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Year 10

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College Alumni

11 Vincent

Back Row : Steven Loft, Liam Clifford, Christopher Gleeson, Charles Dowling, Brendan Carr, Ryan Noye Second Row: Timothy Heffernan, Daniel Liston, Thomas Nolan, Samuel Tyrer, Simon Banfield, Matthew Curry Seated: Rino Precilla, Nikolas Michalik, Alexander Gow, Nathan Anstey, Timothy Harris, Nicholas Kiatos, John Le, Filip Koza Mr Graeme Lawler Back Row : Andrej Vodstrcil, Stephen Collins, Markus Meyer, Jason Sing, Blaize Bainbridge, Seamus Scanlon, Second Row: Christopher Squire, Ryan Semmel, Phillip Johnson, Patrick Youens, Ryan Hendry, Aaron House Seated: David Bentley, Benjamin Anstey, James Mason, Alexander Hay, Luke O’Connell, Joshua Attard-Dickson, Peter Kennedy Mr Martin Mahy

Year 11 Leaders

Back Row: Simon Hunt, Steven Raffa, Peter Murray, Josh Fergusson, Steven Badrock, Middle Row: Ms Sally Buick, Alex Holmes, Patrick Youens, Harrison Murray, Liam Poulton, Jozef Dickinson Front Row: Sam Tyrer, Alex Gow, Tim Mckenna, Lucas Scammel, Ben Shipperd Absent: James Toniolo

Year 10

Awards For Academic Excellence

Matthew Allan, Timothy Arbon, Thomas Briglia, Christopher Brodie,Thomas Buick, Andrew Campbell, Brendan Chung, Leigh Dimitropoulos, Andrew Donegan, Damon Douglas, Slaven Drnda, Benjamin Dwyer, James Esposito, Anthony Hale, Steven Hogan, Christopher Howard, David Hunter, Christopher Hyland, Michael Keating, Eric Kydd, Daniel Lawlor, Aidan McInerney, Christopher Merrey, James Moloney, Demian Myers, Peter Nicholls (Accounting Unit 1), Peter Nicholls, Gerard Nolan, Anthony Pane, Nicholas Parton, Matthew Peterson, Alexander Phillipos, Christopher Pritchard, Paul Sansalone, Luke Semmel, Mitchell Smith, Dominic Smith, Michael Torrisi, Kevin Walker, Bradley Wood

Year 10 2004

I have been fortunate to have experienced many wonderful aspects of school life while I have been teaching at De La Salle College. However few have been as rewarding as the opportunity that I have been given over the past two years. It has been my privilege to have been associated with a wonderful group of enthusiastic and generous students. I have been very lucky to have witnessed their personal growth and increasing willingness to challenge themselves in a variety of areas of College life. The involvement of a high number of students in the College Mission Action Day, which has raised almost $20,000 in two years, the Red Cross Calling Appeal, Red Cross Blood Donations, Rock Eisteddfod and various ACC sports is a testament to their character and willingness to leave their mark upon the College. I thank Brother Tim, Peter Riordan and Brother Adrian for the opportunity they have given me and the Year 10 staff, particularly the Homeroom Teachers I have worked with, for all of their support. The boys are lucky to be involved in such a caring, supportive environment. Finally, thanks to the boys for ensuring that I have had such a rewarding and enjoyable experience and to the parent body for their support over the past two years. Richard Bourbon Dancing Classes It was a mass of shyly smiling faces that greeted girls from Star of the Sea and PLC girls Colleges on a humid summer evening — however the weather wasn’t the only reason most of us were hot under the collar that night. The dancing was a great hit, the sweaty hands and the two left feet not quite so. The meetings and the greetings of the first night were something most of us guys would rather forget, trying to talk while trying to not look as if we were staring was quite difficult. The two left feet were soon forgotten as everyone settled into a night of good fun and social interaction. As the classes progressed, the more fun they became (unless you had the dancing teachers breathing down your neck). Then the grand finale came. The guys were looking fine, but the girls were looking finer. It was a night of glamorous attire, stylish dancing, and some ‘trademark moves’. Sadly though (as all good things do) dancing classes came to end. We were all gloomy (except those who got telephone numbers) but I think it would be fair to say everyone found it memorable and we’d do it again in a heartbeat. Gerard Nolan

The Move To Kinnoull During the morning on the first day at Kinnoull campus, there were many questions being asked. Will it be any different? What are the teachers like? Are there any new rules? All this and more, on top of the usual list of questions going up a year brings. The curiosity was increased by the fact that we were the first group of year 10s to go across, so there would be many adjustments to be made not only by the students, but also by the teachers, as to how Kinnoull was run. It was looking to be a very interesting period. After a quick exploration, Kinnoull revealed itself to be a jumble, of stairways, foyers and crisscrossing corridors. This didn’t faze us, if you spend as much time anywhere as a student does at school, you’ll learn the layout pretty quickly. It possessed a few more luxuries as well, its own oval, brand new buildings, plenty of space. Yes, it was looking to be a pretty nice facility, but that wasn’t the only thing that we needed to adjust. There were 400 other students, besides Year 10, as well as a fair few teachers and all sorts of new procedures. All in all it was looking quite daunting. As a whole though, the Year Level was quite optimistic, looking not at the obstacles to be passed, but the opportunities that the new campus brought. In the end, the move went along far more smoothly than expected, assisted largely by everyone’s willingness to pitch in and sort out any minor hitches that arose. The final verdict was that the move was a huge success, with everyone happy with the final result. The new Year 10s have well and truly settled in, and the teachers have adjusted to the new routines, resulting in a smoothly running campus. Andrew Donegan

10 Dunstan

Back Row : Peter Apostolopoulos, Andre Pentifallo, Stephen Wall, Timothy Arbon, John Moore, Thomas Coultas, Nicholas Weller, Rocky Lomacchio Second Row: Sean Leoszko, Mitchell Gilmour, Kevin Walker, Luke Lally, Benjamin O’Neill, Fraser Paterson, Christopher Howard, Joshua Cassar Seated: Joel Pollard, William Carey, Daniel Reid, James Tolson, Adam Speirs, Andrew Bou-Ghosn, Leigh Pryor, Samuel Williams Mrs Susan Robertson Back Row : Neil Chen, Sean Morrison, Christian Zuanetti, Nathan Roberts, Bradley Wood, James Francis, Rory Higgins, Mark Gomizel Second Row: Jeffrey D’Souza, Stephen Monteleone, Andrew Corteling, Joshua Junkeer, Nathan Stewart, Matt Collis, Brendan Chung Seated: Tomasz Trojak, Slaven Drnda, Patrick Paczkowski, Daniel Conway, Nicholas Hooker, Nicholas Gill, Timothy McCurdy, Daniel Gordon Mr Phillip Ryan

10 Jerome

Back Row : Jake Ellis, Andrew Donegan, Michael Ryan, Lloyd Gallery, Aaron McLay, Mitchell Smith, Alan Stedman, Anthony Hale Second Row: Yana Myhill-Byron, Christopher Koh, Matthew Collins, Alexander Phillipos, Peter Nicholls, Jesse Brown, Patrick Suhodobnik Seated: Adam Smith, Steven Zoumis, Minh Nguyen, Dylan Howell, Thomas Briglia, Jason Tiso, Timothy Maddocks, Sean Irving Ms Kathleen Flynn Back Row : Andrew Campbell, Charles Herd, James Jade, Christopher Hyland, James Woodlock, Nicholas Parton, Daniel Lawlor, Aidan McInerney Second Row: John Creedon, Mason Nicola, Ravi Arora, Julian Hirst, Alessandro Marino, Peter Grouios, Jacob Gotch Seated: Dimitri Koutrouvelis, Joseph O’Connell, Beau Coyle, Mackinley Cheng, Christopher Pritchard, Daniel Price, Joe Maher, James Moloney Absent: David De Luca Mr Kevin Arkell

The Kinnoull Experience — Year 10 2004 The dawning of a new school year, and with the Year 10s going over to the ‘other side’, a new era for De La Salle was met with a sea of half-asleep and indignant faces, as the brand spanking new Year 10s swept into their new home at Kinnoull. However, there was no rest for the weary as there was much to be done with the brand new buildings to christen, new lockers to dent, new halls to be lost in, new teachers to get the measure of, and many new excuses to be masterminded (my personal favorite was that my grandmother had a heart attack, while chasing my dog who was hit by a car…who ate my homework). We were not, however, thrown into the deep end alone; they threw in plenty of the teaching staff for us to float with - most importantly our Coordinator, Mr Bourbon, who it’s said could hold 5 kids afloat at any given time. Thusly armed we marched onward to meet the New Year. The school year came out swinging, throwing early hooks like dancing classes, rock eisteddfod rehearsals, athletics training, raising money for Mission Action Day and, of course, actually making it to classes on time. However, the boys of De La came out fighting and managed to meet the year blow for blow (and even made it to the occasional class from time to time). Somewhere along the line somewhere we blinked, and Term 1 ended as suddenly as it began. Sadly, after a pitiful two-week holiday we were again stuck in the thick of it as Round 2 began. Once in the swing of things, this term also passed for us in a flash of dance moves, flailing arms and the enevitable paper trail. At its conclusion we were faced with the daunting - and imposing - task of facing end-of-semester exams (it seems the semester had a couple of nasty surprises left after all). Again in the true embodiment of the Lasallian spirit the De La boys met this new development head-on and tackled the challenge as any red-blooded Australian would (with a great deal of whining and self pity) and after grappling it to the ground over three days of gruelling exams, we emerged the victor (though some of us felt the final sting of exams when the results came in). After a busy semester we took a wellearned half-time break. At the start of the third term we were met with a ropea-dope - the biggest ‘left-fielder’ we could have imagined - Mr Bourbon, the immovable object who had come across with us to help keep our heads above water, was moving on. So it was with a very heavy heart that we said our farewells to the man who was liked and respected and, well, the

feeling in the ranks was that he was an evil dictator, but he was our evil dictator. Life moves on and so did we. Mr ‘Mad Dog’ Madigan stepped up to fill the shoes of Coordinator and - for a man so compact yet so full of confidence - all felt he did a good job. With most of the endeavours embarked upon coming to a head - athletics days, rock eisteddfod state finals, cross country, camps and much more - we didn’t have much time to think, as our teachers soon divined. Yet again the De La boy powered his way through, showing his metal and proving to be a force to be reckoned with, winning most, and placing high in all. So it was with a sigh of relief that we said goodbye to Term 3 for some much-needed sleep. I still doubt any of us did really catch up on that sleep, but we managed to make it work for the fourth and final turn, the last quarter, the final round. A round we have valiantly fought our way through as, dear reader, you by now no doubt expect. Now that the fourth has drawn to an end, exams completed, the De La boy has again rallied to show his worth, which, as we all know, he will in due course. With the prospect of returning next year to face that most crucial of school years, the VCE, and becoming leaders of a College of which we are all proud to be a part, it is no wonder that we are looking forward to the holidays. And, in the spirit of Lasallian optimism and self-cofidence, we are all looking forward to next year.

Peter Nicholls

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