Congregation Beth Shalom November, 2021 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Holiday Boutique ....................................... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Dear Susan .................................................. 4 CBS Happenings ........................................ 5 Religious School ......................................... 6 Youth/Young Family Programming/ B’nai Mitzvah ........................................... 7 Chanukah ...............................................8-10 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ......... 11 Sisterhood ................................................ 12 CBS Happenings ..................................... 13 Men’s Club ......................................... 14-15 Social Action ...................................... 16-17 Calendar ............................................. 18-19 Shabbat Mornings ................................... 20 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 Candle Lighting and Service Times .... 28

Head Rabbi ......................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Rabbi ............................................... Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director .......................... Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President ................................................. Bob Spector Sisterhood President ..................... Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents.... Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ............................................. Paige Star Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.



WORDS FROM THE “GLOSS” BY ERIC GOLBERG Chanukah. When I hear this word, like most of you, I instantly think about the miracle of the oil lasting for eight days, the symbol of the menorah, tasty latkes, dreidels and the Jewish people being freed from the control of the Greeks. This is generally the narrative that we, as Jewish people, focus on as the holiday rolls around. The miracle itself is a powerful message about never giving up hope. I like to look deeper into the real miracle of the holiday (in my humble opinion); the perseverance of the Jewish people. The two years leading up to the miracle of the oil showed the true character and determination of our people to overcome the odds and once again win as the underdogs. The familiar story of the Jewish people hiding their religious practice from their oppressor is a motif we see time and time again throughout our history. What makes THIS story special is how we fought back. Eric Golberg

The Jewish people fought against a strong Greek army led by Alexander the Great’s top successors and generals. I like to think of this matchup as if the ‘85 Bears defense was going up against a pee wee football offense; to win this war, they needed a great miracle. The Jewish people united together to protect our religion and identity. They fought for two long years in order for the real miracle of Chanukah to happen. We gained

our freedom. The story of Chanukah teaches us many lessons, but the one I value the most is how when a group of people unite together with the same goal, anything is possible. Over the last twenty months we have been faced with challenges that twentyone months ago were unimaginable. How do we preserve our identity and practice our religion together when we are all forced to be apart? This question, along with many others, were at the forefront of our minds and efforts. I vividly remember getting on a video call with my USY Board on March 14, 2020 and discussing this exact question. Do we cancel Lounge Nights until we go back in-person? How would we even do an online program? It seemed like every obstacle was in our way, but the character and dedication of our teen leaders never wavered. We created an extensive catalogue of programs to be run five nights of the week highlighting the topics that our leaders felt were most important: their connection to the Torah, their connection to Israel, their connection to the Jewish culture, and their connection to each other. These online programs became a place for Jewish teens all over the country to express and grow their Jewish identities in ways we had never thought of. These teen leaders gave me hope that even when up against the ‘85 Bears defense, we had a chance to win. As the next school year came around, our teens elevated our programming once again. “Together” mentality began to spread swiftly into our Young Family Programming.


Words From the “Gloss” by Eric Golberg (continued from Page 1) Over the last year, we grew our Young Family Programming engagement from an average of three families per program, to seventeen families per program. We added art classes for kids, Shabbat sing-a-longs “on demand” on the website, family programs, and Parents’ Night Out events. What seemed like an impossible dream was now our reality and all it took was banding together against a challenge. When I reflect on the impact of Chanukah on the Jewish people over the last few years, it has become less about the delicious sufganiyot and gifts, and more about the impact we as a community can make when we come together. I hope you all have a happy Chanukah and I hope to see you all at our Youth and Young Family events over the next year. Chag Urim Sameach, Eric, Director of Youth & Young Family Engagement 2



Shalom Chaverim, While the month of November/Kislev is often associated with dreary weather in Chicago, there are plenty of fun, entertaining, and educational events going on at CBS to brighten up our days. From the Sisterhood Holiday Boutique to our CBS Chanukah Happening, from our Pre-Veterans Day Concert of Americana to Israel in Depth and our always popular Men’s Club sponsored Erev Thanksgiving Program, there are engaging events for our entire multi-generational community (check out our calendar for details-

Why stay connected to and actively be involved in our CBS community? We are fortunate to live in an extended suburban community that has so many resources and opportunities for social affiliation for our children and ourselves; and truthfully, we cannot compete with the variety of sports, entertainment, and culinary delights. I have heard it said that because we live in a fairly Jewish populated area the need/desire for Jewish affiliation through a synagogue is not as great. I grew up in a community that was about 5% Jewish. We did not live very close to our synagogue, so my family was minimally involved in the social opportunities that Temple of Aaron (our synagogue in St. Paul) offered. However, mine and my parents’ inner circle of friends were all Jewish. We created our own version of Jewish affiliation, but it was not the same as having a place to go where as soon as we walked in, we felt that we were a part of something bigger- a place that represented a shared history and cultural experience. My first real experience of having that feeling (beyond Hebrew School and High Holiday services) occurred when I was a sophomore in college, having volunteered to help Israel right after the 1973 Yom Kippur War (I will save that story for another column). I knew nobody when I landed, yet I felt so accepted, connected to and a part of something because I was a Jew in a Jewish land. I believe that is what Congregation Beth Shalom has to offer that our secular experiences do not. Walking into our little corner of land that is Jewish fosters our Jewish identities in a way that does not occur elsewhere. We have many roles and life responsibilities that define who we are, many of which may not be specifically Jewish. The best way to nurture our Jewish identity is to be part of a community that lives and breathes being Jewish even when the events are not specifically Jewish focused. It is even more critical, during a time when our opportunities to affiliate are more restricted, that we seek out ways to feel connected to others. Congregation Beth Shalom is a diverse community, but we do share a bond and understanding that is very powerful and meaningful. If you are regularly participating in our social, education, and religious experiences, keep on coming. If you have not yet checked us out, give us a try. This month has lots to offer everyone. What do you have to lose? B’Shalom, Bob

Sunday, November 7th


November Office Closings Thursday-Friday, November 25-26 Happy Thanksgiving


DEAR SUSAN Susan Karlinsky

Dear Susan, My wife and I are so appreciative of the year-round effort CBS makes to keep us connected despite the pandemic and other challenges which keep us from attending services and programs in-person. We are very curious about how the Live Stream works! Is there a tech crew operating the cameras and sound system? Are they in the building or are they working remotely, like me? Sincerely, Wondering and Worshipping from Home

Dear Wondering and Worshipping, You’ve given me a wonderful opportunity to share some details about the enhanced audio and video systems here at CBS. We recently completed an upgrade of our audio and video technology and created a “video booth” in our offices. Check out the picture below and you’ll get a glimpse of our equipment AND our tech crew! What? You don’t see our tech crew? This is not surprising! This system was designed and programmed in alignment with our core mission which includes: “We are committed to meeting the spiritual, educational and social needs of our members through the practice of Conservative Judaism in an all-inclusive manner.” We do not expect members of our staff to work on Shabbat or holidays, which includes operation of the Live Streaming equipment. The sound and video engineers who designed the system programmed the cameras to automatically follow the voice. That’s why you’ll see the Cantor close-up when he is davening. That’s also why you’ll see the full Bimah view when the Rabbi, Cantor and a B’nai Mitzvah honoree are all participating. We program the cameras to turn on and off automatically when the services start and stop. We pre-program the Live Stream for the Kamensky Sanctuary or the Feather Beit Midrash; we can even stream from our parking lot or lobby now with a portable camera. The quality of our Live Stream may be affected by internet traffic, power outages, or other unforeseen circumstances. We are NOT a Hollywood-style production studio. No hair and makeup artists! No cameras on cranes! No boom mics! No gaffers, casting directors or Foley artists! Our “tech crew” includes what you would expect at a house of worship: Rabbis, Cantor, Gabbaim, Torah Readers, B’nai Mitzvah honorees and YOU! We are proud to offer Live Stream access to our worship services and programs all year long (visit our website and click on the Live Stream link or This is both a convenience and an accommodation for those who are not able to join us in-person; it is not a substitute for community worship. We invite you to be a part of Congregation Beth Shalom from wherever you are! We are, at our core, a community of faith. Sincerely, Susan

Kenny Lyonswright performing in the Melman Sukkah Sukkot@Home September 25, 2021







Our Religious School program this year has 3 options: 100% in-person, 100% online and a hybrid which is 50% in-person with 50% online. All of our students who are hybrid or online only have online individual Hebrew in addition to a group class. We are so impressed with the enthusiasm of our students this year and their understanding and willingness to adhere to our COVID protocols. During the month of October we have gotten into a great routine! Our 3rd through 6th graders are making amazing progress in their Hebrew through our Aleph Champ Program. All of our classes brought in tzedakah this month so our school could donate one coat per grade to the JUF Coats for Kids Program.

We are looking forward to celebrating Chanukah together during the Chanukah Happening Program on Tuesday, November 30th. We hope to see all of you there! Watch the weekly school emails for more information.

Our 6th and 7th grade programs have moved from Sunday mornings to Shabbat mornings. Our students amaze us each week with their behavior and participation! Our 7th graders have just begun the first part of their Holocaust Unit. We have the pleasure again this year of having Mark Gelfeld, a docent at the Illinois Holocaust Museum, teach. Mark will teach on 4 consecutive Tuesdays (which began on October 19th) and part of the hour program will be a tour of the museum on Sunday, November 14th. Students who are online during the week will be able to zoom into the classes with Mr. Gelfeld. Parents are encouraged to participate with their students. Our 7th graders are also participating in minyan on Tuesdays. Watch for us to be wearing our 7th Grade Minyan Minion Shirts soon!

Men’s Club Opening Dinner Steaks & Sports in the Sukkah September 23, 2021



YOUTH/YOUNG FAMILY PROGRAMMING Upcoming Youth Programming Dates: November 4th - USY Lounge night: PJ Movie Night and Blanket Making November 11th - Youth Day off Program November 12th -14th: USY CHUSY Fest November 13th - Young Family Ritual Event: Mazel Tot November 18th - USY Lounge night: Human Mario Kart November 24th - Erev Thanksgiving Men’s Club Sponsors: Jesse White Tumblers December 2nd - USY Lounge Night: CBS Film Fest There is so much to look forward to and we can’t wait to see you all there!

JOSHUA STEPEN Son of Jeff & Karen Stepen Brother of Ethan Stepen Grandson of Stewart & Mitzie Herman, Joseph and Muriel Stepen

MADI MENDE Daughter of Darren & Jami Mende Granddaughter of Jules & Sherrie Rukin, Robert & Judie Mende

MADDIE LECAVALIER Daughter of Audrey & David LeCavalier Sister of Noah & Hanna LeCavalier Granddaughter of Sandra Schuster, Henry Schuster of Blessed Memory, Lila Pollack, Glenn Pollack of Blessed Memory, Jim and Judy Blumenthal

JORI WEINSTEIN* Daughter of Heather & Doug Weinstein Sister of Shayna Weinstein Granddaughter of Michael & Jeanne Weinstein, Betty Hencel & Dennis Pringle *Not pictured




Sunday, November 28th

Chanukah - 1st Candle Chanukah 5782 November 28-December 6, 2021 8









Israel in Depth | 2021-2022 TOPICS 11 / 14 How Did 'Zionism' Become a Dirty Word? Increasingly, Israel takes a beating in

young, progressive circles. We'll explore trends that challenge the legitimacy of Jewish nationalism, consider different narratives about the past 100 years, and search for ways to engage in constructive dialogue across the divide.

12 / 12 3 / 20

Satire and Standup in the Holy Land

1 / 16

Prospects for Peace, 2022 Edition

The 4 (or 5) Tribes of Israel


Israel to the Rescue!

All sessions will be taught by Carl Schrag and will take place at 10:00 am. Consider attending Morning Minyan at 8:45 am AND THEN joining the Breakfast by Men’s Club at 9:30 before class (no charge for those attending Israel in Depth)! Registration Form can be found at: The class is co-sponsored by CBS University/Adult Education, Men’s Club and Israel Committee. NOVEMBER 2021• VOLUME 96 ISSUE 66


SISTERHOOD Jackie Zelkowitz

It is hard to believe that we are already at the beginning of November, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Sisterhood has so many things to be thankful for. First and foremost, Sisterhood is thankful for the generous, thoughtful and hardworking members who work throughout the year to make Congregation Beth Shalom a little bit better with each thing they do, no matter how large or how small. We are thankful for the guidance and friendship of the clergy who are here for us 24/7. We are thankful for the dedication and hard work of the CBS staff.

We are thankful for each of our Sisterhood officers, committee members, volunteers and our members. We are thankful for their dedication, creativity and friendship. We are thankful that our first programs of the year have been successful. It was wonderful to see so many of our members – both in-person and through Zoom at the Sisterhood Opening Luncheon. It was so nice to see some new faces as well! Thanks to our wonderful speaker, Susan Abrams, Chief Executive Officer of the Illinois Holocaust Museum. Thank you to Debbie Hamilton and Sally Blitt, as well as their committee for their very hard work setting up this excellent program for us. Thank you to Robyn Rosengard and Stacy Gordon who coordinated with their counterparts in the Men’s Club for putting together the Interactive Trivia Game Show Night. Of course, thank you to Men’s Club, as well for planning this wonderful event with us. Finally, let me remind you of two of our upcoming events. On Wednesday, November 3rd, we will host Jewish Book Month Author, Fern Schumer Chapman. Fern Chapman is a Chicago- based writer who has written several awardwinning books. Judy Levin will serve as a discussion facilitator for the night. We are excited to announce that our Holiday Boutique is back in-person on CBS Sisterhood Sunday, November 7th. L’Shana Tova Greetings Thank you in advance to Leatte Gelfeld and Robyn Rosengard who have been working very hard bringing in a lot of amazing vendors. We hope that you will come out and get your holiday shopping done and support these vendors. Masks and social distancing will be required at the Boutique. As Thanksgiving approaches, there are so many things we are grateful for. Please join us and reap the benefits of membership in our award winning Sisterhood.

Michael, Lisa & Jaylen Lawyer Edna Schrank

Please accept our apology for omitting you from the September CBS Bulletin.

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop ~Shop Around the Corner~ Your One Stop for Chanukah Shopping Shop with us at the CBS Sisterhood Holiday Boutique Sunday, November 7, 2021 9AM – 3PM First Chanukah Candle – November 28th

Visit us online. Simply use this address Choose from a unique selection of Judaica and general giftware. For additional information or to schedule an appointment, contact our Co-Managers, Diana Lewis 847-903-6175, Darlene Padnos 847-217-4531, Donna Fox 513-378-2491 or email Diana at 12


CBS HAPPENINGS CALLING ALL MILITARY VETERANS We are seeking information on any CBS members who are veterans of the US (and Israeli) military. We wish to honor your service on November 7th. Email with your pertinent information such as: years of service, division of military, rank and where you were stationed. (If you know that we have gathered this information from you previously there is no need to re-“enlist”).



MEN’S CLUB Steve Lessman

Dr. Andrew Wagner

We begin the month of November with thoughts of Thanksgiving approaching. We are very thankful for the opportunity to lead an award winning Men’s Club. Over the last two months, the CBS Men’s Club has continued to shine in the community. Our men are there doing the work and making it happen. We want to thank our entire Executive Board and Board of Trustees for continuing to perform at a high level day in and day out as we present various programs to the synagogue and the community.

Please join us for these fun and memorable upcoming events: Sunday, November 7th: Men’s Club Breakfast featuring Pat Cassidy, WBBM Newsradio 780’s morning anchor for over 40 years. He will share a behind-the-scenes look at today’s news and how it gets heard on the air. Sunday, November 14th: Israel In Depth program featuring Carl Schrag speaking on How Did “Zionism” Become a Dirty Word? Breakfast will be included. Wednesday, November 24th: Erev Thanksgiving featuring the world-renowned Jesse White Tumblers. Dinner will be included.

  

Continuing our “meet the CBS Men’s Club Executive Board” series, this month we introduce you to Don Pike, Ways and Means VP. His interesting story begins in Minneapolis, his birthplace. At the age of one, his family moved to Brazil, his mother’s homeland, and, when he was nine, they moved to Rockford. Don attended Rockford West High School where he enjoyed playing the violin in the school Symphony Orchestra, and playing football and track. Don and his family were Independent Protestants and Don attended church regularly growing up. He attended college at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb majoring in Business Operations Management. Don felt he wanted something more out of his religion and soon became involved in Hillel at NIU. He felt very comfortable at Hillel and soon became Captain of the Hillel Bowling Team. He attended services regularly and attended High Holiday services as well. While at Northern, he met his future wife, Miriam Benjamin. After Graduation from Northern, Don’s first job was in Chicago with Allied Chemical working in sales support. During those early years he wanted to continue to learn about the Jewish religion and attended classes at Spertus College. At Spertus he met three rabbis who became his friends and important people in his life, Rabbis Michael Siegel from Anshe Emet, Howard Lifshitz from Beth Judea, and Beth Shalom’s own Carl Wolkin. It was important to Don that he wanted to be a Jew, and he asked these three rabbis to perform the conversion. Soon after, they were instrumental in Don becoming a Bar Mitzvah in his early twenties. At the age of thirty-one, Don and Miriam were married and moved to Buffalo Grove joining Congregation Beth Judea. They had twin daughters, Rachel and Rebecca, who are both successful in their own lives. Rachel is in sales at DocuSign and teaches dance in Northbrook. Rebecca is married to Gabriel and is an ELL teacher at Stevenson High School. Dr. Miriam Pike is Head of School of Wolcott College Prep in Chicago. Don’s career has taken many turns buying and selling companies. He is currently an owner of Northstar Lighting, an LED Lighting manufacturing company selling to countries all over the world including Israel and Qatar.

Don and Miriam joined Congregation Beth Shalom ten years ago, and Don quickly became involved in the CBS Men’s Club with his mentor and brother-in-law, Brad Shaps, encouraging him. Don has held many offices at CBS Men’s Club including Ritual VP, Treasurer, Ways and Means VP, House Special Events VP and even put together the Adbook for Midwest Region FJMC for Man of the Year Dinner. Honored by all his work, the Men’s Club selected Donald Pike to be Man of the Year in 2020. We thank Don for all his years of being involved in CBS Men’s Club and look forward to his assisting us with Lox Box again in 2021 as Ways and Means VP. To conclude, Happy Thanksgiving to all our friends at Congregation Beth Shalom. Make sure you give your special people a hug and thank them for being there for you each and every day. Steve and Andy







DO YOU KNOW OF SOMEONE SERVING OVERSEAS? Do you have anyone in your family who is now serving abroad? Do you have friends or co-workers who have family members or friends serving overseas? Congregation Beth Shalom would like to send them a care package. Please contact Jill Olefsky at 847-565-5045 or with the name of the serviceman or woman and their overseas address. We want them to know that CBS cares about them and appreciates their sacrifice. Congregation Beth Shalom is Collecting Candy for our National Guard & Fill a Heart 4 Kids thru November 14th - collection bins in the CBS Front Lobby Thank you!!!



SOCIAL ACTION YOU “CAN” MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Each time you come to Beth Shalom, bring an unexpired CAN or two of food with you to be donated to the Northfield Food Pantry. PROVIDE WARM WINTER WISHES! JCFS is once again looking for donations for Project Winter Warmth and Holiday Gift Drive. Project Winter Warmth partners with Burlington Coat Factory to provide winter wear for children under 18. Donations are used to provide store vouchers for winter wear items Holiday Gift Drive – Chanukah is coming! Donations needed to buy Chanukah wish list gifts and gift cards to children in our area. Please reach out to Samantha Spolter, Safer Communities Coordinator at JCFS - 847-745-5430. LOOKING TO SHOP FOR SOMETHING GOOD? What about shopping for an ARK family? What about encouraging a fellow congregant or family to participate with you in this important mitzvah? Congregation Beth Shalom will reimburse you for your grocery expenses! Please reach out to Merrill Medansky for more information - 847-559-8097 or IT’S IN THE BAG! Yes, save those brown paper bags from the grocery store! They are needed for Vernon Township Food Pantry! Bring bags to Beth Shalom or call Jill Olefsky - 847-565-5045 - to arrange for a bag pick up. Feel free to even put in a few cans of food, those are welcome too. SNACK TIME! Leatte Gelfeld works with Hunger Free Northbrook to provide special bags for food insecure Elementary School students These donations are in addition to any food pantry items they may receive. Hungry Free Northbrook provides lunches and snack items for weekends and after school. Cost per bag is approximately $25. Drop off donations at Leatte’s house or volunteer to help purchase and package bags. Please give her a call to hear more about this program contact Leatte Gelfeld - 312-310-6950. DO SOMETHING ACTIVE! Can you help drive someone to the doctor? Deliver goodies to the hospital? Make phone calls to check in on members of the Congregation Beth Shalom family? The Mitzvah Committee could use your help! Please reach out to Fern Roseman for more information - 847-564-9266. IT’S TIME FOR DINNER! PADS - Providing Advocacy, Dignity & Shelter, relies on volunteers to prepare meals for their clients in the shelter. You can do a mitzvah by cooking or preparing part of a meal to be delivered to the PADS shelter in Buffalo Grove. Please reach out to Sara Weinstein for more information – 847-477-5993.



Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:









Happy Birthday - December Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Karen Stepen Helen Rifkin Donna Ruby Barbara Zaransky Taryn Gluskin Jacquelyn Margolis Erika Harris Mary Apple Barbara Nissen Tracy Williams Deborah Tucker Cheryl Fischer Karyn Liss Barbara Levin Laura Schwartzwald Marci Shapiro Linda Gold Emily Witt Missy Rabinowitz Ann Soll Lauren Rothenberg Debra Maskin Bobbie Fink Eileen Brusso Elaine Nekritz Rachel Laven Brenda Wasserman Donna Fox

1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11

Leila Weiss Felicia Lerner Karen Bergman Tanya Solomon Amy Golden Regina Meerbaum Bonnie Vicks Anne Greenfield Alexandra Light Geraldine Gainsberg Davida Arnold Nancy Firfer Rhoda Markovitz Esther Good Rosalyn Harris Rhandi Weinstock Debra Rosen Nancy Sher Sheila Blocker Marla Israel Susan Stoehr Robyn Glaubinger Eli Castellano Renee Wishnia Rada Burdeen Susan Karlinsky Marla Glabe Gail Polisky Diane Hornstein Lily Zoberman Pamela Redfern

11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 15 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 22 23 23 23 24 24

Caron Knopoff Robin Bright Pamela Schwartz Dalia Rabinowitz Cathy Schwartz Beth Steinberg Zelda Korol Roslyn Kahn Frances Simon Hanna Shamis Jenny Schwartzberg Marcy Teitelbaum Mindy Garlin Edna Schrank Barbara Lerch Jennifer Field Susan Glass Harriet Kaplan Francine Donenberg Shari Levin Denise Krug

25 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 31 31

Happy Anniversary - December Sam & Sharon Mokhtarian 1 Steven & Robin Bright 1 Norman & Roberta Friedman 2 Steven & Bari Spector 3 Raymond & Barbara Nissen 4 Larry & Susan Kanar 55 yrs 4 Jeffrey & Lisa Adler 5 Eric & Elyssa Siegel 6 Steven & Julie Warshawsky 6 Perry & Amy Weinstein 35 yrs 7 Raymond & Arlene Handler 8 Sheldon & Leona Natenberg 8 Stuart & Kay Rothstein 9 Stuart & Marsha Diamond 10 Gerald & Sherry Goldman 11 Gerald & Irene Rogers 11 Brenda & Max Wasserman 11 Robert Gerber & Inna Feldman-Gerber 11 Gary & Jodi Dubofsky 12 Julio & Clara Gesklin 14 Robert & Beth Footlik 16 Steven & Susan Glass 16 Edward & Holly Forman 17 Leonard & Phyllis Mason 18 Stuart & Paula Goldsand 18 Bruce & Barbara Tatz 18 Jerry & Joan Schwimmer 18 Larry & Lori Fohrman 45 yrs 19 NOVEMBER 2021• VOLUME 96 ISSUE 66

Karin Nussbaum & Eric Berkowitz Peter Schmitz & Frances Greenman Johanna & Daniel Gordon Leon & Sharon Oberlander Michael & Anne Greenfield 15 yrs Franklin & Maxine Bloom Donald & Donna Rappin Jack & Irit Jacobson 45 yrs Ari & Eva Footlik Ira & Iris Lerner Mark & Sharon Telpner Bruce & Anita Taylor 50 yrs Max & Janis Harris Howard & Laurel Jacob Sheryl & Fred Katzenstein Gary & Debbie Sylvan Leonard & Jane Siedband Leo & Roberta Appelbaum Martin & Elaine Pearlman Sam & Beverly Weisenberg 55 yrs Robert & Janet Sabin Joel & Suzanne Weinstein Burt & Sheila Handler Steven & Iris Podolsky 50 yrs Lewis & Irma Amsel Pamela & Michael Issen Steve & Matty Shechtman Cary & Alene Wintroub

19 19 19 20 20 21 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 27 27

Bruce & Marla Horwitz Paul & Elaine Powell Robert & Susan Katz Steven & Sheila Walowitz Ari & Vanessa Averbach 10 yrs Sherwin & Gail Meyers Joel & Laurie Shapiro

27 28 29 29 29 30 30

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)


MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Lynda & Arnie Rose are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Noa Devyn Erenberg. Cantor Steven & Susan Stoehr are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Liv Hazel Stoehr. Karla & Michael Goldman are happy to announce the birth of their grandson, Noah Thomas Goldman. Judi & Bill Goldman are happy to announce the birth of their great grandson, Noah Thomas Goldman. David Speigel & Erin McGuire are happy to announce the birth of their son, Colin Joseph McGuire. Sofiya Kantor & David Sokolovsky are happy to announce the birth of their son, Isaac Alexander Sokolovsky. Lynda & Arnie Rose are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Violet Blake Rosenblum. Dr. Michael & Judi Greenberg are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Ruby Amelia Greenberg. The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Marla Horwitz on the passing of her mother, Rita Block. Scott Horwitz on the passing of his grandmother, Rita Block. Robin Levin on the passing of her father, Stephen Teplitz. Michael Krule on the passing of his mother, Sherry “Sharon” F. Krule. Amy Taub on the passing of her mother, Muriel Frances Marks. Bradley Taub on the passing of his grandmother, Muriel Frances Marks. Emily Witt on the passing of her grandmother, Muriel Frances Marks.

CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.

Death of Esteemed Members: Muriel Frances Marks

Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited. Contact Maria Catezone or 847-498-4100 x26 for information or to order a plaque. The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in memory of their loved ones. In memory of GLORIA PADERSKY by Michele Rosenmutter In memory of LOUIS PADERSKY by Michele Rosenmutter


WE ARE HERE FOR YOU If you or a loved one are ill, injured, or facing surgery, please let our clergy know so we can listen, visit, or care for you in the way that you need. Please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email,

so that we can confidentially respond to you and be here for you. MI SHEBEIRACH LIST If you would like a name read on the Mi Shebeirach list, please contact Eli Castellano, Assistant to the Clergy, by email, This name will stay on the list for three weeks. Please contact us again if you would like the name to remain on the list beyond that time.


YAHRZEITS November 1-5 Fran Sharp Auslander Belle Bell Sophia M. Berger David Block Dora Bosley Sylvia Fink Burt Gitles Rose Greenfield Lester Scott Annette Braverman Semans Andrea “Andi” Ship Bessie Siegel Howard Sinton Habib Younes Yetta Fenton Vicki Fox Harold Gabriel Velda Garfinkel Cyril Garland Dr. Jordan Kempler Robert Lasky Mildred Nitzkin Allen Jay Schaeffer Herman Schaffer Eva Shapiro Barbara Star Roeslla Israel Zavell Marlene Dubofsky Warren Elisco Jack “Yunkel” Getlin Sylvia Kitzes Rose Lipschultz Jack Marcovitch Irving Maslov Dorothy Pearl Philip Weinstein Dorothy Weisbach Abraham Berg Arthur Edelstein Abe Fialkow Anne Gordon Hahn Joseph A. Harrison David Lefkovitz Michael Marks Mendel Nudel Dorothy Olefsky Mark Rosenberg Ben Rosenthal Maxine Roth Howard Samotny Samuel Turovitz Chesna Wolf Irwin Zalutsky Julie B. Coplon Anna Friedman Fannie Holtz Gibbons Ralph Harwood Henry Kalter Sari Lynn Neimark Bonnie Rochwerger Jack Rubin Morris Schaffner Doretta Shneider David Bernard Singer Rose Steinberg Hilda Yuditsky November 6-12 Pearl Binder Ilene Dechter Louis Garber Sol Nathan Goldberg Nathan Lambert Esther Levinson Lola Schwarzberg Shlomi Shafir Sara Lurie Simon Burton David Simon Roberta Berks

Stuart Berks Mike Berlin Mel Bransky Donna Ekstein Melvin Kanter Hannah Kessler Rochelle “Shelly” Marder Samuel Markman Herbert Rosenstein Andrew Schusteff Joseph Shapiro Paul Wexler Fanny Joffe Byrd Mitchell G. Dredze Isadore Fein Linda Fischel Irving Freedman Roselyn Kerstein Marshall A. Kotlicky Mack Levine Ruth Roiter Ernest Stiber Nissim Behar Evelyn Berkowitz Bernard Festenstein Elmer Jacobson Pauline Kreiter Perry Lerner Ida Mintz Howard O. Rappin Samuel Schwartz Sidney Ackerman George Blustein Abe Cohen Ben Gibrick Julius S. Kole Alice Korach Harold Lerner Irving Silkin Lorraine Silverman Agnes Sneider David Treguboff Rochelle "Ricki" Berko Libby Bogolub Inez Broda Aaron Glassenberg Philip Less Harold L. Tattleman Shimon Zimmel Charlotte Gershon Victor Goldfarb Morris Kroan Manny Price Fanny Redfern Gary Schwartz Samuel Welnak November 13-19 Harriet Faber Avrom Geneles Jerry Gottlieb Howard Hoffman Irving Horwitz Isadore Kirschenbaum Tillie Ruderman Shim Schechter Lena Schlossberg Irwin Silverman Hirsh Turkeltaub Roberta Twersky Jack Vihon Frances Weil Arther Barbakoff Isidore Bertash Sam Chaikin Ruth Dick Dr. Marvin Goldman Morris Heller Sylvia Kaplan Phyllis Kaplan


Harold Klopman Susan Krefetz Lois Krugman Adeline Mendelson Samuel Pearlman David Schaeffer Gertrude Sloan Ricky Walowitz Clara Agrest Betty S. Alpert Debbie Berkowitz Elliott A. Berman Simon Brown Ethel Kaplan Barbara Kosoy Theodore Less Henriette Louzon Margot Lublin Beatrice Meeker Ida Miller Morris Sahlins Ben Sarnoff Burt Spitz Jeannette Usow Ted Warshawsky Morten Winokur Lee Zorne Milton Braun Rose Davidovics Carolyn Feldman Morris Flignor Jack Friedlander Harold Friedman Robert J. Grossman Frank Horwitz Joseph Newman Linda Penn Meyer Rosenberg Norman M. Schlossberg Judith Weinberg Charlotte "Chickie" Weiss Gussie Barsky Judith C. Bregman Bertha Dishler Aaron Gertzfeld Brian Glassenberg Lee Goldman Martin Hodes Isaac Kantor Meyer David Kasper Mary Salkin Sheila Simon Etie Spears Sol Spears Esther Tipp Jean Abrams Maurice Alpert Nathan Altman Albert Chafetz Greta Edelson-Goldrich Blanche Elvove Sam Kosoglad Jack Schneider Kenneth Singer Elaine Srulovitz Dr. Irving I. Stein Bertha Stone David Unger Abe Abel Marcia Berns Morris Collender David Dobrin Karen Eisenstein Lillian Gerstein Saul Goodman Marvin Gordon Sydney Kofman Jacob Korol David Krasnove Bessie Goldman Marcus

Florence Mendlo Preshkowitz Abraham Prohovnik Gertrude Rosin Ruthe R. Stein November 20-26 Martha V. Dawson Bertram Emanuel Melvyn S. Gelman Dr. Irwin Ginsburgh Lily Kay Eljanan Kletzel Arthur Knopoff Lillian Lurie Joseph Mages Rosalyn Neidich Edythe Samlan Maurice Stanton Edith Turner Habib S. Younes Barney Block Vera Brooks Kalman Chabner Sarah Cigelnik Margaret Dayan Evelyn Edidin Esther Flink Bernice Goldman Dora Hoffman Martin Kassab Lawrence Mark Rosenthal Samuel Ross Jack Shapiro Ron Shocket Abraham Shulman Fannie Shulman Fannie Arnowitz Sarah Belle Brin Paul Buchman Sandra Copeland Siegfried Hirsch Goldie Karlinsky Reuben Krako Rose Lesnoy Mildred Nekritz Tessie Perlmutter Aaron Schupack Etta Soboroff Rose Warshawsky Richard Arnowitz Charles Lawrence Balkan Gershon Bitsallel Lola Bookman Sonja Echt David Glaser Gertrude C. Hess Marilyn K. Miller Albert Ross Max Stern Dr. William Stone Leonard Gail Zelda Givertz Ericka Greenberg Miriam Maling Ben F Newman Ida F. Schrank Harry Segel David Sher Sarah Williams Yudie Becker Ralph Berliner Leo Cooper Rabbi Paul Sol Greenman Charles Hoffman Robert Hoffman Norman Karlin Robert H. Kavka Morris Meliker Max Novak

Jacqueline Rogin Bernard Shapiro Mark Damon Tischler Cecil Lowenthal Weiner David Weingart Harold Burland Sally Crane Alice Ellis Irving Gloss Sylvia Grossman Henry Kanar Rovim Kelmansky William Landau Ronald Rosenfeld Morris Simon Jack Spector Sara Stein Morris A Sugerman Steven Weiss Dorothea Wolf November 27-30 Chester Barnow Ralph Bell Samuel Butcher Dorothy Diamond Arthur Goldman Stephen L. Goldsher Florence Martha Markovich Bernard J. Marks Jenny Sokol Eleanor Ellison Nathan Finn Sophie Twersky Fridkin Roy J. Golson Sol Greenberg Lyon Moses Grimson Elie Louzon Sydney Maxman Jack Miller Helen Newman Idelle Rubnitz Leo Silverman Pearly Simon Stanley Slaw Jack Susman Alvin Barasch Harry Brusso Louis Edelstein William Isaacson Joseph Kaiserman Reva Kaplan Louise Maslov Marcia Faye Maslov Arthur C. Meyers Irwin Rose Rose Saitlin Dorothy Shainberg Anna Vishny Leah Zagorsky Harry Bergman Sybil Bessinger Madeline Fae Boethel Stuart David Cohen Joseph Gantman Bernice Harris Harry Lerer Rose Schwartz


DONATIONS THE CONGREGATION GRATEFULLY Debbie and Gary Solomon, Becky and Ellis ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING Sostrin, Brenda and Max Wasserman and Family, CONTRIBUTIONS: Allan Werth Cantor Steven Stoehr It is important to Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare always remember when a leader attains a lofty Fund position. Congratulations on achieving the Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of highest rank at the Cantor’s assembly. With your kindness during this very difficult time. our warmest regards. Jeff Hoffen and Cheryl The Karlin and Rokni Families Singer Beth Canel Berk In honor of being elected Cantor Steven Stoehr In appreciation of President of your shul, Anshe Torah, in your kindness during this very difficult time. Frisco, Texas. Marcy Canel The Karlin and Rokni Families In memory of Sol Benson. Arvin Futterman Amy, Joel, Brad and Jessica Taub In For the yahrzeit of Alvin "Big Al" Elias. memory of your beloved mother and Ellen Elias and Family grandmother, Muriel Frances Marks. Karen For the yahrzeit of my uncle, Joseph and Michael Kesner, Sheila and Maury Netter Lesnoy (z"l), who made the ultimate Davida Arnold In memory of your sister, sacrifice for our country when he died in Lois. I’m so sorry for your loss. May her battle during WWI at age 22. May his memory be for a blessing. Joy Berks memory be for a blessing. Herb Lesnoy and The Zelkowitz and Yashar Families In Loly Farnos memory of your beloved mother and For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, grandmother, Touran Yashar. May she Rest Milton Lesnoy (z"l). May his memory be In Peace. Christopher, Patricia, Joseph and Justin for a blessing and inspiration to all who Cavaiani knew and loved him. Herb Lesnoy and Loly In memory of Marion and Sol Dolin and Farnos Selma and Philip Stern. Melvyn and Beverly Dolin Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Eileen Rosenbaum and Family In memory Fund of your beloved sister, Natalie Godt. Please Irene Stoehr For the birth of your great accept our sincere condolences on your loss. granddaughter, Liv Hazel. Barbara Scott May her memory be for a blessing. Judi and Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr For the Michael Greenberg birth of your granddaughter, Liv Hazel. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer, Michael and Ashley Berman, Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Helene Berns and Dr. Howard Freedberg, Scott Fund Bosley, Maxine Burke, Barbara Chotiner, Barry Rabbi Warner Ferratier For a speedy and Diane Cohn, Robin and Rick Dissen, Rick recovery and good health! Marcy Canel Elliott, Harlie and Jerry Ezgur, Loly Farnos and Rabbi Warner Ferratier In appreciation of Herb Lesnoy, Ilene and Richard Fischman, your kindness during this very difficult time. Deanne and Jeff Friedman and Family, Daniel, The Karlin and Rokni Families Karen, and Ava Glassenberg, Allan and Marsha Goldstein, Michael and Judi Greenberg, Arlene Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund and Ray Handler, Jonathan and Denise Handler, Jerry and Estelle Agrest In honor of your Mitzie and Stewart Herman, Ilene and Norm 73rd Wedding Anniversary. With our love. Iglarsh, Laurie and Howard Jacob, Carol and Ed Larry and Fern Roseman Kaplan, Jean and Len Kosova, Sue Lampert, Cece Jackie Zelkowitz and Family In memory and Arlen Lasinsky, Jeffrey and Barbara Lerch, of your mom, Touran Yashar. We are so Barbara Long, Sheila Medvin, Barbara and David sorry for your loss. Larry and Fern Roseman Menn, Leonard and Phyllis Mason, Renee and Barton Osher, Darlene and Norman Padnos, Burt Patzik Scholarship Fund Marsha and Irwin Pearlman, Iris and Steve Norm and Linda Lieber In honor of your Podolsky, Gerald and Irene Rogers, Scott, Leslie, celebrating your 50th wedding anniversary. Marissa, and Sophie Rogoff, Larry and Fern Selwyn and Janice Marcus Roseman, Jill and Glen Roter, Elliot and Renee Helen Dym-Smoler and Jeff Smoler For Roth, Tracy and Jeff Safron, Hope and Randy the birth of your grandson, Mazel Tov! Selwyn Samborn, Michael and Carol Schnitzler, Sharon and Janice Marcus and Joel Schwartz, Barbara Scott, Alan and Susan Carol and Neal Blustein For the birth of Shapiro, Nancy and Richard Sher, Daniel and Eva your grandson, Mazel Tov! Selwyn and Janice Sideman, Jody and Howard Sigal. Marlene Marcus Silverman, Marlene Slavitt, 24

Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Lynda and Arnie Rose For the birth of your granddaughters, Noa and Violet. Marshall and Sharon Shifrin Fred Katzenstein In honor of your 85th Birthday. Mazel Tov! Mark and Sharon Telpner Karen and Mike Harlan In honor of the marriage of your children. Jill and Glen Roter Edna Schrank In memory of your beloved husband, Michael. Mark and Sharon Telpner Fran Kazan In memory of your beloved husband, Stan. Mark and Sharon Telpner Tami and Ray Rokni. In memory of your beloved mother. Jill and Glen Roter, Mark and Sharon Telpner Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of your mother, Touran Yashar. Sue Lampert CBS Youth Endowment Karla and Michael Goldman For the birth of your new grandson, Noah Thomas. Maxine Levy Jackie and Alan Zelkowitz In memory of your mom. Debbie and Gary Solomon Marla Horwitz In memory of your mother and grandmother, Rita Block. I was so sorry to hear about her passing. My thoughts are with all of you. Robin Ellen The Kesner Family In memory of Muriel Frances Marks. The Henken Family Gold Family Sabbath Fund Judi Greenberg For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Sharon and Harris Goldenberg Michael and Lisa Krule and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Sherry Krule. Hilary and Rick Braun, Fred and Fran Hakimian, Kim and Perry Shwachman Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Jackie Zelkowitz In memory of your mom, Touran Yashar. Raymond and Tami Rokni Sharon Becker In memory of your beloved husband. Iris Lerner Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Henry Rabinowitz In honor of your special Birthday. Allan and Shari Luck HUGS Fund Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr For the birth of your beautiful granddaughter, Liv Hazel. Marcy Canel, Diana and Maury Lewis, Debbie and Gary Sylvan Tami Rokni and Family In memory of Charlene Karlin, beloved mother and grandmother. Selwyn and Janice Marcus Lynn and Warren Bernay In memory of Michael Bloom. Jane and Lenny Siedband


DONATIONS Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Bev and Dave Sugar L'Shana Tovah! Wishing you a sweet, happy, healthy new year! Jonathan Gluskin and Hayley Levitan Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Liv Hazel. David and Bev Sugar Rick and Barbara Felt For the birth of your granddaughter, Mia Rose. David and Bev Sugar Mitch and Sherri Padnos In appreciation of making my holiday so special. Barbara Levine Dr. Alan and Helen Isaac and Family In memory of a very special and dear lady, Elsa Dragon. David and Bev Sugar Bev and Dave Sugar In memory of Janna and in honor of your family. This is a high holiday tribute. We wish you a happy, healthy New Year. Marcy and Steve Jacobs Rachelle Rosenfeld In memory of Janna Sugar. Rachelle Rosenfeld Helen Isaac In memory of your beloved mother. Rosalie Roth Chuck Kahalnik In memory of Phillip Kahalnik. Amy, Lawrence, Meital and Noah LeVine Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program Scholarship Fund Michael and Lisa Krule In memory of Sherry Faye Krue. We are so sorry for your loss. May her memory be a blessing to all her loved ones. Leann and Michael Blue

Michael and Lisa Krule and Family In Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund memory of Sherry Krule. Amy, Lawrence, Meital In memory of Leah Saruk. Seymour and and Noah LeVine Beverly Binstein In memory of Phillip Saruk. Seymour and Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Beverly Binstein For the yahrzeits of my loved ones. Reva Gomberg Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah For the yahrzeit of my beloved brother, Scholarship Fund Gerald Hauser. Marlene Goldberg Mr. and Mrs. Andy Perellis In honor of the For the yahrzeit of Felecia Kotowsky. birth of your grandson, Stanley. Bobbi and Irving and Etta Kotowsky Harvey Teitelbaum For the yahrzeit of Louis Gold. Irving and Paula and Michael Fohrman For the birth Etta Kotowsky of your granddaughter, Romy Genna. Robin For the yahrzeit of Ann Lindenberg. and Lee Eisenberg Karen Weiner David Speigel and Erin McGuire For the For the yahrzeit of Gertrude Barr. David birth of Colin Joseph McGuire. Shari and Jeff and Diana Freeman Kaminsky For the yahrzeit of Alexander Lebovitz. Mark Cowin and Family In memory of Diane Lebovitz your mother, Roseanne. Bobbi and Harvey For the yahrzeit of my father, Nathan Teitelbaum Glutzer. Ceil Zook Dr. and Mrs. Richard Cowin and Family For the yahrzeit of my husband, Allen In memory of your mother, Roseanne. Bobbi Woodhouse. Eileen Woodhouse and Harvey Teitelbaum For the yahrzeit of my mother, Esther Sam Cowin and Family In memory of your Lutz. Eileen Woodhouse grandmother, Roseanne. Bobbi and Harvey For the yahrzeit of Philip Gluskin. Jeffrey Teitelbaum and Ellen Gluskin and Family Josh Cowin In memory of your grandmother, In memory of Rose Alexander. Carole, Roseanne. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Larry, and Howie Shneider Danny Cowin In memory of your In memory of Sara Pawlan and Ely grandmother, Roseanne. Bobbi and Harvey Pestine. Gail Pestine Teitelbaum

Rosengard Museum Fund Sharon Becker and Family In memory of Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Al Becker, your beloved husband, father, and For the yahrzeit of my beloved uncle, grandfather. Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Tom Bosley. Scott Bosley Steve Klein and Family In memory of Marvin Klein, beloved father and grandfather. Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund Beth and Sheldon Gaffen and Family Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Liv Rubenstein Memorial Library Fund Hazel. Lana and Danny Zakon Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr In Lenore Lopaty and Family In memory of honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Liv beloved husband, Ronny. Fern Slotky Hazel. Sam and Becca Tatel Dr. Peter Cormier In memory of your Helen Dym-Smoler and Jeff Smoler For father. Evan and Lisa Oblonsky the birth of your grandson, Ilan Lewin. Mazel Mara James In memory of your father. Evan Tov! May he bring you much joy and naches. and Lisa Oblonsky Judi and Michael Greenberg Michael Krule In memory of Sherry Krule. Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Sam and Becca Tatel For the yahrzeit of Barbara Silver. Robert Silver Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr For the Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund birth of your granddaughter, Liv Hazel. Cantor Steven and Susan Stoehr and Welcome to the best club ever, the Family In honor of the birth of Liv Hazel. grandparents club! Edna Schrank Amy, Lawrence, Meital and Noah LeVine Jackie and Alan Zelkowitz and Family In Steve and Ann Lessman For the birth of memory of your beloved mother, Touran your granddaughter, Phoebe Marilyn. Mazel Yashar. Deanne Friedman and Family, Maureen Tov! May she bring you much joy and naches. and Linda Gold, Deanna and Mark Jacobson, Cece Michael and Judi Greenberg and Arlen Lasinsky, Jill and Les Olefsky, Scott and Leslie Rogoff NOVEMBER 2021• VOLUME 96 ISSUE 66

Zemsky SKIP Fund Michael and Lisa Krule and Family In memory of your beloved mother and grandmother, Sherry Faye Krule. We express our sincere sympathy on her passing. Darlene and Norman Padnos and Family




3433 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062

Permit 144 Northbrook, IL


Candle Lighting and Service Times (All SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19 AND ARE LIVE STREAMED) Friday – November 5 (Candles 5:21 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Friday- November 26 (Candles 4:04 PM) Shabbat Service

6:00 PM

Saturday – November 6 Shabbat Service Bridges to Shabbat

Saturday- November 27 Shabbat Service

9:30 AM

9:30 AM 10:30 AM

Friday Evening – November 12 (Candles 4:14 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

Saturday – November13 Mazel Tot Shabbat Service

8:45 AM 9:30 AM

Daily Minyan (in-person, Live Streaming and via Zoom)* Monday - Friday Mornings 7:45 AM Sunday - Thursday Evenings 7:45 PM Sunday Mornings 8:45 AM

Friday Evening – November 19 (Candles 4:08 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM

*Please note, Morning Minyan on Thursday & Friday, 11/25 & 11/26 will be at 8:45 AM.

Saturday – November 20 Shabbat Service Bridges to Shabbat

Mincha will take place at the conclusion of morning Shabbat services, but not before 12:00 PM.

9:30 AM 10:30 AM


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