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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Prospective Member Dinner ................. 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 4 Bimah/Holidays .......................................... 5 50th Anniversary ................................... 6-7 Hineynu ....................................................... 8 Shabbat Yoga. ………………………...9 Youth &Young Family Programming .. 10 B’nai Mitzvah ............................................ 11 School ........................................................ 12 Library........................................................ 13 Adult Education/Programming............. 14 HAZAK ..................................................... 15 Sisterhood........................................... 16-17 Men’s Club ................................................ 18 Donations ........................................... 19-21 Milestones ................................................. 22 Birthdays & Anniversaries..................... 23 See What’s Happening ……………...24 Yahrzeits .................................................. 25 Ads ........................................................ 26-27 Service Times ........................................... 28

Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ..................................................Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ..................................... Ari Averbach Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ............. Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth Activities................ Matt Rissien Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ......................................... Debbie Solomon Sisterhood President..........................Leatte Gelfeld Men’s Club President ................................. Dan Sher USY President ................................ David Zelkowitz

Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director Emeritus .................................... Harvey Gold, FSA z’l Director of Education Emeritus ................... Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, RJE

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.



RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES I hope you have been enjoying your summer – I know I have. It is a real privilege to be able to spend my remaining sabbatical time and enjoy vacation time in one of my favorite places in the world – Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. I write this column looking out over camp and seeing everyone participate in their peulat erev (evening program). Over the last few summers I have shared with you my thoughts and feelings about being up at Camp Ramah. This summer, I have been able to interact with a vast array of people throughout camp. As we have worked hard to add meaning to teffilot (prayers) and the overall spiritual feel of the camp, it has been very rewarding to have a direct impact on these areas. This week we celebrated the Bar Mitzvah of a young man in the Tikvah Program (children with learning, social and communication difficulties, including those who are higher functioning on the Autistic Spectrum). It was special for me because I helped this young man write a d’var Torah for the service. His hometown rabbi is also a dear friend (who couldn’t be at camp) and I was able to give the Bar Mitzvah boy a special message from his rabbi – a meaningful experience for all.

know that there are many wonderful camps that many of our children attend in Wisconsin and Michigan, however, if we really want to help create more Jewish experiences for our children, we should send them to a Jewish summer camp, not just a summer camp where there are Jews. And with that said, I truly believe with all of my heart that the optimal place to go is here Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. Indeed, there are other Jewish summer camps in our “area” but as Conservative Jews, this is our place. Camp Ramah also has a wonderful day camp located in Wheeling. Our numbers there have grown nicely and I hope that will feed into our overnight camp. I encourage everyone to look seriously at this wonderful Jewish day camp.

“But Rabbi, my kids are in class all year long and they don’t want to be in class or “learn” over the summer.” I cannot tell you how often I have heard that over the years. If one thinks that kids are sitting in a classroom with a pen and paper participating in a formal class - that could not be more wrong. Learning in “class” at Camp Ramah is about exploring one’s Judaism, understanding one’s place in the world and helping each other connect, not only to our tradition, but to the greater world. Who wouldn’t want that kind of learning? I know would. Admittedly, I am biased for many reasons. To start, I was a camp person all my life. But truth be told, it wasn’t Camp Ramah in Canada, it was another It is no secret I think it’s incumbent on Jewish summer camp. As we change, grow and all Conservative Rabbis to spend time at his or learn, we come to appreciate things in new ways her local Camp Ramah. This, after all, is the and there is no doubt that over the last fifteen camping arm of the Conservative Moveyears I have come to truly understand and apprement. There is no better place to visit with kids ciate the value that Camp Ramah has to offer our from our congregation than at camp. They are children. having an amazing time, breathing the fresh air of Wisconsin’s North Woods. Honestly, what Over the next few months I hope to could be better? find a way to make it easier for our congregants to attend Camp Ramah in Wisconsin. It is such It is always great to see the reaction an important place and I want more of our chilfrom both chanichim (campers) and tzevet (staff) dren to be able to benefit from this magical expewhen they have heard me give a d’var Torah in rience. I will be hosting a parlor meeting shortly the morning or teach a class before lunch and after the holidays, however, if you have any questhen umpire an intense baseball game between tions about camp, please don’t hesitate to be in two aidot (age divisions) prior to dinner. That’s touch with me. part of the magic of this special place. This is the place for our kids to be For more information about the Ramah Camps during the summer and I want to do everything I go to www.ramahwisconsin.com or www.ramahday.com or call 312.606.9316. can to increase our enrollment here. I look at synagogues a fraction of our size whose numbers dwarf ours and that does not sit well with me. I


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