February Bulletin 2016

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Around Beth Shalom ................................2 Spotlight .......................................................3 President’s Message ..................................4 Cantor’s Notes ..........................................5 Youth ............................................................6 Distinguished Speaker ..............................7 Adult Learning & Programming ...................................... 8-9 Upcoming Events .................................... 10 Keruv ......................................................... 11 Library ....................................................... 12 Calendar.................................................... 13 Israel Trip ................................................. 14 Sisterhood .......................................... 15-16 Men’s Club ......................................... 17-18 Anniversaries/Birthdays ........................ 19 Milestones ................................................ 20 Donations ........................................... 21-24 Yahrzeits ............................................. 24-25 Advertisements ................................. 26-27 Candlelighting and Services .................. 28

Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor .................................................. Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ..................................... Ari Averbach Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Dir. Of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education ......................... David Barany Ritual Director .................................... Naomi Weiss Director of Youth Activities................ Matt Rissien Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President .......................................... Larry Grossman Sisterhood President................................. Beth Sher Men’s Club President ............................Scott Rogoff USY President .............................................. Bari Sigal

Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director Emeritus ................................... Harvey Gold, FSA ZL Director of Education Emeritus ................... Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, RJE

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.

FEBRUARY 2016 • VOLUME 49, ISSUE 8 Rabbi Averbach

RABBI AVERBACH’S REVELATIONS When I was trying to figure out what to do couples in a Tuscan villa, a seaside resort, and in various synagogues. I have stood on with my life, my childhood rabbi, the the bimah with kids as they take on the renowned Harold Schulweis (z”l), sat me down to tell me why I should be a rabbi. He mantle of Jewish adulthood. I have given Hebrew names to baby girls and boys in made a very strong case, but I was s"ll on front of tearful family and friends. But I the fence. “What has been your favorite part of your career?” He answered without have also done the incredibly holy work of being with people in thinking. “I get to their most painful and celebrate with “When I was trying to figure difficult "mes. people in their most None of these joyous moments – out what to do with my life, moments on the bimah with require a my childhood rabbi, the member of clergy. b’nai mitzvah, under renowned Harold Schulweis Rabbi Schulweis started the chuppah with (z”l), sat me down to tell me a program called couples, in the living why I should be a rabbi.” Para-Rabbinics where room holding weekhe trained members of old babies. I also get the community to augto share in the most difficult moments in people’s lives – in the ment the work of clergy and visit people in hospital, in homes, and a$ending to funer- the hospital, in recovery, or who otherwise als.” He went on to describe his career for need a check-in. This does not take away from the work the clergy can do, but it the past sixty years as one filled with adds to it. personal connec"on in the most in"mate In emula"on of my great teacher, moments in the lives of his congregants. He convinced me, but it struck me that he did this concept is now part of the Beth not men"on the books he had wri$en. He Shalom family. We have an amazing Care Commi$ee who have begun training to did not tell about the poli"cal figures and Hollywood hear$hrobs who had sought his visit those in our community who need someone to talk with them and listen, advice. He did not talk about the Diane allevia"ng boredom and loneliness. It is all Keaton movie he was in nor the mul"handled with extreme discre"on and million dollar organiza"ons he started. How lucky I am to now have a role confiden"ality. If you, or someone you in the community where I, too, get to share know, could use this kind of support, please let us know. those incredible moments with congregants and their loved ones. I have been fortunate to stand under the chuppah with

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