STATEMENT INTENT Leire Martin de la Fuente Critical & Reflective Studies Module
The intended area of research will be based on inspiration. It will lie in questions like: - What is the inspiration?, Common practice to be inspired for famous artists, different methodologies and comparing different points of view about inspiration. The reason choosing the inspiration is because the next project to work in will be a collaboration with a painter artist. So that, inspiration is the ability and willingness to be selfless, creative and innovative, which push the person to do what they want to. Also, one’s as a creative, I thought it will be essential for oneself and their motivations. As a Graphic Designer, the inspiration comes in a client’s briefing way. This symbolises the beat of the wind which make you landing from the 0% of working activity until the 100% of working motion process and makes you immerse on it with soul and body. Deeply involved in the project.
inspiration is wide area to research and all that I want to reasearch and find sounds like an utopia. Contrary to this,
The result I would like to reach is research about these feeling from different points of view. It would be like a collection of different statements in a philosophic, pensive or practical study.
Is it a technic that you can teaching or it is a feeling?
Do you born with inspiration? Do we need inspiration for real?.
This is a thinking attempt to try to help other creative people whom could be in the developing process and blocked. I would like that the essay could be used as an inspirational source. Surely, many writers, artists and people have tried to reach the key of the inspiration, as well.
The aims and objectives of this intent area of research are: - Research of what is it inspiration. - Research and compile philosophical information. - Research and compile ethical information. - Research and compile pensive and practical studies. - Research and compile articles about recognised people who need inspiration and some description of how they put on practise. - Write a statement about the research and the most interesting points. - Try to write down the most interesting tips for when you feel blocked. (and maybe a pictured example about them linked with the artist).
The research will be based in information sources like other’s people experiences, methodologies used, If I can find an evolution methodology about inspiration, philosophy books, magazines or articles about it, Sócrates, Plató, Nietzche, Joseph Pieper or websites like huffingtonpost, for example. Also, If I can find the reaction of the public who has been interested in the artwork of the artist and the article about the inspiration. It would be interested. The knowledge of all this material will provide me new ideas to work with in the project to develop. Fortunately, I will get new ideas about how the artist launch their careers as a freelance, new ways to advertise the client, other places to exhibit the artwork of the artist and new methodologies to work about. The resources I am searching at the moment are: Books:
- Just do it now, how to become the person you most want to be”. Lynda Field” -The Creative Habit, Learn it and use it for life “Twyla Tharp”. - Creative thinking, How to be innovative and develop great ideas. “John Adair”. - Inspiration, Your ultimate calling. “Dr Wayne W. Dyer”. - Motivation and personality. “ Abrahan H. Maslow”. - Handbook of Creativity. “ Robert J. Sternberg”.
Websites: - h t t p: // w w w.c i e n c i a r e d .c o m . a r/r a / usr/3/518/hologramatica_n9_v3pp57_69. pdf - inspiracion-y-katarsis/ - /di s p l ayA bstr ac t?from Pag e = on line&aid=7796755 - a 0 B 5 O m U Q E 8 C & p g = P T 11 6 & l p g = P T116 &d q = e t h i c+ of+t h e + i n s p i r a cion&source = bl&ots = gP2EcWOd WH&sig=Z_-AozkxmTQDMWjB_evUECiid 0 s&hl = e n&s a =X&ve d = 0 C D M Q 6 A E w A m o V C h M I 3 K W 5 s d a1 y A I V x a s eCh26bQBA#v=onepage&q=ethic%20 of%20the%20inspiracion&f=false
Statement of Intent Annotated research Evaluative Essay
After all this research, the aim will have a little guide about what is an inspiration and what ideas I have got in conclusion. And put all them in practise with the advertisement for the client. At the stage, we are bloqued in how to do it and what we want to achieve is a fresh way of launching an artist rather than upload all the artwork on social media web pages. Make an online portfolio is an idea, but the way to get known is rudimental. The limitation of the research is the time and the reflexive writing in a foreigner language. The intend to assess in this project will be reflected in the effectivity of the work done. The project starts from zero with some old artworks behind the artist. The client is keen to do an exhibition, improve his artwork and move around Manchester showing some artwork, at least. For that reason, a good sign of the work has been well done would be a success in his career as a self-employed artist.
Experimental trials resulting from research undertaken Learning Log/Reflective Journal