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INSIDE THIS ISSUE What’s Happening @ CBS ..................... 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 4 Fundraising .............................................. 6-7 Youth ........................................................... 8 Milestones ................................................... 9 School ........................................................ 10 Adult Learning & Programming ...................................... 11-13 Anniversaries/Birthdays ......................... 14 Calendar .................................................... 15 Keruv ......................................................... 16 Library........................................................ 17 Sisterhood........................................... 18-19 Men’s Club .......................................... 20-21 Donations ........................................... 22-24 Yahrzeits ................................................... 25 Advertisements ................................. 26-27 Candle Lighting and Services................ 28

Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ..................................................Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ..................................... Ari Averbach Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education ......................... David Barany Ritual Director ................................ Raquel Gershon Director of Youth Activities................ Matt Rissien Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ..........................................Larry Grossman Sisterhood President................................. Beth Sher Men’s Club President ............................Scott Rogoff USY President ................................... Brandon Gitles

Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director Emeritus .................................... Harvey Gold, FSA z’l Director of Education Emeritus ................... Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, RJE

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.

FEBRUARY 2017 • VOLUME 49, ISSUE 18 Rabbi Melman

RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES We ! are on the plane. I can’t believe it. There is something surreal about this moment. We are on our way to Israel. You might think, “He’s been to Israel many times, he even lived there for a year. What is so different about this trip?” What is different is that it is the first time our children will be in Israel. I am excited for them to experience a place that I love so much. I am excited for them to see a place that they learn about and we talk about so often. I am excited to show them so many of the places I have been and where we have lived. It will certainly be a unique visit. There were some last minute errands that needed to be run this morning and Hannah came with me. She could barely contain her excitement. She said that she knew how lucky she was. Although only eight years old, she realized that, in many ways, this is a trip of a lifetime. Not because this was her one opportunity to visit Israel, but because many people never get the opportunity to visit the Jewish homeland. And, at only eight years old, she realized how fortunate she is to be able to take a trip like this. How wise she is. “Some people can’t afford to go,” she said, “and I feel so lucky that we can travel as a family and visit such an important place.” I was really moved by her words. It fulfilled the words I have preached for years, “If not now, when?” Hillel, the great sage, was indeed wise. While he

may not have had this particular moment in mind, he certainly had others like it. The things we will see and do as a family on this special trip might very well be some of the most rewarding in my life. The Talmud teaches us that a person has the obligation to teach his child to swim. While this may seem somewhat obscure, I believe that it is a metaphor for many things in life. Learning to swim is a special skill and when a parent can help impart special and specific wisdom on his or her child it leaves a lasting impression. I believe that is very similar to this trip. We talk about Israel in our home. Our children learn Hebrew and about Israel in school, and we pray for Israel every day in our tefillot (prayers). So how can we not take the next logical step and put it all together and take them to see the land promised to our ancestors? We will have the privilege of visiting holy sites. We will take in the beauty that the land has to offer. We will see good friends and family that we miss. And we will continue to be a reminder that American Jewry loves and supports the State of Israel. This trip, indeed, will be very special. We are all eager for the things we will do, places we will visit, sounds we will hear and foods that we will taste. We can’t wait! Im lo achshav ei’ma’tai? If not now, when?

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