CBS June-July 2015

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VOL. 49 NO. 11, June/July 2015 Sivan/Tammuz/Av 5775

‘Every rabbi sho ould be blessed in this way’ Rabbi Carl and Ju udy Wolkin to retire after 35 years Growing up a “three-day-a-year” Jew in upstate New York, o Carl Woolkin saw rabbis only as distant

more than 20 trips andd missions to Israel. Rabbi Wolkin o servedd as president of the Northbrook Clergy A Association, the Chicago Region of the R Rabbinical Assembly and the Chicago Boaard of Rabbis. He has been a member of the Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federaation of Metropolitan Chicago Board of D Directors. He also served as president of the Community Mikvah of the Connservative Movement, and is on thee Rabbinic Advisory Council of the Chiicagoland Jewish High School.

It was when he interacted with rabbis through USY and Camp Ramah Berkshires as a teen, however, that the idea of becoming one gelled. “If I can be this kind of rabbi, it will be okaay,,” he recalled thinking. Moreover, “If my father could sell furniture, I could sell Judaism.”

chael Balter Photo by Mich

More than three decades later, Rabbi Carl Woolkin is retiring as Congregation Beth Shalom’s Senior Rabbi – a post he’s had for 35 years at a single congregation.

group of graduatees of the Center for Rabbinic Enrichment of the Shalom Harrtman Institute in Jerusalem.

Judy Woolkin, who grew up in a traditional Jewish hoome on Long Island, swore she’d never marry a rabbi. She met herr future h b d at Camp husband C Ramah R h andd they h dated d d while hil both b h attended a d d University in New Yoork. “Our eyes met at early services (and) we just connected,” she said. They married in 1969, 1 during

Judy Woolkin’s popular Sisterhood kosher coooking classes, which expanded to thhe JCC and grew into “Judy’s Kitchen,” K led to the creation i off twoo Sisterhood Si h d Essabissel E bi l cookbo kbooks. She recently retired after teaching more than 20 years at Solomon Schechter Day School.

Rabbi Woolkin called his wife “the most important peerson in my life and the key to my success as a rabbi.

“Rabbi Waaxman would say, ‘It’s important yoou become known in your communiity.’ So we’ve succeeded, both of us,” Rabbi Woolkin said. “I’d like to be known as a rabbi who hellped people grow.

“I’ve led a charmed life for which I’m very grateful,”” he continued. “I’ve loved the people I’ve worked with. Every rabbi should be blessed in this way.”

ways a rabbi can.” c

Rabbi Woolkin received his rabbinic ordination from tthe Jewish

organizations. The Woolkins plan on staying inn the community, and effective f July 1, Rabbi Woolkin will servee the congregation as Rabbi Emeritus.

hired by Temple Israel in Great Neck, N.Y. as assistaant rabbi to his mentor, Rabbi Mordecai Waxman. a Eight years later he received the offfer from Congregation Beth Shalom. Under his leadership, the congregation grew from 5000 families to more than 1,200 families. He started the popular “Shhabbat Under the Stars” Stars services, and he and his wife led or partici participated ipated in

The Woolkins are a the proud parents of Josh annd David David, and

Join usJoin at ausreception andand progra am toto at a reception program celebrate Rabbi Carl and Judy W Wolkin celebrate Rabbi Carl and Judy Wolkin 3 PM Sunday, June 3 p.m. Sunday, June 2828 Couvert $18.00 per person See reply card inside on page e XX

Schedule of Shabbat Services & Candle Lighting Friday Evening........................................June 5 Candles.............................................8:04 PM Shabbat Service .............................6:45 PM Storybook Shabbat Service ..........6:45 PM Saturday Morning..................................June 6 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening......................................June 12 Candles.............................................8:08 PM Shabbat Service .............................6:45 PM Saturday Morning............................... June 13 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening......................................June 19 Candles.............................................8:11 PM Shabbat Service .............................6:45 PM Saturday Morning................................June 20 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening......................................June 26 Candles.............................................8:12 PM Shabbat Service .............................6:45 PM Saturday Morning................................June 27 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening.........................................July 3 Candles.............................................8:11 PM Shabbat Service .............................6:45 PM Saturday Morning...................................July 4 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening.......................................July 10 Candles.............................................8:09 PM Shabbat Service .............................6:45 PM Saturday Morning.................................July 11 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening.......................................July 17 Candles.............................................8:05 PM Shabbat Service .............................6:45 PM Saturday Morning.................................July 18 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening.......................................July 24 Candles.............................................7:59 PM Services Under the Stars ..............6:45 PM Saturday Morning.................................July 25 Shabbat Service .............................9:30 AM Mincha ...........................................12:30 PM Friday Evening.......................................July 31 Candles.............................................7:52 PM Services Under the Stars ..............6:45 PM Minyan Monday - Friday..............................6:45 AM Sunday - Thursday Evening ..........7:45 PM Sunday Morning .............................8:45 AM


From the Rabbi Carl Wolkin

Rabbi's Desk

This is my last bulletin column as your senior rabbi. Since I hope I will see many of you at our retirement celebration on June 28th when I will have the opportunity to speak, this column will not be a farewell. In fact, there will be no good-byes from me or Judy, now or ever, which is why I am devoting the column to answering the most frequently asked question I have heard during the past year: “Rabbi, what are you going to do when you retire?” I always answer immediately with what I call my “flippant answer”: “I am going to do whatever I want, whenever I want to do it.” There is certainly some truth to that response, but anyone who is already retired knows that it is not that simple. I will have the opportunity to fill the days with what I want to do, no longer just what my profession requires of me. I know that I will take some time to figure it all out while I kick back and relax to recharge my batteries for what is next. I know it is important to fill my days with what Judy and I enjoy together and as individuals and to use my time wisely- for good purposes. While I am doing that, please know that Judy and I have no plans to move away from our home in Northbrook. We love the community and have developed deep and lasting friendships. Part of living here will now give us the time to visit Chicago as tourists, something we have never really done. Our first outing is going on the Chicago Architectural Boat Tour, but there is so much of this wonderful city for us still to explore. So don’t be surprised when you see us in the city, continue to see us at Sunset or even sitting among you at services. It will be a delight for me to be able to sit with Judy in the congregation. Josh lives in Chicago and David and Keeli live in Maryland so travel will certainly include seeing both short and long distance visits to spend more time with our children. Other travel is also something to which we are looking forward. We also both know that remaining active and staying physically fit is critical to maintaining good health at this point in our lives. Therefore, don’t be surprised if you see us power-walking together on the streets of Northbrook. I am going to continue and have already increased my involvement in JUF and the larger Jewish community and you might even see me officiating at a life-cycle event. While I will no longer be officiating on the Bema of Beth Shalom, I may return to the classroom and teach some Adult Education classes at some point. And who could resist some of our synagogues marvelous programs and events! Other volunteer activities are also on the agenda. When I retire at the end of June, Judy and I will have been part of the Beth Shalom community for 35 years. We will always be grateful for all that we have shared with you and all that you have done for us as a family. Josh and David have grown up from earliest childhood at the synagogue. You have embraced us all with your love and support at all times (more about this on June 28th). At the end of the day my flippant answer is not altogether flippant, because “whatever I want” includes continuing to be part of the Beth Shalom family, our family, God willing, over the long years to come. We look forward to seeing you on June 28th, Sunday afternoon at 3 PM here at Beth Shalom- not to say good-bye, but to say thank you and L’hitraot- we will be seeing you! With Much Love and Hugs, Judy, Carl, Joshua, David and Keeli

Ida & Harry Roth Community Center President’s Luncheon Rabbi Wolkin’s Retirement Celebration June/July 2015

Cantor’s Notes

Cantor Steve

While I so enjoy writing my own columns I came across this article and found it charming yet peculiar, pertinent yet antiquated. Yes it comes from an Orthodox site (which does not mean I advocate for that manner of lifestyle, but I often glean many meaningful insights from such sites, as well as Reform, Reconstructionist and non-Jewish as well). You will likely not understand all of the words the author uses but take the free time you have this summer and look them up, explore the new terminologies and ideas. Take from it what you may and then stop into my office over the summer and let’s talk about those things you found curious, those things you may wish to acquire for your own practice of observance (with some slight alterations possibly) or maybe just for a kibbitz. ______________________________

Swimming on Shabbos is prohibited, even in an enclosed swimming pool. Our custom is not to wash the entire body on Shabbos, even in cold water. Some Poskim allow a cold shower to be taken on an extremely hot and humid day if one is in distress (b'makom Tzaar) from the heat (IG"M OC 4:75). A bungalow colony requires an Eruvei Chatzeiros before any carrying may be done. The Eruvei Chatzeiros must be accessible. If it was locked up and no key is available, it is considered as if it was lost. Carrying is then forbidden. If one resides in a bungalow for thirty days, he is obligated to place a Mezuza on every door which requires one. One should not put the required Mezuzos on before the thirty-day period is complete (IG"M YD 1:179) At the end of the summer, the Mezuzos may be removed if there is a chance that they may be stolen or damaged. One who purchased a summer home or a bungalow must put on Mezuzos with a Bracha immediately upon moving in. HAVE A GOOD SUMMER AND SEE YA LATER….

Summer Halacha by Rabbi Doniel Neustadt at ______________________________

The coming of the summer-vacation season, when many people are away from their homes and usual surroundings, brings forth with it unique Halachic problems. Although it is difficult to envision the exact scenarios, we have chosen certain common situations which are likely to occur during the long summer season. A sampling: A bathing suit is not Muktze. Other swimming paraphernalia, however, are considered a Kli Shmelacto L'eissur (HaRav S. Y. Elyashiv). Unless needed for a medical condition, sunglasses may not be worn on Shabbos outside of an Eiruv. On Shabbos, one may wear a jacket thrown over his shoulders. It is not considered carrying (Chazon Ish). A raincoat lining may be zipped in and out on Shabbos. A Gentile may be told to turn off the air- conditioning system if it has turned too cold and may cause people to become ill. This is permissible both in a private home and in Shul during Davening time (IG"M OC 3:42). Some Poskim allow asking a Gentile to put on the airconditioning system if the extremely hot weather causes major discomfort (Minchas Yitzcak 3:23). Other Poskim do not agree and prohibit this. In their opinion, even if the Gentile turned the system on [for the sake of the Jew] without being told to do so, one may not derive pleasure from his action and must leave the building (IG"M YD 3:47). One who is being chased by a bee may capture it. If one is allergic to a bee sting, he may kill the bee. An anti-mosquito spray may be sprayed in the air (but not directly at the mosquitoes) in a room which houses a sick person or a baby. A window or a door should be left open (Chazon Ish). One may spray or rub on his body a mosquito repellent, provided that it is a (totally) liquid type. All animals are Muktze and may not be carried on Shabbos. A fly, however, may be swatted away. A fly or bug that fell into a beverage cup or into a bowl of soup may be removed only if some of the liquid is removed along with it.

Shalom Vol. 49, No. 11

June/July 2015

Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom. Senior Rabbi .........................................................................................Carl Wolkin Rabbi ................................................................................................Aaron Melman Cantor .................................................................................................Steven Stoehr Executive Director............................................................................Michael Garlin Executive Director Emeritus ...........................................................Harvey R. Gold Director of Education .........................................................................David Barany Director of Ed. Emeritus ................................................................Rabbi Mussman Ritual Director ....................................................................................Naomi Weiss Dir. of Jewish Life and Learning ...........................................................Leann Blue Director of Youth Activities .................................................................Matt Rissien Editor ..............................................................................................Davida Horwitz

shalom June/July 2015


Congregation President Glen Roter As I sit down to write this, my final column, I wonder where have the two years gone? We have accomplished many things during my term, but none of it would have happened without the efforts and assistance of so many people. The time I have spent has been so gratifying to me, enriching my life and allowing me to learn about so many different subjects. But it all happened because of others, those who have helped me along the way. First of all, I’d like to thank our outstanding Clergy, Rabbi Wolkin, Rabbi Melman and Cantor Stoehr. I have learned so much ritually from you and it has made my personal Judaism so much better. I’ve had the privilege of working with 2 outstanding Executive Directors, Harvey Gold and Michael Garlin. Though completely different people, they both share the work ethic and love of CBS. Thank you both for making my life easier as I served as President. Our professional staff, Leann, David, Naomi, Matt and Susan, made my job so much easier as they did the planning and told me when to show up and what to do. Thank you for being at CBS. The behind the scenes staff, some of whom you see in the office, keep the building and events moving. Thank you to Maria, Estelle, Brenda, Allison, Eli, Maxine, Deanne, Barbara and Stephanie. Same goes for Jose and his crew who make sure the building is ready for all of us. I have had the pleasure of working with some great people on my exec boards the last 2 years. Not only will I thank them, but the congregation should thank all of our officers for the time that they have put into their jobs and the outstanding results that are achieved. I have been very fortunate to have had this group on my side. The Board of Trustees have made running the synagogue easy with their dedication and work on many committees. Thank you all for your time and dedication to Beth Shalom. One group, the past presidents, have been an invaluable resource to me. Questions, help, advice, whatever I needed, someone was always there to give me a hand. How great it is that these PPs, as they call themselves, are involved and ready to do whatever it takes. I was able to call on a few of them to head important committees and the real benefit to me and CBS is that when you have someone who knows what they are doing heading a committee, you know that the results will be good. Of course, I have to thank the entire congregation for allowing me to serve in this capacity. It was my pleasure and honor to be your President and I have truly enjoyed serving these last 2 years. Without the help, approval, council and listening ability of my wife Jill, this would never have happened. She has had to put up with an absentee husband, sometimes for weeks at a time. Many Shabbats she accompanied me to services, not to sit by me but at least we were together, in the same room. I know she will appreciate sitting with me in the near future and I will be happy to sit with her. Jill has stood by me as I took on this position and I thank her for allowing me to serve CBS. Blake and Melissa also missed me and I thank them for their patience as I served our synagogue. The thing about the two of them is that they have both become good volunteers and leaders in their own right. They have taken lessons from their mother and me. As I get ready to pass the torch to Larry Grossman, I want to wish him good luck over the next couple of years and I will be around to give you a hand, just as Tami Rokni was here for me when I had a question or needed to bounce something off of someone. This CBS family is something very special. I am honored to be able to say that I served as President of this awesome and prestigious community. Glen


AUGUST 14, 2015 – PROSPECTIVE MEMBER SHABBAT SERVICES & LEARNING @ 6:45 PM, FOLLOWED BY DINNER* “That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.” Aldous Huxley The gift of experience is underrated. We intend, during our Services Under the Stars series, to study words written centuries ago and bring them into our conscience so that we can apply their valuable teachings to our lives. From Talmudic passages to Liturgical poetry and tales that inspire us to sing, we can learn from the large range of Jewish teachings. Huxley may have won a Nobel Prize in literature but he doesn’t know Beth Shalom – we DO respect and therefore, learn from the past. Join us for wonderful evenings of worshipping and learning together! ---------------------------------------------------------

*Dinner Reservation Form for August 14th Please return form and payment no later than August 14, 2015

Name(s) ___________________________________________ Phone # ____________________________________________

Prospective Members - No Cost $40 per family (immediate family only) # of people attending ________ # of additional adults @ $18 ________ Check in the amount of $__________ enclosed (payment should be made out to Congregation Beth Shalom) Please mail reservations to: Congregation Beth Shalom (Attn: Eli Castellano) Services Under the Stars Dinner 3433 Walters Ave., Northbrook, IL 60062 Our Prospective Member Shabbat & Dinner is partially funded by the Harvey L. Miller Supporting Foundation.

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June/July 2015

ADULT B’NAI MITZVAH CLASS One of the ongoing educational opportunities at Beth Shalom is the Adult B’nai Mitzvah class. This year Cantor Stoehr will once again teach this course of study. This two-year program consists of one year of general Judaic study or beginning Hebrew and the second year is an intense preparation for the celebratory service. This coming year that date will fall in either May or June 2016. The class meets once a week and is a combination of learning and sharing in each other’s lives. The bonds which this process creates for the participants are everlasting. Who is qualified? Those who have not celebrated Bar or Bat Mitzvah previously in their lives for whatever reasoning. To fully grasp the spectrum of learning presented in the second year of this course, one is to have a “head start” in their Judaic studies. Fundamentally one needs a comfortable capacity in reading Hebrew. Those NOT YET comfortable with their Hebrew reading abilities, continue to spend this year in separate Hebrew studies, rather than enroll for the ABM class. Comprehension is something we will approach within the second year. If you have been involved in some of our educational classes at CBS this past year, or in one of many offered by the Jewish community at large, then I am happy to have you join me in the year two section of the ABM process. If not, get started and I will anxiously await your enrollment for next year. CANTOR STEVE

HIGH HOLIDAY HONORS As our synagogue has grown much larger, it has become more challenging and important to be inclusive and personal. We realize that some families have been members for many years and have never had a High Holiday honor. In this spirit, we would like to invite any adult member of Congregation Beth Shalom who has never received a High Holiday honor to let us know if you would like one. Don’t worry if you can’t read Hebrew, it will be a non-speaking honor. We realize that the size of the response will determine when your turn will come. We shall continue with those who have been members the longest. Please remember that honors will also continue to be given to those who serve the congregation in various capacities. Therefore, we ask your patience. In time your opportunity to come to the Bima will come. We look forward to the day when we can say that all who wish to be honored have been honored. We look forward to hearing from you. Please fill out the attached form and return it to the synagogue, or e-mail it back to the attention of the High Holiday Committee. Sincerely, Aaron Melman Rabbi

Larry Grossman President



Thank you to our April 2015 Torah Readers: Phil Barnett, Denise Eisenberg, Jennifer Field, Jacqueline Forman, Debbie Friend, Sam Grief, David Hakimian, Rebecca Kamensky, Andrew Kane, Robin Karney, Herb Lesnoy, Aitan Licht, Iszy Licht, Yadid Licht, Mitch Portugal, Len Rubin, Harold Schwartz, Susan Stoehr, Robbie Weiland, Aliza Zelen, Stefanie Zelen



I/We would like a High Holiday Honor Main Sanctuary _______ Parallel Service _______ Name ____________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________ City ____________________________________Zip ______________ Phone _________Email: ____________________________________

Congregation Beth Shalom is looking for more members who can help with the mitzvah of reading Torah.


As part of a new incentive program, readers who read 180 p’sukim or more* of Torah will be recognized with a plaque to be displayed in a prominent location in the building.

HIGH HOLIDAY TICKET PICK-UP Sunday, August 30, 2015 9:00-11:30 a.m.

If you have the ability to read Torah, CBS has many opportunities at Shabbat services, as well as at morning minyan and on holidays. Please contact Ritual Director Naomi Weiss at if you are interested in reading Torah at CBS.

Monday, August 31 and Tuesday September 1, 2015 7:00-9:00 p.m.

*On or after Rosh HaShanah 5775

shalom June/July 2015



Thank You, For All That You Do! I would like to thank everyone who volunteered and supported all of our CBS Social Action Projects this year. We continue to feed people in and around our community by way of our various food drives (donations made to The Northfield Food Pantry and ARK), PADS meal delivery, holiday food bags, and grocery shopping for 8 ARK client families. I would like to thank and recognize some specific members who helped make this happen; Sandee Levin, Sara Weinstein, Merrill Medansky, Andy Widen, Arlene Gelman, Beth Fenton, Carol Weintraub, Robin and David Allen, Debbie Wachtel, Deborah Maleh, Ellen Nemirow, Frances Kazan, Lawrence LeVine, Leatte Gelfeld, Lenore Weiss, Linda Ring, Lissa Silver, Lorna Cohen, Sarah Budweg, Sandra Randell, Susan Stoehr, Jill Olefsky, Toni Rosen and Tami Rokni. CBS hosted two blood drives, and provided flu shots for all who wanted this year. The following volunteers were instrumental in making these events so successful; Steve Elisco, Debbie Elisco, Laura Schoeneman, Neal Golden, Jeff Hoffen, Michelle Crane, Janet Rhode-Krain, Shari Coleman, Laurel Letwat and Arlene Handler. CBS Members generously donated hundreds of toys for the Holiday Gift Drive. Jill Roter and Fern Roseman were instrumental in getting those toys to the JCFS Holiday party. I would like to thank all of our members for supporting our hardworking Israel Committee. The committee, led by Sue and Len Rubin, continues to thrive, and keep us informed about Israel. I’d like to thank all our members who have volunteered to serve on this committee, including Karen Rosenthal, Tami and Raymond Rokni, and Larry Grossman. I would also like to thank all of our members who continue to donate toiletries, beanie babies, glasses, cell phones, comics, and new this year- used gym shoes. Jill Olefsky and Marilyn Fish are instrumental in managing these collections. I would also like to thank Rabbi Wolkin, Rabbi Melman, Cantor Stoehr and Michael Garlin for all their support and commitment to making Social Action a top priority at CBS. I would also like to thank Leann Blue, David Barany and Matt Rissien for their continued commitment to Social Action by way of all the projects they spear-head and provide help with throughout the year. Have a great summer! Debbie Bell-Social Action VP

Tisha B’Av, the ninth day of the Jewish month of Av, is a day that commemorates a number of different calamities in Jewish history. Among these sad events is the destruction of both Temples in Jerusalem, the first by the Babylonians in 586 B.C.E., the second by the Romans in 70 C.E. According to tradition, both events took place on the Ninth of Av. In addition, the Expulsion of the Jews from Spain occurred on this date. The day is observed as a fast. Also, the Book of Lamentations (Eicha) is chanted in a mournful tune. This book, one of the Megillot, is a description of the tragic events surrounding the ruin of the First Temple. Tradition ascribes its authorship to the prophet Jeremiah. Tisha B’Av is the only day when Tefillin are not worn at the morning service. This is connected with the fact that in the morning the sadness of the day is too much with us to wear the Tallit and Tefillin, symbols of joy. All in all, Tisha B’Av is a sad day of national mourning by Jewish people; we must actively recollect the past to insure the future. In addition to the reading of Lamentations on Saturday evening, July 25, the service will be enhanced with dramatic and poetic readings, describing different periods of persecution from ancient times until today. Sunday morning’s service will also include a selection from the Book of Eicha.

Schedule of Tisha B’Av Services Saturday, July 25 Ma’ariv and Lamentations ______________________8:45 PM

Sunday, July 26 Morning Service ______________________________8:45 AM Mincha/Ma’ariv_______________________________7:45 PM

YOM BETH SHALOM Sunday, August 30th, 2015 after High Holiday Ticket Pick Up Fun, Food & Games for the entire family right here at Congregation Beth Shalom! Watch for more information in early August.

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June/July 2015

“CHECK OUT” YOUR MARIAN RENEE SALTZBERG LRC/ IRVING RUBENSTEIN MEMORIAL LIBRARY Summer Reading Don’t forget that the library will be open all summer to check out books, music, and DVDs. Feel free to check out what we have online or stop by and wander through the collection. We have over 12,000 items in a variety of formats that are educational and entertaining for all ages. You are also welcome to use the computer lab, coffee lounge, or the quiet study area. If the door is locked or the lights are off, the front office will be happy to open the library for you and you can always sign out a book if the librarian is not available. New Books on the Shelf ADULT MATERIAL  Albert, Elisa. After Birth. 2015. (F ALB)  Hareven, Gail. Lies, First Person. 2015. (F HAR)  Jacobson, Howard. J: A Novel. 2015. (F JA0%C)  Landau, Alexis. The Empire of the Senses: A Novel. 2015. (F LAN)  Schumacher, Tony. The Darkest Hour: A Novel. 2015. (F SCH)

 Silverman, Sue William. The Pat Boone Fan Club:

My Life as a White Anglo-Saxon Jew. 2014. (F SIL)  Torday, Daniel. The Last Flight of Poxl West: A Novel. 

 

2015. (F TOR) Rosensaft, Menachem Z. God, Faith, & Identity from the Ashes: Reflections of Children and Grandchildren of Holocaust Survivors. 2014. (736.12 ROS) Mouillot, Miranda Richmond. A Fifty-Year Silence: Love, War, and a Ruined House in France. 2015. (736.5 MOU) Sarna, Jonathan D. Lincoln and the Jews: A History. 2015. (771.4 SAR) Chesler, Phyllis. An American Bride in Kabul: A Memoir. 2014. (B CHE) Yousef, Mosab Hassan. The Green Prince. 2014. (DVD)

CHILDREN’S MATERIAL  Selfors, Suzanne. The Griffin’s Riddle (The Imaginary

Veterinary). 2015. (JF SEL)  Hammer, Jill. The Garden of Time. 2014. (J 008.2 HAM)  Tonatiuh, Duncan. Separate is Never Equal: Sylvia Mendez and her Family’s Fight for Desegregation. 2015. (J 667 TON)  New Mitzvah Stories for the Whole Family. 2014. (J 136.7 NEW)

TRACY SAFRON SUGGESTS What makes The Last Flight of Poxl West by Daniel Torday an entertaining novel also makes it difficult to describe. Torday’s tale includes two narrators and an entire memoir. It is both a war remembrance and a book set in 1986 about a teenage boy and the uncle he worships. Poxl West fled to Holland from Czechoslovakia to outrun the Nazis and ultimately settled in London. Fifty years have passed since he showered the German’s with bombs as a RAF pilot. Poxl often shared his war stories on outings with his nephew Eli before publishing them in his memoir, Skylock. Poxl’s written history covers all the baseslove, bravery, loss, and his book brings him much acclaim. Eli is obsessed with Skylock and his uncle’s remarkable past. He longs to discuss the book with him but Poxl’s success takes him on the road and away from Eli. Critical praise for the novel stated that Poxl West is like a John Irving character reimagined by Philip Roth. Torday’s prose is lyrical and unique. His creative storytelling pilots the reader through an amazing journey.

Saturday: June 27 11:00am – 12:00pm A prayerful yoga place led by Rabbi Heather Altman, in which you are guid ed th roug h an exq uisite inner prayer service, matching yoga postures and seq uences with themes and key words of traditional Jewish prayers. Th rou g h intentional movement and devotion, participants feel the essence of prayer in their breath and body. Rav Yoga themes include g ratitude, standing in the flow of blessing, unity, peace and breath i ng/ movi ng/ livi ng sou l in each sacred m oment. Bring your own mat and dress appropriately for yoga!

shalom June/July 2015



KERUV CORNER KERUV: Welcoming Interfaith Families BOB SPECTOR Shalom Chaverim, Wow, is it summertime already? I hope this season provides you with an opportunity to slow things down and to have increased quality time with your families. As a follow up from my last column, I am including the first part in order to create a context for this column because that was a bit of a departure from the usual themes I address. The Spector/Meyers clan has been in the throes of college applications, college visits, and decision making as Rachel (my older daughter) prepares to begin the next phase of her life this coming August. Sadly, one of the most important questions we have had to answer is ‘What is the political climate toward Israel on the campuses that Rachel is considering?’ On many college campuses across the country the student bodies are voting on censoring Israel for “human rights violations” and the line between anti-Israel sentiment and anti-Semitism has become very blurry. As if preparing our children for college hasn’t been challenging enough, we are now faced with trying to assess the social, emotional, and yes even the physical safety of our children. Throughout the never ending need (and accompanying self-doubt) to both protect and prepare our children for life outside of home and community, Chris and I are questioning if we as parents and all of us as a Jewish community have adequately prepared our children to navigate the challenges of being Jewish on today’s college campuses. Last month I raised the question about whether there may be differences in parental reactions to the challenges our college kids are facing, based on whether a couple was intermarried. What I learned from my informal, nonscientific survey was that parental responses to their children’s campus life challenges seem to be more a function of gender rather than religious upbringing. Mothers appear to be more proactive in seeking support and education for their college age children. To be clear, it is not that fathers are not concerned, but that mothers, regardless of religious preference, are taking the lead on this issue. Additionally, there was disappointment expressed that our synagogues are not doing enough to educate our children on matters related to Israel. What I take from this is that our non-Jewish parents are equally committed to and invested in preparing their children for the challenges they face as Jewish young adults outside their homes and communities. To all you parents who have embraced our Jewish community as your own (including being proactive on this very difficult issue as well), I Thank You! As always, I welcome your constructive comments and feedback. I can be reached at

The word “mikvah” means “a gathering of waters.” A mikvah is built according to precise rules of location, dimension and source of its natural water. The Mikvah looks like a small pool, is about four feet deep, and is filled with warm (92 degree) water. This “mayim chayim” – “living waters” – reminds us of the pure waters of the Garden of Eden. The ritual of immersion in a Mikvah is a means of spiritual purification helping us to prepare ourselves for events in our lives of great spiritual importance. In the times of the Temple in Jerusalem, the high priest immersed himself in the Mikvah five separate times during the services for Yom Kippur. According to the Talmud, if a new Jewish community is established, it is incumbent upon the community to build the Mikvah first, even before building the synagogue. Performing the rite of circumcision and immersion in a Mikvah are the two oldest rituals in any religion, having been performed continuously for almost 3,000 years. The Mikvah at Beth Hillel Congregation B’nai Emunah opened in February 1998. We have welcomed thousands of people who have come here to immerse in the warm, clean waters of the mikvah. People come to the mikvah for many different reasons, including (a) the final step of conversion; (b) brides and grooms; (c) before holidays such as Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur and Pesach; and (d) before a trip to Israel. Married women may use the mikvah on a monthly basis. People also seek out the comforting waters of the mikvah before or after surgery, upon completion of chemotherapy, and to observe yahrzeit. The Mikvah is overseen by the Rabbinical Assembly of Chicago (Conservative). Rabbi Carl Wolkin is the president and Beth Shalom member Carol Schnitzler is the Shomeret (administrator) in charge on a daily basis. The Mikvah is looking for women who would like to be trained as volunteers to oversee the mikvah in Carol’s absence. Since a significant number of immersions are for women, we specifically need women to serve as backup and support for Carol.

IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE CONTACT THE MIKVAH AT 847-256-4699 JCC Perlstein Resort Wisconsin Dells, WI

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shalom 8

June/July 2015

Beth Shalom School 5775 With our Beth Shalom Family • Men’s Club joined us on our first crazy day of the school year, serving coffee curbside and welcoming all Sunday school parents. • High Holidays – Family Services with Naomi and Matt: We recognize that our families see Beth Shalom holistically, not as separate schooling, youth-group and ritual providers. So we brought all or our assets together for our families in the High Holiday programming. • Rabbi Wolkin joined our Aleph and Bet students during Sukkot for a discussion of the holiday. • The Bet class joined in with our Men’s Club for the now annual tephillin awareness campaign, the World Wide Wrap. • For Purim, Sisterhood organized an effort with the Hebrew school to pack “Mishlo’ach Manot” bags of necessary sundries for the PADS shelter • Cocoa and Donut Shabbat. What Naomi and I started as just an informal Shabbat service for 3rd-6th graders and families grew when we featured our sweet starters. • Leann Blue, Rabbi Wolkin and I worked together to bring Chai Mitzvah, one of Beth Shalom’s Shabbat morning adult education offerings, to life. • In November Rabbi Melman, Rabbi Wolkin, Cantor Stoehr, Bob Spector and I presented “Questions About Judaism You’re Too Afraid To Ask” for parents and students in 5th-8th grades. The students’ questions broke down into five categories: theology, identity, past facts, “what if…?” questions, and how we relate to others. The parent conversations were more freeranging. • The school joined in with all of Beth Shalom to celebrate lighting the first night of Chanukah. Todd Kessler led us in song, and the fifth graders displayed their fanciful ideas for Chanukiyot as art. • The Purim Carnival was wonderful! Thanks to Men’s Club, Youth, the Membership Committee, and most of all to Barbara Klein. Partnership makes all the difference. • Our student choir, Shir Joy, was led with aplomb all year by Cantor Stoehr. Field Trips • First graders went to the Garoon JCC Science Center as part of their Creation unit. • Our second graders visited the mini-matzah factory in Highland Park. • Our 5th and 6th graders joined with Congregation Beth Judea for a retreat at Camp Henry Horner. Climbing wall, zip line and in-depth discussions were all exciting in their own ways. • Eighth graders went to Caputo’s grocery store as part of their unit on urban poverty. Their assignment was to purchase groceries for a family of four on a very limited budget. All purchases were donated. • Eighth graders went to the Gidwitz Place for Assisted Living to celebrate Chanukah with their elders. • Our Gimel students went to the ARK to learn about community services and to help sort in the food pantry. Again, our students brought honor to our synagogue. • Our Bet class went to Israel…at the Board of Jewish Education. We experienced Israel via an 180 square foot map

of our homeland. We “skied” on Mt. Hermon, felt Dead Sea mud on our hands, analyzed the contents of a tel, and got to know about H2O in Israel. • Our Daled class went to Chicago Jewish Funerals as part of our lifecycle curriculum. There David Jacobson taught them the importance of “Kavod Chayim” respect for life, as an essential part of end-of-life traditions. • Our Hay class went to the Holocaust Museum and Education Center in as part of their history curriculum. • Our 8th graders really did go to Israel on the JUF sponsored Ta’am Yisrael program. Special Guests • Parent Patricia Dolins reprised her role as the director of “Guerilla Torah Theater.” Our Gimel students put together a skit about the week’s Torah portion, and then surprised the other classes with a two minute Torah “commercial.” • Author Erica Weisz visited with our Kindergarten through Aleph students sharing both her writings and her methods. • Josh Wolkin prepared our Gimel class for their visit to the ARK. (His dad kvelled). • Dancers from the International Center on Deafness and the Arts performed to our Hebrew school students and parents. Cantor Stoehr brought them in honor of Jews with Disabilities Month. • Yale Ray, certified Shochet, talked to our 8th graders about the value put upon life and how that is carried into the process of kosher slaughtering of animals. • Karen Bellows read the book, “The Tattooed Torah” to our second graders. It tells about her father’s journey to Europe to collect a Holocaust Torah for the Northbrook Solomon Schechter school. • Teacher Susan Karlinsky and her 11th and 12th grade Gesher students, after learning all about the process of philanthropy, are announcing to the Board of Trustees their financial awards for this year. This program was again a success and it will continue to be an integral part of our post Bat/Bar Mitzvah education programming. Special Events • Sukkah Build: Daled students and parent volunteers initiated our build-a-home-style-Sukkah project as part of their Holidays curriculum • Kindergarteners’ Consecration: Our five year olds really showed off how much they’d learned (so far). It was poignant and lovely. • Tu B’Shevat Ice Cream Seder for our K-second grade was a hit again this year. • Shabbat Dinners: We topped 100 participants with all of our school dinners this year!! • Model Seders: The School Board and faculty set the tables for 167 participants in our Hebrew school’s model Seders. The goal of every child learning to sing the Four Questions in Hebrew was achieved. • Aleph Siddur Celebration: Very special thanks to representation from clergy, our synagogue president and Education Vice President. Our students were prepared, poised and read well. Broad smiles from parents as the students sang songs and prayers. Delicious sweets and fruit followed.

continued on next page

shalom June/July 2015


• Yom HaShoah Commemoration: The Board of Jewish Education’s Holocaust Resource Collection supplied artifacts for each of six stations, (A yellow star armband, an armband taken off of a Nazi soldier, photos and a stone from the Mauthausen concentration camp, an Israeli postage stamp commemorating Righteous Gentiles, etc.) It went well. • “Beneath The Helmet” film screening: About 140 in attendance, (a numerical success). Attended by Gimel – 8th grade students, their parents and others in the Beth Shalom community. Co-sponsored with Youth. Co-advertised with Israel Committee. • Gesher: Hay students, in seventh grade, concluded the year with a “Gesher”, or bridge, ceremony. They are presenting their reflections on their Jewish education thus far and visions for their Jewish future. Especially for Parents: • Parents and little ones gathered together in Dickler Hall to begin the year with songs, a story and an introduction to their teachers and classmates. • At our parent orientation we covered the basics AND talked about the importance of continuing Jewish education beyond the Bat/Bar Mitzvah celebration. • Kindergarten, first and second graders and their parents visited Chanukah learning stations that shed light on traditional and new ways to celebrate the holiday. • Why All Nights Should Be Like This Night?” Rabbi Melman, Rabbi Wolkin and Cantor Stoehr met with parents before Passover for conversation about the all-important messages in the coming holiday.

THANK YOU A special thank you from the Mitzvot Committee to our 8th Grade Hebrew School Greeters, Arin Elisco, Alison Wilensky, Noah LeCavalier, David Zelkowitz and Steven Zelkowitz.

“Ma Nishma” MATT RISSIEN Youth Director

It’s hard to believe that the end of the programming year has arrived. In this column, I would like to talk about the devotion to our chapter and region that some our USY’ers have given this year. At the beginning of the year, we lost over 20 devoted members because of graduation. Our chapter board this year decided that was not going to deter them from keeping our chapter successful. They worked hard and worked together to bring our CBS USY chapter to over 80 members! Anyone who entered the youth lounge on Thursday nights saw at least 30 high school students laughing and having fun at our programs. This is because of the hard work put in by our entire chapter board. Our board consisted of Josh Hakimian, Jeff Kurnick, Evan Weis, Bari Sigal, Elana Greenberg, Grace Elisco and Maddy Kahn. I could go on for hours about every one of them and their accomplishments. This group of leaders were not only fun to work with, but it has been a pleasure to see them grow as the year has progressed. I look forward to seeing the leadership next year pick up from where they left off. The one program I would like to focus on from this past year was our 8th grade initiation part bus program. We picked up 17 8th graders from their homes and introduced them to CBS USY with a huge pizza party. We have a really great program here at CBS, and I strongly encourage any high school students to come and check us out next year on Thursday nights. Look forward to seeing everyone next year at all of our youth events. Have a great summer! -Matt Rissien


Join us for challah making, stories and song! June 19 11:00 – 11:45 AM For families with children up to PreK.



Son of Jackie & Michael Jacobs Brother of Jonah & Jordyn Jacobs Grandson of Harriet & Gordon Rubin, Elayne & Arnold Jacobs

Daughter of Lauren & Ian Rothenberg Sister of Zach & Noah Rothenberg Granddaughter of Bonnie & Jerry Rothenberg, Annette & Michael Kalcheim

shalom 10

June/July 2015

Sisterhood Presidents


Leatte Gelfeld & Beth Sher This past year has been a great one for Sisterhood. We welcomed many new members, offered numerous exciting programs and brought new faces onto the board. Congratulations to our own Edna Schrank who has been elected President of Women’s Leaugue Central Great Lakes Region. Our Culminating and Valued Volunteer Dinner was well attended and Chef Gale Gand was enjoyable. Meryl Weis planned a fantastic evening and we appreciate her hard work. Congratulations Jackie Zelkowitz for being honored as our Valued Volunteer. Our Past Presidents presented a scrapbook to Rabbi Wolkin in honor of his retirement. We want to thank Rabbi and Judy for their continuous support of Sisterhood over the years and we wish them the best in their retirement. Thank you to new board members Michelle Crane, Susan Rosenthal, Elana Schrank, Elyssa Siegel, Ami Spiegel and Lila Weiland for accepting your positions. We want to thank all of our board members whether you are leaving or returning. We appreciate your dedication and Sisterhood’s success would not be the same without your commitment. Marsha Hochman, thank you for your many years as Book Review Coordinator. We appreciate everything you have done and will miss you on the board. We are very excited to welcome Rabbi Ari and Vanessa Averbach to Beth Shalom and look forward to what the new year will bring. Our final open Board Meeting of the year will be Tuesday, June 2nd and all are welcome.. We hope everyone has a great summer and stay tuned to see what exciting events Sisterhood has planned for the coming year! Leatte Gelfeld & Beth Sher

SHOP FOR THE SHUL CBS Gift Card Program Help support CBS at no cost to you. You can buy gift cards for your favorite purchases including: Sunset Foods Walgreens Home Depot Banana Republic

Jewel CVS Amazon Kohls

Marianos Whole Foods J Crew Footlocker

And remember you can also purchase gift cards for Best Buy, Office Max, Old Navy, Men’s Wearhouse, and most retailers you visit regularly. See the Gift Card order form in the Bulletin or on the CBS website.

Rosh Hashanah begins on the evening of September 13th. It is not too early to think about wishing your congregation friends a happy holiday season. If you would like to be included in the New Year’s greetings in the synagogue bulletin, please send $5 (make checks payable to Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood) and the way you would like your name to appear in the bulletin to: Teri Robins, 4016 Sunset Lane, Northbrook, IL 60062 or email her at with “New Year’s Greetings” in the subject line. Deadline for the New Year’s greetings is July 15, 2015.

THANK YOU TO MITZVOT COMMITTEE WOMEN Dear Friends, It is my pleasure to acknowledge and thank the wonderful women on our Sisterhood Mitzvot Committee. Please take a minute to say hello to these women when you see them. These wonderful women deliver Shabbat and holiday candles to Jewish patients at Glenbrook Hospital, they are greeters at the Shabbat Greeting Table, drive our congregants to doctor’s appointments, medical treatments and assist families in mourning. Eleanor Bernstein Fran Brookstein Amy Bulgatz Denise Eisenberg Barbara Gelfeld Jolie Genender Jackie Gideon Linda Gold Diana Gotkin Judi Greenberg Judy Greenman Fran Hakimian Arlene Handler Denise Handler Laurie Jacob Laura Schoeneman Gina Kay Sachs

Laurel Letwat Barbara Libauer Lauren Lustbader Bonnie Malmed Rhoda Markovitz Elaine Michaels Roberta Miller Ethel Obrand Linda Petchenik Betty Primer Pam Redfern Toni Rosen Gloria Rosenbaum Ellen Roth Judy Zuchman Sheryl Katzenstein Sharon Schwartz

Matty Shechtman Kim Shwachman Marti Sinton Robin Steibel Elyse Stern Susan Stoehr Faye Tatel Sharon Telpner Dayle Teven Marcia Weiland Sara Weinstein Meryl Weis Robin Wolf Delores Zemsky Judy Kaplan Gloria Schultz Sandy Melnick-

These women are truly living by the principles in our Talmud, “The world stands on Torah, worship and deeds of loving kindness.”


Thank you again, Fern Edidin Roseman Sisterhood Mitzvot Chair, 847-564-9266

For more info contact Jim Donenberg –

shalom June/July 2015


CBS KNITS 2015 Summer Schedule Sunday mornings 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. DATES AND LOCATIONS JUNE 14 CBS Library – Horwitz Adult Education Room JULY 12 Linda Weingart- 2760 Royal Drive, Northbrook 847/272-7762 or JULY 26 Gale Cook – 404 Muriel Court, Wheeling 847/808-9636 or AUGUST 9 Linda Weingart – address above AUGUST 23 Gale Cook – address above

REGRETS ONLY directly to Linda or Gale, please. Coming Soon - Dates for CBS Knits 2015-16 Contact Maureen A. Gold at 847/509-1978

LEAGRAMS July Arlene Gitles-Hammerman .............. 1 Beatrice Mattenson........................... 1 Lila Weiland ..................................... 1 Tina Cantrell..................................... 2 Shirley Samuels................................ 2 Sheri Smason.................................... 2 Teri Robins ....................................... 3 Dorothy Abrams ............................... 4 Norine Margolis ............................... 4 Cheryl Hoffen................................... 5 Heidi Reitman .................................. 5 Stacy Robeson .................................. 5 Ilene Bergman .................................. 6 Roselyn Chaikin ............................... 6 Lisa Dembo ...................................... 7 Beryl Feinberg.................................. 7 Audra Elisco..................................... 8 Ilene Epstein..................................... 8 Michelle Kaboff ............................... 8 Carol Malis....................................... 8 Linda Rodin...................................... 8 Karen Schulman ............................... 9 Evelyn Meltzer ................................ 10 Samantha Roth ................................ 10 Anne Cornfield ................................ 11 Pepi Barr.......................................... 12 Mona Berman.................................. 13 Beryl Block ..................................... 13 Barbara Dickler ............................... 13 Holly Forman .................................. 13 Etta Kotowsky ................................. 13 Rhonda Newman ............................. 13 Rochelle Magidson.......................... 14 Anita Avcioglu................................. 15 Laurie Davis .................................... 15 Ronna Goldner ................................ 15 Ellen Lipshutz ................................. 15 Sheila Nathan .................................. 15 Marcia Cotler................................... 16 Nancy Cox....................................... 16 Linda Dick....................................... 16 Donna Garfinkel.............................. 16 Debby Kleifield ............................... 16 Michelle Lebovitz ........................... 16 Susan Stern...................................... 16 Sharon Taksin .................................. 16 Judy Decker..................................... 17 Robin Karney .................................. 17 Roberta Martin ................................ 17 Barbara Menn.................................. 17 Roni Pressler ................................... 17 Hillary Teven................................... 17 Suzanne Weinstein........................... 17 Carol Nadler .................................... 18 Marilyn Arbetter.............................. 19 Jane Pomerantz................................ 19 Sandra Leon..................................... 20 Rhoda Maslov ................................. 20 Gail Shaps ....................................... 20 Diane Chodash ................................ 21

Deborah Eisenberg .......................... 21 Dana Elliott ..................................... 21 Susan Weiss ..................................... 21 Lillian Beckerman ........................... 22 Barbara Bessinger ........................... 22 Marni Hochman............................... 22 Kathleen Kurnick ............................ 22 Lenore Weiss ................................... 22 Judy Kaplan..................................... 23 Phyllis Levinson.............................. 23 Lois Michaels .................................. 23 Barbara Neimark ............................. 23 Janet Sabin....................................... 23 Jodi Lasky ....................................... 24 Debbie Bender................................. 26 Eileen Bengelsdorf .......................... 26 Susan Rosenthal .............................. 26 Alene Wintroub ............................... 26 Brandi Argentar ............................... 27 Amy Bulgatz ................................... 27 Susan Teper ..................................... 27 Shari Karp ....................................... 28 Bonnie Kase .................................... 28 Lita Weinstein.................................. 28 Ruth Hudak ..................................... 29 Faye Krasner ................................... 29 Isabel Mussman............................... 29 Zelda Seiden.................................... 29 Mara Smith...................................... 29 Joey Tamler ..................................... 29 Barbara Ben-Dov............................. 30 Robin Berg ...................................... 30 Martha Sinton.................................. 30 Sara Warshauer................................ 30 Barbara Wolke ................................. 30 Dorothy Wulbert.............................. 30 Jaime Gordon .................................. 31 Helayne Merkin............................... 31 Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? It is SO simple! We can establish an account for you by just sending in a check for any dollar amount. We will deduct the amount you spend each month on each Leagram/Anniversary and let you know when your account is low. What could be easier? No more 75¢ checks! Send your donations prior to the 20th of the month to: Teri Robins, 4016 Sunset Lane, Northbrook, IL 60062.

Name _______________ # of Greetings ________ Amount ______________ c On account c Money enclosed

shalom 12

June/July 2015

LEAGRAMS August Roberta Appelbaum................................ 1 Rita Berg................................................. 1 Deborah Kamensky ................................ 1 Amy Kasallis .......................................... 1 Andrea Kessler ....................................... 1 Andrea Singer......................................... 1 Lana Zakon............................................. 1 Kimberly Colwyn ................................... 2 Arona Boron ........................................... 3 Ellen Redman ......................................... 3 Dana Ben-Dov ........................................ 4 Jean Goldrosen ....................................... 4 Marlene Saltzberg................................... 4 Amy Solar............................................... 4 Adele Zaveduk........................................ 4 Kimberly Grief ....................................... 5 Mindy Kaplan......................................... 5 Ruth Kligerman ...................................... 5 Ellen Scholl ............................................ 5 Elissa Pelts.............................................. 6 Hedy Margolin........................................ 7 Faye Tatel ............................................... 7 Lauren Kessler........................................ 8 Arlene Treguboff .................................... 8 Debra Cohen........................................... 9 Galina Karpel.......................................... 9 Sheila Mozin........................................... 9 Gloria Pogofsky...................................... 9 Marrissa Seidler...................................... 9 Loly Farnos............................................ 10 Lisa Ginsburgh ...................................... 10 Rosalie Goldberg ................................... 10 Jodi Joffe ............................................... 10 Ethel Long ............................................. 11 Christina Meyers ................................... 11 Danielle Stern ........................................ 11 Sheila Derman ....................................... 12 Saba Dragon .......................................... 12 Sherry Goldman..................................... 12 Jane Kushner ......................................... 12 Renee Orelove ....................................... 12 Anita Taylor........................................... 12 Jaqueline Zelkowitz............................... 12 Dorothy Gelman .................................... 13 Shirley Grey........................................... 13 Staci Levy.............................................. 13 Myra Moldofsky.................................... 13 Kimberly Shwachman ........................... 13 Lieba Goldman ...................................... 14 Suzy Hakimian ...................................... 14 Dale Kane .............................................. 14 Marlene Lipson...................................... 14 Susan Rubin........................................... 14 Judy Samotny ........................................ 14 Sandra Gold ........................................... 15 Leanne Nathan....................................... 15 Stephanie Sklar...................................... 15 Shari Kaminsky ..................................... 16 Janet Footlik .......................................... 17 Susan Katz ............................................. 17 Violet Warsaski ..................................... 17 Mildred Bender...................................... 18 Edith Korman ........................................ 18 Lorrie Melnicoff .................................... 18 Shari Coleman ....................................... 19

Sherry Rubinstein .................................. 20 Shirley Fredson...................................... 21 Sheryl Katzenstein................................. 21 Joyce Matles .......................................... 21 Sharon Oberlander................................. 21 Ina Schneiderman .................................. 21 Jeanette Schusteff .................................. 21 Barbara Becker ...................................... 22 Laura Fishman ....................................... 22 Roberta Miller ....................................... 22 Raleigh Sawyer...................................... 22 Rhonda Cohen ....................................... 23 Linda Goodman ..................................... 23 Marla Massel ......................................... 23 Erin Chapman........................................ 24 Julie Degabli.......................................... 24 Staci King .............................................. 24 Ashley Portman ..................................... 24 Diane Cohn............................................ 25 Laurel Jacob........................................... 25 Sharon Kreiter ....................................... 25 Fern Roseman........................................ 25 Wendy Seltzer ....................................... 25 Beverly Binstein .................................... 26 Cherie Goldman..................................... 26 Eleanor Bernstein .................................. 27 Fran Brookstein ..................................... 27 Ilana Ekstein .......................................... 27 Michelle Hirsch ..................................... 27 Joanne Nusbaum.................................... 27 Noelle Whitehead .................................. 27 Cecelia Lasinsky.................................... 28 Hilary Malina......................................... 28 Dianne Paprocki .................................... 28 Jaclyn Hakimian .................................... 29 Barbara Barnett...................................... 30 Shirley Fuld ........................................... 30 Linda Lezak ........................................... 30 Barbara Metrick..................................... 30 Rosalie Albin ......................................... 31 Debra Bell.............................................. 31 Jody Sigal .............................................. 31 Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? It is SO simple! We can establish an account for you by just sending in a check for any dollar amount. We will deduct the amount you spend each month on each Leagram/Anniversary and let you know when your account is low. What could be easier? No more 75¢ checks! Send your donations prior to the 20th of the month to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062

Name _______________ # of Greetings ________ Amount ______________ c On account c Money enclosed

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial

Sisterhood Judaica Shop A unique shopping experience awaits you at our ~Shop Around the Corner~ Gifts for all occasions… For children & adults… For birthdays & anniversaries… For new homes & new babies… For Rosh Hashanah… Tallitot & Kippot from Israel, Challah Plates & Challah Covers, Apple & Honey Plates Complimentary Gift Wrap VISA/MasterCard/Discover accepted Gift Certificates available Summer Hours by Appointment May 20 thru September 7 Please don’t hesitate to call Diana Lewis 847.947.2906 Darlene Padnos (h) 847.998.0494 (c) 847.217.4531 Robyn Rosengard (h) 847.498.9901 (c) 847.917.1197 Volunteers needed for Sisterhood’s Judaica Shop, beginning September 2015 Do you want to be of service to our Synagogue? Do you want to be of service to our Sisterhood? Do you want to be where “The Action” is? Do you want to meet some of the Finest People? Do you have two hours - once a week to give? Please call or write us. We’d love to hear from you! There are several shifts available. Darlene Padnos Diana Lewis 847.998.0494 847.947.2906

shalom June/July 2015


Sivan/Tammuz 5775

JUNE 2015

3433 Walters Avenue | Northbrook, IL 60062 | 847.498.4100 |






15 Sivan 5775

Short-term Bar/Bat Mitzvah Meeting

SH Exec/Board (Combined) House Committee




16 Sivan 5775



17 Sivan 5775

18 Sivan 5775

Financial Committee

YFO Shabbat Dinner

Melton Year 1 @ SSDS

Ritual Committee

20 Sivan 5775


14 Sivan 5775

Tammuz/AV 5775







14 Tammuz 5775





15 Tammuz 5775



16 Tammuz 5775


17 Tammuz 5775

8:11pm - Candlelighting Balak

Noah Jacobs


8:04pm - Candlelighting Sydney Rothenberg

8 21 Sivan 5775

9 22 Sivan 5775

10 23 Sivan 5775

President's Luncheon in Executive Board Honor of Glen & Jill Roter (Combined)

11 24 Sivan 5775

12 25 Sivan 5775

MC Exec/Board (Combined)

13 26 Sivan 5775

8:08pm - Candlelighting

Melton Year 1 @ SSDS

5 18 Tammuz 5775

6 19 Tammuz 5775



28 Sivan 5775

29 Sivan 5775

30 Sivan 5775

CBS Knits

Board of Trustees (Combined)

FJMC Board

Melton Year 1 @ SSDS

20 Tammuz 5775

8 21 Tammuz 5775

9 22 Tammuz 5775

Shlach Lecha


11 24 Tammuz 5775

23 Tammuz 5775

18 1 Tammuz 5775

19 2 Tammuz 5775

large bowl. In food processor, process chopped fine. Whisk into soy mixture.


25 Tammuz 5775

13 26 Tammuz 5775

14 27 Tammuz 5775

15 28 Tammuz 5775

16 29 Tammuz 5775



1 Av 5775

2 Av 5775

8:05pm - Candlelighting


tsp. salt in 1� water in medium sauce pan


over high heat until snow peas are bright green, approximately 20 seconds. Remove

8:11pm - Candlelighting Study Minyan 19 ROSH CHODESH 22

4 Tammuz 5775

5 Tammuz 5775


Calendar Meeting

23 6 Tammuz 5775

24 7 Tammuz 5775

3 Av 5775

25 8 Tammuz 5775

26 9 Tammuz 5775

8:12pm - Candlelighting

Cook pasta according to package directions. Drain and set aside. Heat snow peas and 1/2

from heat. Drain and rinse under cold water.

Financial Meetings (July 12-14)


1 lb. . . . . . . . . . . thin spaghetti 1/4 lb. . . . . . . . . snow peas 2 C. . . . . . . . . . . cooked chicken, julienned 1/2 C. . . . . . . . . sliced green onions 2 tsp. . . . . . . . . toasted sesame seeds

ginger, garlic and green onions until

3 Tammuz 5775

Shabbat with a Twist

Dressing: 1/3 C. . . . . . . . . vegetable oil 1/3 C. . . . . . . . . . . soy sauce 2 T. . . . . . . . . . . honey 1 tsp. . . . . . . . . oriental sesame oil 1/2 tsp. . . . . . . sweet red pepper flakes 1/4-1/2 C. . . . . . ground fresh ginger OR 1 tsp. - 1 T. dry ginger, to taste 2 tsp. . . . . . . . . chopped garlic 2 T. . . . . . . . . . . chopped green onion

Dressing: Combine first 5 ingredients in a

8:09pm - Candlelighting Pinchas

Adult B'not Mitvah


27 Sivan 5775



12 14


19 Sivan 5775

Storybook Shabbat

JULY 2015

3433 Walters Avenue | Northbrook, IL 60062 | 847.498.4100 |


Chinese Chicken & Noodles

20 4 Av 5775

21 5 Av 5775

22 6 Av 5775

23 7 Av 5775

24 8 Av 5775

25 9 Av 5775

Services Under the Stars Devarim-Hazon


7:59pm - Candlelighting EREV TISHA B'AV

10 Tammuz 5775


Julienne. Add snow peas and pasta to dressing with remaining ingredients. Toss to coat. Can be made ahead. Cover and refrigerate up to 4 hours. Makes 6 servings. Iris Podolsky

28 11 Tammuz 5775

Retirement Celebration in Honor of Rabbi Carl Wolkin

29 12 Tammuz 5775

30 13 Tammuz 5775

26 10 Av 5775


27 11 Av 5775

28 12 Av 5775

29 13 Av 5775

30 14 Av 5775

31 15 Av 5775

Services Under the Stars 7:52pm - Candlelighting

Anniversaries July Harold and Gloria Snite ......................... 1 Joe and Barbara Wolke .......................... 1 Adam and Leatte Gelfeld ............15 yrs. 2 Martin and Andrea Singer ..................... 2 Ari and Staci Studnitzer ......................... 2 Allen and Robin Berg ............................ 3 Melvyn and Marlene Cohen .................. 3 Sanford and Holly Gail .......................... 3 Joel and Judy Greenman ........................ 3 Murray and Floris Leipzig ..................... 3 Robert and Christina Spector ................. 3 Scott and Eve Mermel ................45 yrs. 4 David and Donna Rosenbaum ............... 4 Sam and Becca Tatel ............................. 4 Alan and Arlene Treguboff ................... 4 David and Roseland Zaransky ............... 4 Phillip and Barbara Barnett ................... 5 David and Laura Horwitch .................... 5 Bryan and Laura Immergluck ................ 5 David and Fleurette Katz ....................... 5 Harvey and Sheila Medvin .........50 yrs. 5 Martin and Dayle Meliker ..................... 5 Alexander and Irina Sirlin ..........40 yrs. 5 Steven and Rosalyn Mokhtarian ............ 6 Nathan and Joey Tamler ........................ 6 Jack and Caron Knopoff ........................ 7 Robert and Harriet Tecktiel ................... 7 Ernest and Cheryl Fischer ..................... 8 Joshua and Eleanor Kahn ...................... 8 Howard and Brandla LeVine ................. 8 Steven and Ann Lessman ...................... 8 Geoffrey and Sari Weil .......................... 8 Benjamin and Adele Zaveduk ............... 9 Sy and Karen Zilberstein ....................... 9 Adam and Melissa Gilman ................... 10 Byron and Gail Brook ................50 yrs. 11 Robert and Ann Soll ..................50 yrs. 11 Stuart and Cori Yoss ............................. 11 Richard and Linda Dick .............45 yrs. 12 Keith and Marci Shapiro ...................... 12 Lee and Laura Shulman ........................ 12 Michael and Andi Srulovitz .......45 yrs. 12 Harry and Lily Zoberman ..................... 12

Shaye and Stacy Robeson ..................... 13 Daniel and Lana Zakon ........................ 15 Joseph and Helene Lachman ................ 16 Mark and Jane Kushner .............10 yrs. 17 Michael and Nicole Nortman ............... 17 Scott and Diana Bentkover ................... 19 Jeffrey and Susan Lasky ....................... 19 Arthur and Patricia Dolins .................... 20 Sheldon and Sharon Pike ...........40 yrs. 20 Lee and Bonnie Malmed ...................... 22 Donald and Susan Levine ..................... 23 Terry and Gloria Pogofsky ................... 23 Fred and Faye Tatel .............................. 23 Arlen and Cecelia Lasinsky .................. 24 Neal and Mona Weiss ........................... 24 Daniel and Amy Gottstein .................... 25 Joel and Gail Polisky ............................ 25 Joseph and Dorothy Abrams ................ 26 Allan and Marsha Goldstein ......35 yrs. 27 Barry and Sandi Marks ......................... 27 Larry and Bonny Barezky .................... 28 Jeffrey and Shari Kaminsky ................. 28 Irwin and Cathy Gafen ..............30 yrs. 30 Neal and Carolyn Golden ..................... 31 Jason Hergott & Danielle Holden 10 yrs. 31 Gary and Dori Mages ........................... 31 Alan and Marla Patzik .......................... 31

Anniversary Greeting Update Do you know how EASY it is to send an anniversary and leagram greeting to a CBS member? We can establish an account for you just by sending in a check for any dollar amount. We will deduct the amount you spend each month on Leagram/Anniversary and let you know when your account is low. No more 75¢ checks. Send your donations prior to the 20th of the month to: Karen Rosenthal, 317 South Can Dota Avenue, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. Email: Name___________________________________

June/July Bima Donations In memory of Anne Gold - Maria Catezone, Stephanie & Ira Schreiber In honor of our mutual 55th Wedding Anniversary on June 26th - Sandra & Murry Randell and Marliyn & Don Sneider

Bima Flower Fund The Bima Flower Fund helps to ensure that our Bima bouquets will continue to be as beautiful as they always have been. Your minimum donation of $10 (or more) will make that happen. Acknowledgement of your donation will appear on the Sisterhood page in the bulletin. If the donation is in “memory of” or in “honor of” someone, a letter of acknowledgement will be sent to the family. Simply fill out the form below and send it or call Estelle Miller at CBS, 847-498-4100.

Bima Flower Fund Donation Form I (we) ___________________________________ wish to donate $_______________ to the Bima Flower Fund. Check one: o In honor of ____________________________ o In memory of __________________________

Message: ______________________________ ______________________________________

# of Greetings ____________________________

Name: _________________________________

Amount _________________________________

Address: _______________________________

_____ On Account ____ Money Enclosed

Mail by the 15th of the month to Estelle Miller, CBS, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, IL 60062

shalom 16

June/July 2015

Anniversaries August David and Jan Lasky ............................. 1 Clifford and Robin Wolf ....................... 1 Jason and Amy Kasallis ......................... 2 Steven and Marla Pierson ...........40 yrs. 3 Ronald and Renee Alpern ...................... 4 Jeff and Lindsey Berman ....................... 4 Harvey and Sandi Goldstein .................. 4 Vlad and Galina Karpel ......................... 4 Michael and Loren Schyman ................. 4 Howard and Lynne Weisbart ................. 4 Alexander and Stephanie Mats .............. 5 Larry and Roberta Alexander ................ 7 Thomas and Helene Coorsh ................... 7 Alan and Rachel Grossman ................... 7 Steven and Jackie Isaacson .................... 7 Glen and Jill Roter ................................. 7 Daniel and Susan Berebitsky ................. 8 William and Joanne Chunowitz ............. 8 Theodore and Pamela Gilbert ................ 8 Mark and Linda Goodman ..................... 8 Stephen and Adina Schoenberger .......... 8 Marc and Terri Schwartz ....................... 8 Steven and Deborah Wilensky .............. 8 David and Robin Allen .......................... 9 Gene and Karen Goldberg ..................... 9 Todd and Lauren Kessler ....................... 9 Joel and Danielle Pekay ......................... 9 Daniel and Harriet Crane ...................... 10 David and Lauren Lessman .................. 10 Daniel and Brandi Argentar .................. 11 Burton and Barbara Chotiner ................ 11 Norman and Linda Lieber .................... 11 Jerome and Jacquelyn Margolis ........... 11 Allen and Tamara Marks ...................... 11 Lester and Debra Rosen ........................ 11 Earl and Renee Strum ........................... 11 Brian and Jill Carter .............................. 12 Max and Dawn Ferencz ........................ 12 Howard and Deborah Freidin ............... 12 Matthew and Suzanne Goldberg .......... 12 Jay and Robin Neidich .......................... 12 Dennis and Dayle Teven ...................... 12 Eric and Marnie Baer .................20 yrs. 13 Michael and Fern Ellison ...................... 13 David and Stacy Gordon ...................... 13 Harvey and Linda Lezak ...................... 13 Craig and Rosalind Schwartz ............... 13 Marshall and Sheila Ander ................... 14

Steven and Leesa Friedlander ............... 14 Eric and Judith Smith ........................... 14 Ronald and Andy Widen ...................... 14 Harold and Rachel Zukerman ............... 14 Anthony and Mary Ann Apple ............. 15 Stephen and Eileen Baime .........50 yrs. 15 Michael and Harriet Kaplan ......50 yrs. 15 Andrew and Ellen Roth ........................ 15 Fred and Sally Blitt ............................... 16 Steve and Carol Malis .......................... 16 Joel and Lori Neiberg ........................... 16 Skip and Rhonda Newman ................... 16 Jerry and Judy Shapiro ......................... 16 James and Susan Teper ......................... 16 Andrew and Allison Gordon ................ 17 Ivan and Linda Wolfson ....................... 17 Seymour and Beverly Binstein ............. 18 Charles and Suzanne Minkus ....30 yrs. 18 Irving and Bette Polakow ..................... 18 Larry and Fern Roseman ...................... 18 Ray and Bonnie Himmelblau ............... 19 Ralph and Lisa Meczyk ........................ 19 Allen and Hope Schwartz ..................... 19 Bruce J. and Cheryl Shapiro ................. 19 Jordan and Noelle Whitehead ............... 19 Alan and Bettina Birkner ...................... 20 Alan and Alysa Edelman ...................... 20 Neil and Karen Fine .............................. 20 David and Marsha Hochman ................ 20 Neil and Shari Levin ............................. 20 Neil and Judi Steinberg ........................ 20 Steven and Arlene Gelman ................... 21 Richard and Lesley Kessler .................. 21 Steven and Samantha Seidenberg ......... 21 Bruce and Cynthia Shankman ...10 yrs. 21 Alan and Jennifer Wernick ................... 21 Robert and Amy Bulgatz ...................... 22 Sheldon and Wendy Copeland ..15 yrs. 22 Lonnie and Susan Edelheit ........50 yrs. 22 Larry and Carrie Kaplan ....................... 22 Daniel and Tracy Kazan ....................... 22 Jerome and Alyce Stanton .................... 22 Ira and Laurie Davis ............................. 23 Jack and Dena Epstein .......................... 23 Fred and Enid Grabiner .............15 yrs. 23 David and Debra Vishny ...................... 23 Russell and Linda Eisenberg ................ 24 Lawrence and Marla Elsberg ................ 24

Kenneth and Ann Genender ................. 24 Irving and Rhonda Jacobson ......35 yrs. 24 Jerry and Barbara Petasnick ................. 24 Robert and Elissa Ship .......................... 24 Steve and Zivit Blonder ........................ 25 Stanley and Susan Burstein .................. 25 Murray and Gina Kay ........................... 25 Coleman and Sherri Spector ................. 25 Barry and Diane Cohn .......................... 26 Albert and Nadia Eskinazi .................... 26 Steven and Donna Katz ........................ 26 Daniel and Sharon Mendelevitz ........... 26 Leonard and Susan Rubin ..................... 26 Michael and Ina Schneiderman ............ 26 Neal and Lauri Shamis ......................... 26 Edward and Carole Block ..................... 27 Burton and Sally Evans ........................ 27 Barry and Joyce Poticha ............50 yrs. 28 Alan B. and Susan Shapiro ................... 28 Jeffery and Sheryl Blackman ................ 29 Steven and Jennifer Medvin ................. 29 Leslie and Jill Olefsky .......................... 29 Elliot and Renee Roth ........................... 29 Sanford and Rita Silcroft ...................... 29 Jonathan and Alyssa Weisbach ....5 yrs. 29 Jerrold and Harlie Ezgur ....................... 30 Michael and Helayne Merkin ....35 yrs. 30 Barry and Deborah Rubin ..................... 30 Bruce and Marlene Saltzberg ....40 yrs. 30 Laurence and Elyse Stern ..................... 30 Leland and Terri Chalmers ................... 31 Glenn and Donna Garfinkel .................. 31 Peter and Samantha Kimball ................ 31 Eric and Sheri Singer ............................ 31 Eric and Jennifer Zoberman ................. 31

Anniversary Greeting Update Do you know how EASY it is to send an anniversary and leagram greeting to a CBS member? We can establish an account for you just by sending in a check for any dollar amount. We will deduct the amount you spend each month on Leagram/Anniversary and let you know when your account is low. No more 75¢ checks. Send your donations prior to the 20th of the month to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 Email: Name___________________________________ # of Greetings ____________________________ Amount _________________________________ _____ On Account ____ Money Enclosed

shalom June/July 2015


Men's Club President Larry Grossman & Ray Rokni

The TwoHeaded Monster Exits


It has been our honor and privilege Larry Grossman Ray Rokni to serve these past two years as co-presidents and we want to thank our Board and Executive Board for another amazingly successful and enriching year. You guys made all of this happen: • • • • • • •

Sunday breakfasts with speakers Bagels On The Run for Parents Sukkah Building Steak in the Sukkah Bear’s Bash Opening Dinner w/Sidney Green Erev Thanksgiving with Jesse White Tumblers • Casino Night • Bingo Night! • Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament

• • • • • • • • • • •


Worldwide Wrap Worldwide ReWrap Purim Carnival Lox Box Packing Lox Box Delivery FJMC Man/Youth of Year Dinner Men’s Club-USY Basketball Men’s Club Shabbat Yellow Candle program Yom HaShoah Commemoration Israel In Depth Program

We are proud to have reached the 500 member mark and thank our Executive Board for their support and hard work. Nothing happens with out you! The CBS Men’s Club Golf Outing is coming up to be played on June 29 at Highland Park Country Club. We will encourage you to bring wives and/or teenage and older children to play. There will be prizes for the best and worst scores as well as closest-to-the-pin. We will continue our best ball format and encourage you to build your foursomes with either ringers or folks who are just plain fun to play with. Our Annual Combined Board meeting will immediately follow the Golf tournament at CBS where we thank our outgoing Executive Board and Board members and welcome new Board participants. Please join us for a barbeque and fun evening. It has been a wonderfully full and fulfilling year and we appreciate the congregation’s participation and the wonderful backing of our clergy and our professional staff. Special thanks to Cantor Stoehr for his spiritual and ritual support and involvement and Michael Garlin and his team for logistical help. In closing, we extend our very best wishes and heartfelt thanks to Rabbi Wolkin who truly has been a supporter and advocate for Men’s Club. There is no way to begin to thank him for decades of guidance, encouragement and support. Y’asher koach, todah rabah and l’hetraot. You will always be welcomed to any and all Men’s Club events and we’ll always have a spare veggie burger for you! B’shalomLarry and Ray Twitter: @CBSMensClub











# OF PERSONS FOR DINNER ONLY:@$15 PER PERSON # of sponsored holes: @ $25 per hole milestone (birthday, anniversary, etc.)) SPONSOR

_ (recognize your company or celebrate a



TOTAL AMOUNT: $_________



EMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE # (HOME) (_ ) _-_ _ (OFFICE) (_ ) - _ Return to Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters Ave., Northbrook IL 60062 Attn: Men’s Club Golf Limited Tee Times – Reservation cutoff June 22 – Please make checks payable to “CBS Men’s Club” MC Visa Credit Card #


Exp. Date

Signature For further information, contact Scott Rogoff ( or 630-816-0662)

shalom 18

June/July 2015

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shalom June/July 2015


The Congregation Gratefully Acknowledges The Following Contributions: RABBI WOLKIN’S GOOD AND WELFARE FUND: In honor of: Rabbi Wolkin – David & Saba Dragon Rabbi Wolkin for the prayers said for Jerry Friedman – Bobbye & Jerry Friedman Rabbi Wolkin in appreciation of naming my grandson Wyatt Stephen Schwartz at his Bris – Leslie Mareta Janet & Bob Sabin for your son Andy’s marriage to Mary – Dr. Jeffrey & Bonnie Kramer Sandi Zelen & Family for Aliza reaching this milestone, her Bat Mitzvah – Carol & Ed Kaplan Barbara Scott for your 75th birthday – Ted Less & Shirley Blatt, Bob & Madalyn Less Frank & Lorraine Horwitz for your grandson Ethan’s Bar Mitzvah – Burt & Gayle Zis Deedee & Wayne Levy for the birth of your twin grandchildren, Harper & Parker Brown - Debbie & Lester Rosen Ryan & Holly Aronoff on the birth of your son and my great grandson Robinson Edward – Dr. Sid Aronoff Bonnie & Aaron Kase for Leah’s Bat Mitzvah – Joanne Hirschtritt Licht & Family Robyn & Neil Rosengard for Logan’s Bar Mitzvah – Joanne Hirschtritt Licht & Family Jill & Glen Roter – Joanne Hirschtritt Licht & Family Mr. & Mrs. Mel Gottleib for the marriage of Jordan & Kaitlin – Dayle & Dennis Teven Marlene & Bruce Saltzberg for the birth of your grandchildren Pierce Dean Klein & Jaxen Drew Gopin – Dr. Jeff & Bonnie Kramer Mitzie & Stewart Herman for your 45th wedding anniversary – Charlotte & Robert Mann Jackie & Harvey Barnett for your generosity and kindness – Judy Sheck Sandy Rosen for the birth of your grandson Charlie – Carol & Ed Kaplan Pam & Harvey Redfern and a big “Thank You, Harvey” – Mr. & Mrs. Elwin Redfern

In memory of: Sharon Polisky – Mr. & Mrs. Faramarz Hakimian, Parviz & Shahin, Nabavian, Roya Dilmanian, Shahab & Shiva Etessami, Shahab & Malca Nabavian, Shayan & Rebecca Nabavian Hymen Factor – Judy & Michael Balter, Ilene Epstein, Dr. Sheldon & Sandy Cotler, Sheila & Harvey Medvin, Carol & Ed Kaplan, Scott & Debbie Tucker & Family Karen Gruen – Aileen & Steve Simons, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolf, Mr. & Mrs. Todd Stetson, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wolf, Stewart & Debra Reich, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Dale, Judy Lessin, Bonnie & Randy Cohen Leonard Stein – Dr. Jeffrey & Bonnie Kramer, Laurie & Ed Levy & Family Evelyn Pielet – Karyn & Mitchell Liss Mother & Grandmother of Mr. & Mrs. Steven Patt – Renee & Bob Cremer Shmuel Baruch – Lustig Family Melvin Heller – Cherie Goldman Billee Berman Litvak – Scott, Debbie, Justin, Brandon & Melissa Tucker Leon Silverman on the occasion of his Yahrzeit – Beverly Silverman

Dolores Oppman on the occasion of her Yahrzeit – Judy Hoke Linda Jacobson on the occasion of her Yahrzeit – Judy Hoke Ruth Banoff on the occasion of her Yahrzeit – Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Banoff Jacob Levi Geller – Charlotte & Robert Mann, Erika Kramer Harris, Dr. Jeff & Bonnie Kramer, Linda & Mark Goodman Emmy & Allan Newdelman’s mother, Sarah – Pepi & Bobby Barr & Family Aunt of Dr. Jeffrey Kramer – Meryl & Carter Auslander

DeeDee and Wayne Levy on the birth of their twin grandchildren Harper Faye and Parker Sam – Ellyn and Harvey Nudelman & family



We are seeking donations to help families of patients with severe medical conditions and burdensome medical bills. Checks may be made payable to: Rabbi Wolkin’s Good & Welfare Fund All donations are strictly confidential.

RABBI MELMAN’S GOOD & WELFARE FUND: In honor of: Rabbi Aaron Melman in appreciation of the misheberach offered for Lainie Levine – Linda Levine Rabbi Aaron Melman – Saba & David Dragon Carol Schnitzler for her continued good health – Helene & Tom Coorsh Renee Orelove on Brandon’s Bar Mitzvah – Sally & Burt Evans

In memory of: Hymen Factor – Judy & Joel Greenman Sharon Polisky – Linda & Bob Lipschultz Larry Silverman – Marsha & Irwin Pearlman Philip Meisel – Ethel, Barbara & Richard Long

CANTOR’S GOOD & WELFARE FUND: In honor of: Cantor Steven S. Stoehr on receiving an honor at the Cantors’ Assembly Convention – Judy & Marvin Kamensky

In memory of: Billee Berman Litvak – Adrienne & Ira Holtzman Leonard Stein – Adrienne & Ira Holtzman Karen Gruen – Andy & David Reich Sharon Polisky – Susan & Larry Kanar Hymen Factor – Susan & Larry Kanar

ALAN H. MEDANSKY MEMORIAL NATIV SCHOLARSHIP FUND: In honor of: Rabbi Aaron Melman in appreciation of all the prayers offered for Susan Burstein and for all he does – Stanley Burstein Cantor Steven Stoehr in appreciation of all the prayers offered for Susan Burstein and for all he does – Stanley Burstein

In memory of: Sharon Polisky – Stanley Burstein

BERNARD GRAD MEMORIAL CHESED FUND: In honor of: Rabbi Ari Averbach on his graduation and his appointment as the Associate Rabbi at Congregation Beth Shalom – Susan Rubin & Howard Ehrenberg & family The Chevre Kadisha for their kindness – Gary Gruen

In memory of: Anne Hauser – Marlene & Allan Goldberg Harriet Schupack – Linda & Michael Cohen and Judy (Cohen) & Jimmie Johnson


In memory of: Sharon Polisky – Phyllis & Leonard Mason Lester Abrams – Shirley Patzik Samuels

In memory of: Karen Gruen – Barbara and Peter Ascheim

GOLD FAMILY SABBATH FUND: In memory of: Sharon Polisky – Carol & Michael Schnitzler; Fran & Stanley Kazan Milton Mintz – Karen Bergman Hymen Factor – Karen Bergman Melvin Heller – Carol & Michael Schnitzler

HELENE HOFFMAN MEMORIAL CONCERT FUND: In honor of: Marcy and Morry Rotenberg on the birth of their granddaughter Abigail Emma – Janet & Arnie Hoffman

In memory of: Sharon Polisky – Janet & Arnie Hoffman

HOWARD SINTON MEMORIAL HIGH HOLIDAY FUND: In honor of: Joyce and Avery Shulman on the birth of their grandson Samuel Meyer – Charlene & David Sales

JANNA SUGAR MEMORIAL ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND: In honor of: Jan and Bob Sabin on the marriage of Mary and Andy – Mona & Andy Berman Bev and David Sugar in appreciation of the flowers in remembrance of Janna – Marlene & Bruce Saltzberg DeeDee and Wayne Levy on the birth of their twin grandchildren Harper Faye and Parker Sam – Marcia and Ken Petchenik

In memory of: Janna Sugar – Sheryl & Frank Weissman; Naomi Spector; Shaynee & David Jankelovitz; Debbie Brinkworth & Joe Muner; The Hutensky Family; Bunny & Rob Polovin Leonard Stein – Iris & Steve Podolsky Bertha Rosenfeld – Shaynee & David Jankelovitz Melvin Heller – Adrienne & Jerry Bauer Karen Gruen – Terri & Marc Schwartz


KESSLER MEMORIAL SHABBATONE FUND: In memory of: Father of Michael Cronin – Shirley Kessler

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June/July 2015



In honor of:

In honor of:

Edna Schrank for her election as President of the Central Region of Women’s League – Judy & Joel Greenman Jackie Zelkowitz for her being named as Sisterhood’s Valued Volunteer – Judy & Joel Greenman

Lindsay and Michael Pearlman on their 5th wedding anniversary – Marsha & Irwin Pearlman

In memory of: Sharon Polisky – Carrie & Herb Rosenstein Melvin Heller – Herb Rosenstein Lawrence Silverman – Cherie & Laura Goldman Karen Gruen – Judy & Joel Greenman


In memory of:



Karen Gruen – Barbara & Marshall Dickler; Annlee & Art Herbstman Leonard Stein – Marsha & Irwin Pearlman Hymen Factor – Cindy & Bob Marder; Matty & Steve Shechtman

Melvin Heller – Donna & Craig Yale

In honor of: Jackie Zelkowitz for being named Sisterhood’s Valued Volunteer – Renee & Elliot Roth


PAUL WALD YAHRZEIT FUND: In memory of: Rose and Harry Aberman – Elyse Jacobs Stern & Lawrence Stern Rachel Moskovits – Yolanda Ghidali Emma Naft – William Naft Estelle Burland – Dayle & Dennis Teven Louis Teven – Dayle & Dennis Teven Rachel Block, Barney Block and Shirley Krasner – Faye & Steven Krasner Charna Higgins and James Higgins – Robin Karney Charlotte Kramer – Elaine Silverman All their loved ones – Reva & Lionel Gomberg Sherwin Glazer – Scott Glazer Maria Cohen – Gail Richardson Edna Rothstein – Stuart Rothstein Maurice Berkelhamer – Rita Janowitz Rose Elbom, Joseph Elbom & Jeff Kleifield – Debbie Kleifield Celia Harris – Rachel Besser Arnold Podell – Michael Podell Barbara Robins – Jared Robins Philip Stern – Beverly & Mel Dolin Frances Rosenblatt and Ellen Avner – Renee & David Rosenblatt Sid Blair – Rose Blair Edward Loeb – Diane Liebovitz Annabelle Lebovitz – Diane Lebovitz Hyman Fridkin – Arlene & Ray Handler Hannah Arnold – Jeffrey Arnold Sayde Goldberg – Barbara Libauer Michael Goldman – Lynne Goldman Ethel Glickman – Helene Becker Sylvia Schwartz – Gloria & Ephraim Knopoff Mamie Yusim – Sharon Yusim Gloria Shwachman – Kim & Perry Shwachman Lanny Young – Sheila & Leonard Saivitt Barry Konlon – Burt Bentkover Judith Schwartz – Jolie & Alan Genender Hymen Wollman – Rita Hirsh

ROSENGARD MUSEUM FUND: In honor of: Sharon Geiger on her Bat Mitzvah – Beth & Sheldon Gaffen & family

In memory of:

In memory of:


Morris Dubin – Lorraine Horwitz

In honor of:

In memory of: Esther and Meyer Katzman and Celia and Morris Zaransky – Roseland & David Zaransky

Louis D. Nurenberg and Dorothy E. Nurenberg – Pam & Mike Issen Faye Chait – Ed, Joanna & Buzz Maslov

In memory of:

Sue and Abe Drayer on the birth of their granddaughter Lyla Rose – Leslie & Scott Rogoff


SISTERHOOD SHABBAT KIDDUSH FUND: In honor of: Rita Stevens on her 90th birthday – Arlene Saretsky Sisterhood Shabbat Kiddush – Saba & David Dragon Adrianne Varhula on the marriage of her granddaughter – Fran & Stanley Kazan

We Regret to Inform You of the Death of Esteemed Members Jacob Geller Dolores Miller

In memory of: Leon Handelsman – Sarah Marks Sarah Kopolavies and Rose Kay – Jeanette Schuseff Karen Gruen – Heidi & Michael Rodenbaugh; Ilana & Neil Nadel Philip Meisel – Karen Rosenthal

SOPHIE BINSTEIN TZEDAKAH FUND: In honor of: Joyce and Herb Root for their continued good health – Charlotte & Robert Mann Ilene and Norm Iglarsh on their granddaughter Madelyn becoming a Bat Mitzvah – Charlotte & Robert Mann

STEVEN TEITELBAUM RAMAH SCHOLARSHIP FUND: Speedy recovery to: Gene Chodash – Sharon & Elliot Goldman

In memory of: Melvin Heller – Debi & Shelly Friedman; Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Greenspan; Bobbi & Harvey Teitelbaum; Mr. & Mrs. Robert Youngquest; Karyn & Mitch Liss & family; Merle, Sam, Josh & Danny Cowin; Andy & Edgar Gettleman; Laurie & Ed Levy; David Fishman; Sandra Frum; Adrienne & Ira Holtzman; Barbara Lieberman; Bonnie & Jeffrey Kramer; Millie & Robert Weber; Cece & Marvin Shapiro; Gale & Howard Chapman; John Murphy; Dorota Jagodynska; Harriet & Lester Berger; Paula & Michael Fohrman; Steven Elrod; Jean Berk & family; Marlene & Bruce Saltzberg; Debbie & Scott Tucker & family; Andy & David Reich; Lillian Teplinsky; Ellen & Jonathan Salk & family; Rachel & Jonathan Laven; HPTA Tennis Friends; Ring-Ash Family; Fern McNamara & family and Jan Ehrenberg & family; Mary & Ronald Sablicky; Giving Tree Associates; Julie & Mark Lerman & family; Edye & Steve Glazer Joan Schaengold – Merle Cowin & Larry Ordower Steve Teitelbaum – John Murphy John Sickle – Merle Cowin & Larry Ordower Robert Schwartz – Roberta & Harvey Teitelbaum Rubin Levin – Samuel Levin Betty Steiner – Marilyn Arbetter

In Loving Memory If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Memorial Alcove. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Call Maria Catezone (847-4984100) for information or to order a plaque. The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in the Moseson Memorial Alcove in memory of their loved ones. In memory of MARIAN & HARRY SHADROW By Shirel Shapiro and Rosalyn Goldberg In memory of SARA SIMON By Carol Ginsburg

Sharon Polisky – Pam and Mike Issen Harriet Hatoff – Beth & Sheldon Gaffen & family

shalom June/July 2015


Congregation Beth Shalom

Our Beth Shalom Family Milestones:

Tzedakah Opportunities For your convenience, please use this form to make only one donation and send to Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, IL 60062 Thank you for printing.


I wish to donate to the fund indicated. Attached is my check in the amount of $___________.

Marlene & Bruce Salzberg are happy to announce the birth of their grandson Pierce Dean Klein Deedee & Wayne Levy are happy to announce the birth of their grandchildren Harper Faye Brown & Parker Sam Brown Dr. Avery & Joyce Shulman are happy to announce the birth of their grandson Samuel Meyer Shulman Sandy Rosen is happy to announce the birth of her grandson Charlie Jude Rosen Leslie Mareta is happy to announce the birth of her grandson Wyatt Stephen Schwartz Anne & Allan Spector are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter Hailee Sloan Eisenberg Lauren & Todd Kessler are happy to announce the birth of their son Ezra Miles Kessler Dr. Harold & Andi Kessler are happy to announce the birth of their grandson Ezra Miles Kessler Marcia & Ken Petchenik are happy to announce the birth of their grandson Ezra Miles Kessler Shirley Kessler is happy to announce the birth of her great-grandson Ezra Miles Kessler Corrinne Rivkin is happy to announce the birth of her great-grandson Ezra Miles Kessler Faye & Charlie Feinstein are happy to announce the birth of their grandson Gavin Eric Feinstein

The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Sandi Zelen on the passing of her brother Hymen Factor Ethel Long on the passing of her brother-in-law Philip Meisel Heather & Craig Geller on the passing of their son Jacob Levi Geller Wendy & Sheldon Copeland on the passing of their grandson Jacob Levi Geller Stanley Burstein on the passing of his wife Susan Burstein Jeff Leven on the passing of his mother Joyce Leven

The donation is being made: IN HONOR OF _________________________________________ IN MEMORY OF_________________________________________ OTHER _____________________________________________ This donation is made by: Name _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________ Please send the acknowledgment to: Name _____________________________________________ Address ____________________________________________ City/State/Zip ________________________________________

I have chosen the fund indicated below: (Use separate form for each fund.) Minimum Donations $10 - Except for Prayer Book Fund ■

Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ Scholarship Fund

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Cantor’s Good & Welfare Fund David L. Zemsky Memorial SKIP Fund Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund

■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Gold Family Sabbath Fund Harvey R. Gold Sefer Haftarah Fund Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund High Holiday Prayer Book Fund ($30) Harold & Shirley Hoffman Adult Education Learning Fund

Howard Sinton Memorial High Holiday Fund

■ ■

Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund Kessler Memorial ShabbaTone Fund Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Lester Kurnick Youth Fund

■ ■ ■


■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

Marvin Dishler Tree of Life Fund Men’s Club Youth Scholarship Fund Prayer Book Fund (Chumash - $72) Prayer Book Fund (Shabbat, Daily) - $30 Rabbi Wolkin’s Good & Welfare Fund Rabbi Melman's Good & Welfare Fund Rosengard Museum Fund Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Ruth & Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast Fund

■ ■

Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund Sisterhood Shabbat Kiddush Fund Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund

■ ■ ■

William & Pearl Schwartz Memorial Library Fund

■ ■ ■

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Schwartz Call In Fund Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Send Memorial Plaque Form Send Tree of Life Form Other (please specify)

■ ■ ■

Financial Office Use Only Date ______________ Processed By: __________

Contribution Form 1/15

shalom 22

June/July 2015

Yahrzeits June 1-5 Judge Martin C. Ashman Lillian Bass Bessie Cohen Robert S Dick Edna Harrison Paul D. Kagen Mignon Kaplan Louis Klein Eilene S. Meyerhoff Sidney Rebarber Margrit Reich June Steinberg Morris Wagner Mickey Weiner Jeanne Burnstein Milton Festenstein Rhoda Hammer Sarah Kaplan Joseph Koehler Isadore Metrick Halina "Holly" Rosenberg Anne Schulman Ethel Bubman Max Frank Queenie Havers Blossom Hollander Rose Lehrfeld Maurice Mussman Bernard Schoeneman Aaron Singer Samuel Wenet Hannah Wenig Abner West Ronald Abrahams Jason Bellows Dr. Harry Bregar Jacob Finkle Evelyn Mages Gerald Harvey Pryweller Robert W. Rice Maurice Sabin Morris Sisser Bernard Sloan Davoud Soomekh Frances Stern Jason Sylvan Rick Teper Rose Tipp Allie Worsek Melvin Yanow Miriam Schwartz Coyne Ben Hammerman Marvin Schwartz Louis Shenk June 6-12 Norma Selikoff Brown Rose Epstein Marshall Graff Harry Marcowitz James Paley Saul Pearl David Rosenmutter Miriam Rosenzweig Anne Bitran Louis Goldfarb Albert Goldman Alice Musick Ruth Rapoport Oscar Rudich Barbara Sak Dorothy Shulman Erwin Waldman Jacob Weisman Anne Cohen Hymen Goldberg Lillian Goldstein Chiel Hornstein Ruth Factor Hurvitz Molly Kazan

Sam Kreiter Ida Lambert Jeanette Saper Dr. Neil B. Straus Ida Turitz Carlyle Weiner Irene Wertheimer Sherry Alpern Evelyn Burstein Charles Collender Hyman Feldman Marcia Beth Fischer Webb Shirley Gotteiner Abraham Graff Rose Mandelkern John Charles Reznick Joseph Berenson Dick Berry Beatrice Checker Goldie Glutzer Joseph Goldman David Kaplan Alan H. Medansky Etta Padnos Sydell Rowe Vivian Sloan Louis Barron Jacob Burstein Florence Eisenberg Sheila Greenblatt Julius Herbstman Edward Kurnick Cecil Lava Berthold Rosenthal Marian Saltzberg Mary Sandler Marvin Scott Rhoda Wax Irene Amsel Anita Elliott Steven Gabel Ronnie Jacobs June 13-19 Marilyn Berkowitz Goldie Cohen Harold Davis Jeanne Franklin Marianne Freimark Carl Malmed Lilyan Pickard Norma Ravage Mary M Strathman Abe Streicher Robert Irwin Africk Alfred Birnbaum Hyman Bramson Samuel Gold Louis Greenfield Saul Joseph Jaffe Harry J. Levitan Steven L. Levy Rabbi Norman Mussman Dina Oliva Bernard R Rabens Olga Ribarz Abe M. Rosen Milton Rubin Bertha Schur William Sher Gertrude Snyder Sylvia Teplinsky Leah Vogel Sam Lewitz Nathan Saltzberg Albert Stepen Jordan Tark Monte Viner Stanley Wolff Emanuel Norman Flax Rabbi Morris Greenfield

Sara Gritzhandler Marilyn Hirsch Bonnie Chelin Kanowitz Lena Lempert Fannie Losoff Harry Marks Michael Marks Sunnie Mitchell Samuel Plotkin Israel Roter Philip Seiden Stella Sylvan Mania Vogel Maxine Yefsky Sidney Becker Ronald Chizever Esther Eskinazi Harold Friedman Anson Glikman Leonard Goldman Ruth Bernsen Greenstein Alex Kahalnik Hyman Kuznitsky Dr. Samuel Pogoloff Mary Reffeld Martin Schwartz Norman Silverman Betty Zelen Ben Brownstein Harvey Elliott Sydney Grabiner Erwin T. Harris Karin Press Israel Gussie Maltz Fredricka Stern Prager Tillie Silcroft Maurice Tabloff Max Weinstein Mary Eisenstein Mary Friedman Roberta Gerson Susan Glauberman Pearl Kahalnik Chaim Mainster Stuart Schwartz Martin Sklaroff Thomas Tecktiel Sarah Ziegler June 20-26 Louis Ansell Eva Childs Rev Harry Gassel Sheldon Gold Celia Kahn Simon Krivit Thelma Kwasman Evelyn Leavitt Elliot Lee Samuel Lieberman Meta McCants Jack Rose Minnie Rosenberg Dorothy Sier Rose Alter Rose Seslen Borman Edith Cohen Gerald "Jerry" Fine David Gelman Irving Greenberg Rochelle Kluber Erwin Salk Geraldine A. Brown Alvin Cohen Arlene Greenberg Rose Kawer Cecile Less William Lipson Ann Lopata Robert Malkin Pauline Mason

Alta Pasternak Alex Rotman Helen M. Schwartz Sam Simon Claire Ageloff Eva Kosh Goldstein Lewis Greenberg Annabel Handelman Harvey Pestine Sarah Schecter Rose Schwartz Bernard Wachtel Sylvia Young Rose Azine Irving Tiny Baskin Marilyn Berkowitz Ben Gomberg Arthur Greenberg Lotfollah Hakimian Lester Kozin Edward Lipson Melvyn Medansky Nathan Nahin Anna Nutig Joseph Paprocki Richard Sandler Anna Snitovsky Lawrence Tepper Sarah Blitstein Harriette Mark Helen Schwartz Beckie Eisenberg Lillian Freda Glantz Henny Lazar Adrian Lewis Albert Migdow Annabelle Samuels Evelyn Stone Wernick Walter Wolf Ben Zare June 27-July 3 Louis Abrahams Doris Balter Victor Beer Albert Brandelstein Mildred Breger Lena Freedman Ernst Newton Oscar Smith Anna Vodianoy Ruth Weisman Belle Barezky Mary Bragman Isadore "Ira" Drazner Julius Fishbain Louis Greenberg Alfred Kohlman Dorothy Rosenblum Earl Rosenstein Phyllis Wilner Leon Baer Morris Bauer Dr. Joseph Eisenstein Lillian Good Monte Goodman Edward A. Kozin Ada L Kravits Manfred Lazar Lois Levin Wayne Long Nathan Malmed Leona Maskin Herman Metzger Philip Myers Tsvi Nussbaum Abe Ofengender Rose D Schultz William G Schultz Boris A. Checker Susan Fishman

Idelle Gertzfeld Susan Ginsburg Ellen Kerschner Joseph Morrison Ruth Pestine Avraham Aryeh Rabinowitz Sarah Rome Joseph Weiland George Berman Rebecca Henson Hope Ilene Lazar Benet Levine Morris Levine Beverly Penn Sara Shapiro Israel Steiner Helen Tatel Manuel Weisman Louis Boron Faye Chapman George Diamond Ida Dickler Sydney Greiman Louis Ratsky Nathan Schmulenson Scott Robert Sherman Anna Turovitz Milton Warsaski John Erdos Israel Greenband Albert Hoffman Dorothy Kahn George Kalnitz Besse Lindenberg Raymond A. Navarro, Sr. Sidney Sterling Florence Wald

Albert Corey Albert Cremer Adele F. Gale Allan Klein Abraham Malkin Francine Maslov Andrew Rosenbaum Celia Scott Ruth Appel Isadore Chaiken Isadore Cohen Arnold R. Daar Marilyn Galston Bertha "Buddy" Goldman Sophie Hahn Gloria Ann Hoke Sol Katz Harold Lewis Myron H. Maxwell Maurice Osher Caroline Petasnick Allen Rotman Goldie Schwartz Henry Tischler Betty Wall Sam Wolff Max M. Ableman Meyer Blitstein Harry Coorsh Bertha Goldberg Sarah Harris Charles Hessell Frieda Hoffman Richard Orrin Hoffman Norman Nusbaum Carole Rosenstein Eliyahu Ross Nettie Samuels July 4-10 Paul Shulman Elsie Birkner Daniel Cohn Jean Block Flora Fine Arnold "Arnie" Goldstein Sam Gelfeld Aaron Gotskind Harry Halpern Sol Israel Flora Issen Pauline Kaplan Henry Levine Gertrude Katz Carol L. Rieger Joseph Kitzes Irving Rubenstein Frances Levine James Stone Ada Lovitt Arthur Weil Frances Ofsaiof Max Rosenfeld July 11-17 Abraham Balkin Marvin Yablong Irving Blivas Martha Bright Rabbi Lawrence H Charney Harry V. Falkoff Harriet Handler Leon Faratzi Jean Mayster Dr. Victor Ganz Sarah Ruth Rosenthal Belle H. Greenberg Blanche Sabin Lilyan Horwitz Harvey Schneider Henry Kaplan Morris Seidler Jacob Rosenstein Isadore Simon Shelly Schneider Jerome Vogel Harry Solowinchik Maurice Young Rudolf Vogel Fannie Zlatkin William Wagner Theodore Begoon Doris Danker Gertrude Boron Mollie Gold Ferne Elliott Harold Hoffman Harry Harris Morris Kaplan Yale Hecktman Doris Sax Kofman Eileen Hirschtick Ida Letwat Rose Kaplan Edward Levy Audree Lasser Lillian Lee Markovitz Baruch Mangurten Ricky Rosenberg Basha Mangurten Maria Josefa Reyes Diana Rose McCoy Sanchez Leon Mirelman Estelle Shapiro Marilyn Morris Harry Silver Alfy Nathan Goldie Sterling Sam Solomon Irving Williams Darwin Wood Victor Bright Esther Zoberman Ronald Chedeck

Gusta Borenheim Joe Cohen Ferne Elliott Allegra Faratzi Leroy Fine Seymour L. Gordon Ida Kaufman Steven Laven Harry Malis Herman Meerbaum Jeannette Petchenik Harry Schaffer Loraine B. Schonfeld Hubert Weinstein Bennett Wintroub Ida Becker Myrna Blocker Celia Brownstein Todd Chapman Gertrude Goldfarb Harry Lempert Frieda Oshroff Edward Sigman Touba Soomekh Bernard N Wolper Howard Apple Lenore Brant Sam Davis Josef Dembo Marie Eisenberg Rose Fogel Lillian Freidin Gertrude Gettleman Seymour J. Primer Barbara Rudenberg Al Schwartz Aaron Stein Jeanette Streicher Selma Wein Dorothy Rapaport West Joe Asch Sheldon Berson Emily Chelin Charles Korenthal Leo Petchenik Annette Pierce Helen Pierson Henry Schuster Marcia Sheryl Schwartzberg Melvin J Tecktiel Samuel Turitz Nathan Wedner Malihe Mahin Banayan Arnold Blocker Joseph Jacob Clor Jack Cohen Fay B. Dunn Norman Kramer Vicki Madigan Harry Messer Jacob Perlik Rika Shafir Franklin Delano Sklare Dolores Warren Paul Warren Abe Wein Dr. Stephen Weisman July 18-24 Brona Burrows Julie Cooper Abe Dubinsky Marilyn Goldstein Nathan Kagan Cherna Shlesman Albert Silcroft Estelle Slivnick Mozart Spector Jacques Banayan Sarah D. Billowitz

Samuel J. Fredson Colin Gafen Edna Lande Lola Levko Cathryn R. Livingston Michael Ravage Martin Rogin Sheryl Schwartzberg Bernice Shore Irving Weinstock Sylvia Elisco Emil Ghidali Benjamin Gordon Bessie Krivit Edward Magidson Ethel Malmed Samuel Mutchnik Betty Portugal Robert Ruven Ross Cecil Schmulenson Samuel B. Ullman Lucille France Yellen Ludwig Adler Carole Camp Bergman Phillip Brook Howard Faber Barry Greenberg Daniel Charles Johnson Faye Levin Edith Kaplan Levine Irving Levy Anna Nathan Thelma Perlik Eli Rosenzweig Arthur Samuels Joel Edward Seltzer Gertrude Swislow Sidney Waller Ben Zisook Renate Blum Sophie Dobkin Ethel Falkin Meyer Katzman Sadie Ruby Kaufman Laurel Hill Kaufmann Arnold Miller Renee Porter Nancy Inez Schmidt Ethel Yetta Seltzer Maurice Wernick Sylvia Wishnoff Mark Lee Benzion Sidney Blumberg Nettie Brown Lillian Rothenberg Sulamith Schneider Leonard Sexner Trudy Tatz Frank Tritsch Sam Ackos Leo Behrstock Ben Zion Byk Clara Byk Nachman Byk Sonia Byk Vella Byk Rose Kaplan Audrey Miller Adela Mittelman Andy Rifkin Samuel Rubenstein Florence Rubin Marshall Schoeneman Pauline Shapiro Anita Zelen Shipley Eva Weinstein July 25-31 Rosa Ackos Esther Appelbaum Nathan Aronoff

Joseph Chotiner Sybil Dryer Norman Goldman Belle Greiman Sara Hyman Max Kopol Nathan Lew Mania Malin Max Mickey Multack Albert Nemirow Paul Poticha Celia Rudich Fay Wolf Lillian N. Ableman Blanche Berebitsky Edythe Futterman Jenny Kosova Leo Lublin Renee Malman Ben Schur Ber Waintraub Mollie Yusim Dori Auslander Dr. Bernard Feinstein Eva Friedlander Leila Glantz Beverly Kantor Joseph Korman Shirley Liberman Melvin Menzer Valerie Nathan Ben Patzik Max Sawyer Lois Seiden Goldie Senator Herman Srulovitz Sidney C. Weil Moses Zelkowitz Sarah Auerbach Barry Ganek Victor Jack Mersten Beverly Morton Sylvia Rothenberg Selma Stern Esther Wald Frances Elster Erwin Gnippe Isadore Goldman Mildred Hoffman Henry T. Kaner Sidney Kramer Fred S. Lasner Bertha Lipschultz Ben E Palmer Dr. David Peckler Alexander Remish Leon Steinfeld Isadore Teplinsky Betty Sue Zeligman Jeffrey Berger Harold Binstein Simon Davidson Elaine Edidin Sam Friedman Lillian Gold Anne Katzman Jeanette Kaufman Ruth Minkoff Ruth Morrison Pearl Schanfald Rose Schwartz Esther Martin Shupetsky JoAnn Sontag Marshall Wolke Rose Abrams David Klepper Jennifer Lazar Jacob Samuelson Esther Shapiro Gordon Ship

shalom June/July 2015



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June/July 2015

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June/July 2015

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3433 WALTERS AVENUE • NORTHBROOK, IL 60062 • 847-498-4100 • Fax: 498-9160 Senior Rabbi Carl Wolkin Rabbi Aaron Melman Cantor Steven Stoehr Michael Garlin, Executive Director Harvey R. Gold, FSA, Executive Director Emeritus David Barany, Director of Education Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, R.J.E., Director of Education Emeritus Naomi Weiss, Ritual Director Leann Blue, Director of Jewish Life & Learning Matt Rissien, Director of Youth Activities Glen Roter, Congregation President Leatte Gelfeld & Beth Sher, Sisterhood Co-Presidents Larry Grossman & Raymond Rokni, Men’s Club Co-Presidents Josh Hakimian, USY President


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