Project Pitch

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Project Pitch BA (Hons) Creative Media & Visual Communication Leire Martin de la Fuente

1. Statement of Intent Proposal of the creative network.

2. Research Information about the agency Amaze & summary of the different networks in Manchester.

3. Reflective Blog Tracking of the work.

4. Presentation Slides of the presentation.



The project I am going to develop is a network where peoples interests on sharing, developing with prospects to find freelance jobs, where they can meet and speak about different topics opportunities. The application will be managed through a developed mobile APP. I will establish a support website where all information related to the network. Here are some of the topics that will be found on the website. • Activities • Meetings • Exhibitions • Workshops

Definition of network: 1.A group or system of interconnected people or things: ‘the company has a network of 326 branches’ ‘a trade network’ 2. A group of people who exchange information and contacts for professional or social purposes: ‘a support network’ Oxford Advanced Learner’s dictionary (2016) Oxford dictionary, Available at: (Accessed: 01/03/2016).


The website and the app will be targeted at are students and graduates predominantly in t he creative sector. One of the aims is to obtain freelance work, people in need of expertise in the sector will be attracted to the network. Students and graduates are active in looking for work in their area of study My research tells me that sometimes my clients have little or no experience, hopefully the network will be very much welcomed. I believe that they have the energy, talent, attitude and enthusiasm to gain as much success and recognition in there chosen areas.


Focusing on the creative network, I could find different networks for professionals with similar approach. This approaching is to attract several numbers of creatives to make links and invite potential clients. Creative people find it easier to get clients, If they are involving themselves in networks. In Manchester city center there are around 13 networking groups for professional creatives, this includes MadLab and other organisations. Also, we can find student networks at universities, which include most student areas. One problem I have found is that student networks do not seem to have good communication with the students.


It is important that students and graduates from all over Manchester Universities can meet up at least once a month to exchange thoughts and speak about experiences on projects and freelance work. It is also equally important to have links, as a creative or artist, with different people practising in the same creative areas. In addition, it is a chance for small business around Manchester looking to set up their business, maximising salary. These people are the perfect target client for students to show their portfolio, gain experience with possibilities of obtaining work.


The concept is to meet people in the same situation of experience and interests that can help to improve as a professional.

student association where they organise activities or maybe is because they are not interested.

There are many specialised and professional creative networks in Manchester that fulfil the need to They speak and share things througt develop a new creative network, the virtual social media however there is a need to create network Facebook and Twitter. They go to a student network where the targeted external meeting with other people or market will not feel embarrassed or they meet all together for drinks as a class shy to interact. but I believe that what I am developing will enhance better results on their When I have been at professional lives. the universities asking students about networks, I was generally given negative answers. I am unsure that the reason is they have already a HUB and the


The aim of this project is to raise awareness in regards to a place where art and creative students and graduates can speak about exhibitions, meet up, do workshops, get help with projects, freelance projects and activities in the area of Manchester.

- Branding - Advertisement campaign - Development of a web site containing the infor mation of the group, activities and the APP. -The APP.

The deliverables for this project are: A website which will be the place of all the infor mation and an APP to chat with other people in situ.


The development of a calendar and some activities it is

impor tant to make people interested in come over the network.


For this job I need to de velop a logotype and orga nise an advertisment strategy to research as much as students possible and target clients.

Management of the project 9 - STATEMENT OF INTENT





Cytology, 1993 An I dea came from a lecturer in Biomedical Roy Stringer Sciences who was teaching Cytology, Roy Stringer was 1992/1993. a self-learner in Interactive Ltd., the new multime- a partnership was dia. created between He was an adconsultants of the vance student at Liverpool Women’s the University of Hospital, the JMU Liverpool stand- Learning Methods Unit, ing out with the the JMU School of rest of students. Biomedical Science and He launched a the company Roy. company, BIT32 The project centred which focused on on cervical smear selling hardware testing in cytology and one of the laboratories in first Apple Cenhospitals. tres in North Cytology - named West. ‘Cytofocus’ - was People were incommercialised and terested in him sold, at an extremely to direct projhigh cost (since it ects. included, in 1993, an Apple Mac and a Laserdisk player Roy Stringer. 2006. Flickr. [ONLINE] Availas well as the able at: https://www. software), and repaid the original DTI pool-roystringer/. [Acinvestment several cessed 26 January 16]. times over. Peter Kelly. Peter Kelly. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 26 January 16].

Multimedia for Grown Ups

Amaze logotype Amaze was created with the partnership of Harnden, Stringer and Fowler. Creativeblog. 2015. The biggest logo designs of 2015. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 26 January 16].

Everton Footlball logotype The first job of Amaze was with Everton Football Club to sub-contract their first Web site. Creativeblog. 2015. The biggest logo designs of 2015. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www. [Accessed 26 January 16].

Stringer’s came up with the idea of an icosahedron (20 edges, 12 vertices) being used as a means of navigating non-linear content. maze developed a short document, written at the beginning of the Amaze period (Spring, 1995), which he called Multimedia for Grown Ups. alesserfate. 2014. YYINDUSTRIES. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.alesserfate. com/?view=classic. [Accessed 26 January 16].


AMAZE was born at the very dawning of the World Wide Web. It existed, from the beginning, as a vision of a future still being imagined. It was reared at the crossroads of change: it recognised the power of the new-multimedia, the convergence of computing and design; it understood how images on a screen could sit side-by-side with narratives; and it recognised, immediately, that a new form of communication was being born. And that this would impact on information, on learning, on understanding, on business. It was gestated in a University environment, the Learning Methods Unit of the Liverpool John Moores University. Here, by accident rather than design, a bunch of multi-disciplinary expertises had been thrown together. The educational technologist from an arts background; the information scientist from a cybernetics background; and acting as the catalyst - the programmer from the fringes of everything, a guy who, instinctively, understood design, computer coding and the way in which technologies might develop. The company CEO is Roy Stringer. He is a man with 3 O Levels and who has self-learning personality and a passion for system development and Apple Macintosh. Stringer had enough info and ambition to create, in the late 1980s, a company - BIT32 - which focused on selling hardware. It acted as one of the first Apple Centres in the North West. The first person who noticed about the talent of Stringer was Martin Wright to carry out a project for the Henry Moore Trust: this was in 1990. He hired Stringer as its creative director (he had met him at BIT 32) and

it became the first product that Roy developed using Hypercard. Pressed onto a laser disc - remember, this was before CD-ROMs - the final product included 5000 images. Sculpture Interactive, a BAFTA winner in 1991. The strongest idea came from a lecturer in Biomedical Sciences who was teaching Cytology, 1992/1993. A partnership was created between a couple of consultants at the Liverpool Women’s Hospital, the JMU Learning Methods Unit, the JMU School of Biomedical Science and the company Roy set up at this time, which he called Interactive Design Ltd. This team’s proposal to the DTI was successful; and the Unit received £120k to carry out the work. The project centred on cervical smear testing in cytology laboratories in hospitals. Cytology - named ‘Cytofocus’ - was commercialised and sold, at an extremely high cost (since it included, in 1993, an Apple Mac and a Laserdisk player as well as the software), and repaid the original DTI investment several times over. At the same time, it won a string of awards - the European Multimedia Association’s Overall Gold (the EMMAs), the Education Gold at COMDEX in Atlanta and various Quick Time awards for the focus-pull. It is worth mentioning that this apprenticeship served both these boys - for that’s what they were - and the region rather well. Paul Musgrave is presently the Creative Director of Amaze, Ian Mitchell runs the Graphics Department in the JMU Art School and Jon Humphreys owns the Manchester company The Neighbourhood.


The origins of Amaze

The structure of Amaze was more than a little confusing. All of the philosophical and ideological issues were discussed to destruction by Harnden, Stringer and Fowler, often resulting in the loudest of arguments in an Indian restaurant in Bold Street. It was a messy period. Only one or two people left the Unit to join Amaze - Mark Shipsides, who had been working on Immunology; and Danny Brown, who didn’t have a contract, in any case, with the LMU since he was too young. The ‘kids’, the Graphics graduates working on Immunology all joined Amaze, where they were joined by another crop of recent Art School graduates. Apart from Stringer and Harnden, there was about 10 staff in the company. (Simon Vaughan began at this juncture). The first year of Amaze Melhuish, working on his Liverpool connections, brought in his first piece of work when he persuaded Everton Football Club to sub-contract their first Web site to Amaze. The first job of Amaze was with Everton Football Club to sub-contract their first Web site. This was at the very beginning of the World Wide Web and hardly anyone had Web sites apart from some American organisations. Ironically, Liverpool Football Club decided to develop and produce a CD-ROM to sell for the Christmas period (1995). Which they did.


On 2010, the company was involved in the Everton project and produced a prototype of a web site that might just have been usable in 2010. Nelson had invented what he called (and is still called) ‘hypertext’ which he described as ‘non-sequential’: the user need not follow a path pre-determined by an author. Stringer’s came up with the idea of an icosahedron (20 edges, 12 vertices) being used as a means of navigating non-linear content. The model on a screen could be revolved to bring in the different access points, and each access point could echo, or mimic, the uses of the first level. It was potentially infinite; and yet organised in a usable manner. Stringer called his idea, this model, the Navihedron. Amaze developed a short document, written at the beginning of the Amaze period (Spring, 1995), which he called Multimedia

Amaze. 2015. Amaze. [ONLINE] Available at: https:// [Accessed 24 January 16].


Amaze projects

Amaze Ltd. 2016. Case Studies. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 16].

Amaze is a company that strives to complete clients projects taking attention to detail and taking that extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction . The company provide a quality service aiming to leave clients impressed. Amaze have a successful and well established portfolio boasting some of the best work in the business. Possible customers or current clients can be reassured of quality when viewing there past case studies and clearly see how serious they are towards the work they do. Other quality’s that Amaze provide to projects , is that everything is clear with in there service and the projects are completed with a professional manner and as an end result everything the clients wants ties in together with Amazes ending quality service. Every project case study.

Amaze works on starts with a

The intent of having a case study of the clients project in the portfolio makes the client understand better the procedure of the project indicating the importance of the means and understanding. Emphasizing the work procedures and results more than the creative result. The projects are synthesized by introduction/briefing, strategy, the explanation about the solution, result and in some cases like ASICS or LEXUS how they continue with the company working and enhancing the products and the brand. The aim of looking at their portfolio is to better understand Amazes procedures and results they expect from the students. I have found that they are looking for a project which is creative but also they are looking for a good approach, understanding, forethought and the most important a complete project without any stage missing in the reasoning of the process and result.


The ASICS process.


{ Solution and people who has contributed in the project.




Pr og re ss io





{ Amaze Ltd. 2016. Case Studies. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 16].


Briefing & Strategy



{ The employed technology and results.









Amaze Ltd. 2016. Case Studies. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 26 January 16].


Research about Art Galleries for Everyone

The Whitechapel Gallery is a gallery with galleries, exhibitions, artist commissions, collection displays, historic archives, education resources, inspiring art courses and a Cafe/Bar and Bookshop.

Although they concept of “the gallery for everyone “is not the same, it has provided me ideas to add to the project to develop. These ideas are added workshops and events.

The Whitechapel Gallery is a space where you can almost do everything you want inside of the art field.

Whitechapel. 2016. What’s on. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 January 16].

Vocabulary terms: What is a network? (MEET PEOPLE) [I] to ​ meet p ​eople who might be u ​seful to k ​now, ​ especially in ​ your ​ job: I don’t really ​ enjoy these ​ conferences, but they’re a good ​ opportunity to network. [II] Creating alliances. Synonyms and related words: affiliate, align, align yourself with sth/sb, alliance, ally, ally yourself to/with sb, associate, associate with sb, attach, attach, yourself to sb/sth, cling, force, go, go in on sth, hobnob, integrate join, pair, pair sb off, pair up. Networking, noun [U]. Students ​ find networking ​ essential to getting the ​ right ​ job. (Definition of network from the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary & Thesaurus © Cambridge University Press)

23 - RESEARCH The website is a recruitment agency website for creative people but in addition we can find many other services. I would take a risk and say, that this website is one of the most completed services for creatives. It offer services like job listings for digital, creative, marketing and account management. The blog, where the topic is random. It means that someone looking at it can find themes as football, taxies, tales, creativity entries and so on.

The Creative Industries Networking Group (CING) was formed in 2008 with a mission to support and facilitate the success of its creative industries members. We do this by engaging and representing the sector; providing development, training and promotion; and by securing commercial opportunities. The core of CING is its monthly networking events, held on the first Monday of every month. This is a chance to meet peers from across the sector, and to listen to inspirational speakers from the creative and business communities, as well as to find out about complementary support and development services that are available.

The news section it works like a diary or networking for the creative people, marketing and account management. The orchard website is in charge and they bring up to date the new events in the city. And the last service is about social media. In this category you will find a link to twitter with all the news they share and publish. As a network it is useful tool where you can find what you are looking for and If you can not find it you have the chance to write them an email and they will be please to help you.

24 - RESEARCH BLAB is a meeting group that hang out on the firt Thursday of every month in a bar to speak about freelance work and know each other. The prupose is make contacts, organise collaborations, share ideas in the meantime they have a drink. They organise events with Designers, Creative Directors and Consultants although those events are paying. Manchester Creative is a group of professional creative which is aim is make contacts for freelance work. A monthly meetup where digital creatives, technology enthusiasts, social media mavericks and anyone else who wants to learn from experts in their field. In the Manchester area were you can actually talk and meet other digital creatives. It’s a get together on one Tuesday of every month, in a cool space, for a face to face. You can make new contacts, organize with friends, you might even get some freelance work, or produce the next big APP the next big thing. Innovation is a new idea. We will also have some amazing people talking at the events. Just remember - when you don’t talk, there’s a lot of stuff that ends up not getting said.

Northen Soho is a big social group of advertising, marketing and media backgrounds that gathers people of North West of England. The goals are to retain talent and business opportunities in the North West and we want our clients to see why they don’t need to look to London for the creative potential to deliver results. They meet the last Tuesday of every month and speak about trends, support people, make business and exchange experiences. The website shows many events going on in Manchester related to the creative environment. The Northern Soho offers a service called MetorMAtch: “Mentoring is a powerful personal and business development tool, where the ‘Mentee’ is helped by an experienced Mentor with their development needs. Mentoring can address personal or professional concerns and provides someone to listen and talk to about your challenges. Every Mentoring process is individual, so it’s important to find the right Mentor for you.” Northern Soho. 2015. Northern Soho. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 February 16]. It is a good incentive for people who need some guidance. The group also accept feddbacks to improve or create new events and activities. It is always good know you can say your ideas something in a group you are involve in.

Meetup. 2016. Northen Quarter Tuesday Talks. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 February 16].

Other creative group to meet people and share your creative interest.

25 - RESEARCH Long before BarCamp, there were conferences. And they sort of sucked in various ways. Lots of people found that the interesting content at conferences wasn’t so much the formal presentations as the discussion that took place in the hallway, the “lobby track” as it has come to be known. It seems quite strange: you pay sometimes quite a sizeable amount of money to attend a conference, and then you don’t spend any time actually listening to the material presented at the conference. But there is a problem with the lobby track that doesn’t exist with the formal tracks: it doesn’t necessarily scale to include everyone. If you are a little bit shy or socially awkward, perhaps you don’t get talked to if you try and enjoy the lobby track. What if there were events where the formal track and the lobby track were very, very similar? Enter the unconference. The unconference is a conference that every attendee is allowed to participate in, much like anyone can have a blog, or anyone can edit Wikipedia. The distinction between speakers and listeners is blurred because if you are attending, you will probably be speaking also. Sessions are less like lectures and more like conversations. There are lots of small groups. To use an academic analogy, it is more like a seminar than a lecture; organisers and speakers are more like convenors than lecturers. The traditional conference panel is rarely present in unconferences. The objectives of the Digital & Creative Network are quite simple. To create an environment and provide an opportunity where local people and businesses who are active within the broad ‘creative’ sector can connect, collaborate and combine their talents in order to provide a more comprehensive service than they are able to individually. As a member of DCN you’ll have instant access to people, talent, knowledge and possibilities that could have a huge and positive impact on your own business. DNC. 2016. DNC. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 February 16].

BarCamp Manchester. 2014. BarCamp Manchester. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 February 16].

It is a good incentive a place where everyone has the opportunity to speak about what this person is passionate. As they say in many conferences you only pay to listen other people and If you are a bit shy you do not have the chance to meet anyone. It is an orginal place to go to learn, share, and do colleges.



I have started the research for the project called Amaze on the last week of January. As we have been told Amaze it is a prestigious advertisement agency over the UK. Besides this information I wanted to know more about the agency history, what strategies they use, how they work, how they look like and for what companies are they working. My surprise was, when I read the history about Amaze. It begins with the personal history about Roy Stringer, a young man who was passionate about the company and products of apple and the interests and fascination of the new technologies as it is hardware. He launched his own business selling hardware to the brand Apple. He was given work opportunities were he could learn and expand his knowledge until the point he joined a group of doctors and friends to develop the medical system of the cytology. He made a revolution of it, and afterwards he launched the company of Amaze until now a days. The company Amaze has been working along many known brands, with a professional process of research and development giving to the costumer what they wanted with results. When I visited the website the first time, I could read the aims of the client and the case studies with the pictures of the work. I got surprised about the portfolio with the simplicity and understandability of every project. The cleanness and the organisation. Pretty amazed I was!.

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On the first week of February In the meantime I was discovering Amaze, I started the research about the next term project. My project is the second part of the first term project about doing the branding of an artist. It consisted in create a network in Manchester with creatives, artists and people interested in creativity even thought it is a hobby. I was thinking in bring all this people together. I was looking on the wrong place, because the only I could find it was art galleries or communities for graphic designers. I went to the art galler

ies and the MADLab to ask for what I was looking for, networks. Generalising, they told me that painters and graphic designers are not the same and they need to go to different ways. I mean, art galleries are only focus in painters and graphic designers they have their own communities. So that I thought, It were not networkings for all the people. In the art galleries they refer me to meet up to look for networks, and they informed me about the sessions they have got in the galleries and workshops in the MADLab.

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Feedback of the SOI The feedback of the statement of intent was MAKE IT SIMPLE. Instead of attempt on many targets just create a group for example for creative students, graduates and interested people. The tutor helped me to find networks for creatives that I could not find and I thought it was not networks for creatives at all. He told me that to know more about networks I have to ask with other tutor and he give me guidelines to start with the project.

About the presentation:

Amaze meeting The meeting with Amaze was about a presentation of how they work and the results. I wrote some points like: - Research - Survey and later make a diagram and check what it is repeated. - Braimstorming process. - Research about the behaviour of the people and how they react. - Find the gap is missing in the old service offered to improve it. - Try to think as the client does. - Study of the route of the costumer in the in situ place. - What the client look for, what insipres the client, reach the reason, actions and services for the purpose. - pitch development : starting the proposition, exercices about colours, shapes, trends to make speak the people, mock ups and functionality.

- case study. - About what the client wants. - At the end of the research they develop a mock up covering the client needs. They explain to the client the functionality, pictures used, layouts, learn elements that it can be brough to the project and other resources. - Summarise of the research, diagrams and icons. - Have a diagram or map about the website. - What essence is wanted in colour, texture, typography, ‌ What do you want to trasmit to the client? - What is the client profit?

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Paolo Feroleto On the 10th of February I met with Paolo. He showed me through the website of meetup and twitter many networks for creatives like CING, Northen Soho, TMC_ GdA FD BA, NQ Tuesday, DCN. The networks are for professionals and people alike but is not a official group for students, graduates and people alike published. Although, he recommended me to go to the art school and university and ask the students If they have got some network for creative students.

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12th of February and the following week I got in touch through Facebook with a student of the Art College of MMU called Riikka Enne to discover If they have already a network in the building she is studying in. She was explaining me that she does not know about any group to meet up, but they have activities organised by tutors, students and the university. I have wrote to the Student Union of the MMU asking for information about groups, activities and workshops focused in the area of art and creativity.

First thoughts First thoughts after look at the marks: fair. The amount of work it was considerable for the time we had got totally. Also, with the rush I realised the work was lacking in the perfectionism of the details. About the comment of English writing, I am pushing myself to improve it as quick as possible, but obviously it is question of time, study and practise. I have been pushing my friends to correct my English even though they did not know about the subject, so that they did the best they could in correcting. I am agree about I could spend more time in the accuracy of the elements. About the brand I could expend more time in the development, but it was not 32 - BLOG

necessary when the client pick up one of them. Although, after seen Leanne’s work I can notice the lack of professionalism in my project. And in fact, it push me to improve more and more. My global feedback it is that I have learnt a quantity the things in question of 3 months. It is difficult start a course with different procedures to work and language, but it has been a really good experience.

Preparing the video and the presentation

gree in graphic design or other art and design-based subject. After your foundation degree, HND or degree in graphic design or other art and design-based subject you will become a junior piece in a company.

For the presentation I had many doubts about how to organize and what it should be in. We were told that we have to make it personal and I have not got a clue of how to make the presentation personal. I am aware about the networks in Manchester, however to date I have been in a few networks of different matter like language exchanges, Manchester network, Spanish people in Manchester and Graphic Designers from Spain in Manchester. I could experience that people are friendly but in terms of work and portfolio they do not trust you as a professional, at least in my experience. I think that because of my experience, I could not make it personal the project. After get in touch with a student from the MMU and spoke to her about my project and her interest in it I felt that possibly I am going in the correct path. I was speaking with different year students of my course and other schools and graduates and I realise that people from all the areas are interested in a network for junior creative.

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (2016) national careers, Available at: graphicdesigner.aspx (Accessed: 3rd March 2016).

The presentation then it was about the creative network I want to develop but it is also about me. It is about my personality, my strengths and getting challenges to improve something that I believe it can be better for everyone. For that reason, the presentation took a way that I consider needed, introduce the members of my family and the values they taught me. The presentation had a video, it was a documental of 4 students speaking about the subject of networks in Manchester. They spoke about their point of view in the present groups in Manchester.

Junior creative: To become a graphic designer, you will need to have IT and drawing skills. You’ll need to be able to find practical solutions to problems. You’ll also need excellent communication skills. Most professional graphic designers have a foundation degree, HND or de-

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Presentation personal opinion The day of the presentation I felt nervous and insecure of my language skills. It was a important presentation I wanted to be understood. In my point of view I think I did a good performance. The feedback it was that I forgot add the deliverables and examples of how I will organise the network, where it will be, what is going to happen in the meetings, how I am going to reach the target, how people will collaborate, what my role will be and public profile. I had a good tip for the next presentation, it is make a list with some points and do eye contact with the people I am doing the presentation. I had all my speech wrote it down in a paper because of my insecurities and it was wrong. Next steps • • • • • • •

State the deliverables. Define the organisation. Development of the branding. Development of the advertisement. Development of the website. Development of the APP. Try to run the network.

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