INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Annual Meeting/Slate 2020-21 ..... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Cantor’s Notes.......................................... 4 Shavuot 5780 ............................................. 5 CBS Yachad Affinity Groups .................. 6 Birthdays/Anniversaries ........................... 7 Youth/Young Family Programming ....... 8 B’nai Mitzvah .............................................. 9 Religious School ...................................... 10 Sisterhood/Men’s Club .......................... 11 Milestones ................................................. 12 Yahrzeits ................................................... 13 Donations ........................................... 14-15 Live Streaming ......................................... 16 CBS Mobile App ...................................... 17 Ads ........................................................ 18-19 Candle Lighting & Service Times ........ 20
Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor .................................................. Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ............. Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth & Young Family Engagement ……… Eric Golberg Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ........................................... Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President ............................... Brandon Wagner Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Shalom Designer/Editor .............. Deanne Friedman
SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
IYAR/SIVAN 5780 | MAY 2020 | VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES As I write this, we are almost six weeks into our shelter in place order. We continue to deal with a tremendous amount of uncertainty. By the time you receive the bulletin, while I hope things will have changed, I think we will still be in the situation. As we journey as a people during this time between Pesach and Shavuot, we journey from crossing the Sea to landing at the foot of Mt. Sinai. While there was great anxiety for our ancestors at the moment of revelation, they too did not know what the future would look like. What would their new reality be? How would their society be different? These are the same questions we are asking at this very moment. And so I continue to share a message of chizuk, strength and support. Many, if not all of us, are feeling anxious to some extent and I want you to know that as your clergy continue to take care of ourselves and our families, we continue to be here for you. We will continue, with the help of our lay leaders, to reach out to every single household. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need anything. And, please remember that although we are not holding in-person services, you can join us every weekday evening and morning as well as Friday night and Shabbat morning via livestream https:// We even have pdfs of our siddurim so you can follow along. We will also begin offering different learning opportunities and programming online so that we all can stay as connected as possible. It will allow everyone “inside” when we cannot be together in our building. It is important that we continue to take every precaution necessary to slow the
spread of this virus. Please listen to the experts! Practicing good self-care is very important to our mental health. If you are able, take a walk or two around your neighborhood just to get some fresh air. If you haven’t done it yet, carve out time to create a call list. I have been calling people over a certain age in our congregation every day. You can also. 3-5 minutes. A check in. Sharing a silly joke. Something to make you and them smile. The human voice matters. You can call anyone in your social orbit. By now, many of us have learned to master Zoom/FaceTime/Skype technology. This will be the standard for the foreseeable future. Set up a video chat with a friend. Knowing how to use these platforms will help you take classes and stay connected. The interface and seeing one another has helped me maintain focus and helped us feel closer by seeing one another. Utilize services you can during this time, but do so without bucking the rules or the guidelines. It helps our economy and our world. Ask for help. No one is getting a medal after this ordeal, except for all the brave souls on the front lines! If you are having a hard time, ask for a break. There are people to help. Offer respite to others who might need it. Be present without interacting, if you can. The heroes of this moment will not wear capes. Do not be bashful asking for or offering some sense of help. Pause for blessing. Each meal. Each contact with another person. We all need to take the time and be thankful for what we have. The pessimist will ask “how much longer will this last?” I remind myself that as we count up towards Shavuot, we are closer to the end of this ordeal. Try to focus on progress. (continued on page 3) Rosa Parks statue
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held in June, 2020, date tba, beginning with Minyan at 7:45 p.m. and immediately followed by the meeting. Notice to be sent to the Congregation. The Agenda is as follows: 1. Committee Reports and Highlights 2. Presentation and Vote on the 2020-2021 Slate of Officers and Board of Trustee Members 3. Presentation and Vote on the 2020-2021 Budget Nominating Committee’s Slated Officers & Board of Trustees for Fiscal Year beginning July 1, 2020 OFFICERS: President Tanya Solomon VP Fundraising Howard Sigal* VP House Raymond Rokni* VP Membership Randy Samborn VP Programming Ellen Grossman VP Ritual Seth Schrank * VP School Alan Zelkowitz VP Social Action Dr. Bob Spector* VP Youth Dan Sher Administrative Secretary Teri Robins Accounts Rec Secretary Cheryl Braude Financial Secretary Marjorie Maxwell Treasurer Jim Donenberg Immediate Past President Debbie Solomon *denotes new nominee BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Judy Balter Rick Dissen Ari Footlik Howard Freidin Suzy Hakimian Myra Holman Susan Lampert Dr. Rachel Laven* Diana Lewis Karyn Liss Bret Maxwell Wes Nissen Jill Olefsky *denotes new nominee
Norman Padnos Fern Roseman Neil Rosengard* Jill Roter Brad Shaps Beth Sher Bill Shulman Laura Shulman Jay Silver* Steve Warshawsky Sara Weinstein Dr. Steve Zaacks Harry Zoberman Jackie Zelkowitz*
Respectfully Submitted by the 2020 Nominating committee: Cheryl Braude Sandee Levin Harold Dembo Teri Robins Steven Elisco - Men’s Club President Tami Rokni Ari Footlik Robyn Rosengard - Sisterhood President Susan Lampert Debbie Solomon - Chair and Immediate Past President Tanya Solomon - President Jewish Child & Family Services (JCFS) has a partnership with Congregation Beth Shalom Dawn Levin, our Jewish Community Liaison at JCFS, is available to offer support, assistance and make connections for congregants experiencing challenges or looking for mental health or social service resources.
OFFICE CLOSINGS (Closed all day unless noted)
For more information about services provided by the Jewish Child & Family Services or to contact Dawn or call 847.745.5450 or visit JCFS. org.
Friday, May 29 Shavuot
Monday, May 25 Memorial Day
Shalom all, I am writing this article as we are all “social distancing”, following the guidelines of the CDC and the government to the best of our abilities. Perhaps by the time this article is printed we will have returned to some semblance of normal. The word “unprecedented” has been used over and over the last few months to describe our situation, but it is accurate. This pandemic has turned our world upside down, tested leaders, shaken systems, and laid economies low. And through it all, we have been tasked to physically isolate ourselves at a time when that social connection feels even more necessary and important.
At the Yom Kippur appeal this year, I asked all of you why were we here, what did being part of our CBS community mean? I spoke about the connections we make and the meaning we derive from them. This crisis has provided new meaning to the answers to my question. When the crisis struck our clergy immediately moved to livestreaming services, minyans, and classes. Our CBS programs were adapted to go online. Our Youth and Young Family Outreach department has been thriving, our Religious School is continuing to teach in a meaningful way responding to the needs of our families, our maintenance staff has been working to keep our building safe for when we return. Yes, our staff have risen to a challenge that no one imagined would occur. They have responded quickly and efficiently with creativity, compassion, transparency, and even humor. Your Board has reached out to you with phone calls and check-ins. Our congregants have reached out to help each other with acts of kindness and charity. We are supporting you, and in turn, you are supporting us. We are using technology to deepen our connections and interactions with each other. A month ago, I could not have imagined a situation where I would say that the computer, social media, texting, and zoom meetings could unite us, but they have. More than ever, being a member here at CBS is essential to our network of reliance upon each other. Individually, we can look at this time apart to become closer to friends and families, learn new topics, be creative with work, and focus on helping our communities’ long distance. As a synagogue, we are forging ahead with an innovative way to increase these social connections. You will hear more about this program, called CBS YACHAD Affinity Groups, from our Membership Vice President, Randy Samborn, very soon. We will be reaching out to the congregation in the spring and summer as we organize to obtain your involvement. Think of this as getting smaller in order to grow bigger - a way to deepen your social connections to CBS and make your membership here even more meaningful and relevant. All storms eventually pass. It’s how we weather them that counts. I believe that with all of us working together, we will come through this stronger than ever before. Let’s try to look at this pandemic as an opportunity to grow, to renew our connections, and to live our mission statement together. Tanya
(continued from front page Rabbi Melman’s Minutes) These are just some suggestions. Plenty has NOT worked well. Trust me. We still don’t have a play book on this process. I didn’t take a class on this in rabbinical school. But, a few things have helped and that’s what I wanted to share. I hope you will do the same. I shared this prayer at the beginning of our isolation and I share it again. The prayer comes from Mishkan R’Fuah: Where Healing Resides put out by the Central Conference of American Rabbis. On Being Unable to Participate in Jewish Life O Holy One of Blessing, I find myself in a place where it is difficult to participate in the Jewish life I have built. While my soul yearns for tradition, I face limitations. I feel compromised. I know that above all You and our sages have taught that life must not be endangered. Healing of both body and spirit are a supreme Jewish value, and so I must adjust my involvement to follow Your highest call to care for my health. While we are permitted to forgo some observances in the interest of life and health, I still pray that You understand that I do this not out of neglect, but because of circumstance. As I move through this trying period, O God, please know that I honor as best I can the spirit, intent, and sanctity of what is holy to our people. Most of all, I pray that all of us remain safe. You are in our thoughts and prayers each minute. We are here for you. Always. Rabbi Aaron Melman
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
CANTOR’S NOTES Cantor Stoehr
(This article was written prior to the Coronavirus pandemic but I think it is still pertinent.) On a website, REASON: Free Minds and Free Markets, there is an article about a book by Laurence B, Siegel, titled “Fewer, Richer, Greener”. The article by Ronald Bailey begins: "Let's not teach our children that apocalyptic thinking is right thinking," says Laurence Siegel. Apocalypticism "has always been wrong as a forecast, and it will continue to be wrong." Whenever I read an article, however obscure from my regular path of investigation of the world, I try to find a way to apply it to my life, my career and my community.
Siegel speaks, in an interview that “we evolved under conditions in which not only the individual but the whole species were often in danger of extinction. Our neural network says to us all the time: That could be a tiger, or it could be a rabbit, so let’s assume it’s a tiger (worst case scenario). In the modern world though that often leads us to worry more about some dangers than we need to, because they rarely or never occur anymore.” We don’t think of homelessness as a Jewish problem. We used to not think of domestic abuse or alcoholism as one either, but we have been awoken to that reality. Do we need to do more? Do we need to worry? That got me thinking. Jewish people are genetically prone to worry. We are doomsdayers. When is the next pogrom coming? When is the next tsuris going to hit? I have not been feeling well, I hope it isn’t _____ (fill in your choice of disease). And yet the Jewish people are called by the Prophet Zacheriah, Aseiri Tikvah, Prisoners of Hope. Our national anthem in Israel is titled HaTikvah, the Hope, so we do have a balance of perspective. In a 2017 sermon by Rabbi Annie Belford, of Houston Texas, entitled, ‘what happens to one of us, happens to all of us,’ she notes: Recently, newspaper headlines blazed with the words: Jewish man's kippah ripped off head; perpetrator shouted, "you're in America now!" Another headline said, "Jewish man's words of praise to God caused him to be kicked off airplane, questioned as terrorist." They are true, every single one. Except they did not happen to Jewish men and women; they happened to Muslim men and woman. In spite of these events Belford, based on responses of the Jewish people through history to personal and national trauma, offers her outlook for hope, and I agree with her. I hope that the holiday of Shavuot gives us cause to celebrate and see the potential growth of joy in our lives. Just as our ancestors have survived crisis and challenge and yet survived to bring forth more generations of our People so too do I pray that we can, in unison with all peoples, bring a healthier world for the next generation. Humankind will survive if we recall the aspect of being human which is equally vital, which is being kind. The REASON site article concludes: "Life has improved tremendously in the last 250 years; this book argues that it will continue to improve in almost every dimension; health, wealth, longevity, nutrition, literacy, peace, freedom, and so forth," he writes. "Without overlooking the many obstacles on the path of progress, my aim is to reinforce and help restore people's faith in the future - and help them understand why optimism is amply justified." I had the pleasure of hosting a visit to CBS by a community group called the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom. This group is made up of women from various religious communities, primarily Jewish and Muslim. It was a delightful time sharing ideas of faith, and fear and a common purpose of building a safe world in which understanding of one another is driven far deeper than just reading headlines. To quote the final line of Rabbi Belford’s sermon: B'ezrat Hashem. Insha Allah. May this truly be God's will.
SHAVUOT LIBRARY SHAVUOT THE MEANING OF THE HOLIDAY Shavuot, also known as the “Feast of Weeks,” was originally celebrated as a Thanksgiving for the “First Fruits.” The Torah refers to Shavuot as “Chag HaBikkurim,” the festival of the first fruits, which our ancestors observed by bringing offerings of the best produce to the Temple. During the period leading up to Shavuot, we count each day beginning on the Second Night of Pesach. This counting, “S’firat Ha’Omer,” highlighted our ancestors’ hopes that Shavuot, the end of the Omer counting, would yield a bountiful crop. Coincidently, the Omer period encompasses many of the tragedies of our people over the generations. Therefore, it is customary to prohibit weddings during a specific part of the seven weeks as a sign of national mourning. In addition to being an agricultural festival, Shavuot is also a celebration of the Jewish Peoples’ receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Although the Torah does not identify Shavuot in this context, the Talmud has an undisputed tradition that the Torah was given at this time. Therefore, we stay up studying on the first night of the festival, and the Ten Commandments are read in the Synagogue on the first day. Of the major Jewish Holidays, Shavuot is sometimes overlooked. It doesn’t have quite the gravitas of the High Holidays, the fun (or hassle) of eating outside in the Sukkah, nor the nostalgia of Passover Seders. In fact, the folk tradition most strongly associated with it is eating dairy foods, (especially cheesecake). In a sense though, more than any other day on the Jewish calendar, it is the holiday of Jewish identity; it is the holiday which celebrates the Torah, the central teaching which is at the root of Jewish action and belief. It is so closely associated with identity, that it is the day on which we read the book of Ruth and celebrate those who choose to join our community as converts. SCHEDULE OF SHAVUOT SERVICES Thursday, May 28 Ma’ariv/Service to Welcome the Festival of Shavuot 7:45 PM The Tikkun Leyl Shavuot – An evening of study with the clergy and members of the congregation will begin shortly after the conclusion of the service. Friday, May 29 Festival Service and Special Procession of the “First Fruits” (see below) Mincha/Ma’ariv /Shabbat Services
9:30 AM 7:45 PM
Saturday, May 30 Festival Service/Shabbat Service/Yizkor Mincha
9:30 AM 12:45 PM
FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 29 PROCESSION OF “FIRST FRUITS” & CEREMONY FOR OUR YOUNGEST CHILDREN Shavuot, as a Festival of the Harvest, is a uniquely appropriate time to welcome all our new arrivals collectively – all of the kids and grandkids who have been brought into the community - as they join our people, similar to how we stood together at Mt. Sinai. Therefore, we invite and encourage all families with their children 6 years and younger (infants too, of course) to be in the synagogue by about 10:45 AM on Friday, May 29th for a special procession and ceremony to welcome our children to the covenant as the Ten Commandments are chanted from the Torah. Each child will receive an apple and have the opportunity to see the open Torah. This should be a beautiful opportunity to express our thankfulness to God for the bounty of our children. We hope many children, together with their parents and grandparents, will attend.
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
AFFINITY GROUPS CBS YACHAD Affinity Groups to Launch this Fall If you have an interest, hobby, or activity that lends itself to small group participation, then Congregation Beth Shalom is offering a new program this fall tailored for you, CBS YACHAD Coming Together. CBS has long served as a home away from home, providing its members with connections to the Jewish community through spiritual, educational, and social interaction. Now, as we learn to live with social distancing, CBS is creating new opportunities to enhance personal connections and make them even stronger. After study and planning by the CBS Membership Committee, we are poised to begin the broader next steps in forming CBS YACHAD, or “affinity groups,” which will unite small groups around common interests, assisted by CBS staff but driven by lay leaders and participants. CBS YACHAD has one goal: connecting with friends, but it will also strengthen our members’ relationships to the synagogue, as well as each other, while serving as an innovative tool in membership recruitment and retention. Based on the concepts of “relational Judaism,” detailed in books and writing by Dr. Ron Wolfson, CBS YACHAD will engage members in activities they enjoy, while also fostering small group relationships within our large community that will keep members connected and involved. We will be reaching out to segments of our community, through discussions and an online survey, to gather information about individuals’ interests and demographics. We will be asking, for example, “What would you enjoy doing if you had a group of 5-10 people who would join you?” Just a few examples could include but not limited to; Hiking Groups, Canasta for Fun, Eating Explorers, Gourmet Cooking, Bridge, Israeli Conversation, Book Clubs, Mah Jongg, Fantasy Sports Leagues, Exercise Groups, Whiskey Group, Vegan Group, Museum Goers, Women’s Groups, Men’s Groups, etc., etc., etc. The idea is finding your passion and sharing it with others who share the same. Over the summer, we plan to identify and train individual members who will lead various YACHAD groups by planning and organizing activities outside the synagogue that will forge relationships among our members. Participating in and belonging to a YACHAD group will also help attract new members – perhaps your neighbor or a relative who shares a common interest by connecting with them at their level. Synagogues and temples in Atlanta, New York, and California are enjoying renewed success by adopting the principles of relational Judaism, engaging members’ personal interests, and enhancing their spiritual connections through affinity groups. At CBS, we are constantly working to enhance the relational experience for our members. Please look for more information as we move forward and contact me if you have any questions or comments at Randy Samborn Membership Vice President Celebrate 18 Honoring Rabbi Melman’s Chai Anniversary Rescheduled for Sunday, October 18th 5:00 - 8:00 pm at Congregation Beth Shalom Dinner, Entertainment by Neshama Carlebach, Tribute Book, Raffle Go to for details and to RSVP by September 1, 2020! 6
Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)
BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - June Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from CBS Sisterhood: Marla Kazan 1 Talia Block 1 Fay Wasserman 2 Paula Fohrman 2 Becky Charous 3 Frances Binder 4 Diane Israel 4 Rosalind Schwartz 5 Rita Janowitz 5 Rochelle Breger 5 Susan Elbaum 5 Jaclyn Holtzman 5 Arlene Gelman 5 Rosalyn Mokhtarian 6 Francine Dundore 6 Carol Abrahams 7 Eva Footlik 7 Gail Meyers 7 Marla Patzik 8 Fern Netzky 8 Fern King 8 Shirley Kessler 10 Sheila Savitt 11 Revelle Schachter 11 Beverly Weisenberg 11 Gabrielle Sanders 12 Gdalina Novitsky 13
Lisa Orlov Meryl Auslander Claudia Travis Marjorie Maxwell Barbara Tatz Lana Goldman Yuliya Kravtsov Rachel Birkner Geraldine Anderson Harriet Goldberg Linda Weingart Jane Wein Donna Katz Jill Carter Simone Toubes Ruth Baruch Elyssa Siegel Helene Becker Emily Widen Carol Schnitzler Tammy Lew Eileen Sherman Sandra Abrams Rachel Grossman Suzanne Gilford Merle Fishman Nathan Linda Foster Leslie Berkowitz Lisa Rosengard Lawyer
13 13 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 17 18 18 18 19 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 21 21 22
Stephanie Roseman Karin Shapiro Laurie Shapiro Sharon Yusim Lauri Shamis Adrianne Varhula Ann Lessman Marla Elsberg Judy Sandack Sue Drayer Sandy Falkin Jennifer Schwartz Lisa Ackerman Beverly Binstein Sally Evans Lisa Gaffen Sharon Lefkovitz Ann Matasar Rose Goldberg Jennifer Klein Renee Cohen Judi Steinberg Melanie Arons Gina Silverman Ilene Iglarsh Judith Rowe Jane Siedband Melissa Barany Holly Gail
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Happy Anniversary – June Marc Glickman & Lisa Block Donald & Barbara Newman 55 yrs Wesley & Susan Nissen Howard & Judith Sandler Jeffrey Smoler & Helen Dym-Smoler Jerome & Gloria Sperber Charles & Faye Feinstein Bernard & Marlene Lipson Michael & Wendy Latash I. Steven & Carol Edelson Jeremy & Jenna Bauer Raymond & Tami Rokni Irving & Andrea Shainberg Jonathan & Rachel Laven 15 yrs David & Yuliya Kravtsov 15 yrs Charles & Cathy Schwartz Michael & Judy Balter 45 yrs Jacob & Ruth Baruch Bruce & Nancy Chudacoff Jordan & Alexandra Light Milton & Joan Blum William & Sherry Weinstein Gary & Sandra Abrams Joel & Susan Fink 20 yrs Jeffrey & Judith Graff Howard & Paula Serlin Michael & Donna Pekay David & Pauline Gimbel Jeff & Myndee Balkan Richard & Nancy Sher 50 yrs Andrew & Michelle Kaboff Bruce & Marla Massel William & Leslie Schloss Jeffrey & Hillary Cohen Charles & Shari Karp Stanley & Barbara Neimark 55 yrs Burt & Gayle Zis Larry & Barbara Libauer 60 yrs David & Randi Starkston A. Jerald & Bonnie Rothenberg Ellis & Rebecca Sostrin Phil & Katharine Levin
40 yrs
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
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Alan & Karen Hoffman Harold & Andrea Kessler Lawrence & Beth Levine Herbert & Shirley Roskin David & Charlene Sales Stuart & Phyllis Simon Ronald & Shelly Betman Howard & Mindy Kaplan David & Barbara Menn Wayne & Dianne Paprocki 20 yrs Charles & Karen Schulman Irving & Shirley Fuld Donald & Marcy Grant Projansky Dan & Joyce Rabinowitz Steven & Susan Stoehr Mark & Susan Jesselson Jeffrey & Barbara Lerch Allen & Sharon Lefkovitz David & Leslie Abramson Marshall & Barbara Dickler Leonard & Rochelle Millman 50 yrs Steven & Lila Weiland Martin & Barbara Winn Ben & Jennifer Dolin 50 yrs David & Audrey LeCavalier Gerald & Renee Cohen Paul & Lorna Cohen Jeffrey & Bonnie Kramer 45 yrs Lawrence & Sandra Levin Bradley & Donna Sabin Ira & Eileen Rosenbaum Foster & Dana Elliott Brian & Lisa Ackerman Jeffrey & Carol Apfelbaum Myron & Marsha Glassenberg 50 yrs Steven & Karen Grad David & Cheryl Ginsburg Ronald & Sherry Rubinstein 35 yrs Joel & Sharon Schwartz 40 yrs Paul & Susan Eisenstadt Adam Sussman & Karen Stone Robert & Arona Boron
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Gary & Deborah Greenspan Robert & Marla Israel 30 yrs Maurice & Sheila Netter Mark & Michelle Schneider Jeremy & Hillary Elkins Adam & Lauren Koenig Ellen & Jeffrey Gluskin Andrew & Mona Berman David & Suzy Hakimian H. Ari & Gitie Jaffe Steve & Heidi Reitman 25 yrs Herbert Lesnoy & Loly Farnos 20 yrs Dan & Beth Levin Howard & Eileen Bengelsdorf Michael & Karla Goldman Murry & Sandra Randell 60 yrs Jim & Deborah Hamilton Arthur & Annlee Herbstman Tommy & Helen Rifkin Marc & Judy Samotny 15 yrs Don & Marilyn Sneider 60 yrs Morris & Irene Kletzel Rick & Robin Dissen Jay & Karen Kaufman Steven & Sandy Sandler Kenneth & Joan Siegan Howard & Donna Fox Brian & Dana Millman Arie & Julie Degabli Marvin & Catheryn Rotstein Norman & Darlene Padnos David & Diana Freeman Leonard Gilbert & Abby Strauss 5 yrs Rick & Hilary Braun 45 yrs Jim & Fran Donenberg 40 yrs Shahrouz Kashizadeh & Neda Rahmanim Dennis & Ellen Mink 35 yrs Arthur & Ethel Obrand Joel & Lee Meyers Aaron & Lauren Bauer Richard & Susan Weiss
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It’s hard to believe that it is finally May. Over the last few months our world has faced challenges we have never had to face. While social distancing took a second for us to adjust to, our Youth Department hit the e-ground running. Over the last month and a half our USY Chapter took on the challenge of bringing the Gloss Youth Lounge online. Through programming every day of the week, we were able to connect and engage with our USY members as well as members from all over the country who joined in on our programs and calls. Our young families have also gotten in on the fun with “CBS Craft Time”, cooking with our sous chef Taylor, and our Shabbat With a Twist Facebook Live streams. Who could forget about our Wednesday evening story times with Rabbi Melman? (A personal favorite of mine.)
Our Youth Department has partnered with the Religious School to provide fun activities to connect both online and offline. We love seeing your answers to the riddles!
At the beginning of April, our USY Chapter attended the CHUSY Region Kinnus Spring Convention via Zoom. We are incredibly proud to announce that our USY Chapter was awarded Chapter of the Year for the CHUSY Region. The award highlights one chapter that has demonstrated extraordinary performance throughout the academic year. In addition to taking home the region’s most prestigious award, our chapter also took home four program awards for outstanding programming. This year our teen leaders began the year with a goal to provide the most engaging, dynamic, and inclusive programming that CBS had ever seen. The dedication and time spent by the teens to create this environment is remarkable and I could not be prouder of what we have accomplished this year. Congrats to all of the CBS USY’ers who helped make the Gloss Youth Lounge such a special place. In addition to our chapter’s success, we are pleased to announce that we have three USY leaders who have been elected to the CHUSY Regional Executive Board! Congratulations to Geoffrey Gitles (President), Ashley Star (Executive Vice President), and Brandon Wagner (Social Action/ Tikun Olam Vice President). CBS is incredibly proud of you and we are so excited to see what you accomplish next year! Eric Something we are proud of at CBS The Bernard Grad Chesed Fund at Congregation Beth Shalom was established in 1997 in memory of Bernard Grad, with much gratitude to his family and friends. In conjunction with the CBS Sisterhood Mitzvot Committee, the Bernard Grad Chesed fund helps to provide compassionate assistance to our members in need. We are fortunate to have volunteers who provide transportation for medical appointments upon request. In recent months, requests for transportation have grown and our volunteer pool is limited; the Bernard Grad Chesed fund can provide local taxi vouchers for our members to get to medical appointments as well as to CBS for Shabbat and classes and programs. This fund has also supported other “acts of kindness” including providing technology so a nursing home resident can enjoy our Shabbat live streams, covering the costs for tahara when our Chevre Kadisha volunteers are unable to assist and specialized medical transportation for a member confined to a wheelchair. We kindly ask that you consider supporting the Bernard Grad Chesed Fund at CBS so we can continue to offer these important benefits for our congregants. Also, if you would like to join the Mitzvot Committee by offering to drive a person in need, please call Fern Roseman at 847-564-9266. You can support this fund at any time through your MyCBS account, or by calling our office to make a donation. On behalf of all members of Congregation Beth Shalom, we thank you for your generous and ongoing support of the Bernard Grad Chesed Fund. 8
B’NAI MITVAH Scheduled for May 2, 2020 DAVID GREENFIELD Son of Anne & Michael Greenfield Brother of Rebecca Greenfield Grandson of Dr. Joel West & Carole West, Rabbi Morris & Suzanne Greenfield
Scheduled for May 24, 2020 MICAH GOTTSTEIN Son of Amy & Dan Gottstein Brother of Owen Gottstein Grandson of Debbie & Norman Schein, Carrie & Jerry Gottstein
Scheduled for May 9, 2020 JUSTIN GRIEF Son of Kimberly & Samuel Grief Brother of Alexa Grief Grandson of Eileen & Stuart Eisenberg, Eleanor Grief & Harvey Spence, Louis Grief of Blessed Memory, Sydney Pomerantz of Blessed Memory
Scheduled for May 24, 2020 SYLVIA SCHMITZ Daughter of Peter Schmitz & Fran Greenman-Schmitz Sister of Alexa Schmitz Granddaughter of Joel & Judy Greenman
Scheduled for May 16, 2020 AVA ZEFF Daughter of Stephen & Tina Zeff Sister of Lily Zeff Granddaughter of Lauren Wellner, Elaine Zeff, Ronald Wellner of Blessed Memory, David Zeff of Blessed Memory
Shira Cohen
Dear Beth Shalom family, Let your imagination bloom this spring! Looking for Digital books and audiobooks?
Email the library with the most recent title you loved and/or what type of book you are looking for and I will send you some recommendations.
Spring book suggestions: Adults - Cilka’s Journey: A Novel by Heather Morris* -The Fifth Column by Andrew Gross (mystery/thriller)* -The Room on Rue Amelie by Kristin Harmel* -The Secrets We Kept: A Novel by Lara Prescott* -The Third Daughter: A Novel by Talia Carner* -Tears of Sorrow Seeds of Hope by Rabbi Nina Beth Cardin
Whether it is a thrilling mystery novel, historical novel or nonfiction for all ages, I am happy to help!
Youth -Cheesecake for Shavuot by Maile Allison* -A Heart Just Like My Mother’s by Lela Nargi* -Sadie’s Lag Ba’Omer Mystery by Jamie Korngold* -Shmulik Paints the Town by Lisa Rose (Yom Ha’atzmaut) -Stella Brings the Family by Miriam B. Schiffer* -Yossi and the Monkeys by Jennifer Tzivia MacLeod (Shavuot)*
*also available in digital format through the cloudLibrary app. CBS Book Nook: Summer Reading Rekindle your love of reading by meeting with other readers. Share your favorite recent read or come hear about recommended sunny titles in a casual atmosphere at your CBS Library. Wednesday, June 3rd @ 7:30pm-8:30pm Please RSVP by May 27th | 847-498-4100 Ext. 34 or
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
A Look Back at April What a strange month is has been with schools and businesses moving to online platforms as we stayed home. I quickly reached out to my staff to see how they were doing. Then, as a school, the teachers and I contacted every family by phone to check in and see how we could help. We relayed messages to clergy and tutors as well as dropping off supplies.
After a parent survey towards the end of March, the teachers and I reflected upon the needs and requests of our families and quickly put a plan in place to continue Jewish education at CBS. This month we increased educational resources to families through both a weekly all school email and weekly grade level emails with videos, games, recipes and printable activities. We reached out to students who had been receiving tutoring and began new tutoring schedules via Zoom. Any families who had indicated on the survey that they would like to receive weekly tutoring were also contacted and tutoring began. Only a handful of families in each grade requested weekly Zoom classes but we began them and were quickly overwhelmed with the response and adapted by setting up smaller classes. Together students and staff learned how to utilize Zoom and enjoy seeing and learning together in a virtual world. The Religious School became even more creative in meeting the educational needs of families. The teachers designed take-andmake art project packets that were available to pick up from a bin at the front entrance of CBS. The school also partnered with the Youth Department for fun Heblish riddles and activities with video directions. Clergy were able to meet with groups of students for discussions and our music teacher led ruach sessions. It is with gratitude and respect that I thank our school staff, synagogue staff and families for the support, energy and plethora of ideas that have enabled us to continue. We look forward to a healthy May and a new school year on the horizon. B’shalom, Stacy Ybarra, Director of Education
When we look back on this unusual time in our lives, we will remember that it was not as difficult as we all thought it was while we were experiencing it. This was the most interesting Pesach I can remember. It was sad and happy and then sad all at the same time. In our house we love the traditions of Pesach and this year was no exception. And now we have the technology to have folks join in the fun even if they cannot make it to our table. I always try to find the silver lining in these types of things so here goes, my top 5 Quarantine highlights: 5.
I have really mastered the art of puzzle completion
I have improved my dishwasher loading efficiency
I am improving my skills on the computer and learning how to use it to stay connected to family and friends. It is much cooler than the phone.
My cooking skills have improved dramatically, even though I would still vote not to do the cooking. I think I have embraced my inner chef.
And the number 1 highlight of this quarantine experience. Drum Roll Please! 1.
My family and I have sat down to the dinner table together more in the past few weeks than we have, in well, forever. We are rediscovering each other. We are appreciating each other and remembering how nice it is to make the time to be together.
In these crazy times I hope that you can find a way to appreciate your loved ones and cherish the time that you get to spend with one another. Stay safe and healthy! With Love, Robyn Steven Elisco
As I write this in late March, Governor Pritzker has just extended the Stay at Home Order until April 30, 2020, so I am not sure where we will be at when you read this. With Men’s Club Shabbat not occurring as planned, I thought that I would share part of the D’var Torah I had intended to deliver that day.
Go onto or other environmental websites, to view the before and after CO2 maps and you will see a dramatic reduction in CO2 while we are staying at home. This proves human activities are contributing to Global Warming. More important, it proves we have the ability to change it. I was always shocked that over 20,000 people in our country die annually from the flu. We are learning the importance of good hygiene and not going out in public when we are ill. How wonderful would it be if we continue these new habits after COVID-19 is under control to dramatically reduce those annual deaths? The American creative and free spirit to rise to the occasion is alive and well. We can all be so proud of our fellow Americans who in the face of adversity are finding ways to make the lives of others better and on a larger scale saving so many others. This includes our CBS blood donors, who showed up at a Blood Drive in uncertainty, when otherwise we are not supposed to gather and in light of so many other Blood Drives being cancelled. It also includes our CBS volunteers who gather and deliver food to our schools for the food insecure children who live in our community. Of course, there are so many other examples. As Jews, we are no strangers to adversity under grave circumstances. We have that ability to stay the course and if needed, reconsider and find another way to get through the difficulties, to reach the other side. It is this, combined with the teachings of our Torah and faith in God, which will get us through this as well. L 'Shalom, Steven MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
MILESTONES PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Lynda & Alan Wallis are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Jonah Leon Wallis Lynda & Alan Wallis are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Walker Reid Bauer Marla & Jonathan Kazan are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Tali Coco Shapiro Rabbi Stanley & Frances Kazan are happy to announce the birth of their great granddaughter, Tali Coco Shapiro Cynthia & Bruce Shankman are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Barak Lahav Schwartz Hillary & Jeremy Elkins are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Maya Lily Elkins Marjorie & Bret Maxwell are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Maya Lily Elkins Jessica & Bradley Taub are happy to announce the birth of their son, Finneas Maxwell Taub Amy & Joel Taub are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Finneas Maxwell Taub Muriel Marks is happy to announce the birth of her great grandson, Finneas Maxwell Taub Beth & Mike Gilford are happy to announce the engagement of their son, Josh, to Michele Gohde The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Joyce Persky on the passing of her cherished partner, Alan O. Miller Larry Zelen on the passing of his mother, Sandra I. “Sandi” Zelen Brenda Stone on the passing of her brother, Michael Bruce Fox Sam Tatel on the passing of his father, Dr. Fredric S. Tatel Martin Weiland on the passing of his wife, Marcia Weiland Steve Weiland on the passing of his mother, Marcia Weiland Amy Weiland on the passing of her mother, Marcia Weiland Barbara Wald on the passing of her sister, Marcia Weiland Linda Tepper on the passing of her stepson, Michael Steven Tepper David Charous on the passing of his father, Donald I. Charous, MD Dr. Steven Charous on the passing of his father, Donald I. Charous, MD Ethel Obrand on the passing of her husband, Arthur L. Obrand Sue Weinstein on the passing of her sister, Sherry Grabois Alan Treguboff on the passing of his brother, Howard Treguboff
MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Call Maria Catezone (847-498-4100) for information or to order a plaque. In memory of AARON GLASSENBERG by Marsha & Myron Glassenberg In memory of BARBARA SHARON DOPPELT by Pamela A. Doppelt-Schwartz
In honor of our 72nd Anniversary, Edith’s Birthday and in memory of Sam Silver and Anne Schiff. Edith and Max Sokol Death of Esteemed Members:
Betty Primer Sandra I. “Sandi” Zelen Dr. Fredric S. Tatel Marcia Weiland Arthur L. Obrand CBS Yahrzeit Notifications
We are currently unable to send paper Yahrzeit notifications. If you do not hear from our staff regarding your loved ones' Yahrzeit(s), please call the office, leave a message and someone will get back to you with the information you need. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this time.
YAHRZEITS May 1 Bernard Auerbach Joshua Diesenhaus Walter Freed Sofiya Kantor Seymour Kaplan Morris Kaufman Pearl Rose Harold Silverstein Emily Sisser Seena Sloan Samuel A. Victor Gary Viner May 2-8 Gedi Ben-Dov Philip Dolin Hyman Fridkin Jacob Levi Geller Leah Gertzfeld Susan Goldstein Norman Isaacs Celia Pestine William H. Brown Louis H. Cohen Morris Hartzman Gene Jesselson Nathan Krefetz Carol Leff Shirley Liebman Maurice Mandell Morris Polay Israel Stebelman Max Vincent Marian Cohen Celia W Ellis Sylvia Goldman Max D. Greenberg Evelyn Kalter Minnie Kriesman Joseph Letwat Allan Neimark Ida Silberman Yaffe Sheldon Yusim Samuel Zakon Celia Zaransky Dora Abel Frances Agrest Clyde Czoschke Helen Davis Bert Finkel Dr. Howard Glazier Gizella Schwartz Elaine H. Smith Ronald Wellner Carmela Arbel Bernard Goldlust Pauline Jesser Samuel Kanterovitz Seymour Lampert Leo Malkin Dolly Oppman Lillian Price Julius Rosenstein Ida Rose Rotman Myrtle Schwartz Samuel Smithson Irving Teplitz Gladys Vission Maurice Weiner Dr. Bernard Widen Louis Winokur Otto Wolff
Harris Block Ida Lewin Natalie Ligier Edward Norman Loeb Samuel Millman Kiva Radovskiy Phyllis Schneider Jay J. Strauss Irving Zelkowitz Joseph Becker Leo Elbaum Sydney Gainsberg Marcia Gnippe Dorothy Rosenberg Sheldon L. Salter Harry Adam Seltzer Manuel Zaveduk Belle Zeman May 9-15 Barbara Baren Cohen David Goldstein Elinore H. Kaufmann Richard Ludwig Irvin Salky Max Stepkin Mr. & Mrs. Waldman Norma Weinstein Sally Zare Paul Blitstein Yenta Blitt Florence Buchsbaum May Levy Rose Rotman Jerry Rotstein Shirley Sender Bert Sigal Philip Steinway Bess Weinstein Jeanette Berkelhamer Alvin Dolnick Estelle Dunn Della Feather Rose Goberstein Zachary Gordon Beth Fine Kaplan Frances Kessler Gertrude Levinson Meyer Lipschultz Dolores Miller Stewart Segal Abraham Meyer Simon Sylvia Solomon Bessie Taplin Martin B. Zells Judith Cohen Leah Davis Cohen Max Edelstein Zina Gelman Arnold Lee Greenberg Ann Hochman Bernard Lampert Abraham Levy Morris Zaransky Fannie Binder Mollie Cherney Anne Cohen Barry Edelman Maurice Engerman Sol Ganellen Phil Harris Florrie Janus Eva Lew
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
Alex Lewitz Anne Mermel Blossom Mutchnik Anna Neer Marcia Nussbaum James Pawlak Harry Proeh Myrtle Roskin Ruth Schaeffer Lanny Young Helen Ash Charles Berg Clara Blustein Doris Byk Benjamin Dubrow Beatrice Feinstein Esther Francis Hyman Gebel Doris Goldberg Esther Heller Edythe Horwitz Theresa B. Levine Leo Liberman Gertrude Novish Ernestine Perry Allen Rubnitz Stanley E. Samuels Rose C. Sideman Bessie Solomon Dorothy Sugerman Martin Saul Warshawsky Mimi Barr Bessie Berkowitz Barbara Sharon Doppelt Wilfred Greenberg Lillian Hass William Kahan Marjory R. Kreda Mary Lezak Joan Schwade Ofelia Shaftal Lillian Spitzer May 16-22 Harry Abrams Molly Basofin Henry Budweg Susan Burstein George Ekstein Lee Elliott Margaret Fisher Rose Held Charles Immergluck Nathan Kirshenbaum Ruth Lieberman Lena Ofengender Fannie Rabinowitz Irene Slotky Morris Vodianoy Suzanne Wilensky Elsie Zeidman Meyer Cohen Kenneth Deutsch Belle Goldin Helen Handelsman Alice Katzenstein Joyce Leven Ethel Levy Jean Maxwell David Medansky Irving Rosenberg Jeanne Nadelman Weislander
Samuel H. Block Harold Crafton Gertrude Dubin Grace Vento Friend Benjamin Gruenberg Barry Horwitz Calvin Kramer Gillian Krieger Eugene Levin Rubin Levin Ben Mandel Leonard Rosenfeld Ira David Sokol Mary Steinberg Burton Stern Kenneth Weiss Pearl Albin Iris Bloom Jeanne Goldberg Selma Hirsch Arthur Hoover Louis Iglarsh Ann Lewis Jodi Polikov Harry Ripes Reva Schoichet Raymond Schwartz Jerome Morton Shapiro Gertrude Sideman Dr. Sidney Aronoff Nathan Bloom Rose Carp Sol Dolin Idelle Feldman Hymond Getzberg Morris Gitlitz Florence Goldman Zelda Leff Lawrence Rosner Gertrude Ross Abe “Boomey" Sachs Lillian Kass Simels David Nathan Slosky Emanuel Wexler Rose Block Steven T. Blum Kathleen Jo Checker Shirley Kosova Cohen Louis Cooper Evelyn Fein Isadore Gentner Herbert Hefter Harry Kaplan Louis Karlinsky Nessie Kessler Bernard Kuzan Irving Levin Andrea B. Medin Nathan S. Rabens Bennett Shulman Gloria Shwachman Walter Vorona Florence Baruck Esther Fogelson Samuel Goldman Perle Heftman Pearl Iglarsh Larry Kohn Ruth Koslowsky Irwin F. Malman Eddie Miller Jack Schulman Betty Steiner
Hyman “Hy" Wollman Herbert Wulf May 23-29 Diana F. Barrish Fanny Bersofsky Sylvia Chasen Harriet Chensky Florence Cohen Lillian Cohen Faye Danzig Harry J. Dunn Miriam Horwitz Esther Kulick Ilene Leon Shirley Massel Leonard Silverman Sam Singer Lee Singer Dena Slotky Sol Zisook Sophie Binstein Marvin Boiko Marsha Bosley Jack Boyansky Miguel Castellano Helen Hunt Alan Hurwick Lillian Lew Aaron Schonfeld Rose Agrest Hinda Chabner Leah Dickler Florence Dredze Libby Dubofsky Ethel Glikman Arthur Lasser Nathan Rosenthal Shirley Sonenfeld Alice Weinstock Arlyne Wolfson Mamie Yusim Daniel Simon Behar Sophie Berenson Dr. Lloyd Stephen Brookstein Pearl Dobrin Irving Echt Saidee Goldberg Goldie Harris Morton P Kessler Rose Kessler Leon Orchow Hyman Trubitt Ronald Wolf Della Albert Max Bogolub Abraham Cotton Lillian Fischer Sara Garber Cecelia Goldstein Roy Kramer Esther Malka Levitan Jeanne Lupel Sidney Markovitz Harry Silberman Aaron Speaker Lillian Zuber Arthur Michael Bloom Victor Calamaro Isadore Ellis Lolita Garcia de Farnos Carole Joyce Katz
Robert H. Klein Meyer Lezak Paul Oberlander William Schwartz Sylvia Wagmeister Schwartz Dr. Harry G. Zuber Letty Berman Alex Garden Andrei Klein Rose Kleinberg Barry Konlon Harry Kraft Darlene Lasser Annabelle Lebovitz Morris Lutz Allen Pergricht Pauline Ellen Raney Charles “Chuck" Salinger Walter Schulman Louis Shane Rebecca Wolkin Zelermyer May 30-31 Jeffrey Baitman Bob Edison Dr. Michael E Goldman Alex Jacobson Samuel Lurie Sara Markowitz Fern Maslov Lois Palkovitz Sylvia Silberman Florence Snitovsky Sam Belenke David Berger Barbara Bessinger Steffi Fischer Ronne Fisher Albert Friedman Judy Lapping Phillip Rome Rubin Silberman Fannie Silverman Max Stone Kopel Warshavky
DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Melman In honor of your Chai Anniversary Philip and Stephanie Auerbach Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of your 18 years of service Joyce Younes Marcia and Jim Milton In honor of your grandson, Zach's Bar Mitzvah Bonnie and Jeff Kramer Rabbi Stan and Frances Kazan For the birth of your great granddaughter, Tali Coco. Mazal Tov! Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Jerry Berman For a speedy recovery Ray and Arlene Handler Fred Fisher For a speedy recovery Ray and Arlene Handler Suzy and Joel Fink and Family In memory of Lois Simon Alan and Susie Wallach, Glenn and Cindy Schwartz Marty Weiland and Family In memory of your wife, Marcia Weiland Arlene and Ray Handler Ethel Obrand In memory of your husband, Art Obrand. We are so very sorry for your loss. We are sure you have some wonderful memories and we hope they keep you going for the next several months. Ray and Arlene Handler The Elias Family In memory of Sylvia Steinfeld Glenn and Cindy Schwartz Brenda Stone and Family In memory of Michael Bruce Fox, beloved brother, uncle and great-uncle Marlene and Bruce Saltzberg Ray and Tami Rokni In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni. With our deepest sympathy. Maureen and Linda Gold For the yahrzeit of my beloved father, Joaquin Farnos. May his memory be a blessing to all who knew and loved him. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of you Northbrook Inn Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the wonderful lunch in Florida Gerald and Irene Rogers Fred and Fran Hakimian For the birth of your great grandson, Brody Asher Myron and Marsha Glassenberg Jeffrey Kramer Best wishes for a speedy recovery! Sending lots of love! Mona and Andy Berman Sam Tatel and Family In memory of Fred Tatel Leonard and Phyllis Mason The Primer Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother and great grandmother, Betty Primer Jerry and Estelle Agrest, Sue and Abe Drayer, Neal and Yvonne Gomberg, Darlene and Norm Padnos Dan Remish In memory of your mother, Anna Remish Joel and Amy Taub Jean Kosova In memory of your mother, Elda Busby Fran Brookstein Ray and Tami Rokni In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Jerry and Estelle Agrest Robyn and Sam Elias In memory of your mother, Sylvia Steinfeld The Goberstein Family, Robin and Cliff Wolf Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In memory of Martin Anthony Gess. Thank you for your kind words of comfort, remembering the sad loss of my dear brother. Howard Minkoff and Marylyn Bogan-Minkoff
In honor of the birth of our granddaughter, Stevie Tess Mike and Beth Gilford Alan and Arlene Treguboff In memory of Howard Treguboff The Studnitzer and Schachter Families In memory of Flora Brookstein Fran Brookstein Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund In appreciation of our clergy Marlene Silverman Mort Skidelsky In honor of the 68th Anniversary of your Bar Mitzvah Larry and Fern Roseman Lynda and Alan Wallis For the birth of your grandsons, Jonah Leon and Walker Reid Carol Abrahams Shirley Patzik Samuels In honor of Brendan's Bar Mitzvah Larry and Fern Roseman Ray Rokni and Family In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Marshall and Barbara Dickler The Zelen Family In memory of Sandi Zelen Fern, Larry and Loren Roseman, Jodi, Adam, Jacob and Zoe Berlinger Lila and Steve Weiland In memory of your mom, Marcia Weiland. May her memory be for a blessing. Sue and Len Rubin The Persky and Immergluck Families In memory of Alan Miller The Berlinger and Roseman Families Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of your husband, Art Obrand Lillian Herter, Cece and Arlen Lasinsky, Karen Rosenthal Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of our dear friend, Arthur Obrand. Our friendship goes back to middle school in Los Angeles and beyond. Please accept this heartfelt donation to the congregation which Art loved. Harriet Newton and Family Jan Obrand In memory of your beloved father, Arthur Obrand Karen Rosenthal Dale and Beth Primer In memory of Betty Primer - our butterfly lady, with thanks for being on the Mitzvah Committee. Fern Roseman Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Jerry and Estelle Agrest In honor of you both celebrating very special birthdays! Charlotte Seltzer David and Suzy Hakimian For the birth of your grandson, Brody Asher Rick and Robin Dissen Lynda and Alan Wallis For the birth of your grandsons, Jonah Leon and Walker Reid Carol Abrahams Shirley Patzik Samuels In honor of your grandson, Brendan Patzik's Bar Mitzvah Leonard and Phyllis Mason Elaine Dunn In memory of your son, Jeffrey Dunn Patti Hirsch Marty Weiland and Family In memory of your wife, Marcia Weiland Jack and Sheila Marks, Leonard and Phyllis Mason Larry Zelen and Family In memory of your mother, Sandi Zelen. We are sorry for your loss. Joanne Cohn and Steve Cohn Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Marjorie and Bret Maxwell For the birth of your granddaughter, Maya Lily. Mazel Tov! Sara and Andy Poticha Gladys and Mitchel Greenberg In honor of the upcoming marriage of Aaron and Nez Edie Korman Brenda Stone and Family In memory of your beloved brother, Michael Fox Amy and Joel Taub Laura Tepper and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Michael Tepper Edie Korman
Beth, Dale, Lisa, and David In memory of Betty A. Primer. May Betty always be remembered as a blessing. Rabbi Nina J. Mizrahi and David Wagner Arlene and Alan Treguboff In memory of your brother, Howard Treguboff. May your memories of better times with Howard live on in your family. We are sorry for your loss. Sheila and Maury Netter Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Robyn and Sam Elias In memory of your beloved mother, Sylvia. We mourn her passing. We send you our deepest sympathy. Susan Pines and Wendy Helton Gold Family Sabbath Fund Cynthia and Bruce Shankman For the birth of your grandson, Barak Lahav Merrill F. Medansky Shari Wishing you a very speedy recovery Iris and Ira Lerner Marty Weiland In memory of your wife, Marcia Weiland. May her memory be for a blessing. David and Charlene Sales Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Art Obrand Fran and Fred Hakimian Jan Obrand In memory of your father, Arthur Obrand Ilene and Richard Fischman Tami and Ray Rokni In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Rick and Robin Dissen, Karen and Neil Fine, Ilene and Richard Fischman Robyn and Sam Elias and Family Please accept our condolences on the loss of your mother, Sylvia. Paula and Michael Fohrman and Family Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Sam Tatel In memory of your father, Fred Tatel Mark and Sharon Telpner Jenny Tatel In memory of your father, Fred Tatel Mark and Sharon Telpner Ray Rokni and Family In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Jack and Caron Knopoff The Obrand Family In memory of Art. He was both a mentor and a friend at M. Ecker and Company. We worked on some fun projects and came together again when he was with US Waterproofing. He definitely had a unique perspective. Robert B. Footlik High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund For the purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book The Elias Family In memory of Sylvia Steinfeld Ira and Adrienne Holtzman Larry and Stefanie Zelen In memory of your mother, Sandi Zelen Cindy and Bob Marder HUGS Fund Ray Rokni and Family In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Harry and Lily Zoberman Brenda Stone In memory of your brother, Michael Fox Jerry and Renee Cohen Larry Zelen In memory of your mother, Sandi Zelen Judy and Michael Balter Sam and Becca Tatel In memory of your loving father, Fred Tatel Lisa and Harold Dembo
DONATIONS Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Bob and Beth Footlik In honor of your grandson, Aidan's recent Bar Mitzvah. Mazel Tov! David and Bev Sugar Lewis Milton For the birth of your grandson, Tobias Gabriel. Mazel Tov! David and Bev Sugar and Family Rosalie Roth For the birth of your grandson, Tobias Gabriel David and Bev Sugar and Family Rabbi Stanley and Frances Kazan For the birth of your great granddaughter, Tali Coco Ray and Arlene Handler Gary and Debbie Solomon Mazel Tov on your 25th Anniversary! Jon, Denise, Joshua, Ethan, and Truffle The Sugar Family In memory of Janna Sugar Debra Brinkworth and Joe Muncer Debra Kay For the yahrzeit of your son, Brandon Rotstein. He is always remembered. Nessa Holzman Deanne Friedman, Elaine Dunn and Family In memory of your beloved brother, Jeffrey Dunn Jack and Marianne Bankier Shaynee Jankelovitz and Family In loving remembrance of David on his yahrzeit David and Bev Sugar Brenda Stone and Family In memory of your brother, Michael Fox Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Ray Rokni and Family In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Ray and Arlene Handler Sam Tatel and Family In memory of your dear father, Fred Tatel Ray and Arlene Handler The Zelen Family In memory of Sandi Zelen Jerry and Adrienne Bauer Larry and Stefanie Zelen & Wynne and David Baruch In memory of your beloved mother, Sandi Zelen. Your mother always had a smile on her face. We are so sorry for your loss and hope that the happy memories give you a reason to be happy. Ray and Arlene Handler (Marlene ad Marshall Hirshman's friends) Wynne and David Baruch We are so sorry to hear about the passing of your mother, Sandi Zelen. Jonathan and Denise Handler Steven Weiland and Family In memory of your mother, Marcia Weiland Rick and Robin Dissen, The Genender Family
Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Eileen Rosengard and Howard Getlin In honor of your granddaughter, Allie's Bat Mitzvah Jerry and Barbara Petasnick Tami and Ray Rokni and Family In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Judy and Michael Balter, Cindy and Bob Marder, Scott and Leslie Rogoff The Zelen Family In memory of Sandi Zelen Leslie, Scott, Marissa and Sophia Rogoff
Ruth and Robert Wershkoff Minyan Breakfast Fund The Tatel Family In memory of Fred Tatel Rick and Robin Dissen, The Rabinowitz Family
Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Ben Zaveduk and Family In memory of your wife, Adele Zaveduk Rick and Robin Dissen Marty Weiland and Family In memory of your beloved wife, Marcia Weiland Sheila and Harvey Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Medvin, Marc and Sara Weinstein Brenda Stone and Family In memory of Michael Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of your Fox Meryl and Eric Sussman husband, Art Obrand Ephraim and Gloria Knopoff, Marc Jan Obrand In memory of your loving father, Arthur and Sara Weinstein L. Obrand. May his memory be for blessing. Holly Brenda Stone In memory of your brother, Michael Kahan Fox Marc and Sara Weinstein Ray Rokni In memory of your dad. Condolences on Ray Rokni and Family In memory of your father, your loss. Shirley Israel Isaac Rokni Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Daniel and Eva For the yahrzeits of Harry Pestine, Alfred Sideman Blum Susan Pestine For the yahrzeit of my father, Morris Cohen Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Larry Cohen In honor of our Clergy. Thank you all! Reva For the yahrzeit of Jacob Glikman Helene Becker Gomberg For the yahrzeit of Ethel Grinker Joan Berke Steve and Matty Shechtman In honor of your For the yahrzeit of Ruth Ritt Anne Solar grandson, Jordan's Bar Mitzvah The Salzers For the yahrzeit of Eugene Solar Anne Solar Fred and Fran Hakimian For the birth of your For the yahrzeits of Sam Silver, Anne Schiff great grandson, Brody Asher Reva Gomberg Max and Edith Sokol Bobbie Fink For the birth of your great For the yahrzeit of Lillian Bentkover Burt granddaughter, Stevie Tess Reva Gomberg Bentkover The Treguboff Family In memory of Howard For the yahrzeit of Rochelle Lerner Jeff and Ellen Treguboff. May his memory be for a blessing to all Gluskin and Family who loved him. Robin and Steven Bright For the yahrzeit of Lenore Gluskin Jeff and Ellen Gluskin and Family Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund In memory of Joseph Benjamin Burton and Sheila The Kazan Family For the birth of Tali Coco Reva Benjamin Gomberg In memory of June Handler Raymond and Arlene The Klein Family In memory of your beloved Handler grandmother and great-grandmother, Lil Terrie and In memory of Louis Fischer Jerome and Gloria Bruce Stickler, Karen and Joe Greer Sperber Ray and Tami Rokni In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Neal and Mona Weiss Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Robyn and Sam Elias In memory of your mother, Sam Tatel and Family In memory of your father, Sylvia Steinfeld Neal and Mona Weiss Fred Tatel Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Kenneth and Sam Tatel and Family In memory of your father Ann Genender, Leslie, Scott, Marissa and Sophia Rogoff, and grandfather, Fred Tatel Elliot and Sharon Goldman Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Carole, Larry and Howie Shneider The Charous Family In memory of Donald Scholarship Fund Ethel Obrand and Family In Memory of Art Charous, MD Reva Gomberg, Lois and Harvey Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of Arthur Obrand, we remember him with great fondness. Teitelbaum Obrand, a dear person, who, with you, Ethel, elevated Susan and Harold Schwartz Robin and Lee Eisenberg For the birth of your the Shabbat service experience. May his memory be Doug Meyers In memory of your mother, Elaine grandson, Archie Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum for a blessing. David and Charlene Sales Blumenthal Naomi Weiss Ray and Tami Rokni and Family In memory of Robyn and Sam Elias and Family In memory of your father, Isaac Rokni Elliot and Sharon Goldman, Ron Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund your mother, Sylvia Steinfeld Terry Saltzberg, Debbie and Ronna Heftman In appreciation of streaming of all services and Scott Tucker and Family Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of your Marlene Silverman Dale and Beth Primer and Family In memory of husband, Art Obrand Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Lynda and Alan Wallis For the birth of your your mother, Betty Primer Debbie and Scott Tucker In memory of Joseph Arbetter Charles and grandsons, Jonah Leon and Walker Reid Scott and and Family Marilyn Arbetter Katie Bosley Benjamin Zaveduk In memory of Adele Zaveduk. In memory of Oliver Steiner Charles and Marilyn Ethel Obrand and Family In memory of Art An amazing woman who will always have a special Arbetter Obrand, beloved husband and father Lorraine Horwitz place in my heart. Stephanie Gelb In memory of Thomas Binstein Seymour and Ray Rokni and Family In memory of your father, For the yahrzeits of my father, Edward Beverly Binstein Isaac Rokni Darlene and Norm Padnos, Sue Gilford, Teri Saltzberg, and grandfather, William Kaufman and Jared Robins Terry Saltzberg For the yahrzeits of Abraham Levin, Isadore Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Smolensky, Rose Smolensky Renee and Elliot Roth Steven Weiland In memory of your mother, Marcia For the yahrzeit of my beloved father, Mac Weiland. May the memory of your mother always be Brown Wes Brown a blessing to you and your family. Teri and Jared Robins
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
Congregation Beth Shalom provides live streaming of ALL of our Shabbat, daily morning and evening minyan and holiday services. You can watch live or on-demand (for up to one week) from the CBS website on your computer, smartphone or iPad/tablet (something that is connected to the internet): When you are on the live stream page, scroll down to the service location that you are looking for and press the arrow in the middle of the picture. Schedule of Services: Daily Minyan is held in the Feather Beit Midrash: 6:45 a.m. Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. while the CBS building is closed 8:45 a.m. on Sunday and legal holidays 7:45 p.m. Sunday-Thursday Friday evening Shabbat service – 6:00 p.m. Feather Beit Midrash Saturday morning Shabbat service – 9:30 a.m. Kamensky Sanctuary We will be adding many other classes and special programs to our live streaming schedule at our new “CBS Live” website page. Check for updates regularly in the upcoming weeks! If you have any questions, please contact Deanne Friedman at 847-498-4100x48 or email Help us in sustaining our Live Streaming with a donation to The Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund at Congregation Beth Shalom. Click Here to donate
MAY 2020 • VOLUME 81 ISSUE 51
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Candle Lighting and Service Times** (**ALL SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19**) Friday Evening – May 1 (Candles 7:33 PM) Israeli Celebration Shabbat Service Saturday – May 2 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha
6:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM
Friday, May 22 (Candles 7:55 PM) Shabbat Service
6:00 PM
Saturday, May 23 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM
Thursday, May 28 – Erev Shavuot (Candles 8:00 PM) Ma’ariv/Service to Welcome 7:45 PM the Festival of Shavuot
Friday Evening – May 8 (Candles 7:41 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Shabbat B’Yachad 6:00 PM Led by our K-2/Kitah Gan-Bet Grade Classes
Friday, May 29 – Shavuot (Candles 8:01 PM) Festival Service and Special Procession 9:30 AM of the “First Fruits” Mincha/Ma’ariv/Shabbat Services 7:45 PM
Saturday – May 9 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha
Saturday, May 30 – Shavuot Festival Service/Shabbat Service/Yizkor Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Mincha
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM
Friday Evening – May 15 (Candles 7:48 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – May 16 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Torah for Tots (babysitting) Study Minyan Junior Congregation Mincha
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM 12:45 PM
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 12:45 PM
Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings 6:45 AM (8:00 am while CBS building is closed) Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:45 PM Sunday Mornings 8:45 AM
All CBS Shabbat and daily minyan services are live streamed from the CBS website from your computer, smartphone or iPad/tablet: