2 minute read
Year 7 Sports
On the last day of Term 1, after months of preparation, the De La Salle community embarked on their annual Mission Action Day Walkathon. In beautiful conditions, students from Years 4–12 were encouraged to walk the fourteen kilometre track at their leisure. During the lead up to the annual Mission Action Day, a number of guest speakers were invited to the College to speak to students at Year Level Assemblies and Campus Assemblies about many of the Lasallian mission works in which they had been involved. The focus of these talks was really on the mission works in Papua New Guinea and at Balgo Hills in Western Australia. Of course many posters and pictures also helped students to visualise where their donations would be sent. Many students worked very hard to achieve substantial sponsorships to help those people less fortunate than themselves, and to be of service to others. As a school community, De La Salle can be very proud that they raised the outstanding sum of $55,000 to be distributed amongst Lasallian mission works in Australia, Papua New Guinea and New Zealand.
Peter Riordan On behalf of the MAD Committee