10 minute read
Year 12 Homerooms
Steven Vidovic Julius Waras Carstensen Bradley Ward Adrian Webster
Nicholas Whittaker Matthew Wilkinson Sam Wilkinson David Willatgamuwa
Martin Witula Madej Christopher Wong
The Class of 2004
On October 20th, 2004, two hundred Year 12 students joined their brethren from De La Salle College at a College assembly for the final time. This was a very special occasion marking their successful completion of thirteen years of education. It was also an occasion to mark the significant contribution that this group of young men has made to the College both individually and collectively. The faces of our Year 12s on this morning revealed much about the character of this group. Humbled by the generous and heartfelt applause of the 1200 students, staff and parents assembled, Level in more subtle ways as well. The high participation rate of Year 12s in the ACC Sports, the College Production, Rock Eisteddfod, St Vincent de Paul Society, SALT action group, etc set a benchmark that will be difficult to follow. The outstanding and exercised talents of the Year 12 artists, musicians, vocalists, debaters, journalists also provided excellent role modeling for others in the College. Most importantly, the diligent approach of most students to their studies also set a tone for the College that we can only hope to maintain. We will hear a great more about the wonderful deeds of this group of young men in the future. They have not been a group predisposed to blow their own horns. They have generally gone about their task of ‘being their best’ with quiet assurance. Un-mistakingly however there is a quality within this group that will prevail and it will take them on a most fruitful and exciting journey. We are also sad to see you go gents but, as you know, you will always belong at De La.
Mr Andrew Cooper Year 12 Coordinator
there was more than the Eugene odd tear shed. Whilst jusYoung tifiably proud and excited by the conclusion of this part of their life journey the faces revealed that a touch a sadness that the journey was coming to an end and that a somewhat uncertain future lay ahead. The ‘Class of 2004’ is an outstanding one. One characteristic that prevailed throughout this group was ‘leadership in action’. De La Salle College had a most proactive and effective student leadership group this year. With the introduction of Year 10s to the Kinnoull Campus this year, this group of young men took it upon themselves to encourage a culture of trust and belonging for all, and did so with aplomb. Kinnoull week activities in first Term set the foundations for such a culture with Year 10, 11 and 12 students encouraged to co-participate in a variety of activities. Founder’s day in Term three was another example of the talent and vision of this leadership group resulting in a day of sharing and mutual respect. Leadership in action prevailed throughout the Year
Bradley Weller Christopher Wesley
Lachlan Williams Mark Wilson
Kinnoull 2004
The advent of Year 10 students on the Kinnoull Campus and the completion of the building and renovation program on the Campus were two highlights of 2004. The transition process has been relatively smooth, with Year 10 being incorporated fully into the life of the campus, due especially to the efforts of staff and the College Leaders. Other significant events in the life of the Campus during 2004 have been the Official Blessing and Opening of the Old Collegians Wing by Father Les Troy, the visit by a Navy Sea King helicopter. The new facilities have been a real asset for the students on the Campus, with the Science rooms and Visual Communication and Design room being especially appreciated. The first term saw little grass on the front oval and fairly bare surroundings, but the efforts of Brother Tim, Mark Farrell, Mary-Anne Gartner and the College maintenance staff soon saw not only green grass but numerous trees, shrubs and plants which beautified the surroundings. At the start of the year it was a pleasure to welcome back 19 students from the Year 12 class of 2003 who achieved ENTER scores of 90 or higher. The College dux for 2003 was Sam Merriel wth an ENTER score of 98.90. The Monash Prize for a Year 11 student was awarded to Tim Kovess. The College Leaders have again been involved in all aspects of College life. Mission Action Day, Founder’s Day, lunchtime activities, De La Idol and the St Vincent de Paul/SALT groups are just some of the activities that have benefited from their contribution. Four students accompanied Mr Simon Rice to the Lasallian Youth Conference on the ‘Rights of Children’ held in Beaudesert, Queensland. Students at Kinnoull have continued to participate fully in extra-curricular activities. These activities have met with varying degrees of success, but one characteristic of all teams was the spirit and commitment displayed. Of particular note was the success of the ACC Cross Country team which retained its title. Nine staff members from Tiverton joined the staff of Kinnoull when the Year 10 students transferred. At the beginning of the year, Mr Simon Rice joined the teaching staff and Brother Hilary Walsh undertook a new role as Attendance Officer. The Year 10 Coordinator, Mr Richard Bourbon moved to Brunei during the Third Term and his position as Coordinator was taken by Mr David Madigan. The Year Level Coordinators have done a stirling job in keeping the students focused and supported throughout the year. My thanks are extended to the teachers, students and parents who helped make De La Salle College, and especially Kinnoull Campus, a very happy and supportive place to learn. My special thanks go to Mr Andrew Cooper, the Year 12 Coordinator, as he leaves us for a new position at St Joseph’s College, Ferntree Gully, for his work and support. Mrs Joy Bew has been an invaluable support as Campus Secretary and Mr Matt Breen has been instrumental in assisting the College Leaders to achieve their goals.
Br Adrian
Academic Award Winners Semester 1
Anthon Barca David Bolton Legal Studies Certificate II – Sport and Recreation
Max Boulat Thomas Dillane Garreth Dorsey Daniele Giovannoni Daniele Giovannoni Daniele Giovannoni Daniele Giovannoni Peter Hamblin Dylan Junkeer Timothy Kovess Christopher Leong Patrick McNally Joshua Merriel Andrew Moroney Andrew Murphy Daniel Rana Daniel Rana Daniel Rana Patrick Scanlan William Sullivan Nigel Tadros Sam Wilkinson Mark Wilson Mark Wilson David Smith (Fitness Instruction) Information Systems English Information Processing and Management English Media Studies Theatre Studies Literature Mathematical Methods Business Management Mathematical Methods Accounting Visual Communication and Design VET - Information Technology Media Studies Industry and Enterprise Studies Economics Psychology Texts and Traditions Visual Communication and Design English Further Mathematics Political Studies Biology History (Renaissance) Studio Arts
12 Dunstan

Back Row : Mark Wilson, David Lowe, Michael Dean, Ryan Engellenner, Simon Harrison, Patrick Scanlan Second Row: Kerry Murphy, Duane Cox, James Biviano, William Martin, Jack Noonan, Lawrence Henry, Luke Bertucci Seated: Tharquin Lansang, Jan-Nicholas Pedralvez, Randolph Newman, Anthony Barca, Matthew Lyons, Michael Cavarra, Vu Dat Tran, Ian Valles Mr Luke Martin Back Row : Marcus Leonard, Dion Molamure, Avni Pepe, Daniel Lake, Nicholas Soupionas Second Row: Samuel Myers, Dyan Sisouw, Christopher Wong, Christopher Nazzari, Dylan Junkeer, Daniel Hassaballa Seated: Daniel Rana, Thomas Kottek, Leigh Cleland, Christian Schrampf, Gerard Keen, Stephen Garcia, Andrew Nicholson Mr David Madigan

12 Gehrig

Back Row : Ashley Quinn, Michael Sanders, Steven Fisher, Max Boulat, Thomas Roberts, Andrew Schilg Second Row: Panagiotis Maliadis, Martin Hyde, James Muling, Nicholas Hoare, Peter Hamblin, David Healy Seated: Jackson Desira, Martin Magg, Joshua Merriel, Andrew Nasr, Paul Rodgers, James Lawerson, David Bolton, Ashley Fletcher Mrs Clare Kennedy-Curtis Back Row : Arran Calverley, Julius Waras Carstensen, Thomas Kovarik, Eugene Young, Matthew Howarth, Nicholas Dunn Second Row: Ben Flanigan, Liam Callery, Francis Barker, Damien Irvin, Andrew North, Nathanael Theodore Seated: Garreth Dorsey, Nathan Vetrone, Evan Browning, Robert Breda, James Bolding, Jordan Heng Contaxis, George Giannopoulos, David Willatgamuwa Mr Richard Komiazyk

12 Jerome

Back Row : Tomas Barry, Nicholas Stewart, Daniel Hughes, Christopher Wesley, Nicholas Cross, Nicholas Stirling Second Row: Patrick Smith, Robert McGirr, Anthony De Fazio, Nicholas Whittaker, Patrick McNally, Scott McNamara Seated: David Nicolson, Christian Kloukinas, Adrian Webster, Anthony Cerra, Lachlan Williams, Jonathon Resciniti, Thomas Leary, Thomas Coleman Ms Margaret McPhee Back Row : Nicholas Roberts, Daniel Pintado, Christopher Johnston, Adrian Bonaddio, Adrian Mylius, Thomas Dillane Second Row: Samuel Jamieson, Tim McKenna, Haysam Takla, Matthew Fogarty, David Hocking, Andrew Nguyen, Stuart Dudine Seated: Ian Brady, Jarred Fletcher, Matthew Wilkinson, James Hillier, Bradley Ward, Daniel Mills, Tony Constantine, Tom Naughton Mr Robert Hoich

The VCE Stakes 2004
(A ‘Racecall’ for the Class of ‘04 given at the Year 12 Final Farewell Lunch) They’re underway in the VCE Stakes for 2004. Congratulations and Year Twelve are together at the moment as Final Assembly and Centre Stage are prominent. Brucey’s Tucker looks good as Wacky Wednesday winds up. Dismissal overtakes Wacky Wednesday and now Kinnoull’s Pride is tested. Swot Vac and Study Habits are settling behind Early Celebration and Hard Work is looking for a way out. Academic Skills looks under pressure while English Examination looks to be dominated by Triage and The Breaker. Spring Carnival, Cup Fever and Other Distractions are hindering Study Habits and Anxious Wait is pushing Edgy Parent. Homefront is feeling the pinch. School Tutorial is well supported and now the veteran, In The Zone, improves with a nice trail behind Work Ethic. Into the clear now and No Excuses, Maythepenworkforyou and Bring It Home Son look to battle it out. Fairlie’s Tip is solid. Maythepenworkforyou. Bring It Home Son. Maythepenworkforyou. Bring It Home Son. And with a perfectly timed run here comes De La Boy. De La Boy, this classy colt by Blue and Gold out of Tradition has put in an outstanding effort to get up. De La Boy wins. Maythepenworkforyou and Fairlie’s Tip had some in reserve. Bring It Home Son and No Excuses outperform Other Distractions including Cup Fever which had its day. Home Study and Edgy Parent finished on good terms while In The Zone and Work Ethic were solid. Others to perform included Valedictory Speeches, Dedicated Staff, Kinnoull’s Pride, not to forget Tiverton’s Influence, Coordinator stood up. Graduate looks to have a future. Schoolies weakened. It will be better suited later on. But from way back De La Boy’s performance has been magnificent. Congratulations to all of you for all that you have achieved in your time at De La Salle. I hope you feel a sense of pride and attachment that comes from belonging to a caring community. Year 11 2003 holds many wonderful memories for me and I know that the staff of the College are very impressed with you as individuals and as a group. Good luck with the exams. You deserve it. All the best.

Paul Fairlie various other roles within the leadership group. To support and develop the leadership group’s skills and initiative the College Captain and Vice Captains in January attended the La Sallian Leadership camp which invites all La Sallian schools around Australia, New Zealand and Papua New Guinea. Two leaders participated at the Lord Somers camp and other leaders attended various workshops and retreats throughout the first term. This group of young men received the support of the College in their endeavor to serve the community – Mission Action Day, Founders Day, De La Idol, Year Seven support group, St Vincent De Paul, and the many daily activities and assemblies held throughout the year. These activities were enhanced by the willingness of the leaders to contribute. Special thanks to Tim Kovess, College Captain, Daniel Rana and Adrian Bonaddio, College Vice Captains for their willingness to give generously of their time and effort throughout the year. I thank all leaders on behalf of the College and wish them all the best for the future. Mr Matthew Breen Leaders Coordinator
Leaders 2004
Early November 2003 the process of electing the 2004 College Leaders began. Twenty students nominated by their peers spoke at an Assembly about the positive aspects of the College. The next ballot produced the fourteen leaders who attended a threeday camp. This camp involved sessions on public speaking, La Sallian Spirituality, teamwork, bonding, discussion groups, and planning for 2004 year. On the final day the fourteen leaders voted for the position of College Captain and Vice Captains, and the ‘The Veterans’ — Grade 4 ‘96 to Year 12 ‘04