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INSIDE THIS ISSUE New Members/L’Shana Tova ................. 2 President’s Message.................................. 3 Bimah ....................................................... 4-5 50th Anniversary ....................................... 6 Keruv .......................................................... 7 Hineynu ................................................... 8-9 Youth &Young Family Programming .. 10 B’nai Mitzvah ............................................ 11 School .................................................. 12-13 Adult Education/Programming............. 14 HAZAK ..................................................... 15 Sisterhood........................................... 16-17 Men’s Club .......................................... 18-19 Milestones ................................................. 20 Birthdays & Anniversaries..................... 21 Donations ........................................... 22-23 See What’s Happening ……………...24 Yahrzeits .................................................. 25 Ads ........................................................ 26-27 Service Times ........................................... 28

Rabbi ................................................... Aaron Melman Cantor ..................................................Steven Stoehr Assistant Rabbi ..................................... Ari Averbach Executive Director ............................ Michael Garlin Director of Jewish Life & Learning ................................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Ritual Director ............. Cantor Raquel P. Gershon Director of Youth Activities................ Matt Rissien Controller ......................................... Susan Karlinsky President ......................................... Debbie Solomon Sisterhood President..........................Leatte Gelfeld Men’s Club President ................................. Dan Sher USY President ................................ David Zelkowitz

SEPTEMBER 2017 • VOLUME 54 ISSUE 24 Rabbi Averbach

We spend so much time this month beating our chests, reading an alpha• betical litany of words in Hebrew, in English, then again in Hebrew, recounting all the sins we may have committed this year. Some people see this as a kind of check list for all they did wrong, and others find no need to thump their chests • because they didn’t commit these sins. They feel exempt. And perhaps they are. I came across another list that speaks to me, and I find myself striking myself as I read these. •

Rabbi Emeritus .......................................Carl Wolkin Executive Director Emeritus .................................... Harvey Gold, FSA z’l Director of Education Emeritus ................... Rabbi Sander J. Mussman, RJE

• SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.



I ascribe intent. I assign bad intent to otherwise innocuous actions. If someone cut me off, interrupted me, disagreed with something I said, I take it personally. I must remember that, often, the actions of others are unintentional. I stick to the script. I think people should act in a certain way, and I am baffled when life does not transpire the way that I anticipated it would. Didn’t they read the script in my head?! I must remember to welcome new characters, embrace plot twists, and allow others take the lead.

wanted them to? Don’t they know how I feel about this? No, they don’t, if I do not properly convey my needs and desires with those around me. I don’t take risks. I am too comfortable in my own relative safety. I don’t say yes enough. I must remember that I am always glad when I do take that leap. I compare my life to others. Money, cars, kids…the list goes on. I want my slice of life to be as good or better than someone else’s. I must remember to stop and appreciate what I have (which is enough). President Teddy Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.”

I don’t let go. Life is full of loss and regrets. I too often live in the past. I await closure, as if there is one moment or word that will make it all make sense. I must remember that I am not alone, that everyone else has similar feelings, and I can rely on those around me to help get me through.

I don’t give back enough. One way to deal with all of the above is to give back, to immerse myself in bringing goodness to the world. To volunteer, get involved, just be nice. There are givers and takers. Givers are happy; takers never are.

I project apocalypse. I let a situation spiral in my head to the worst possible outcome, predicting a slippery slope to catastrophe. I must I hope the days ahead give us all remember that negativity breeds neg- a moment to pause and consider what is ativity, and I should look for a variety most important in our lives, to be grateful of more realistic outcomes. for all that we have, and to take the necessary steps toward who we want to be. I have uncommunicated expec- May 5778 be a Shanah Tovah, a year of tations. Why didn’t they do what I goodness for you and those in your life.


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