Congregation Beth Shalom December 2019/January 2020 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Chanukah .................................................... 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 4 Community Shabbat ................................. 5 Religious School/Youth ........................... 6 B’nai Mitzvah .............................................. 7 Shabbat @ CBS ......................................... 8 CBS Highlights ........................................... 9 CBS U/Adult Ed/HAZAK ................ 10-11 Sisterhood........................................... 12-13 Men’s Club .......................................... 14-15 JUF Brunch/Distinguished Speaker ..... 16 CBS Spain Trip......................................... 17 Social Action ............................................ 18 Library........................................................ 19 Birthdays/Anniversaries ................... 20-21 Milestones ................................................. 22 Yahrzeits ............................................. 22-23 Donations ................................................. 24 Candle Lighting & Service Times ........ 25 “See” What’s Happening@CBS .... 26-27 Calendar .................................................... 28 Mobile App ............................................... 29 Ads ........................................................ 30-31 Diversity Shabbat .................................... 32 Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ..................................................Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ............. Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth & Young Family Engagement ……… Eric Golberg Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ........................................... Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .............................Steve Elisco USY President ............................... Brandon Wagner Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Shalom Designer/Editor .............. Deanne Friedman SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.


RABBI FERRATIER’S FINDINGS Back in June, when I arrived in Northbrook, I frequently remarked that I was happy to be back in Illinois. Almost invariably, the person to whom I was speaking would smile indulgently and say something to the effect of “just wait until winter.” Well, it’s December, and I’m still happy to be back in Illinois. Although the Fall seemed very brief (it always does for some reason) I’m happy that it’s winter. I understand why most people dislike winter. It’s dark, it’s cold, the weather is even less predictable than usual. Many find the bare trees, the grey skies, and the wind to be desolate. The weather discourages venturing out, and so many people feel lonely and isolated. Most of us probably know someone who does their best to avoid wintersomeone who migrates to a warmer climate during the winter months or takes a tropical vacation. Although I am not immune to the winter-time blues and cabin fever, I find winter to be the most spiritual of seasons. Winter is a time for introspection and study. During the cold months, it is much easier for me to settle down with a book, to block out distractions, and take time to think my way through things. In winter, I don’t feel as though I should be taking advantage of beautiful weather outside. There is a stillness and timelessness in winter that allows me to give myself permission to pause, and to plan. Rabbi Ferratier


While it is true that winter can be isolating, it doesn’t have to be. Although it may be harder to convince oneself to leave the house, this is the time when it is most important to make the extra effort. Winter is when we appreciate the opportunities to be in a community, and when we need to take responsibility for providing community to others. While I am sure there are many opportunities in the greater Northbrook community, there are always things going on here at CBS. Between the classes, various committees, and our large selection of programming options, there is always something to do. When we feel lonely, CBS is a place where it is safe to reach out. Although, community is a twoway street. If we want to be able to use CBS as a place where we can come when we need others, it must also be a place we go when we are not in need. It is our individual responsibility to participate in a community so that others have a place to come, and so that when we are in need, we know we will also be cared for. It is unlikely that winter will be most people’s favorite season, but it does not have to be the low point of the year. I hope that each of us is able to find inner warmth to counter the cold outside.

CHANUKAH Chanukah 5780

At this time of year, when the world feels dark and cold, many cultures have a way of bringing a little bit of light and life into their homes. They decorate the outside of their homes with extra lights, they drag giant evergreens into their dens to remind them that life keeps going even in the most dreary of times, they set ablaze a special log. Jews similarly bring light, songs, games, and warm food into their homes to commemorate the miracle of Chanukah. The holiday celebrates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in 165 BCE after Syrian Greeks devastated it under the command of their leader Antiochus IV. A small band of Jews (known as the Maccabees), led by Judah and the other four sons of Mattathius, defeated these Hellenizing forces in a three-year long battle. The real miracle of the holiday is that an unlikely troupe of guerilla fighters beat the mightiest army in the land. Since the fighters missed the eight-day long holiday of Sukkot, they celebrated their victory for eight days, hence Chanukah is still celebrated for eight days. A few centuries later, historian Flavius Josephus wrote his explanation of the holiday, focusing on the miracle that one cruse of oil, barely enough to last one night, kept burning for eight nights, enough time for someone to run out and replenish the stock with oil holy enough to be used in the rededicated Temple Menorah. Josephus refers to the holiday as the Festival of Lights. For this reason, we light our chanukiyah (Chanukah Menorah) for eight nights, starting on the 25th of Kislev (this year, the first night is Sunday, December 22). The mitzvah of Chanukah is “pirsumei nisah – publicizing the miracle,” so we place the chanukiyah in the window facing the street or in a prominent place in the home. We sing songs, eat foods fried in oil (like latkes and doughnuts), and play dreidel and other games inside where it is warm. When we light the candles, we say the following blessings. (Also, below is a reminder of how to light the candles each night.) Please join us for a CBS Chanukah Dinner & Movie Sing-a-Long Event on Tuesday, December 24th at 5:00 pm. Sign up at MyCBS.

.‫וֹתיו וְצִ וָּנוּ ְל ַה ְד ִליק נֵר ֶשׁל חֲ ֻנכָּה‬ ָ ְ‫קדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמצ‬ ְ ‫ אֲ ֶשׁר‬,‫ הנוּ ֶמלֶ ָהעוֹלָ ם‬ ֵ _ ֱ‫בָּ רוּ אַ ָתּה ה' א‬ Barukh atah Ado’nai, Eloheinu Melekh ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Chanukah. ,‫ הנוּ ֶמלֶ ָהעוֹלָ ם‬ ֵ _ ֱ‫בָּ רוּ אַ ָתּה ה' א‬ .‫בוֹתינוּ בָּ יּ ִָמים הָ ֵהם בַּ זְ ַמן ַהזֶּה‬ ֵ ֲ‫ֶשׁﬠָ ָשׂה נִ ִסּים לַ א‬ Barukh atah Ado’nai, Eloheinu Melekh ha’olam, she’asah nissim la’avoteinu ba’yamim ha’hem ba’zman hazeh. On the first night only: ,‫ הנוּ ֶמלֶ ָהעוֹלָ ם‬ ֵ _ ֱ‫בָּ רוּ אַ ָתּה ה' א‬ .‫ֶשׁהֶ חֱ יָנוּ ו ְִקיְּ ָמנוּ ו ְִהגִּ יﬠָ נוּ לַ זְּ ַמן ַהזֶּה‬

Barukh atah Ado’nai, Eloheinu Melekh ha’olam, she’heche’yanu v’kiy’manu v’higi’anu la’zman hazeh.



FROM THE CONGREGATION PRESIDENT I am taking this opportunity to shine a light on the inner workings of your congregational management team. One of the keys to the continued success of our team at CBS is planning for the future. I was aware that I would become your president several months before that. I took advantage of that time to begin my planning process for the next few years. With the time to consider first steps, I was able to plan a one-day retreat to which the entire Executive Board, professional staff, and clergy were invited. We arranged for a professional facilitator to work with us. Why would I, your board members, your professional staff, and clergy want to spend a sunny, warm summer day inside the building working when we could have been doing any number of things enjoying ourselves outside? I personally used this important day to learn from the staff and lay leaders what their goals and priorities are. I personally took full advantage of this opportunity to work with a professional to determine my own goals and vision as a leader. We all found common ground and laid foundations for the coming years at CBS. Tanya Solomon

Here are some practices I developed to assist us. I began an annual Board planning calendar, so I can determine how we spend our time at meetings. The calendar helps all of us ensure that the flow of our Congregational business is relevant and efficient by focusing both on the big picture over the course of a year and the smaller picture at each meeting. I have been able to manage the diverse matters that come up at CBS and fit them into this planning calendar. I conduct a tight agenda at meetings, but I use that tool as a way to frame our discussions based on our priorities and our mission as they drive the important work that we do. Using a combination of the information I was able to gather at the retreat, from a pre-retreat survey, discussions during, and a follow-up session, I was able to obtain the information I need to drive our work, to align my vision of living our mission with our actions, and achieve consensus as we move forward. I am constantly meeting with all our stakeholders - past presidents, vice presidents, clergy, professional staff, and congregants to solve problems that arise, and most importantly, to help use this information to drive our work. How we spend our time and budget dollars reflects our priorities. My job as president is to make sure that we can accomplish what we need to keep our Congregation vibrant and relevant, to make sure our priorities reflect our actions. Shalom, Tanya

Join Us

We hope you have all noticed the Hineynu Donor Display in the lobby of Beth Shalom. This display was designed to pay tribute to the participants of the In Welcoming These New Members Hineynu Endowment Fund. to Congregation Beth Shalom As mentioned before, this display provides us with the flexibility to add names. As a result, it will be updated yearly according to our “Donation Recognition Policy” which indicates that donations will be recognized on the display once 60% of a donor’s commitment is received. Our next update will be submitted at the end of January. If you would like your name added to the display at that time, please be sure that 60% of your pledge of $5,000 or more is received in the synagogue office by January 27, 2020. This flexibility also allows us to add new donations. If you are interested in making a pledge or in increasing your existing commitment, please do not hesitate to contact the synagogue office at 847-498-4100, Brad Shaps at or Lily Zoberman at




It’s the month of Kislev/Chanukah and we all recall the stories of how the Greeks tried to convert the Jews to Hellenism. Maybe Jews should take up Proselytizing again. Since the era of Biblical Judaism and Abraham who sought converts to Judaism, which continued into the period transitioning from BCE to around the 4th CE, Jews don’t proselytize. Other faiths do so and it’s true that “some of my ‘best’ friends are evangelicals”.

The rate of losing numbers, by virtue of those who don’t openly identify themselves as Jewish and also to interfaith marriage and simple attrition due to un-affiliation, are reasons one might suggest we go back to the “try it, you’ll like it” sandwich boards up and down Shermer Road. Chabad is out there with Mitzvah Mobiles and Tefillin armies but we, as Conservative Jews, often just wait and hope for a knock on the door. Let’s say we don’t go out and thump doors or stand at airports promoting our faith, how do we then attract newcomers? By newcomers I am not talking about converting non-Jews to Judaism but turning on Jews to Judaism. The Federation does its share of new programing. Moshe House, Hillel, and Birthright and many other organizations do their share to keep their doors wide open to seekers and those who are a bit lost in their personal identity within Judaism. We have conferences and seminars and programs to educate the “Jew not in the pew” or even mentally considering themselves MOT, members of the tribe in any capacity other than via birth. What effective steps can we take, beside turning our Conservative Movement upside down and reestablishing the parameters of our doctrine, that will make a measurable difference? I actually did a small Havdalah ceremony in my home a few weeks ago and this small informal gathering affected many people in the room. Some were Gentile, most were Jewish. The brief twelve minutes we spent discussing the meaning of each step of the ceremony was charming, educational, and non-threating or over the top, I was told, by the Hebrew School alumni. They were proud to hear, again, how valuable the lessons of our tradition are and to have their Gentile friends hear it, too. These small innocent sprinklings of refresher courses, even in informal settings, is a good way to remind our People about the sweetness of our customs and values. Be proud about talking about Jewish issues and history and politics and values with your friends over coffee, in the car or anywhere at any time. No need to look over your shoulder or speak in hushed tones. We must protect and cherish our values as well as we do our valuables. In our morning prayers we recite a blessing that says, “God allow my actions today to reflect the beauty of Your word and our Laws”. If we all take a moment to proselytize to our own people whenever we can the grandeur of our faith and customs, maybe we will draw in a few souls waiting to hear the echo of their youth, from somewhere within, and the sweet joy and pride we all once felt when reciting our lessons. It’s the month of Chanukah, light the candle of someone else’s Jewish Soul and rekindle the Pintele Yid inside. To use a well-worn phrase: “One who saves even one soul is as if they have saved the whole world”. (For more on this verse see:






RELIGIOUS SCHOOL/YOUTH Hebrew Our students have been working very hard on their Hebrew. We are having a mid-year ceremony to celebrate their achievements! Third through fifth grades will have their ceremony on Tuesday, December 17th from 5:30 to 6:15 p.m. Our sixth grade will have their ceremony on Tuesday, December 17th from 7:45 to 8:15 p.m. Stacy Ybarra

Seventh Grade Holocaust Studies Our 7th grade students have been studying the Holocaust with Illinois Holocaust Museum Docent, Mark Gelfeld. They will culminate their studies with Mr. Gelfeld with a special field trip to the Illinois Holocaust Museum on Sunday December 15th. The tour will be led by Mr. Gelfeld and parents are welcome to join their students. Shabbat B’Yachad Our next Shabbat B’Yachad is Friday, January 17th. Everyone is welcome to join us as our 5th grade hosts the dinner and service. Dinner begins at 6 p.m. and is followed by services at 6:45 p.m. There will be both a young family service and a school-age family service. RSVP on MyCBS or by contacting the school office at or 847-498-5352.

CBS Bulletin Go Paperless! Help CBS go green and save trees by opting to receive the monthly bulletin paperlessly and not by mail. If you want to go paperless, email Brenda at Thank You!

It is so hard to believe that we are already at the end of the 2019! CBS Youth has had a great beginning of our year and we are so excited to keep it going in 2020. Our USY chapter sent a region leading 20 USYer’s to CHUSYFest at Camp Chi. Our lounge nights continue to happen on Thursday nights where the teens develop fantastic new programs such as our blacklight/highlighter party, Eurovision, make your own hats for Tikkun Olam, and plenty more. Be sure to sign up for our remind text alert so that you can stay up to date with any updates or information regarding our lounge nights and events. You can sign up by texting 81010 and send the message @cbsusy1. Make sure to follow us on instagram @cbs.usy and on Facebook for fun challenges, raffles, and more! Our Kadima group had a fantastic event with Knuckleball Comedy where we played improv games and mastered the art of comedy. It was a great time and we couldn’t stop laughing! Our Kadima chapter had a blast at Kadima Konvention! Mazel Tov to CBS USY’s Executive Vice President, Ashely Star, for an amazing job as one of the co-chairs for the convention. As January approaches, it is finally time for our 8th graders to segway into our high school youth group, USY. That’s right! 8th graders can now join our USY Chapter. You can sign up to become a member thru MyCBS, or at We can’t wait to see you all at your first USY lounge night on Thursday, January 16th! Our Young Families have been having such a great time at Gym Hakatan with the Little Gym! There is still time to sign up for this amazing and highly subsidized class thanks to JBaby. We offer our young families programming every Friday morning from 11am-12pm with either Gym Hakatan or Shabbat with a Twist. I can’t wait for the rest of the year and all of the amazing programs that we have to offer! Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions at Eric Golberg

Happy New Year! Eric



B’NAI MITVAH GABBIE ACKERMAN Daughter of Lisa & Brian Ackerman Sister of Josie Ackerman Granddaughter of Stan & Lucille Ackerman, Jerry Handler, June Handler of Blessed Memory Great Granddaughter of Betty Glazer

Shabbat With a Twist Families with children up to Pre-K, join us for challah making, stories, and songs! Friday December 6 & 20 January 17

AARON ZEV PELTS Son of Elissa & John Pelts Brother of Dylan Pelts Grandson of Caron & Jack Knopoff, Catherine & James Pelts

11:00 – 11:45 AM

NATHAN VASS Son of Alisa & Stuart Vass Brother of Alexis Vass Grandson of Andy & Judy Vass, Shari Vass, Bruce & Michelle Garfield, Herb & Sherry Siegel Great Grandson of Marlene Chavin

You can twist your own challah and take it home to bake, filling your house with the warm and delicious smells of Shabbat!


CBS Connections Wednesday, December 11 Chanukah Party @ Tap House Grill 1090 S. Milwaukee Ave, Wheeling, IL @ 7:00 pm Thursday, January 30 Speaker 6:30 pm @ CBS

Catherine Johns, professional communications and business coach, showed CBS Connections members how to make Magnetic Introductions that capture attention in order to make meaningful connections with people at the October event. DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 • VOLUME 77 ISSUE 47

Whether you’re a business owner, a hard-working employee, or in transition, CBS Connections can help you gain new strengths, meet new people, and be better at whatever you do. RSVP to Michael Garlin at 7

SHABBAT@CBS N’SHAMAH! Join us in welcoming Shabbat in an uplifting, musical way! At the end of a long work week, Shabbat brings us time to rest, to reflect, to sing, to connect with one another. We are blessed on Shabbat with a “N’shamah Y’terah” – an additional soul. This Shabbat worship experience is for anyone who loves to sing and who wants to get in touch with their inner spirit. N’shamah! will be led by Cantor Raquel Gershon, accompanied by guitar.

Friday Nights ~ February 14, April 17, & June 19 Wine & Cheese pre-neg at 5:30 PM, Service at 6:00 PM

3433 Walters Avenue, Northbrook, IL 60062 | 847-498-4100

Shabbat Yoga Saturday, January 25 11:00 am A gentle, relaxing yoga session inspired by Shabbat, open to all levels. Bring your own mat & dress for yoga. Join Rabbi Warner Study Minyan

Saturday, December 21 @ 10:30 am 8











SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard

Just when most of us were taking a big deep breath after a long High Holiday Season, CBS Sisterhood was HARD AT WORK. Tonight, as I was gathering thoughts for this article the weather report said SNOW is coming…Well we just don’t have time for any snow. We are Busy, Busy, Busy!!!! There has been lots going on in our house. My son Logan has been applying to college and Madison is just so busy with things going on at USY/GBN. How has my first 6 months as Sisterhood President gone by so fast? Well, I can tell you how. Just fill the calendar with great programs and fun things to do at CBS and the time just flies right by!!! December already and you know what that means, Chanukah is the next stop on this crazy and fun train.

In November, Sisterhood welcomed 59 vendors for our Annual Holiday Boutique. This, our largest fundraising event, takes many months of planning. Our Holiday Boutique was a big success, and I want to thank Lori Glen, Beth Sher, Sheri Smason and Jackie Zelkowitz for all their planning, organizing, and dedication for the event. Please join us at our Torah Fund evening of Tea and Treats on Thursday, December 12th at 7pm. We have two wonderful speakers, our own Rabbi Warner Ferratier and Cantor Raquel Gershon. Laurie B. Davis, our Torah Fund Chair, has worked very hard to create a wonderful event and we look forward to seeing you there. If you have a child in our Hebrew School, your child has received the Chanukah goodie bag sent home with candles and gelt. This is one of my favorite projects in Sisterhood. Jill Hartzman has diligently coordinated this project and we thank her. So much to do and not enough time to write it all down. This train is rolling down the track again. To quote a line from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, “Life moves pretty fast, if you don’t stop and look around you might miss it”. That statement certainly rings true for this Sisterhood President. Next stop Chanukah!!! Latkes and Sivivon for all!!! Save the date—Friday Night, February 7th, 2020 Sisterhood Shabbat! Wishing you all a Happy Chanukah and a Happy Healthy 2020. Robyn Rosengard

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop The Shop Around the Corner

1ST CHANUKAH CANDLE-DECEMBER 22 Support our CBS community by shopping with us!


Monday through Friday 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Monday through Thursday 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM Sunday Ͳ 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon

NEED AN APPOINTMENT, CONTACT Donna Fox (h) 847/281.7456 (c) 513/378.2491 Diana Lewis (h) 847/947.2906 (c) 847/903.6175 Darlene Padnos (h) 847/998.0494 (c) 847/217.4531






MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco

Well, there is no denying it, winter is here. But your Men's Club is here to take your mind off the cold by focusing your mind and body through our wonderful Sunday morning Breakfast Programs:

Israel may be a small country, but it’s filled with surprisingly different realities. For years, people have contrasted the images of the two largest cities, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. We’ll go one step further by adding into the mix the very different lifestyles found in communities in the northern and southern peripheries.

With people who hail from 100 different countries and cultures, Israeli society is one of the most diverse in the world. Come hear distinguished speaker Yaakov Katz who is the Jerusalem Post's editor-in-chief. He previously served for close to a decade as the paper's military reporter and defense analyst. Each program will begin at 10:00AM following breakfast provided by the Men's Club which begins after minyan. Looking ahead, World Wide Wrap is on Sunday, February 2, 2020, where we teach the mitzvah of wrapping tefillin along with congregations around the world.

February 23).

Believe it or not, we are in full Lox Box mode. This is the largest program we undertake each year that provides a wonderful meal for the purchasers or gift recipients, raises funds for the Men's Club and most importantly, provides food for both the CJE and the Ark. The delivery date is Sunday, March 1, 2020. See the flyer on page 15 for all the various Lox Box options and ordering instructions or go to to place your order now (orders due by Sunday,

I hope you all have a Happy Chanukah and I look forward to seeing you at our programs. L 'Shalom Steven

Please join us at our Torah Fund evening of Tea and Treats Thursday, December 12, 2019 @ 7 PM Congregation Beth Shalom FEATURING RABBI WARNER FERRATIER & CANTOR RAQUEL GERSHON

This may be applied at the event to a Benefactor pledge ($180) or above. This donation is included for all those who have donated to the 2019-2020 Torah Fund campaign, Chesed, at the Benefactor level or above. If you have a filled Tzedakah Box, please bring it this evening. Please mark it with your name. Questions, please contact Laurie B. Davis, or 440.773.9853.

All are welcome with an individual donation to benefit Torah Fund** - Event cost - $10

Reservation deadline is Friday, December 6, 2019

A minimum Torah Fund donation of $18, payable to Torah Fund, is kindly requested**.

Send your check to CBS attn. Torah Fund or register thru your MyCBS Account.












SOCIAL ACTION December & January Social Action December Special December Collections: -New or gently used Adult Coats/Hats/Gloves/Scarves Drive for Momma Chef’s Soup Kitchen at Congregation K.I.N.S. Drop off by December 31st. -12/10- Feed the Homeless – Provide a portion of the meal for PADS at a homeless shelter in Buffalo Grove. -12/28- Help Men’s Club: volunteer for Shabbat services at Lieberman Center in Skokie. Contact Steven Elisco – January -1/14- Feed the Homeless – Provide a portion of the meal for PADS at a homeless shelter in Buffalo Grove. **Field Trips to various charities around the community such as Bernie’s Book Bank, Feed our Starving Children, Ronald McDonald House, Random Acts of Flowers, Cradles to Crayons are in the works. Let us know if you would like to participate or have other locations you would be interested in. ** New Social Action Project** Hunger Free Northbrook would like volunteers to help students in our community who are food insecure with supplemental food items for lunches for the weekends and holidays. Contact me if you would like to participate on an individual or monthly basis or would like more information. This could be a great way to include your children in a Social Action project. For additional information: Sara Weinstein Social






Approximately 1 in 10 Northbrook residents, or 4000 people, are food insecure 300 Northbrook families are on the Federal SNAP program (formerly known as the food stamp program) 402 Northbrook School District students are on the federally-funded free or reduced cost lunch program The Northfield Township Food Pantry is currently serving 200 Northbook families (significantly fewer than those estimated to be in need)




Dear Beth Shalom family, Warm up this winter at your CBS Library with our new book selection and a beverage by the fireplace!

Looking for Chanukah Resources? We have books and media for all ages. Check out our special Chanukah display during the month of December. If you did not have a chance to meet our new Library Assistant AJ, you are welcome to stop by and say hi!

CBS Book Nook

Rekindle your love of reading by meeting with other readers. Share your favorite recent read or come hear about recommended books in a casual atmosphere at your CBS Library. Wednesday, March 18th 7:30pm - 8:30pm * Please RSVP by March 11th 847-498-4100 Ext. 34 or VIP Readers Parents of Kindergarten-2nd grade Hebrew School students. You are invited to sign up to read to your child’s class. There are still a few spots left! Here is the link: New Books at your CBS Library: -All This Could Be Yours by Jami Attenberg (fun-fact: this copy is signed by the author) -How to Fight Anti-Semitism by Bari Weiss -The Limits of the World: a novel by Jennifer Acker -An Unorthodox Match: a novel by Naomi Ragen -The Covenant Kitchen: Food and Wine for the New Jewish Table by Jeff Morgan


Author Goldie Goldbloom is a Chasidic woman. Her captivating new book, On Division, gives readers an intimate look inside Brooklyn’s Chasidic community. The heart of the novel’s fascinating plot is Surie Eckstein. Surie is 57 and she has been married to her beloved husband Yidel for 41 years. Her ten children range in age from 13 to 39 and she has 32 grandchildren. Yidel will soon retire and they are looking forward to a more relaxed life. Surie is shocked to discover she is pregnant with twins. She is mortified that her pregnancy will publicly display that she and Yidel still have marital relations. What will her children think? Shame stifles her judgement. She tells no one and since she is obese her obvious weight gain doesn’t seem startling. Ironically, only her blind mother-in-law detects Surie’s condition. As her pregnancy progresses, Surie’s secrets grow as well. Surie’s pregnancy is high risk and Surie’s midwife demands that she see her weekly at a local clinic. Surie lies to Yidel about her time away and fumes that he doesn’t notice she is pregnant. A rift develops between them. As Surie maintains her secret and spends more time in the “outside” world her loyalties become divided. On Division is a suspenseful and perceptive novel that should not be missed. It will definitely command your complete attention. Go to for a complete list of Tracy Safron Suggestions.

Marilyn Price Performance Puppeteer & Storyteller Sunday, March 1st 9:45am - 10:30am

Kindergarten-2nd grade students and their parents are invited to a performance and craft. Join us for a show that is both educational & entertaining! ~Special thanks to the Eastern European Torah Project for supporting this program.

*Come visit us to see the rest of them



BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday - January Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from CBS Sisterhood! Christine Stolberg 1 Peggy Shapiro 1 Andrea Shainberg 1 Mindy Lamberti 2 Linda Petchenik 3 Dawn Ferencz 3 Barbara Petasnick 3 Lauren Estes 4 Alisa Vass 5 Sara Weinstein 5 Joy Berks 6 Marcy Manning 6 Gail Fink 6 Betsy Weisbach 7 Emma Friedman 7 Sonja Gebel 7 Delores Zemsky 7 Amanda Yale 7 Renee Hammer 8 Abby Strauss 8 Janice Miller 8 Beth Sher 8 Naomi Weiss 8 Adrienne Bauer 8 Abby Rogne 8 Janet Krain 8 Bernice Rose 8 Roberta Friedman 9

Elyse Stern Dafna Gordon Blair Klein Judith Sandler Lisa Wall Stacy Cohen Laura Horwitch Deborah Solomon Robin Wolf Phyllis Mason Marylyn Bogan-Minkoff Robin Neidich Maxine Levy Julie Levy Barbara Simkin Irene Kletzel Michelle Slosky Randi Starkston Barbara Wald Barbara Long Tracy Yedlin Sarah Marks Frannie Goldwin Sharon Shifrin Ellen Kaplan Michelle Rottman Gloria Sperber Eileen Van Hillary Cohen Lauren Gottlieb

10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20

Laurel Letwat Merrill Medansky Susan Verson Bonnie Kramer Susan Brown Harlie Ezgur Edith Sokol Lisa Block Susan Herman Sharon Krakowsky Betty Primer Julie Hafner Heather Weinstein Ceil Zook Donna Sabin Stacy Dubin Judith Bregman Lisa Oblonsky Lisa Adler Jodi Dubofsky Adele Gorenstein Lila Elman Rebecca Oliveira Joanna Kaplan Brenda Stone Sharon Schwartz Rachel Silverman Marlene Goldberg

20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 29 29 30 30 31 31 31

Happy Birthday - February Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from CBS Sisterhood! Rose Blair 1 Marnie Baer 1 Evelyn Lurie 2 Ann Baren 2 Marlene Beck 2 Juli Shapiro 3 Nessa Holzman 3 Rita Hirsh 3 Anne Solar 3 Fern Ellison 3 Barbara Render 3 Faye Feinstein 3 Yvonne Gomberg 4 Morgan Sklar 4 Helene Berns 5 Beth Fenton 5 Abby Seruya 6 Cheryl Shapiro 6 Barbara Newman 6 Lisa Alter Krule 6 Mitzie Herman 7 Susan Glazer 7 Gayle Hirsch 8 Rhona Chick 8 Cece Shapiro 8 20

Marsha Schwartz Beth Nussbaum Linda Eisenberg Eileen Woodhouse Bette Rosen Alyce Stanton Linda Horwitz Hope Schwartz Betty Sobelman Melinda Dunn Judy Hoke Karen Hoffman Sharyn Trachtenberg Ginger Malin Lauren Bauer Gladys Greenberg Randee Blair Carol Weintraub Lee Meyers Susan Jesselson Rebecca Becker Clara Boron Faye Ziegler Susan Nissen Shirley Roskin Robin Dissen Nadia Eskinazi

9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18

Sarah Budweg Sandi Goldstein Inna Feldman-Gerber Marilyn Fish Marcia Weiland Joan Schoeneman Judith Lessin Sofiya Kantor Donna Rappin Abra Zaveduk Marla Zelikow Amanda Stern Marlene Cohen Sandra Koenig Helen Dym-Smoler Arlene Harris Eleanor Greenberg Eileen Baime Sharon Kohn Debbie Friend Renee Roth Irene Blitt Alyssa Horwitz Beth Footlik

20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 28 28



Happy Anniversary - January & February January Steven & Beryl Feinberg Howard & Sandra Leon Stacy & George Ybarra Aric & Dara Shlifka Lawrence & Ellen Grossman Edna & Michael Schrank Jeffrey & Karen Stepen 15 yrs Scott & Leslie Rogoff Stuart & Alisa Vass Noah & Rebecca Becker Alex & Susan Freund Daniel & Danielle Weiss Sean & Aly Wallis Thomas & Heidi Malkin Fred & Fran Hakimian Scott & Marcia Cotler Larry & Stefanie Zelen James & Judy Hoke Norm & Eki Greenberg 70 yrs Edward & Carol Kaplan 55 yrs Ian & Lauren Rothenberg Ellen & Jeffrey Gluskin Mark & Barbara Gelfeld 50 yrs Ted & Sandra Abel Howard & Randee Blair 45 yrs Howard & Andrea Block Kim & Perry Shwachman Carl & Judy Wolkin Kevin & Cheryl Braude

2 2 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 13 13 13 14 15 18 19 21 22 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 28

February Joseph & Ellen Mittelman David & Andrea Reich Max & Edith Sokol David & Beverly Sugar Alan & Eileen Samlan 50 yrs Jack & Goldie Miller 20 yrs William & Rosalyn Harris 60 yrs Marvin & Cece Shapiro Andy & Michelle Lebovitz Neil & Robyn Rosengard Scott & Susan Glazer Edward & Judith Rowe Jay & Lori Heller Burton & Janet Krain Michael & Linda Foster Jay & Lissa Silver Murray & Stephanie Keene Stephen & Sheryl Rose Peter & Ellen Segal Jeffrey & Lara Katz Ronald & Roni Pressler Jay & Carol Simon

8 8 8 10 11 12 14 14 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 22 23 23 23 25 27

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or

OFFICE CLOSINGS (Closed all day unless noted) December 24 (12:00 pm) December 25 New Year’s Eve December 31

The Community Mikvah of the Conservative Movement located at Beth Hillel B’nai Emunah in Wilmette, serves the entire Chicagoland Jewish community. The Mikvah is looking for volunteers (Mikvah guides) who would assist when people attend the Mikvah. These appointments could be in celebration of conversion to Judaism, before Shabbat or a wedding, before a trip to Israel, for a bride or a groom, or as a part of healing.

New Year’s Day January 1

The volunteer will determine her own hours, with the expectation of four hours per month. Full training will be provided. If interested, please call Carol at 847-256-4699.




The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: The Family of Janice Roberman Ben Dolin on the passing of his mother, Florence K. Dolin Dr. Shelly Singer on the passing of her mother, Gussie Kroan Myra Moldofsky on the passing of her mother, Gussie Kroan Lee Meyers on the passing of her grandmother, Gussie Kroan Lorna Moldofsky Cohen on the passing of her grandmother, Gussie Kroan Jane Siedband on the passing of her mother, Martha Bitran Jerry Sak on the passing of his brother, Aaron Steven Sak BIMA FLOWER FUND In honor of our 49th wedding anniversary Cindy and Bob Marder In appreciation of our 53rd anniversary greetings from our fellow congregants Marvin and Laurel Letwat To all my CBS Family, thank you for all the good wishes for my birthday and for the birth of my new great-grandson, Drew. Your thoughtfulness means so much to me! Todah Rabah Jeanette Schusteff Thank you everyone for your Happy Anniversary good wishes. We certainly appreciate your thoughtfulness. Jeffrey and Davida Arnold

Death of Esteemed Members: Janice Roberman December 1-6 Roberta Berks Stuart Berks Mike Berlin Mel Bransky Sara Ceder Donna Ekstein Melvin Kanter Hannah Kessler Rochelle “Shelly” Marder Samuel Markman Andrew David Schusteff Joseph Shapiro Paul Wexler Alan Woodhouse Fanny Joffe Byrd Mitchell G. Dredze Isadore Fein Linda Fischel Irving Freedman Roselyn Kerstein Marshall A. Kotlicky Mack Levine Ruth Roiter Ernest Stiber Nissim Behar Evelyn Berkowitz


Bernard Festenstein Elmer Jacobson Pauline Kreiter Perry Lerner Ida Mintz Harriet Rosen Samuel Schwartz Sidney Ackerman William Hesser Benzion George Blustein Abe Cohen Ben Gibrick Julius S. Kole Alice Korach Harold Lerner Irving Silkin Lorraine Silverman Agnes Sneider David Treguboff Libby Bogolub Inez Broda Philip Less Dr. Lawrence Stone Harold L. Tattleman Shimon Zimmel Victor Goldfarb Esther Goodman

Morris Kroan Manny Price Fanny Redfern Gary Schwartz Samuel Welnak December 7-13 Rose Byzek Harriet Faber Mildred Fraelick Avrom Geneles Jerry Gottlieb Howard Hoffman Irving Horwitz Isadore Kirschenbaum Arlene Kohn Sidell Reiner Tillie Ruderman Shim Schechter Lena Schlossberg Irwin Silverman Jack Skora Rose Smith Hirsh Turkeltaub Roberta Twersky Jack Vihon Frances Weil

Roberta Twersky Jack Vihon Frances Weil Frances Weil Arther Barbakoff Isidore Bertash Sam Chaikin Dr. Marvin Goldman Morris Heller Sylvia Kaplan Phyllis Kaplan Harold Klopman Susan Krefetz Lois Krugman Adeline Mendelson Samuel Pearlman Mary Render David Schaeffer Gertrude Sloan Ricky Walowitz Clara Agrest Betty S. Alpert Debbie Berkowitz Elliott A. Berman Simon Brown Ethel Kaplan Barbara Kosoy Theordore Less Henriette Louzon Margot Lublin Beatrice Meeker Ida Miller Morris Sahlins Ben Sarnoff Burt Spitz Jeannette Usow Ted Warshawsky Morten Winokur Lee Zorne Milton Braun Rose Davidovics Carolyn Feldman Morris Flignor Jack Friedlander Harold Friedman Robert J. Grossman Frank Horwitz Joseph Newman Linda Penn Meyer Rosenberg Norman M. Schlossberg Judith Weinberg Gussie Barsky Bertha Dishler Aaron Gertzfeld Brian Glassenberg Lee Goldman Martin Hodes Isaac Kantor Meyer David Kasper Mary Salkin Sheila Simon Etie Spears Sol Spears Esther Tipp Jean Abrams Maurice Alpert Nathan Altman Albert Chafetz Greta Edelson-Goldrich

Blanche Elvove Sam Kosoglad Jack Schneider Kenneth Singer Elaine Srulovitz Bertha Stone David Unger Abe Abel Marcia Berns Morris Collender David Dobrin Saul Goodman Marvin Gordon Sydney Kofman Jacob Korol David Krasnove Bessie Goldman Marcus Florence Mendlo Preshkowitz Abraham Prohovnik Gertrude Rosin December 14-20 David Baron Martha V. Dawson Bertram Emanuel Melvyn S. Gelman Dr. Irwin Ginsburgh Lily Kay Eljanan Kletzel Arthur Knopoff Lillian Lurie Joseph Mages Rosalyn Neidich Edythe Samlan Maurice Stanton Edith Turner Habib S. Younes Barney Block Vera Brooks Kalman Chabner Sarah Cigelnik Margaret Dayan Evelyn Edidin Esther Flink Bernice Goldman Dora Hoffman Martin Kassab Lawrence Mark Rosenthal Samuel Ross Jack Shapiro Ron Shocket Abraham Shulman Fannie Shulman Fannie Arnowitz Paul Buchman Sandra Copeland Siegfried Hirsch Goldie Karlinsky Reuben Krako Rose Lesnoy Mildred Nekritz Tessie Perlmutter Aaron Schupack Etta Soboroff Rose Warshawsky Richard Arnowitz Charles Lawrence Balkan Gershon Bitsallel Lola Bookman

Sonja Echt Leonard Eisenberg David Glaser Gertrude C. Hess Marilyn K. Miller Albert Ross Max Stern Dr. William Stone Leonard Gail Zelda Givertz Ericka Greenberg Bennie P. Katz Miriam Maling Ben F Newman Ida F. Schrank Harry Segel Jack Shaw David Sher Sarah Williams Yudie Becker Ralph Berliner Leo Cooper Charles Hoffman Robert Hoffman Norman Karlin Robert H. Kavka Howard Alan Magid Morris Meliker Max Novak Jacqueline Rogin Bernard Shapiro Mark Damon Tischler Cecil Lowenthal Weiner David Weingart Harold Burland Eugene M. Chodash Sally Crane Alice Ellis Irving Gloss Sylvia Grossman Henry Kanar Ruth Kaplan Rovim Kelmansky William Landau Solomon Margolis Ronald Rosenfeld Morris Simon Jack Spector Sara Stein Morris A. Sugerman Steven Weiss Dorothea Wolf December 21-27 Chester Barnow Ralph Bell Samuel Butcher Dorothy Diamond Arthur Goldman Stephen L. Goldsher Florence Martha Markovich Bernard J. Marks Jenny Sokol Eleanor Ellison Nathan Finn Sophie Twersky Fridkin Roy J Golson Sol Greenberg Elie Louzon Sydney Maxman

Jack Miller Helen Newman Idelle Rubnitz Leo Silverman Pearly Simon Stanley Slaw Eva Tepper Alvin Barasch Harry Brusso Louis Edelstein William Isaacson Joseph Kaiserman Rochelle Kanter Reva Kaplan Louise Maslov Marcia Faye Maslov Arthur C. Meyers Irwin Rose Rose Saitlin Dorothy Shainberg Anna Vishny Franklin D. Weissman Leah Zagorsky Harry Bergman Sybil Bessinger Stuart David Cohen Sophie Doran Joseph Gantman Bernice Harris Doris Kahn Patricia Koenig Rose Schwartz Anna Arnold Adeline Bregar Marvin Fohrman Leonard Goldberg Sylvia Gordon Sylvia Herman Jacob Kaplan Sol Kreisman Joseph Marks Ida Rifkin Leo N. Rivkin Sara Roter Mildred Schuster Leon Weisbrod Harvey Zuckerman Judith Brandwein Jean Chason Myrtle Cole Ruth Dolansky Evelyn K. Eisenberg Marcus Simon Glantz Sam Glantz Ruth Harris Melinda Carole Kahn Louis Kunin Jack Linderman


YAHRZEITS Lionel Marcus Morris Novitsky Sadie Paul Dolores Rubin Aaron Schulman Anna Weinberg Max Werth Diane Wulfsohn Madelyn Bentkover Hilda Berman Robert J. Bessinger Arthur Cohen Evelyn Eisenberg Fischer David Freidin Adorea S. Goodman Raymond Kosova Harry Orelove Earl Polisky Sheldon A. Shapiro Amy Singer Sam Sneider December 28-January 3 Sadelle Baron Molly Benjamin Dora Chapman Lillis Fisher Lester Horwitz Esther Katzman Burton Lloyd Marks Yetti Meerbaum Millie Miller Marsha Engerman Nadler Jack Rosenberg Albert Schuster Harriet Soifer Jeffrey Berkowitz Helen Cooper Samuel Davidov Joseph Goldman Lloyd Hunt Dr. Irving Krain Bernard Louis Kramer Bessie Steinberg Nettler Burton Patzik Elsie Richard Allen Weiner Robert Weiss Paul Ziegler Beatrice Ackerman Samuel Brody Bernard Greenman Sylvia Kamm Hyman Kopolavics Neal Litow Colette M. Lopata Betty Lorig Phillip Metrick Phillip Meyer Morrison Edith Polvy Irving Shenfeld Lisa Shiffers Martin Weiss Ron Berman Tillie Copilove Dorothy Gurtz Anna Hoffman Helene Hoffman Beatrice Lewis Herman Magged Gloria Maneloveg Sylvia Mitchnick Emanuel Padnos Rosette Pestine Sarah Shatz Edwin Stone Ben Wenetzky Milton S. Wolken Rose Blumenfeld Joseph Burnstein Sonia Dunn Isadore Greenberg Dr. Susan Greenstein Wilbert Klass Katherine Kresin Sanford Lieber Rochelle C. Miller Annette Mozin Yitzchok Perlmutter Sylvia Seidler Frances Singer Sarah Slan Minnie Stein Laura Zelkowitz Freda Alter Leo Bersofsky Ceal Blum

Allan R. Burke Louis R. Cohen Louise S. Cole William Factor Harry Feuer Jerry Hoffman Samuel Kriesman William Naft Magda Schloss Steven Snyder Richard Bergman Tammie Bernstein Sam Birkner Nate Coven Estelle Drucker Sam Ellison Abraham Gertzfeld Howard Goldstein Miriam Gomberg Lynne Grant Sol Halperin Jack Lasinsky Abraham Levko Abraham Manelis Evalyn Rosenstein Frank Schneider Samuel Weiss January 4-10 Lillian Arnowitz Gloria Berenson Sue Boiko Judy Coven Theodore Fisch Bertha Flignor Renee Gold Esther Korach Bertha Libauer George Apfelbaum Bella Beer Irving Fagot Martha Gebel Anna Gebel Joseph Gelfeld Yolanda H. Ghidali Allen Goldberg Norman Graff Estelle Hodes Janice Horwitz Carl Joffe Ruth Lampert Esther Lerner Max Modneck Sylvia Polakow Eve Schwartz Asher Stein Robert Wershkoff Rosa Bender Sheri Lynn Benham Jerry Berg Baruch Berman Jennie Cranow Charlotte Field Joe Field William Gurvitz Miriam Israel Miriam Israel Harry Kurtz Lottie Magged Florence Dolly Nudelman Meyer Render Walter Rose Robert Ross Edward Sanders Vivian Schwartz Sarah Gitel Simon Ronald Simon Elaine Zelkowitz Sydney Alpert Maurice Appelbaum Samuel Bentkover David Berger Sherman Faber Marsie Finerman Fanny Freimark Rachel Fridkin Sophie Grossman Lisa Guberman Gerald Horwitz Dorothy Katz Harry Klein Minnie Perry Bernard Satinover Jeanne Schneider Ludwig Weil Nettie Wisse Max Becker

Eva Bovilsky Florence K. Brenner Charles Dann Rylan Gelb Elaine Gentner Carole Hartzman Lewis Jaffe Victor Lazar Beatrice Rohde Harriet Rosen Stephen Rothblatt Nancy Strauss David Weinstein Dr. Samuel D. Werch Bernice Barnett Irv Donn Emily Ann Dorfman Marvin Fox Stanley Franklin Ruth Gold Harvey R. Gold Simon Good Minnie Rose Graff Percy Lev George Mayster Lillian S. Rivkin Larry M. Rosengard Harriet Sear Janet B. Simons Mary Tuteur Bella Winokur Harold Blitstein Sherwin Freidin Esther Halpern Esther Kassab Henry Kristal Max Malin Sol Nadler Pearl Sak Aaron Stolberg

Carolyn Osher Paul Roberts Vera Rosen Arthur Shapiro William Shay Samuel Takiff Shirley Warshawsky Sidney Zelkowitz Albert Ashman Lester Berliner Rose Blitstein Anna Cohen Alan W. Davis Bertha Dubinsky Jennie Dubofsky Maryam Fatoorachi Sally Forcht Marilyn Gerstein Marlene Gurtz Irving Jacobson Gerald Resnick Alan Rovin Adeline Shulman Jean Stoltz Anna Zilberstein Mitchell Baer Fritz Freimark Natalie Glickman Miriam Goodman Max Handzel Fay Herbstman Anita Kuzan Sheldon Rosen Lillian Schnitzler Pearl Schwartz Hyman Schwartz Ruth Schwartz Sylvia Travis Sally Wallis Marcia Witzel

Louis Knopoff Roslyn Singer Esther Smithson Sam Swislow Faye Tatel Louna Younes Joseph Bloom Florence Collender Helen A. Elliott Harry Forman Steven Gichner Howard N. Ginsburg Abraham Kassab Herman Korach Lillian Millman Bernice Politinsky Louis Rifkin Louis J. Schultz Jack Shaykin Shirley Sigal Roese Stern Edna Weil Joyce Winokur Julius “Jules” Binder Alexis Genin Selim Habib Milton Hochman Leon Krzetowski Selig L Lesnoy Ismael Levy Rose Michaels Akhtar Mokhtarian Jack Musick Rabbi Bernard Mussman Lawrence Schwade Jacob “Jack” Sear Anna Siegel Martin Silverman Leonard Teven Sidy Weiss

January 11-17 Sadie Bass Robert Camp Gerald “Jerry” Cole Jacob Dubofsky Frieda Goldman Steven J. Gross Shirley Johnson Harry Kahn Harriet Mandel Isador Primer Francine A. Schwartz Shandel Taksin Jacob Wadler Philly Baer Harry Brown Maurice Klein Flora Miller Bella Newman Natalie Peiser Melvin Ross Moshe Yashar Irwin Bizar Miriam Elbaum Lila Friedman Samuel Glotzer Barbara Goldman Celia Goldstein David Maltz Leonard Nattenheimer Patricia Newman Ralph Novak Robert Oppman Henry Stern Frank Weiss Jerome Yale Hilda Abrahams Rose Shechtman Greenberg Ryan B. Hall Sanford Hirsch Arthur J. Lindenberg Clara Medvin Marshall M. Miller Adel Samuelson Ronald Schultz Jerry Shaftal Miriam Shay Jack L. Simon Jerome N. Weiland Beatrice Berkowsky Florence Eisenberg Simon Chick Handler Charles Krugel Louis S. Lerner Francesca Miller Ira S. Nathan

January 18-24 Nathan Bender Maurice Bucksbaum Paul A. Cohen Sara Cohn Julius Goldstein Marsha Mary Gomberg David Halevy George Leviton Ida Lichtenstein Max Maslov Larry Pogofsky Toby Schakner Jordan Siedband Hyman Taub Sadie Teven Tillie Ashman Alfred Feiger Gertrude Grad Arthur Grossman Hannah Halperin Lori Anne Hammer Bella Katz Mollie Millman Dashe Pinsky-Warshavsky Annie Rosenberg Charles Rosenmutter Lawrence Shapiro Annette Stevens Jack David Baer Pearl Block Howard Cohan Leo Glassner Lillyan S. Greene Nancy Jajkowski Margot Kass Ernest Landesman Gussie Lasko Sarah Marcovitch George Sandler Ida Simon Harry Sweet William Weingart Fred Fleischer Morris Friedman Harry Futterman Elsie Gail Fradel Lason Edward Roth Ann Tannenbaum Lisa Joy Wagner Sarah Weinstein Sylvia Greenman Franklin Hirsch Lori Skora Kaufman Jack Kessler

January 25-31 Heime Berkowitz Gertrude Blitstein Abraham Edward Bober Edward Breger Isadore Brozosky Lester Chudacoff Alvin Goldstein Frances Jablo Lillian Saks Berel Sales Dora Samson Marvin Eugene Schatzman Sara Siver Morton J. Smith Idelle Weisbrod Helen Bernstein Eugene Dechter Hyman M. Gorsky Louis Grief Kamal Hakimian Walter Koehler Louis Lesnoy Seymour Milstein Benjamin Weinstein Tobia Weinstein Rita Zorndorf Lawrence Cohen LeRoy Dunn Cherie Ersler Sally Goldstick David J. Goldwasser Larry Grossman Joseph “Joey” Harris Leslie Korman Sylvia Lasinsky Tillie Orkin Agatha Plotkin Linda Porec Israel Leib Sidler Rose Singer Claire Zelkowitz Weber Hymen Appel Nathan Barr Harriet Berger Lillian Brown Leonard C. Cohen Tybie Diamond Harry Erdos David Ira Fisher Herman Geller Muriel Glassenberg Daniel Golbus Carol Greenberg David Greenfeld Jacob Kaplan


Jerome Kaplan Shirley Laskin Howard M. Lessin Dorothy Meisel Bernard Mink Aghajan Mokhtarian Eleanor Moss Betty Palmer Beryl Root Esther Rosenstein Sam F. Rowe Rose Shechtman Seymor Shyette Sarah Sweet Herman Weinstein Harvey Ellis Berebitsky Sam Bubman Syra Cohn Francis Garlin Dorothy Isaacson Philip Meltzer Faye Menzer Henry J. Newman Rose Pinchouck Irene Schneider Rose Shane Lena Shapiro Clarence Spitzer Joan Starkston Frieda Tecktiel David Telpner Corrine Wolff Jerome B. Wulfsohn Mollie Zelkowitz Sam Abrams Leon Bregman Jeanette Donn Harold Golden Ruth Milstein Philip Schoeneman Harold Tecktiel Sylvia Billowitz Arlene Bizar Steven Doroff Edith Goobler David Goodman Harry Heftman Abraham Kaplan Wolf Laznowski Bessie Modneck Martin Prager Joseph “Jo Jo” Solomon Edna Speaker Izak Taksin Fred Wertheimer


DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good & Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your blessing me for my 76th Birthday. Thank you for taking your time during the service. Diana Lee Rothbart Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the beautiful service Mark & Sharon Telpner Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the mishebeirach for Tony Rodin Curt & Linda Rodin Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of our Aliyah for our trip to Israel Darlene and Norm Padnos Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Ferencz Eva and Dan Sideman Rabbi Aaron Melman Thank you for a wonderful sermon at Rosh Hashanah this year Michael and Susan Podell Sandi and Terry Bobroff In honor of your 50th Anniversary and the B'nai Mitzvah of Dylan and Skylar Sandi and Glenn Hollander Seymour Politinsky In honor of your Neilah honor Elliot and Renee Roth In memory of of my loving father, Darwin Berkowitz Sandi Berkowitz Michael and Leslie Berkowitz In memory of your father, Darwin Berkowitz Elliot and Renee Roth Richard Berkowitz and Family In memory of your father, Darwin Berkowitz Stephanie Smerling and Julie Snyder For the yahrzeit of my mother, Anita Sheila Lapping For the yahrzeit of my husband, Alan Woodhouse Eileen Woodhouse For the yahrzeit of my mother, Esther Lutz Eileen Woodhouse Cantor Stoehr's Good & Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your help, encouragement and advice over the last six years Stephen & Juliana Tew Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In honor of Jacob and Ilana's marriage Fran Brookstein, Cantor Pavel Roytman, BHCBE Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of your beautiful music Mark & Sharon Telpner Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Ferencz Eva and Dan Sideman Steve and Matty Shechtman In honor of your grandson, Jordan's Bar Mitzvah Fran Brookstein The Argentar Family In honor of Ami's Bar Mitzvah Joel and Judy Greenman Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of your brother, Michael Sheldon & Wendy Copeland The Family of Millie Robbins In memory of Millie Robbins Burt Bentkover and Gail Richardson Andi Twarowski and Family In memory of Jan Roberman Joel and Judy Greenman Allen and Annie Spector In memory of your mother, Mildred Spector. Please accept our sincere condolences. Sheila and Maury Netter Rabbi Ferratier Good & Welfare Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Alexander Ferencz Eva and Dan Sideman Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ Scholarship Fund Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn Ray and Arlene Handler Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Fern Roseman and The Mitzvah Committee In appreciation of all your help at this difficult time Ben & Jennifer Dolin Larry Grossman In honor of your special Birthday - welcome to our decade! Larry & Fern Roseman Larry Grossman In honor of your special Birthday Jim & Abby Susman Barbara Gelfeld In honor of your new knee Larry & Fern Roseman Andi Twarowski and Family In memory of Jan Roberman Sheryl & Fred Katzenstein Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn Larry & Fern Roseman Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Sue and Joel Weinstein In honor of the marriage of your granddaughter, Jessica Leonard & Phyllis Mason Miriam Chaplik In honor of your 95th Birthday congratulations on this very special Birthday! Shirley Patzik Samuels Bernard Petchenik For a speedy recovery Leonard & Phyllis Mason Andi Twarowski In memory of Jan Roberman Leonard & Phyllis Mason Rob Feldgreber and Family In memory of your father and grandfather, Larry Feldgreber Alan & Marla Patzik


Carl & Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Rabbi Carl Wolkin Wonderful to see you on the bimah again! Mark & Sharon Telpner Rabbi Carl Wolkin In honor of your beautiful recovery, as evidenced by seeing you on Yom Kippur Barbara and Jeff Lerch Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn. Sue Lampert

For the yahrzeit of Dora Bosley Richard & Barbara Bosley For the yahrzeit of Tom Bosley Richard & Barbara Bosley

Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund In honor of my Yom Kippur Aliyah Hedy Margolin In memory of Ruth Freed Hedy Margolin

Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Helene and Tom Coorsh For the birth of your grandson, Drew Jameson Katy and Steve Friedman, Andy and Ellen Roth

Gold Family Sabbath Fund Jeff Smoler In honor of your Neilah honor Michael & Carol Schnitzler Seymour Politinsky In honor of your Neilah honor Michael & Carol Schnitzler Claire Eisenstadt In honor of your Bat Mitzvah The Eisenberg Family Patti Silverman and Family In memory of your mother Ira and Iris Lerner

Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Larry Grossman In honor of your Birthday Allan & Alana Werth

Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Richard and Tammy Berkowitz In memory of your father, Darwin Berkowitz Mitchell & Fern King Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn Judy and Michael Balter, Beth & Dan Sher Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn Arnie and Janet Hoffman High Holiday Prayer Book & Chumash Fund For the purchase of a Chumash In memory of our loving brother and uncle, Hazzan Alan Smolen Renee, Elliot, Howard and Jessica Roth Richard Berkowitz and Family, Michael Berkowitz and Family In memory of your father and grandfather, Darwin Berkowitz - the world's best kibbitzer and hugger. Sheryl, Jeff, Chad, Brittany, Rob and Amanda Blackman For the purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book The Berkowitz Family In memory of your father, Darwin Berkowitz Jerry and Estelle Agrest HUGS Fund Jerry and Renee Cohen In honor of your granddaughter, Ellie Cohen’s Bat Mitzvah. Mazel Tov on this wonderful simcha. Sheila and Maury Netter The Spector Family Our hearts go out to you on the loss of your Mom and Grandma. We know how difficult this must be for you. Cherish your wonderful memories and know she will live on in the hearts of all who loved her. Judy and Jerry Shapiro Marnie Baer In memory of your loving father, Marlen "Mickey" Baer The Rubinstein Family Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Dawn and Max Ferencz In honor of your son, Alexander's Bar Mitzvah Leslie & Jill Olefsky Eva and Dan Sideman In honor of your grandson, Alexander's Bar Mitzvah Jill & Les Olefsky Susan Stoehr In appreciation of all your efforts as the Bar Mitzvah tutor for Alexander Ferencz Eva and Dan Sideman Donna and Irv Fox For the birth of your grandchild Bruce and Nancy Chudacoff Bruce Chudacoff For a speedy recovery The Mah Jongg Girls Robera, Sarah and Jill Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn Leslie & Jill Olefsky The Berkowitz Family In memory of your beloved father and grandfather, Darwin Berkowitz Carol and Steven Edelson The Rosenberg Family In memory of Glenna Rosenberg David and Bev Sugar and Family Ryan and Elissa Rosenberg and Family In memory of Glenna Rosenberg, your beloved mother and grandmother David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund Deanne Friedman In memory of your beloved sister, Cheryl Dunn Karen Rosenthal Kessler Family Memorial ShabbaTONE Fund Bobby Stein In memory of your brother, Sherwin Shirley Kessler Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund In honor of our 65th Wedding Anniversary Burton & Sheila Benjamin Sherry Winston and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Marcia Gollay. May her memory be for a blessing. Jeanette Schusteff Stacy and Steve Lipshutz In memory of your father Bob and Renee Cremer Allan Spector and Family In memory of your mother, Mildred Spector Leslie and Scott Rogoff and Family

Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Barbara Gelfeld For a speedy recovery Jerry & Barbara Petasnick Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn Scott & Leslie Rogoff

Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund The Dolin Family In memory of your mother, Florence Dolin Charles & Karen Schulman For the yahrzeits of my loved ones Harriette Kurtz For the yahrzeit of Louis Gold Irving & Etta Kotowsky For the yahrzeit of Felecia Kotowsky Irving & Etta Kotowsky In memory of Sam Kwalwaser, Rose Kwalwaser, Ann Telpner, David Telpner, Lebe Friedman, Morris Telpner Mark & Sharon Telpner In memory of our loved ones Reva Gomberg For the yahrzeits of Anna Goldberg, Arthur Goldberg, May Zlatkin, Arthur Zlatkin Rose Goldberg For the yahrzeits of Max Kazer, George Gomberg, Joseph David Kazer Reva Gomberg For the yahrzeit of Bernice Goldberg Rose Goldberg For the yahrzeit of Philip Gluskin Ellen & Jeffrey Gluskin For the yahrzeits of Selma and Philip Stern, Marian and Sol Dolin Beverly and Mel Dolin For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Mickey (z”l) Herb Lesnoy & Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of my uncle, Joseph Lesnoy, who was killed in WWI Herb Lesnoy & Loly Farnos Barbara Gelfeld For a speedy recovery Barbara Karen and Chuck Schulman Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Debbie Stern and Howard Freidin In appreciation of your hospitality in your sukkah Michael & Pam Issen Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Helene and Tom Coorsh For the birth of your grandson, Drew Jameson Michael & Carol Schnitzler Katy and Steve Friedman For the birth of your grandson, Matthew Rene Michael & Carol Schnitzler Andi Twarowski and Family In memory of Jan Roberman Bob & Cindy Marder Deanne Friedman In memory of your sister, Cheryl Dunn Michael & Carol Schnitzler, Edna and Mike Schrank, CBS Sisterhood Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of Friday Night Services, especially you. All of the clergy are great. Have a sweet, healthy, happy New Year! Genie & Allen Kutchins Congregation Beth Shalom With much gratitude for allowing us to participate in Yiskor Mitchell & Robin Roth Fred Tatel In honor of a Healthy and Happy New Year Mark & Sharon Telpner Barb and Jerry Petasnick In appreciation of you being great hosts. Have a good winter! Mark & Sharon Telpner Mel and Alice Williams In memory of your beloved mother, Mildred Spector Arlene Benjamin & Don Levinthal Jonathan and Tracy Williams In memory of your beloved grandmother, Millie Arlene Benjamin & Don Levinthal Ben Dolin and Family In memory of your mother, Florence Dolin Diane, Andy, Michelle Lebovitz and Family Beverly and Seymour Binstein In memory of your beloved sister, Darlene Kaufmann Edie and Ken Smithson For the yahrzeit of Rose Ander, much loved Mother-in-Law, Bubbie and Great Bubbie Sheila Ander and Family Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of your Anniversary Andy and Edgar Gettelman, Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marley and Tanner Bobbi Teitelbaum In honor of your Birthday. Happy Birthday, Bobbi! Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marley and Tanner Susie Field For a speedy recovery Jay & Lori Heller Allan and Anne Spector In memory of your mother, Mildred Spector Neal & Mona Weiss For the yahrzeit of Harry Rosenbaum Ira Rosenbaum Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Michael Zaransky In memory of your brother, Steve Zaransky Henry Crown and Company


SERVICE TIMES AND CANDLE LIGHTING Friday Evening – December 6 (Candles 4:01 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM ShabbaTONE 6:00 PM Saturday – December 7 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Junior Congregation 10:45 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday Evening – December 13 (Candles 4:01 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – December 14 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Junior Congregation 10:45 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday Evening – December 20 (Candles 4:04 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – December 21 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Study Minyan 10:30 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday Evening – December 27 (Candles 4:08 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – December 28 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Mincha 12:45 PM

Saturday – January 11 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Junior Congregation 10:45 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday Evening – January 17 (Candles 4:29 PM) Diversity Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat B’Yachad 6:45 PM Saturday – January 18 Diversity Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday Evening – January 24 (Candles 4:37 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – January 25 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Mechina 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Junior Congregation 10:45 AM Shabbat Yoga 11:00 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday Evening – January 31 (Candles 4:46 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evening s Sunday Mornings

6:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM

Christmas Day, Wednesday, December 25 New Year’s Day, Wednesday, January 1

8:45 AM 8:45 AM

Friday Evening – January 3 (Candles 4:14 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – January 4 Shabbat Service 9:30 AM Circle Time Shabbat 10:00 AM Torah for Tots (babysitting) 10:30 AM Mincha 12:45 PM Friday Evening – January 10 (Candles 4:21 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM






“SEE” WHAT’S HAPPENING@CBS Distinguished SpeakersProgram Presents Bari Weiss

Fighting Anti-Semitism Today

Shabbat With a Twist With our Ritual Staff with children up to Pre-K

CBS USY’ers @ CHUSYFest 2019 at Camp Chi Perlstein Retreat Center, Lake Delton, WI pictured with CBS Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement, Eric Golberg

CBS High cooking with Chef Laura Frankel DECEMBER 2019/JANUARY 2020 • VOLUME 77 ISSUE 47




Friday 6 & 20 Shabbat With a Twist

Friday 6 CBS Young Family Dinner & Shabbat Experience

Friday 6 CBS Community ShabbTONE & Shabbat Dinner



December S

Saturday 7 & 14 Junior Congregation



Sunday 8

Wednesday 11

CBS Breakfast by Men’s Club/ Speaker

CBS Connections Chanukah Party



Thursday 12

Sunday 15

Sisterhood Torah Fund Program

CBS U & Men’s Club Israel in Depth

HAZAK Pre-Chanukah Lunch



Tuesday 24 Chanukah Dinner & Movie Sing-A-Long Event

Saturday 11 & 25 Junior Congregation




Sunday 12 CBS Breakfast by Men’s Club/ Speaker

Friday-Sunday 17-19

December Tuesday 17

Saturday 11 Havdalah, Dinner & a Movie


Diversity Weekend

Friday 17 Shabbat B’Yachad




Sunday 19 CBS U & Men’s Club Israel in Depth

Sunday 26

Thursday 30 CBS Connections

JUF Brunch featuring Distinguished Speaker Yaakov Katz





Open Letter


We, the families of the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shooting, want to thank you for your support and love over the past year. Our families lost 11 irreplaceable, beautiful Jewish souls. The sorrow and agony was deeply personal and unending. Through your unwavering support, you showed us that we are all one in our sorrow. You showed that the mindless hate that stole our loved ones has no place in America. Thank you for showing us that we are one Community – one Jewish, one interfaith, one Pittsburgh, one country, and one world. We are truly stronger together.

With love from the families of: Joyce Fienberg Richard Gottfried Rose Mallinger Jerry Rabinowitz

Cecil Rosenthal David Rosenthal Bernice Simon Sylvan Simon

Daniel Stein Melvin Wax Irving Younger


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CBS Congregant


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Happy Chanukah from CBS



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