11 minute read
Year 9
8 Miguel
Back Row : Steven Nakos, Adam De Luca, Justin Geaney, John Nicolopoulos Third Row: Peter Gourgoulis, Samuel Hillier, Edward O'Toole, Ryan McCormick, Kale Pryor, Isaac Atkin, Sebastien Haberli Second Row: Francis Smith, Martin Paczkowski, Michael Pierce, Cameron Munday, James Gray, Timothy Perri Seated: Trent Balthazaar, Patrick Ioannidis, Damian Giorgini, Simon Pentifallo, Thomas Forbes, Luigi Perri, Tomas Paturzo-Polson Mrs Joanne Graham
8 Roland
Back Row : Michael De Corrado, Shane Renshaw, Callum Barry-Murphy, Stephen Muller, Mark Breda, Timothy Kershaw, James Fischer-Myall Third Row: Simon Francazio, Marcus Schrampf, Travis Moseley, Jack Hubbard, Jack Peterson, Shaun Koob Second Row: Dylan Jansz, Michael Baines, Christopher Mercuri, Richard Naylor, Stefano Crocilla Seated: Jordan Pollard, Nicholas Hogan, Lachlan Campbell, Joseph La Delfa, Daniel Campbell-Tennant, Ryan Paturzo-Polson Mr Ian Oliver

Back Row : Martin O'Meara, Bill Vlahos, Mark Nazzari, James Corkill, Jordan Harris, Thomas Jane, Anton Pejic Third Row: Adam Dioguardi, Guy Ripepi, Adam Schultz, Matthew Byrne, Joshua Rowland, Joshua Wilkinson Second Row: Thomas Gheller, Joseph Mannix, Nicholas Hart, Damien Hale, Matthew Harrington, Matthew Hay Seated: Jack Noble, Luke Williams, Andrew Spencer, Benjamin Carracher, Justin Calache, Jack Sullivan Br Gerald Barrett

8 Vincent
Back Row : Kieran Burke, Samuel Howieson, Christopher Windley, Simon Lowe, Zachary Dickinson, Cameron Watts, James Stevens Third Row: Jack O'Halloran, Steven McGlade, Christopher Dimattina, Oliver Holmes, Andrew Hibbins, Andrew Yarde Second Row: Matthew Warr, Nathan Gray, Joshua Scipione, Sam O'Donnell, Joshua Storai Seated: Jack Haley, Luke Sutton, Thomas Smith, Xavier Gotch, Matthew Henricus, Nicholas Seel Mr Gerard Jackson

Year 9

9 Dunstan

Back Row : Nicholas Brammer, Konstantinos Peroukaneas, Michael McKay, Ricky Taylor Third Row: Roger Breust, Nathanial Desmond, Matthew Lowe, James Terrenzani, Alexander Martin, Daniel Rodway, Matthew McCart Second Row: Matthew Donaghey, Mitchell Liels, Charles De Fazio, Aaron Francis, Zac White, Matthew Coutts, George Tsaousis Seated: Matthew Ducentino, James Musster, Max Vandeligt, Kristian Mandaran, Paul Culliver, Michael Nolan, Paul Formosa Ms Sandra Troise Back Row : Samuel Loader, Ross Wheeler, Markos Danoudis, Paul Beliga, Benjamin Healy, James O'Connell, Gerard Twomey Third Row: James Noble, Jarrod Menke, Steven Bourmas, Joel Parianos, Simon Meade, Daniel Madafferi Second Row: David Dordevic, Timothy Slavin, Tristan Williams, Simon McInerney, Marshal Newman Seated: Joshua Close, Michael Hamblin, William Dillane, Max Taylor, Antonio Cafasso, Matthew Carland Absent: Timothy Crowe Mr Pepe Di Ciccio Mrs Karen Tillotson

9 Jerome

Back Row : Danny Petropoulos, Dominic Meehan, Andrew Errington, James Barnden, Paul Kitchen, John Bruce, David Bliss Third Row: Trent Francis, Nathan Guerrieri, Matthew Hearn, Ryan Phillips, Alexander Barker, Giancarlo Marino Second Row: Clement Tiong, Eamonn Crellin, John Mulholland, Sam Lielups, James O'Gorman Seated: Parris Stamos, Tristan Balthazaar, David Colmanet, Matthew Mitchell, Angus McInnes, Tristan Hart Mr Ian Smith Back Row : Samuel Taylor, Julian Trantino, John Newell, Woodrow Eke Third Row: Nicholas Sestak, Matthew Manning, Andrew Penny, Alexander Gattuso, Jared Foots, Anthony De Girolamo, Matthew Collins Second Row: Nicholas Bourmas, James Ash, Luke Noakes, Benjamin Griffin, Nicholas Lees, Manuel Garginian, William Meehan Seated: Thomas Mills, Peter Convery, Luke Fisher, Steven Maraschiello, Sean Doyle, Conor Foley, Richard Pelikan Mrs Betty Rudin

Year 9 Leaders
Year 9 Coordinator's Report
2004 always promised to be a unique and exciting time in year 9 as the year 10 students were now based at Kinnoull campus. Our Year 9 students were the senior members of Tiverton campus for the first time in the history of the college. This presented the Year 9 class of 2004 with the challenge of leading the campus and setting a positive example for all Tiverton students. Our theme for Year 9 2004 was “we are all leaders” and the students embraced this theme with enthusiasm and attempted to lead with maturity and respect. All year 9 students signed a commitment pledge at the beginning of the year which covered many different aspects of school life. The students should be commended for their willingness to honour the pledge, particularly the time and effort they committed to fundraising along with musical and sporting pursuits. The entire year 9 student body can be very appreciative for the time and effort given to them by the Year 9 teaching staff. They were always supported and encouraged by a dedicated group of homeroom teachers: Mr Peppe Di Ciccio, Ms Sandra Troise, Mrs Betty Rudin, Mr Ian Smith, Mr Shaun Buckley, Miss Carmel D’Andrea, Mr David Ellul and Mr Chris Fleming. I am most appreciative for their care of the students and the support for me in my role as coordinator. Since I began teaching at De La Salle in 1998, I have really enjoyed working with Brother Tim as Headmaster of the College. I sincerely thank him for the trust he has placed in me and for his constant support and encour-

Sean Doyle, Michael McKay, Matthew Windley (Campus Captain), Matthew Rodgers James Musster, Trent Francis, Luke Hennessy, Luke Fisher, Timothy Leary
Samuel Loader, Woodrow Eke, Tyson Parker, Michael Murray, Michael Hamblin, Tom Curry (Campus Vice-Captain) agement. He has certainly helped to make De La Salle a better school for everyone and I wish him well in his future endeavours. From being year 7 Coordinator for this group of students in 2002, this year has given me the opportunity to see them grow into young men. Whilst all of them are growing and maturing at different rates, this group of students can be proud of their contribution to De La Salle as members of Tiverton campus. I wish them well in 2005 and beyond as they enter the next phase of their Lasallian experience at Kinnoull campus. Mr Peter Harte
Congratulations to Academic Achievement Award winners Semester 1:
Tristan Balthazaar Antonio Cafasso Eamonn Crellin Charles De Fazio Michael Hamblin Tristan Hart Matthew Hearn Steven Maraschiello Matthew Mitchell Max Taylor

Love Golden strands of hair glow like sand in the midday sun, Soft ruby red cheeks are bountiful, Her smiles are broad and full of fun, I truly believe all the world for her is beautiful. Her eyes glisten and reflect the color of the sky, I love to touch and feel the redness of her lips, The time I spend with her just seems to fly, When I am with her my stomach seems to flip. Her voice echoes through the wind, When walking together it's like we're afloat. Unlike any other, she's my angel in disguise, A godsend (but will she come fishing on my boat?)
Tom Johnson The touch of an angel If I hold out my unworthy hand The gentle touch is fine, like this. My lips tremble as I struggle to stand To smooth away the tempest with a kiss. Her cheeks are so red none never like before Her body as soft with perfume in delight Her hair as gold as an Hawaiian foreshore My mistress who treads the blanket of night. I love to hear her speak, yet well I know When I am asked, where her beauty lies. That she is my princess I will not let her go, To make her stay within my own, deep, sunken eyes. So long as I can breathe, and my eyes can see I will always love my misses, as forever will be. Joshua Harris For I see nothing more beautiful than you If roses are red and violets are blue, Then your body must be made up of a thousand flowers, For I see nothing more beautiful than you, As if you have been given magical powers. Your lips are made of a thousand roses, But redder than the reddest rose. Your breath smells sweetly to my nose, You're all I think of as I doze. No violets are as blue as your eyes No silk as soft or shiny as your hair. The memories of you shall stay 'til I die, I'm thank God we are a pair. I want you 'til the day I've die, To lie right there, at my side.
Eamon McGuire
Haiku Spiders Spiders crawl around Making white webs everywhere Like silky snowflakes Marcel Marbani Life Winter brings flood, Summer brings deadly famine, The Cycle repeats. Matthew Smith The Sun I burn you with my Powerful rays, but still you Lay there in my light Tom Johnson Cycling Legs pushing so hard While riding up the mountain With the Autumn wind Tom Gallagher Bald Eagle The bald eagle stares Sitting on the winter branch Heedful and alert Michael Pereira

Train Love Hopping on the train is usually a bore. Station after station, mine never seems to come. Other people are young like me, the older people snore. A beautiful girl walks on the train; I then am struck dumb. She flicks her hair to the side, because it is in her way. My muscles have been frozen, I have become paralyzed. My star sign said I was to find love in the month of May. Her face turns a shade of red, modesty I prize. I still had not said anything, time was passing fast. Her eyes beamed across the train at me. Nearly half an hour passed. I looked at her bag, written in black were the letters "Dee." The train stopped. She walked out the door. Only a few more stops to my new station: to be exact — four.
Shervin Willatgamuwa True Friendship I wake up in the morning and you're there, You're my Friend, I come home from school and you're there, You're my Friend. You have dark brown eyes, And golden hair, A long pink tongue, And you're always there. Between us there's not much talk, But you know what I think, You like me to feed you, And give you drink. You are my constant and true friend. Have a dog biscuit, Monty.
Trent McBride My guide to a wonderful future. My girl is a sweet as honey, But when disturbed stings like a bee, She chirps loud and proud on a beautiful day, She is my joyful love. Our love is so bright she shines as if she were the sun, And blossoms like a red beguiling rose, She is the stairway to the gates of heaven, And the staircase to the stars above. Our love is as calm as a blue clear river, Her smell as beautiful as flowers in a rainforest, A lover to a fellow lover, Light and life, gorgeous and bright, I would be lost without her, She is my guide to a wonderful future.
Kieran Doohan
My Kind of Dinner Fresh green cucumbers Next to succulent chicken With a ball of rice Johnnie Lombardo Winter An empty playground A reminder of winter With no-one in sight Alex Lyell Hurt Wounds are all I am A live hurting scar tissue As red as autumn. Sev Kherlopian Love A burning passion You can stop it if you try But who would want to?
Pat McGrath-Campbell Spring Flowers bloom in Spring And the world looks beautiful Like it always should
Tim Leary Inspiration A firm strong hard grip Soar high above a player Take an absurd mark Kieren Doohan