VOL. 48 NO. 3, October 2014 Elul 5774/Tishrel 5775
Congregation Beth Shalom, Men's Club & Sisterhood invite you to get ready to hustle with the ClerGees at our Sukkot Night Fever dinner with disco line dancing!
Monday, October 13th, 2014 6:00 - 7:45 pm $28 for your IMMEDIATE family OR $12 per person (see reservation form on page 4)
Join the fun in our beautiful Congregation Beth Shalom Sukkah and Wintergarden Partially funded by the Harvey L. Miller Supporting Foundation
Holiday Faire 2014 Tuesday, November 4 3 PM—9 PM Wednesday, November 5 9 AM—3 PM Lunch and dinner will be available for purchase Come see our new look! Choose from many vendors—favorites and new— featuring items for everyone on your gift list! Jewelry—baby gifts—personalized items—stationery—original art— clothing—serving pieces—movie passes—leather goods—and many more! Unique items will be in our Raffle! Come early for the best selection Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, IL | 847.498.4100 x72 MasterCard, VISA, and Discover accepted