Congregation Beth Shalom September, 2021 Bulletin

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INSIDE THIS ISSUE Candle Lighting and Service Times ....... 2 President’s Message .................................. 3 Dear Susan .................................................. 4 CBS Happenings ........................................ 5 L’Shana Tovah ............................................ 6 StandStrong ................................................. 7 Religious School ......................................... 8 Youth/Young Family Programming/ B’nai Mitzvah ........................................... 9 CBS U/ Adult Education/Programming ... 10-11 Sisterhood .......................................... 12-13 Men’s Club ......................................... 14-16 Social Action ............................................ 17 Calendar ............................................. 18-19 Shabbat Mornings ................................... 20 Birthdays and Anniversaries ................ 21 Milestones ................................................ 22 Yahrzeits ................................................... 23 Donations ........................................... 24-25 Ads ....................................................... 26-27 “See” What’s Happening ...................... 28 Head Rabbi ......................................... Aaron Melman Senior Cantor ..................................... Steven Stoehr Rabbi ............................................... Warner Ferratier Rabbi Emeritus....................................... Carl Wolkin Executive Director .......................... Susan Karlinsky Director of Jewish Life and Learning .............................................. Leann Blue Director of Education .......................... Stacy Ybarra Director of Youth and Young Family Engagement……..Eric Golberg President ................................................. Bob Spector Sisterhood President ..................... Jackie Zelkowtiz Men’s Club Co-Presidents.... Dr. Andrew Wagner & Steven Lessman USY President ............................................. Paige Star Shalom Designer/Editor...............Deanne Friedman

SHALOM INFO Shalom is published monthly by Congregation Beth Shalom, 3433 Walters, Northbrook, Illinois 60062-3298 for the exclusive use of its members and staff. All material contained herein is the property of Congregation Beth Shalom.



RABBI MELMAN’S MINUTES We learn about the shmita, or sabbatical year, from the Book of Vayikra, Leviticus, where we read about the promises of bountiful harvests to those who observe this practice. “God spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai, telling him to speak to the Israelites and say to them: When you come to the land that I am giving you, the land must be given a rest period, a Sabbath to God. For six years you may plant your fields, prune your vineyards, and harvest your crops, but the seventh year is a sabbath of sabbaths for the land. It is God's sabbath during which you may not plant your fields, nor prune your vineyards. Do not harvest crops that grow on their own and do not gather the grapes on your unpruned vines, since it is a year of rest for the land. What grows while the land is resting may be eaten by you, by your male and female slaves, and by the employees and resident hands who live with you. All the crops shall be eaten by the domestic and wild animals that are in your land.” Every seven years the land was to lie fallow in the Land of Israel – a practice that is followed to this day and will take place with the upcoming year of 5782. Rabbi Melman

During shmita, which literally means release, the land is left alone and all agricultural activity, including plowing, planting, pruning, and harvesting is forbidden by halacha, Jewish law. Other cultivation techniques such as watering, fertilizing, weeding, spraying, trimming, and mowing may be performed as a preventive measure only, not to improve the growth of trees or other plants. Additionally, any fruits or herbs which grow of their own accord and where

no watch is kept over them are deemed hefker, ownerless, and may be picked by anyone. The concept of a Sabbatical period is not unique to the Land of Israel, but it is unique. I can’t think of too many professions outside of university professors and clergy who are fortunate enough to be able to arrange for sabbatical time. Just as the land is meant to recharge, so too is the time away for a clergy person. In April, I shared with you my new venture into the world of the military through the Illinois Army National Guard. What a blessing it has been for the last several months and what an honor it has been to put on the uniform of the United States Army. I have completed my first of three months of CHBOLC (Chaplain Basic Officer Leader Course) and will return to the Army’s Chaplain Schoolhouse at Fort Jackson in Columbia, SC in mid-October. I will be in residence there for two months, using my sabbatical time. While one might not think it will be relaxing and rejuvenating – the first would be true, the second not. While waking up at 0400 (4:00 am) may not sound rejuvenating, the skills I have acquired and will continue to acquire as an Army Chaplain will make me a better rabbi. The additional tools gained will help me to serve all of you better. The reality is, I am somewhere near the middle of my career as a rabbi. Just as the land needs time to refresh and renew itself, so do many of us. The opportunity to grow myself, my abilities, and my resources will only ensure greater support and fulfillment for our entire CBS family. I look forward to sharing more of my adventures with you in the future. Shanah Tovah.

CANDLE LIGHTING & SERVICE TIMES Candle Lighting and Service Times (All SERVICES AND TIMES SUBJECT TO CHANGE DUE TO COVID-19 AND ARE LIVE STREAMED) Friday – September 3 (Candles 7:03 PM) Shabbat Service Saturday – September 4 Shabbat Service Study Minyan

6:00 PM 9:30 AM 10:30 AM

Monday Evening – September 6 (Candles 6:58 PM) Erev Rosh Hashanah Service 6:15 PM (CBS) Tuesday – September 7 (Candles 7:57 PM) First Day Rosh Hashanah

Tashlich Mincha/Ma’ariv Service Wednesday – September 8 Second Day Rosh Hashanah Mincha/Ma’ariv Service

8:30 AM (CBS & Wood Oaks) 11:30 AM (CBS & Wood Oaks) 4:30 PM (Wood Oaks Pond) 6:15 PM (CBS) 8:30 AM (CBS) 11:30 AM (CBS) 7:45 PM (CBS)

Friday Evening – September 10 (Candles 6:51 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – September 11 Shabbat Service

9:30 AM

Wednesday – September 15 (Candles 6:42 PM) Kol Nidre 6:30 PM (CBS & Wood Oaks) 8:30 PM (CBS & Wood Oaks) Thursday – September 16 Yom Kippur

Yizkor Service Mincha Service followed by Neilah Final Shofar Blast

8:30 AM (CBS & Wood Oaks) 11:30 AM (CBS & Wood Oaks) 4:30 PM (CBS) 5:00 PM (CBS) ~7:38 PM (CBS)

Friday Evening – September 17 (Candles 6:38 PM) Shabbat Service 6:00 PM Saturday – September 18 Shabbat Service


9:30 AM

Monday – September 20 (Candles 6:33 PM) Erev Sukkot/Mincha/ Service to Welcome the Festival

6:00 PM

Tuesday – September 21 (Candles 7:31 PM) First Day of Sukkot Festival Service Mincha/Ma’ariv

9:30 AM 6:00 PM

Wednesday – September 22 Second Day of Sukkot Festival Service Mincha/Ma’ariv

9:30 AM 7:15 PM

Thursday – September 23 First Day – Chol HaMoed Sukkot Mincha/Ma’ariv

7:45 AM 7:45 PM

Friday- September 24 (Candles 6:26 PM) Second Day – Chol HaMoed Sukkot Shabbat Service

7:45 AM 6:00 PM

Saturday – September 25 Third Day – Chol HaMoed Sukkot/ Shabbat Service

9:30 AM

Sunday – September 26 Fourth Day – Chol HaMoed Sukkot Mincha/Ma’ariv

8:45 AM 7:45 PM

Monday – September 27 (Candles 6:21 PM) Hoshana Rabbah Mincha/ Erev Shemini Atzeret Service

7:45 AM 6:00 PM

Tuesday – September 28 (Candles 7:19 PM) Early Yizkor 8:00 AM Shemini Atzeret Festival Service with Yizkor 9:30 AM Simchat TorahTONE/Mincha/ Welcome the Festival 6:00 PM followed by an ice cream social, sponsored by our Youth Wednesday – September 29 Simchat Torah Service Mincha/Conclusion of the Festival

Daily Minyan Monday - Friday Mornings Sunday - Thursday Evenings Sunday Mornings

9:30 AM 7:00 PM

7:45 AM 7:45 PM 8:45 AM



Bob Spector

I cannot believe how quickly the summer is flying by and that our High Holidays are only days away. I hope you have had many opportunities to have in-person gatherings with family and friends throughout the last few months. As you know, we will be offering in-person attendance for all our services throughout the Holiday season and that these services will not be the same as what we have traditionally been accustomed to at Beth Shalom. I understand that there is disappointment that we will not be offering a complete traditional service option this year. Our clergy have worked extremely hard to create a spiritually enriching experience for all of us that balances the essence and integrity of our prayers with the health and welfare of our community. To maximize our safety as well as the number of congregants who can safely attend, we decided to offer two shifts which then required that our services be shortened. I understand that the science is not exact, but unfortunately this new COVID-19 variant is proving that even the vaccinated are at greater risk of contracting the virus. As of the time I am writing this column (August 1st), I expect that with proper precautions we will be able to gather in-person as a community, and I hope and expect that next year we will be able to pray together as an entire community without fear of our health being compromised. Last month, I mentioned my vision of a strong and thriving community that shares values that can be characterized as Tolerant, Open, Patient, Understanding, Accepting, Compassionate, and Healthy. The first letters of each of these values approximates the word TOPUACH (ta-pu-ach), the Hebrew word for apple (perhaps the power of the unconscious?). The apple is one of our most popular and symbolic foods of Rosh Hashanah, representing the hope of having a sweet and healthy new year. I have what I hope is a small ask of you. Throughout the holiday season, during your meals and attending services at either Beth Shalom or online with your loved ones, remember the sweetness and power of the topuach. That even in the midst of a continuing pandemic, we focus on what we do have in our lives rather than what we do not have; that we embrace the joy of being together as a spiritual community rather than the disappointment of having our service being different; and that we celebrate our good fortune in being part of a wonderful Congregation Beth Shalom family. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, we hope you have a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year. L’shana tovah u’metukah, Bob

September Office Closings Monday, 9/6 Tuesday, 9/7-8 Wednesday, 9/15 Thursday, 9/16 Monday, 9/20 Tuesday-Wednesday, 9/21-22 Tuesday-Wednesday. 9/28-29


Labor Day Rosh Hashanah Kol Nidre @1:00 pm Yom Kippur Erev Sukkot @1:00 pm Sukkot Shemini Atzeret/Simchat Torah


DEAR SUSAN Dear Susan: We are really happy that CBS is open again for Shabbat morning services. I appreciate the live stream services for the past 18 months but being at CBS is so much more meaningful for me and my husband. We truly miss the Kiddush lunch after services and I’m hoping you can tell me when the Kiddush will return. We’re quite fond of CBS tuna and kugel and noshing with our friends! Susan Karlinsky

Signed: Happy and Hungry Dear Happy and Hungry: Soon! We’re being extra cautious at CBS about bringing back our traditional Shabbat Kiddush lunch. We need to be sure we can provide a safe way to feed a large group of people, and to best protect everyone from the contagious COVID-19 virus. We are considering our options now, and we hope to offer Kiddush lunches beginning again in 2022 on Shabbat mornings when we are celebrating a Bar/Bat mitzvah. If you are celebrating a special birthday, anniversary, aufruf, baby naming, or any other simcha, we welcome you to sponsor a Kiddush at CBS! Please call Brenda at 847.498.4100 x30 for more information! Dear Susan: I love the Marian Renee Saltzberg Learning Center at Congregation Beth Shalom! The library has such a great collection of fiction and non-fiction books that are of interest to me. I have a large collection of Jewish books. Can I donate these books to the CBS library? Also, I am curious how you identify which new books to add to your collection? Signed: Book Collector Dear Book Collector: I love our library too! It is truly a special place at CBS, and we’re so proud of receiving accreditation through the Association of Jewish Libraries. I’ll address your donation question first, since this is a very common question we get all year long. We have four criteria for donations:  Donations must meet the same standards as purchased materials.


Donations must have been published in the last TWO years.  Donations must be in excellent physical condition.  Donations must have either contemporary significance or permanent value and be consistent with our existing library collection (Jewish content and/or Jewish authors). 

We cannot accept donations unless they meet all four criteria. With financial support from the congregation and our members, we are able to purchase new books to add to our collection. We learn about new books from many sources. We are members of the Jewish Book Council, our staff and volunteers scour book reviews online, in newspapers and magazines, we hear from publishers and sometimes directly from authors! Let us know if you find something that you think would be a fit for our library! We are happy to welcome Caryn Blomquist to our library staff in mid-August, stop by and say hi! * Dear Susan is written by CBS Executive Director, Susan Karlinsky.

JOIN US IN WELCOMING THESE NEW MEMBERS TO CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM Ruth Blonder Stefanie and Michael Bregman Abby and Eli Cooper Donielle and Sergio Escalante Johanna and Daniel Gordon Marla and Bruce Horwitz Brittany and Robert Schwartz Aileen and Steven Simons





L’SHANA TOVA CBS Sisterhood L’Shana Tova Greetings Judy & Michael Balter Leann, Mike, Adam, Marc & Paul Blue Eli, Justin & Zev Castellano Maria Catezone, Stephanie, Ira, Mason & Logan Schreiber Maria & Edgar Chavez and Family Bruce & Nancy Chudacoff Lisa & Harold Dembo and Family Rabbi Warner Ferratier Bobbie Fink and Family Deanne, Jeff, Madison, Lexi & Paige Friedman Stacey Dembo & Adam Garber, Josephine & Leo Barbara & Mark Gelfeld Leatte, Adam, Sammie & Jordan Gelfeld Pauline & David Gimbel and Family Cheryl, David, Mason & Shawn Ginsburg Ellen & Jeff Gluskin and Family Eric Golberg Linda Gold Maureen Gold Bob, Frannie, Maddie & Avery Goldwin Stacy & David Gordon and Family Carol Grad The Greenman & Schmitz Families Ellen & Larry Grossman Jonathan, Denise, Joshua & Ethan Handler Rita Berkelhamer Janowitz Susan & Shelly Karlinsky and Family Sheryl & Fred Katzenstein Sue Lampert Cece & Arlen Lasinsky Diana & Maury Lewis and Family Rabbi Aaron Melman, Elisa Rotman, Jordan & Hannah Harlene Dunitz & Shel Marcus Cindy and Bob Marder Bonnie, Rick, Ari, Abbey, Shaina, Evan Meltzer Gail & Sherwin Meyers Steven, Rosalyn, Sloane & Oliver Mokhtarian Ethel Obrand Lisa & Rick Orlov and Family Darlene & Norman Padnos and Family Marcia & Henry Rabinowitz Teri & Jared Robins and Family Scott, Leslie, Marissa & Sophie Rogoff Robyn, Neil, Logan & Madison Rosengard Glen & Jill Roter and Family 6

Carol & Michael Schnitzler Dr. Steve & Matty Shechtman Beth, Dan & Spencer Sher Nancy & Richard Sher Laura & Lee Shulman Jody & Howard Sigal and Family Bobbi Simkin Randi & Glenn Simon Randi & David Starkston and Family Cantor Steve & Susan, Jacob & Ilana, Talia & Alana Stoehr David & Bev Sugar and Family Mark & Sharon Telpner Adrianne Varhula and Family Brenda, Max, Hannah & Maya Wasserman Sara & Marc Weinstein and Family Rabbi Carl & Judy Wolkin, Joshua Wolkin & Aurelia Vasquez, & David Wolkin & Keeli Sorenson Stacy Ybarra and Family Jackie, Alan, David & Steven Zelkowitz






Details from the Director

Bruchim Habaim! Welcome to the start of another unusual school year. The challenges we have faced over the past year and continue to face have encouraged our staff to be creative and imagine new ways of learning and creating community. Our curriculum topics have not changed nor has our commitment to creating a sense of community and inclusion for all of our students. If you have any concerns or ideas of what might work best for your student, please contact me at any time. I can be reached at or by phone at (847) 498-4100 x15. We are always willing to devise individual plans to ensure that our students and families are happy and successful. You should be receiving a weekly email on Wednesday evening with updated school information. This email is also accessible through our CBS website. If you are not receiving this email please contact the school office at 847-498-5352 or at Registration It’s not too late to register for classes! Go to MyCBS on the Congregation Beth Shalom website to register for kindergarten through high school. Classes for kindergarten through 7th grade began on Sunday, August 29th. Classes for 8th through 12th grades began on Monday, August 30th. For questions regarding registration contact the school office at 847-498-5352 or at

1st Day of School – Family High Holiday Program on August 29th It was a pleasure seeing our families in person as we learned together. We missed being together last year. Thank you for your enthusiasm and patience as we continue on this crazy journey. Our next family program is Erev Simchat Torah. Look for specific information in the weekly Wednesday evening emails.

Corrections from August Bulletin, we apologize for our error. IZELLE “IZZI” MALKIN Daughter of Heidi & Tom Malkin Sister of Lexx Malkin Granddaughter of Myra Zells, Martin Zells of Blessed Memory, Judy Malkin, Sherwin Malkin of Blessed Memory 8


LEXINGTON “LEXX” MALKIN Son of Heidi & Tom Malkin Brother of Izzi Malkin Grandson of Myra Zells, Martin Zells of Blessed Memory, Judy Malkin, Sherwin Malkin of Blessed Memory


YOUTH/YOUNG FAMILY PROGRAMMING The school year is finally back! Though to many of you this is a sad thing, this means my favorite thing… YOUTH PROGRAMS ARE BACK AND IN PERSON!!! We have a full slate of youth programs going on this month and I cannot wait for you to join in on the fun! Starting with our Chaverim friends (Grades 2-5) on September 12th from 12:30-1:15 pm we will be holding a sukkot themed scavenger hunt and making decorations for our home sukkot! Our Kadima group (Grades 6-8) will be meeting for the first time in the Sukkah at Beth Shalom from 7:00-8:00 pm on Wednesday, September 22nd. Join us as we celebrate Sukkot and play fun games! Before I discuss our USY schedule, I want to challenge those of you reading this to email me what you and your family are most looking forward to this year at CBS. The first five people to email me at will receive a gift card! Our USYer’s (grades 9-12) begin their programmatic year on September 9th with our first Lounge Night back in the Gloss Youth Lounge since February of 2020! We will fill out the rest of our USY schedule with programs on the 23rd and 30th of the month. All USY Lounge Night’s will be held in the Gloss Youth Lounge (basement of CBS) from 7:00-9:00 pm. Eric Golberg

Our Young Family Programming will be starting back up as well this month with the installment of our new program Boker Omanut (Morning Art) on September 19th. This program will be held outside of CBS so please look out for information in your emails with more details! If you are not on our CBS Young Family email list please contact me and I will be sure to add you to the list as quickly as possible. I hope everyone has a happy and meaningful holiday season, and we can’t wait to welcome you all back home, here at CBS! Eric

RYAN ELLIOTT Son of Dana & Foster Elliott Brother of Jordan & Hailey Elliott Grandson of Gloria & Steven Gutmann, Rick Elliott & Barbara Berman, Ferne Elliott of Blessed Memory

DYLAN GRUBER Son of Michael & Ilisa Gruber Brother of Shaye, Brandon, & Ryder Gruber Grandson of Dale Kane, Bernard Kane of Blessed Memory, Arthur & Andrea Gruber


ELLA SINGER Daughter of Sheri & Eric Singer Sister of Samantha Singer Granddaughter of Estella & David Karp, Susan Katz, Bob & Judy Singer



CBS Community Wide

*Subject to change based on prevailing Covid-19 protocols

The Elkins Family watching An Evening With Daniel Silva and Jamie Gangel held July 22 via Zoom.



CBS U/ADULT EDUCATION/PROGRAMMING CBS YACHAD AFFINITY GROUPS Are you ready to facilitate a Game Night group (mah jongg, canasta, board games or others) - or - how about a Shabbat Dinner Group? You name it. We will work to assemble the group. Our existing facilitators say: "It's enjoyable and not time consuming" (Lori, Pickleball), "I've enjoyed the rides, but even more so, the time together after the rides" (Rabbi Melman, Peloton). Lead a YACHAD Affinity Group that interests you. Enjoy new friendships, develop a stronger sense of belonging and community. We look forward to continuing to connect our CBS family! Membership Vice President, Sue Lampert ( CBS staff members Leann Blue ( and Lisa Orlov (



SISTERHOOD Jackie Zelkowitz

Congregation Beth Shalom may, at first, seem daunting in size. In fact, however, we are a close -knit community that helps and supports each other. Rabbi Melman always refers to us as a family, and he is correct. Our first Rosh Hashanah at CBS, services seemed so large. Shortly after that, someone reached out and asked me to help on one or two small projects for the Sisterhood. None were very time consuming. I began to meet the members of the congregation and the clergy. We attended a few other services, and sat down at Kiddush with some of the people I met. The following year, as we sat down at Rosh Hashanah services, we were greeted with warm wishes by so many people. It really felt like we were part of the CBS family.

Summer has flown by so quickly, and it is September once again. As I write this, and COVID is coming back, I hope that we will still be able to be together in-person as the congregation has planned. CBS has adapted to the pandemic to support the CBS family, and I truly believe there is light at the end of this tunnel. The Sisterhood has been working hard during the summer planning a lot of wonderful programs for the year to come. We are optimistic that we will soon be together in-person. Nevertheless, we are prepared for all of our programs to have the option to attend remotely. Schools have started opening up again. I hope that our children all have a more normal school year. By now, you should have received the Sisterhood mailing. If you did not, please reach out to the Synagogue office. Due to the holidays, our Opening Luncheon will be on Wednesday, October 13th. We are very fortunate to have Susan Abrams, Chief Executive Officer of the Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center as our featured speaker. Let me invite you to join us in Sisterhood. It would be my pleasure to meet you personally and introduce you to some of the members. You can attend one of our programs, and if you have an hour or two, we would love to invite you to help. There is always a place for you. If you will join us, you will see that although there are more than a thousand family members of CBS, we are really a small family. Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year. L’Shanah Tovah!



SISTERHOOD Invites you to our Opening Luncheon With Featured Speaker Susan Abrams Chief Executive Officer, Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center

Please join us in-person for lunch and program or online for the program.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021 at 11:30 AM Jackie Zelkowitz, President Debbie Hamilton, Program Vice President Sally Blitt, Membership Vice President Register Online Here: Questions? Please call Debbie Hamilton, 847-902-1105 In honor of our speaker’s generous donation of her time, we request that you make a donation in her honor or in honor of CBS Sisterhood to the Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center, by using this link

Sisterhood Member on or before September 30, 2021 Sisterhood Member on or after October 1, 2021 Non-member on or before September 30, 2021 Non-member on or after October 1, 2021 Virtual program only (link will be sent to your email)

$35 $40 $45 $50 $10

Please send your paid reservations to:

Congregation Beth Shalom Sisterhood | 3433 Walters Avenue | Northbrook, IL 60062

Deadline Thursday, September 30, 2021 - Checks payable to CBS Sisterhood

The Louis Gurvitz Memorial Sisterhood Judaica Shop Do you have everything you need for the High Holidays? If not, please visit us at

Happy, Healthy New Year to everyone! Diana Lewis 847-903-6175 Darlene Padnos 847-217-4531 Donna Fox 847-281-7456 SEPTEMBER 2021• VOLUME 94 ISSUE 64


MEN’S CLUB L’Shana Tova and a happy and sweet new year to all from the CBS Men’s Club! We began our new year helping out with Yom Beth Shalom by cooking and serving hot dogs and chips. On Sunday morning, September 12th, we will build the CBS outdoor sukkah. We would appreciate anyone’s assistance if you would like to help us build. Our first Men’s Club Breakfast will be on Sunday, September 19th featuring Dr. Steve Zaacks, a cardiologist at Northwest Community Hospital and a CBS member. He will speak on “How to Prevent and Identify a Heart Attack & Its Effect on Our Lives, Part 2.” We will continue our Men’s Health initiative with interesting and informative programs. Our Opening Dinner will be on Thursday, September 23rd. It will be a special Steaks in the Sukkah event with David Schuster, a sports personality formerly of WSCR, 670 the SCORE, and ESPN 1000, WMVP. David will be joining us to talk playoff baseball and Chicago Bears football. Please see the flyer and sign up for a great opening evening for the CBS Men’s Club 2021-2022. As we shared with you last month, we would like to introduce you to our executive board. Let’s meet Bob Goldwin, our Executive Vice President. Bob was born in Silver Springs, Maryland. At the age of two, his family moved to South Bend, Indiana. He celebrated his Bar Mitzvah at Temple Beth El and, during the summers, he was a camper and sailing instructor at Greenwoods Camp in Decatur, Michigan. Bob wants you to know that as a camper he was voted the “Cutest Guy Camper” two years in a row!! He attended high school there and was a diver on the swim team. After four years majoring in criminology at The Ohio State University, he moved to Memphis and worked as a probation officer and then as a security manager. Wherever Bob lived, he involved himself in Jewish life and was active at Temple Israel in Memphis and soon became recording secretary of the Men’s Club. After three years, Bob decided to attend Loyola University in Chicago and earn a masters in Elementary Education. Soon thereafter, Bob got involved in the JUF Young Leadership Division and, at a Shabbat in the Box Dinner, he met his wife, Frannie Goldberg. Bob and Frannie joined CBS in 2012, and they both became very involved at CBS. Bob’s previous Men’s Club positions include programming, membership and now Executive VP. Bob has been in Elementary Education for the last twenty years, and he currently teaches 3rd grade at Chicago City Day School. Bob and Frannie have two daughters, Maddie (11) and Avery (8). Bob enjoys coaching both his daughters in soccer, currently coaches middle school basketball, and also has coached the CBS USY Boys Basketball team to years of championships. We thank Bob for his continued years of support and time with the CBS Men’s Club and we look forward to these next two years as Executive VP. Happy New Year and may we all be inscribed and sealed in the Book of Life! --Steve and Andy

Please visit the CBS website Photo Gallery to see all of the fantastic photos from the events taking place at CBS:




Register by 9/12 online here: SEPTEMBER 2021• VOLUME 94 ISSUE 64






I am seeking to re-engage our CBS PRIDE COMMITTEE. This group of wonderful people will meet to schedule periodic programs and forums for dialogue amongst our community who celebrate their LGBTQ+ family members. Email me to join us. – Cantor Steve, Tentative plans for our first program are for October 10, 2021



Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:




Please refer to the online calendar for the most up-to-date information:





All CBS Shabbat, daily minyan and holiday services are Live Streamed from the CBS website from your computer, smartphone or iPad/tablet

Daily Morning and Evening Minyanim are also available via Zoom Register Here for Zoom link

Congregation Beth Shalom is looking for TORAH READERS

We are IN-PERSON. There are many openings for Torah Readers! If you have read before, or would like to learn, please contact the CBS B’nai Mitzvah/Torah Coordinator, Randi Simon at She is happy to assist in any way to help you learn and/or master reading from the Torah Scroll! *Readers who read 180 p’sukim or more of Torah will be recognized with a brass plate on our Yad Squad plaque for their commitment!





Happy Birthday - October Happy Birthday to the Women of the Congregation from the CBS Sisterhood: Ina Schlossberg Sharon Hoffman Sandi Marks Lissa Silver Eileen Rosengard Amy Offenbach Lois Nudelman Tracy Kazan Elisa Rotman Elana Schrank Phyllis Simon Gail Brook Leslie Mareta Beth Gaffen Cindy Topel Penny Kwasman Leann Blue Abby Cooper Jaclyn Shapiro Sheila Medvin Linda Mangurten Andrea Block Eva Sideman Donna Yale Shari Vass Heidi Malkin

1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 10 11 11 12

Caryn Zelinger Tamara Roth Bettina Birkner Pamela Pearl Sandra Satinover Rita Schwartz Tracy Safron Cheryl Braude Alyssa Weisbach Debra Kay Janet Sear Barbara Gelfeld Marcia Rabinowitz Sandi Bobroff Stefanie Zelen Nancy Chudacoff Diana Lewis Adrienne Holtzman Karen Dubofsky Denise Handler Betty Ashman Jennifer Dolin Debra Lynn Ross Beth Levin Pamela Issen Carole Shneider Sharon Pike Leslie Rogoff Susan Fialkow

12 13 13 13 14 14 14 15 15 17 17 18 19 20 20 21 21 21 22 23 24 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26

Leila Green Claudy Thompson Irit Jacobson Judy Nussbaum Alysa Slay Zivit Blonder Barbara Boiko Judith Goldman Stacy Mautner

26 27 27 27 28 30 30 30 31

Happy Anniversary - October David & Jenny Schwartzberg Bret & Marjorie Maxwell Steven & Denise Krug Mitchell & Sharyl Portugal Rick & Melissa Mawrence 30 yrs Irwin & Marsha Pearlman Marvin & Cindy Topel 35 yrs Darryl & Ilyse Fleishman Mark & Lauren Cohen 20 yrs Marvin & Judy Kamensky 60 yrs Bernard & Linda Petchenik 60 yrs Marvin & Laurel Letwat 55 yrs Steven & Judy Decker Steven & Debra Elisco Arnie & Lynda Rose Leo Gelfand & Alla Turetskaya Russell & Esther Rosenberg Stephen & Laura Zaacks Allan & Caryn Zelinger Josh & Talia Block Kenneth & Dafna Gordon 30 yrs Aaron & Bonnie Kase 25 yrs Abe & Sue Drayer Aric & Jamie Menn Seth & Elana Schrank Norman & Sheila Mozin 60 yrs

3 3 4 5 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 8 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 12 13 13 13 13 14 15


Brent & Mara Smith 15 yrs Larry & Julie Snyder Michael & Carol Schnitzler Andrew & Melanie Arons Jeffrey & Davida Arnold Stephen & Kathryn Friedman Floyd & Ina Schlossberg 60 yrs Steven & Michelle Hirsch Richard & Ilene Fischman Michael Lawyer & Lisa Rosengard Lawyer Kenny & Laura Fishman Eric & Jackie Gichner Tammy & Howard Goberstein 40 yrs Edward Landesman & Laura Dobkin Terry & Sandi Bobroff Howard Minkoff & Marylyn Bogan-Minkoff Morley & Louise Kerschner Daniel & Eva Sideman Daniel & Daphne Frank 20 yrs Avrum & Bonnie Dannen Dan & Amy Miller Mark & Sheila Blocker Ronald & Arlene Harris

15 15 16 18 20 21 22 22 23

Jeff Hoffen & Cheryl Singer Rochelle Singer-Potekin & Barry Potekin Marc & Sara Weinstein Richard & Brooke Friedman Howard & Jody Sigal Irving & Etta Kotowsky Gregg & Rita Schneider 40 yrs

28 28 28 29 29 31 31

24 24 25 25 25 26 26 27 27 27 27 27 28 28

Would you like to send a birthday or anniversary greeting to a CBS member? Send your donations ($.75) prior to the 20th of the month directly to: Leatte Gelfeld, 741 Sarah, Northbrook, IL 60062 or (do NOT drop off at Synagogue)


MILESTONES WE PRAY THAT THESE FAMILIES WILL BUILD STRONG JEWISH HOMES AND CONTRIBUTE BLESSINGS TO THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL AND TO ALL HUMANITY Arlene & Ronald Harris are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Elle Laila Harris. Karla & Mike Goldman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Riley Josephine Goldman. Judi & Bill Goldman are happy to announce the birth of their great granddaughter, Riley Josephine Goldman. Julie & Blake Roter are happy to announce the birth of their daughter, Ellie Shai Roter. Jill & Glen Roter are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Ellie Shai Roter. Ann & Steve Lessman are happy to announce the birth of their granddaughter, Phoebe Marilyn Lessman. Paula & Howard Serlin are happy to announce the birth of their great grandson, Ezra Willow Mandell. The Congregation Extends Its Sympathy To: Jeanette Schusteff on the passing of her daughter, Sharon Schusteff Wille. Helene Coorsh on the passing of her sister, Sharon Schusteff Wille.

BIMA FLOWER FUND Dear Friends thank you so much for your kind anniversary wishes, we appreciate your thoughtfulness. Fern and Larry Roseman

CBS Memorial Plaques If you wish to honor the memory of a dear one, a most fitting, traditional and dignified remembrance is through a Memorial Plaque.

To my friends - thank you for your thoughtful Leagram messages for my special birthday. Fern Roseman

Each memorial plaque, bearing the name and yahrzeit date, is mounted on the tablet in the Moseson Alcove or Beit Midrash. It is lit on the Shabbat of the week of the yahrzeit, on the day of the yahrzeit and on the four festivals during the year when Yizkor is recited.

Thanks to Bettina Birkner for making the silver shine at CBS! Anonymous

Call Maria Catezone (847-498-4100 x26) for information or to order a plaque.

They say that life can change in a heartbeat, and this summer, I learned that literally. Thank you to the entire Congregation Beth Shalom family for your phone calls, e-mails, donations, and meals. There are so many ways in which you have made my recovery process easier. It is an honor to be part of a community that takes the welfare of its staff and members so seriously. May we all be blessed with a year of peace, contentment, and most importantly, good health. Rabbi Warner Ferratier 22

The following families have dedicated memorial plaques in memory of their loved ones.

In memory of ALANA WERTH by Allan Werth and Family In memory of JOYCE DIANE BERKELHAMER DOW by Rita Berkelhamer Janowitz In memory of CHERYL LESLIE TARRAGANO by William and Rosalyn Harris In memory of YVONNE D. GOMBERG by Neal Gomberg and Family


YAHRZEITS September 1-3 Monte Ageloff Lillian Berman Janice Blum David Bregman Kate Corey Gigi S. Dimand Louis Greenberg Phyllis Helfand Nathan Lake Sam Lasky Daniel Leonard Levy Arthur Mawrence Nettie Neumann Eva Selin Michael Silverman William E. Singer Irving Spitzner Bena Zimmel Max Adler Paula Blue Gerald Dunitz Gerald Freeman Lionel Gilbert Irving Grad Arthur L. Hess Howard Krivit Sarah Nathan Mildred “Millie” Serafin Sadie Shaffer Ruth Siegle Sam Silver Morris Sokol Corey Michael Davidove Roselle Goldberg Charles Goldman Phillip Greenberg Herb Grey Betty Hamilton Dorothy Harris Goldie Holleb Amelia Kane Barry Lepp Morris Levy Mordechai Mittelman Betty Rosengard Ted Singer Nathan Sostrin Dorothy Sugar Mary Weinstein September 4-10 Dorothy Abrams Louis Eisenman Rhonda Eule Ruth Feldman Irene Herman Samuel Kaufman Sylvia Krain Helma Lev Jean Lieberman Kathryn Roth Novak Norman Obrand Irving Protus Steve Reich Gary S. Sharbo Hyman Shneider Rose Stern Edith L. Stern Bernard Wall Philip Yuditsky Harriet Zisook Harold Ansell Ellen Arnold David Jacob Bitran Burt Geneles James “Jim” Ginsburgh Isaac Hakimian Sophie Sideman Sylvia Stone Jerome Wexelman Max Ash

David Berke Fred Byk Fay Drate Yetta Gantman Hartley Harris Louis Kaplan Isador Kessler Sara Latash Rosalie Nudelman Edward Price Morton Samson Norma Silver Herbert J. Yanover Dr. Joel Arnold Betty Brody Phyllis Daar Allan D. Decker Mike Dym Vivian Engerman Harold Freeman Reuben M. Gillman Irving Greenfield Lily Hibnick Maurice Lewis Pearl Stock Morris Agrest Sam Baker Lillian Blum Sara Cremer Bernat Davidovics Beniek Drayer William Gold Lillian Kanter Leo Krasner Sidney Sexner Sherwyn Tatz Louis L. Vishny Ida Barton Ida Dubofsky Joseph Gaffen Beverly Gladdin Stanley Goldfarb Jeffrey Mantell Julius Markovitz Molly Silver Thelma Batler Maurice Cherney Henry Chodash Dora “Dubby” Ekstein Hilda Feinstein Bertha Greenberg Arthur Hillman Fannie Kaplan Jerry Leff Harvey “Sonny” Levin Ralph Menn Samuel Schwartz Beverlee J. Silverman Sarah Slavick Stephen Winternitz Jacob Zeligman September 11-17 Favil David Berns Lillian Desnet Sam Drate David Gichner Ruth Gonzalez Myron Grodsky Mariam Kaplan Gus Kramer Oscar Novish Goldie Poncher Darwin Berkowitz Jacob Bernstein Robert Edidin Mel K. Erens Gerald Feather Gus Horwitz Myrna Litow Ann Nisenbaum Arlene Price


Frank Ribarz Mitchell Scott Ross David Savitsky Anne Stanton Saralee Goldberg Stern Goldie Wasserman Lynne Betty Ash Cheryl Dunn Adeline Forman Lewis Keller Max Kramer Reuben Ofsaiof Philip Saruk Harry Silverman Dr. David H. Weissman Rose Alexander Helen Bronson Milton Crane Goldie Dembo Fanny Kaplan David Lebovitz George Levinson Irving B. Padorr Pauline Ratsky Edythe Schwartz Nat Serlin Daniel Sideman Rabbi Reuven Aberman Celina Apfelbaum Abraham Dobkin Marshall R. Goldberg Craig Goldstick Louis King Frank Lupel Woolf Marcus Marguerite F. Rehmar Mildred Rosenberg Louis Sabin Lillian Topel Jack Wilets Gertrude Barr Simon Bergman Al Bobroff Max S. Cohn Max Edelman Jerry Elrod Louis Gershon Rose Greenband Max Kazer Howard Landsman Mariana Lippa Daniel Okman Barry Oshroff Zissel Politinsky Sarah Politinsky Sosne Leah Politinsky Leonard Savitt Sam Solomon Sidney Barr Jean Becker Rae Bergstein Paul Chapman Joseph Degabli William R. Dunn Rose Greenberg Ernest Kempler Ronda Kerschner Brian Orenstein Mildred Spector September 18-24 Manny Besser Ida Burnett Daniel Dick Bernice Goldberg Sarah Goldman Max Hahn Meyer Sol Kaplan Libby Manelis Peter Mareta Steven Nison Ben Orenstein

Jack Schusteff Asher Sonenfeld Jacob Winokur Seymour Wulburt Benjamin Q. Beckerman Morris Carl Solomon Lerner Sandra Liebman Marian Shadrow Rose H. Slavitt Dr. Joshua S. Vission Myron Weinstein Sidney Greene Judith L. Grossbard Florence Handzel Gerald Hirsch Libby Klein Ida Levin Freida Stein Beatrice Zislis Meyer Bengelsdorf Ozzie Dickler Florence Fischer Rochelle Friedlander Shirley Kohlman Jack Lambert Carlton Pestine Sarah Rosenberg Lillian Rosengard Francine Michelle Shapiro Ann Alterson Pnina Ben-Dov Marion Busby Sheldon Factor Anne Fields Leon Goldberg Ann Malisoff William Padnos Martin B. Pinsky Rose Sinton Morris Snitovsky Edward Soifer Steven Strange Suzanne Cobrin Jack Copeland Joseph G. Dryer Jay Glauberman Helga Herman Ervin Kaufman Samuel Kornblath John Schneider Harry Wenig Marilyn Rovin Cooper Victor Proeh Ann Rabens Rabbi Samuel Ruderman Benjamin J. Sacks Ben Saitlin Erwin Turkeltaub Walter Wallis

Robert Roth Sarah L. Ullman Norman Wax Estelle Wolke Marion Arbetter Joseph Arbus Elsie Joseph Joseph David Kazer Rose Klein Sander Kleinberg Francine Levy Benjamin Mikell Charles Minkoff David Platt Herman Rosin Barbara Sneider Irving Wisse Marshall Ander Philip Gluskin Lester Kurnick Ann Ofengender Leonard A Pierce Sherry Pine Joan Rosen Frank Schneider Irene Shapiro Maurice Sloan Lorrayne Solomon Stella Sweet Jerry Weiss Frieda Wellner Pelet Africk Sheldon “Shelley” Berman Ben Childs Oscar William Feinberg Louis Ferratier Rose Gaffen Leonard Goldberg Rose Goldberg William Gunther Stephen Levy Yizkok Markowitz Shirley Ross Lorrayne Schwartz Anita Sidler Tilly Siegel Ralph Vihon Fela Bankier Max Binder Irving Friedlander Julius Gerstein Chuck Gold Geri Hoffman Sylvia Kanar Schwartz Elliot Sheck Ann Simon Louis Stoken Gerald Vigdor George Wasserman

September 25-30 Bernard Chabner Alvin Elias Ruth Erdos Ruth Freed Sam Friedman Richard Geller Gilbert Goldman Fay Gurvitz Ben Kaplan Herbert Kramer Louis Meisel Sylvia Riffer Sophie Rosenthal Libby Wolansky George Gomberg Bernard Kosova Joseph Kostow Seymour Kriesman Frieda Levine Ruth Marks



Rabbi Melman's Good and Welfare Fund Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of you. Mindy and Frank Star and Family Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of Hannah's Bat Mitzvah. Skip and Michele Rosenmutter Rabbi Aaron Melman In honor of your dedication and service as a Chaplain in the US Army. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Rabbi Aaron Melman In appreciation of giving me an Alilyah in honor of my 65th Birthday. Scott Bosley Fran Brookstein In honor of your granddaughter, Lyla's Bat Mitzvah. Myron and Marsha Glassenberg In honor of the upcoming marriage of Aaron Starkston and Sammantha Marks. Randi and David Starkston Fran Kazan and Family In memory of Rabbi Stan Kazan. My heart is with you. Rabbi Kazan was a beloved man. Jane Pomerantz Cary Wintroub and Family In memory of Ruth Wintroub, a beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. Bruce and Marlene Saltzberg Helene and Tom Coorsh and Family In memory of Sharon Schusteff Wille. Renee and Jerry Cohen, Barbara Long, Herb Lesnoy and Loly Farnos Leann Blue In memory of your sister, Myra Elaine Buchman. Sheila Ander Andrea Singer In memory of your brother, Dr. Michael Falkoff. Barbara and David Menn

Rabbi Warner In appreciation of you giving me an Aliyah in honor of my 65th Birthday. Scott Bosley In honor of upcoming marriage of Aaron Starkston and Sammantha Marks. Randi and David Starkston Bernard Grad Memorial Chesed Fund Adele Gorenstein For the birth of your granddaughter, Shai. Marshall and Barbara Dickler Jerry Handler In honor of your 90th Birthday! Lorraine Horwitz Leann Blue In memory of your sister, Myra Elaine Buchman. Marshall and Barbara Dickler Jared Robins In memory of Stephen Robins. Marshall and Barbara Dickler Rick and Bonnie Meltzer and Family In memory of Nettie Meltzer. Elliott and Carla Bankendorf, Aleece and Mark Ginsburg, Nory Kominsky Cary and Alene Wintroub In memory of Ruth Wintroub. Donna and Michael Karpik Sheila Medvin In memory of Harvey. We're so sorry for your loss. Larry and Fern Roseman Stu and Bekah Almeleh In memory of Dorothy Almeleh. We are so very sorry for the loss of your grandmother. Ilene and Richard Fischman

Carl and Judy Wolkin Innovations in Education Fund Adele Gorenstein In honor of becoming a new grandmother to Shai. Mazel Tov! Sharon, Mark, and Amy Telpner Tammy Greenfield In honor of your grandson's marriage. Edie Korman Fred Katzenstein In honor of your 85th Cantor Stoehr's Good and Welfare Fund birthday, Uncle Fredy! May you have a happy and Cantor Steven Stoehr In honor of becoming healthy year! Julie and Ron Thalheimer the President of the Cantor's Assembly Fund. Terri and Marc Schwartz In honor of your Carrie Rosenstein 45th Wedding Anniversary! Mazal Tov! Lisa Alter Leann Blue In memory of your sister, Myra Krule and Michael Krule Elaine Buchman. Fran Brookstein Fred Fisher For a speedy recovery. Hope you Jerry and Judy Shapiro For the birth of your can play Canasta again soon! Arlene and Ray grandson, Zander Max. Barbara Chotiner Handler Sheila Medvin In memory of Harvey Medvin. Sheila Medvin and Family In memory of Arlen and Cece Lasinsky Harvey Medvin. Arlene and Ray Handler, Carol and The Schusteff Family In memory of Sharon Ed Kaplan, Sharon, Mark, and Amy Telpner Schusteff Wille. Beverly and Mel Dolin Leann and Michael Blue and Family In Tema Rosenblum In memory of your beloved memory of Myra Elaine Buchman. We are so husband Howard. Caron and Jack Knopoff very sorry for the loss of your sister and aunt. Andrea Singer In memory of your brother, Deanne and Jeff Friedman Dr. Michael Falkoff. The Schneiders Char Mann In memory of Robert Mann and the upcoming dedication at the cemetery. He is Rabbi Ferratier's Good and Welfare Fund always remembered as a dear and loving person. Rabbi Warner For a speedy recovery. Get Mitzie and Stewart Herman well soon! Judy and Joel Greenman, Ron and Ronna Heftman, Norman and Linda Lieber, Cindy and Bob CBS Youth Endowment Marder, Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz, Scott and Adele Gorenstein For the birth of your new Leslie Rogoff, Sandy and Mort Skidelsky, Marlene granddaughter. Eva and Daniel Sideman Silverman, Debbie and Gary Sylvan Jared and Teri Robins In memory of Stephen Rabbi Warner In appreciation of you. Skip and David Robins. Mindy and Frank Star and Family Michele Rosenmutter


Francine Shapiro Memorial Scholarship Fund Tanya Solomon In honor of the past 2 years of your Presidency. Hedy Margolin In honor of my Shabbat Aliyah. Hedy Margolin In memory of Brona Glickman Burrows. Hedy Margolin Gold Family Sabbath Fund Tanya Solomon In honor of your Presidency. Cindy and Bob Marder Jill and Glen Roter For the birth of Cooper. Great name! Carrie Rosenstein Adele Gorenstein In honor of the birth of your granddaughter, Shai. Bernie and Linda Petchenik Fran Kazan In memory of Rabbi Stan Kazan. Carrie Rosenstein Jared and Teri Robins In memory of your father, Stephen Robins. Kevin and Cheryl Braude Leann Blue In memory of your sister, Myra Elaine Buchman. Kevin and Cheryl Braude Helene Coorsh and Family In memory of your sister, Sharon. Cindy and Bob Marder Frank and Mindy Star and Family In memory of your father and grandfather, Dr. Franklin Star. The Rokni Family, Sue and Len Rubin In memory of all those listed. Rita Berkelhamer Janowitz Harold and Shirley Hoffman Adult Education Learning Fund Leann Blue In memory of your sister, Myra Elaine Buchanan. May her memory always be a blessing to you. Ethel Obrand, Teri and Jared Robins Helene and Tom Coorsh In memory of Sharon Schusteff Wille. We are deeply saddened by the loss of your sister. Please know that you are in our thoughts. Sheila and Maury Netter Harvey R. Gold Building Endowment Fund Leslie Rogoff For a speedy recovery. Get well soon! Maxine Burke Tema Rosenblum In memory of Howard Rosenblum. Henry and Marcia Rabinowitz In memory of my mother, Shirley Marcus, of blessed memory, on her Yahrzeit. Carol Abrahams Helene Hoffman Memorial Concert Fund Tema Rosenblum and Family In memory of your beloved Howard. With all our love. Arnie Hoffman and Janet Jacobson HUGS Fund Tanya Solomon In appreciation of a job well done! Bruce and Nancy Chudacoff Ann Lessman In honor of your special Birthday! Paula and Phil Spitz Karen and Al Johanson In memory of your beloved sister Linda R. Smolak. We mourn your loss. Julie and David Goldstein


DONATIONS Janna Sugar Memorial Israel Scholarship Fund Helene Coorsh and Family In memory of your sister, Sharon Schusteff Wille. Jerry and Adrienne Bauer, Jill and Les Olefsky The Buzil Family In memory of Milton “Milt” Buzil. We are very sorry for your loss. We did not know your father, but we know you and your family and hope your recovery goes well. Arlene and Ray Handler Marla and Michael Schneider In memory of your daughter, Jackie. Debbie and Thea Lenardi

For the yahrzeit of Daniel Lichtman. Sandra Lichtman For the yahrzeit of Gerald (Jerry) Kurtz. Harriette Kurtz For the yahrzeits of Sam Wolff, Morris Berebitsky, and Blanche Berebitsky. Marcy Canel For the yahrzeits of Mildred Kessler and Isidor Kessler. Betty Ashman For the yahrzeits of Gerald Arbetman and Morton Lew. Michael and Tammy Lew For the yahrzeit of Herman L. Loeb. Diane Lebovitz Jerome J. Kaplan Memorial Adult Program For the yahrzeits of Marion Dolin and SelScholarship Fund ma Stern. Beverly and Mel Dolin Leann In memory of your sister, Myra Elaine For the yahrzeits of Ethel Seltzer and Joel Buchman. Maxine Burke, Jill and Les Olefsky, The Seltzer. Ed Maslov, Joanna Adabi, and Buzz Rokni Family Maslov Rick Dissen In memory of an outstanding For the yahrzeit of my dear twin brother, human being, Jack Dissen. He has touched our Harvey Schneider. Sheila Ander and Family lives in so many ways. May his memory be for a In memory of our dearly beloved mother, blessing. Helene Rosenberg Pearl Handler. We love you, Mom. Arlene Edna Schrank In memory of Michael Schrank, a and Ray Handler dear friend that we miss every day, even more In memory of Dr. Marvin Brown. Cindy and so on his birthday. Steven and Samantha Bob Marder Seidenberg In memory of our sister, Hope I. Marder Lazar, and niece, Jennifer Lazar. Cindy and Kessler Family Memorial ShabbaTONE Bob Marder Fund In memory of Allegra Faratzi, Leon Jill and Loren Rivkin and Family In memory Faratzi, Gracia Yacoel, Florence Siedband, of your beloved husband, father, and grandfather, and David Bitran. Jane and Lenny Siedband Joel Bruss. Shirley Kessler In memory of Phillip Epstein. Sheldon and Illeane Schwartz Laven Family Shabbat Celebration Fund Carol and Neal Blustein and Family In Prayer Book Fund honor of the birth of your grandson, Axel For the Purchase of a Chumash Lennon. Mazel Tov! Linda and Maureen Gold Fred Katzenstein In honor of your 85th Rivi Kurtz In honor of becoming a Bat Mitzvah birthday, with much love. Eva Thalheimer AND a Grandma! Mazel Tov! Sue and Shelly Fred Katzenstein In honor of your 85th In honor of our new grandson, Zachary birthday, with much love. Lori, Gary, Dan, Warren Ezrine. Mitch and Sharyl Portugal Stephanie, Jason, Hannah and Jacob Thalheimer For the yahrzeit of my grandfather, For the Purchase of a High Holiday Prayer Benjamin Bosley. Scott Bosley Book Fred Katzenstein In honor of your 85th Lawrence B. Rosner Building Fund birthday, with much love. Lori, Gary, Dan, Tema Rosenblum and Family In memory of Stephanie, Jason, Hannah and Jacob Thalheimer Howard Rosenblum. Laurie Rosner Richard and Bonnie Meltzer and Family In Leann and Michael Blue and Family In memory of Nettie Meltzer, beloved mother, memory of Myra Elaine Buchman, with our grandmother, and great grandmother. Harriet deepest sympathy. Linda and Maureen Gold and Mike Kaplan Richard and Bonnie Meltzer In memory of Lester Kurnick Youth Fund Nettie Meltzer. Karyn, Jordan, Reese, and Mac For the yahrzeits of Joe and Rose Silver. Bressler Robert Silver Richard and Bonnie Meltzer In memory of Nettie Meltzer. Mardi, Dan, Julie, Kari, and Ellie Men's Club Youth Scholarship Fund Scott Frank and Mindy Star and Family In memory of your father, Dr. Franklin Julian Star. Sisterhood Eyshet Chayil Fund Leslie and Scott Rogoff, Beth and Dan Sher Adele Gorenstein For the birth of your granddaughter, Shai. Michael and Carol Schnitzler Paul Wald Yahrzeit Fund Rivi Kurtz In honor of your Bat Mitzvah. Caron Richard Meltzer In memory of your mother, and Jack Knopoff Nettie Meltzer. Joan and Lee Sacks Jeanette Schusteff In memory of your daughter, Sharon. Michael and Carol Schnitzler SEPTEMBER 2021• VOLUME 94 ISSUE 64

Helene and Tom Coorsh In memory of your sister, Sharon. Andy and Ellen Roth, Michael and Carol Schnitzler Rick and Bonnie Meltzer and Family In memory of Nettie Meltzer, beloved mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. May her memory be a blessing. Edna Schrank Sophie Binstein Tzedakah Fund In appreciation of everyone's good wishes. I so appreciate your kindness. Seymour and Beverly Binstein For the birth of our great grandchildren, Cooper Walker and Marcus Couture. Seymour and Beverly Binstein In memory of our beloved parents, Esther and George Shapiro, and Sophie and Thomas Binstein. Seymour and Beverly Binstein Steven Teitelbaum Camp Ramah Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Kahn In honor of the birth of Owen. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Jay Coch In honor of the birth of your grandson, Owen. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Danielle Geraci In honor of your graduation. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Yetta Saltzman For the birth of your great granddaughter, Lila Hazel. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Larry Ordower In honor of your birthday. Happy Birthday! Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Judy and Jerry Shapiro For the birth of your grandson, Zander Max. Neal and Janis Strom Jill and Glen Roter For the birth of your grandson, Cooper Berwin. Neal and Janis Strom Mona and Neal Weiss For the birth of your granddaughter, Emery Leighton. Neal and Janis Strom Rivi Kurtz In honor of your Bat Mitzvah and granddaughter's naming. Mazel Tov! Robyn, Adam, Ryan, and Jacob Elias Leona Krumbein In memory of your daughter, Hannah Krumbein Miller. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Brown In memory of your son, Mikey. Bobbi and Harvey Teitelbaum Cary and Alene Wintroub In memory of Ruth Wintroub. Neal and Janis Strom Zemsky SKIP Fund Darlene and Norman Padnos Mazal Tov on the wedding of Ethan and Alexa! Lisa Alter Krule and Michael Krule




3433 Walters Avenue Northbrook, IL 60062

Permit 144 Northbrook, IL


Pictures from our Presidents Brunch, Tanya’s Tailgate, July 11, 2021 in honor of our outgoing CBS President, Tanya Solomon


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