish Child & Family Services or to contact Dawn or call 847.745.5450 or visit JCFS. org.


CBS Bulletin Go Paperless! Help CBS go green and save trees by opting to receive the monthly bulletin paperlessly and not by mail. Email Brenda to go paperless at BWasserman


CANTOR’S NOTES Cantor Stoehr

Chicago Sun Times 1963 Mauldin

There was always an anticipatory weightiness to my life and thus well before I was 20 years old I wrote my will. Life didn’t seem to me to be something that was friendly. I imagine the influence that caused my mind to turn towards such deep consternation was the Holocaust. My father told stories to me about loss and travail, hiding and seeking to find family. I know he didn’t do it to scare me, rather to inform me that ugly is very much a part of the chemistry of the world. If I learned the lessons then, maybe I could help my family, and others, to avoid being so deeply hurt. I was also growing up with “Uncle” Walt (Cronkite) sharing bedtime stories with me about Vietnam, the assassination of JFK, MLK and others. The Bible, Old and New, teaches us a simple and essential lesson: Do Not Do unto Others What You Would Not Want Done unto You. I did not, even as a young boy, believe that the lesson was being heeded to by society. As a kid I was verbally bullied at times, as are many. As a younger sibling I was, (loved but) treated as such. I saw my mom struggle daily to do what others could do easily. My dad worked four jobs. I saw and imagined this world was not going to be any better to me next week as it was that very day. Today we are living in a time of ugly. I say this though I applaud the overt acts of goodness one can see as well. Being accosted by natural causes is one battle but the human “pox”, which causes not surface irritants to one’s body but a spiritual rash of great discomfort, is much harder to combat. We are currently in the month of Av which commemorates one of the saddest periods of Jewish history when hatred was rampant. It is the time when the Holy Temples were destroyed because of, say the scholars, Sinat Chinam, causeless hatred. The two temples being destroyed some 650 years apart implies to me that the hatred which caused the first destruction never really disappeared. It lay latent in the smoldering embers of their broken world. Every so often some horrid people or events cause the ashes to stir and a spark reignites the fire. The lyrics “we didn’t start the fire” may be true, but are we doing our share to put it out? As a child, I didn’t think I, or anyone possibly, had what it took to put out the fire and I feared that hatred was going to be the raison d'être. As I grew, I found the love which we shared in our home, friends who were loyal and the community, who celebrated the simplicities of life together each week at shul, made life tolerable and enough for me. All of that and the affection of my dogs, of course. I didn’t need to find the cure for hurt and I could still navigate my way through the maze of my soul being bumped and bruised. How can we comfort the young generation of children who watch television, listen to newscasts and read a paper (even an electronic one)? These recent days have been spiritually exhausting. How do we assure the future to be filled with kinder days, civil tongue and acts of Good Samaritan and not just those who yearn for survival of the fittest? We must lift up the downtrodden. After Av comes Elul, a month of deep introspection, and then Tishrei which ushers in the High Holidays. If you need time to think of what you can do, here it comes. There is plenty of time during these Hebrew months. But for the children who are taking out their “pencil and paper” to write their wills, time is of the essence. Abe Lincoln is no doubt bent over in astonishment and futility. Rabbi Heschel and Reverend King sit alongside him and shed tears. Our troubles are not only racial and inequality, but if we start there then maybe God can cause the winds of justice to blow throughout the land. 4



Havdalah at Home The CBS clergy share Havdalah from their homes with our congregants via Facebook Live

Saturdays: August 1 @ 8:50 PM August 8 @ 8:40 PM August 15 @ 8:30 PM August 22 @ 8:20 PM August 29 @ 8:10 PM




How can it already be August? This summer, though full of new and unexpected twists and turns, has been one for us to be proud of, leaving us excited for what is to come. Over the last two months our Youth Department has found new ways to engage our CBS Youth throughout our continued social distancing. With the creation of CampCBS, we have provided daily offline programming to all of our CBS families and their extended families. With more than 200 downloads of our offline programs, our ability to reach our members in the comfort of their home on their own time has been incredibly successful!

As our school year gets closer and closer to beginning, this also brings the start of our Youth year! On August 23rd we plan on having our All Youth Kick Off Program. Be on the lookout for more details in the coming weeks regarding the program. With the support of the Clergy, Board of Trustees and rest of the staff, we are closely monitoring best practices and safety measures for all of our programs and will provide up-to-date information as we get closer to August 23rd. Whether in person or online, I am so excited to get the 2020-2021 school year started and continue to provide award winning programming for all of our youth! Eric 6


B’NAI MITVAH SIMON SPEIGEL Son of Ami Speigel & David Speigel Brother of Lainie & Isaac Speigel Grandson of Phillip Immergluck, Laura Ledany, Jill Carlson, Michael Speigel, Stephanie Speigel and Larry Kirschenbaum

LAINIE SPEIGEL Daughter of Ami Speigel & David Speigel Sister of Simon & Isaac Speigel Granddaughter of Phillip Immergluck, Laura Ledany, Jill Carlson, Michael Speigel, Stephanie Speigel and Larry Kirschenbaum

RAPHAEL ROSEMAN Son of Stephanie & Seth Roseman Brother of Micah Roseman Grandson of Karen & Allan Lovinger, Sally Roseman Brown, Louis & Cheryl Roseman Great Grandson of Judith Kramer

CBS Drive-In Shabbat with Rabbi Josh Warshawsky June 26, 2020

ANDREW WEINGARDT Son of Todd & Ivy Weingardt Brother of Jacob & Michael Weingardt Grandson of Yvette Drazner, Ira "Isadore" Drazner of Blessed Memory, Ellie Weingardt, Ronald Weingardt of Blessed Memory





Registration It’s not too late to register for classes! Go to MyCBS to register for kindergarten through high school. For questions regarding registration contact Lisa Orlov in the school office at 847-498-5352 or at

CBS Religious School Plan for 2020-2021/5781 An important goal of the CBS Religious School is to partner with families to provide a positive, Jewish education and experience. Please understand that these plans are subject to change based on the guidance we receive from the State of Illinois, the Health Department and the CDC. We anticipate that we will be moving in and out of phases during the school year and are prepared to do so without interruption to student learning. At this time, we do not know which phase of the plan we will begin our CBS Religious School with but will be making this decision in conjunction with the CBS Religious School Committee, the CBS Executive Board and Staff, the Northbrook School Districts and of course with the safety and welfare of our students and staff first and foremost. First Day of Classes Our first day of class is Sunday, August 30th for kindergarten through 7th grades and Tuesday, September 1st for 8th through 12 grades no matter what phase of the plan we are in! On Sunday, August 30th, we will begin with a Drive-Thru Meet the Teacher! While in their vehicles and practicing physical distancing, students and families will have the opportunity to chat with their teachers, pick-up their supplies and have a treat (individually wrapped). More specific information will be coming the week of August 23rd. Please see the table for a synopsis of the Religious School Phase Plan on the following page. *Notes – In place of in–person class on Tuesdays, 3rd through 5th grades will have T’filah via Zoom at 4:30 p.m. and Hebrew will be set up via Zoom for individual and small group learning. We are concerned that due to uncertainty of elementary school schedules (schools are looking to reduce student capacity by ½ to 1/3, by half days, every other day attendance, 2 days in class and 2 days off, etc.) and the potential of no school buses and discouragement of carpools that getting students to class on Tuesdays will be a burden on families. In Phase 4, singing together is still considered risky and it is safer to have T’filah via Zoom. Please contact Stacy Ybarra with any questions or concerns at or 847-498-5352.




Phases 1 – 3 (Remote Learning)

Phase 4 (In Person with groups <50)

Phase 5 (In Person as usual)


Sundays 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Sundays 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.


Sundays 9:00 to 10:00 a.m.

Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m.

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.


Sundays 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. Tuesdays 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. – T’filah Hebrew individual and small groups day/time set with parents

Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. via Zoom

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesdays 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.


Sundays 10:15 to 11:00 a.m. Tuesdays 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. – T’filah Hebrew individual and small groups day/time set with parents

Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. via Zoom

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesdays 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.


Sundays 10:15 to 11 a.m. Tuesdays 4:30 to 5:00 p.m. – T’filah Hebrew individual and small groups day/time set with parents

Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays 4:00 to 4:30 p.m. via Zoom

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesdays 4:00 to 6:00 p.m.


Sundays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Hebrew if in reading groups choice of Tues. or Wed. at 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. if in Aleph Champ day/time set with parents

Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesdays 6:15 to 8:15 p.m.


Sundays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Hebrew Choice of Tues. or Wed. at 7:00 or 7:30 p.m.

Sundays – assigned to 1 time slot 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. OR 12:00 to 2:00 p.m. OR 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Tuesdays 6:15 to 8:15 p.m.

Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (2x month)

Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. (2x month)

Tuesdays 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. (2x month)

8th/CBS High


Sundays 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.








SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

Ah, summertime, that special crazy time of year when we are all supposed to relax and chill. Not sure about you but the last few months have felt anything but chill. At this time of the year we are usually talking about the NORMAL summer prep that we lay leaders should be doing. Well, this year is anything but NORMAL. But as some things change, they also stay the same. We are carrying on with the NORMAL planning activities, but they seem just a little different. We have not been in the synagogue in a while and I for one miss it. I know that we will be back soon but we all just must take a big dose of patience potion. Insert your preferred elixir here.

As we have all become familiar with the unfamiliar, we are moving forward with plans for an incredibly special year. As I begin my second and final year as president of the CBS Sisterhood, working along with the Sisterhood Executive Committee , I am planning for as robust a programming year as possible. Some events will be virtual, some we hope will be in person. There will be contingency plans for all our programs. It is my goal to make this year as NORMAL as we can. Speaking of NORMAL, does anyone know what that really means? Well I promise we are going rewrite the definition for sure. I think I’ll give it a try right now. NORMAL - defined as a regular, usual, and customary state of flexibility. That comes straight from the Rosengard Dictionary. Join me in this new state of Flexibility, our NEW NORMAL. I know that we will thrive and grow through this time as we always have. Please stay tuned for the NORMAL announcements about our opening activities and upcoming programs. Nothing is set in stone yet, but the plans are in the works. For all you parents and grandparents who are preparing to send your children off to college for the first time, take a big deep breath, it will be fine. NORMALLY yours, Robyn

SAVE THE DATE!!! Wednesday, September 9, 2020 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM In the comfort of your own home You are cordially invited to our 2020-2021 Opening, Installation, and Valued Volunteer Event Our Valued Volunteers are Darlene Padnos and Diana Lewis You will be hearing from A wonderful guest speaker Stay tuned for details... 12

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop We are excited to announce that the Judaica Shop will be going ONLINE with Facebook Begin preparing your shopping lists. Details to be announced soon! CBS Sisterhood Tribute Cards are available A meaningful and convenient way to Celebrate a Simcha, or Honor the Memory of a Loved One, or send Get Well Wishes Donation - $2.50 per card, $2.00 per card in multiples of 6 or let us mail a Tribute Card on your behalf for a donation of $3.00 per card. To order your cards and schedule curbside pickup at CBS contact Darlene Padnos – 847.998.0494 or



The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around The Corner~

WE ARE HAPPY TO OFFER CHALLAHDAY CHALLAHS Baked especially for you from North Shore Bakery! 1½ LB Round Plain Challah


1½ LB Round Lots of Raisin Challah


Honey Cake


CHALLAH PICKUP Thursday, September 17, 2020 12 Noon 3 PM Curbside at the main entrance of Congregation Beth Shalom | 3433 Walters Avenue | Northbrook

Place orders & online payment thru


Orders must be prepaid and received no later than THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 2020 For inquiries or alternate pickup arrangements, please contact Darlene Padnos 847.998.0494



MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco

Welcome to the Men’s Club 2020-2021 year! While we truly find ourselves in a different time and place than this time last year on so many levels, the CBS Men's Club will continue to be present to support all that CBS does spiritually, educationally and socially albeit via ZOOM at least for the near future.

We are fortunate to start the year in a position of strength as we add new leadership to both the Executive Committee and the Board. At our combined Annual Meeting and Installation on Monday, June 29, 2020, the revised May 27, 2020 Slate of Officers and Directors was officially elected. We welcome Dr. Andrew Wagner’s continued service on the Executive Committee as he completed his two-year term as Vice President of Ritual Programs and moves up to serve as Executive Vice President. Special thanks to Dr. Robert Spector for his help, support, and good counsel as Executive Vice President during my first year as President, as he returns to the CBS Board as Social Action Vice President. We also welcome Allen Lefkovitz moving up from the Board to the Executive Committee to become the Vice President of Social Programs. Coming back to the Executive Committee is Past President (1995-1997) Steven Lessman, assuming the position of Vice President of Ritual Programs. We look forward to his time-tested leadership and knowledge. The following men are joining the Board as new Directors: Scott Ginsburg David Lasky Elliot Offenbach Ron Rabinowitz

Ron Sklar David Speigel David Sokolovsky Alan Wernick

Calendar planning for 2020-2021 continues, but I would like to share with you some of our annual programs, which have been scheduled as follows: Opening Dinner, Thursday, September 17, 2020 Erev Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 25, 2020 World Wide Wrap, Sunday, February 7, 2021 Lox Box Delivery, Sunday, February 21, 2021 Men's Club Shabbat, Saturday, March 20, 2021 We look forward to your participation in these programs as well as the many more yet to be announced. L ‘Shalom Steven A few important reminders x

We ask that you sign in to your MyCBS account (ShulCloud) and make sure that your contact information is up to date including your cell phone number and email. If we need to communicate with you, we need to be sure we have your correct contact information.


Please check the Congregation Beth Shalom website ( for updates and be sure to open any emails that you receive from us during these uncertain times.


If you have not accessed your MyCBS account yet and need a new link, please contact Brenda at



SOCIAL ACTION Social Action I feel privileged to take over the leadership role as Social Action Vice President and look forward to working with such an outstanding and passionate group of selfless committee members. In spite of the challenges we continue to face as a community and country, this summer committee members have continued to offer support to the Northfield Township Food Pantry, The ARK, the PADS shelter, and many more needy organizations. We have also been providing supplemental food bags for students in a Northbrook school this summer. We are hoping to add students from an additional school in Northbrook starting in September. Contact Leatte Gelfeld,, for more Information. Sara- thank you for your excellent leadership to both the Social Action Committee and the Beth Shalom community. You are truly an amazing role model for all of us. On Thursday evening, August 20th , Billy Planer, who led our CBS Civil Rights tour in February, will be presenting on the topic How to be Comfortable Having Uncomfortable Conversations. If you are interested in and concerned about Social Justice issues, this is a must watch. Do you have a project you are interested in starting? There is always room for more members on our committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Have a wonderful and safe rest of the summer. Bob Spector Social Action VP

WE ARE HERE FOR YOU If you or a loved one are ill, injured, or facing surgery, please let our clergy know so we can listen, visit, or care for you in the way that you need. Please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email

so that we can confidentially respond to you and be here for you.

MI SHEBEIRACH LIST If you would like a name read on the Mi Shebeirach list, please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email This name will stay on the list for three weeks. Please contact us again if you would like the name to remain on the list beyond that time.

WANT TO BE INFORMED? It is incumbent upon all of us to reach out to one another in times of sorrow, celebration, or need. If you are currently not receiving our notices or email newsletters, you can make updates to your MyCBS account and choose which emails you receive. If you need help, please contact Brenda Wasserman at

The Legacy Society at Congregation Beth Shalom The purpose of the Legacy Society is to provide long term financial assistance to CBS and its members. With a successful program, we will help ensure that Congregation Beth Shalom will be here for generations to come. Think of it like L’dor V’dor, handing over the synagogue from generation to generation. We want to be here for the Jewish Community of Northbrook, not just today but for tomorrow and for it to be a second home for generations to come. Please consider making a future gift to CBS by using one of the many different methods to leave your legacy to us. If you wish to make a legacy gift or have any questions, please contact Glen Roter, our Legacy Chair, at AUGUST 2020 • VOLUME 83 ISSUE 53








DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your Birthday wishes on my 97th Birthday. I miss coming to the synagogue. David Dragon Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your kindness and caring during the time our mother was in hospice. We also appreciate your thoughtfulness at the funeral service during this difficult time for our family. Barbara Long and Richard Long Rabbi Aaron Melman For coronavirus relief. Michael and Fern Ellison Rabbi Aaron Melman and Sue Lampert In appreciation of organizing and leading the engaging and informative CLE program Joel Shapiro Rabbi Aaron Melman and the Clergy Thank you for making our Shabbat during this time very meaningful. Karen and David Ebroon Maria Catezone For the birth of your grandson, Logan Max Bob and Cindy Marder David and Suzy Hakimian For the birth of your grandson, Brody Asher Marcy Canel Ava Zeff and Family In honor of Ava's Bat Mitzvah! Mazal Tov! Wes, Susan and Hallie Nissen Seymour Politinsky For the birth of your great grandson, Braxton Sawyer. Mazal Tov! Linda Gold, Elliot and Renee Roth Seymour Politinsky For the birth of your great grandson, Braxton Sawyer. Mazel Tov! May you shep nachas from him!! Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Nancy and Richard Sher In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary Marlene Slavitt Faye and Charlie Feinstein For the birth of Avery Elizabeth, your newest grandchild. Mazel Tov!! May you shep nachas from all in your growing family. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert Less Fredric Elliott, Linda and Maureen Gold, Sharon and Harris Goldenberg Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Bonnie and Jerry Rothenberg, Jan and Bob Sabin, Martin and Barbara Winn Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of Beverly Reibman (z"l). Our sincere condolences to you and your family on the passing of your sister. May G-d comfort you among the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Barbara Long and Richard Long In memory of Ethel Long, beloved wife of my brother, William Long (z"l). My memory of her is a blessing for me. Blanche Meisel Barbara Long and Richard Long In memory of your mother, Ethel Long Carol and Mike Berger, Ellen Flaxman, Arlen and Cece Lasinsky, Marlene McLane, The Panfil and Bostick Families, Catherine Stroh Steven and Lila Weiland In memory of Marcia Weiland Linda and Maureen Gold Renee Kaplan In memory of Barbara Render Linda and Maureen Gold In memory of our parents Barry Rubin and Deborah Elbaum For the yahrzeit of my beloved aunt, Rose Lillian Lesnoy (z"l) Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of my beloved sister, Flora Fine (z"l) Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of W. William Travis Mark Robert Travis For the yahrzeit of Alan I Lapping Sheila Lapping Just because! Richard and Sara Kushnir Just because! Harry and Lily Zoberman


Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Stoeher In honor of you starting your 33rd year at CBS Bob and Cindy Marder Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of you Marcia and Alan Cahn Cantor Stoehr In appreciation of your support for Justin's Bar Mitzvah Samuel and Kimberly Grief Sue Gilford In honor of your very special Birthday! Nancy and Richard Sher Sharon and Joel Schwartz For the birth of your grandson, Jonah. Congratulations! The Hirschtritt Licht Family Judi Steinberg For a speedy recovery Sharon and Harris Goldenberg Joel Greenman In memory of Beverly Riebman, your beloved sister Fredric Elliott Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert Less Fran Brookstein, Joanne Harris, Mike and Harriet Kaplan, Mark and Sharon Telpner Eleanor Bernstein In memory of your husband, Lewis Bernstein Alan Birkner Terry and Sandi Bobroff and Family In memory of Marshall Bobroff. We are very saddened by Marshall's passing. He was always so much fun to be around. His laughter and joking will be missed by many. Barbara and Ed Gams Sandi and Terry Bobroff In memory of your beloved brother, Marshall Lily Krefetz Dr. and Mrs. Steven Hoffenberg and Family In memory of your beloved father and grandfather Dayle and Dennis Teven Ethel Obrand In memory of Arthur L. Obrand, with our deepest sympathy Linda and Maureen Gold Jan Obrand In memory of your father, Art Obrand Steven Wasserman Ronna and Daryl Penn In memory of Beverly Sklar. I am so unhappy to mourn the loss of another one of the fun (Dubofsky) cousins this year. My deepest condolences and may Bev's memory be for a blessing. Marlene Slavitt Just because! Harry and Lily Zoberman Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of your compassionate help and thoughtful words Randi Feiger Mitch and Sharyl Portugal In honor of the engagement of your daughter, Nina Fern and Michael Ellison Fern and Larry Roseman In honor of your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Mike and Fern Ellison In honor of your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Tom and Helene Coorsh In honor of your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Ron and Renee Alpern In honor of your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Rick and Linda Dick In honor of your 50th Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Arlen and Cece Lasinsky In honor of your Anniversary. Happy Anniversary! Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Ethel Obrand In memory of your husband, Art Obrand. It's a joy that you were together for so many years. Fran Brookstein In memory of my cherished husband, Stephen Brookstein, on the occasion of his Yahrzeit Fran Brookstein Ray and Tami Rokni In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Fran Brookstein Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Arlene and Ray Handler

Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Maria Catezone For the birth of your grandson, Logan Max Anita Gordon, Arlene and Ray Handler Max and Melany Shaftal In honor of the birth of your grandson, Jude Noah. Mazel tov!! Sheila and Maurice Netter David Dragon In honor of your 97th Birthday! Davi and Jeff Arnold, Joy Berks and Arvin Futterman, Marcey and Fred Bernstein, Maria Catezone, Judy and Joel Greenman, Barbara and Mark Gelfeld, Darlene and Norm Padnos, Fern and Larry Roseman, Sandy Satinover and Mort Skidelsky, Matty and Steve Shechtman, Ken and Edie Smithson David Kasman In honor of you getting your Masters Degree. Mazel Tov! Your cousins, Fern and Larry Roseman Joel Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Reva Gomberg, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Larry and Fern Roseman Jeff Wadler In memory of Karen, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert Less Sue Gilford, Reva Gomberg, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein Fred Forman In memory of your brother, Herbert Forman Nick and Betty Angele, Lois Fischer Dr. Steven Callahan and Dr. Margaret Waisman In memory of mother and mother-in-law. We are so very sorry for your loss. Arlene and Ray Handler Eleanor Bernstein In memory of your beloved husband, Lew. All of us on the Mitzvot Committee are sorry for your loss. We will miss him. The Mitzvot Committee Eleanor Bernstein In memory of your beloved husband, Lew, a mensch who will be missed. Reva Gomberg, Fern and Larry Roseman Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Jane Hoffenberg and Family In memory of your husband, father and grandfather, Bobby Hoffenberg Shirley Patzik Samuels In memory of Pauline Shapiro Sharon Kreiter Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Maria Catezone For the birth of your beautiful new grandson!! We needed some good news during this stressful time. Mazel Tov, Granny Maria! Love, Mark and Sharon Telpner Sandy and Shel Cotler In honor of your grandchildren Jordan, Anna, Brett and Caroline’s graduations Sharon Cohen Josh Footlik Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah. May you go from strength to strength. Zipporah Perlmutter In appreciation of Yizkor Mark and Sharon Telpner Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Maxine Burke, Ilene Epstein Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert Less Bonnie and Rick Meltzer The Bobroff Family In memory of Marshall Bobroff, your brother, brother-in-law and uncle. We send our condolences. May you always remember the good times you shared together. Fran Einhorn Sheryl and Steve Rose In memory of Eugene Wexelman. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Mitzie and Stewart Herman Barbara Merkin Our condolences to you and your family on the passing of your dear husband, Alan Merkin. Our thoughts are with you at this difficult time. Mitzie and Stewart Herman Fred Forman In memory of your beloved brother Sharon and Mark Telpner


DONATIONS CBS Youth Endowment David and Suzy Hakimian In honor of Ari and Dori's engagement. Mazel Tov! David, Diana and Aaron Freeman Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund The Magid and Shapiro Families In memory of your beloved daughter, wife, mother and sister, Helene Shapiro-Magid Gerald and Sherry Goldman Margie Shapiro and Jared Magid In memory of Helene Leslie and Scott Rogoff Margie Shapiro In memory of your daughter, Helene Shapiro-Magid Ronald and Renee Alpern, Marnie and Eric Baer, Jodie and Adam Berlinger and Family, Ann Davis, Fred Fisher, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Maxine Levy, Hedy Margolin, David and Barbara Menn, Denise and Jim Orlin, Terrianne Reynolds and Jeff Bauman, Larry and Fern Roseman, Loren Roseman, Tracy and Jeff Safron, Marti Sinton, Larry and Mellie Wolfson Debbie and Scott Davis In memory of Helene Shapiro-Magid Denise Orlin Renee Kaplan In memory of your mother, Barbara Render Hedy Margolin Ethel Obrand In memory of your husband, Arthur Obrand Hedy Margolin In memory of Walter Freed Hedy Margolin

High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund For the Purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book Kathy Kurland In memory of our beloved friend and security guard, Gary Kurland CBS Sisterhood, In loving memory of Harold Gordon Your Family HUGS Fund Susie and Scott Field Congrats on the birth of your new granddaughter! Mazel Tov! Mark and Sharon Telpner Ellen and Jeffrey Gluskin For the birth of your beautiful granddaughter, Jaclyn Paisley Diana and Maury Lewis Felicia Robins In honor of your graduation from Glenbrook North High School. We could not be prouder of you! Mom and Dad Felicia Robins Congratulations on your graduation from GBN! The Glaubinger Family Glen Roter For a speedy recovery. Feel better soon! Marti Sinton Jeffrey Kost In memory of your sister, Ruth Kost Pollakov Ira Becker In memory of Vern Becker, beloved wife and mother Marti Sinton Hedy Margolin In memory of your nephew, Bradley Freed Sue and Jim Lerner

Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Beth and Bob Footlik In honor of your grandson, Joshua Footlik's recent Bar Mitzvah David and Bev Sugar The Grief Family In honor of Justin's Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! David and Bev Sugar Henry and Lisa Goldberg For the birth of your grandson, Adiel David David and Bev Sugar Shaynee Jankelovitz For the birth of your great grandson, Adiel David David and Bev Sugar and Family Seymour Politinsky For the birth of your great grandson Susan and Alan Shapiro Cheryl and Carey Cooper Mazel Tov on the birth of your new granddaughter, Violet Audrey Dayle and Dennis Teven Ari Footlik In appreciation of your melodious chanting of Megillat Esther Mom and Dad Susie Pines For a speedy recovery Dayle and Dennis Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Teven Maria Catezone In honor of the birth of your grandson, Logan Max Iris and Ira Lerner, Leslie and Scott The Hutensky, Sugar and Roth Families In memory of Max Rosenfeld Shaynee Jankelovitz Rogoff Jonathan and Biranit Cohen In memory of Phil Lynda and Alan Wallis For the birth of your Rosenfeld Shaynee Jankelovitz grandsons, Jonah and Walker Laura and Lee Shulman Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert Bret and Marjorie Maxwell For the birth of your Edwin Less Arlene and Ray Handler sweet grandaughter, Maya Laura and Lee Shulman Miriam Kohn In memory of your mother, Phyllis Ethel Obrand In memory of Art Obrand Lee and Kohn Becky and Ellis Sostrin Laura Shulman Kathy Kurland In memory of Gary Kurland Lee and Janice Sostrin In memory of your beautiful mother, Pearl Weber Becky and Ellis Sostrin Laura Shulman and Becky Becker Sharon Nagel In memory of your dear husband, In memory of my beloved husband, Ronald Fred Becky and Ellis Sostrin Abrahams Carol Abrahams Rosalie In memory of Beth Siegel, your cherished For the yahrzeit of my father-in-law, Louis lifetime friend Beth and Robert Footlik Abrahams Carol Abrahams Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund beloved sister and sister-in-law, Beverly Reibman Gail Pestine In honor of Zachary’s graduation from David and Bev Sugar high school Barbara Scott Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Klapman and Family In Judy and Joel Greenman In memory of your sister, memory of your beloved father, grandfather and great Beverly Reibman Janet and Arnie Hoffman, Ilene and grandfather, Robert Holleb Dayle and Dennis Teven Richard Fischman Dr. and Mrs. Steven Hoffenberg and Family In Ellen Gilbert In memory of your beloved father, memory of your beloved father and grandfather Dayle Leonard Wilmer Janet and Arnie Hoffman and Dennis Teven Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert Fred Forman In memory of your brother, Herbert Less Janet and Arnie Hoffman Forman Ray and Arlene Handler Gold Family Sabbath Fund Maria Catezone For the birth of your grandson, Logan Max Lisa and Harold Dembo, Adrienne and Ira Holtzman Lee and Joel Meyers In honor of Gil Meyers becoming a Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! Andrea Widen Joel Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Carol and Ed Kaplan, Iris and Ira Lerner, Robert and Linda Lipschultz Fred Forman In memory of your brother, Herbert Forman Fred Fisher Eileen and Dan Racinowski In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Rose Koff-Klein Danielle, Joel, Shayna, Benjamin and Alec Pekay The Orelove Family In memory of Stuart Orelove Sherry and Jerry Goldman


Andy Wagner In memory of your beloved father, Alan Marvin Wagner Jay I. Malin Joel Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Jill and Les Olefsky Kathy Kurland In memory of your husband, Gary Kurland Jill and Les Olefsky Barbara Long In memory of your mother, Ethel Long Jill and Les Olefsky Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund In appreciation of your online services this week to observe a Yahrzeit. It's great that you are making these services available. Brenda Pessin In appreciation of Yizkor on Shavuot Reva Gomberg Seymour Politinsky For the birth of your great grandson, Braxton Sawyer Reva Gomberg Fred Forman In memory of Herbert Forman Linda Gold Paul and Wendy Bessinger In memory of Barbara Bessinger. Our condolences. David and Tanya Solomon Neal Gomberg In memory of Yvonne Gomberg The Newkirks, The Cheslers, The Millers For the yahrzeit of Donald Sonenfeld Richard and Barbara Bosley For the yahrzeits of Marsha Bosley, Shirley Sonenfeld Richard and Barbara Bosley For the yahrzeit of Edward Haas Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Kathy Kurland In memory of Gary Kurland Linda Gold Dave Leibold and Family In memory of your wife, mother and grandmother, Fran Lana and Danny Zakon Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Andy Wagner In memory of your father, Alan Marvin Wagner Steve Lessman Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Jeff and Ellen Gluskin For the birth of your granddaughter, Jaclyn Paisley Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Sharon and Joel Schwartz For the birth of your grandson, Jonah Carmel Arlen and Cece Lasinsky, Elliot and Renee Roth Andy Wagner In memory of your father, Alan Wagner Bob and Cindy Marder, Leslie and Scott Rogoff Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Fred Fisher, Bob and Cindy Marder Eleanor Bernstein and Family Our sincere condolences on the loss of Lew. A wonderful man. Always had a smile on his face. Michael and Judi Greenberg In memory of Ernest Smolen Renee, Elliot, Howard and Jessica Roth Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund For the yahrzeits of my dad, Sam Wolff, my grandfather, Morris Berebitsky, my bubbe, Blanche Berebitsky Marcy Canel For Lionel Gomberg's first Yahrzeit Reva Gomberg For the yahrzeit of Esther G. Stone Reva Gomberg For the yahrzeit of Max Stone Reva Gomberg For the yahrzeit of Ben Gomberg Reva Gomberg For the yahrzeit of Arlyne Wolfson Reva Gomberg


DONATIONS For the yahrzeits of Scott Robert Sherman, Julie Cooper Stanley and Eileen Sherman For the yahrzeit of my father, Victor Beer Barbara Lass For the yahrzeit of my father, Albert Hoffman Burton Hoffman For the yahrzeit of my mother, Frieda Hoffman Burton Hoffman For the yahrzeit of Cecil Schmulenson Stuart and Phyllis Simon For the yahrzeit of Nathan Schmulenson Stuart and Phyllis Simon For the yahrzeits of my loved ones David Dragon For the yahrzeits of Joseph Elbom, Rose Elbom, Jeffrey Kleifield Debby Kleifield For the yahrzeit of Ethel Bubman David and Faye Ziegler In memory of my father, Seymour Reiner Eugene and Rochelle Breger For the yahrzeit of Daniel Behar Reva Gomberg For the yahrzeit of Anson Glikman Helene Becker For the yahrzeit of Sam Kreiter Sharon Kreiter In memory of Harvey Pestine Gail Pestine For the yahrzeit of Judge Martin C. Ashman Betty Ashman For the yahrzeit of Helen Glazer Mitchell and Fern King In memory of my father, Sidney Aronoff Janice Schrimmer For the yahrzeits of Louis Baron, Roberta Gerson Burton Bentkover In memory of Dr. Howard Glazier Jeffrey and Davida Arnold In memory of our very beloved, special Aunt Charlotte Fridkin Rosenberg Arlene and Ray Handler In memory of Shirley Lasky, beloved mother and grandmother Barbara Lasky and Family For the yahrzeit of Sol Dolin Beverly and Mel Dolin For the yahrzeit of Henry Alexander, beloved father and grandfather Carole, Larry and Howie Shneider Shari Leviss In memory of your beloved father Chuck and Karen Schulman Shari Konikoff In memory of your beloved father, Chuck and Karen Schulman Susan Schulman In memory of your beloved father, Chuck and Karen Schulman Judith Sacks In memory of your beloved mother, Naomi Sacks Chuck and Karen Schulman Joel Greenman and Family In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Chuck and Karen Schulman Irene Kletzel and Elena Waisbord In memory of your beloved brother and son, Manola Chuck and Karen Schulman Marty Weiland In memory of your beloved wife, mother and grandmother, Marcia Chuck and Karen Schulman Barbara Wald In memory of your beloved sister, Marcia Weil Chuck and Karen Schulman Adrienne Stern In memory of your beloved husband, Chuck Stern Chuck and Karen Schulman The Family of Jay Nelson In memory of your beloved husband, father and grandfather, Jay Nelson Chuck and Karen Schulman For the yahrzeit of Harry Seltzer Ed Maslov, Brandon Maslov and Joanna Adabi In memory of my brother, Irvin Salky Evelyn Meltzer For the yahrzeit of Fannie Krasnove (z"l), my maternal grandmother Herb Lesnoy In memory of my mother, Rivian Rosenbloom, on her Yahrzeit Jay Rosenbloom


In memory of my mother, Meta McCants Karen Rosenthal For the yahrzeit of Rose Epstein Sheldon and Illeane Schwartz

For the yahrzeit of my beloved grandmother, Maria Josefa Reyes Sanchez Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy In memory of Edythe Futterman Arvin Futterman

Rosengard Museum Fund Bonnie Keeshin and Family In memory of your beloved mother, Ruth C. Chudacoff Sheldon and Beth Gaffen

Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Maria Catezone In honor of the birth of your grandson, Logan Max. Congratulations! Carol and Ed Kaplan Diana Lewis In honor of being the Sisterhood Valued Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Volunteer Abe and Sue Drayer Barbara Scott In honor of your granddaughter, Darlene Padnos In honor of being the Sisterhood Ellie's graduation Gail Pestine Valued Volunteer Abe and Sue Drayer Sue Pestine In honor of your grandson, Aden's Bar Judy and Joel Greenman In memory of Beverly Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! Gail Pestine Greenman Reibman. With deepest sympathy upon the Rabbi Stanley and Frances Kazan For the birth of loss of your dear sister. May her memory be for your great granddaughter, Tali Coco Sam and Becca blessing. Diane Goldman and Family Tatel Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Suzy and David Hakimian For the birth of your In appreciation of your good wishes. It makes my grandson, Brody Asher Sam and Becca Tatel Adrianne Varhula For a speedy recovery. Get well Birthday very special. Beverly Binstein In memory of Daniel Johnson Seymour and Beverly soon! Pam and Mike Issen Binstein Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert In memory of Chaim Saruk Seymour and Beverly Less Gail Pestine Binstein Joel Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman Mark and Sharon Telpner Jeff Wadler In memory of your wife, Karen Wadler Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of your Birthday Maxine Burke, Larry and Fern Roseman, Beth, Dan and Andy and Edgar Gettleman and Family Spencer Sher, Debbie and Gary Solomon, Sharon Telpner Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of you. With lots of Jeff Wadler and Family In memory of Karen love and best wishes on your birthday and Father's Wadler, may her memory forever be a blessing. Our Day! Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, special friend will be sorely missed but only with the Marley and Tanner fondest memories. Ted and Sandi Abel Edgar Gettleman In honor of you. Wishing you a Jeff Wadler In memory of Karen Wadler, your devoted wife and companion. Renowned teacher and Happy Father's Day. With love and best wishes, Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marley and librarian. Michael and Fern Ellison Margie Shapiro In memory of Helene Shapiro-Magid Tanner Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hammer In honor of your Howard and Myra Moldofsky new house. Welcome to the neighborhood! Harvey Alan Treguboff In memory of Howard Treguboff and Bobbi Teitelbaum Howard and Myra Moldofsky Mr. and Mrs. Abe Newfeld In honor of your Becca Tatel In memory of your beloved special 50th Wedding Anniversary Harvey and Bobbi grandmother Janet and Arnie Hoffman Teitelbaum Benjamin Zaveduk In memory of Adele Zaveduk. May Adele's memory ever be for a blessing. Linda and Paula and Michael Fohrman For the birth of your grandson, Cameron Robyn and Sam Elias Maureen Gold Susan and Michael Cohen For the birth of your In memory of Ruth Pestine Gail Pestine grandson, Spencer Robyn and Sam Elias For the yahrzeits of our parents, Louis J. Nurenberg, Dorothy E. Nurenberg Pam and Mike Shelly and Karen Dubofsky In memory of your sister, Beverly Sklar Elliot and Sharon Goldman Issen Eleanor Bernstein In memory of Lewis Bernstein For the yahrzeits of my beloved mother, Marian Saltzberg, and my grandfather, Nathan Norma Rosen and Samuel Levin Family of Nancy Bernheim In memory of Nancy Saltzberg Terry Saltzberg Bernheim Thelma Blonder Ruth and Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast In memory of Lois Haffner Levin Samuel Levin Fund Seymour Politinsky For the birth of your new great William and Pearl Schwartz Memorial Library grandson. Mazel Tov! Michele Lutz, Ephraim and Gloria Fund Knopoff, Daniel Sideman Bret and Marjorie Maxwell For the birth of your Ellen Kaplan For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! granddaughter, Maya Lily Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Leila Weiss Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Barbara Scott In memory of your brother, Robert Memorial Fund Less Mel and Peggy Alexander, Joanne Cohn, Marshall and Barbara and Michael Zaransky For the birth of Linda Kayman your grandson Simon Zee Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Larry Zelen In memory of your mother, Sandi Zelen Linda and Maureen Gold Leila Weiss Barbara and Michael Zaransky and Jack Helen Pinsky In memory of your husband, Alex Mangurten For the birth of Simon Zee, the newest Leila Weiss "a Lodge friend" addition to the Zaransky Family. Mazel Tov! Loly Tracy Hicks and Family In memory of Carol Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Munies Leila Weiss "a Lodge friend" Marty Weiland In memory of your wife, Marcia Leila Weiss In memory of my husband, Kenneth Weiss Leila Weiss


BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - September Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Sari Weil 1 Sharon Goldman 1 Reva Gomberg 1 Sheri Singer 1 Lori Margolin 1 Robyn Rosengard 1 Dana Brooks Reinglass 2 Vicki Kohn 2 Stacey Dembo 2 Leatte Gelfeld 2 Linda Lieber 3 Bonnie Himmelblau 3 Linda Lipschultz 4 Debbie Sylvan 4 Pamela Gilbert 5 Dayle Teven 5 Aline Heller 5 Karen Rosenthal 5 Bette Polakow 6 Amy Goldberg 6 Mirta Feiger 6 Rachel Gruenberg 6 Eileen Rosenbaum 7 Judy Wexler 7 Allison Lasner 8 Gita Greenwald 8 Tammy Goberstein 9 Judy Shapiro 9 Meryl Weis 9 Darlene Padnos 9 Vivian Koehler 9 Marcia Milten 11 Sharon Weiss 11 Gloria Knopoff 11

Anita Gabel Carol Simon Harriet Tecktiel Julie Kahn Beverly Dolin Zena Yofonovich Janis Strom Sally Blitt Alissa Berman Patricia Dryer Karen Grad Cheryl Kleeman Norma Rosen Cynthia Rubin Barbara Kenzer Lilyan Nathan Deborah Wilensky Ivy Weingardt Deborah Elbaum Debra Friedman Marlene Greenberg Lori Fohrman Stephanie Uhler Bonnie Malmed Debra Yale Marlene Protus Karen Moss Neda Rahmanim Ruthe Sacks Iris Podolsky Rhonda Ginsburg Rosalyn Strom Elayne Morgan Cindy Schwartz Melissa Kaplan Beth Landau

Carole Block Cindy Marder Linda Hunt Judith Greenman Ellen Grossman Judi McCarthy Paula Serlin Era Friedman Judith Greenberg Brooke Friedman Matty Shechtman Elissa Ship Rebecca Sostrin Kathryn Friedman Sherri Spector Sharon Telpner Susan Eisenstadt Roza Risman Stacy Gordon Shawna Schwalb Linda Cohen Melissa Mawrence Bonnie Rothenberg Carrie Kaplan Mardel Katz Ami Speigel

11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 21

22 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or do NOT drop off at Synagogue)

Happy Anniversary - September Brian & Shari Coleman Jerry & Bobbye Friedman Alan & Elayne Morgan Randy & Hope Samborn 35 yrs Stewart & Sheri Smason 35 yrs Scott & Rhonda Ginsburg Gary Grad & Denise Longoria Mitchel & Gladys Greenberg Jerome & Jane Wein Alexander & Lana Goldman Elliot & Amy Offenbach Jeffrey & Melissa Good Irwin & Debra Friedman Scott & Lori Margolin Robert & Marsha Schwartz Harmon & Melissa Lyons 15 yrs Stuart & Rebekah Almeleh Matt & Alyssa Shamis Kamil & Jaclyn Hakimian Allan & Melissa Malmed AUGUST 2020 • VOLUME 83 ISSUE 53

1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4

John & Elissa Pelts 15 yrs Sofiya Kantor & David Sokolovsky David & Shawna Schwalb 15 yrs Mitchell & Adrienne Weiss Jerry & Adrienne Bauer Ira & Adrienne Holtzman Barton & Renee Osher Norman & Ilene Iglarsh 55 yrs David & Amy Goldberg Jay & Ginger Malin Adam & Kelly Glauberman 10 yrs Doug & Heather Weinstein Andrew & Rebecca Newman Michael & Jacqueline Jacobs Jeffrey & Tracy Safron Dan & Beth Sher David & Susan Silver Bradley & Jessica Taub Michael & Samantha Weinstein David & Melissa Barany

4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7

Lee & Jennifer Menn Charles & Barbara Poncher Scott & Deborah Tucker 25 yrs Jaeson & Joanna Kaplan 20 yrs Steven & Rachel Birkner Kenneth & Edie Smithson 60 yrs Steven & Faye Krasner Morris & Judith Kaplan 50 yrs Bruce & Debra Bell Arnie Hoffman & Janet Jacobson Mark Gennerman & Michael Penn Richard & Tammy Berkowitz Bruce & Sandra Goldstein

7 8 9 10 10 11 12 13 14 14 20 21 21


MILESTONES PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Susan & Michael Cohen are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Spencer Levi Neumann Cynthia & Bruce Shankman are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Emmett Shea Sneider-Cotter Barbara & Michael Zaransky happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Simon Zee Alexander Jack Mangurten is happy to announce the birth of his great grandson, Simon Zee Alexander Dr. Ira & Beth Fenton are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Chananya Pesach Fenton Seymour Politinsky is happy to announce the birth of his great grandson, Braxton Sawyer Politinsky Eki & Norm Greenberg are happy to announce the birth of their great granddaughter, Adina Rachel Fine-Cohen Faye & Charlie Feinstein are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Avery Elizabeth Feinstein Paula & Michael Fohrman are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Cameron Luke Podolsky Sammi & Teddy Roth are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Savannah Mackenzie Roth Dr. Scott & Susie Field are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Savannah Mackenzie Roth Linda Tepper is happy to announce the birth of her grandson, Raymond Joshua Romer Julie & Louis Bucksbaum are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Summer Paige Bucksbaum Allison & Daniel Lasner are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Jorah Elle Rotman Maria Catezone is happy to announce the birth of her grandson, Logan Max Schreiber The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Margie Shapiro on the passing of her daughter, Helene Shapiro-Magid Fred Forman on the passing of his brother, Herbert Forman Shelly Dubofsky on the passing of his sister, Beverly Sklar Barbara Scott on the passing of her brother, Robert Edwin Less Eleanor Bernstein on the passing of her husband, Lewis S. Bernstein Terry Bobroff on the passing of his brother, Marshall Gary Bobroff Sheryl Rose on the passing of her brother, Eugene Stewart Wexelman Dr. Joel Greenman on the passing of his sister, Beverly Reibman

Mitchell Meltzer on the passing of his wife, Evelyn Meltzer

Arlene Gelman on the passing of her mother, Evelyn Meltzer Jeff Wadler on the passing of his wife, Karen Wadler Dr. Andy Wagner on the passing of his father, Alan Marvin Wagner Heidi Reitman on the passing of her father, John Stevenson Benji Wolken on the passing of his mother, Barbara H. Wolken MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Call Maria Catezone (847-498-4100) for information or to order a plaque. In memory of STEVE ZARANSKY by Michael Zaranksy 22


In honor of my grandson, Gil Meyers’, Bar Mitzvah Shelly Singer-Potekin

Death of Esteemed Members: Barbara Bessinger Lewis S. Bernstein Karen Wadler Evelyn Meltzer


YAHRZEITS August 1-7 Dori Auslander Dr. Bernard Feinstein Ronald Fishman Eva Friedlander Leila Glantz Beverly Kantor Joseph Korman Shirley Liberman Melvin Menzer Valerie Nathan Ben Patzik Lois Seiden Goldie Senator Herman Srulovitz Sidney C. Weil Moses Zelkowitz Sarah Auerbach Barry Ganek Elaine Jaspan Victor Jack Mersten Sheldon Millman Beverly Morton Sylvia Rothenberg Selma Stern Esther Wald Frances Elster Rae Feldman Erwin Gnippe Isadore Goldman Mildred Hoffman Henry T. Kaner Sidney Kramer Fred S. Lasner Bertha Lipschultz Ben E. Palmer Dr. David Peckler Alexander Remish Henry Schwarzberg Rosalia Shlagman Leon Steinfeld Isadore Teplinsky Mollie Yusim Betty Sue Zeligman Jeffrey Berger Harold Binstein Benjamin Bosley Simon Davidson Elaine Edidin Sam Friedman Lillian Gold Jeanette Kaufman Ruth Minkoff Ruth Morrison Rose Schwartz Esther Martin Shupetsky JoAnn Sontag Marshall Wolke Rose Abrams Jean goldstein David Klepper Jennifer Lazar Shirley Rosenberg Jacob Samuelson Esther Shapiro Gordon Ship Meyer Shwachman Sol Cotler Lily Fallek Elliott Friedman Paul Goldberg Sigi Kleeman Alice Lobell Charlotte Magidson Joseph Schwartz Jerome N. Weil Leah Bransky Frank Brookstein Norman Eskinazi Seymour Gagerman Milton Holzman Paul Hyman Kenzer

August 8-14 Joe Cohen Geraldine Faber Gerald Fishman Mack Gartner Ted Glazer Meyer Greenberg Irving Hoseman Judith Kohn Noah Rabinowitz Marvin Smason Jerome M. Solomon Ann Blum Sam Cohen Herbert Friedman Esther Gelfeld Charles Greenberg Jack Herman Arthur Kerstein Jack Kramer Pearl Platt Mitchell Protus Ida Stepen Theresa Vincent Sarah Weinberg Marion Dolin Mary Epstein Beckie Feldman Bella Fisch Max Goldstein Ruth Kagan Edna Kaplan Sam Prince Ben Rosenthal Edwin Sanchick Harry Tannenbaum Bernice Fay Wiseman Harold J. Berkowitz Albert Brin Abraham Brin Rose Caprow Percy Elion Miriam Freund Hannah Granok Dorothy Berlin Kagen Phyllis Kramer Fannie Levy Jerome Lipschultz Lawrence Litvack Harry Rose Ron Shlifka Harold H. Slavitt Irene Weiner Harvey Jay Wexelman Louis Wishnick Seymour Berkowitz Julius Cohen Tillie Doppelt Cookie Friedman Thelma Klein Dolly Levison Stephen Mareta Robert Matasar Rae Naiditch Harvey Nudelman Hyman Rosenthal Rochelle Schy Frank Shneider Joe Silver Jacob Zagorsky Evelyn Dubrow Maurice Engerman Robyn Finkel Robert Fogelson Stanley Grant Helen Lexier David Lowenthal Esther Mangoubi Irving Nekritz Ann C. Newman Sarah Patzik John A. Roiter


Lippman Rothenberg Natalie Sloven Rollie Ackerman Frieda Baer Morris Berebitsky Etta Guberman Esther Maslov Aaron Meltzer Hermine Pogofsky Carl Rabin Elaine Rothschild Pessel Schwartz Arlene Weisberg Harriet Zemsky

Rose Nortman Goldie Pearlman Roberta Lerman Rosenstein Lawrence Weinstein Sandra Weiss Sonia Wolper Sylvia Sime Zisook Dr. Maureen Block Bernstein Marion Folkman Sol Glazier Mose Green Anne Grossman Rissel Lerch Mitchell Stern

August 15-21 Marvin Dishler Charles Elisco Fanny Gagerman Betty Gartner Yusef Hakimian Harry Jonas Sylvia Solar Evelyn R. Victor Florence Brookstone Dr. Marvin Brown James Joseph Dick Howard Charles Floom Abram Goldberg Irving Hammer Diane Hoffman Manuel Holden Charles Hyman Samuel Lesnoy Sara Leviton Morris Miller Oscar Rosenberg Arnold A. Schrank Solomon R. Spector Fannie Weinstein Dorothy Zakon Ruth Baum Phema Bohrer Sherry Goldberg William Levin Seymour Pressler Merle Bert Rosenberg Doris Smolen Shirley Spears Irving Stepen Bernard Sweet Mary Wexelman Laura Sue Barov Michael Bauer Frieda H. Dredze Lester Fischer Herman H. Helfer Frieda Hoffman Anna Rotstein Enid Sachnoff Judge Harold Siegan Shlomo Szlamkowicz Mike Taksin Lillian Wrobel Morris Zemsky James Zucker Sally Altman Minnie Ein Ilse Gutmann Morris Harris Ann Jaffe Sandra Kantz Bernard Kaplan Adeline P. Kozin Alan Nabat Benjamin Rosenbaum Ruth L. Ross Rose Shifrin Sherwin P. Bosse Samuel Brown Arnold Eisenberg Francine Isaacson

August 22-28 Ida Alter Judy Domsky Sarah Friedman Michael Friedman Ida Kanterovitz Clara Levenson Minnie Meshulam Abraham Roskin Hyman Steinberg Abraham Yusim Dorothy Binder Shirley Hymen Cotton Max Dredze Roger Eskinazi David Aaron Heller Frank Kamensky Lena Marks Dorothy Smoler Richard Sobelman Edward I. Steiner Morton Alexander Ann Berks Regina Brandelstein Eva Festenstein Ignac Freund Liza Karp Joel Klein Nathan Michaels Terry F. Netzky Irving Pichinson Jean Schrank Leona Swirsky Bernice Zeligman Irving Zook DJ Appleman Anna P. Edelson Evelyn Greenbaum Flora Kahalnik Herman Louis Loeb Rose Rosenbaum Sydelle Salinger Cele Solomon Edwin Swire Herbert S. Billowitz Steven Blumberg Sarah Chaiken Sam Halpern Menachem Jungblut Burton E. Lanski Lillian Lipschultz Hertha Mahler Naha Ozeriansky Delores Posner Sam Roberman Sadie Schultz Bella Shwachman Gerald Arbetman Philip Carp Perle Cinofsky Simon J. Gershon Miriam Gryziak Stuart Paul Kleeman Sarah Prohovnik Elaine Rosman Joyce Scholl Fannie Schwartz

Carl Tossey Charles M. Zavell Eugene Zolt Morris Azine Rosalyn Baer David B. Goldberg Frank Louis Gurtz Gerald Jacobs Beverly Nesler Harry Roth Abraham Saitelbach George Shapiro Florence Siedband Rose Silver Jesse Sklaroff Mollie Sperber August 29-31 Mary C. Engel Lillian Fox Pauline Golden Bee Kaplan Bertha Marshak Phil Martin Isadore Irving Resnick Gertrude Shiller Spector Marvin Tatkin Doris Winn Matilda Zaveduk Ralph J. Bessinger Esther Bubley Philip Cole Arnold Cowen Goldie Gelman Gertrude Gold David Goodman Irving Grossman Eliezer Gryziak Herbert A. Hoke Sherlee Weiner Kosova Caryn Lesnoy Shelley Levin Marshall Persky Gloria Rosenbaum Gerald Rosenberg Irving Roy Tillie Schoeneman Sagalow Leonard Shamis Betty Sher Steven Teitelbaum Anna Turkeltaub Bernie Alpert Jean Gutenberg Berman Robert Bernhard Freda Decker Faye Drate Leon Edidin Eleanor Fink Sidille Friedman Fred Joseph Rebecca Newman Faye Rosen Judy Seif Jeffrey Scott Speigel Julius Zelen



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Candle Lighting and Service Times*

(*ALL SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19) Saturday – August 1 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Friday Evening – August 7 (Candles 7:43 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – August 8 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Friday Evening – August 14 (Candles 7:33 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – August 15 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Friday – August 21 (Candles 7:23 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – August 22 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Friday – August 28 (Candles 7:12 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – August 29 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat

9:30 AM 10:00 AM

Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evenings Sunday Mornings

7:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM

All CBS Shabbat and daily minyan services are Live Streamed from the CBS website from your computer, smartphone or iPad/ tablet:


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