INSIDE THIS ISSUE Chanukah Blessings ................................... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes .......................................... 4 Expressions from the Executive Director ................................. 5 Youth/Young Family Engagement .......... 6 B’nai Mitzvah ............................................... 7 Religious School ..................................... 8-9 Sisterhood Shabbat Havdalah ................. 9 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ... 10-11 Sisterhood .......................................... 12-13 Men’s Club ......................................... 14-15 Social Action ............................................ 16 Chanukah at CBS.................................... 17 Shabbat Mornings ............................. 18-19 Calendar ............................................. 20-21 Birthdays and Anniversaries .......... 22-23 Milestones ................................................ 24 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 25 Donations ........................................... 26-27 Yahrzeits ............................................. 28-29 Ads ....................................................... 30-31 See What’s Happening at CBS ............ 32 Rabbi .................................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director .......................... Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President ............................................Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President ................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President .................................. Ryan Eisenstadt Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman
SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES The most well known symbol of Chanukah is the Menorah (more correctly – the Chanukiah) and the holiday is referred to as the Festival of Lights (Chag HaUrim). Yet Chanukah is essentially a celebration of a military victory - one that could not have been expected. After all, it was the small volunteer army of the Jews led by the Maccabees against the mighty SyrianGreek Empire. Judah Maccabee is so revered for his military expertise that a statue of him is at West Point. His innovative military tactics defeated his mighty enemy. Yet the Chanukiah still stands out as the most obvious Chanukah symbol. I think it has to do with our fascination with light. It is such a special and beautiful symbol and it lends itself to many interpretations. Light can dispel darkness and show us the right path. Light means education, culture and purposeful living. It has all the metaphors you could think of. One, which the Rabbis loved to focus on, was the fact that the light of a lamp remains undimmed even if you use it to light dozens of wicks and flames. The candles continue to burn just as brightly and warmly as they did before they were used to light another candle. The Rabbis liken that to a mitzvah. When we give tzedakah, visit the sick, comfort mourners, study Torah or help make a minyan, we not only aren’t diminished – we are actually Rabbi Melman
strengthened. We feel stronger as a result of the mitzvah we did. Think about it. You may be exhausted when you need to stop by a house to make a minyan but when you leave, you are exhilarated that you made the effort. When we give generously to the causes that are close to us, we feel better about who we are and about our community. There is a great debate in the Talmud about how we should light the Chanukiah. The Academy of Shammai taught that we should start with eight and then diminish the light by one each night. The Academy of Hillel taught that we begin with one candle (plus the Shamash) and we increase each night by one until all eight burn on the final night. Hillel’s argument won out. Why? Because it is difficult to see things as diminishing rather than expanding and growing. Shammai may have been more ‘scientifically’ correct in that the amount of oil must have diminished with each passing day. However, Hillel was correct in suggesting that a person needs to see his or her world as getting brighter and better with each passing day. We continue to live through a very challenging time in our world and we have experienced the most contentious election cycle in our nation’s history. We are Americans and our country and our way of life must be kept sacred. And we are Jews, which means our concern for Israel is always on our minds. We must learn the lessons of the Chanukiah.
(continued on page 3)
CHANUKAH Chanukah 5781
Chanukah is among the best-known of Jewish Holidays, and is probably the most popular. Since it occurs at roughly the same time as the Christians’ winter holidays, it is easy to treat it as a more secular version of the holidays celebrated by our neighbors. It is easy to make it a holiday of joy, light, and gift-giving. However, its traditional emphasis on religious freedom, and on continuity as a minority while surrounded by others, makes it distinctly Jewish. This year, especially, it is important to note that it is a holiday that commemorates hope. The miracle of the oil parallels the military victory. Both remind us of faith, hope and perseverance. Even though they knew that they didn’t have a chance of defeating the more powerful army, they fought anyway. They knew that there wasn’t enough oil, but they lit it anyway. Chanukah reminds us that without hope everything is impossible, but with hope, the impossible becomes obtainable. Historically, the holiday celebrates the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem in 165 BCE after Syrian Greeks devastated it under the command of their leader Antiochus IV. A small band of Jews (known as the Maccabees), led by Judah and the other four sons of Mattathius, defeated these Hellenizing forces in a three-year long battle. The real miracle of the holiday is that an unlikely troupe of guerilla fighters beat the mightiest army in the land. Since the fighters missed the eight-day long holiday of Sukkot, they celebrated their victory for eight days, hence Chanukah is still celebrated for eight days. A few centuries later, historian Flavius Josephus wrote his explanation of the holiday, focusing on the miracle that one cruse of oil, barely enough to last one night, kept burning for eight nights, enough time for someone to run out and replenish the stock with oil holy enough to be used in the rededicated Temple Menorah. Josephus refers to the holiday as the Festival of Lights. For this reason, we light our chanukiyah (Chanukah Menorah) for eight nights, starting on the 25th of Kislev (this year we light the first candle, Thursday, December 10th and celebrate Chanukah December 11-18). The mitzvah of Chanukah is “pirsumei nisah – publicizing the miracle,” so we place the chanukiyah in the window facing the street or in a prominent place in the home. We sing songs, eat foods fried in oil (like latkes and doughnuts), and play dreidel and other games inside where it is warm. When we light the candles, we say the following blessings. (Also, below is a reminder of how to light the candles each night.)
.וֹתיו וְצִ וָּנוּ ְל ַה ְד ִליק נֵר ֶשׁל חֲ ֻנכָּה ָ ְקדּ ָשׁנוּ ְבּ ִמצ ְ אֲ ֶשׁר, הנוּ ֶמלֶ ָהעוֹלָ ם ֵ _ ֱבָּ רוּ אַ ָתּה ה' א Barukh atah Ado’nai, Eloheinu Melekh ha’olam, asher kid’shanu b’mitzvotav v’tzivanu l’hadlik ner shel Chanukah. , הנוּ ֶמלֶ ָהעוֹלָ ם ֵ _ ֱבָּ רוּ אַ ָתּה ה' א .בוֹתינוּ בָּ יּ ִָמים הָ ֵהם בַּ זְ ַמן ַהזֶּה ֵ ֲֶשׁﬠָ ָשׂה נִ ִסּים לַ א Barukh atah Ado’nai, Eloheinu Melekh ha’olam, she’asah nissim la’avoteinu ba’yamim ha’hem ba’zman hazeh. On the first night only: Barukh atah Ado’nai, Eloheinu Melekh ha’olam, she’heche’yanu v’kiy’manu v’higi’anu la’zman hazeh.
, הנוּ ֶמלֶ ָהעוֹלָ ם ֵ _ ֱבָּ רוּ אַ ָתּה ה' א .ֶשׁהֶ חֱ יָנוּ ו ְִקיְּ ָמנוּ ו ְִהגִּ יﬠָ נוּ לַ זְּ ַמן ַהזֶּה
Shalom friends
As you read this article, I will have only six months left of being CBS President. I am not breathing a sigh of relief, as crazy as that may sound. I have often thought that this job should be a three-year term. In most of the offices I have held here at Congregation Beth Shalom, I found that it took almost a year to feel comfortable in my new position; the second year was the time to drive my vision and goals forward. I have observed that often by the time an officer is able to view the fruits of at least some of their labors, it is time to transition a new person into that position. The Finance Committee is the exception to this rule, providing continuity through their six-year terms. I will have a two-year term as Immediate Past President. The role of the Past President is different from that of all other officers. Although as Past President I hope to remain busy by helping our new President and performing other duties described in our bylaws, I will no longer be implementing policies. Instead of being a “line” officer, I will primarily become an advisor. So, six months does not leave a lot of time to continue to work on my goals and themes for this presidency. But I will continue to devote myself to achieving those goals for the remainder of my term. When I began this term of office, I held a retreat for our Executive Committee and Professional Staff. We worked as a team to develop goals and then learn how to put them into practice, following the vision of living our mission, together. We worked around four main themes: relevancy; diversity and accessibility; structure and planning; and congregant input and feedback opportunities. Even during our struggles dealing with the difficulties of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made progress in meeting those goals. It has been most difficult to work on the theme of relevancy due to the limitations placed on us by COVID-19. However, we have not been standing still. Members of the Board of Trustees have taken the opportunity to revisit the content and structure of our services and how we deliver them. We have continued to seek out and provide you with speakers who have much to say about the course of our lives and that of Israel. We have revamped our education programs to take advantage of the opportunities made available to us by technology. We have begun a new membership initiative to increase social satisfaction. Building on many of the inclusive programs already in place pre-COVID-19, we have expanded both diversity and accessibility to the congregation. We have provided some members of the congregation with iPads with our Siddurim loaded onto them, to make the text easier to read and continue to make those with vision issues feel welcome. We have moved all our observances and program opportunities online. This has made it possible for those members of the congregation with disabilities and for everyone, no matter what their background, to participate as fully as everyone else in the life of the congregation. Since the COVID19 closure, we have seen an uptick in views and registrations for services, programs, and school at all levels, welcoming all to participate. Once the impact of the pandemic lessens and we are able to resume regular use of our building, we will continue to make it a priority to include all members of the congregation in our lives by retaining the benefits of technology for all our programs and activities to the maximum extent possible. As we have viewed our structure and planning functions, we have updated the Board of Trustees responsibility pledge, put into place a documented annual BOT planning calendar, and encouraged all committees to create written information to help smooth the transition for the next committee head. We have constantly reviewed the methods by which we deliver our programs and services and continue to plan for the most efficient means of delivering them in the future. We have provided more opportunities for you, our members, to tell us what you think of what we do and how we are performing. We have made it easier for your Board of Trustees to perform Professional Staff reviews and to provide relevant data for continual improvement. Now I need your help as we continue to concentrate on our fourth theme - congregational input. Where are we headed? How will we look different post-COVID-19? What do we keep? What do we change? How can we continue to spark creativity, inclusivity, and relevance in the future? I am also asking the Board of Trustees the same questions. I do not expect immediate answers. Please take some time to consider these questions and respond. I appreciate any of your feedback via email, so I can share it with the Board. Congregation Beth Shalom is our community, and all of us should have some say in its future direction. Tanya - Rabbi Melman’s Minutes (continued from page 1) Whatever we give to Israel and to our country will only serve to strengthen us – not to diminish us. We must keep our lights burning, to fight injustice and make the world a brighter place. The Maccabees knew that the day would arrive when they would enter the Temple and liberate it from those who had defiled it. They just weren’t sure what day that would be. We light the Chanukiah - adding a candle each night - to remind ourselves that whatever sacrifices we are called upon to make now will leave us stronger. DECEMBER 2020/JANUARY 2021• VOLUME 87 ISSUE 57
CANTOR’S NOTES Cantor Stoehr
December always conjures up the Christmas/Hanukah discussion. Be it having interfaith family or raising children in an assimilated general populace, I am approached with questions such as, can a Jewish kid sit on Santa’s lap, and am I allowed to sing Christmas radio songs and the like. It is a wonderful season to engage with our neighbors and appreciate their holiday and I would hope they would do likewise. Teaching our children about tolerance and acceptance while maintaining our distinct loyalty to our faith traditions is an important lesson, not just for the kids but for all of us.
I am scheduled to share in a powerful experience with our community friend pastor Thomas Stovall after the New Year. We are planning to speak on the topic of “Doing Life Together” which was his terminology for the fact that we, as friends and communities, try our best to be engaged with one another in many facets of life and not just for special occasions or publicity ops. We will engage on topics such as faith, civil rights and trying to be color-neutral when it comes to equality. We will share this dialogue with the Solomon Schechter Community and focus on what it takes to bring two different communities together and why it is important to do so and not just for Mitzvah projects. A video in which I was pleased to participate was released two months ago and is still gaining traction in views and likes. It was of a chorus of Jews and non-Jews, whites and blacks, singing Total Praise. The purpose of the effort was to help align communities, that don’t always share zip codes or school districts, through music. These small steps of trying to “do life together” remind me of a lesson regarding our Holy Temple of Jerusalem and as Chanukah is about the rededication of the Temple, I want to align these two thoughts. When one (Kohein) was approaching the Temple altar they were to take small steps while ascending the ramp. Several reasons are given but allow me to focus on one. The idea was that everyone who enters the Temple Courtyard should walk in a dignified manner. He should conceive of himself as standing before God and walk with awe and fear. A commentator offers: One should not walk there in the manner of simpletons nor in the manner of the vulgar, but rather in a dignified manner. Our souls must always be alerted to the place in which we walk and we have to have fear and awe (respect) for these places. As we walk in our attempts in society to bring our communities close together we all must be cognizant of the holy work we are doing. We cannot aimlessly trample into such moments but plan and contemplate our movements so that we not stumble nor be seen as vulgar. Jewish teachings warn not to behave there in frivolous fashion whatsoever. ‘For the heart goes after the action’. Many of the Torah's mitzvot are based on the idea that a person's actions influence his mind. The Torah wishes to bring a person to certain states of mind or feeling, which will shape the right and proper attitude toward God and thus our neighbor. The commandment not to take large steps on the altar is meant to establish in our souls the importance of the place and moment in which one is engaged. During this holiday season we must retain our focus on our faith and purpose. We must also balance this essential belief while doing life with others. Do not despair in trying to do too much so as to be able to give the gift of fairness and equality to one and all this season. We must remember that to get to the holiest of places we must take small steps. Chag Urim Sameach – may it be a holiday of lights and enlightenment for us all.
New words for my vocabulary this year: Pandemic / Pivot / Pirouette / Promotion
While all of these words are easy to find in any dictionary, they have certainly taken on different meanings this year. I think you will likely agree that the Pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus has been the catalyst for so many changes in our personal and business lives. But “change is good” and so we change! I am incredibly proud to work with the wonderful staff and lay leaders at CBS who worked harder than I could have ever imagined to deal with the changes needed to continue to provide outstanding ritual, social and educational programming for our members. How do we change? We Pivot: to quickly turn away from danger; to quickly turn towards the light; to quickly turn towards a sound we hear. And so, we pivoted! From classroom to Zoom, from sanctuary to livestream and from our offices at CBS to our home work spaces – we made it work! And the newest catchphrase is Pirouette: a much more graceful, controlled movement to turn around and around and around. I acknowledge that you won’t find any prima ballerinas at CBS these days but we are certainly doing much more deliberate and creative work these days, trying not to get dizzy as we dance as fast as we can! The last word (for now) is Promotion. I am so proud to be named as the new Executive Director of Congregation Beth Shalom. I look forward to moving forward with all of you as we weather the pandemic together. I promise that we will continue to Pivot AND Pirouette to meet your needs for worship, education and much more. I’m getting settled into my new office and I look forward to the day when I can once again greet you at the front door with a heartfelt Shabbat Shalom! Until then, keep in touch with an email or a phone call 847-498-4100 ext. 22. OFFICE CLOSINGS (closed all day unless noted) Thursday, December 24 (12:00 pm) Christmas Eve Friday, December 25 Christmas Thursday, December 31 New Year’s Eve
Metropolitan Chicago Jewish Population Study Every ten years, a study is conducted in the Chicagoland area to learn about the size and characteristics of our Jewish community. The goal of the study is to learn more about the characteristics, attitudes, and needs of community members to inform future programming and planning. NORC at the University of Chicago, in partnership with Brandeis University, is conducting the study, which is sponsored by the Jewish United Fund (JUF). You may already have received a letter, email, and/or a phone call from NORC at the University of Chicago asking for your participation in this survey. If not, you may receive one in the coming weeks. If you are contacted by phone, the Caller ID will say “NORC U CHICAGO.” Any letter you receive about this will come from NORC at the University of Chicago. Email messages will come from Please check spam folders for invitations you might have missed. If you are invited, we encourage you to complete the survey and represent the entire Jewish population of the Chicagoland area. Because this is a scientific survey, only a sample of community members are invited to participate.
Friday, January 1 New Year’s Day DECEMBER 2020/JANUARY 2021• VOLUME 87 ISSUE 57
If you have questions about the study, please contact David Rubovits at the Jewish United Fund ( 5
It is hard to believe that 2020 is coming to an end. Don’t worry though because our Youth and Young Family activities are far from over! Last month we had so much fun at our virtual USY Lounge Nights as we continue to engage more USYer’s every week from all over the country! We will continue to have weekly virtual Lounge Nights every Thursday until December 17th, and we will be back weekly after winter break starting January 7th. As we enter 2021, so do our 8th graders into USY! All 8th graders can join CBS USY Lounge Nights and other programming starting with our first Lounge Night back on January 7th! Be sure to check the Youth page on the CBS website for up to date program information.
We had so much fun at our November Kadima and Chaverim events and cannot wait to play ‘Guess Who!’ with our Chaverim friends (Grades 2-5) on December 13th from 12:30-1:00 pm on Zoom. From December 3rd-6th CHUSY Region will be holding their virtual Kadima Konvention for Grades 5-7. For more details make sure to check online at! On January 18th, join us for an all Youth (Grades 2-7) Tu B’Shevat Celebration as we make dirt cups and celebrate the holiday together from 2:00-3:00 pm! Information on materials for the dirt cups can be found on the Youth page of the CBS website! I hope our Young Families had a great time making crafts before Thanksgiving. This month we have another Parents Night Out program on Saturday, December 19th at 9:00 pm on Zoom. Join us and see how well you know your significant other in Newly Weds! On January 23rd at 9:00 pm join us for a good ole fashion game of bingo with some fun surprises throughout the night! Make sure to check online for our Chanukah sing-a-long and January Shabbat on-demand video! For all Youth and Young Families, on Thursday, December 24th we will be holding a classic game of “Name That Tune” for both youth and adults! Our Youth (2nd grade- 12th Grade) will have the chance to compete in a classic game of “Name That Tune” at 4:00 pm featuring songs from Disney movies, TV Shows, and popular hits from today. At 8:00 pm we will bring in the fun with our Adults (18 years or older) with “Name That Tune: Through the Decades”! Brush up on all of your favorite hits from the 50’s to early 2000’s and see how well you know your music! There are so many exciting things happening all over the congregation and I can’t wait to see you all at these programs.
The Hineynu Donor Display was designed to pay tribute to the participants of the Hineynu Endowment Fund. The display will be updated yearly according to our “Donation Recognition Policy” which states that donations will be recognized on the display once 60% of a donor’s commitment is received. Our next update will be submitted at the end of January. If you would like your name added to the display at that time, please be sure that 60% of your pledge of $5,000 or more is received in the synagogue office by January 27, 2021. This flexibility also allows us to add new donations. If you are interested in making a pledge or increasing your existing commitment, please do not hesitate to contact Susan Karlinsky at 847-498-4100 x22, Brad Shaps at or Lily Zoberman at
B’NAI MITZVAH ANNE EISENBERG Daughter of David & Denise Eisenberg Sister of Joseph & Sarah Eisenberg Granddaughter of Alan & Elisabeth Sklar, Samuel & Florence Eisenberg of Blessed Memory
GABRIEL UHLER Son of Neil & Stephanie Uhler Brother of Michael Uhler Grandson of Fran Simon, Cynthia Uhler, Earl Simon of Blessed Memory, George Uhler of Blessed Memory
SAMANTHA BECKER Daughter of Tracey & David Becker Sister of Molly Becker Granddaughter of Gina Silverman, Stephen Becker, Martin Silverman of Blessed Memory, Marcia Becker of Blessed Memory
Tracy Saffron Suggests The Last Kings of Shanghai by Jonathan Kaufman tells the multi-generational story of two rival Jewish dynasties who thrived in twentieth century Shanghai and Hong Kong. This nonfiction chronicle of the Sassoon and Kadoorie families reads like a novel. Remarkably both clans were displaced Baghdadi Jews who eventually settled in Shanghai and by the 1930s each had achieved great wealth and influence there. The Sassoons were loyal English citizens and advisors to royalty. The foundation of their fortune came from working in the opium trade. Victor Sassoon was an astute businessman who became hugely successful in real estate. He was also known as a playboy that entertained lavishly. Brothers Lawrence and Horace Kadoorie were held to a tight rein by their father Elly, but this was not a hindrance. Lawrence and Horace worked together to maintain Elly’s standards and greatly increased their fortune. Today the Kadoorie family continues to control China Light and Power and the Peninsula hotel chain that they built. There are many fascinating facets to each family’s history, but most revealing is when they worked together to assist Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis. More than 18,000 Jews from Austria and Germany escaped to Shanghai as no visa was needed to enter. Shanghai did not turn the Jews away. The Kadoorie and Sassoon families helped build schools for the refugees and provided personal and financial assistance. Kaufman gives his reader great insight into the choices these powerful families made and how their decisions shaped Shanghai and Hong Kong today.
Do Your Holiday Shopping Through Smile.Amazon and Support Congregtion Beth Shalom. Simply shop at AmazonSmile and 0.5% of your eligible purchases will be donated to directly to Congregation Beth Shalom. Please select Congregation Beth Shalom, Northbrook as your preferred charity. DECEMBER 2020/JANUARY 2021• VOLUME 87 ISSUE 57
Hebrew Our students have been working very hard on their Hebrew in both individual virtual sessions and small virtual group classes. We are awarding our medals during our supply pickups.
On Sunday, November 1st the following medals were awarded: White – Lara Harris Orange – Julia Eisenstadt, Yellow – Alexis Vass, Anna Hartzman, Jacob Menn, Mikah Greenberg Green – Mikah Greenberg, Emma Wishnia Blue – Jordan Leven, Emma Wishnia Yasher Koach to our amazing students. We will be awarding more medals during the supply pick-up on Sunday, January 3rd. Seventh Grade Holocaust Studies Our 7th grade students have been studying the Holocaust with Illinois Holocaust Museum Docent, Mark Gelfeld. They met Tuesday evenings on Zoom throughout the month of November and were even able to take a virtual tour of the museum. Thank you to all of the parents who participated with their students as well as to Mark for reworking the program for Zoom. Shabbat Service Attendance Goal To enhance our T’filah Curriculum and encourage students to feel more comfortable in services, the school has worked with the CBS Clergy to establish Shabbat Service attendance goals. How Many? 3rd and 4th Graders are expected to attend 1 Friday evening service and 1 Saturday morning service each month. 5th and 6th Graders are expected to attend 2 Friday evening services and 2 Saturday morning services each month. When and How? Services can be live-streamed through the CBS website. Friday evening services are at 6:00 p.m. and Saturday morning services are at 9:30 a.m. An hour or two after the service ends, the services are available on demand for a week. This way services can be viewed at a time that is convenient for families. To watch services on demand go to and scroll down to the service information. When you click on "Live Stream" you will be taken to the Live Streaming Page. If there is a service occurring you can click on the link and watch. If no service is occurring there will be an icon "Previous Broadcasts" which will take you to a list of previous services you can view. How does a student get credit for "attending"? During Friday evening services a question will be asked. After Shabbat the student should email his/her teacher the answer to the question to receive credit for attending. During Saturday morning services a symbol relating to the weekly parsha will be shown. After Shabbat the student should email his/her teacher what the symbol was, to receive credit for attending.
SISTERHOOD SHABBAT HAVDALAH (continued from page 8) Are there any other ways to get credit for attending services? Students in 3rd through 5th grades can also participate in Bridges to Shabbat (the new name for our Junior Congregation type program). Dori Wolgel, who is leading the program, will take attendance. The program is twice a month on Shabbat mornings at 10:45 a.m. Since this program is through Zoom, families do need to register in advance and it cannot be viewed on demand. Why should I participate? The best way to learn t'filah is by doing it and attending services. Students who attend services regularly are more comfortable and better prepared for their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs. There will be monthly rewards, semester rewards and end-of-year rewards for students who meet and exceed the goals. End-of-year rewards will be different for each grade.
Sisterhood Shabbat Havdalah Style Saturday January 30, 2021 7:00 PM
Please join us as we Zoom with Nina Badzin about bringing Jewish values to the complexities of friendship. Originally from Highland Park, Nina Badzin is a Minneapolis-based freelance writer, #Bookstagrammer, advice columnist, creative writing teacher at ModernWell, wife, and mother of four For more information on Nina, visit: Please RSVP by January 15, 2021 to receive the Zoom link. For more information, contact Roz Mokhtarian or Elissa Pelts
CBS U/ADULT ED/PROGRAMMING CBS U will be taking a break… No CBS U/Adult Education classes will occur from Sunday, December 20, 2020 through Sunday, January 3, 2021. Have a great winter vacation and stay safe! *******************************************************************
: CBS Style
December 3, 2020 7:00 – 8:30pm
Ready for some FUN? This will be an evening you won’t soon forget: 2 congregants competing against Rabbi Aaron Melman 3 course meal made from 1 box of secret ingredients YOU vote for the winner! Register at Questions? Email Lisa Orlov ( or Leann Blue (
Movies With Melman 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Watch the movies in advance and then join us for discussion on the following Thursday nights: 1/14 2/18 4/15 5/13
Munich movie TBA movie TBA movie TBA
To register go to: Movies are available to rent through services like iTunes and YouTube or on other streaming services by subscription. If you need help finding any movie email Leann ( or Lisa ( 10
CBS U/ADULT ED/PROGRAMMING CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS Our CBS family is ready to have fun and make new friends! Thank you for the substantial amount of Interest Surveys that we have received already. We are working on assembling groups which will start to launch over the coming months. It’s not too late – if you haven’t yet filled out your Interest Survey form yet – please click here to do so: We look forward to connecting our CBS family! YACHAD Committee Chair, Sue Lampert ( Membership VP, Randy Samborn ( CBS staff members Leann Blue (847.498.4100, ext. 44) and Lisa Orlov (847.498.4100, ext. 46)
Israel in Depth
2020-2021 TOPICS
12/13 If You Can't Visit, Try the Podcasts! Even though international travel is on indefinite "hold," you can still experience the world from a safe social distance. We'll sample several popular Israeli podcasts that capture the essence of the country and its people and offer insights into what makes the Jewish State tick. 1/17 Israel's Place in the World (A Non US Centric Exploration) Despite Israel's longstanding emphasis on maintaining strong ties with its great ally, the US, the country continues to forge close relations with Russia, China, moderate Arab countries, and other global players. Often but not always in sync with US policies, and often in the shadows of hostile neighbors' parallel outreach efforts, the country maximizes its own assets (Russian immigrants, cutting edge technology, and more) to pursue a wide ranging foreign policy. You'll be surprised at what that can entail. 3/7 Israel's Popular Culture Tells Us a Lot About the Country and the Whole World is Watching 4/11 Portraits of Leaders
All sessions will be taught by Carl Schrag and will take place at 10:00 am. (Grab some breakfast and log onto ZOOM at 9:45 if you want to chat before the session!) Register at: h)ps://ͲinͲDepth You’ll benefit most if you a)end all sessions, but dropͲins are welcome! The class is coͲsponsored by CBS University/Adult Educa+on, Men’s Club and Israel Commi)ee. Ques+ons? Email Lisa ( or Leann (
SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard
Well, we made it to the end of this remarkably interesting year. Even though this year has been incredibly difficult, we have many good things to look back on. We had a unique Yom Beth Shalom, the High Holidays were some of the most meaningful I have experienced in years, the virtual tour of the Notorious RBG exhibit at the Illinois Holocaust Museum and finally our Virtual Holiday Boutique. You might even say that we never let the virus get us down. I am very proud of the accomplishments of this first half of our synagogue year. The CBS Sisterhood has adapted and overcome many obstacles and now, more than ever, our membership is comfortable using technology that some may have thought they could never embrace. We should be very proud!
As I mentioned above, last month Sisterhood had our first Virtual Holiday Boutique. 27 vendors participated in the new format. Some of them were vendors that we have had in the past and a few were new. I want to thank Beth Sher, Darlene Padnos, and Jackie Zelkowitz for all their planning and hard work during this challenging time. All three really stepped up and created a meaningful platform for us to raise much-needed funds. Although this year may not reach past year’s totals, the effort was even greater, and the positive impact will be felt for a long time. I need to say a special thank you to Edna Schrank for all her help to get this up and running online for us. I hope all of you shopped and found great stuff for the holidays. One of my favorite things to do at this time of year is passing out Chanukah goodie bags to our Religious School students with gelt, candles and dreidels. Thank you to Jill Hartzman and everyone else who coordinated this wonderful project. Next stop Chanukah! Latkes for all to eat and sivivon for all to spin. Save the date! Saturday, January 30th, 2021- Sisterhood Shabbat - Havdalah Style Tuesday February 9th, 2021- Paula Shoyer, Instant Pot Cooking Wishing everyone a Happy Chanukah and a very Happy, Healthy New Year 2021! Stay safe and warm, Robyn Rosengard
Save the Date February 9, 2021 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Paula Shoyer Author of the brand-new Instant Pot Kosher Cookbook
The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop Support our Synagogue at its ~Shop Around the Corner~ Your best source for unique Judaica and general giftware Until we can be together in the Shop, we will serve our Congregation and the community through Facebook Featured item for the months of December & January 10% off Mezuzzot cases View our merchandise online Order your items by sending a message to For ordering, questions, assistance, please contact
Join us as Paula demonstrates 3 of her recipes from her new cookbook For information contact Laurie B Davis 12
Donna Fox (h) 847-281-7456 (c) 513-378-2491 Diana Lewis (h) 847-947-2906 (c) 847-903-6175 Darlene Padnos (h) 847-998-0494 (c) 847-217-4531
SISTERHOOD Torah Fund Campaign for 5781 (2020-2021)
The Torah Fund theme for 2020–2021 is B’Yachad, which means Together. This theme signifies the joy of Sisterhood members working together year-round to make important contributions to the Jewish community through their volunteer efforts at synagogues across the United States and Canada. Our pride in being Jewish shows in everything we do. We are high achievers in our professional and personal lives, and we accomplish even more together! Each of us is one small nugget of gold, but together our small gifts reflect and refract the light inside us and help each other shine. Together, since 1942, the modest contributions of thousands of individuals to this grassroots fundraising effort called Torah Fund have helped to educate and train each generation of rabbis, cantors, scholars, educators, summer camp directors, chaplains, campus Jewish life staff, and committed lay leaders. These are the people who guide and teach, console and uplift our people, one soul at a time, whether in person or remotely, during these challenging times. We make this happen together. Join Us! The Torah Fund Campaign of Women’s League for Conservative Judaism is the dedicated philanthropy of Women’s League, its members, and its affiliated sisterhoods in Conservative congregations across North America. Torah Fund strengthens Jewish education by supporting scholarships and programming at these Conservative/Masorti institutes of higher Jewish learning The Jewish Theological Seminary (New York) Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies (Los Angeles) Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem) Seminario Rabínico Latinoamericano (Buenos Aires) Zacharias Frankel College (Germany) Please contact Matty Shechtman to join us in this very important campaign.
MAH JONGG APPLICATION It is once again time to order new Mah Jongg cards for 2021. If a name or address has changed from your last list, please note that when filling out the application. Please note, the prices have changed. Applications and money MUST be received by January 21, 2021. Thank you, in advance, for making this ongoing project a success. Name ________________________________________ Address ______________________________________ City __________________________________________ # __________Standard Cards @$9.00 $__________ #___________Large Print Cards @$10.00 $__________ Total Amount Enclosed $__________ Send the application along with your check, made out to Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood to: Judy Greenman, 3304 Lake Knoll Drive, Northbrook, IL 60062 DECEMBER 2020/JANUARY 2021• VOLUME 87 ISSUE 57
MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco
Over the past nine months of this pandemic we have been introduced to many acronyms. I would like to propose a new one as we enter winter and make the transition into 2021 and that is PPR.
Patience – The old adage is “Patience is a virtue”. If this is the case, then I think we have all become a bit more virtuous. Within our CBS community this can be seen in the patience needed to learn and participate in services and programing using new technology. The patience needed to follow special protocols and extra waiting time to donate blood at our three Blood Drives this year. Most importantly, the patience needed to wait for the time we can once again gather in person together. Perseverance – Perseverance requires continued patience over the long haul. That is what we are facing. It is quite apparent now that certain things are true; there will be a vaccination in 2021 according to the nation’s healthcare experts, and mask wearing, and social distancing will continue. These should give us great hope, for combining all of these is how we exit this pandemic. It is this hope for a better future down the road that gives us strength to persevere. Resiliency – The ability to bounce back is who we are as Jews. We have reached the year 5781 because by nature we are resilient. We are not the “Chosen People” because we are better than anyone else but because of the example we set. CBS has continued the strong leadership presented to the larger community before the pandemic, throughout the pandemic. At CBS, whether it is to continue to feed the food insecure, maintain the blood supply or serve disadvantaged groups within our community, we have found a way to continue this great work. Last month I promised I would report back on the Men’s Club Steaks in the Sukkah Tailgate program. We had more than 30 participants who had a great time not only because the Bears actually put a “football team” on the field but because it provided the opportunity to communicate with each other in person even though at a distance. Participants parked in the School parking lot and set up their own tables and chairs. Everyone was required to maintain social distancing and to wear masks except while eating. It is not too early to order your Lox Box! Lox Box 2021 is open and ready Top: Waiting in line to pick up dinner. for business. The delivery date is Sunday, February 21, 2021. Please see the Bottom: Fred Katzenstein (left) and Howard Michaels (right) enjoying their flyer on page 15 in this Bulletin for ordering and payment options. dinner. I hope you all have a Happy Chanukah and I look forward to seeing you online for our programs. L ‘Shalom, Steven
SOCIAL ACTION December 2020 - January 20/21 Social Action Update Our committee continues to offer support to the Northfield Township Food Pantry, The ARK, the PADS shelter, and many more needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: We continue to provide supplemental food bags for students who qualify for free and reduced meals in Northbrook sponsored by the Hunger Free Northbrook program. We are hoping to continue adding students from additional schools in Northbrook. Contact Leatte Gelfeld,, for more information. The Northfield Township Food Pantry has seen its client base more than double in six months. The Pantry needs our help. Please drop off UNEXPIRED food items on the cart located at the front door of CBS. Check donations can be mailed to the Northfield Township Food Pantry 3550 Waukegan Road Suite 100 Glenview, IL 60025. This is our community. Help us improve the lives of those in need. Some of our most dedicated volunteers who have shopped for and delivered groceries to The ARK clients are no longer able to do so because they are at high risk of contracting COVID-19. If anyone is comfortable grocery shopping and willing to do so once every month or two, please contact Merrill Medansky at All our clients are within ten miles of the synagogue, including Deerfield and Glenview. You will be reimbursed for the groceries. Throughout the fall, The ARK has been picking up food donations at CBS. They are in desperate need of food to stock their pantry shelves. With winter upon us, The ARK’s needs are even greater. You can contact Susan Karlinsky at for more information. PADS continues to provide housing for the homeless. Guests will continue to stay in hotels through January and meals are provided. CBS members have been generously supporting them by providing donations of needed items and monies to help offset the costs. For more info contact Sara Weinstein at Do you have a social action project you would like highlighted in my column? Do you have a project you are interested in starting? There is always room for more members on our committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Bob Spector Social Action Vice President
The Northfield Township Food Pantry has seen its client base more than double in six months. The Pantry needs our help. Please drop off UNEXPIRED food items (NO candy or sweets please) on the cart located at the front door of Beth Shalom. Check donations can be mailed to the Northfield Township Food Pantry 3550 Waukegan Road, Suite 100 Glenview, IL 60025 This is our community. Help us improve the lives of those in need. Thank you for your generosity! Now thru December 30, 2020
Havdalah at Home The CBS clergy share Havdalah from their homes with our congregants via Facebook Live Saturdays: December 5 @ 5:00 PM December 12 @ 5:00 PM December 19 @ 5:05 PM December 26 @ 5:05 PM January 2 @ 5:10 PM January 9 @ 5:20 PM January 16 @ 5:25 PM January 23 @ 5:35 PM January 30 @ 5:45 PM
Register at to receive the Zoom link! DECEMBER 2020/JANUARY 2021• VOLUME 87 ISSUE 57
S H A B B A T 18
Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:
Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:
BIRTHDAYS Happy Birthday - January Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Peggy Shapiro Andrea Shainberg Christine Stolberg Mindy Lamberti Barbara Petasnick Linda Petchenik Dawn Ferencz Lauren Estes Sara Weinstein Alisa Vass Joy Berks Gail Fink Amanda Yale Sonja Gebel Emma Friedman Betsy Weisbach Delores Zemsky Beth Sher Renee Hammer Bernice Rose Abby Strauss Naomi Weiss Janice Miller Adrienne Bauer Abby Rogne Janet Krain
1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Roberta Friedman Dafna Gordon Blair Klein Elyse Jacobs Stern Judith Sandler Lisa Wall Stacy Cohen Robin Wolf Laura Horwitch Deborah Solomon Robin Neidich Marylyn Bogan-Minkoff Phyllis Mason Julie Levy Barbara Simkin Maxine Levy Irene Kletzel Michelle Slosky Barbara Wald Randi Starkston Barbara Long Ellen Kaplan Sarah Marks Sharon Shifrin Frannie Goldwin Gloria Sperber Eileen Van Hillary Cohen Jamie Goode
9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 14 15 15 16 17 17 17 17 18 19 19 19
Laurel Letwat Merrill Medansky Lauren Gottlieb Bonnie Kramer Harlie Ezgur Susan Verson Susan Brown Lisa Block Edith Sokol Sharon Krakowsky Susan Herman Heather Weinstein Donna Sabin Ceil Zook Lisa Adler Jodi Dubofsky Lisa Oblonsky Adele Gorenstein Brenda Stone Joanna Kaplan Marlene Goldberg Sharon Schwartz Rachel Silverman
20 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 23 24 24 26 26 26 27 30 30 31 31 31
Happy Birthday - February Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Rose Blair Marnie Baer Evelyn Lurie Ann Baren Marlene Beck Fern Ellison Faye Feinstein Nessa Holzman Anne Solar Juli Shapiro Rita Hirsh Morgan Sklar Beth Fenton Helene Berns Barbara Newman Abby Seruya Lisa Alter Krule Cheryl Shapiro Susan Glazer Mitzie Herman Cece Shapiro Gayle Hirsch Linda Eisenberg Marsha Schwartz Beth Nussbaum Bette Rosen Eileen Woodhouse Linda Horwitz Alyce Stanton Hope Schwartz Betty Sobelman
1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 11
Melinda Dunn Karen Hoffman Sharyn Trachtenberg Judy Hoke Ginger Malin Lauren Bauer Gladys Greenberg Randee Blair Lee Meyers Carol Weintraub Rebecca Becker Susan Jesselson Faye Ziegler Shirley Roskin Susan Nissen Clara Boron Nadia Eskinazi Robin Dissen Sandi Goldstein Sarah Budweg Inna Feldman-Gerber Marilyn Fish Joan Schoeneman Judith Lessin Amanda Stern Donna Rappin Sofiya Kantor Abra Zaveduk Marla Zelikow Marlene Cohen Sandra Koenig Helen Dym-Smoler Arlene Harris Eleanor Greenberg
11 12 12 12 12 13 13 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 17 17 18 18 20 20 20 21 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 25
Eileen Baime Renee Roth Debbie Friend Irene Blitt Beth Footlik Alyssa Horwitz
25 26 26 27 28 28
ANNIVERSARIES Happy Anniversary - January & February January Steven & Beryl Feinberg Sharlene Sherman-Heifetz & Harry Heifetz Stacy & George Ybarra Aric & Dara Shlifka Larry & Ellen Grossman Edna & Michael Schrank Jeffrey & Karen Stepen Scott & Leslie Rogoff Stuart & Alisa Vass Noah & Rebecca Becker Alex & Susan Freund 25 yrs Daniel & Danielle Weiss Thomas & Heidi Malkin Fred & Fran Hakimian 60 yrs Scott & Marcia Cotler Larry & Stefanie Zelen James & Judy Hoke Norman & Eleanor Greenberg Edward & Carol Kaplan Ian & Lauren Rothenberg Mark & Barbara Gelfeld Ted & Sandra Abel 40 yrs
2 5 6 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 13 13 14 15 18 19 21 22 24 24 25 25
Howard & Randee Blair Howard & Andrea Block Kim & Perry Shwachman 30 yrs Carl & Judy Wolkin Kevin & Cheryl Braude
26 26 26 26 28
February Joseph & Ellen Mittelman 45 yrs David & Andrea Reich 40 yrs Max & Edith Sokol David & Beverly Sugar Alan & Eileen Samlan William & Rosalyn Harris Marvin & Cece Shapiro Andy & Michelle Lebovitz Neil & Robyn Rosengard 20 yrs Scott & Susan Glazer Edward & Judith Rowe Jay & Lori Heller Burton & Janet Krain Michael & Linda Foster Jay & Lissa Silver Murray & Stephanie Keene 40 yrs Stephen & Sheryl Rose
8 8 8 10 11 14 14 16 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 22 23
Peter & Ellen Segal 20 yrs Ronald & Roni Pressler Jay & Carol Simon
23 25 27
Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or do NOT drop off at Synagogue)
MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Sue & Mark Jesselson are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Hudson Cooper Theis Alene & Cary Wintroub are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Charlie Stoller Susan & Sheldon Karlinsky are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Galit Sophia Karlinsky The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Allan Zelinger on the passing of his father, Dr. Bernard B. Zelinger David Goldberg on the passing of his mother, Marian Goldberg Morris Kaplan on the passing of his wife, Jeri Kaplan Daniel Kaplan on the passing of his mother, Jeri Kaplan Helen Dym Smoler on the passing of her mother, Frieda Dym Donna & Glenn Garfinkel on the passing of their son, Ross Garfinkel Dr. Jeffrey Hoffen on the passing of his mother, Rosalie Hoffen
BIMA FLOWER FUND Thank you all for your good wishes on the occasion of our 52nd anniversary. Jeff and I appreciate your thoughtfulness. Davida and Jeff Arnold Thanks to all for helping us welcome baby Galit Sophia into our lives! We are so happy to join the "grandparent" club! Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky
The Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood sends their thanks to everyone who contributed to purchasing gift cards for The ARK in conjunction with the Sisterhood opening luncheon. Thank you to Sarah Budweg for coordinating this and to Maria Catezone for getting the gift cards through the CBS Gift Card Program. Both The ARK and CBS benefited from your donations. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Death of Esteemed Members: Shirley Ruth Hoffman Jeri Kaplan Ross Garfinkel Jewish Child and Family Services has a partnership with CBS Dawn Levin, our Jewish Community Liaison at JCFS, is available to offer support, assistance and make connections for congregants experiencing challenges or looking for mental health or social service resources. For more information about services provided by the Jewish Child and Family Services or to contact Dawn or call 847.745.5450 or visit JCFS. org.
Friday Evening – January 15 (Candles 4:24 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM
Saturday – December 5 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat
Saturday – January 16 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Study Minyan Bridges to Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM
Friday Evening – December 11 (Candles 4:01 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – December 12 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Study Minyan Bridges to Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM
Friday Evening – December 18 (Candles 4:03 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – December 19 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
Friday Evening – December 25 (Candles 4:07 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – December 26 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
Friday Evening – January 1 (Candles 4:10 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – January 2 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM
Friday Evening – January 22 (Candles 4:33 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – January 23 Shabbat Service Mechina Circle Time Shabbat Shabbat Yoga
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:00 AM 11:00 AM
FridayEvening – January 29 (Candles 4:41 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – January 30 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM
Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday Evenings* 7:45 PM Sunday Mornings 8:45 AM
*Please note: Morning Minyan on Friday, December 25th, Thursday, December 31st and Friday, January 1st will be at 8:45 AM.
Friday Evening – January 8 (Candles 4:17 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – January 9 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of your 18th year of service Barbara Scott Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of 18 years with CBS. Congratulations! We are so fortunate to have you as our Rabbi. I recall the first time you conducted services when Rabbi Wolkin was on vacation and you blessed Art and I celebrating our 50th Wedding Anniversary. Ethel Obrand Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of your 18 years of devotion and caring for our community Jerry Sideman Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of your 18th anniversary. Mazel tov! Renee and Barton Osher Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the High Holiday services you produced online during this troubled time. They were so uplifting, spiritual, and beautiful! Mark and Sharon Telpner Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of officiating at dad's funeral Keith and Marci Shapiro Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the beautiful funeral service for our beloved Sam. Thank you for your ongoing support during this difficult time. Robyn, Adam, Ryan and Jacob Elias Rabbi Aaron Melman In memory of Rosalie Hoffen. Thank you for making time on a blustery Sunday to attend my mother's funeral/burial. Your presence touched my heart. I know my mother would’ve been honored as well. Jeff Hoffen Donna and Glenn Garfinkel and Family In memory of Ross Garfinkel. We mourn the passing of your son. Joel and Laurie Shapiro Robyn Elias In memory of your beloved Sam. We are sending our heartfelt condolences and deepest sympathies to you and your family for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time and we are so sorry for your loss. Audrey and David LeCavalier Helen and Jeff Smoler In memory of your mother, Frieda Dym Selwyn and Janice Marcus Helen Smoler In memory of your mother, Frieda Dym (z'l). May God comfort you among all the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem and may your mother's memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved her. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Milton Lesnoy (z'l). May his memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of my uncle, Joseph Lesnoy, who died fighting for America in WWI Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos For the yahrzeit of Anita F. Lapping Sheila Lapping For the yahrzeit of B T R Stuart and Kay Rothstein Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the services you and the two rabbis produced online Mark and Sharon Telpner Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the beautiful funeral service for our beloved Sam. Than you for your ongoing support during this difficult time. Robyn, Adam, Ryan and Jacob Elias Cantor Steven Stoehr In memory of Rosalie Hoffen. Thank you for making time on a blustery day to attend my mother’s funeral. I was touched by your presence on Sunday, a rather blustery day. I do appreciate your special heart that came to listen. Empathy, is a quality my mother valued above most others. Thank you. Jeff Hoffen
Helene Berns and Howard Freedberg For the birth of Aspen Silver. Mazel Tov! Mark and Marcy Saltzman Sandee and Larry Levin For the birth of your grandson, JJ Robin and Cliff Wolf Steven Miller In memory of your brother, Stanley Miller. He was a lucky guy to have you for his brother. Becky and Ellis Sostrin The Kaplan Family In memory of Jeri Kaplan Janet Fine and Larry Hardoon Donna and Glenn Garfinkel In memory of your son, Ross Marcy and Mark Saltzman Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Helen and Jeff Smoler and Family In memory of your mother, Frieda Dym Barbara Kenzer, Daniel Sideman Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ Scholarship Fund Pam and David Zlotnik In honor of Ryan’s Bar Mitzvah. We wish you a huge Mazel Tov on the 3rd of three Bar/Bat Mitzvot! Arlene and Ray Handler Alice Handelman, Karen Handelman and Marc Hirshman In memory of Howard Handelman, dear husband of Alice and father and grandfather of many. We are so sorry for your loss. We hope that the years of happiness will be foremost in you thoughts. Arlene and Ray Handler Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Sue and Mark Jesselson For the birth of your grandson, Hudson Cooper Larry and Fern Roseman Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaugher, Galit Sophia. All our best. Larry and Fern Roseman Sandee and Larry Levin For the birth of your grandson, James Jacob "JJ" Helene and Tom Coorsh, Larry and Fern Roseman The Family of Shirley Hoffman In memory of Shirley Hoffman Helene and Tom Coorsh The Elias Family In memory of Sam. With much love from all of us. Shelly, Adele, Erin, Adam, and Colleen Glenn and Donna Garfinkel and Family In memory of your beloved son, Ross. Words are inadequate at this time of your unbearable loss. May all Ross's good memories be a source of comfort. Prisella Grodsky Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Scott Garfinkel In memory of your beloved nephew, Ross Garfinkel. We mourn the loss. Julie and David Goldstein Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Helen Smoler In memory of Frieda Dym Arlene and Ray Handler The Skurie Family In memory of Joan, beloved wife, mother and grandmother Edie Korman Gold Family Sabbath Fund Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Art. We were very saddened to learn of your loss. With our deepest condolences. Kim and Perry Shwachman Joel and Judy Greenman In memory of your sister, Beverly Reibman. Our deepest condolences to you and your family on your loss. Kim and Perry Shwachman The Widen Family In memory of your sister, Shari Widen. With our deepest sympathies. Kim and Perry Shwachman Keith and Marci Shapiro and Family In memory of your father, Edward Baum. With our deepest sympathies. Kim and Perry Shwachman
Robyn Elias and Family In memory of your wonderful husband and father, Sam Elias. We are deeply saddened by the loss. With our deepest sympathies. The Shwachman Family Christy and Jack Newman In memory of Mrs. Alice Matheys Sherri and Brad Fishman Harold and Shirley Hoffman Adult Education Learning Fund The Hoffman Family In memory of Shirley Hoffman Estelle and Jerry Agrest, The Wasserman Family Irene Hoffman In memory of Shirley Hoffman. With heartfelt sympathy and love. Ann Kaplan (former neighbor in Northbrook and mah jong partner) Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Galit Sophia Scott and Leslie Rogoff Janet Rhode Krain and Burt Krain In honor of the birth of your grandson, Charlie Remy Ellen and Larry Grossman Sandee and Larry Levin For the birth of your grandson, JJ Fern and Mitchell King Morris Kaplan In memory of Jeri Kaplan Anne Solar Glenn and Donna Garfinkel In memory of your beloved son, Ross Fern and Mitchell King Allan Zelinger In memory of your beloved father, Bernard. It was great spending time with you and your dad in Israel. Ira Holtzman Stacey Sandler In memory of your father, Edward Baum Jody and Howard Sigal and Family The Goldberg Family In memory of Marian Goldberg Tracey and David Becker and Family Adam Berman In memory of Sondra Berman Epstein Leonard Mason Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you Perry and Amy Weinstein In appreciation of the Staff at CBS Estelle and Jerry Agrest Helen and Jeff Smoler In memory of Frieda Dym Ilene and Richard Fischman Barbara Proeh and Family In memory of Victor. Our condolences for the loss of your husband, father and grandfather. Larry and Debbie Oberman High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund For the purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book Carol and Ed Kaplan In memory of your beloved Uncle Ed Soife Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz For the purchase of a Chumash In memory of Julius L. Schusteff, beloved father and grandfather Helene and Tom Coorsh and Family HUGS Fund Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Galit Sophia. Mazel tov! Diana and Maury Lewis Anita and Dave Grobart In honor of the marriage of Jeremy and Liz Grobart The Spiro Family Glenn Garfinkel and Family In memory of your beloved son, Ross. We mourn the loss. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Wes and Julie Rehwoldt Fran Donenberg and Family In memory of your mother, Edith L. Stern Michael and Fern Ellison and Ed and Sue Nadler
DONATIONS Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Martin and Helene Hutensky In honor of your 50th Wedding Anniversary David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar, Shaynee Jankelovitz Alison and Cary Wolowitz For the birth of your daughter Foster and Dana Elliott Sandee and Larry Levin For the birth of your grandson, James Jacob Les and Jill Olefsky Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Galit Sophia Arlene and Ray Handler, Iris and Steve Podolsky Arlene and Jerry Karel In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Jacky Silverman Arlene and Ray Handler Sue and Mark Jesselson For the birth of your grandson, Hudson Cooper David and Bev Sugar, Iris and Steve Podolsky Cheryl Fischer For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Jane and Lenny Siedband Naomi Spector and Family In memory of your beloved mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Gertrude Siegel David, Bev, Ben and Jordan Sugar Jeff Hoffen and Cheryl Singer In memory of Rosalie Hoffen, may her memory be for a blessing. Becky, Steve, and Aaron Charous Donna and Glenn Garfinkel In memory of Ross Garfinkel Leatte and Adam Gelfeld Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund The Garfinkel Family In memory of Ross Sue Gilford Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Susan Karlinsky In honor of you becoming Executive Director of CBS and a grandmother - all the good things that happened to you this month! Helene and Tom Coorsh Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Galit Sophia. Welcome to the amazing club of Grandparents! Norman and Darlene Padnos Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Galit Sophia Fred Fisher In honor of Susan Karlinsky's new position as Executive Director Ethel Obrand Sue and Mark Jesselson For the birth of your grandson, Hudson Cooper Fred Fisher Helen Smoler In memory of your mother Norman and Darlene Padnos Fran and Jim Donenberg In memory of Edith Stern Our sincere condolences on the loss of your mother. May her memory be for a blessing. Cheryl and Kevin Braude
For the yahrzeit of Louis Gold Irving and Etta Kotowsky For the yahrzeits of my mother-in law, Pauline Kreiter, and my father, Joe Shapiro Sharon Kreiter In memory of my father Morris Ritt Anne Solar For the yahrzeit of Alexander Lebovitz Diane Lebovitz For the yahrzeit of Carlton Pestine Susan Pestine For the yahrzeit of Peter Herman Stewart and Mitzie Herman In memory of Selma and Philip Stern, Marion and Sol Dolin Melvyn and Beverly Dolin For the yahrzeit of David Lefkovitz In memory of Robert J. Lasky Barbara Lasky and Family In honor of Jacqueline Rafalson Barbara Lasky and Family In memory of Martha Bitran Jane and Lenny Siedband Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Scholarship Funds Donna and Glenn Garfinkel In memory of Ross Garfinkel. May his memory be a blessing. Leslie and Bruce Boruszak Donna, Glenn and Marni Garfinkel and Family In memory of Ross Garfinkel. Our heartfelt condolences on your loss. Sheryl and David Schwartz and Family Rosengard Museum Fund Barbara Proeh and Family In memory of your beloved husband, father and grandfather, Victor Proeh Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Bobbie Berger and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Marian Rubin Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Jeff Hoffen In memory of your mother, Rosalie Hoffen Sam and Becca Tatel Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Darlene Padnos In honor of you becoming a Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Ellen and Larry Grossman Diana Lewis In honor of you becoming a Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Ellen and Larry Grossman Helen and Jeff Smoler and Family In memory of Frieda Dym. Our sincere condolences to all of you on the loss of your beloved mother and grandmother. Judi and Michael Greenberg
Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund In appreciation of your good wishes for my special Birthday Seymour Binstein Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Larry Templer In honor of your grandson, Philippe Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Bernstein In honor of your granddaughter, Eden Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Charlie Marks In honor of your Bar Mitzvah Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Bobbi Teitelbaum With all our love and best wishes to you on your big special birthday and always, Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marley and Tanner Merle Cowin and Family Bobbi Teitelbaum In honor of you, on your 90th birthday Andy and Edger Gettleman, Capi Seeger Scheidler Bobbi Teitelbaum In honor of your 90th Birthday. Wishing you all life's best. Love, Marcy and Family Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of your 68th Anniversary. With lots of love and best wishes. Merle, Larry, Sam, Lauren, Josh, Becca, Danny, Carly, Marley and Tanner Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum In honor of your Anniversary Andy and Edward Gettelman Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Galit Sophia Ron and Ronna Heftman Rolla Swimmer In memory of your brother, Roy Wainer Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum The Grill Family In memory of your mother, Rochelle Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Carly Gordon In memory of your beloved grandmother, Norma Gordon Merle Cowin and Larry Ordower Allan Zelinger and Family In memory of your beloved father and grandfather, Bernard Zelinger Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum The Garfinkel Family In memory of Ross Garfinkel Penny Lamm, Gary and Marla Silverman The Garfinkel Family In memory of Ross. Our deepest condolences, sending our love. The Teitelbaum Family Helen Smoler In memory of Freida Dym Ron and Ronna Heftman Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Michael Zaransky In honor of your JUF Rosenwald Award Keith and Marci Shapiro
Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund In honor of Blessing of the Pets 5781 Barbara Levine Sue and Mark Jesselson For the birth of your grandson, Hudson Cooper Cindy and Bob Marder Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Sandee and Larry Levin For the birth of your David and Susan Levine In honor of your new grandson, Jacob James "JJ" Cindy and Bob Marder granddaughter, Marley Noa Dayle and Dennis Teven Alene and Cary Wintroub In honor of the birth of Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Galit Sophia Cindy and Bob Marder your new grandson, Charlie Dayle and Dennis Teven Jaime and Josh Herbst In honor of Elijah's Bar Mitzvah Ed Maslov Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Helen and Jeff Smoler and Family In memory of For the yahrzeit of Harry Sherman Stanley and Frieda Dym, beloved mother and grandmother Diana Eileen Sherman For the yahrzeit of Hannah Kessler Betty Ashman and Maury Lewis, Barbara Scott Allan Zelinger In memory of Dr. Bernard Zelinger For the yahrzeit of Irving Maslov Ed Maslov, Michael and Mindy Garlin Joanna Adabi, Buzz Maslov For the yahrzeit of Lennard Becker Helene Becker In memory of Sarah and Sam Ullman Sally and In memory of Howard Hoffman, Lois Krugman Mel Zuckerman Sharon Hoffman For the yahrzeit of my father, Arthur Zlatkin, my step-mother, May Zlatkin, my loving husband, Arthur Goldberg Rose Goldberg Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Sam Skurie In memory of your mother, Joan Larry and Fern Roseman
YAHRZEITS December 1-4 Abe Abel Marcia Berns Sara Ceder Morris Collender David Dobrin Saul Goodman Marvin Gordon Sydney Kofman Jacob Korol David Krasnove Bessie Goldman Marcus Florence Mendlo Preshkowitz Abraham Prohovnik Gertrude Rosin Alan Woodhouse Martha V. Dawson Bertram Emanuel Melvyn S. Gelman Dr. Irwin Ginsburgh Lily Kay Eljanan Kletzel Arthur Knopoff Lillian Lurie Joseph Mages Rosalyn Neidich Edythe Samlan Maurice Stanton Edith Turner Habib S. Younes Barney Block Vera Brooks Kalman Chabner Sarah Cigelnik Margaret Dayan Evelyn Edidin Esther Flink Bernice Goldman Dora Hoffman Martin Kassab Lawrence Mark Rosenthal Samuel Ross Jack Shapiro Ron Shocket Abraham Shulman Fannie Shulman Fannie Arnowitz Paul Buchman Sandra Copeland Siegfried Hirsch Goldie Karlinsky Reuben Krako Rose Lesnoy Mildred Nekritz Tessie Perlmutter Aaron Schupack Etta Soboroff Rose Warshawsky December 5-11 Richard Arnowitz Charles Lawrence Balkan Gershon Bitsallel Lola Bookman Sonja Echt David Glaser Gertrude C Hess Marilyn K. Miller Anita Remish Albert Ross Max Stern Dr. William Stone Dr. Lawrence Stone Leonard Gail Zelda Givertz Ericka Greenberg Miriam Maling Ben F. Newman Ida F. Schrank Harry Segel David Sher Sarah Williams Yudie Becker Ralph Berliner Leo Cooper
Mildred Fraelick Charles Hoffman Robert Hoffman Norman Karlin Robert H. Kavka Morris Meliker Max Novak Jacqueline Rogin Bernard Shapiro Mark Damon Tischler Cecil Lowenthal Weiner David Weingart Harold Burland Eugene M. Chodash Sally Crane Alice Ellis Irving Gloss Sylvia Grossman Henry Kanar Rovim Kelmansky William Landau Ronald Rosenfeld Morris Simon Jack Spector Sara Stein Morris A. Sugerman Steven Weiss Dorothea Wolf Chester Barnow Ralph Bell Samuel Butcher Dorothy Diamond Arthur Goldman Stephen L. Goldsher Florence Martha Markovich Bernard J. Marks Jenny Sokol Eleanor Ellison Nathan Finn Sophie Twersky Fridkin Roy J. Golson Sol Greenberg Elie Louzon Sydney Maxman Jack Miller Helen Newman Idelle Rubnitz Leo Silverman Pearly Simon Stanley Slaw Eva Tepper Alvin Barasch Harry Brusso Louis Edelstein William Isaacson Joseph Kaiserman Rochelle Kanter Reva Kaplan Louise Maslov Marcia Faye Maslov Arthur C. Meyers Irwin Rose Rose Saitlin Dorothy Shainberg Anna Vishny Franklin D. Weissman Leah Zagorsky December 12-18 Harry Bergman Sybil Bessinger Stuart David Cohen Sophie Doran Joseph Gantman Bernice Harris Rose Schwartz Anna Arnold Adeline Bregar Marvin Fohrman Leonard Goldberg Sylvia Gordon Sylvia Herman Jacob Kaplan Sol Kreisman Joseph Marks
Ida Rifkin Leo N Rivkin Sara Roter Mildred Schuster Leon Weisbrod Harvey Zuckerman Judith Brandwein Jean Chason Myrtle Cole Ruth Dolansky Evelyn K. Eisenberg Marcus Simon Glantz Sam Glantz Ruth Harris Melinda Carole Kahn Louis Kunin Jack Linderman Lionel Marcus Morris Novitsky Sadie Paul Dolores Rubin Aaron Schulman Anna Weinberg Max Werth Diane Wulfsohn Madelyn Bentkover Hilda Berman Robert J. Bessinger Arthur Cohen Evelyn Eisenberg Fischer Lillis Fisher David Freidin Adorea S. Goodman Lester Horwitz Raymond Kosova Burton Lloyd Marks Yetti Meerbaum Harry Orelove Earl Polisky Jack Rosenberg Albert Schuster Sheldon A. Shapiro Amy Singer Sam Sneider Molly Benjamin Jeffrey Berkowitz Dora Chapman Helen Cooper Samuel Davidov Joseph Goldman Lloyd Hunt Esther Katzman Dr. Irving Krain Bernard Louis Kramer Millie Miller Marsha Engerman Nadler Bessie Steinberg Nettler Burton Patzik Elsie Richard Harriet Soifer Allen Weiner Robert Weiss Paul Ziegler Beatrice Ackerman Samuel Brody Leonard Eisenberg Bernard Greenman Sylvia Kamm Hyman Kopolavics Neal Litow Colette M. Lopata Betty Lorig Phillip Metrick Phillip Meyer Morrison Edith Polvy Irving Shenfeld Lisa Shiffers Martin Weiss Ron Berman Elda Busby Tillie Copilove Dorothy Gurtz Anna Hoffman Helene Hoffman Beatrice Lewis
Herman Magged Gloria Maneloveg Emanuel Padnos Rosette Pestine Sarah Shatz Edwin Stone Ben Wenetzky Milton S. Wolken December 19-25 Rose Blumenfeld Joseph Burnstein Sonia Dunn Isadore Greenberg Dr. Susan Greenstein Wilbert Klass Katherine Kresin Sanford Lieber Rochelle C. Miller Annette Mozin Yitzchok Perlmutter Sylvia Seidler Frances Singer Sarah Slan Minnie Stein Laura Zelkowitz Freda Alter Leo Bersofsky Ceal Blum Allan R. Burke Louis R. Cohen Louise S. Cole William Factor Harry Feuer Jack Friedman Joseph Ely Garber Jerry Hoffman Samuel Kriesman William Naft Magda Schloss Frank Schneider Steven Snyder Richard Bergman Tammie Bernstein Sam Birkner Nate Coven Estelle Drucker Sam Ellison Abraham Gertzfeld Howard Goldstein Miriam Gomberg Lynne Grant Sol Halperin Jack Lasinsky Abraham Levko Abraham Manelis Evalyn Rosenstein Samuel Weiss Lillian Arnowitz Gloria Berenson Sue Boiko Judy Coven Theodore Fisch Bertha Flignor Renee Gold Esther Korach Bertha Libauer George Apfelbaum Bella Beer Irving Fagot Martha Gebel Anna Gebel Joseph Gelfeld Yolanda H. Ghidali Allen Goldberg Estelle Hodes Janice Horwitz Carl Joffe Ruth Lampert Esther Lerner Max Modneck Sylvia Polakow Eve Schwartz Asher Stein Rosa Bender Sheri Lynn Benham
Jerry Berg Baruch Berman Jennie Cranow Charlotte Field Joe Field William Gurvitz Miriam Israel Miriam Israel Doris Kahn Harry Kurtz Lottie Magged Florence Dolly Nudelman Walter Rose Robert Ross Edward Sanders Vivian Schwartz Sarah Gitel Simon Ronald Simon Robert Wershkoff Elaine Zelkowitz Sydney Alpert Maurice Appelbaum Samuel Bentkover David Berger Sherman Faber Marsie Finerman Fanny Freimark Rachel Fridkin Sophie Grossman Lisa Guberman Gerald Horwitz Harry Klein Minnie Perry Bernard Satinover Jeanne Schneider Ludwig Weil Nettie Wisse December 26-January 1 Max Becker Eva Bovilsky Florence K. Brenner Charles Dann Rylan Gelb Elaine Gentner Carole Hartzman Lewis Jaffe Victor Lazar Beatrice Rohde Harriet Rosen Stephen Rothblatt Nancy Strauss David Weinstein Dr. Samuel D Werch Irv Donn Emily Ann Dorfman Marvin Fox Stanley Franklin Ruth Gold Harvey R. Gold Simon Good Minnie Rose Graff Zelda J. Leibovitz Percy Lev George Mayster Lillian S. Rivkin Larry M. Rosengard Harriet Sear Mary Tuteur Bella Winokur Harold Blitstein Sherwin Freidin Esther Halpern Esther Kassab Henry Kristal Max Malin Sol Nadler Pearl Sak Thomas Schneider Aaron Stolberg Sadie Bass Robert Camp Gerald “Jerry” Cole Jacob Dubofsky Frieda Goldman
YAHRZEITS Steven J. Gross Martin Jacobson Shirley Johnson Harry Kahn Harriet Mandel Francine A. Schwartz Shandel Taksin Jacob Wadler Philly Baer Maurice Klein Flora Miller Bella Newman Natalie Peiser Melvin Ross Moshe Yashar Irwin Bizar Miriam Elbaum Lila Friedman Samuel Glotzer Barbara Goldman Celia Goldstein David Maltz Leonard Nattenheimer Patricia Newman Ralph Novak Robert Oppman Henry Stern Frank Weiss Jerome Yale Hilda Abrahams Rose Shechtman Greenberg Ryan B. Hall Sanford Hirsch Arthur J. Lindenberg Clara Medvin Marshall M. Miller Adel Samuelson Ronald Schultz Jerry Shaftal Miriam Shay Jack L. Simon Jerome N. Weiland January 2-8 Beatrice Berkowsky Florence Eisenberg Simon Chick Handler Charles Krugel Louis S. Lerner Francesca Miller Ira S. Nathan Carolyn Osher Paul Roberts Vera Rosen Arthur Shapiro William Shay Samuel Takiff Shirley Warshawsky Sidney Zelkowitz Albert Ashman Lester Berliner Rose Blitstein Anna Cohen Alan W. Davis Bertha Dubinsky Jennie Dubofsky Maryam Fatoorachi Sally Forcht Marilyn Gerstein Marlene Gurtz Irving Jacobson Gerald Resnick Alan Rovin Adeline Shulman Jean Stoltz Seymoure Weiner Anna Zilberstein Mitchell Baer Fritz Freimark Natalie Glickman Miriam Goodman Max Handzel Fay Herbstman Anita Kuzan Sheldon Rosen Lillian Schnitzler Pearl Schwartz Hyman Schwartz Ruth Schwartz Sylvia Travis Sally Wallis Marcia Witzel Nathan Bender Maurice Bucksbaum Paul A. Cohen Sara Cohn Julius Goldstein
Marsha Mary Gomberg Norman Graff David Halevy George Leviton Ida Lichtenstein Max Maslov Toby Schakner Jordan Siedband Hyman Taub Sadie Teven Tillie Ashman Alfred Feiger Gertrude Grad Arthur Grossman Hannah Halperin Lori Anne Hammer Bella Katz Mollie Millman Dashe Pinsky-Warshavsky Annie Rosenberg Charles Rosenmutter Lawrence Shapiro Annette Stevens Jack David Baer Howard Cohan Leo Glassner Lillyan S. Greene Nancy Jajkowski Margot Kass Ernest Landesman Gussie Lasko Sarah Marcovitch George Sandler Ida Simon Harry Sweet William Weingart Fred Fleischer Morris Friedman Harry Futterman Elsie Gail Fradel Lason Edward Roth Ann Tannenbaum Lisa Joy Wagner Sarah Weinstein January 9-15 Sylvia Greenman Franklin Hirsch Jack Kessler Louis Knopoff Janet B. Simons Roslyn Singer Esther Smithson Sam Swislow Faye Tatel Louna Younes Joseph Bloom Florence Collender Helen A. Elliott Harry Forman Steven Gichner Howard N. Ginsburg Abraham Kassab Herman Korach Lillian Millman Berenice Politinsky Louis Rifkin Louis J. Schultz Jack Shaykin Shirley Sigal Roese Stern Edna Weil Joyce Winokur Julius “Jules” Binder Alexis Genin Selim Habib Milton Hochman Leon Krzetowski Selig L. Lesnoy Ismael Levy Rose Michaels Akhtar Mokhtarian Jack Musick Rabbi Bernard Mussman Lawrence Schwade Jacob “Jack” Sear Anna Siegel Martin Silverman Leonard Teven Sidy Weiss Adele Zaveduk Heime Berkowitz Gertrude Blitstein Abraham Edward Bober Isadore Brozosky Lester Chudacoff
Frances Jablo Lillian Saks Berel Sales Dora Samson Marvin Eugene Schatzman Sara Siver Idelle Weisbrod Helen Bernstein Eugene Dechter Hyman M. Gorsky Louis Grief Kamal Hakimian Walter Koehler Louis Lesnoy Seymour Milstein Benjamin Weinstein Tobia Weinstein Rita Zorndorf Lawrence Cohen LeRoy Dunn Cherie Ersler Sally Goldstick David J Goldwasser Larry Grossman Joseph “Joey” Harris Leslie Korman Sylvia Lasinsky Tillie Orkin Agatha Plotkin Linda Porec Israel Leib Sidler Rose Singer Claire Zelkowitz Weber Hymen Appel Nathan Barr Harriet Berger Lillian Brown Leonard C. Cohen Tybie Diamond Harry Erdos David Ira Fisher Herman Geller Muriel Glassenberg Daniel Golbus Carol Greenberg David Greenfeld Jacob Kaplan Jerome Kaplan Shirley Laskin Howard M. Lessin Dorothy Meisel Bernard Mink Aghajan Mokhtarian Eleanor Moss Betty Palmer Beryl Root Esther Rosenstein Sam F. Rowe Rose Shechtman Sarah Sweet Herman Weinstein January 16-22 Harvey Ellis Berebitsky Sam Bubman Syra Cohn Francis Garlin Dorothy Isaacson Philip Meltzer Faye Menzer Henry J. Newman Rose Pinchouck Irene Schneider Rose Shane Lena Shapiro Clarence Spitzer Joan Starkston Frieda Tecktiel David Telpner Corrine Wolff Jerome B. Wulfsohn Mollie Zelkowitz Sam Abrams Jeanette Donn Harold Golden Ruth Milstein Philip Schoeneman Harold Tecktiel Sylvia Billowitz Arlene Bizar Steven Doroff Edith Goobler David Goodman Harry Heftman Abraham Kaplan Wolf Laznowski Sherwin Malkin
Bessie Modneck Martin Prager Joseph “Jo Jo” Solomon Edna Speaker Izak Taksin Fred Wertheimer Dr. Jerome E. Abrahams Louis Cohen Irving Cowan Fred F. Drucker Sam Goldman Ethel Israel Arnold Levy Pauline Rosenthal Fay Steinberg Irwin Cohen Herman D. Friedman Jacqueline Jacki Futterman Edward Nudelman Guy Sachar George Slan Ruben Spivak Sam Wolfson Michael Bosse Hillard Crost Max Gotteiner Harry M. Greenberg Stuart Letwat Ida Rabin Eleanor Roth Julius Sklair Richard Sloan Oscar Wasserman Ruth Baker George Blum Reuben Brookstone Sue Chunowitz Carol Gene Cohen Bruno Fischer Shirley Jacob Jerome Natenberg William David Resnick June Sabin James L. Schwartz Marshall Smulson Mollie Spector Regina Herz Twersky Sophie Wadler Albert Weinstein January 23-29 Lillian Berenson Jody Kerschner Sam Marcus Lily Marcus Nat H. Rappin Louis Sherman Samuel Spears Gary S. Elliott Shya Hencel Barnard L. Lieberman Abraham Marks Lillian Nahin Helen Newman Dr. Harold Randell Sam Sandler Sylvia Smilow Penny Weinstein Jacob Zilberstein Marion Abrahams Irene Baron Philip Goldberg Dr. Irving Hornstein Donald Jacobs Rae Jacobson Stenka Jaffe Morris B. Kozin Ethel Kurtz Jules Milten Irving Pickard Harry Projansky Leo Ross Alvin Burton Rubens Milton S. Schwartz Jerry Sherman Mitchell Yale Smith Irving Weintraub Frederick Weiss Rona Zarovsky Sara Zuckerman Leila Alpert Bessie Bertash Burt Chotiner Anne Friedman Ida Gaines Jack Goldstick Anne Hirsch
Steven Charles Hoffman Harry Hoffman Harold Horwitz Herbert Isaacson Minnie Linkow Shirley Reis Lipson Evelyn Pielet Sidney Rosen Harry Rosenberg Celia Rubenstein Joseph Abraham Schatz Marcia Joy Shapiro Rochelle Weil Harold Wilner Steven Wishnoff Theodore Bovilsky Gutman “Gus” Cranow Mary Feldman Sam Gebel Sally Kirshenbaum Beatrice Libman Sidney Oberman Peggy Sonenfeld Jerrold Teven Morris Block Luba Chabner Fannie Edelstein Ben Gold Hyman Iglarsh Sarah Kessie Susan Levine Arnold Morgan Morris Chub Petasnick Alfred Rosenberg Judy Gold Rozner Lillian Rubin Estelle Schaffner Edith Kasper Sommer Arnold Weiner Harvey Yale Weinstein Paul Wolkin Joseph Arbetter Jaqueline Arbus Sandra Cymerman Charles Z. Glick Freeda Hofeld Mary Kasper Arnold Kravitz Risa Lambert David Melman Harry Orkin Ruth Projansky Marion Rosenstein Barbara Shulman Eugene Jay Solar Fred Tatel David Tenenblatt January 30-31 Sonny Ander Leon Bregman Isaac Feinstein Esther Fialkow Helen Gold David Jaffe Hyman Kawer Renee Manelis Ruth Markman Maxine Nelson Isaac Stucker Harold Treger Milton Weiss Ethel Wenig Joel Arnold Arlene Bell Claire Benson Ceil Edelstein Ethel Gill Tillie Goldman Sherry Harris Adam London Morris Neiditch Alexander Pontecore Miriam Samborn Harold Sawyer Jack Schakner Ben Stollberg Meyer Teinowitz William Joseph Wasserman
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Blessing of the Pets - October, 2020