Congregation Beth Shalom August, 2022 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Ticket Pick-Up/Yom Beth Shalom......... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes .......................................... 4 Services Under the Sky ............................ 5 Religious School ......................................... 6 B’nai Mitzvah/Young Family ................ 7-8 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ........ 8-9 Sisterhood .......................................... 10-11 Men’s Club ............................................... 12 Library ....................................................... 13 Social Action ............................................ 14 CBS Happenings ............................... 15-17 See What’s Happening @ CBS ........... 18 Birthdays & Anniversaries .................... 19 Calendar ............................................. 20-21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting & Service Times ........ 28

Head Rabbi ......................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Rabbi .................................................. David Chapman Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director ............................Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Communications ....Deanne Friedman Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra President ................................................. Bob Spector Sisterhood President ..................... Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents.... Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ......................................... Dylan Adler Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.


AV/ELUL 5782 | AUGUST 2022| VOLUME 103 ISSUE 73

RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES Many will remember, and most have seen, the iconic poster of Uncle Sam pointing his finger forward with the caption, “I Want You,” used to recruit for World War I. The message might have been about the Army however, I have that same image in mind when it comes to Congregation Beth Shalom. I Want You…Here! I recognize that not everyone is comfortable coming back in the building yet and I hope and pray that it will change soon. Many have a sense of longing for being in the building, being here in person, and I want to encourage everyone to come on in! We have followed protocols and made it as safe as possible to attend services, classes, and other programs. All that is missing is more people. I am thrilled to look out and see the 50-60 wonderful congregants who are here on Shabbat. I love that we have a minyan most mornings and evenings during the week. But I won’t lie. I long for the days when we had 125-150 congregants in the Kamensky Sanctuary on Shabbatot, even when there are no B’nai Mitzvah. I miss the days when we sat in one of the social halls or the Winter Garden and shared Torah and text with 30 or more people. I hope that Rabbi Melman

as we enter a new synagogue year and approach a new Jewish year, those who have been uncomfortable up to this point will see that discomfort ease or let us know ways that we can help in that effort. To make an obvious statement, the world has changed in the past two and a half years and so too has our synagogue. We have shared constantly the need to adapt and change and see a new path forward. Yes, change is hard, but it is necessary. When people or institutions don’t adapt and grow, we get stagnant and stale. We become irrelevant, and nobody wants that. There is much work to be done as we continue to define what a new and changing synagogue world looks like. It is an opportunity for Congregation Beth Shalom to redefine who we are, what we do and what our community represents. I am not talking about major change, I am referring to making sure that we adapt, within the parameters of Conservative Judaism, to meet the needs of each and every member of Beth Shalom. In order to determine what your needs are, I am going to host a series of listening groups over the next several months – think of them as a town hall. These groups will be organized by different age demographics and will be designed for me to hear what is on your mind. I want to know what we, as a community, and I, as your Rabbi, can do for you to truly make this a Jewish home for you. More information will follow so please keep an eye out. Hearing from you truly matters to me. My hope is to take our great congregation and make it even better – and I need you to make that happen! I look forward to seeing you over the coming months, sharing and learning together.

TICKET PICK-UP/YOM BETH SHALOM HIGH HOLIDAY TICKET PICK-UP 5783/2022 Tickets will be distributed at CBS on the following dates and time: Sunday, August 28 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. & Monday, August 29 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. *No tickets will be distributed before these dates

Pick up your High Holiday tickets, parking pass, information about CBS programs and classes and hear about what else is going on at Congregation Beth Shalom! (look for more detailed information in the CBS High Holiday brochure coming to your house soon!)




Shalom Chaverim, It is the 4th of July and I hope this summer season is being experienced with good health and is providing you many opportunities to spend quality time with friends and family. When I wrote my first six-month review last January it was 10 degrees during an 8-inch snowfall. Today it is 75 and sunny. Like this dramatic change in weather, my assessment of my second six months is much more optimistic. So here goes: A SIX-MONTH REVIEW: THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UGLY, and the HORRIFIC.

Let’s start with the GOOD. After a temporary closure of our building in January, we re-opened and have remained open since then. Shabbat Kiddushim and many other community events such as Sisterhood, USY, Men’s Club, and Fundraising banquets have all returned since March. The high percentage of members who stay for our Kiddush lunches after Shabbat services points to how much our CBS community values being together socially. While new COVID-19 variants continue to infect our community members at a high rate (the BAD), our congregation has responded wonderfully to our masking and vaccination mandates (the GOOD) which has allowed us to keep our doors open and to provide us with a full complement of services, and educational and social opportunities. I apologize for the abrupt shift in my message. It is now 11:00 Monday morning. I am stricken with grief as I have just learned what has occurred in our neighboring community. Several dead, many injured - HORRIFIC. Do I continue writing as if my world has not been drastically altered? I think not. This feels like a before and after moment in which our lives have been forever changed given the proximity of this tragedy. I mourn for the families who have lost loved ones. Have any members of our CBS community been injured? What can I do to help? Is it ok to feel relief that my family is ok? Why does this continue to happen? So many questions, and no answers. Moments ago, I was feeling reflective upon some of the challenges we face as a CBS community. Now, that pales with the absolute despair I now feel as a member of the broader North Shore community.

By the time you are reading this message several weeks have passed. Hopefully the terrorist has been apprehended and we have a greater understanding as to how such hatred and evil intent can exist in such a young person. I also know that this will change nothing for the victims. The terrorist attack of July 4th has forever changed the Highland Park community. It is yet another reminder that we can only guardedly take for granted our health and happiness. I know you share my prayers that these families most effected by this tragedy will find the strength to heal. As for our challenges at Congregation Beth Shalom, whether they be financial or health related, I have the utmost confidence that we will work together to find solutions so we can remain the caring, kind, vibrant, and welcoming community for decades to comenot only for ourselves but for our neighbors for whenever they may need us to be there for them. As one of your community leaders, it will be a continued privilege for me in year two as your President to be part of making us a stronger and better community. L’Shalom, Bob

JOIN US IN WELCOMING THESE NEW MEMBERS TO CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Linda & Stuart Adler Lonnie & Joshua Finkle Enid & Julian Hayum Carli & Craig Jaffe Erin & Vince Taylor


All CBS Shabbat, daily minyan and holiday services are Live Streamed from the CBS website from your computer, smartphone or iPad/tablet


CANTOR’S NOTES Cantor Stoehr

Martha Postlewaite writes: “Create a clearing in the dense forest of your life”. The month of Elul is exactly for that purpose. It is time to reflect and focus on our innerself rather than worrying about being productive and always staying busy so as to achieve our monetary, academic or social goals. When do we ever really get a complete break from it all (and I hope you didn’t answer “when I die”). Yes, we as a People did respond to the commandments at Sinai with the words We Shall DO and We Shall Listen and maybe that’s where this busyness all got started, however the Commandments were directions for our spiritual selves so as to direct our physical selves.

Tara Brach writes in her book, The Sacred Pause that “...We are just completely habituated to activity... We are in a kind of doing-trance… and they talk about human-doings versus human-beings…”

‘Doing’ gives us a sense of control of our journey and makes us feel less the victim of happenstance (fate). The more we can do, the more we can control the happenings in our day. The more we can schedule and govern our day, the less chance we will be caught off guard by something unexpected. It doesn’t always work of course but it seems we are hedging our bets that our decisions for where we are at any point, or what we do, will allow us to be the captain of our own destiny. An important and healthy part of being a human-being is just being. Meditation, yoga or prayer time are wonderful ways to snatch some of that ‘being’ every day. Have you ever submerged yourself in a pool or ocean and enjoyed the dense silence that frees you from the cacophony of the world above the surface? Maybe for you it’s biking, playing an instrument or enjoying a another activity of your choice which is your escape. The month of Elul reminds us that now is the time to take what is rightfully yours, time to be. ‘Being’ is also a manner by which we surrender to God in our lives. It expresses that we believe God will be the shomer, guardian, over us even during the day such as while we sleep. As an aside I offer for you a lovely not well known song by Harpo Marx and Gerda Beilenson called Guardian Angels which reflects this sentiment of being watched over as we sleep. The opening lyrics read – Guardian angels around my bed joining me in my prayers. They hush the shadows when they dance about. They shoo away the bears… We often manifest what we think and put out into the world. Isn’t it worthy of a “sacred pause” in your day, or week, or this month, to explore yourself so as to emanate into the world positive and healthy energy? Judaism refers to this month’s process of self-examination as Cheshbon-HaNefesh, the “accounting of a soul”. Just like your computer, every so often you have to purge unnecessary data. So too, in your mind and soul, it is good to purge, to rid yourself of the clutter which impedes your essential self from growing. This is the time of year to do this, to be alone with yourself, to examine yourself, so that you can be your best self. If you allow yourself to clear a path through the ‘dense forest’ and embrace the ‘sacred pause’ you may find yourself finally in a state of just “being” the essential you that you wish. You are what you allow yourself to believe, so just Be. Shana Tova (See points 13 - 24)




CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS Come together. Meet new friends. Find your people. Enjoy an activity with other CBS members who share your interests. Browse our CBS YACHAD ON The Move webpage. Let us know what you like and we'll look for others who share your passion.

We look forward to continuing to connect our CBS family! Membership Vice President, Sue Lampert ( CBS staff members Leann Blue ( and Lisa Orlov (




Registration There is still time to register for Religious School. Registration is on-line only. Go to and click on ”MyCBS” and log in to your account. Registration is for kindergarten through high school. This year there are both group and individual class options for 3rd through 7th grades. Each option has a different price point. For questions or concerns, please contact Stacy Ybarra at or 847-498-4100 x15.

FREE tuition for student’s first year in Religious School for kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades. We will be contacting all families in 3rd through 7th grades to re-confirm group and individual class selections for this year. Our first day of classes is Sunday, August 28th and will be for students AND parents. There will be opportunities to learn about the curriculum and our Aleph Champ Hebrew program, meet the teachers and reconnect with other parents. The school calendar is posted on the CBS website Religious School page. Hiring teens! The Religious School is looking to hire youth entering 8th through 12th grades in the fall to work in the school as madrichim. All madrichim will be required to be enrolled in Jewish day school or in the CBS High Program. Apply on-line at Contact Stacy Ybarra at for more information and to set up an interview. School Board If you are interested in being on the CBS School Board for the upcoming school year, please contact our School VP at





Son of Erin & Vince Taylor Brother of Lea Taylor Great Grandson of Jack Mangurten Grandson of Linda & Irv Mangurten, Jan & Ron Mosoff, Audrey & Rod Taylor

Son of Erika & Jason Harris Brother of Lara Harris Grandson of Bonnie & Jeffrey Kramer, Iris & Brian Harris

ARIELLA SILVERMAN Daughter of Lauren & Michael Silverman Sister of Blake Silverman Granddaughter of Gomila & Mark Garber, Susan & Ira Silverman










SISTERHOOD Jackie Zelkowitz

I hope you are having a fantastic summer! Our Sisterhood never stops! It has been a pleasure to meet so many prospective new members at Services Under the Sky. I look forward to welcoming them as new members of the synagogue and new members of Sisterhood. I also want to welcome some very important new members of our congregation family -- Rabbi Chapman, Jonathan and Elior. We are so excited to have you here with us and look forward to working together.

I really enjoyed seeing so many of our members come back to in-person attendance at our events and meetings. If pandemic levels allow it, I look to seeing you – both in-person and online – at our upcoming events. We will continue to offer all of our events via Zoom so that if you are ever uncomfortable being in close proximity to others, full participation is available. Everyone will have the ability to participate fully in our events.

I am so pleased to announce that Peggy Shapiro of StandWithUs will be joining us for our Opening Dinner on Wednesday, September 14th. StandWithUs is an international, non-partisan Israel education organization that inspires and educates people of all ages and backgrounds, challenges misinformation and fights antisemitism. It counters antisemitism and educates the public to make reasonable, informed conversations about Israel’s policies on college campuses and in communities possible. StandWithUs’ work is not contingent upon which party is in power in the US or Israel. Peggy Shapiro has dedicated her life to exposing and combating antisemitism. The daughter of Holocaust survivors, she was born in a Displaced Persons camp in Landsberg, Germany, the same town in which Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf. As a retired college professor, she is keenly aware of the antisemitism epidemic on college campuses and its eerie similarity to conditions at universities in 1930s Europe. Thank you to Debbie Hamilton and Sara Weinstein, as well as their committee for all their hard work in planning for this wonderful evening. I would love for you to join us in Sisterhood. You should be receiving your membership packet soon. The packet has a membership interest form to complete. I hope to see you at all of the events that Sisterhood will be planning.

I am looking forward to working with the amazing women of Sisterhood and extremely excited to grow with each and every one of you.

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around The Corner~ Looking forward to connecting with you via Square Support CBS Sisterhood with the click of the Mouse! Simply use this address: Volunteers needed for Sisterhood’s Judaica Shop, beginning September, 2022 Do you want to be of service to our Synagogue? Do you want to be of service to our Sisterhood? Do you want to be where “The Action” is? Do you want to meet some of the Finest People? Do you have two hours - once a week to give? Please call or write us. We’d love to hear from you! We can’t sell our beautiful merchandise – if we’re not open. For additional information, to volunteer or to schedule an in-person appointment, contact our Co-Managers: Diana Lewis 847-903-6175, Darlene Padnos 847-217-4531 or Donna Fox 513-378-2491 or email Diana at 10



The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop, ~Shop Around The Corner~ CHALLAHDAY CHALLAHS Baked especially for you from Shalom Bakery

Round Plain Challah


Round Raisin Challah


Honey Cake


Orders must be prepaid and received no later than Friday, September 9, 2022 Place orders here & online payment thru MyCBS CHALLAH PICKUP – Friday, September 23, 2022 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM Curbside and/or Foyer of Congregation Beth Shalom 3433 Walters Avenue, Northbrook For inquiries or alternate pickup arrangements, please contact Darlene Padnos 847/217.4531 or

Save the Date CBS Sisterhood Opening Dinner StandWithUs Peggy Shapiro Wednesday, September 14, 2022 6 PM Congregation Beth Shalom |3433 Walters Avenue | Northbrook Cost before September 6th Sisterhood members $40 | Nonmembers $45 Cost on or after September 7th Sisterhood members $45 | Nonmembers $50 Virtual only $10 – reserve by September 12th Details to follow AUGUST 2022• VOLUME 103 ISSUE 73



Dr. Andrew Wagner

Happy August to Congregation Beth Shalom! We hope that everyone is enjoying the last few days of Summer 2022. Your CoPresidents of the CBS Men’s Club, Steve Lessman and Andy Wagner, are hard at work preparing for another great year of fun and exciting events to enjoy together. We would like to welcome Rabbi David Chapman. We hope that everyone has an opportunity to meet Rabbi Chapman very soon as he settles in with his family in Northbrook. We wish them much success in the coming years at Congregation Beth Shalom.

Here are some dates to enter in your calendars for the upcoming year for the CBS Men’s Club.      

Opening dinner: Wednesday, September 21, 2022 Steaks in the Sukkah featuring the Chicago Bears vs. the Washington Commanders: Thursday, October 13, 2022 Men’s Club and Sisterhood Event: Saturday, November 12, 2022 Lox Box Delivery: Sunday, March 12, 2023 Men’s Club Shabbat: April 15, 2023 Men’s Club Golf Outing: Thursday, June 15, 2023

Our bulletin tradition continues with introducing you to the newest and a returning member of the Men’s Club Executive Board. This month, we meet our VP of Membership, Neil Rosengard. Neil is the son of Larryz”l and Eileen Rosengard, who were extremely active members of CBS back in the 1970s and 1980s. Neil had his Bar Mitzvah at CBS in 1986, and has really never left Beth Shalom since those early days. Neil attended Glenbrook South High School and was involved in many activities including soccer, swimming, theater and choir and even did play-by-play sports announcing on the school radio station. Neil then became a proud Jayhawk attending the University of Kansas. He was an active member of ZBT and was known as “Norm!” as in the famous character from Cheers. Neil majored in Liberal Arts with a concentration in Political Science. After college, he worked for 5 years at the Mercantile Exchange, where his father worked and owned a successful brokerage business for many years. Later, Neil found his passion of working in sales and special events production, which he has done for more than 30 years. He has been with his current company, BBJ LaTavola, a specialty linen rental company for the last ten years as Director of Logistics. When Neil was 12 years old, he went to Camp Menominee in Wisconsin, which was an all-boys camp. The girls camp, Marimeta, was nearby, and they socialized very often. During that summer, he met one of those girls, Robyn Gaffen. Years later, college friends fixed them up and, 10 months later, they were engaged and soon married. Neil and Robyn have two children, Logan, a junior at Kansas, and a daughter, Madison, a senior at Glenbrook North and current CHUSY region Israel Affairs VP. One of Neil’s greatest Jewish memories include working with his dad and family during his early teen years helping with the Maot Chitim Passover deliveries to needy families. During those years, Neil remembers his father’s words to live by, “Help others who can’t help themselves.” Another great memory is going to Israel for the first time during the Men’s Club Israel trip in 2018. Seeing Israel for the first time and enjoying the beauty and tradition of our homeland was a life changing experience for Neil. A year after his Bar Mitzvah, at the age of 14, Larry passed away very suddenly, and the Rosengard family continues his legacy as a leader of Beth Shalom through Neil’s many years of volunteering in CBS and Men’s Club involvement. He has been on the Board of Trustees for over 15 years, acting as Membership VP and House VP as well as Men’s Club House VP. Neil continues his father’s tradition of holding the Torah during Kol Nidre. We thank Neil and Robyn, a past president of CBS Sisterhood and current Religious School VP, for their many years of involvement at CBS, and we look forward to a great year as he serves as VP of Membership of the CBS Men’s Club. We are planning on another great year with the CBS Men’s Club. We are ready to work hard and have fun giving back to CBS with our Executive Board and Board of Trustees including our 10 new members of the Board. Enjoy the rest of your summer. See you all soon. Steve and Andy



LIBRARY Tracy Safron Suggests Although The Midwife of Auschwitz is a daunting title, the story that author Anna Stuart tells is thoughtful and inspiring. The novel is based on fact and Stuart’s research provides interesting characters and plots. Ana is a Christian midwife living in Lodz, Poland with her husband and three adult sons. Ana has befriended many Jews and is especially fond of the young Jewish nurse Ester. Amid war and upheaval, Ester and Filip meet and fall deeply in love. Ana attends Ester’s marriage to Filip in November of 1939 and soon the newlyweds and their parents are forced to move into a small, shared space in the ghetto. Ana is arrested as a member of the resistance. She is about to be jailed when she voluntarily joins Ester and Ester’s ailing mother on a train to Auschwitz-Birkenau. Upon arrival, Ana presents her midwife documents and claims Ester as her assistant. Living conditions at Birkenau are atrocious and there are many sick and pregnant women for Ester and Ana to care for. Both women are devastated by the rules their superiors enforce regarding the babies they deliver. Only the blond-haired babies are allowed to live, and these newborns are stolen from their mothers and given to German families. How can there be hope among such despair? Ana and Ester never stop dreaming of their husbands and praying for a future with them. After a few months in the camp, it is obvious to Ana that Ester is pregnant. Ester endures thoughts of having her baby taken from her by devising a plan that could potentially reunite these mothers (and herself) with their abducted children. Ester and Ana never give up hope for returning to their loved ones. Remarkably, Ana successfully delivers over 3000 babies among the bleakest circumstances. The Midwife of Auschwitz is an incredible story of resilience, and it’s Stuart’s compassionate writing that makes this a remarkable novel.

The MARIAN RENEE SALTZBERG Learning Resource Center / IRVING RUBENSTEIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY is open and ready to serve you! Our mission is to provide relevant Judaic resources to our clergy, congregants, faculty, and students. The library is a space for life-long learning as we share our rich Jewish heritage and tradition. The center includes more than 12, 000 items of Judaic content and related subjects in varied formats including books, periodicals, large print books, DVDs, and CDs that are educational and entertaining for all ages. Drop in during the week: Mondays-Thursdays 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. Fridays 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. (closed on Jewish holidays and major Federal holidays) Questions ? Contact Pamela

Watch this space for updates!


A few important reminders 

We ask that you sign in to your MyCBS account (ShulCloud) and make sure that your contact information is up to date including your cell phone number and email.

Please check the Congregation Beth Shalom website ( for updates and be sure to open any emails that you receive from us.

Use the online calendar ( for the most up-to-date information on what is happening at CBS! You can also save to your own calendar, share with a friend, etc. from there.

CBS Bulletin - Go Paperless! Help CBS go green and save trees by opting to receive the monthly bulletin online and not by mail. Email Mara to go paperless at



Drop off books in the bins located in the CBS lobby! Questions ? Contact Susie Field - or 312.816.3959 or Jill Olefsky - or 847.565.5045







Do you have the Congregation Beth Shalom Mobile App on your Smartphone or Tablet? If not, Download it Today! It’s free for both IOS (iPhone) and Android (Google) Search Beth Shalom Congregation and look for the familiar blue flame logo (there are many synagogues with similar names)

The CBS Mobile App will provide you easy access to:  Your MyCBS Account (be sure you know how to sign into your account!)  CBS Membership Directory  CBS Calendar (and event registrations)  Online Donations & Payments  CBS Website & Live Streaming



CBS HAPPENINGS Having A Simcha this Summer?

Anniversary, Graduation, Special Birthday, Baby Naming, Auf Ruf, etc……

Consider Hosting a Kiddush on Shabbat to Celebrate!  

$180 sponsorship - includes up to 8 guests, Kiddush lunch and a custom decorated cake $500 sponsorship - includes up to 15 guests, embellished Kiddush lunch, custom decorated cake, personalized napkins and large celebration table for your guests including a floral centerpiece (For $750 sponsorship, same as above but includes up to 24 guests and two celebration tables.) $1,800 sponsorship - includes up to 50 guests, embellished Kiddush lunch, custom decorated cake, personalized napkins, choice of fabric table linens, bottle of sparkling wine.

Click HERE to Order -

For more info, contact Randi Simon by email or call 847-498-4100 ext.23 VISIT THE CBS PHOTO GALLERY:




The many “faces” of CBS from events held in May and June including the Youth & Young Family End of Year Bash, CBS Sisterhood Culminating, Installation, and Valued Volunteer Dinner, CBS Annual FUNdraiser, 60 Minutes of Jewish Music Presents: The Yiddish Are Coming, and CBS Men’s Club Annual Golf Outing and Board Installation Dinner. Photo Credit: Michael Balter, CBS Congregant & Volunteer 18


BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - September Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Sharon Goldman Robyn Rosengard Reva Gomberg Sheri Singer Lori Margolin Sari Weil Stacey Dembo Leatte Gelfeld Dana Brooks Reinglass Linda Lieber Bonnie Himmelblau Linda Lipschultz Debbie Sylvan Pamela Gilbert Aline Heller Marla Horwitz Karen Rosenthal Dayle Teven Rachel Gruenberg Mirta Feiger Bette Polakow Eileen Rosenbaum Judy Wexler Adva Oz Darlene Padnos Vivian Koehler Tammy Goberstein Meryl Weis Judy Shapiro Marcia Milten

1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 9 9 9 9 9 11

Gloria Knopoff Carol Simon Julie Kahn Mara Polyakov Janis Strom Beverly Dolin Alissa Berman Sally Blitt Zena Yofonovich Patricia Dryer Cheryl Kleeman Karen Grad Barbara Kenzer Cynthia Rubin Norma Rosen Deborah Wilensky Lilyan Nathan Raquel Gershon Debra Friedman Deborah Elbaum Ivy Weingardt Lori Fohrman Bonnie Malmed Marlene Greenberg Stephanie Uhler Karen Moss Marlene Protus Melissa Kaplan Rhonda Ginsburg Iris Podolsky Cindy Schwartz Rosalyn Strom

11 11 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20

Enid Hayum Beth Landau Carole Block Cindy Marder Alison Solarz Linda Hunt Judith Greenman Ellen Grossman Judi McCarthy Erin Taylor Era Friedman Paula Serlin Judith Greenberg Matty Shechtman Elissa Ship Kathryn Friedman Rebecca Sostrin Sharon Telpner Sherri Spector Shawna Schwalb Susan Eisenstadt Stacy Gordon Linda Cohen Melissa Mawrence Bonnie Rothenberg Mardel Katz Ami Speigel Carrie Kaplan

21 21 22 23 23 24 24 24 25 26 26 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 27 28 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30

Happy Anniversary - September Brian & Shari Coleman Jerry & Bobbye Friedman Randy & Hope Samborn Stewart & Sheri Smason Scott & Rhonda Ginsburg Gary Grad & Denise Longoria 10 yrs Mitchel & Gladys Greenberg Alexander & Lana Goldman Elliot & Amy Offenbach 15 yrs Benjamin & Stacy Mautner Irwin & Debra Friedman Scott & Lori Margolin Robert & Marsha Schwartz 55 yrs Harmon & Melissa Lyons Stuart & Rebekah Almeleh 5 yrs Matt & Alyssa Shamis 5 yrs Scott & Alyssa Horwitz Kamil & Jaclyn Hakimian Allan & Melissa Malmed John & Elissa Pelts Sofiya Kantor & David Sokolovsky David & Shawna Schwalb Jerry & Adrienne Bauer Ira & Adrienne Holtzman 40 yrs Barton & Renee Osher 40 yrs Norman & Ilene Iglarsh

1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5


Jay & Ginger Malin Adam & Kelly Glauberman Doug & Heather Weinstein Andrew & Rebecca Newman 25 yrs Jeffrey & Tracy Safron 35 yrs Dan & Beth Sher Bradley & Jessica Taub Lee & Jennifer Menn Charles & Barbara Poncher Scott & Deborah Tucker Steven & Rachel Birkner Kenneth & Edie Smithson Steven & Faye Krasner Morris & Judith Kaplan Bruce & Debra Bell Arnie Hoffman & Janet Jacobson Carmi & Carol Neiger Richard & Allison Weinberg Naum and Julie Pleshivoy Mark Gennerman & Michael Penn 20 yrs Richard & Tammy Berkowitz Bruce & Sandra Goldstein Azriel & Dalia Rabinowitz

5 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 17 19 20

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)

20 21 21 21


Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Maida Hoffman is happy to announce the birth of her great grandson, Howard Rhodes Gibbons. Susan & Steve Glass are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Madison Demi Witt. Judy Wexler is happy to announce the birth of her great grandson, Asher William Longman. Sherry & Gerry Goldman are happy to announce the birth of their great granddaughter, Nava Sack. Judy & Michael Balter are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Ruth Lilly Balter. The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Betty Ashman on the passing of her sister-in-law, Doris Kessler. Gloria Snite, on the passing of her husband, Harold Snite. Raymond Nissen on the passing of his wife, Barbara Nissen. Wes (Susan) Nissen on the passing of his mother, Barbara Nissen. Sheryl (David) Schwartz on the passing of her mother, Barbara Nissen. Jason (Jennifer) Schwartz on the passing his father, Leslie Schwartz. Mark (Debbie) Metzl on the passing of his father, Edwin Metzl. Larry (Debra) Cohen on the passing of his brother, Joel Cohen. Marla Kazan on the passing of her husband, Jonathan Kazan. Fran Kazan on the passing of her son, Jonathan Kazan. Daniel (Tracy) Kazan on the passing of his brother, Jonathan Kazan. Cheryl (Kevin) Braude on the passing of her brother-in-law, Jonathan Kazan. Dafna (Ken) Gordon on the passing of her mother, Dr. Zila Welner. Len (Sue) Rubin on the passing of his father, Evin Rubin. Gloria Sperber on the passing of her husband, Jerome Sperber. BIMA FLOWER FUND

Thank you for all the thoughtful donations and good wishes in honor of receiving the Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Award. Maria Catezone

Death of Esteemed Members: Jonathan Kazan Doris Kessler Isabel Mussman Barbara Nissen Harold Snite Jerome Sperber

CBS Memorial Plaques

If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque. The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in memory of their loved ones. In memory of RICHARD KURNICK by Kathleen Krohn In memory of TEMA BAUER by Jerry & Adrienne Bauer In memory of BERNARD PETCHENIK by Linda Petchenik



YAHRZEITS August 1-5 Sylvia Elisco Benjamin Gordon Lilyan Horwitz Bessie Krivit Irving Lefkovitz Edward Magidson Ethel Malmed Samuel Mutchnik Betty Portugal Sherwin Paul Ross Robert Ruven Ross Cecil Schmulenson Samuel B. Ullman Lucille France Yellen Ludwig Adler Carole Camp Bergman Phillip Brook Howard Faber Max Garlin Edward Goldstein Daniel Charles Johnson Robert Kasper Faye Levin Edith Kaplan Levine Irving Levy Irwin Lyons Ross Much Anna Nathan Jacob Pearlman Thelma Perlik Eli Rosenzweig Arthur Samuels Joel Edward Seltzer Gertrude Swislow Sidney Waller Ben Zisook Paula Rebecca Anderson Renate Blum Sophie Dobkin Ethel Falkin Mildred Gaiber Meyer Katzman Sadie Ruby Kaufman Arnold Miller Vera Polisky Corinne Rivkin Nancy Inez Schmidt Ethel Yetta Seltzer Dr. Harold Shrifter Philip Sokol Maurice Wernick Sylvia Wishnoff Sidney Blumberg Nettie Brown Lillian Rothenberg Sulamith Schneider Leonard Sexner Trudy Tatz Rose Kaplan Audrey Miller Adela Mittelman Andy Rifkin Samuel Rubenstein Florence Rubin Marshall Schoeneman Anita Zelen Shipley Eva Weinstein August 6-12 Janet Bernstein Joseph Chotiner Norman Goldman Sara Hyman Marshall Keroff Bess Kirschenbaum Max Kopol Nathan Lew Mania Malin Max Mickey Multack Paul Poticha Celia Rudich Fay Wolf

Lillian N. Ableman Blanche Berebitsky Moises Chulef Stuart Flack Edythe Futterman Robbie Kleeblatt Jenny Kosova Leo Lublin Renee Malman Sally A. Roseman Harold Schallman Nathan Van Dori Auslander Dr. Bernard Feinstein Ronald Fishman Eva Friedlander Leila Glantz Beverly Kantor Joseph Korman Shirley Liberman Melvin Menzer Valerie Nathan Ben Patzik Lois Seiden Goldie Senator Herman Srulovitz Sidney C. Weil Moses Zelkowitz Sarah Auerbach Barry Ganek Elaine Jaspan Cary Melnick Victor Jack Mersten Sheldon Millman Beverly Morton Sylvia Rothenberg Selma Stern Esther Wald Shari Widen Sharon Schusteff Wille Frances Elster Rae Feldman Erwin Gnippe Isadore Goldman Mildred Hoffman Henry T. Kaner Sidney Kramer Bertha Lipschultz Richard Ludwig Ben E Palmer Dr. David Peckler Henry Schwarzberg Rosalia Shlagman Leon Steinfeld Isadore Teplinsky Mollie Yusim Betty Sue Zeligman Jeffrey Berger Harold Binstein Benjamin Bosley Simon Davidson Elaine Edidin Sam Friedman Lillian Gold Jeanette Kaufman Ruth Minkoff Ruth Morrison Rose Schwartz Esther Martin Shupetsky Joseph Snite JoAnn Sontag Marshall Wolke Rose Abrams jean goldstein David Klepper Jennifer Lazar Shirley Rosenberg Jacob Samuelson Esther Shapiro Gordon Ship Meyer Shwachman Joe Silver Melvin R. Worsek


Jacob Zagorsky August 13-19 Sol Cotler Lily Fallek Elliott Friedman Marcos Gabel Paul Goldberg Sigi Kleeman Alice Lobell Charlotte Magidson Joseph Schwartz Jerome N Weil Leah Bransky Frank Brookstein Norman Eskinazi Seymour Gagerman Milton Holzman Evan Bruce Janowitz Paul Hyman Kenzer Joe Cohen Geraldine Faber Gerald Fishman Mack Gartner Ted Glazer Meyer Greenberg Irving Hoseman Judith Kohn Noah Rabinowitz Marvin Smason Jerome M. Solomon Ann Blum Sam Cohen Herbert Friedman Esther Gelfeld Charles Greenberg Jack Herman Arthur Kerstein Jack Kramer Pearl Platt Mitchell Protus Ida Stepen Theresa Vincent Sarah Weinberg Marion Dolin Mary Epstein Beckie Feldman Bella Fisch Max Goldstein Ruth Kagan Edna Kaplan Sam Prince Edwin Sanchick Harry Tannenbaum Bernice Fay Wiseman Albert Brin Abraham Brin Rose Caprow Percy Elion Miriam Freund Hannah Granok Dorothy Berlin Kagen Phyllis Kramer Fannie Levy Jerome Lipschultz Lawrence Litvack Harry Rose Ron Shlifka Harold H. Slavitt Elsie Wagner Irene Weiner Harvey Jay Wexelman Louis Wishnick Seymour Berkowitz Julius Cohen Cookie Friedman Dolly Levison Stephen Mareta Robert Matasar Rae Naiditch Harvey Nudelman Rochelle Schy Frank Shneider

August 20-26 Evelyn Dubrow Robert Fogelson Stanley Grant Helen Lexier David Lowenthal Esther Mangoubi Irving Nekritz Ann C Newman Sarah Patzik John A. Roiter Lippman Rothenberg Natalie Sloven Rollie Ackerman Morris Berebitsky Esther Maslov Aaron Meltzer Hermine Pogofsky Carl Rabin Elaine Rothschild Pessel Schwartz Arlene Weisberg Harriet Zemsky Marvin Dishler Charles Elisco Michael Friedman Fanny Gagerman Betty Gartner Yusef Hakimian Harry Jonas Sylvia Solar Evelyn R. Victor Florence Brookstone Dr. Marvin Brown James Joseph Dick Howard Charles Floom Abram Goldberg Irving Hammer Diane Hoffman Manuel Holden Charles Hyman David Kushnir Samuel Lesnoy Sara Leviton Morris Miller Oscar Rosenberg Arnold A. Schrank Solomon R Spector Fannie Weinstein Dorothy Zakon Ruth Baum Phema Bohrer Sherry Goldberg William Levin Seymour Pressler Merle Bert Rosenberg Doris Smolen Shirley Spears Irving Stepen Mary Wexelman Laura Sue Barov Michael Bauer Frieda H. Dredze Lester Fischer Herman H Helfer Frieda Hoffman Anna Rotstein Enid Sachnoff Judge Harold Siegan Bernard Sweet Shlomo Szlamkowicz Mike Taksin Lillian Wrobel Morris Zemsky James Zucker Selma Altman Minnie Ein Ilse Gutmann Morris Harris Ann Jaffe Sandra Kantz Bernard Kaplan

Adeline P Kozin Alan Nabat Benjamin Rosenbaum Ruth Jacobson Ross Rose Shifrin August 27-31 Sherwin P. Bosse Samuel Brown Bertram F. Hamilton Francine Isaacson Rose Nortman Goldie Pearlman Roberta Lerman Rosenstein Lawrence Weinstein Sandra Weiss Sonia Wolper Sylvia Sime Zisook Dr. Maureen Block Bernstein Marion Folkman Sol Glazier Mose Green Anne Grossman Rissel Lerch Rose Silver Mitchell Stern Ida Alter Judy Domsky Lillian Fox Sarah Friedman Charlene Diane Karlin Clara Levenson Minnie Meshulam Abraham Roskin Hyman Steinberg Abraham Yusim Dorothy Binder Shirley Hymen Cotton Max Dredze Roger Eskinazi Frank Kamensky Lena Marks Bernice Siegan Dorothy Smoler Richard Sobelman Edward I. Steiner Steven Teitelbaum Morton Alexander Ann Berks Regina Brandelstein Eva Festenstein Ignac Freund Liza Karp Joel Klein Nathan Michaels Terry F. Netzky Irving Pichinson Jean Schrank Leona Swirsky Bernice Zeligman Irving Zook


DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the honor I unexpectantly received on Shabbat. Barbara Long Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of saying a Mi Sheberach for David Levinson. Barbara Lasky Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the beautiful baby naming for our granddaughter, Ruby Amelia. Michael and Judith Greenberg In appreciation of the baby naming of Mallory. David and Stephanie Schneider Sharon Cohen In honor of your grandchildren, Haley and Ryan's college graduations. Mazel Tov! Sheila Ander Gloria Snite and family In memory of Harold Snite. Loving husband, father and grandfather. Marilyn and Jack Schiffman Nancy and David Elisburg In honor of Andy's honorary PhD. Raymond and Arlene Handler In memory of Joseph and Ida Letwat Marvin and Laurel Letwat Dr. Bob and Linda Lipschultz In honor of your grandson Dylan's graduation from GBN and your grandson Brandon's graduation from U of I. Mazel Tov! Sharon Cohen Sheila Ander In honor of your grandson Garrett's college graduation. Mazel Tov! Sharon Cohen Wendy and Paul Bessinger In honor of the engagement of Ross and Mia. Sharon Cohen Ellen and Larry Grossman For the birth of Lark Fay. Raymond and Arlene Handler, Herbert Lesnoy and Maria Loly Farnos Susan Karlinsky and Family For the birth of Pnina Bari. Robert and Cindy Marder Len and Jane Siedband For the birth of your granddaughter, Anna Brooke. Gerald and Renee Cohen Eva and Daniel Sideman In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Simon Ferencz. Charlene and David Sales Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of your granddaughter. Congratulations! Daniel and Eva Sideman, Raymond and Arlene Handler Daniel and Eva Sideman In appreciation of the Bar Mitzvah of Simon Ferencz. Daniel and Eva Sideman Fran Kazan and family In memory of Jonathan Kazan (z"l). Our deepest condolences to the family on his passing. May his memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of my beloved aunt, Rose Lesnoy (z'l). May her memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of my beloved sister, Flora (Lesnoy) Fine (z"l). May her memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman (z"l) beloved wife of the late Rabbi Sander. May her memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos, Barton and Renee Osher For the yahrzeit of my maternal grandmother, Fannie Krasnove, who tragically died in childbirth. May her memory be for a blessing. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Gloria Sperber. In memory of Jerry Sperber. Our condolences. Martin Marks Dr. and Mrs David Grinblatt In memory of your son, Michoel Shalom Chaim Grinblatt. Jeffrey and Barbara Lerch The Metzl Family In memory of Ed Metzl. Marlene Slavitt Lita and Marshall In memory of Gerald Sisser, with love. Gail Salinger Robin Neidich In memory of of your mother Sylvia Berman. Robert and Cindy Marder Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steve Stoehr In appreciation of the lovely baby naming ceremony for our granddaughter, Ruby Amelia. Michael and Judith Greenberg Linda Weingart For the birth of Harrison David. Raymond and Arlene Handler Hedy Margolin In honor of your special birthday! Stuart Borg, Nancy and Mitchell Feldman Fran Brookstein In honor of your grandson Fisher's Bar Mitzvah. Myron and Marsha Glassenberg Joy Berks In honor of your granddaughter Aliza's graduation. Sharon Cohen Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly, Mazal Tov! Michael Krule and Lisa Alter-Krule, Linda Gold, Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky, Mark and Sharon Telpner For the birth of my great-granddaughter, Rena Ray Borg. Stuart Borg Clive Moss In honor of your 80th birthday. Happy Birthday! Myron and Marsha Glassenberg Alan Wallis In honor of Zack and Amanda's Auf Ruf. Alan and Lynda Wallis Daniel and Eva Sideman In appreciation of the Bar Mitzvah of Simon Ferencz. Daniel and Eva Sideman Dr. David Hakimian In honor of your work. Kamil and Jaclyn Hakimian Bret and Marjorie Maxwell In appreciation of our friendship. Kamil and Jaclyn Hakimian David Dragon In honor of your 99th birthday! Joel and Judith Greenman Becca and Stuart Almeleh For the birth of your son, Finley Drake. Joel and Judith Greenman Suzy and David Hakimian For the birth of your grandson, Finley Drake. Joel and Judith Greenman


Linda Weingart For the birth of your new grandson, Harrison David. Joel and Judith Greenman Dr. and Mrs. Arnold Herbstman and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Lilly Heidelberger. Myron and Marsha Glassenberg Fran Kazan In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Leila Weiss, Edith Korman, Carrie Rosenstein, Robert and Cindy Marder The Kazan Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Mark and Sharon Telpner Marla Kazan In memory of your husband, Jonathan Kazan. Robert and Cindy Marder Cheryl and Kevin Braude In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Raymond and Tami Rokni In memory of Lillian Fischer. Jerome and Gloria Sperber In memory of Sol and Doris Goldberg. Marvin and Laurel Letwat For the yahrzeit of my sister, Margaret Fisher, my husband, Herbert Hefter and my father, Morris Lutz. Eileen Woodhouse The Schwartz and Nissen Families In memory of your mom. Sending love to your families at this most difficult time. She was always so friendly with a smile on her face. Praying her memory will be a blessing to all of you and that fond thoughts of her will bring both of your families peace and comfort Ellen Scholl The Melnick Family In memory of Dr. Harry Melnick. Carole Shneider Family of Phyllis Berg In memory of Phyllis Berg. Carole Shneider The Mussman Family In memory of your wonderful mother, she will be sorely missed. Carolyn Rosenstein, Carole Shneider, Joel and Judith Greenman Gloria Snite In memory of Harold Snite. Bruce Barron In memory of my beloved mother, Lolita Garcia de Farnos. May her memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Sandy and Bruce Goldstein In memory of Sarell Cohen. May her memory be a blessing. Scott Eisenberg Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Daniel and Eva Sideman In appreciation of the Bar Mitzvah of Simon Ferencz. Daniel and Eva Sideman Dr. Myron Glassenberg In honor of the publication of the book, "On the Teeter Totter Highs and Lows". Pamela and Michael Issen Pamela Issen For the yahrzeit of my beloved parents and grandparents, Dorothy E. Nurenberg and Louis J. Nurenberg. Pamela and Michael Issen Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Maria Catezone Congratulations on being our valued volunteer. You certainly deserve this and you are amazing! All our love! Larry and Fern Roseman Ellen and Larry Grossman For the birth of Lark Fay. Mazel Tov! Larry and Fern Roseman Michael and Judy Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly. Mazel Tov! We are so happy for you! Larry and Fern Roseman Terri and Marc Schwartz In honor of the upcoming marriage of your children, Joshua and Amy. Larry and Fern Roseman Gloria and Denis Weinberg In honor of your 50th wedding anniversary. Mazel tov and wishing you much love and health as you celebrate this momentous occasion. Susan Charnet Marc and Sara Weinstein In honor of the Aufruf for Abby and Greg. Larry and Fern Roseman Mr. Les Aling and Family In memory of Donna Aling. We are so sorry for your loss. Larry and Fern Roseman Mark and Karen Sperber In memory of Jerome Sperber. Marshall and Barbara Dickler The Kazan Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Marshall and Barbara Dickler In memory of Gerturde Dubin, Morris Dubin, Barry Horwitz, and Florence Snitovsky. Lorraine Horwitz Judy and Joel Greenman In memory of your nephew, Phillip. Larry and Fern Roseman In memory of my beloved sister, Rose Kay, my beloved mother, Sarah Kopolavics and my beloved husband, Julius L. Schusteff. Jeanette Schusteff The Cohen Family In memory of Sarell Cohen. Marshall and Barbara Dickler Betty Ashman In memory of Doris Kessler. William and Rosalyn Harris Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Shirley Patzik Samuels In honor of your grandson Charlie's Bar Mitzvah. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Ila Freidin In honor of your granddaughter Jamie's marriage. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Michelle Diamond In honor of Nicole's college graduation and Danielle's high school graduation. Shirley Patzik Samuels Susan Chaplik In honor of your 70th birthday We wish you many more happy and healthy ones! Shirley Patzik Samuels Melanie and Eric Brodsky In memory of Isabel Mussman. I have fond memories of her and send my condolences to your entire family. Brad Moldofsky Jonathan Mussman In memory of Isabel Mussman. May her memory ever be for a blessing. Howard and Laurel Jacob, Erick Weingart The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Raymond and Tami Rokni Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Maria Catezone In honor of you. Thank you for being you and all you always do. Anita Gordon, Mark and Sharon Telpner Susan Karlinsky In appreciation of your help with the accounts for our women’s group. Ira and Iris Lerner

Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly. Edward and Carol Kaplan The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Robert and Linda Lipschultz, Raymond and Arlene Handler, Ilene Epstein Sheryl and David Schwartz In memory of Barbara Nissen. Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Edith Korman Nissen Family In memory of Barbara Nissen. Our condolences to the entire family. Stanley and Barbara Neimark Wes and Susan Nissen In memory of Barbara Nissen. Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Edith Korman Sheryl Schwartz and Family In memory of Barbara Nissen, beloved wife, mother and grandmother. Mark and Sharon Telpner Block Family In memory of Marvin Block, beloved husband, father, and grandfather. Edith Korman Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Argentar Family In honor of Nadav's bar mitzvah! Sharon and Harris Goldenberg Carrie Rosenstein In memory of your sister. Elliot and Sharon Goldman The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Jeffrey and Tracy Safron Gold Family Sabbath Fund Deanne and Jeff Friedman In honor of Maddie's engagement. Michael and Judith Balter Ellen and Larry Grossman For the birth of Lark Fay. Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky Maria Catezone In honor of you! Congratulations on being Sisterhood's most valued volunteer. Barbara Scott Linda Weingart In honor of the birth of Harrison David. Linda Gold, Merrill Medansky Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of your granddaughter, Ruth Lilly. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Sue Gilford In honor of the marriage of your grandson, Seth. Mazel Tov! Barbara Scott Roberta Fink In honor of the marriage of your grandson, Seth. Mazel Tov! Barbara Scott Fran Kazan and Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Fred and Fran Hakimian For the yahrzeit of Ronald Abrahams. Carol Abrahams The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Carol Abrahams, Adele Gorenstein, Robert and Cindy Marder Robin Dissen In memory of your mother, Glorine Katanick. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Betty Ashman and Family In memory of Dori Kessler. Robert and Cindy Marder Cheryl and Kevin Braude In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Randall and Hope Samborn Larry Cohen In memory of Joel Cohen. Randall and Hope Samborn Carrie Rosenstein In memory of your beloved sister. Ira and Iris Lerner Len and Sue Rubin In memory of your beloved father, Evin Rubin. We are so very sorry for your loss. May his memory always be for a blessing. Kimberly and Perry Shwachman Denise, Jon and Family In memory of Jason Kohner, beloved brother and uncle. Beth and Neil Hirshman Wes and Susan, Ray and Family In memory of Barbara Nissen. Beloved wife, mother, grandmother and great-grandmother. Barton and Renee Osher, Randall and Hope Samborn Harold and Shirley Hoffman Adult Education Learning Fund Gail Metrick In memory of your beloved father. Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Michael and Judy Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly Balter. Mazel Tov! Deanne and Jeff Friedman For the yahrzeit of Louis Abrahams. Carol Abrahams Melanie Brodsky In memory of Isabel Mussman. Michael and Judith Balter Jonathan Mussman In memory of Isabel Mussman. Michael and Judith Balter Toby Smithson In memory of Isabel Mussman. Michael and Judith Balter Danny Kazan and Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Elaine and Ron Prebish Cheryl and Kevin and Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan, beloved brother-in-law and uncle. We hope you find comfort from your family and friends during this most difficult time. Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly. There’s nothing like a grandchild! Adele Gorenstein Judy and Michael Balter In honor of your special birthdays! Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly. Congratulations to parents-Julie and Ben Balter and grandparents-Judy and Michael Balter. Mazel Tov! Lawrence and Debra Oberman, Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Eileen Woodhouse Len Rubin and Family In memory of Evin Rubin. Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson Hineynu Endowment Campaign Laura and Lee Shulman In honor of Laura and Lee Shulman. Hochberg Family Foundation


DONATIONS HUGS Fund Ellen and Larry Grossman For the birth of Lark Fay. Mazel Tov on the birth of your granddaughter. Diana and Maurice Lewis Susan Karlinsky In appreciation of you, thank you! Martha Sinton Ellen and Larry Grossman For the birth of your newest grandchild. Martha Sinton Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of your granddaughter. Martha Sinton Lesley and Rick Kessler In memory of Sorrell Stein. Kenneth and Marcia Petchenik, Jay and Carol Simon The Kazan Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan. We are very, very sorry for your loss. We know you must have many happy memories to make you smile. Raymond and Arlene Handler The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Martha Sinton Bonnie and Jack Weisberg In memory of your mother Lois Berg. Michael and Paula Fohrman Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Adrienne Bauer For a speedy recovery Get well soon. Ben and Jennifer Dolin Sherry and Gerry Goldman In honor of the birth of your first granddaughter Nava Sack. Mazel Tov! Howard and Myra Moldofsky Maddie and Danny Rosenberg In appreciation of you. Thank you for a wonderful time. Burt and Sheila Handler Iris and Dennis Topletz In appreciation of our 5 star accommodations. Thank you! Burt and Sheila Handler Rosalie Roth Just because! We kvell with you! Robert and Beth Footlik Michael and Judy Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly. Mazel Tov! Jerry and Adrienne Bauer, Sherwin and Gail Meyers, David and Beverly Sugar, Steve Podolsky Robin and Steven Bright In appreciation of the lovely Purim basket. Alan and Arlene Treguboff Dr. Lenny and Jane Siedband For the birth of Anna Brooke. Congratulations on the wonderful news of the recent birth of your granddaughter. David and Beverly Sugar Ellen and Larry Grossman For the birth of Lark Fay. Mazel Tov on the birth of your new granddaughter. David and Beverly Sugar, Jonathan and Denise Handler Bob and Beth Footlik In honor of your grandson Asher Footlik's Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov to you and the family on such a special simcha. David and Beverly Sugar Rosalie Roth In appreciation of hosting a wonderful family and friends celebration which proved to be a special and memorable day for all of us. David and Beverly Sugar Asher Footlik In honor of your bar mitzvah. Robert and Beth Footlik Len Rubin and Family In memory of Evin Rubin. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer David and Sheryl Schwartz In memory of Barbara Nissen. Mitchel and Gladys Greenberg Wes and Susan Nissen In memory of Barbara Nissen. Mitchel and Gladys Greenberg, Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky, Jonathan and Denise Handler Henry and Lisa Goldberg and Family In memory of Sonia Goldberg. Our heartfelt condolences on the loss of your dear mother, mother-inlaw, grandmother and great grandmother. David and Beverly Sugar Handler Family In memory of Jason Louis Kohner. Our heartfelt condolences on the passing of your brother, brother-in-law and uncle. David and Beverly Sugar Dr. and Mrs. David Grinblatt and Family In memory of your beloved son, Michoel Shalom Chaim. Dennis and Dayle Teven Jerry and Adrienne Bauer In memory of Tema Bauer, beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Leonard and Jane Siedband Kessler Family Memorial ShabbaTONE Fund Mary Johnstone In memory of Sorrel Stein. Mary Johnstone Lesley and Rick Kessler In memory of Sorrell Stein. Scott Bosley, Gordy Collons Betty Ashman and family In memory of Doris Kessler. Jean Goldrosen Lorrie Feder In memory of Darryl. We mourn the loss of your beloved husband. David and Julie Goldstein Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund The Kazan Family In memory of your beloved husband, father and grandfather. Mike and Beth Gilford Fran Kazan In memory of your beloved son, Jonathan Kazan. Ethel Obrand Mr. and Mrs. Marc Yanow In memory of Rose Waldman, beloved mother. May her memory be a blessing. Barbara Bosley For the yahrzeit of my beloved sister-in-law, Shirley Sonenfeld. Barbara Bosley For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Donald Sonenfeld. Barbara Bosley For the yahrzeit of my beloved daughter, Marsha Bosley. Barbara Bosley For the yahrzeit of my beloved husband, Richard Bosley. Barbara Bosley Sandy and Steve Falkin In memory of Arthur Edelheit. Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Rebekah and Stuart Almeleh, Dr. David and Suzy Hakimian and Fred and Fran Hakimian In honor of the birth of Finley Drake. Linda Gold Elster Family In memory of Rita Elster. Beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Fern Slotky Cal Eisenberg and family In memory of Lana, loving wife, mother and grandmother. Daniel and Lana Zakon Sheila Nerad and family In memory of Jim, loving husband, father and grandfather. Daniel and Lana Zakon


Mark and Joanne Elster In memory of Rita Elster. Your beloved mom. A beautiful life well lived. Laurie Rosner, Evan and Lisa Oblonsky The Whitehead Family In memory of Uncle Jimmy. Evan and Lisa Oblonsky Larry and Shelly Elster In memory of Rita Elster. Evan and Lisa Oblonsky, Laurie Rosner Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund Hanna Millman In honor of your B'nai Mitzvah. Skip and Michele Rosenmutter Ella Millman In honor of your B'nai Mitzvah. Skip and Michele Rosenmutter Robin and Steven In honor of the Auf Ruf of Michael Bright and his fiancée Sarah. Mazel tov on this special occasion and upcoming wedding! Sharon and Joel Schwartz Jeremy and Hillary Elkins In honor of Maya and Audrey's Simchat Bat. Seth and Elana Schrank Linda Weingart For the birth of your new grandson, Harrison. Jodi Joffe Eli Castellano and Family Just because! Best wishes to you and your family as you make the big move! Joel and Judith Greenman Brandi and Dan Argentar In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Nadav Argentar. Joel and Judith Greenman Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of your granddaughter, Ruth Lilly. Mazel Tov! Joel and Judith Greenman Maria Catezone In honor of the Sisterhood Valued Volunteer award. Joel and Judith Greenman David Korengold and Family In memory of Howard Korengold. Kathy Krohn Cheryl and Kevin Braude In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Scott and Leslie Rogoff The Kazan Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Barry and Elaine Nekritz Marian Renee Saltzberg Resource Center Fund For the yahrzeit of Marian Saltzberg and Nathan Saltzberg. Terry Saltzberg Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Judy and Michael Greenberg In honor of the baby naming of Ruby Amelia. Sharon and Harris Goldenberg Linda Weingart For the birth of your grandson, Harrison David. Scott and Leslie Rogoff Ellen and Larry Grossman For the birth of your granddaughter Lark Fay. Scott and Leslie Rogoff Michael Greenberg For a speedy recovery and all our love. Sharon Goldenberg and Harris Goldenberg, M.D Jason and Jennifer Schwartz In memory of Jason’s father Leslie Schwartz. Scott and Leslie Rogoff Cheryl, Kevin and Family In memory of Jonathan Kazan. Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund For the yahrzeit of Roberta Gerson. Burton Bentkover For the yahrzeit of Raymond Harris Marshall Kerschner For the yahrzeit of Louis Shenk. Gregory Shenk For the yahrzeit of Sylvia Silberman. Gerald Silberman For the yahrzeit of Barry Konlon and Louis Barron. Burton Bentkover For the yahrzeit of Rose Epstein. Sheldon Schwartz For the yahrzeit of Annabelle Lebovitz. Diane Lebovitz For the yahrzeit of Rose Kessler and Hon. Martin C. Ashman. Betty Ashman For the yahrzeit of our beloved aunt, Charlotte Fridkin Rosenberg. Raymond and Arlene Handler For the yahrzeit of Jeffery Kleifeld. Debby Kleifield For the yahrzeit of my dad, Morris Lutz. Eileen Woodhouse For the yahrzeit of my husband, Herbert Hefter. Eileen Woodhouse For the yahrzeit of my sister, Margaret Fisher. Eileen Woodhouse For the yahrzeit of Hannah Arnold. Jeffrey and Davida Arnold For the yahrzeit of Shirley Lasky. Barbara Lasky For the yahrzeit of Sol Dolin. Melvyn and Beverly Dolin For the yahrzeit of Harry Seltzer. Edward Maslov The Zurek Family In memory of your loving husband, father, and brother. Charles and Karen Schulman Shirley Harris and family In memory of your beloved husband and father, Roy. Charles and Karen Schulman Evelyn Snyder and family In memory of Martin Snyder. Charles and Karen Schulman Betty, Debbie and Scott In memory of Doris Kessler. Brian and Shari Coleman Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Scholarship Funds Daniel and Eva Sideman In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Simon Ferencz. Daniel and Eva Sideman Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly. Congrats! Michael and Mindy Garlin, Susan Lampert Elkins and Maxwell families In honor of Maya and Audrey's baby naming. Mazel Tov! Susan Lampert Gary Shulman and family In memory of Lois Berg, beloved sister. Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky Nissen and Schwartz families In memory of Barbara Nissen, my heartfelt condolences. Susan Lampert Prayer Book Fund Michelle and Skip Rosenmutter In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary! Allan Werth

The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Sandy Falkin In memory of Arthur Edelheit. CBS Sisterhood Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Howard Rudich In honor of your 80th birthday! Naomi Weiss Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of Ruth Lilly. Sam and Becca Tatel Dr. and Mrs. Gerald Cohen In honor of your 50th anniversary. Mazel Tov! Leonard and Jane Siedband Michael Kant and family In memory of your wife Adrian Joy. Naomi Weiss The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Scott and Leslie Rogoff, Sam and Becca Tatel, Naomi Weiss Ruth and Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast Fund For the yahrzeit of Kenneth Weiss. Leila Weiss For the yahrzeit of my beloved grandmother, Maria Josefa Reyes Sanchez. May her memory be for a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herbert Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund In memory of Fay B. Dunn. Norma Rosen The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Thomas and Helene Coorsh Maria Catezone In honor of you for receiving the Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Award. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz, Robert and Cindy Marder, Ira and Adrienne Holtzman, Scott and Leslie Rogoff Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Shari Vass Mazel tov on your grandchild's upcoming mitzvah! Randi and Glenn Simon. Mona and Andy Berman In honor of Scotty Berman's graduation from Medical School. Robert and Janet Sabin Beth and Michael Gilford In honor of Seth and Lily Gilford, mazel tov on their marriage and many blessings in the years to come! Kathryn Korman In appreciation of the good wishes for my special birthday. Seymour and Beverly Binstein The Frishman Family In memory of Jerry Frishman. Beloved husband, father, and grandfather. Barbara Lasky Fern Shapiro and Family In memory of your husband Ron. My heartfelt condolences on your loss. Fran Brookstein In memory of Chaim Saruk. Seymour and Beverly Binstein Melanie Brodsky In memory of Isabel Mussman. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Toby Smithson In memory of Isabel Mussman. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Jonathan Mussman In memory of Isabel Mussman. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz, Michael and Mindy Garlin The Mussman Family In memory of Isabel Mussman. She was a wonderful friend. May her memory be a blessing. Ethel Obrand, Fran Brookstein, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Linda Weingart, Alysa Slay, Rebecca Sostrin, Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Martin and Barbara Winn, Jerrold and Harlie Ezgur, Ronald and Ronna Heftman Betty Ashman and Family In memory of Doris Kessler. We want to express our heartfelt sympathy on the loss of your beloved mother, grandmother, sister-in-law and aunt. Norman and Darlene Padnos Cheryl Braude and family In memory of your brother-in-law, Jonathan Kazan. Karen Rosenthal Fran Kazan In memory of your son, Jonathan Kazan. Karen Rosenthal Marla Kazan In memory of your beloved husband, Jonathan Kazan. Karen Rosenthal Sheryl and David Schwartz In memory of Barbara Nissen. Condolences on the loss of your mother. Raymond and Tami Rokni Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Steven Ruben In honor of your graduation from Pepperdine Law School with a degree in Legal Letters. Harvey and Roberta Teitelbaum In memory of Rubin Levin. Samuel Levin Larry Ordower In honor of the birth of Louis. Harvey and Roberta Teitelbaum Judy and Michael Balter For the birth of your beautiful granddaughter, Ruth Lilly. Mazel Tov! Diana and Maurice Lewis Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of your birthday! Edgar Gettleman Yetta Saltzman In honor of your special birthday! Harvey and Roberta Teitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Steve Blanner For the birth of your son, Cayson Stafford. Harvey and Roberta Teitelbaum Coe Power For the birth of your grandson, Cayson Stafford. Harvey and Roberta Teitelbaum Edgar Gettleman In honor of you. Wishing you a very happy Father’s Day. Merle Cowin Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of you. Wishing you a very happy birthday and a very happy Father’s Day. Merle Cowin Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cowin In memory of your grandfather, Adolf Pick. Harvey and Roberta Teitelbaum In memory of Louis Haffner Levin. Samuel Levin Wes and Susan Nissen and Family Sending Condolences for your loss. Ronald and Andy Widen The Weisberg Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother. Marcy Teitelbaum The Schwartz Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother. Marcy Teitelbaum The Nissen Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother. Marcy Teitelbaum



Hang Out at CBS This Summer!

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Candle Lighting and Service Times (All SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND ARE LIVE STREAMED) Friday – August 5 (Candles 7:47 PM) Services Under the Sky 6:00 PM

Friday – August 26 (Candles 7:16 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – August 6 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mincha 12:30 PM Erev Tisha B’av at B’nai Tikvah 9:00 PM

Saturday – August 27 Shabbat Service Mincha

Friday Evening – August 12 (Candles 7:38 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – August 13 Shabbat Service Mincha Havdalah Under the Stars

9:30 AM 12:30 PM 7:45 PM

Friday – August 19 (Candles 7:27 PM) Services Under the Sky 6:00 PM Saturday – August 20 Shabbat Service Mincha

9:30 AM 12:30 PM

Daily Minyan (in-person and Live Streaming)** Sunday & Legal Holidays 8:45 AM Monday - Friday 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday 7:45 PM

*Mincha will take place approximately 45 minutes after the conclusion of morning Shabbat services, but not before 12:30 PM.

9:30 AM 12:30 PM


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