INSIDE THIS ISSUE What’s Happening @ CBS ..................... 2 Candlelighting and Services .................... 3 CBS Programming ..................................... 4 President’s Message .................................. 5 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 6 Youth ........................................................... 7 Religious School ........................................ 8 Adult Learning & Programming/Milestones .............. 9-10 Shavuot ...................................................... 11 Keruv ......................................................... 12 Library........................................................ 13 Calendars ............................................ 14-15 Sisterhood................................................. 16 Men’s Club .......................................... 17-18 Anniversaries/Birthdays ................... 19-21 Donations ........................................... 22-23 Yahrzeits ............................................. 23-25 Advertisements ................................. 26-27 Summer Events ........................................ 28
Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor .................................................. Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ..................................... Ari Averbach Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education ......................... David Barany Ritual Director .................................... Naomi Weiss Director of Youth Activities................ Matt Rissien Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President .......................................... Larry Grossman Sisterhood President................................. Beth Sher Men’s Club President ............................Scott Rogoff USY President .............................................. Bari Sigal
Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director Emeritus .................................... Harvey Gold, FSA z’l Director of Education Emeritus ................... Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, RJE
SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
JUNE/JULY 2016 • VOLUME 49, ISSUE 12 Rabbi Averbach
date those who might not be able to be in synagogue on the actual yahrzeit, you can We are sharing a combined message with call our assistant, Eli, and have the name of you this month to make you aware of some your loved one added to the list to be read important changes that will affect many of on the preceding Friday night and Saturday you. morning. This request will need to be made on an annual basis. We will also be Some upcoming modifica#ons are related prin#ng the en#re week’s list in the weekly to how we will be handling the yahrzeit list Shabbat brochure, which our ambassadors and yahrzeit le$ers that go out to the con- hand out each Shabbat, and of course it grega#on. will con#nue to be printed in the monthly bulle#n (see pages 23-25). For many years, we have been reading the en#re upcoming week’s list of yahrzeit Another change will be in the le$ers you names on Friday evening and Saturday receive. Star#ng this summer, instead of morning. As this list of names has grown, it receiving a paper no#fica#on in the mail, has become a rcha d’tzibura, a burden on we will be switching over to email no#ficathe community, to listen to all the names #ons. We are looking to lessen our envi(most weeks there are more than one hun- ronmental footprint. If you have an updred). Jewish tradi#on directs us to be coming yahrzeit, all of the informa#on resensi#ve in such areas. garding the date and service #mes will conveniently be sent to your inbox. There will In checking with many other synagogues of also be a link that you can click on to make our size around the country, we have a dona#on to the Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund found that a majority of congrega#ons are to help remember your loved one. If you reading the names only on the day of yahr- do not have access to email, please let us zeit, not the full week. We have decided to know and we can keep sending you a paper adopt this prac#ce as well. This means copy, as we always have. that at each service, whether it is Shabbat or any other day of the week, we will read We are always working to make services a only the names of that day. Only the sanc#fied, spiritual experience. If you have names of deceased people who currently ques#ons about these changes, please feel have family as part of the Beth Shalom free to ask any of the clergy. community will now be read. This will cut down on the length of the lists on Friday Rabbi Aaron Melman night and Saturday morning. To accommo- Rabbi Ari Averbach