INSIDE THIS ISSUE Welcome New Members ........................ 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Shabbat Mornings .................................. 4-5 Youth/Young Family Engagement .......... 6 B’nai Mitzvah ............................................... 7 Religious School ......................................... 8 Send-a-Kid-to-Israel Partnership ........... 9 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ... 10-11 Sisterhood .......................................... 12-13 Men’s Club ............................................... 14 Social Action ............................................ 15 Blood Drive ............................................. 16 Keruv Korner .......................................... 17 Calendar ............................................. 18-19 Hoshana .................................................... 20 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28 Rabbi .................................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ............................. Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Interim Executive Director ............Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President ............................................Tanya Solomon Sisterhood President ................... Robyn Rosengard Men’s Club President .......................... Steven Elisco USY President .................................. Ryan Eisenstadt Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman
SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.
RABBI FERRATIER’S FINDINGS Coming off of the cycle of Jewish holidays, many people say that October and November are a low point of the year. November might not have much to remind us that we’re Jewish, but there are several days which remind us that we’re American; after focusing so intently on our Jewishness during the High Holidays, it’s good to have the reminder that we do not exist only in a world of religious observances and obligations, but also in a world of civic and political responsibilities. The first day which reminds us of our American identity occurs Tuesday, November 3rd. It is, of course, Election Day. It has become impossible to hear the news without feeling as though our political system, once the envy of the free world, has become a mockery of government. Citizens from across the political spectrum feel angry, frustrated, and helpless. Election Day is the day to do something about it. Election Day is the day when citizens can decide to be part of the problem, or part of the solution. It doesn’t matter which candidate receives your vote. Every ballot cast sends a message saying “I care.” Every uncast vote creates an atmosphere of apathy and puts a stamp of approval on the low standards of conduct and integrity which seem to have become normal for our political and cultural leaders. This is our chance to express ourselves as Americans. This Rabbi Ferratier
is one action we can all take. We have the obligation as citizens to help create the “More Perfect Union.” We have the obligation as Jews to create a more perfect world. Voting on Election Day allows us to do both. Less than a week later, we have yet another important American observance: Veterans Day. Although in recent years Veterans Day has been marked more by furniture sales than by parades, Veterans Day is perhaps the most-overlooked, underappreciated civic holiday. Unlike Memorial Day, which centers on our fallen heroes, Veterans Day celebrates living veterans. It celebrates those who have, since 1973, chosen to spend their lives in service to our nation, and those who, prior to 1973 were often called into service by the draft. It is a day which celebrates the decisions made by ordinary men and women to place the American people and our stated ideals above their individual desires. It is a day in which we recognize in our veterans a bravery which we hope exists within ourselves. In Judaism, we are quick to remember the dead. Veterans Day reminds us to honor the living people whose sacrifices throughout the last century have helped to preserve for us the freedoms we most prize.
(continued on page 2)
WELCOME NEW MEMBERS (continued from front page Rabbi Ferratier’s Findings) Finally, we arrive at Thanksgiving. Sukkot might have been our religious holiday of gratitude, but Thanksgiving Day is our national day of gratitude. It is a day in which we show our gratitude in the simple act of eating with loved ones. It does not require a long service in Synagogue, nor an elaborately ordered meal, but rather simple words at a table which ideally reflects the complexity and diversity of the American People. Although the story of the Pilgrims is mythic, the image of neighbors extending hospitality across cultures is at the core of what it means to be an American. To be Jewish is to celebrate by eating. To be American is to eat with those who do not look or act like we do. Of the three, chances are that Thanksgiving is the only one which immediately springs to mind when we start naming holidays. However, in its own way, November is as important a month for our national soul as Tishrei is for our Jewish one. May Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving bring all of us a sense of shared and renewed pride in our national identity. May they awaken in us a true sense of civic duty, and may they help us to appreciate the freedoms that allow us to live here both fully Jewish and fully American. JOIN US IN WELCOMING THESE NEW MEMBERS OF CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Risa and Michael Appelbaum Carolyn Granof Rivi & Scott Kurtz Harriette & Steven Leibovitz
OFFICE CLOSINGS Thursday - Friday November 26-27 Thanksgiving Holiday
Save the Date! Erev Thanksgiving ZOOM Bingo Sponsored by CBS Men’s Club Wednesday, November 25th 7:00 PM
FROM THE CONGREGATION PRESIDENT Many of you know I am a huge football fan. I come from a long line of Green Bay Packer fans. My parents are Packer fans, my grandparents were Packer fans. My brother and sister are Packer fans. In fact, not only are we fans, we are also owners. Every member of my family has at least one share of stock in the Green Bay Packers. I have a mixed marriage - Dave is an equally rabid Bears fan. We are a family divided. My daughter is a Packer fan, my son a Bears fan, and his fiancé is a New Orleans Saints fan. Sundays can be remarkably interesting at my house. Fantasy football has added another level to this competition. Not only do we root for our live teams, we now root for individuals of any team if it will help one of us triumph over the other on our fantasy teams. Tanya Solomon
I expect and demand that you cheer for your team with gusto. Bonus points for wearing your lucky socks or painting your face. But when the game is over, any gloating ends as soon as the post-game commentary does. There are no reminders of bad calls or missed opportunities. We are cheering against the team, not the fan, so no personal comments about choices. When all the games are over, we come together for a meal or a call, and go back to normal. This gives us an outlet for our competitive spirit but means we do not take it too far. These days, even during Packer - Bears week, when the temptation is great for passive-aggressive comments and behavior, we have mellowed. To paraphrase Ruth Bader Ginsburg z”l, we can learn to disagree without being disagreeable, but only after the game. We teach tolerance for accepting choices that others make, that a person can separate the conflict between different viewpoints from the person. Disagreements can be healthy if managed properly, but then they need to be resolved in a way that leaves everyone feeling they have been heard and were important to the decision-making process. In the business world, there are six basic steps to conflict resolution: 1. Clarify what the disagreement is 2. Establish a common goal for both parties 3. Discuss ways to meet the common goal 4. Determine the barriers to the common goal 5. Agree on the best way to resolve the conflict 6. Acknowledge the agreed upon solution and determine the responsibilities each party has in the resolution Conflict resolution in the business world derives in large part from the principles of Judaism. The Talmud praises those judges who can mediate resolutions rather than issuing legal judgements and the admonishment to preserve the peace in the community are often stated. Leaders are encouraged to act cautiously and accept compromise to prevent conflict and to preserve the peace and welfare of the community. Another concept, one that is equally important, is that not all conflicts can be solved. In these cases, as the Talmud suggests, we wait for the Messiah to come and solve them. During football season, I will not compromise on which team for whom I cheer. I will compromise on with whom I watch the games and how I behave after. As President of our Congregation, I will not compromise on doing what is best for CBS, based on our traditions, our mission, and what has worked in the past. I will compromise on learning new information and perspectives and integrating new practices into our own traditions to come out even stronger. I know that we cannot resolve every conflict to the satisfaction of everyone but, as long as we listen to all sides with respect and then make our decisions as carefully as possible, we can maintain our sense of community and build for the future. Tanya NOVEMBER 2020 • VOLUME 86 ISSUE 56
Fall is finally in full swing and so is our Youth and Young Family Programming! Over the last month we have enjoyed virtual fun with our USYer’s and have welcomed USYer’s from all over the country to join our lounge nights and alternative Monday programming. This month, we are continuing with our full slate of programming for our high schoolers. All programs and monthly calendars can be found on our Youth page of the Congregation Beth Shalom Website, and on our CBS USY Instagram @cbs.usy.
Both our Kadima and Chaverim programs were so much fun last month and we are looking forward to November 15th at 12:30 pm with our Chaverim friends (Grades 25) when we create our own masks! Pick up of materials will be announced closer to the event, so be on the lookout for an email letting you know when you can get your materials. On November 18th at 5:00 pm, we will have our monthly Kadima (Grades 6-8) Lounge Night Wheel of Fortune! Join us to win awesome prizes and see if you can guess all of the words! Both programs will be virtual and the links to the programs can be found on our Youth page of the Congregation Beth Shalom Website: I hope our Young Families had a great time at trivia this past month. This month we are excited to invite our Young Families and their kids to our Virtual Thanksgiving art class! Join us on November 25th at 1:00 pm where we will create Fall and Thanksgiving art projects, play games, and bring in the holiday weekend! Look out for more information on our website, email, and Young Family Facebook page for more information on pick-up for the art supplies and other items! Be on the lookout for our monthly Young Family Shabbat on-demand video and our monthly “Craft Time with Eric” video, on our Young Family page of the Congregation Beth Shalom Website: L’Shalom, Eric Golberg Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement In-person Evening Minyan The Congregation Beth Shalom COVID-19 Task Force has been meeting regularly to discuss safe practices, guidelines and re-opening procedures. CBS slowly returned to in-person evening minyan beginning on Monday, October 12, from Sunday through Thursday at 7:45 p.m. with a maximum of 20 participants and a minyan leader. No walk-ins are allowed and there is a volunteer at the door checking attendance and assuring that everyone that enters CBS follow all safety protocols. Our first families to celebrate B’nai Mitzvah in-person began on October 31st. Each family is limited to 15 people per family (including the Bar/Bat Mitzvah household). The families are following all of the same safety guidelines and protocols put in place for our minyan participants. From there we hope to be able to allow in-person morning minyan (with a 20 person maximum) in the near future. We need to take each of these steps cautiously, yet optimistically. We will keep you informed as we move ahead. If we are unable to sustain our in-person evening minyan due to low registration, we will, unfortunately, have to offer only Live Streaming/Zoom minyan until a later date. Evening Minyan registration is required and is limited to 20 people (Sunday – Thursday at 7:45 p.m.). Register online through your MyCBS account or by registering with this url: 6
Daughter of Jeff & Lindsey Berman Sister of Lexi & Trey Berman Granddaughter of Steve & Sheila Walowitz, Sondra Berman, Wes Berman
Son of Jennifer & Jason Schwartz Brother of Casey & Skylar Schwartz Grandson of Donna & Irv Fox, Tammy & Les Schwartz Great Grandson of Bess Wolff
Daughter of Brian Greene, Corrine Greene Sister of Skyler & Jett Greene Granddaughter of Jeri & Spencer Greene, Rochelle Singer, Herb Singer of Blessed Memory
CBS Congregants at the Holidays!
Our Religious School program is primarily virtual as this time. Our students are enrolled in 10 school districts and some are attending 100% in person, others in a hybrid and others 100% virtually. We are very aware that our moving to in-person classes would disrupt the pods set up by the secular schools.
All of our grade levels meet on Sundays via Zoom and our older grades also have Hebrew either individually via Zoom or in small groups via Zoom. Classes often have a hands-on component with art projects and games that are designed well in advance so that families can pick up supplies. Tuesday afternoons we also have a special t‘filah study class led by Rabbi Warner which is interactive and well attended! Our students continually amaze us with their participation, enthusiasm and questions. The Religious School participated in the CBS Sukkot Celebration on Sunday, October 4th. We were part of the Hoshana (procession) around the outside of the CBS building wearing masks, socially distancing and with many waving a lulav and etrog. At the end of the program, families were able to pick-up edible sukkah kits. Photos of the completed mini-sukkot were submitted for judging. The creativity level was very high and prizes were awarded! Thank you to everyone who participated!
Gavin Schwalb
Kaminsky Family
Gabriel Weisbach
Simchat Torah was celebrated by the school with a special scavenger hunt. There was one item to find for every parsha in the Torah. Once again we were amazed by our students’ tenacity – as a group they found all of the items! It is always a pleasure to reward learning and effort. 7th Grade Special Programs Our 7th Grade (Kitah Zayin) have just begun the first part of their Holocaust Unit. We have the pleasure again this year of having Mark Gelfeld, a docent at the Illinois Holocaust Museum, teach this unit. Thanks to the creativity and flexibility of Mark and the museum we have re-designed our program. Mark will teach on four consecutive Tuesdays (which began on October 27th) and part of the hour program will be a virtual tour of the museum. Parents are encouraged to participate with their students. In addition to our Holocaust Unit, the past couple of years our 7th Grade has participated in the LINK Israel Program through Stand with Us. This year the program has been re-designed for a virtual format. Their Midwest Regional Coordinator, Matt Rissien (yes, our past CBS Youth Director), will be teaching the program with one of our 7th Grade teachers, Rich Orlov. We will be meeting virtually via Zoom with Temple Jeremiah 7th Graders once a month from October through February. The curriculum focuses on a Jewish presence in Israel from the destruction of the second Temple through modern times.
SEND-A-KID-TO-ISRAEL PARTNERSHIP SKIP is a cooperative program in which families, congregations, and the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago each contribute funds toward an Israel Experience program for participating students. The SKIP goal is for each student to travel to Israel as part of his/her Jewish education. Enrollment begins during a student’s 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th Grade and continues through 9th Grade. Both public school and day school students are eligible. The combined annual contribution for our children at Congregation Beth Shalom is $255 ($70 from each family, matched by $100 from our congregation thanks to the support from the David Zaransky Memorial Skip Fund and $85 from Federation). Although the SKIP program may not cover the entire cost of a trip to Israel, the funds make a considerable reduction in the expense. Remember that the funds are put into an interest-bearing account. Furthermore, families in financial need can apply for scholarships from other sources. Enrollment is arranged through our synagogue. After the initial enrollment form is completed, we are responsible for the rest – submitting the partnership agreements, transferring the funds and reporting our childrens names to the Federation. Enrollment information will arrive this fall, with a deadline of December 1, 2020 for the submission of forms and checks. There are many wonderful Israel Experience programs out there – everything from internship programs in various fields to volunteer programs to sports-based programs to study programs of almost any length. Your child’s SKIP funds (as well as Gift of Israel funds) can provide the opportunity of a lifetime. Your child’s SKIP funds ensure that he or she will be able to go to Israel at least once, if not more than once, even if Birthright Israel is not an option. Frequently Asked Questions How do I register my child? When you receive the enrollment information, you need to complete the forms and send a $70 check, made payable to Congregation Beth Shalom, by December 1. If I want to enroll my child who is currently in 4th Grade, may I pay past 9th Grade and make up a missing year? You may begin contributions in grades 3, 4, 5, or 6 but you may only contribute through 9th Grade. If my child would like to go to Israel before the completion of 9th Grade, may I use his/her funds one year earlier? S.K.I.P. ‘s goal is for funds to be used for a high school or college Israel Experience program and is designed for sophomore high school students or older. Under certain circumstances, families may be able to use a portion of their SKIP funds for 8th Grade Israel Experience programs, such as Israel Now or day school trips. Please contact our office at to make sure that your trip is eligible and then use the 8th Grade Israel Experience Savings Request form to redeem your funds. If you have any questions on registering your child, please contact Lisa Orlov at or 847/498-4100 ext. 46.
CBS U/ADULT ED/PROGRAMMING CBS YACHAD – COMING TOGETHER It’s a new year – try something new! Let us connect you with other CBS members who share common interests or hobbies. CBS YACHAD groups are already forming. Whether you like Peloton Riding, Pub Trivia, Book Clubs, Museum Tours or something else – just let us know! If you haven’t already done so, please complete the Interest Survey by clicking this link: or cut and paste it into your browser. We have more than 30 suggested YACHAD groups. If you don’t see one that interests you – please suggest an idea! Thank you to those members who have already completed the survey. We’re going to have a lot of fun and make new friends! YACHAD Committee Chair, Sue Lampert ( Membership VP, Randy Samborn ( CBS staff members Leann Blue (847.498.4100, ext. 44) and Lisa Orlov (847.498.4100, ext. 46)
Movies With Melman
7:00 PM 8:30 PM Watch the movies in advance and then join us for discussion on the following Thursday nights:
10/22 An American Pickle 11/19 JoJo Rabbit 1/14 Munich 2/18 TBA 4/15 TBA 5/13 TBA To register go to: w Melman All movies are available to rent through services like iTunes and YouTube. Some may be available on other streaming services by subscription. If you need help finding any movie email Leann ( or Lisa (
SISTERHOOD Robyn Rosengard
Fall is in the air! I love the month of November. I love when all the leaves fall and change colors. November is here and Thanksgiving will look quite different this year than in previous years. But traditions in the Rosengard house will never change. I’m thankful for so much during this pandemic; my family, health, the wonderful support of the CBS Sisterhood and the synagogue staff and clergy. For without them we would not have been able to have the successful programs that we have participated in and to make the memories we have created throughout the year.
Thank you to Laurie B. Davis and Congregation Beth Shalom for the fantastic Notorious RBG: The Life and Times of Ruth Bader Ginsburg virtual exhibit tour at The Illinois Holocaust Museum. It was amazing. Also thank you to Leann Blue and Ellen Grossman for our fantastic and delicious Cooking Across the Continents. Thank you to our wonderful chefs, Loly Farnos for teaching us how to make Pescado en Escabeche & Flan de Coco (Coconut Custard), Matty Shechtman for Spanikopita and Greek Cookies Curabias and Maria Catezone for Super Simple Marinara Sauce and Meatballs. These classes were so much fun and so informative. Especially during our pandemic world, think of some things that you are thankful for during this time of year. Stay safe and healthy! Robyn
CBS Sisterhood Social Action Project CBS Sisterhood is continuing the Social Action Project begun at WLCJ Convention 2020. We will be making fleece blankets and t-shirt shopping bags to donate to The ARK. The blankets will be given to their clients at Chanukah and the bags will go directly to the Food Pantry. We will be collecting these finished items until November 25, 2020. Since CBS is closed the donations will be dropped off at Edna Schrank’s home. Please contact Edna for questions and information Following are the YouTube directions for both: Instructions for making a Tee Shirt Shopping Bag Shopping Bag: Instructions for making a Fleece Blanket Blanket:
The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop Support your CBS community at our ~Shop Around the Corner~
We’re your One Stop Chanukah Shop! 1st Candle – December 10, 2020 The best local source for unique Judaica and general giftware. While we cannot welcome you into the shop, we are happy to continue to serve CBS from the comfort of your home. View our merchandise online Order your items by sending a message to For ordering, questions, assistance, please contact Donna Fox (h) 847-281-7456 (c) 513-378-2491 Diana Lewis (h) 847-947-2906 (c) 847-903-6175 Darlene Padnos (h) 847-998-0494 (c) 847-217-4531
MEN’S CLUB Steven Elisco
It has become obvious that to be successful in the remainder of 2020 and throughout 2021, it is going to be imperative to remain flexible. Flexible in our business lives, flexible in our personal lives and for the Men’s Club, flexible in our social, educational, and spiritual programming.
When it became apparent to those of us working on the planning of our Steaks in the Sukkah program, that the elements of the program that were going to make this ZOOM program different and more creative than others, were technologically not achievable, we pivoted. We moved to an in-person, mask wearing, socially distant tailgate in the school parking lot to watch the Bears v Buccaneers game. A pre-packaged skirt steak sandwich dinner was available if you chose to partake, as well as time in the CBS Sukkah to participate in the mitzvah of Bentching (shaking) of the Lulav and Etrog. With the anticipation of the Steaks in the Sukkah Tailgate program being as successful as our Opening Dinner Trivia Tournament, we look forward to the following programs: Sunday, November 22nd at 10:00 am, will be the second session in the Israel in Depth series. The topic will be, “What Does November 3rd Mean for US-Israel Relations?” Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 pm - Erev Thanksgiving ZOOM Bingo All of these programs will be on ZOOM. We are working on possible breakfast options for the Israel in Depth program. So, as we continue to develop these as well as other programs, please look for the details and ZOOM invitations included in the CBS Byte, on the CBS Website and in your email. L ‘Shalom Steven
A few important reminders x
We ask that you sign in to your MyCBS account (ShulCloud) and make sure that your contact information is up to date including your cell phone number and email. If we need to communicate with you, we need to be sure we have your correct contact information.
Please check the Congregation Beth Shalom website ( for updates and be sure to open any emails that you receive from us during these uncertain times.
Use the online calendar ( for the most up-todate information on what is happening at CBS! You can also save to your own calendar, share with a friend, etc. from there.
SOCIAL ACTION November Social Action Update Did you know…that Cantor Stoehr is in the process of publishing a new children’s book coming out soon and all the proceeds will go to support Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh? It is called That’s What Friends Do and will be available both as a digital book and in hardcover. Did you know…that two years later we continue to have several members of our CBS community working with our refugee family from Myanmar? Hassan and Minara have two beautiful children, Anas (almost 5) and Formin (almost 1) and are expecting their third child in March. The family needs a stroller that can accommodate the children. Please contact Chris Meyers,, if you are able to help the family. Our committee continues to offer support to the Northfield Township Food Pantry, The ARK, the PADS shelter, and many more needy organizations. Here are a few highlights: We continue to provide supplemental food bags for students who qualify for free and reduced meals in Northbrook sponsored by the Hunger Free Northbrook program. We are hoping to continue adding students from additional schools in Northbrook. Contact Leatte Gelfeld,, for more information. Some of our most dedicated volunteers who have shopped for and delivered groceries to The ARK clients are no longer able to do so because they are at high risk of contracting COVID-19. If anyone is comfortable grocery shopping and willing to do so once every month or two, please contact Merrill Medansky at All our clients are within ten miles of the synagogue, including Deerfield and Glenview. CBS reimburses the shoppers with funds from the Gold Family Sabbath Fund. Throughout the fall, The ARK has been picking up food donations at CBS. They are in desperate need of food to stock their pantry shelves. With winter approaching, The ARK’s needs are even greater. You can contact Susan Karlinsky at for more information. Save this date: Sunday November 8, Blood Drive at CBS. You must pre-register. See details on Page 16. During the month of November please consider purchasing e-gift cards for clients of JCFS for their holiday gift drive. See details below. Do you have a social action project you would like highlighted in my column? Do you have a project you are interested in starting? There is always room for more members on our committee. Please do not hesitate to contact me at Bob Spector Social Action VP
JCFS Holiday Gift Drive Gifts are only given to clients of JCFS Chicago (or their family members) 18 years or younger To ensure the safety of staff, volunteers and clients, Only e-gift cards are being accepted this year No gift cards over $50.00 JCFS provides holiday gifts for more than 500 needy children Popular places to purchase e-gift cards: Target, Amazon & Walmart Send e-gift card once it’s purchased to: NOVEMBER 2020 • VOLUME 86 ISSUE 56
Shalom Chaverim, Wow, the last few weeks since our holidays have flown by. I hope you have been enjoying the wonderful fall weather we have been experiencing as we all anticipate (and perhaps anxiously wonder how we will celebrate) Thanksgiving and Chanukah, and for some of our members, Christmas, all family focused holidays. One challenge experienced by many interfaith couples (and perhaps many Jewish couples as well) is the negotiation of the extent of religious practice within the family. Even though I am in a profession that demands effective communication, I have to admit that I have fallen short in this way (Chris will readily confirm). I have had so many internal conversations in my head over the years, I assumed that Chris was privy to them. After 32 years shouldn’t she be able to read my mind? You know what they say about making assumptions…. From keeping kosher and the observance of Shabbat or attending weekly services or High Holiday services, or how to incorporate religious rituals of different faiths, interfaith married families and families where the spouse has converted, members can be vulnerable to feeling a partial loss of their personal identity during this discussion. This month’s question to Dr. Bob highlights this issue: Dear Dr. Bob, I am a Conservative Jew who was raised in a partially religious household (attending all High Holiday services and keeping kosher for Passover). I never thought much about religious practice until I married a wonderful woman who I clearly consider to be a supportive spouse (who is not Jewish). We have been married several years and recently completed our annual conflict of how much is enough synagogue time during the High Holidays and will now be trying to figure out how to celebrate Chanukah and Christmas. I found myself taking a harder line position that is contrary to my current religious practice which led to my wife becoming defensive and taking a harder line which is contrary to her nature. We are both bewildered about this and agree that we need to find common ground before we have children. What’s going on? Dear Bewildered, Welcome to the club. While Conservative Judaism does express absolutes regarding religious observance (i.e., Shabbat, keeping kosher, Mitzvot), there is general acceptance of the broad range of observance among Conservative Jews. We often take our religious lifestyle for granted based on our childhood until we are in a circumstance that challenges us to take a position. The High Holidays can be particularly challenging because spending several hours in a religious service is well beyond the norm for most religions especially when one does not understand what is happening. Negotiating a balance between the celebration of both Chanukah and Christmas can also get a bit sticky. The key to successful conflict resolution is to be an active listener and to be willing to compromise. However, you first must search within yourself to both clarify your cultural values and how observant of a Jew you want to be. Until you can clarify your own values, you will not be able to successfully create a mutually satisfying family experience that includes the expression of both yours and your spouse’s cultural and religious needs and desires. On behalf of the Keruv Committee, to all our members - have a Happy Thanksgiving. As always, I welcome your comments and feedback. I can be contacted at
Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:
Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:
BIRTHDAYS AND ANNIVERSARIES Happy Birthday - December Karen Stepen Helen Rifkin Barbara Nissen Barbara Zaransky Erika Harris Mary Apple Jacquelyn Margolis Donna Ruby Tracy Williams Cheryl Fischer Deborah Tucker Laura Schwartzwald Esther Dobrofsky Karyn Liss Barbara Levin Diane Friedman Marci Shapiro Linda Gold Sally Zuckerman Emily Witt Missy Rabinowitz Lauren Rothenberg Roberta Fink Carol Edelson Debra Maskin Ann Soll Rachel Laven Donna Fox Eileen Brusso
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11
Idele Lazar Elaine Nekritz Leila Weiss Brenda Wasserman Tanya Solomon Amy Golden Felicia Lerner Karen Bergman Regina Meerbaum Anne Greenfield Bonnie Vicks Davida Arnold Alexandra Light Geraldine Gainsberg Rhoda Markovitz Esther Good Danielle Weiss Rosalyn Harris Rhandi Weinstock Debra Rosen Nancy Sher Marla Israel Ferne Appel Sheila Blocker Eleanor Castellano Renee Wishnia Robyn Glaubinger Susan Stoehr Rada Burdeen
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Susan Karlinsky Diane Hornstein Marla Glabe Terry Schwartz Gail Polisky Lily Zoberman Pamela Redfern Caron Knopoff Robin Bright Pamela Schwartz Beth Steinberg Cathy Schwartz Dalia Rabinowitz Roslyn Kahn Frances Simon Zelda Korol Marcia Brin Edna Schrank Mindy Garlin Hanna Shamis Jenny Schwartzberg Barbara Lerch Marcy Teitelbaum Jennifer Field Harriet Kaplan Susan Glass Francine Donenberg Shari Levin Denise Krug
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Happy Anniversary - December Harvey & Marcia Brin Steven & Robin Bright 35 yrs Sam & Sharon Mokhtarian Norman & Roberta Friedman Steven & Bari Spector Benjamin & Emily Patzik Larry & Susan Kanar Raymond & Barbara Nissen 65 yrs Jeffrey & Lisa Adler Stanley & Frances Kazan Eric & Elyssa Siegel Steven & Julie Warshawsky Perry & Amy Weinstein Raymond & Arlene Handler Sheldon & Leona Natenberg Stuart & Kay Rothstein 25 yrs Stuart & Marsha Diamond Gerald & Sherry Goldman 60 yrs Gerald & Irene Rogers 60 yrs Robert Gerber & Inna Feldman-Gerber Brenda & Max Wasserman Gary & Jodi Dubofsky Julio & Clara Gesklin Steven & Susan Glass 20 yrs Robert & Beth Footlik Edward & Holly Forman Jerome & Estelle Agrest Leonard & Phyllis Mason 65 yrs Jerry & Joan Schwimmer 20 yrs Stuart & Paula Goldsand 60 yrs Bruce & Barbara Tatz Larry & Lori Fohrman Peter Schmitz & Frances Greenman
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Karin Nussbaum & Eric Berkowitz Richard & Barbara Bosley Leon & Sharon Oberlander Michael & Anne Greenfield Franklin & Maxine Bloom Jack & Irit Jacobson Ari & Eva Footlik Donald & Donna Rappin Earl Schneider & Stevhanie Howard 5 yrs Ron & Morgan Sklar Max & Janis Harris Howard & Laurel Jacob Ira & Iris Lerner Bruce & Anita Taylor Mark & Sharon Telpner Sheryl & Fred Katzenstein Leonard & Jane Siedband Gary & Debbie Sylvan Leo & Roberta Appelbaum 60 yrs Martin & Elaine Pearlman Robert & Janet Sabin Sam & Beverly Weisenberg Burt & Sheila Handler 55 yrs Steven & Iris Podolsky Joel & Suzanne Weinstein Lewis & Irma Amsel Pamela & Michael Issen Steve & Matty Shechtman Cary & Alene Wintroub 45 yrs Paul & Elaine Powell Robert & Susan Katz Steven & Sheila Walowitz
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Sherwin & Gail Meyers Joel & Laurie Shapiro
30 30
Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or do NOT drop off at Synagogue)
MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Alison & Cary Wolovick are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Hannah Liora Wolovick Susan & Wes Nissen and Lori & Scott Margolin are happy to announce the engagement of their children, Hallie Nissen & Bradley Margolin Helene Berns & Howard Freedberg are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Aspen Silver Pearlman Steve Friedlander is happy to announce the birth of his granddaughter, Penelope Jane Serrano The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Francine Donenberg on the passing of her mother, Edith L. Stern Rhonda Jacobson on the passing of her mother, Beverly Gladdin Barbara Proeh on the passing of her husband, Victor Proeh MAY THEIR MEMORY BE FOR A BLESSING If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque. Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Memorial Alcove or Feather Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Call Maria Catezone (847-498-4100 x26) for information or to order a plaque. In memory of LILLIAN LIPSCHULTZ by David Lasky In memory of HOWARD IRWIN TREGUBOFF by Jeffrey Treguboff, Alan & Arlene Treguboff In memory of MARVIN ROSETT by Bonnie & Richard Meltzer
Death of Esteemed Members: Victor Proeh
Jewish Child and Family Services has a partnership with CBS Dawn Levin, our Jewish Community Liaison at JCFS, is available to offer support, assistance and make connections for congregants experiencing challenges or looking for mental health or social service resources. For more information about services provided by the Jewish Child and Family Services or to contact Dawn or call 847.745.5450 or visit JCFS. org.
In memory of SYLVIA STEINFELD by Robyn Elias In memory of MARSHALL LEWIS FAY by H. Ari Jaffe In memory of WILLIAM I. LONG and ETHEL LONG by Barbara Long In memory of LEWIS BERNSTEIN by Eleanor Bernstein 22
YAHRZEITS November 1-6 Harry Albin Howard Elliott Feinman Edythe Gainsberg Miriam M. Hirsch Sarah Martin Benjamin Rosenstein Anne J. Sideman Harry Small Hazzan Alan Smolen Blake Cadkin Harold Cohn Stephen J. Dunn Isadore Epstein Rose Flower Sarah Kay Abraham Lerch Ann Lindenberg T. Paul Natenberg Barbara Rothstein Annette Frank Shloss Estelle Silverstein Burton David Simon Paul Wald Kay Boltax David Flink Morris Frydman Howard Gimbel Allen Grobart Herbert T. Gross Rosalyn Mason Jack Melnick Louis Meltzer Judy Platt Martin L. Rehmar Howard Rosenthal Ethel Cohen Herbert Eisenberg Helen Field Carole Garlin Sara Glicksman Shelley Ikenn Harold Leon Sam Lipson Roland Medansky Rose Mussman Jaqueline Rafalson Bruce Schoeneman Sarah Stein Shulamith Treguboff Phillip Berman Jack Cohan Louis Gold Joseph Harris Dinah T. Lazar Sally Marcus Samuel Rosner Frank Silver Bluma Szlamkowicz Esther Tikulski Jack Cohen Morris Goldberg Irv Lieberman Samuel Simon Anna Simon Mary Sulkin Roseland Zaransky Leonard Zaransky Arthur Zlatkin Lucille Zuevich November 7-13 Herbert Auerbach Dr. Morris Binder Madeleine Alexandre Field Louis Goldberg Fannie Herman
Stuart Kaufman Earl Al"" Lachman Alexander Lebovitz Shirlee Lerman Rebecca Lipson Stewart Lurie Harry Nochumson Martin Pearlman Sarah Rubens Frank Rudich Edward Serafin Marshall Berman Steve Cole Maurice H. Forkash Blossom Gaby Guggino Milton Lesnoy David Lorber Esther Lutz Morris Martin Klara Radovskiy Harry Sherman Arnold Smoler Richard Walk Eugene Wassermann Lennard Becker Armin Friedman Max Goldman Harry Hodes Simon Jacknovitch Ruth Marder Marsha Marks Jules Schaffer Joseph David Sender Ann Kaplan Silverman Lenore Africk Molly Belenke Sylvia Berliner Velma Cohn William Dubofsky Philip Freed Seymour “Bimbo” Gantman Minnie Herman Ida Karlin Jack Korenthal Ruth Obrand Ann Schwartz Joseph Schwartz Rose Turkeltaub Hymen Weisbart May Zlatkin Jules Blumenfeld Robert Burros Helen Edelheit Samuel Fish Arthur Goldberg Hyman Heller Norma Moseson Sam Porec Hyman Weber Abraham David Block Goldie Grace Boyansky Rae Cotton Jack Irwin Feldman Nathan Goldman Myron Horwitz Stewart Allen Metzger Bernard Roth Ruth Schlegman Earl B. Slavitt Betty Tenenblatt David Zemsky Fran Sharp Auslander Belle Bell Sophia M. Berger David Block Dora Bosley Sylvia Fink Burt Gitles Rose Greenfield Lester Scott Annette Braverman Semans
Andrea “Andi” Ship Bessie Siegel Howard Sinton Habib Younes November 14-20 Yetta Fenton Vicki Fox Harold Gabriel Velda Garfinkel Cyril Garland Dr. Jordan Kempler Robert Lasky Mildred Nitzkin Allen Jay Schaeffer Herman Schaffer Eva Shapiro Barbara Star Roeslla Israel Zavell Marlene Dubofsky Warren Elisco Jack “Yunkel” Getlin Sylvia Kitzes Rose Lipschultz Jack Marcovitch Irving Maslov Dorothy Pearl Philip Weinstein Dorothy Weisbach Abraham Berg Arthur Edelstein Abe Fialkow Helen Geiderman Anne Gordon Hahn Joseph A. Harrison David Lefkovitz Michael Marks Mendel Nudel Dorothy Olefsky Mark Rosenberg Ben Rosenthal Howard Samotny Samuel Turovitz Chesna Wolf Irwin Zalutsky Julie B. Coplon Anna Friedman Fannie Holtz Gibbons Ralph Harwood Henry Kalter Sari Lynn Neimark Vicki Rosenblum Jack Rubin Morris Schaffner Doretta Shneider David Bernard Singer Rose Steinberg Hilda Yuditsky Pearl Binder Ilene Dechter Louis Garber Sol Nathan Goldberg Nathan Lambert Esther Levinson Lola Schwarzberg Shlomi Shafir Sara Lurie Simon Roberta Berks Stuart Berks Mike Berlin Mel Bransky Donna Ekstein Melvin Kanter Hannah Kessler Rochelle “Shelly” Marder Samuel Markman Andrew David Schusteff Joseph Shapiro Paul Wexler Fanny Joffe Byrd Mitchell G. Dredze Isadore Fein
Linda Fischel Irving Freedman Roselyn Kerstein Marshall A. Kotlicky Mack Levine Ruth Roiter Ernest Stiber November 21-27 Nissim Behar Evelyn Berkowitz Bernard Festenstein Elmer Jacobson Pauline Kreiter Perry Lerner Ida Mintz Samuel Schwartz Sidney Ackerman William Hesser Benzion George Blustein Abe Cohen Ben Gibrick Julius S. Kole Alice Korach Harold Lerner Irving Silkin Lorraine Silverman Agnes Sneider David Treguboff Libby Bogolub Inez Broda Aaron Glassenberg Philip Less Harold L. Tattleman Shimon Zimmel Charlotte Gershon Victor Goldfarb Esther Goodman Morris Kroan Manny Price Fanny Redfern Gary Schwartz Samuel Welnak Harriet Faber Regina Feiger Avrom Geneles Jerry Gottlieb Howard Hoffman Irving Horwitz Isadore Kirschenbaum Sidell Reiner Tillie Ruderman Shim Schechter Lena Schlossberg Irwin Silverman Hirsh Turkeltaub Roberta Twersky Jack Vihon Frances Weil Frances Weil Arther Barbakoff Isidore Bertash Sam Chaikin Ruth Dick Dr. Marvin Goldman Morris Heller Sylvia Kaplan Phyllis Kaplan Harold Klopman Susan Krefetz Lois Krugman Adeline Mendelson Samuel Pearlman David Schaeffer Gertrude Sloan Ricky Walowitz Clara Agrest Betty S Alpert Debbie Berkowitz Elliott A. Berman
Simon Brown Ethel Kaplan Barbara Kosoy Theodore Less Henriette Louzon Margot Lublin Beatrice Meeker Ida Miller Morris Sahlins Ben Sarnoff Burt Spitz Jeannette Usow Ted Warshawsky Morten Winokur Lee Zorne November 28-30 Milton Braun Rose Davidovics Carolyn Feldman Morris Flignor Jack Friedlander Harold Friedman Robert J. Grossman Frank Horwitz Joseph Newman Linda Penn Meyer Rosenberg Norman M. Schlossberg Judith Weinberg Gussie Barsky Bertha Dishler Aaron Gertzfeld Brian Glassenberg Lee Goldman Martin Hodes Isaac Kantor Meyer David Kasper Mary Salkin Sheila Simon Etie Spears Sol Spears Esther Tipp Jean Abrams Maurice Alpert Nathan Altman Madeline Fae Boethel Albert Chafetz Greta Edelson-Goldrich Blanche Elvove Sam Kosoglad Jack Schneider Kenneth Singer Elaine Srulovitz Bertha Stone David Unger
DONATIONS Robyn Elias In memory of Sam Elias. May his memory be for a blessing. Robin and Cliff Wolf In appreciation of honoring our parents, Marvin and Cece Shapiro with Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Mishebeirachs during the High Holiday Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of the services The Shapiro Family meaningful and spiritual High Holiday services Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Michael and Carol Schnitzler Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of Josh's Bar Fund Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of Mitzvah Ari and Eva Footlik the meaningful and spiritual High Holiday Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of a beautiful High Holiday experience. Thank you! services Michael and Carol Schnitzler Rabbi Warner Ferratier In honor of Josh's Arlene and Ray Handler Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you Bar Mitzvah Ari and Eva Footlik Rabbi Warner Ferratier In honor of a The Family of Edward Baum beautiful High Holiday experience. Thank you! Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of Riley Cohen's Bat Mitzvah, Thank you so much Arlene and Ray Handler for leading a beautiful service! Lauren and Mark Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of Riley Cohen's Bat Mitzvah. Thanks for leading Cohen Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of live a beautiful service! Lauren and Mark Cohen streaming accessibility now and throughout the year, for family and friends near and far Harriet Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Beth Gilford In appreciation of your Melman continued friendship Max and Melany Shaftal Mike and Becca Drayer For the birth of Charlie and Faye Feinstein L'Shanah our granddaughter, Bella Faye Abe and Sue Tovah! Karen and Alan Rosenberg Drayer Madelyn Dunn and Fred Raznick In honor Roz Kahn For the birth of your great of your marriage, wishing you the best that life granddaughter, Grey Millie Marshall and Barbara Dickler has to offer filled with health, peace and Mark Jesselson In appreciation of your happiness Dale Kane kindness in extenuating circumstances Sheryl In honor of Janet Rohde Krain and Burt and Fred Katzenstein Krain becoming grandparents. Mazel Tov on the birth of their first grandchild, In memory of my beloved sister, Rose Kay, my beloved mother, Sarah Charlie Remy. Loly Farnos and Herb Lesnoy Kopolavics, my beloved husband, Julius Fran and Jim Donenberg In memory of L. Schusteff, my beloved brother, your mom Selwyn and Janice Marcus The Elias Family In memory of Samuel Elias Maurice Kopol, my beloved brother, Max Kopol Jeanette Schusteff Aaron Robbin and Family Stacey Sandler In memory of Edward Baum. For the yahrzeit of Gerald Hauser Marlene and Allan Goldberg We mourn the loss of your beloved father. Robyn Elias In memory of Sam Elias Sheri and Deborah Elbaum and Barry Rubin Stewart Smason Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of you and all of the help and inspiration you have Alison and Cary Wolovick In honor of my given me with my davening project Stephen and three granddaughters: Leah, Julianna and Hannah David Wolovick Juliana Tew Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Meltzer In memory of Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of Rita Meltzer, beloved mother and the meaningful and spiritual High Holiday grandmother Shirley Patzik Samuels services Michael and Carol Schnitzler Robyn Elias and Family In memory of Sam Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of a beautiful High Holiday experience. Thank you! Elias, beloved husband and father Aaron and Anne Robbin Arlene and Ray Handler Uncle Steve In appreciation of you Jennifer Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Kwicien Education Fund Irene Stoehr For the birth of your great Harry Goldin In memory of your father, granddaughter, Hayden Olivia Larry and Fern Dr. Albert Goldin and their caring for all Roseman Janet and Burt Krain For the birth of your Howard and Elaine Michaels grandson, Charlie Remy Arlene and Ray Handler Sandy Borok In memory of your daughter Edie Korman Rhonda Jacobson In memory of your mother Albert and Nadia Eskinazi THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS:
Carol and Ed Kaplan In memory of your beloved “Uncle Eddie” Iris and Ira Lerner Gold Family Sabbath Fund Lisa and Harold Dembo In honor of Robbie's attainment of his Doctorate. We are so proud of him. Jill, Glen, Blake and Julie Roter and Melissa and Jeff Good Steven and Robin Bright In honor of you, my dearest and most giving and thoughtful of friends, for your very special and individual gestures of support, care, and love during a difficult time Beth Preis Fran and Jim Donenberg In memory of your mother, Edith Stern. Our condolences on your loss. Glen and Jill Roter Steve and Lila Weiland and Family In memory of your mother and grandmother, Marcia Sue Cohen The Shapiro Family In memory of Edward Baum, beloved father and grandfather with our sincere condolences Adrienne and Ira Holtzman Marci Shapiro and Family In memory of Edward Baum Cece and Arlen Lasinsky Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Fran and Jim Donenberg In memory of your dear mother, Edith, a lovely lady. And to the end of an era. May her memory be a blessing. Eileen and Barry Brusso The Sandler Family In memory of Edward Baum Scott, Leslie, Marissa and Sophie Rogoff Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Fran Donenberg and Family In memory of your mother and grandmother, Edith Stern Janet and Arnie Hoffman The Elias Family In memory of Sam Janet and Arnie Hoffman Barbara Petasnick For a complete and fast recovery! Janet and Arnie Hoffman High Holiday Prayer Book and Chumash Fund For the Purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Book Mitchell Meltzer In memory of Evelyn Meltzer Craig and Donna Yale For the Purchase of a Chumash In memory of our loving brother and uncle, Hazzan Alan Smolen Renee, Elliot, Howard and Jessica Roth
DONATIONS For the yahrzeits of Joseph Elbom, Rose Elbom, Leonard Kleifield, Jeffry Kleifield, Max Elbom, Sarah and Irving Kleifield Debby Kleifield For the yahrzeit of Darwin Berkowitz Michael and Leslie Berkowitz For the yahrzeits of Ettie Kazer, Max Kazer, George Gomberg, Joseph David Kazer Reva Gomberg Janna Sugar Memorial Israel For the yahrzeit of Arlene Price Richard Scholarship Fund David and Bev Sugar In memory of Janna Price For the yahrzeit of Jean Becker Helene Sugar Roberta Rosenfeld Becker Richard Friedman In honor of your For the yahrzeit of my sister-in-law, daughter, Jordyn's Bat Mitzvah Carter and Bernice Goldberg Rose Goldberg Meryl Auslander For the yahrzeit of William Simon Roberta Friedman In honor of your Stuart and Phyllis Simon granddaughter, Jordyn's Bat Mitzvah Carter For the yahrzeit of Dan Lichtman and Meryl Auslander Sandra Lichtman Kessler Family Memorial ShabbaTONE For the yahrzeit of Rose Alexander, beloved mother and grandmother Fund In memory of Sol Benson Arvin Futterman Carole, Larry and Howie Shneider In memory of my mother, Toby Cohen Barbara Lasky Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund In memory of Dr. Norman Glazier Glenda Gerstein In memory of your Davida and Jeff Arnold husband, Stan Laurie Rosner and Family, Fern In memory of Dr. Joel Arnold Davida and Slotky and Family Alan Panovka In memory of your sister-in- Jeff Arnold In honor of the yahrzeits of our law, Alexandra Panovka Laurie Rosner and beloved Husband, Dad and Zadie, Family, Fern Slotky and Family Marshall Ander and his Mom, Rose Ander Sheila Ander and Alise, Cherie, and Jen Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund In memory of Tom Bosley Richard and In memory of Sara Pawlan, Ely Pestine Barbara Bosley, Scott and Katie Bosley Gail Pestine For the yahrzeit of Asher Sonenfeld In memory of Edith L. Stern Jim and Scott and Katie Bosley Francine Donenberg Lester Kurnick Youth Fund In appreciation of Misheberach prayers Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Diana Lewis In honor of being the Rita Janowitz Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Les and Jill Olefsky, Leslie and Scott Rogoff Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Darlene Padnos In honor of being the Janet and Burt Krain For the birth of Sisterhood Valued Volunteer Les and Jill Charlie Remy Cece and Arlen Lasinsky Olefsky, Leslie and Scott Rogoff Francine and Jim Donenberg and Family In memory of Edith L. Stern Cece and Fran and Jim Donenberg and Family In memory of Edith Stern. Our sincere Arlen Lasinsky, Leslie and Scott Rogoff condolences on the loss of your beloved mother, grandmother, and greatPaul Wald Yahrzeit Fund grandmother. May your fond memories of For the yahrzeit of Felicia Kotowsky her bring you much comfort in the days Irving and Etta Kotowsky ahead. Michael and Judi Greenberg For the yahrzeit of Harry Rosenbaum Robyn Elias and Family In memory of Ira and Eileen Rosenbaum For the Yahrzeit of my mother-in-law, Sam. We are so sorry for your loss. Jill and Glen Roter Anna Goldberg Rose Goldberg For the yahrzeit of Philip Gluskin Ellen and Jeffrey Gluskin HUGS Fund Francine Donenberg and Family In memory of your mother, Edith L. Stern Michael and Fern Ellison Lily Zobeman In honor of you and the rest of the HUGS team for their hard work this year and always Eric and Jennifer Zobeman
Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund In memory of Leah Saruk Seymour and Beverly Binstein Steven Teitelbaum Ramah Scholarship Fund Rick Gordon In memory of your mother, Norma Gordon Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Carly Gordon In memory of your grandmother, Norma Gordon Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Family of Joan Savin In memory of your mother and grandmother Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Janet and Burt Krain For the birth of your grandson, Charlie Remy Elliot and Sharon Goldman Sue and Abe Drayer For the birth of your granddaughter Bella Faye. Mazel Tov! David and Barbara Menn In memory of Ida Baskin Levin Samuel Levin Robyn Elias and Family In memory of your beloved husband Sam Elias Ron and Andy Widen Mr. and Mrs. Bob Tuman In memory of your beloved mother, Harriett Shevin Selma Blonder Zaransky Family Ticktin Jewish Community Memorial Fund Michael Zaransky In honor of you receiving JUF’s Julius Rosenwald Award Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos, Elaine and Howard Michaels, Larry and Fern Roseman, Keith and Marci Shapiro Marci Shapiro In memory of your father, Edward Baum Barb and Michael Zaransky My maternal grandfather, Haym Swislovsky, came from Tiktin and belonged to the Tiktiner Schul and Fahreyn on the west side. He is buried at Waldheim cemetery in the Tiktin section, right near the front gate where once stood their office building. I dedicate it to all of my family and to all those of the Tiktin community. Thank you for establishing this fund. Rita Berkelhamer Janowitz
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B 4C 01-1409
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Congregation Beth Shalom, Northbrook, IL
A 4C 01-1409
3433 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062
Permit 144 Northbrook, IL
Candle Lighting and Service Times
Friday – November 27 (Candles 4:03 PM) Shabbat Service
Saturday – November 7 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat
Saturday – November 28 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat
9:30 AM 10:00 AM
Friday Evening – November 13 (Candles 4:13 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – November 14 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Bridges to Shabbat Shabbat Yoga
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:45 AM 11:00 AM
Friday Evening – November 20 (Candles 4:07 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – November 21 Shabbat Service Circle Time Shabbat Study Minyan Bridges to Shabbat
Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evenings* Sunday Mornings
6:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM
7:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM
*Please note: Morning Minyan on Thursday & Friday, November 26 & 27 will be at 8:45 AM.
9:30 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 10:45 AM