INSIDE THIS ISSUE CBS Annual Meeting/Slate 2022-23 ......2 President’s Message ..................................3 Cantor’s Notes ..........................................4 CBS Happenings.........................................5 Religious School .........................................6 B’nai Mitzvah...............................................7 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming......... 8-9 Sisterhood .......................................... 10-11 Men’s Club ......................................... 12-15 CBS Happenings................................ 16-17 Social Action ............................................ 18 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 19 Calendar ................................................... 20 Shavuot...................................................... 21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28
Head Rabbi ............................................ Aaron Melman Senior Cantor.........................................Steven Stoehr Rabbi ..................................................Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus ..........................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director ..............................Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life and Learning................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education ............................ Stacy Ybarra Controller ............................................Susan Karlinsky President .....................................................Bob Spector Sisterhood President ....................... Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents.... Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ................................................Paige Star Shalom Designer/Editor ............... Deanne Friedman
SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
IYAR 5782 | MAY 2022| VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
After finishing Pesach, it is tempting to look at the month of May and think that we get a nice long break from Jewish holidays, after spending what feels like weeks getting ready for Pesach and then at least another week getting everything set back to normal.
day of joy and pride, as Yom Ha’Atzmaut, Israel Independence Day begins. The services “bein hashmashot” were developed to help navigate the transition between days which require entirely different moods. These services make it a little easier to switch gears, acknowledging that both grief and joy are appropriate feelings, and that it can be hard to transition between them.
I think all of us would like to have a little bit more of a feeling of “bein hashmahWhile it is true that, with the possi- sot.” For two years we have lived under a ble exception of Lag B’Omer, there are no pandemic. It is difficult to switch between the fear and stress of life during the panancient Jewish holidays, May is actually demic and to abruptly switch to life without packed with modern observances, which I’ve sometimes heard called the Israeli High mask mandates and social distancing. We could use a little transitioning to help us Holidays. These are the special days which commemorate events in the history of mod- adjust. ern Judaism. They began a few days ago with Even without the pandemic, this is our memorialization of the Holocaust on a time of year for transitions. Students tranYom HaShoah. sition to summer vacation and then to the
In just a few days, beginning the night of May 3rd, Israelis will stand at attention as the siren sounds for Yom Ha’Zikaron, Israeli Memorial Day. Throughout the day, Israelis will attend secular memorial services, and the names of those who have fallen, either as a result of military conflict, or because of terrorism, will be remembered. As the sun sets, Israelis will attend special services “bein hashmashot,” “between the suns,” to mark the transition between a day of solemnity and grief, to a
next grade, high school seniors graduate and transition to college, the military, or other forms of career training. Colleges award their various degrees. Weddings mark the beginning of a shared life. Each of these transitions, while joyful, are still somewhat bittersweet, as the new beginnings also signal changes in relationships and in geography. A time of new beginnings means that it is also a time of goodbyes. For me this is also a transition, signaling sad goodbyes and new beginnings. I am sad to be saying goodbye to my home state. I am sad to leave a community that has supported me through several difficult moments in my life. I am sad to say goodbye to the many wonderful students, congregants, and colleagues who have been so central to my life here at CBS.
ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CONGREGATION Congregation Beth Shalom Annual Meeting 5782/2022 The Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Monday, May 16, 2022 at 7:45 pm beginning with minyan and immediately followed by the meeting. The Agenda is as follows: 1. D’var Torah 2. President’s Welcome 3. Committee Reports and Highlights 4. Presentation of Endowment Report 5. Presentation of the 2022-2023 Slate of Officers and Board of Trustees Members 6. Presentation and Vote on the 2022-2023 Budget 7. Presentation and Vote on Bylaw Changes OFFICERS: President VP Fundraising VP House VP Membership VP Programming VP Ritual VP School VP Social Action VP Youth Accounts Receivable Secretary Financial Secretary Treasurer Administrative Secretary Immediate Past Presdient
Dr. Bob Spector Ellen Grossman Arlen Lasinsky Susan Lampert Randy Samborn Bill Shulman Robyn Rosengard Suzy Hakimian Seth Schrank Raymond Rokni Howard Freidin Cheryl Braude Linda Foster Tanya Solomon
Bold is new to executive board or position for 2022-2023 BOARD OF TRUSTEES: Judy Balter Harold Dembo Rick Dissen Jim Donenberg Steven Elisco Hillary Elkins Ari Footlik Annie Goldman Bob Goldwin Andy Lebovitz Sandee Levin
Diana Lewis Bret Maxwell Marjorie Maxwell Roz Mokhtarian Amy Offenbach Jill Olefsky Mitch Padnos Leslie Rogoff Fern Roseman Neil Rosengard Edna Schrank Elana Schrank
Dr. Alan Shapiro Brad Shaps Dan Sher Laura Shulman Howard Sigal Jay Silver Charlotte Stern Sara Weinstein Adam Weinstock Alyssa Weisbach Alan Zelkowitz
Thank you to the following members for their service on the Board of Trustees: Karyn Liss, Wes Nissen, and Jill Roter We are so appreciative of your time and service to Congregation Beth Shalom.
Respectfully submitted by the 2022 Nominating Committee: Suzy Hakimian, Dr. Rachel Laven, Diana Lewis, Tami Rokni, Neil Rosengard, Randy Samborn, Seth Schrank, Dr. Bob Spector (President) Tanya Solomon (Immediate Past President) Dr. Andy Wagner (Men’s Club Co-President), Jackie Zelkowitz (Sisterhood President) 2
Shalom Chaverim, Spring is upon us. Our trees and grass are green again, flowers are blooming, and the topic of COVID is hopefully not in the forefront of our thoughts (other than in terms of recognizing our COVID task force on May 22nd). But alas, we know that all is not right with the world. We have become desensitized to so much incomprehensible violence- from daily shooting deaths just miles from our suburban homes and in our schools and religious institutions to oppressive regimes in all corners of the world. But there is something about the unprovoked assault on the people and government of Ukraine that has caught the world’s sympathetic attention in ways that we have not seen in quite a while.
I do not need to belabor the point on how wrong the Russian government is in its attack of Ukraine. Instead, I will share with you a couple questions/struggles that have been aroused in me over the past few weeksone of personal identity (Who am I?) and one of entitlement (What am I complaining about?). Perhaps this will resonate for some of you. My story goes back to the late 90’s. My first introduction to volunteerism at CBS began in 1997 when I joined our Social Action committee. At the time, the Chicago Action for Soviet Jewry was pairing local synagogues with struggling former Soviet Jewish communities throughout eastern Europe. I prided myself in my Russian roots and wanted to get involved with our assigned sister community which turned out to be in Tiraspol, Moldova which coincidently (or beshert?) was the town where my father was born. However, my Spector roots really are attached to Odessa in the Black Sea region of Ukraine. I made the long journey to Tiraspol via Lviv where I spent five days before arriving in Tiraspol with almost 100 pounds of medical supplies donated by our CBS community. I have felt so proud of my Russian heritage by focusing on the culture of its people not the historically evil intentions of its government. Until recently I never felt the need to appreciate the difference between being a Russian Jew or a Ukrainian Jew. I now find myself wanting to distance myself from my Russian heritage. Am I Russian, Ukrainian (I know officially that was not an independent designation until 1992), an American Jew, or a Jewish American? It is all very confusing and recently these questions have been very unsettling. And yet, I realize that my identification with all of the above has made me who I am. I guess I am a work in progress and at 68 that’s ok. The other question I find myself dwelling on since the war began a few weeks ago is related to the phrase ‘There but for the Grace of God go I.’ The what ifs, if my grandfather chose not to leave Tiraspol, if my grandmother could not have traveled with a baby….would I have been raised under Soviet rule? Have I taken too much for granted? Do I appreciate enough of what I do have? Do I dwell too much on the No Big Deal (NBDs) problems- having the newest cell phone, paying an extra dollar for gas, paying more for entertainment….? The NBDs are endless. Oy, have I become one of the entitled I tend to resent? Throughout our lives we encounter events that cause us to question who we are, our beliefs, our values, our priorities. I believe the war on the sovereign country of Ukraine is one such event that can affect us in this way. For many of us, our family history is connected to this region of the world. For all of us, we understand how much destruction one obsessively evil person can bring to the world. This unjust war has provided me the opportunity to contemplate what really matters to me. How about you? Many of us might wonder what we can do to make a difference amid so much pain and suffering. I will remind you of one of our more sacred concepts, Tikkun Olam, repairing the world brick by brick. When we help one, it is as if we are healing all. There will be many opportunities for us to come together as a community to help our Ukrainian families in the coming months. When we put our hearts and souls into a mission, no one does it better than Congregation Beth Shalom. L'Shalom, Bob Rabbi Ferratier’s Findings (continued from page 1) I am also excited for new beginnings. I eagerly anticipate the challenges of finding my way around a new place, settling into a new community, and meeting the students, congregants, and colleagues who will make my new congregation in Herndon, Virginia into my home. When we return from a funeral, we are encouraged to eat foods which will remind us of the continuity of life. At a wedding, we break a glass to remind ourselves that in the midst of our joy, there is still brokenness. In this season of transition, may we be mindful both of the bitter and the sweet elements in our lives. May the bitterness always serve to help us appreciate the sweet, and may the sweet always overpower the bitterness. MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
As we enter the month of May the academic year will come to a close. Echoes of Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out” reverberates through my mind. With the end of our periods of formal education however, our learning never ceases. There are many ways in which we all grow and mature and learn right from wrong, acceptable and unacceptable ways in which we might comport ourselves in society. Most often we learn more about practical living from our surroundings than text books, friends than teachers.
The essentials of ‘reading, and writing and arithmetic’ are important building blocks. An old commercial for education used the phrase, “reading is fundamental”, and as a young tot I used to question “how much fun is it”? Rabbi Adar adds some meaningful insights in the article below. Rabbi Ruth Adar, the Coffee Shop Rabbi, wrote in #blogExodus, the brainchild of Rabbi Phyllis Sommer, (Am Shalom in Glencoe), the following: (edited)
“Every blade of grass has an angel that bends over it and whispers, ‘Grow! Grow!'” Lovely, no? This quotation, attributed to “The Talmud” appears in various places online. ‘I found it in’ a collection of Midrash called Bereshit Rabbah. The only trouble with it is that it was translated so sweetly that it has lost its meaning. “Ben Sira said: God caused herbs to spring forth from the earth: with them the physician heals the wound and the apothecary compounds his preparations. R. Shimon said: There is not a single herb but has a mazal [constellation] in the heavens which strikes it and says, “Grow!” – Bereshit Rabbah 10.6 (my translation). The literal translation suggests that even plants have a destiny [a horoscope, at a time when rational people put faith in such things,] Rabbi Shimon adds that living up to destiny is not always a pleasant process: this mazal* “strikes” (and yes, that’s the verb, from the same root that gives us “flogging” for punishment) the plant and says to it, “Grow!” Certainly it is more pleasant to think of angels whispering to blades of grass than it is to think of the stars whipping medicinal herbs into shape. Unpleasant or not, this Midrash has something important to teach about growth: it often hurts. Leaving Egypt was a painful process: Pharaoh increased the workload, then God started bringing the plagues, most of which affected Israelites as well as Egyptians, then the scary night of escape, then the scary passage to and through the Reed Sea. Then everything else. We call them “growing pains” for a reason: growth hurts. That is why it behooves us, out of the mitzvah of kindness to suffering creatures, to treat those who are learning with kindness. No angels are bending over them whispering. No, whatever Torah they are called to do in the world is calling to them, striking them, saying, “Grow! Darnit, grow!” Feeling the pain is not necessarily a sign that we’re on the wrong road: sometimes it is a sign that we’re actually feeling the growth. That’s why we need teachers and advisers, why it is often said that “Every Jew needs a rabbi.” We must talk with our guides, reflect with them, when we feel growing pains. They may just be a sign that we’re well on our way to that “mazal,” the destiny which is ours to fulfill. This May I hope we don’t all think of Alice Cooper but rather Pirkei Avot 4:1, and the scholar ben Zoma who says: Who is the wise one? One who learns from everyone they encounter, as it says, “I have acquired understanding from all my teachers” (Psalms 119:99).
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
Dear CBS Families, This has definitely been an unusual year with lots of changes. Thank you for your cooperation, communication and patience as we worked together to keep our children safe. We are fortunate to have a caring community of adults to help our children thrive. Please join us for our last month of the 2021-22 school year. We look forward to working with you again next year – our first day of classes will be Sunday, August 28th! B’Shalom, Stacy Ybarra Director of Education
Shabbat B’Yachad/ShabbaTONE Please join us as our 4th grade helps lead services during the ShabbaTONE on Friday, May 6th. The dinner following is open to all of our CBS family. RSVP - Registration Religious School Registration for next school year has begun. Registration is online only. Go to and click on ”MyCBS” and log in to your account. Registration is for kindergarten through high school. Register before June 1st for discounted registration fees. Times for next school year! Kindergarten – 2nd Grade 3rd, 4th and 5th Grades* 6th & 7th Grades* 8th – 12th Grades (CBS High)
Sundays Sundays Saturdays Mondays
9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 6:15 to 8:15 p.m.
AND Tuesdays AND Tuesdays 2x month
4 to 6 p.m. 6:15 to 8:15 p.m.
*Options for individual lessons in place of group classes. See registration flyer when you login for more information. FREE tuition for student’s first year in Religious School for kindergarten, 1 st and 2nd grades. Teachers Wanted We are looking for teachers in our Religious School. If interested please contact Stacy Ybarra at for more information. Hiring Teens! The Religious School is looking to hire youth entering 8th through 12th grades in the fall to work in the school as madrichim. All madrichim will be required to be enrolled in Jewish day school or in our CBS High Program. Apply online at . Contact Stacy Ybarra at for more information and to set up an interview. Closing Programs The last day of Religious School is Sunday, May 15th. Parents are invited to join their students for an Awards Ceremony at 11:15 a.m. All grades will be recognized including our 7th Graders who are completing Religious School and will be eligible to participate in our CBS High Program.
Daughter of Melissa & Scott Lerner Sister of Max Lerner Granddaughter of Linda & Les Multack, Nancy Lerner
Son of Gary Patzik & Stephanie Patzik Brother of Brendan Patzik Grandson of Shirley Patzik Samuels, Burt Patzik of Blessed Memory, Stanley Samuels of Blessed Memory, Karen Federman Soifer
Son of Eva & Ari Footlik Brother of Joshua & Emily Footlik Grandson of Rita & Sam Soltan, Beth & Bob Footlik
Son of Adva & Danny Oz, Bryan Bracey Brother of Tyler & Tahlia Bracey, Zohar & Daniel Oz
Son of Dan & Brandi Argentar Brother of Amichai & Alon Argentar Grandson of Shari Cohen & Robert Mayer, Terri & Stuart Argentar, Jerry & Debbie Cohen
Alison and Daniel Solarz
Office Closings (closed all day unless noted) Monday, May 30 Memorial Day
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING CBS University/Adult Ed & Programming CBS U Classes continue in May and beyond Many of your favorite classes and some new ones are continuing throughout May and beyond! Check out our page on the CBS website on a regular basis to keep up to date with what is happening. And of course, the CBS website calendar is always the most up to date resource. Did you know that if you go to the CBS Calendar you can FILTER for several categories including CBS U/Adult Ed? Use the pull-down feature in the Calendar of Events to show CBS U/Adult Ed:
Then select UPDATE VIEW and you will only see CBS U/Adult Ed classes and programs! Below is a sample of what your filtered calendar would look like:
To get everything back on your calendar when you have selected all the CBS U/Adult Ed classes you will be taking, just go back to the top and select CLEAR.
CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING You KNEAD This Class--Part 3 Soft Pretzels and Beer Cheese Dip Learn to make and shape delicious soft pretzels with a wonderful Beer Cheese Dip that you can add to your Shavuot menu! Instructor: Date: Time: Fee:
Edna Schrank June 1, 2022 6:30 – 7:40 PM Free for CBS members $10 for non-member friends of CBS
This session will be via Zoom (link provided when you register at https://tinyurl.comKNEADJUNE1).
SAVE THE DATE! Something Exciting is Happening on September 8, 2022! Congregation Beth Shalom Distinguished Speaker Program is thrilled to welcome Unorthodox LIVE to record an episode of the podcast right here from 3433 Walters Avenue!
Unorthodox is the world's leading Jewish podcast - but you don't have to be Jewish to love it! The podcast is hosted by Mark Oppenheimer, Stephanie Butnick, and Liel Leibovitz (all of Tablet Magazine) who discuss news, culture, and politics related to Judaism. If you have never listened to Unorthodox, now is the time to start! A new podcast “drops” almost every Thursday and can be found at! Just click on a topic on the right and start listening.
If you have questions about these or any other CBS U classes or programs, contact: Lisa Orlov ( or Leann Blue (
CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS Join the others who have made new friends, sharing fun activities with other CBS members. What do you enjoy - canasta, mah jongg, movies, recipes, restaurants? Browse our CBS YACHAD ON The Move webpage. If the activity you enjoy isn't listed, let us know and we'll look for other CBS members who share your passion. We look forward to continuing to build relationships and deepen connections within our CBS family! Membership Vice President, Sue Lampert ( CBS staff members Leann Blue ( and Lisa Orlov ( MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
SISTERHOOD Jackie Zelkowitz
Sisterhood had quite a busy April, and we are moving full force into May planning our successful year back in the synagogue.
On Sunday, April 3rd, Sisterhood joined CBS Social Action and Religious School for Mitzvah Day. We worked on projects with the Religious School students and collected a variety of products that Border Tails Rescue in Northbrook regularly uses. Thank you to Jodi Joffe and Teri Robins for arranging our collection and drop off. Thank you to the many Sisterhood members who came to help and a big thank you to Suzy Hakimian, Social Action VP and Robyn Rosengard, School VP for allowing Sisterhood to join in this wonderful event. It was so nice that we could all come together for a good cause. Thank you to Michael Balter for capturing this moment for all of us with his amazing pictures. On Monday, April 4th, Sisterhood took a virtual tour through the Holocaust Museum: Rise Up: Stonewall and the LGBTQ Rights Movement. The tour was fascinating and felt like we were right there walking through the exhibit. Thank you to Debbie Hamilton for arranging this wonderful evening online. I hope that you were able to get to the synagogue for services during the two weekends of Pesach and enjoy the wonderful kiddushim that were put together. It is nice to see that things are slowly starting to return to normal. I cannot thank Robin Bright enough for all of her time and effort in organizing and planning the different recipes for Pesach. It took a great deal of time to prepare all of this so that we could bake. It was so wonderful to come together to bake, just like we did pre-pandemic! Thank you to everyone that came out to help. It could not have been done without all of you. Please join us at our Culminating, Installation, and Valued Volunteer Dinner on Tuesday, May 17th. Our entertainment for the evening will be John Boda, The Music Man, who will feature the music of My Fair Lady. Our 2022 Valued Volunteer is Maria Catezone. Maria’s work has been above and beyond the call of duty, and she has always supported Sisterhood. We are proud to recognize, publicly thank and honor Maria for all that she has done for Sisterhood. I hope to see all of you at our Culminating Dinner.
The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around The Corner~ ARE YOU READY FOR MOTHER’S DAY - SUNDAY, MAY 8th We’re sure to have the perfect gift for her!
Support CBS Sisterhood with the click of the mouse! Simply use this address We look forward to connecting with you via Square or in-person. Keep browsing, keep shopping and keep in touch! FORGOT TO PREORDER YOUR MAH JONGG CARD? Limited number of cards available for purchase.
For additional information or to schedule an in-person appointment, contact our Co-Managers, Diana Lewis 847-903-6175, Darlene Padnos 847-217-4531 or Donna Fox 513-378-2491 or email Diana at 10
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
DONATIONS MEN’S CLUB Where did the year go? It’s already May, and we are looking at only two more months of CBS Men’s Club activities until the summer months are here to enjoy. If you are reading this before May, you have an opportunity to attend our Men’s Club Breakfast on Sunday May 1st with guest speaker, Bill Cameron. Bill just retired as a Chicago City Hall reporter for over 50 Years at WLS Radio and WMAQ Radio. He will share many great stories about his experiences with Chicago politics. It should be a great morning. Please register on our website: Steve Lessman
Dr. Andrew Wagner
Sunday, May 22nd will be a busy day at CBS. The Annual FUNdaiser is in the evening, but there will be ample time to attend the FJMC Man of the Year and Youth of the year event earlier in the day. It will take place at Congregation Beth Hillel Bnai Emunah in Wilmette starting at 3 pm. We will be honoring our Man of the Year Richie Kurnickz”l and our Youth of the Year, Ashley Gitles. Please see flyer in this bulletin on page 15 for more details. Lastly, please mark your calendar for the return of the annual CBS Men’s Club Golf Outing. It will take place on Thursday, June 16th at Buffalo Grove Golf Course. Please see the flyer in this bulletin on page 14 for more details. This month, we would like you to meet the CBS Men’s Club Financial Secretary, Jim Hamilton. This is Jim’s second time on our Exec Board where he first served as Treasurer in 2006-07. Jim was born in Chicago, and his family moved to Highland Park when he was two. He attended Highland Park High School participating in many clubs including debate, chess, and math. A little known fact is that he also wrote comedy for the variety shows in high school! His family were members of North Suburban Beth El where Jim had his Bar Mitzvah, and he was active in USY serving on the Board. He then attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville initially majoring in engineering but he then switched gears to a math and economics majors. He continued at Vanderbilt to receive his Master’s in Business. His first job took him to New York to work for Price Waterhouse. At Vanderbilt, he met his wife, Debbie, who was from Charlotte. Debbie’s first job took her to Jacksonville, and soon Jim transferred his job there. They were married in Charlotte and soon moved to Chicago to start their life together. Jim finished advanced accounting classes at Northwestern and received his CPA soon after. From Chicago they moved to Deerfield then to Northbrook, joining Congregation Beth Shalom in 1997. Jim worked for Altschuler, Melvoin, and Glasser for three years and then joined Weiss and Company. He will be celebrating 25 years in the fall as a partner. Jim and Debbie have two children, a daughter, Ashley, who lives in Brooklyn and is a comedian who also works in social media, and a son, Scott, who is a consultant in Fort Worth. Debbie is also very active with the CBS Sisterhood Executive Board. Jim and Debbie have traveled over the years taking their family to Israel and other popular vacation spots including a week long biking trip to southern Spain. Debbie and Jim play golf together, ride their Pelotons, and can be found regularly attending Bears, Cubs, Blackhawks and Bulls games during the year (even though they look forward to the tailgate more than the actual game). Jim has been involved in other organizations including the Treasurer of the BJE Metropolitan Chicago for over 20 years and has helped with the Alzheimer’s Association Chicago most recently. Jim has also served on the CBS Synagogue Board of Trustees and worked on the CBS School Board in years past. And finally Jim wants to remind all congregants if you’re in the neighborhood to stop by to share a glass of bourbon together. He has an amazing collection of over 40 bottles of different types of bourbon to choose from!!! We thank Jim for his time serving as CBS Men’s Club Financial Secretary and look IL Holocaust Museum & Education Center, April 10, 2022 forward to working with Jim for years to come. Steve and Andy
BOARD OF DIRECTORS Rafi Arbel* Eric Baer David Ben Dov* Neal Blustein Steve Bosse Barry Brusso David Charous Abe Drayer Jerry Edelman Jeremy Elkins* Steven Flack Adam Garber* Adam Gelfeld
Mike Gilford Elliot Goldman Sam Grief* Jim Hamilton Norm Iglarsh Howard Jacob Dr. Ari Jaffe Mark Jesselson Brian Millman* Howard Minkoff Elliot Offenbach Mitchell Padnos Norman Padnos
Shelly Pike Blake Roter* Randy Samborn Michael Schnitzler Dr. Robert Spector David Speigel David Solomon Frank Star David Toubes Stuart Vass David Weil *First Year Board Members
CBS Men’s Club Nominating Committee: Steve Lessman, Dr. Andy Wagner, Scott Bosley, Jeremy Elkins, Bob Goldwin, Lawrence LeVine, Howard Jeruchimowitz, Scott Rogoff, and Adam Weinstock.
CBS Congregants delivering boxes of Pesach food for Maot Chitim on Sunday, April 10, 2022
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
Please help us honor Ashley and Rich by joining us for this event and placing an ad in the Tribute Book. Registration and ad placement instructions can be found at:
Participate in the full day or just the golf or dinner. Your spouse or significant other can join for just the dinner if they don’t play! Registration required by Thursday, June 9th at:
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
CBS HAPPENINGS Tracy Safron Suggests The School for German Brides by Aimie K. Runyan is a fascinating novel focusing on the lives of three young women living in Berlin at the beginning of World War II. Hanna Rombauer has grown up in the country and is in her final year of school. Following her beloved mother’s sudden death, Hanna’s father sends Hanna to live with her wealthy Aunt Charlotte and Uncle Otto in the city. Hanna’s life with the childless couple is luxurious but leaves no room for her independent streak. The eminent SS Captain Friedrich Schroeder is immediately enchanted by Hanna. He is quite a catch! Friedrich is twenty years Hanna’s senior and Hanna abhors him. Ignoring Hanna’s feelings, Charlotte stops at nothing to ensure an engagement. Mathilde (Tilde) Altman is a young woman of mixed blood from a wealthy family. The Nuremberg laws led to Tilde’s gentile father divorcing her Jewish mother-claiming this was only a formality. Post-divorce, Tilde’s father quickly marries another woman. Tilde and her mother are forced to move into an ancient apartment above their fabric shop. Tilde hides her Jewish identity and runs the business while her mother secretly tries to arrange emigration visas for them. Tilde also gives sewing lessons to Hanna’s friend, Klara Schmidt. While waiting to leave Berlin, Tilde falls in love with Samuel Eisenberg, altering her life forever. Friedrich insists Hanna attend an elite bridal boarding school where she will be molded into the perfect German wife. Klara also attends the six-week program. Tilde’s life is in immediate danger and Klara hides her in a home on school grounds. When Tilde needs medical care, Klara begs Hanna for assistance. Will Hanna risk her life to save Tilde’s? The School for German Brides takes a familiar subject and presents it in a unique way. This thought provoking novel provides important lessons for us all.
60 Minutes of Jewish Music Presents: A Matzah Ball! Sunday, April 10, 2022
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
SOCIAL ACTION What we DO DOES Make a Difference! On Sunday, April 3rd, our Religious School, Sisterhood, HUGS, and Social Action Committee came together to participate in Good Deeds Day, an international day of doing good deeds, first started years ago in Israel (no surprise) and now in over 100 different countries! Here is a brief review of all the Good!
Religious School: Students were tasked with two jobs: do a mitzvah for themselves and one that gives back! Our older students created beautiful wood and glass mezuzahs. Students had learned the significance of the mezuzah and were very engaged in creating them! The students wrote letters to Israeli Lone Soldiers that will be brought to Israel later this spring. They created comfort bags for Sharsharet (a national non-profit organization that works to improve the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support). The children beautifully decorated the bags and wrote thoughtful notes to be placed in the bags. Each bag contained a variety of donated items including stress balls, activity books, hard candies, fuzzy socks, and individual hand sanitizers. Our younger students had two tasks. They decorated tzedakah boxes to be taken home and filled with loose change. We hope they will bring these back to school as part of our tzedakah collections. They also created their very own spice jars to be used in their homes for Havdalah. One mitzvah for themselves and one for the community! HUGS While our students were doing their special mitzvot, a wonderful group of volunteers were packaging items for the Have a Matzah Ball Passover concert at CBS. Children and HUGS families received delicious and creative bags of candy representing the 10 plagues and special gifts for an at-home chocolate seder. Dickler Hall was filled with people doing amazing acts of kindness. Sisterhood: Bras! Pounds and pounds of bras were collected and donated to “I Support the Girls” (an organization that helps girls and women experiencing homelessness, victims of domestic violence, victims of sex trafficking, refugees and evacuees affected by natural disasters, stand tall and with dignity).
Bags of pet food, a variety of pet supplies including toys, blankets, pet beds, and laundry supplies were donated to Border Trails Rescue in Northbrook (an animal rescue and welfare organization dedicated to the rescue and adoption of stray dogs from Mexico and the Chicagoland area, as well as across the Southern United States). Dozens and dozens of children’s books were collected and donated to Bernie’s Book Bank (an organization that sources, processes, and distributes quality books to underserved children throughout Chicagoland).
It was an incredibly powerful day, and it took a small army of volunteers! Thank you so much to all the wonderful ladies of Sisterhood, volunteers from the Social Action and HUGS committees, members of the Board, teachers and madrichim: all those who worked with our students sorting, assembling, hot gluing, coloring, helping children fill jars, and writing beautiful cards and letters! Thank you to our volunteers who loaded boxes, brought items to organizations, and to everyone who donated items to these important causes! Thanks to our CBS staff who helped coordinate the supplies and logistics for this very important Good Deeds Day. What we DID made a Difference!
BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - June Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Marla Kazan Talia Block Fay Wasserman Paula Fohrman Becky Charous Frances Binder Rita Janowitz Susan Elbaum Rosalind Schwartz Rosalyn Mokhtarian Carol Abrahams Gail Meyers Eva Footlik Marla Patzik Fern Netzky Fern King Shirley Kessler Sheila Savitt Revelle Schachter Beverly Weisenberg Gabrielle Sanders Lisa Orlov Claudia Travis Barbara Tatz Gdalina Novitsky Meryl Auslander Marjorie Maxwell
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Yuliya Kravtsov Risa Appelbaum Lana Goldman Rachel Birkner Harriet Goldberg Linda Weingart Jill Carter Simone Toubes Elyssa Siegel Ruth Baruch Helene Becker Carol Schnitzler Tammy Lew Suzanne Gilford Rachel Grossman Sandra Abrams Merle Fishman Nathan Eileen Sherman Linda Foster Leslie Berkowitz Lisa Rosengard Lawyer Laurie Shapiro Stephanie Roseman Sharon Yusim Karin Shapiro Lauri Shamis Adrianne Varhula Ann Lessman Beverly Binstein Sally Evans
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Jennifer Schwartz Lisa Ackerman Sandy Falkin Judy Sandack Sue Drayer Lisa Gaffen Ann Matasar Rose Goldberg Gina Silverman Melanie Arons Judi Steinberg Renee Cohen Jane Siedband Ilene Iglarsh Judith Rowe
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Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)
Happy Anniversary - June Marc Glickman & Lisa Block 25 yrs Donald & Barbara Newman Wesley & Susan Nissen Howard & Judith Sandler Jeffrey Smoler & Helen Dym-Smoler Jerome & Gloria Sperber Charles & Faye Feinstein Bernard & Marlene Lipson Michael & Wendy Latash Raymond & Tami Rokni Irving & Andrea Shainberg 50 yrs Jonathan & Rachel Laven David & Yuliya Kravtsov Laura & Rob Hochstein Charles & Cathy Schwartz Michael & Judith Balter Jacob & Ruth Baruch Bruce & Nancy Chudacoff Alexandra & Jordan Light 10 yrs Milton & Joan Blum William & Sherry Weinstein Gary & Sandra Abrams 50 yrs Joel & Susan Fink Jeffrey & Judith Graff Howard & Paula Serlin Michael & Donna Pekay David & Pauline Gimbel Jeff & Myndee Balkan 35 yrs Richard & Nancy Sher Bruce & Marla Massel 35 yrs William & Leslie Schloss Jeffrey & Hillary Cohen Stanley & Barbara Neimark Larry & Barbara Libauer David & Randi Starkston A. Jerald & Bonnie Rothenberg Alan & Karen Hoffman 60 yrs Harold & Andrea Kessler 50 yrs Lawrence & Beth Levine Herbert & Shirley Roskin
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Stuart & Phyllis Simon Ronald & Shelly Betman Howard & Mindy Kaplan 50 yrs David & Barbara Menn Charles & Karen Schulman 55 yrs Donielle & Sergio Escalante Irving & Shirley Fuld 45 yrs Donald & Marcy Grant Projansky 25 yrs Dan & Joyce Rabinowitz Steven & Susan Stoehr Mark & Susan Jesselson Jeffrey & Barbara Lerch David & Leslie Abramson Marshall & Barbara Dickler Leonard & Rochelle Millman Steven & Lila Weiland 30 yrs Martin & Barbara Winn Ben & Jennifer Dolin David & Audrey LeCavalier 30 yrs Gerald & Renee Cohen 50 yrs Paul & Lorna Cohen 25 yrs Jeffrey & Bonnie Kramer Lawrence & Sandra Levin Bradley & Donna Sabin Ira & Eileen Rosenbaum Foster & Dana Elliott Brian & Lisa Ackerman 20 yrs Jeffrey & Carol Apfelbaum Myron & Marsha Glassenberg Steven & Karen Grad David & Cheryl Ginsburg Ronald & Sherry Rubinstein Joel & Sharon Schwartz Paul & Susan Eisenstadt 20 yrs Robert & Arona Boron Gary & Deborah Greenspan Robert & Marla Israel Maurice & Sheila Netter Mark & Michelle Schneider Hillary & Jeremy Elkins
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Ellen & Jeffrey Gluskin Gloria & Denis Weinberg 50 yrs Andrew & Mona Berman David & Susanna Hakimian H. Ari & Gitie Jaffe 45 yrs Steve & Heidi Reitman Herbert Lesnoy & Maria (Loly) Farnos Dan & Beth Levin Howard & Eileen Bengelsdorf 45 yrs Michael & Karla Goldman Murry & Sandra Randell James & Deborah Hamilton Arthur & Annlee Herbstman 45 yrs Tommy & Helen Rifkin Marc & Judy Samotny Morris & Irene Kletzel Rick & Robin Dissen Steven & Sandy Sandler Kenneth & Joan Siegan 55 yrs Brian & Dana Millman Arie & Julie Degabli Marvin & Catheryn Rotstein Norman & Darlene Padnos 55 yrs David & Diana Freeman 30 yrs Leonard Gilbert & Abby Strauss Enric & Hilary Braun Jim & Francine Donenberg Dennis & Ellen Mink Joel & Lee Meyers Aaron & Lauren Bauer Richard & Susan Weiss
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Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:
Shavuot, also known as the “Feast of Weeks,” was originally celebrated as a Thanksgiving for the “First Fruits.” The Torah refers to Shavuot as “Chag HaBikkurim,” the festival of the first fruits, which our ancestors observed by bringing offerings of the best produce to the Temple. During the period leading up to Shavuot, we count each day beginning on the Second Night of Pesach. This counting, “S’firat Ha’Omer,” highlighted our ancestors’ hopes that Shavuot, the end of the Omer counting, would yield a bountiful crop. Coincidently, the Omer period encompasses many of the tragedies of our people over the generations. Therefore, it is customary to prohibit weddings during a specific part of the seven weeks as a sign of national mourning. In addition to being an agricultural festival, Shavuot is also a celebration of the Jewish Peoples’ receiving the Torah at Mt. Sinai. Although the Torah does not identify Shavuot in this context, the Talmud has an undisputed tradition that the Torah was given at this time. Therefore, we stay up studying on the first night of the festival, and the Ten Commandments are read in the Synagogue on the first day. Of the major Jewish Holidays, Shavuot is sometimes overlooked. It doesn’t have quite the gravitas of the High Holidays, the fun (or hassle) of eating outside in the Sukkah, nor the nostalgia of Passover Seders. In fact, the folk tradition most strongly associated with it is eating dairy foods, (especially cheesecake). In a sense though, more than any other day on the Jewish calendar, it is the holiday of Jewish identity; it is the holiday which celebrates the Torah, the central teaching which is at the root of Jewish action and belief. It is so closely associated with identity, that it is the day on which we read the book of Ruth and celebrate those who choose to join our community as converts. SCHEDULE OF SHAVUOT SERVICES Saturday, June 4 Pre-Tikkun Leyl Shavuot* (In-Person Only) 7:30 PM Ma’ariv/Service to Welcome the Festival of Shavuot 9:00 PM In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Tikkun Leyl Shavuot* Following Ma’ariv *An evening of study with the clergy and members of the congregation Sunday, June 5 Festival Service In-person and Live Stream from the Kamensky Sanctuary Mincha/Festival Ma’ariv In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Monday, June 6 Early Yizkor In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash Festival Service/Yizkor In-person and Live Stream from the Kamensky Sanctuary Mincha In-person and Live Stream from the Feather Beit Midrash
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9:30 AM 6:00 PM
8:00 AM 9:30 AM 12:45 PM
MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Dayle & Dennis Teven are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Tatum Hart Teven. Marla & Jonathan Kazan are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Zev Jordan Shapiro. Frances Kazan is happy to announce the birth of her great grandson, Zev Jordan Shapiro. Adva & Danny Oz are happy to announce the birth of their son, Daniel Atai Oz. The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Lois Nudelman on the passing of her husband, Dr. Earl Nudelman. Dr. Jerry Agrest on the passing of his wife, Estelle Agrest. Louise Kerschner on the passing of her husband, Morley Ira Kerschner. Marshall Kerschner on the passing of his brother, Morley Ira Kerschner. Debbie Friend on the passing of her sister, Trudye Fischoff. Dr. Jerry Bauer on the passing of his mother, Tema Bauer. Dr. Hillary Bauer-Cohen on the passing of her grandmother, Tema Bauer. Aaron Bauer Cohen on the passing of his grandmother, Tema Bauer. Sandra Goldstein on the passing of her mother, Sarell Cohen. Michael Cohen on the passing of his mother, Sarell Cohen. Debra Oberman on the passing of her mother, Sarell Cohen. Jeffrey Schwartz on the passing of his father, Joel P. Schwartz. Robin Neidich on the passing of her mother, Sylvia Berman. Arlene Gitles on the passing of her sister, Roberta "Bobbie" Grossman.
Thank you to our wonderful drivers who delivered Mishloach Manot Purim Baskets to our Super Seniors: Marnie & Eric Baer Judy Greenberg Elana Schrank Irwin Friedman Barbara Libauer Sharon & Joel Schwartz Diana Gotkin Toni Rosen Jackie Zelkowitz Judy & Joel Greenman Laura Schoeneman Fern Roseman Thank you to all who sent me a Purim Basket. Your thoughtfulness and kindness is much appreciated! Maria Catezone
Death of Esteemed Members: Dr. Earl Nudelman Estelle Agrest Morley Ira Kerschner Joan Berke
WANT TO BE INFORMED? It is incumbent upon all of us to reach out to one another in times of sorrow, celebration, or need. If you are currently not receiving our notices or email newsletters, you can make updates to your MyCBS account and choose which emails you receive. If you need help, please contact Lisa Orlov by email,
CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.
Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone by phone at 847-498-4100 x26 or email for information or to order a plaque. The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in memory of their loved ones. In memory of HAL ALBERT LIPSHUTZ by Ellen Lipshutz
YAHRZEITS May 1-6 Joseph Benjamin Rachel “Rae” Besser Neal Chudacoff Jaime Chulef Judith Dworsky Jack Friedman Paula Sharon Gottlieb Anne Hauser Avram Klapper Faye S. Kozin Harry Kramer Rachel Laznowski Yehuda Maman Eugene Miller Julius L. Schusteff Harry Joseph Shadrow Etta Treguboff Louis Auslander Sidney Blair Aaron Goldstein Charles Harris William Kaufman Samuel Masur Gordon Rubin Edward Saltzberg Vivian Shapiro Mariam Wagner Isabelle C. Auerbach Anita Coorsh Jerome Goldstein Louis Jacobson Anna Kaplan Evelyn Pryweller Maurer Gloria Padersky Edna Z. Rosin Iris Rudich Harry Schwartz Leo Sperber Joseph Wall Dr. Edward Weisman Joseph Abramovitz Beatrice Balkan Max Becker Jack Cleveland Alvin Doppelt Joyce Dow Nisson Hirsh Freeman Minnie Friedman Sayde Goldberg Evelyn Goldstein Max Goodman Harold Gordon Maurice Halap Celia Harris Daniel Jesser Betty Kleeman Jeffrey Kleifield Stuart Mash William Weiss Francine Elkins Samuel Gellman Benjamin Hakimian Walter Handler Esther Labow Minnie Ross Bertha Schallman Cele Schwartzberg Phillip Zeidman Jerome Marvin Donenberg Alfred Feinstein Otylia Hornstein Feldstein Arthur Stanley Goldsmith Louis Gurvitz Bernard Hibnick Leon Korol Gertrude Lurie Irving Michaels Finley Moss Gerald S. Nussbaum Rebecca Ofsaiof Louis Tatel
May 7-13 Lillian Beckerman Thomas Binstein Morris Goldstein Max Goodman Hyman Greenband Irving Helfand Ethel T. Herman Anna Hoseman MaryAnne Hudak Ethel Long Steve Millman Seymour Pielet Bertha Pogoloff Barrett Rothenberg Jacob Schwartz Shirley Sostrin Adrienne Barr Weber Lawrence H. Wrobel Bernard Auerbach Joshua Diesenhaus Walter Freed Sofiya Kantor Seymour Kaplan Morris Kaufman Frieda Reifer Pearl Rose Harold Silverstein Emily Sisser Seena Sloan Samuel A. Victor Gary Viner Gedi Ben-Dov Philip Dolin Hyman Fridkin Jacob Levi Geller Leah Gertzfeld Susan Goldstein Celia Pestine William H. Brown Louis H. Cohen Morris Hartzman Gene Jesselson Nathan Krefetz Carol Leff Shirley Liebman Maurice Mandell Morris Polay Israel Stebelman Max Vincent Marian Cohen Celia W. Ellis Sylvia Goldman Evelyn Kalter Minnie Kriesman Joseph Letwat Allan Neimark Daniel Raden Ida Silberman Yaffe Sheldon Yusim Samuel Zakon Celia Zaransky Dora Abel Frances Agrest Clyde Czoschke Helen Davis Dr. Howard Glazier Donna Kay Lezberg Gizella Schwartz Elaine H. Smith Ronald Wellner Carmela Arbel Bernard Goldlust Pauline Jesser Seymour Lampert Leo Malkin Dolly Oppman Lillian Price Julius Rosenstein Ida Rose Rotman Myrtle Schwartz Samuel Smithson Irving Teplitz
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Gladys Vission Maurice Weiner Dr. Bernard Widen Louis Winokur
May 14-20 Harris Block Richard Bosley Ida Lewin Natalie Ligier Edward Norman Loeb Samuel Millman Kiva Radovskiy Phyllis Schneider Jay J. Strauss Irving Zelkowitz Joseph Becker Leo Elbaum Sydney Gainsberg Marcia Gnippe Dorothy Rosenberg Sheldon L. Salter Harry Adam Seltzer Manuel Zaveduk Belle Zeman Marci A. Zeoli Barbara Baren Cohen Margaret Fisher David Goldstein Elinore H. Kaufmann Yuri Koyfman Richard Ludwig Irvin Salky Max Stepkin Mr. & Mrs. Waldman Norma Weinstein Sally Zare Paul Blitstein Yenta Blitt Florence Buchsbaum Morris Kaplan May Levy Rose Rotman Jerry Rotstein Bert Sigal Philip Steinway Bess Weinstein Jeanette Berkelhamer Alvin Dolnick Estelle Dunn Gertrude Epstein Della Feather Rose Goberstein Zachary Gordon Beth Fine Kaplan Stanley Kazan Frances Kessler Gertrude Levinson Meyer Lipschultz Dolores Miller Leonard Rosenfeld Stewart Segal Abraham Meyer Simon Sylvia Solomon Bessie Taplin Martin B. Zells Judith Cohen Max Edelstein Arnold Lee Greenberg Ann Hochman Bernard Lampert Abraham Levy Morris Zaransky Barbara Bessinger Fannie Binder Mollie Cherney Anne Cohen Barry Edelman Maurice Engerman Herbert Forman Sol Ganellen Phil Harris Florrie Janus
Eva Lew Alex Lewitz Anne Mermel Blossom Mutchnik Anna Neer Marcia Nussbaum James Pawlak Harry Proeh Myrtle Roskin Ruth Schaeffer Lanny Young Sally Zuckerman May 21-27 Helen Ash Charles Berg Clara Blustein Doris Byk Benjamin Dubrow Beatrice Feinstein Esther Francis Hyman Gebel Doris Goldberg Herbert Hefter Esther Heller Edythe Horwitz Theresa B. Levine Leo Liberman Gertrude Novish Ernestine Perry Allen Rubnitz Stanley E. Samuels Rose C. Sideman Bessie Solomon Dorothy Sugerman Martin Saul Warshawsky Mimi Barr Barbara Sharon Doppelt Wilfred Greenberg Lillian Hass Ruth Koslowsky Marjory R. Kreda Mary Lezak Joan Schwade Ofelia Shaftal Lillian Spitzer Harry Abrams Molly Basofin Henry Budweg Susan Burstein George Ekstein Lee Elliott Rose Held Nathan Kirshenbaum Ruth Lieberman Lena Ofengender Fannie Rabinowitz Irene Slotky Morris Vodianoy Suzanne Wilensky Elsie Zeidman Meyer Cohen Kenneth Deutsch Belle Goldin Helen Handelsman Alice Katzenstein Joyce Leven Ethel Levy Jean Maxwell Irving Rosenberg Jeanne Nadelman Weislander Samuel H. Block Harold Crafton Gertrude Dubin Grace Vento Friend Benjamin Gruenberg Barry Horwitz Calvin Kramer Gillian Krieger Eugene Levin Rubin Levin Ben Mandel Ira David Sokol
Mary Steinberg Burton Stern Kenneth Weiss Pearl Albin Iris Bloom Jeanne Goldberg Selma Hirsch Arthur Hoover Louis Iglarsh Ann Lewis Jodi Polikov Harry Ripes Reva Schoichet Raymond Schwartz Jerome Morton Shapiro Gertrude Sideman Dr. Sidney Aronoff Rose Carp Sol Dolin Idelle Feldman Hymond Getzberg Morris Gitlitz Florence Goldman Zelda Leff Lawrence Rosner Gertrude Ross Abe “Boomey” Sachs Lillian Kass Simels David Nathan Slosky Emanuel Wexler May 28-31 Rose Block Steven T. Blum Kathleen Jo Checker Shirley Kosova Cohen Louis Cooper Isadore Gentner Harry Kaplan Louis Karlinsky Nessie Kessler Bernard Kuzan Andrea B. Medin Nathan S. Rabens Bennett Shulman Gloria Shwachman Walter Vorona Florence Baruck Esther Fogelson Samuel Goldman Perle Heftman Pearl Iglarsh Carol Keller Larry Kohn Irwin F. Malman Eddie Miller Jack Schulman Betty Steiner Herbert Wulf Diana F. Barrish Fanny Bersofsky Sylvia Chasen Harriet Chensky Florence Cohen Lillian Cohen Faye Danzig Harry J. Dunn Miriam Horwitz Esther Kulick Ilene Leon Shirley Massel Leonard Silverman Sam Singer Beverly Sklar Dena Slotky Sol Zisook Sophie Binstein Marsha Bosley Jack Boyansky Helen Hunt Alan Hurwick Lillian Lew Aaron Schonfeld
DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS: Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of welcoming us at CBS on Purim. Floyd and Frances Babbitt Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of Rabbi Melman's visit. Harold and Gloria Snite Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of Bradley and Hallie's Auf Ruf. Scott and Lori Margolin Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the meaningful memorial service for our beloved husband, father and grandfather, Bernie Petchenik. Linda Petchenik and Family Eli Castellano In honor of you and your new adventure. Best wishes! Please let us know when you are in a new play! Redheads rule! Sharon Telpner Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Pnina Bari. Mazel Tov! Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos, Jody and Howard Sigal In appreciation of my Shul Family for the good wishes for my speedy recovery. Marvin and Laurel Letwat Linda Petchenik and Family In memory of Bernie Petchenik. Judy and Jim Hoke, Mark and Sharon Telpner Dr. Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of Tema Bauer. Judy and Michael Balter, Cindy and Bob Marder The Neu Family In memory of Henry. Beloved husband, father and grandfather. Edie Korman Debra Oberman and Family In memory of Sarell Cohen. Judy and Michael Balter Jennifer and Rob Bressler and Family In memory of Ellen Sontag, much loved mother, wife and grandmother. Sissie Ander and Family Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of the meaningful memorial service for our beloved husband, father and grandfather, Bernie Petchenik. Linda Petchenik and Family Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of Hallie and Bradley's Wedding. Lori and Scott Margolin, Susan and Wes Nissen Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter! Mazel Tov! Mitch, Sherri, and Zoey Padnos Susan Stoehr In appreciation of Susan Stoehr’s amazing patience and dedication during Ella and Hanna’s tutoring in preparation for their b’not mitzvah. Dana and Brian Millman Dr. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer In memory of Tema. Mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Sheldon and Wendy Copeland, Albert and Nadia Eskinazi, Daniel and Eva Sideman Linda Petchenik In memory of Bernard Petchenik. Davida Horwitz, Debra Korman and Family Lois Nudelman In memory of Earl Nudelman. Davida Horwitz Peggy and Mel Alexander In memory of Michael Alexander, much loved son, father, and husband. Sheila Ander Dr. Jerry Agrest and Family In memory of Estelle Agrest. May she rest in peace. Adele Gorenstein, Marylyn and Howard Minkoff, Sarah and Erick Weingart Linda Dick and Family In memory of Richard Dick, your beloved husband. Bobby and Pepi Barr, Barbara and David Menn, Jan and Bob Sabin, Ina and Michael Schneiderman Marshall Kerschner and Family In memory of Morley Ira Kerschner, your beloved brother and uncle. May his memory be a blessing. We wish you and your family comfort in this most difficult time. Darlene and Norman Padnos Family The Family of Sylvia Berman In memory of Sylvia. I am so very very sorry to hear about the loss of your beloved mother!! May her memory always be for a blessing and an inspiration and may she rest in peace and in love. May you and your family and all those who knew and loved her find comfort in Debra Lynn Ross Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund Dr. Jerrry Agrest In memory of Estelle Agrest. May she rest in peace. Juanita Goodyear Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of the meaningful memorial service for our beloved husband, father and grandfather, Bernie Petchenik. Linda Petchenik and Family Alan H. Medansky Memorial Nativ Scholarship Fund Jerry Agrest and Family Sorry for your loss. Alan and Rhoda Maslov
Susan Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter. Joy Berks Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter, Pnina. Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Larry and Fern Roseman Mark Jesselson In appreciation of the beautiful job you did on Shabbat. All my best! Fern Roseman The Bauer Family In memory of Tema. A wonderful mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Ray and Arlene Handler, Larry and Fern Roseman Dr. Jerry Agrest and Family In memory of Estelle Agrest. Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Sheryl and Fred Katzenstein, Joel R. Levin, Diana and Maury Lewis, Raymond and Tami Rokni Dr. Jerry and Barbara Petasnick In memory of of your brother in law Earl Nudelman. Larry and Fern Roseman For the yahrzeit of Morris Hauser. Marlene Goldberg Dorie Kole In memory of your beloved brother. Allan Werth Linda Dick and Family In memory of your beloved husband, father, and grandfather. Allan Werth Mellie Wolfson In memory of Larry Wolfson On behalf of MSCI Tom and Jennifer Klein In memory of Daniel. Zoe Berlinger and Family
Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Adam Scholl In memory of Arnold Scholl. A friend from years gone by. Leonard and Phyllis Mason Dr. Jerry Agrest and Family In memory of Estelle Agrest, beloved wife and dear friend. Irv and Evy Gurin, The Timrott Family Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund John Pascal In memory of your father, Robert Pascal. Barbara and David Menn Linda Petchenik and Family In memory of Bernard Petchenik. Barbara and Stanley Neimark Lois Nudelman and Family In memory of beloved husband, father and grandfather Earl Nudelman. Mark and Sharon Telpner and Family CBS Youth Endowment Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos In memory of Joan Lesnoy. With our deepest sympathy upon the loss of your beloved sister-in-law. May her memory be for a blessing. Don and Barbara Goldberg Linda Dick and Family In memory of your beloved husband, Richard. Eva and Daniel Sideman Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Lawrence LeVine In honor of Lawrence LeVine- Mazel Tov, 2022 Kavod Award Winner. The Forti Family Gold Family Sabbath Fund Robin and Steven Bright In honor of the engagement, aufruf, and upcoming nuptials of Michael and Sarah! Mazel Tov. Big Love and best wishes to the whole Bright Family at this happy time! Beth Preis and Family Herb Lesnoy In honor of your 80th Birthday. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky In honor of your new grandchild, Pnina Bari Karlinsky. Arlene and Ray Handler Dayle and Dennis Teven For the birth of your granddaughter, Tatum Hart. Deby and Michael Eisenberg Debbie Stern and Howard Freidin In honor of Brian and Hannah's marriage. Merrill Medansky The Bauer Family In memory of your dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother. May her memory be a blessing. Adele Gorenstein Sheila Handwerker In memory of Fred Altman, beloved friend. Buddy Kalish Susan Diamond In memory of Fern Zimmerman. Our condolences! David and Barbara Menn Lois Nudelman In memory of your beloved husband, Earl. Iris Lerner and Toby Natkin Dr. Jerry Agrest In memory of Estelle Agrest. We are so sorry for your loss. Phyllis and Alan Bramson
Dr. Joel and Judy Greenman In appreciation of the lovely Purim basket. Arvin Futterman The Ybarra Family In appreciation of the lovely Purim basket. Arvin Futterman Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your granddaughter. Mazel Tov! Tracey and David Becker, Jean Kosova. Leslie and Scott Rogoff, Nancy and Richard Sher Elaine Michaels For a speedy recovery. Thinking of you! Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz Linda Petchenik In memory of your beloved husband, Bernie. Arlene and Ray Handler, Carol and Ed Kaplan, Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz, Scott, Leslie, Marissa, and Sophie Rogoff The Appelbaum Family In memory of Dr. William Appelbaum. May his memory be a blessing to you all, always. The Becker Family The Bosse Family In memory of Selma Bosse. May her memory be a blessing to you and your family always. Tracey and David Becker Becky Salasche In memory of your dad. I was so sorry to hear about his passing. I hope his memory is always a blessing to you and your family. Tracey Becker Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Dr. Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of Tema Bauer. Beloved mother and grandmother Arnie and Janet Hoffman Debra Oberman and Family In memory of Sarell Cohen. Beloved mother and grandmother. Arnie and Janet Hoffman, Libby and Burt Hoffman The Family of Bill Appelbaum In memory of Bill Appelbaum. Janet and Arnie Hoffman Dr. Jerry Agrest In memory of Estelle Agrest. Janet and Arnie Hoffman HUGS Fund Charlotte Migdow In honor of your birthday. Carrie Rosenstein Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your new granddaughter, Pnina Bari. Mazel Tov! Diana and Maury Lewis Louise Kerchner In memory of Morley Kerschner. Harold and Lisa Dembo Jeffrey Schwartz In memory of Joel, your father. Dan and Jenny Schneider Dr. Jerry Agrest In memory of Estelle. Marlene Silverman Dr. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer In memory of Tema Bauer. Marnie and Eric Baer Irwin Frischman and Family In memory of Sandy Frischman. Marti Sinton Debbie Friend In memory of Trudye Fischoff, your beloved sister. Samantha L. Seidenberg Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Lawrence LeVine In honor of receiving the Kavod Award. Marc and Terri Schwartz Gary Solomon In honor of receiving Washington University in St. Louis' 2022 Outstanding Alumni Award! Jonathan, Denise Joshua, Ethan, and Truffle Bev and Dave Sugar and Family In memory of Janna Sugar. Debra Brinkworth and Joe Muncer, Rob and Bunny Polovin The Hutensky, Sugar, and Roth Families In memory of Janna Sugar. Shaynee Jankelovitz The Hutensky, Sugar, and Roth Families In memory of Lillian Rosenfeld. Shaynee Jankelovitz Charlotte Kohn and Family In memory of Bertha Rosenfeld. Shaynee Jankelovitz Debra Kay and Family In memory of Brandon, always remembered, never forgotten. Nessa Holzman Bob Brower and Family In memory of Marcy Brower. We sorely miss our dear friend Marcy and think of her often. David and Bev Sugar and Family Robin Neidich In memory of Sylvia Berman. On behalf of myself and Lauren Cohen, our condolences to the entire Berman family. Your mother was a lovely woman who will be greatly missed. Donald Shapiro Dr. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer In memory of Tema Bauer. We are so sorry to hear of the loss of your mother. May her memory be a blessing. Jonathan and Denise Handler Linda Petchenik In memory of Bernie Petchenik. We were so sorry to hear of your loss. Jonathan and Denise Handler, Iris and Steve Podolsky
Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the lovely Purim basket. Arvin Futterman
DONATIONS Dr. Hilary Bauer-Cohen In memory of your grandmother, Tema Bauer. Rebecca Sostrin Becky and David Salasche In memory of Richard Dick. We are so sorry for your families loss. Sari and Geoff Weil Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund Ron Harris In memory of your mother. Barbara Levine Jen and Adam Levine In memory of Tina Grossman. Barbara Levine Kessler Family Memorial ShabbaTONE Fund Linda, Becky, Brian, and Mandy In memory of Richard. We are so sorry for your loss. Barry and Caryn Mendel The Family of Joel Levin In memory of Joel Levin. Beloved father and grandfather. Jeff Kohan and Nancy Kahon, Shirley Kessler Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund The Family of Melvin Zuckerman In memory of Melvin Zuckerman. Arvin Futterman Steve and Ifaat Bosse In memory of Selma. Our sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved mother. Cheryl and Kevin Braude Susan and Sheldon Karlinsky For the birth of your sweet granddaughter, Pnina. Cheryl and Kevin Braude Mitzi and Stewart Herman In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Joshua Stepen. Mazel Tov to you and the Stepen Family. Howard and Myra Moldofsky Fern and Mitchell King In honor of the Aufruf of Alec King and Emily Smith. Margie, Rick, and Adam Levinson Dr. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer In memory of Tema Bauer, beloved mother. Sue and Shelly Karlinsky Michael and Susi Hartman In memory of Frieda Hartman, beloved mother and grandmother. Sue and Shelly Karlinsky Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Linda Petchenik In memory of Bernie Petchenik. Evan and Lisa Oblonsky The Scholl Family In memory of Marvin Shapiro. Jennifer Rothschild The Klein Family In memory of Daniel. Debbie Lenardi and Family, Chase Oblonsky, Glen and Jill Roter Lois Nudelman In memory of Earl Nudelman, beloved husband, father and grandfather. Fern Slotky and Family Drs. Mandy and Jim Daitch In memory of Your mother. Lisa and Evan Oblonsky The Oberman Family In memory of your mother, Sarell. Oblonsky Family Michael and Susan Cohen In memory of Sarell. Our deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your beloved Mom/Grama. We are holding you in our hearts and may her memory be for a blessing. Scott and Debbie Rudin Elizabeth Ballis In memory of Stephen Ballis. The Oblonsky Family Bryan and Laura Flangel In memory of your mother. The Oblonsky Family Linda Petchenik In memory of Bernie. The Rosner Family Lester and Richard Kurnick Youth Fund Lawrence LeVine In honor of receiving the Kavod honor. The Fischman Family Roberta and Brian Miller In honor of Hannah and Daniel's Marriage! Lisa Alter Krule and Michael Krule Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund CBS Men's Club In appreciation of Men's Club and all its volunteers for the wonderful Lox Box. Rita Janowitz Lawrence LeVine In honor of being named Men's Club Man of the Year. Joel and Judy Greenman, Jill Lake Linda Dick In memory of Richard Dick. Joel and Judy Greenman Linda Petchenik In memory of Bernie. I'm so sorry. Fred Fisher Louise Kerchner In memory of Morley. We are so sad to hear of his passing. We love you and are thinking of you. May his name be for a blessing. Ellen and Andy Roth Dr. Jerry Agrest and Family In memory of Estelle. So sorry for your loss. Helene (Schusteff) and Tom Coorsh, Fred Fisher, Michael and Judi Greenberg, Joel and Judy Greenman, Howard and Elaine Michaels, Les and Jill Olefsky, Elliot and Renee Roth, Randy and Hope Samborn
MAY 2022• VOLUME 101 ISSUE 71
Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Fern King For the yahrzeit of Helen Glazer, beloved mother and bubie. Fern and Mitchell King Glenn and Cindy Schwartz For the yahrzeit of Morton Stillman. Glenn and Cindy Schwartz In memory of my parents, Rose and Harry Aberman. Laurence Stern and Elyse Jacobs Stern For the yahrzeit of Larry Richardson. Burton Bentkover For the yahrzeit of Lillian Bentkover. Burton Bentkover For the yahrzeit of my dear father-in-law, Nathan Adler. Sheila Ander For the yahrzeit of Dennis Kessler. Doris Kessler For the yahrzeit of Harry Pestine. Susan Pestine
Debbie and Larry Oberman In memory of Sarell Cohen. We mourn the loss of your beloved mother. Amy and Dan Schwartz Dr. Jerry Agrest In memory of Estelle Agrest. We want to express our most heartfelt sympathy on the death of your beloved wife, mother and grandmother. Darlene and Norman Padnos and Family Linda Petchenik and Family In memory of Bernie. Irene and Gerald Rogers, Sherry and Hy Weiss Helen Hoffenberg and Family In memory of your beloved husband, father, and grandfather, Earl. Our deepest condolences on his passing. Thinking of you all and sending love. Irit and Jack Jacobson and Family
Pay It Forward - Membership and Tuition Scholarship Funds The Karlinsky Family For the birth of your granddaughter, Pnina Bari. Sue Lampert Linda Petchenik In memory of Bernie. I am so saddened by your loss. May Bernie's memory be a blessing. Sending love. Laura Petasnick Michael and Susan Cohen In memory of Sarell Cohen. Laurie and Joel Shapiro
Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth of Pnina Bari. Eileen and Ira Rosenbaum Sharlene Sherman In honor of your birthday. Happy Birthday!! Ira and Eileen Rosenbaum Ira Rosenbaum For the yahrzeit of Bertha Rosenbaum. Eileen and Ira Rosenbaum Francine Applebaum In memory of William Applebaum. Eileen and Ira Rosenbaum Linda Dick and Family In memory of your husband, father, and papa, Rick. Jill and Les Olefsky
Prayer Book Fund Alane and Peter Epstein In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother. Allan, Brian, Lindsay, Sophie, and Ari Werth The Petchenik Family In memory of Bernie Petchenik. Marshall and Barbara Dickler, Leonard and Phyllis Mason Rosengard Museum Fund The Cohen Family In memory of Sarell Cohen. Norman and Roberta Friedman Dr. Jerry Bauer and Family In memory of Tema Bauer. Norman and Roberta Friedman
William and Pearl Schwartz Memorial Library Fund Dr. Jerry Agrest In memory of Estelle Agrest - my deepest condolences Harold Schwartz Dr Jerry Bauer In memory of Tema Bauer. Our heartfelt condolences on the death of your beloved mother. Susan and Harold Schwartz Robin Neidich In memory of Sylvia Berman. Our heartfelt condolences. Susan and Harold Schwartz
Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Linda Dick and Family In memory of Richard Dick. Sheldon Fran Kazan For the birth of Zev Jordan. Sam and Becca Tatel and Wendy Copeland For the yahrzeit of Rose Saltzberg. Terry Saltzberg For the yahrzeit of my mother, Dorothy Glazier. Jeffrey and Lawrence LeVine In honor of receiving the 2022 Kavod Davida Arnold Award. Sam and Becca Tatel Robin Neidich In memory of your Mother. Barb and Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth of Pnina Bari. Michael Zaransky Sam and Becca Tatel Dr. Jerry Bauer In memory of your very special and Linda Petchenik and Family In memory of Bernie remarkable mother. Barb and Michael Zaransky and Jack Petchenik. Jerry and Elizabeth Berkelhamer, Tracy and Jeff Safron, Mangurten Sam and Becca Tatel, Naomi Weiss Zemsky SKIP Fund Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Jenny Schwartz In memory of Joel Schwartz. Marisa Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth of your Mandrea granddaughter, Pnina. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Alon, Nina, Ari and Oren Stein In memory of Meyer Robin Neidich and Family In memory of your mother, Stein. Our sincere condolences on the loss of your father and Sylvia Berman. Michael and Carol Schnitzler grandfather. May his memory always be a blessing. Sheila and Dr. Jerry Agrest and Family In memory of Estelle Agrest, Maury Netter beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. May her memory be a blessing. Edna Schrank Linda Dick and Family, In memory of Rick Dick, beloved husband, father, and grandfather. May his memory be a blessing Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Edna Schrank Linda Petchenik and Family, In memory of Bernie Petchenik, beloved husband, father, and grandfather. May his memory be a blessing. Lauren, Scott, and Jodi Flicker and Family, Edna Schrank Bruce Goldstein In memory of Sarell Cohen. With deepest condolences, please accept this gift in her memory. JDJ Family Office Services Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund Susan and Shelly Karlinsky For the birth of your new granddaughter, Pnina Bari. Mazel Tov!! Helene and Tom Coorsh, Debbie and Gary Greenspan In appreciation of a Mishebeirach said. Sheldon Kaner In memory of Fred Saruk. Seymour and Beverly Binstein Thinking of the Ukrainians at this time. Suzanne Gilford Thinking of the the Jewish community in the Ukraine. Leonard and Phyllis Mason For the Jews of Ukraine, I am thinking of all of you. Zelda Korol For the people of Ukraine. Irene and Gerald Rogers We are thinking about everyone in Ukraine at this time. Norman and Ilene Iglarsh Thoughts and prayers to our loved ones in Ukraine. Diana Lee, Howard, and Andrew Rothbart
3433 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062
Permit 144 Northbrook, IL
Friday – May 6 (Candles 7:38 PM) Shabbat Service ShabbaTONE/ 4th Grade Shabbat B’Yachad Saturday – May 7 Shabbat Service
6:00 PM 6:00 PM
Friday – May 27 (Candles 7:58 PM) Shabbat Service
6:00 PM
Saturday – May 28 Shabbat Service
9:30 AM
9:30 AM
Friday Evening – May 13 (Candles 7:45 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – May 14 Shabbat Service Study Minyan
9:30 AM 10:30 AM
Friday – May 20 (Candles 7:52 PM) Shabbat Service
6:00 PM
Saturday – May 21 Shabbat Service
9:30 AM
Daily Minyan (in-person, Live Streaming and via Zoom) Sunday & Legal Holidays 8:45 AM Monday - Friday 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday 7:45 PM **Shabbat Mincha will begin at 12:45 PM, unless otherwise noted.**