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Congratulations to the ECAA for 60 successful years and thanks to ECAA members for their loyalty to our products!
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6 Your ECAA team
8 Why join the ECAA?
10 Message from ECAA Executive Director, Robin Bobocel
12 Update on ECAA’s marketing initiatives
14 Message from the President of the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association, David Mason
16 Message from the President of the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta, Neil Moffatt
18 Message from the Past President of the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta, Scott Hutton
20 Message from the Calgary Chapter President, Cam McIntosh, PEC
20 Message from the Central Chapter President, Darcy Teichroeb, PEC
22 Message from the Edmonton Chapter President, Shawn Bishop, PEC
24 Message from the Fort McMurray Chapter President, Paul Schmaltz, PEC
26 Message from the Lethbridge Chapter President, Edgar Garcia
27 Message from the North East Chapter President, Keith Urlacher
28 Message from the North West Chapter President, Christa Youngman, PEC
17725 - 103 Avenue Edmonton, Alberta T5S 1N8 780.451.2412 ecaa@ecaa.ab.ca
The Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta is the voice and information centre of the electrical industry; a self-governing body working to ensure a professional membership through education, safety, and strong stakeholder relationships.
www.facebook.com/ECAAlberta www.twitter.com/ECA_AB www.linkedin.com/company/ecaa-alberta www.youtube.com/channel/UCph2MEe_rqSeuSDQwO-q8Fw
The Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA) is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of electrical contractors, suppliers, and manufacturers in Alberta. Established in 1962, the ECAA has been advocating for the industry and providing support to its members for over 60 years.
Here are some reasons why joining the ECAA can be beneficial for electrical contractors in Alberta:
• Access to training and education: The ECAA offers a variety of training programs, workshops, and seminars to help members stay up to date with the latest industry trends and regulations. These programs can help contractors improve their skills and knowledge, and they provide opportunities to network with other professionals in the industry.
• Industry advocacy: The ECAA works to promote the interests of its members and advocate for the electrical contracting industry as a whole. They are involved in discussions with government agencies, industry associations, and other stakeholders to ensure that the interests of electrical contractors are represented.
• Business support: The ECAA provides a range of services to help members manage their businesses, including access to legal advice, insurance programs, and discounted services from preferred suppliers.
• Professional development: Membership in the ECAA can help contractors build their professional reputation and credibility. As a member, they can use the ECAA logo to promote their business and participate in industry events and conferences to expand their knowledge and network.
• Access to industry resources: The ECAA provides members with access to a range of industry resources, including technical information, safety guidelines, and industry statistics. These resources can help contractors make informed decisions and stay competitive in the industry.
Joining the ECAA can provide electrical contractors in Alberta with access to valuable resources, education and training, business support, and industry advocacy. Membership in the ECAA can help contractors build their professional reputation, stay up to date with industry trends, and make informed business decisions. n
As the new Executive Director of the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA), I am honoured to shepherd the organization as we recognize and celebrate its 60th anniversary. This milestone is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and commitment of our members, board of directors, and staff.
On behalf of the ECAA, I would like to thank our Board of Directors for their unwavering support and guidance over the past two years, as I grew into the role and have begun to implement the changes that will help make the ECAA even more successful than it has already been. The leadership provided by the board of directors, both past and present, has helped us navigate the changing landscape of the electrical industry and position ourselves as a trusted resource for electrical contractors across Alberta. It is through their selflessness and passion that we have been able to grow and thrive as an organization.
I would also like to express our gratitude to our previous Executive Director, Sheri McLean. During her 32-year tenure, Sheri played an instrumental role in shaping the ECAA into the organization it is today. Her vision, leadership, and tireless efforts helped us achieve significant milestones, including the establishment of the PEC program, which has been a game changer for our members and the industry. We are grateful for her many contributions and wish her all the best in her retirement.
As we celebrate our 60th anniversary, we are proud of the many achievements we have accomplished as an organization. We have built a strong and vibrant community of electrical contractors, suppliers, and related companies; and our members represent the best and brightest in the industry. We have established ourselves as a trusted resource for industry information, training, and advocacy, and we remain committed to supporting our members and promoting the electrical community in Alberta.
Looking ahead, we recognize that the challenges facing our industry are significant, and we are committed to addressing them head on. From emerging technologies to changing regulations and policies, the landscape is constantly evolving, and we are dedicated to staying ahead of the curve. We will continue to work closely with our members, partners, and stakeholders to identify solutions that meet the needs of the industry and support our members’ success.
As the new Executive Director of the ECAA, I am proud to be part of this organization, and I am excited about the many opportunities that lie ahead. I would like to thank our members, Board of Directors, and staff for their hard work and commitment to our organization and our industry, and I look forward to working together to build a brighter future for electrical contractors in Alberta. Happy 60th anniversary, ECAA!
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The Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA) has recently embarked on a refresh of its member management system and social media assets. We have developed a series of new strategies that we are currently executing on, which has resulted in significant strides toward expanding our ability to communicate directly to members and the wider community.
The ECAA has set up a new website with new capabilities that include self-management of your membership profile, the ability for employees of member companies to create their own personal profiles, and it allows for the ability to register and pay for all of our training and events online. We are already seeing high levels of engagement from the membership, and we will be rolling out new features of the new website and member management system over the coming months and years. You will see new reporting tools coming from us that will help you see the great value that you receive as members of our association.
As the demographics of our industry and our association change, we need to rethink the ways in which we communicate with our members, stakeholders, and public so that we remain relevant and are seen as leaders in the construction industry. One tool that appeals to a younger
demographic is social media. To that end, we have adopted a new social media strategy, that covers all of the major social media platforms and are publishing content that is consistent and strategic in its nature.
While the ECAA has been active on Facebook and YouTube for several years, a critical element of our new strategy is to become consistent and fresh in our approach to Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn; and the effort has already resulted in a rapid increase in followers and in engagement.
ECAA’s Instagram and Twitter pages feature highlights of ECAA’s community involvement, and educational “tips and tricks”. Our LinkedIn page is geared toward connecting with members and promoting the association’s news and benefits. The organization’s LinkedIn page also shares industry news and information about ECAA’s training programs. This platform is particularly useful for networking and professional development, as it allows members to connect with colleagues and mentors in the electrical industry. We are actively participating in discussion
on the Reddit platform, and we are currently in the development stages of creating content for TikTok, which will be a fun way for us to engage with an even younger group of Albertans.
Overall, ECAA’s new social media efforts are helping to strengthen its relationships with members and the community. By showcasing the skills and accomplishments of its members, ECAA is promoting the value of the electrical industry and attracting new talent. The tools that we are using are helping the ECAA communicate with our members and helping them to stay up to date with industry trends and opportunities. As social media continues to play a significant role in communication and marketing, ECAA’s efforts are positioning the association as a leader in the electrical industry. n
On behalf of the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association of Canada (CECA), I would like to congratulate the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA) on its 60th anniversary. The ECAA continues to be a strong voice for electrical contractors in Alberta and has earned a positive reputation for its continued commitment to education and safety.
The last few years have been far from typical or normal. The COVID pandemic resulted in the need to re-evaluate the traditional way contractors do business. ECAA was there, every step of the way, to help their members through the tough times. Directly, through individual contractor assistance and indirectly, through provincial and federal advocacy
efforts to make the government aware of the cost and resource implications that COVID was having on the electrical industry. The ECAA is a stellar example of a trade association that is committed to furthering the excellence of its member companies and helping them succeed.
On its 60th anniversary, CECA salutes ECAA, and looks to the future with anticipation and certainty for continued cooperation, friendship, and success. We are proud of our relationship with the ECAA and thank you for your support and leadership in the electrical industry.
Congratulations and best wishes on your 60-year anniversary as the voice of the electrical industry in the province of Alberta. n
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We just finished celebrating our history on December 10 at the Calgary Westin with a James Bond “Casino Royale” theme. The event was very well presented and enjoyed by the great crowd that attended. The video of historical pictures and interviews was very well done, and the entertainment provided by Bare ‘N Von Hair was very good, followed by casino tables, music, and dancing. Many thanks to the Calgary Chapter for allowing us to host this event in place of what is typically their “Winter Gala”.
It is my privilege to serve on the ECAA Provincial Board as President, and as I write this message, I find myself reflecting on the past four years of challenges and accomplishments our association has met and achieved.
Strategic planning has resulted in redefining our Vision/Mission statement, updating our bylaws, and setting the course for the years ahead. We said thank you and goodbye to Sheri McLean who retired after 32 years of service to our association, and we wish her well in her retirement. We conducted a search for a new Executive Director, and believe we have found an excellent successor in Robin Bobocel. He brings a wealth of experience to the position, and continues to challenge and understand our systems, looking outside the box for opportunities to improve that keeps our provincial board on their toes and focused on strategic priorities.
Many thanks to Camille, Christine, and Dorothy for their contributions to the organization, along with their support of and assistance to Robin, as he takes firm control of our association.
Through the efforts spearheaded by Terry Milot over the past 10 years, Alberta now has Prompt Payment legislation. The fine details of implementation continue to be developed, but contractors now have a greater sense of security regarding when and how they get paid for the work they have performed. It was a pleasure to recognize Terry for his efforts on this file in front of his peers at the 60th Anniversary Gala.
The face and indeed the structure of apprenticeship in Alberta is changing as a result of the Skilled Trades and Apprenticeship Act (STAEA) being brought into legislation. A new Board of Skilled Trades has been created and charged with setting new policies and processes that will continue to have industry input and participation. Industry involvement in apprenticeship has been a cornerstone of the Alberta system for many years, and that will continue to play a significant role in the development and management of apprenticeship programs. Apprenticeship now has academic credits on par with other post-secondary education accreditation. This will pave the way for students to move from one vein of occupation/ education to another with their academic
accomplishments being recognized. The stigma of trades being considered secondary to traditional post-secondary education and occupations has been removed with this “parity of esteem”.
We are pleased to welcome Jeff Bailey to our staff as Education Coordinator. Jeff will be busy evaluating our current educational offerings to ensure they remain relevant and provide value to PEC’s, contractors and their staff members. He will also be looking to identify and develop additional training opportunities for our members.
Certainly, the COVID-19 pandemic threw us a curveball over the past two years, affecting our lives and industry in many ways; some of which we have weathered, while others continue to impact members abilities to identify and deliver projects on time and on budget. Our Provincial Board and local Chapters were challenged with how to maintain meaningful and productive engagement with members, while we navigated restrictions. Virtual meetings became the norm, and while less than ideal, we were able to continue providing an opportunity for members to engage with one another.
As we started to come out of the pandemic, Chapters were looking for new ways and locations for members to meet and socialize. With the ability to conduct hybrid meetings, our Provincial Board is taking meetings on the road, to the
Chapters, allowing for members of the Board to meet with local members, while minimizing the cost of travel.
The future is full of new opportunities and challenges. I’m confident our industry and association will continue to find ways to deliver our Vision/Mission:
“The Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta is the voice and information centre of the electrical industry; a self-governing body working to ensure professional membership through education, safety and strong stakeholder relationships”. n
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Congratulations on 60 years representing the electrical industry in Alberta.
Highline Electrical Constructors has been a proud member of the ECAA since 1992. I was introduced to the organization shortly thereafter when my predecessor Don Hansen invited me to a meeting. Soon after the chapter meetings, I was fortunate enough to attend various social events with my peers and spouse. The approach that Don took was that you need to give something back to the industry that you make your living from. This resonated with me as well and because of that type of attitude, Highline has continued to be involved with the ECAA over these years.
We have had the opportunity to have several employees serve on the Calgary Chapter Executive, Central Chapter Executive, as well as the Edmonton Chapter Executive. Highline employees have also represented the ECAA on both Alberta provincial and local apprenticeship committees (PAC and LAC) and have represented ECAA’s Open
Shop Committee on the Executive Board. Through all this time, we have supported the initiatives of the ECAA and continue to support the attitude that what we do is for the good of the entire industry. We have also enjoyed the many opportunities to enjoy social activities and experience good times and company with our peers from the industry, many which have become close friends. The highlight of my participation in the ECAA was when I was approached to serve on the Provincial Board which culminated with a wonderful AGM at the JW Marriott in 2022. I will treasure that experience and look fondly upon it when I see the wonderful family picture that was presented to me for my services.
I recommend that all those who make a living from this industry get involved and show your support for our industry.
I look forward to your continued success and development and shall celebrate those accomplishments with you for years to come. n
As we celebrate the ECAA’s 60th anniversary, it’s important to recognize the vital role that this organization has played in advancing the electrical industry in Calgary and across Alberta.
Over the last five years, the ECAA has been instrumental in promoting education, training, and advocacy for our industry. They have been a trusted resource for our members, providing them with the tools and resources they need to succeed in a rapidly changing industry.
As I reflect on my time as president, I am proud of the many accomplishments we have achieved as a chapter. We have grown our membership, expanded our training
and education programs, and increased our advocacy efforts. Through our partnership with the ECAA, we have been able to achieve even more significant milestones, and I am confident that our collaboration will continue to drive progress and success for our industry.
I would like to express my gratitude to the members and the volunteers of the Calgary Chapter for their unwavering support for me as president, and for their commitment to our industry. I am honored to have served as the president of the Calgary Chapter of the ECAA, and I look forward to seeing what the future holds under the leadership of our new president, Adrian Bourne! n
As the outgoing president of the Central Chapter of the ECAA, I am proud to be a part of the rich history of this organization, which has been supporting electrical contractors in Alberta for 60 years. The time that I’ve spent giving back to our industry and this organization, as chapter president, committee chair, and provincial president comprise some of the best times of my career.
The ECAA has been an essential part of my professional and personal life, providing me with countless opportunities to learn, grow, and connect with other industry professionals. The knowledge, resources, and support provided by the ECAA have been invaluable to me, and I will always cherish the memories and experiences that I have gained through this organization.
The Central Chapter struggled through the last few years, given our inability to meet
face-to-face, but we have since rebounded and I’m excited for the future of the chapter, under the leadership of incoming chapter president, Chad Kimmel. I know that Chad and his executive will breathe new life into this chapter that will build on the strong foundation that already exists. Chad represents a new generation of contractor, and I wish him nothing but the best as he grows in this new role.
As I step down from my role as chapter president, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to the provincial executive members that I have served with, as well as the ECAA office staff who support the work that is undertaken in all the chapters.
I am confident that the ECAA will continue to thrive and make a positive impact in the years to come, and I look forward to supporting its continued success. n
Congratulations to the ECAA for 60 years of service to the electrical industry in Alberta. It has been an honour to serve as the Edmonton Chapter president along side Jason Kuziw, past president, Frank Krupka, vice president, Jason Courtepatte, treasurer, and Jim Stewart, secretary, along with the rest of the Edmonton Board. The past two years have brought significant change to our Chapter as we went from meeting at the same location for many years, to virtual meetings, then hybrid, and now fully in-person meetings at different venues around the city. Returning to inperson meetings has reminded us of the value in building personal relationships and putting aside our competitive natures to
enjoy the things we have in common.
In Edmonton we have some wonderful annual traditions including the Bob Carson Classic Golf Tournament, the City of Edmonton – EPCOR – Inspections Group Meeting, and the President’s Ball. We also have a great legacy of supporting worthy causes. This year we funded a flight for STARS, and last year we raised money for local relief efforts in Ukraine. We have supported Little Warriors, and this year’s President’s Ball supported the Mazankowski Alberta Heart Institute by raising over $10,000.
Thank you to the builders, leaders, and pioneers of the electrical Industry who worked to build these traditions. n
As my time as president of the Fort McMurray Chapter of the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta comes to a close, I can’t help but reflect on the last five years. It’s been a real shock to the system, but it’s also been a joyous experience. Although my tenure as Chapter President is concluding, I look forward to sitting on the Executive Board as Provincial Secretary.
Throughout my tenure, we’ve had some high wattage moments, and a few low-voltage ones too, but through it all, we’ve remained energized and committed to driving progress and success for our industry in
Fort McMurray, including raising a little over $70,000 that went toward scholarships for electrical apprentices at Keyano College through the annual Wood Buffalo Classic Golf Tournament! With the ever endless support of the office and industry we’ve made some sparks fly with over the years, but we’ve managed to stay current and relevant in an ever-changing landscape.
As we celebrate the ECAA’s 60th anniversary, I can’t help but make a dad joke or two. It’s truly electrifying to see how far we’ve come as an industry, and I’m proud of the contributions that our chapter has made to this progress. I’m grateful for the opportunity to have served as president of this chapter, and I’m confident that we’ll continue to charge forward under new leadership. My thanks to the local volunteers: past, present and future, for their commitment to our association and our industry.
It’s been a real power surge of a ride, and I’m excited to see what the future holds for the ECAA and our industry. Let’s keep sparking ideas and making connections that light up our industry for years to come. n
On behalf of the Lethbridge Chapter, I would like to congratulate the ECAA and all its members on being the voice and the support of our electrical industry for the last 60 years in our province. What a great milestone that this association has accomplished. I am honored to be a member and have a small role in this association which is continuously working to ensure that all electrical contractors in Alberta have the proper information and resources to be successful.
This year the Executive Board was looking to recruit a member to fill my position so
Since 1978, HighLine Group of Companies has become a leading force in electrical initiatives in Alberta with offices in Edmonton, Calgary and Sylvan Lake. We strive to choose projects which allow us to create a positive impact for the broader community.
that I may step down as Chapter President. We are very pleased to announce that Jarod Hollihan with Neu-Lite Electric has agreed to serve as Chapter President along with Mike Anderson with BJD Electric Ltd. Industrial who is joining the Lethbridge Chapter Executive. We welcome both Jarod and Mike and look forward to expand and grow our Chapter.
The Lethbridge Chapter looks forward to an amazing 2023 and wishes all the best to this great association that stands behind our amazing electrical industry. n
As the current president of the North East Chapter of the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta, I am honored to recognize the 60th anniversary of the ECAA. Over the last five years, our chapter has had its ups and downs, but overall witnessed the growth and impact of this organization on our industry in this part of the province. We are seeing greater engagement than we’ve seen in some time, within the membership and our stakeholders.
During this time, the ECAA has played a vital role in shaping the electrical industry in Alberta and the success of electrical contractors in the North East region of the province. The training and education that is offered by the ECAA has helped our members stay at the forefront of the latest technologies and trends. Their advocacy
efforts have ensured that our voices are heard in government and regulatory affairs, helping to create a more favorable business environment for our members.
As we celebrate the ECAA’s 60th anniversary, I am proud to be a part of this dynamic and forward-thinking organization. I recognize the tremendous contributions that the ECAA has made to our industry, and I am excited about the many opportunities that lie ahead.
Looking ahead, the North East chapter is committed to working with the ECAA staff and board of directors to continue building a strong and vibrant electrical industry in Northeastern Alberta and look forward to many more years of collaboration and success. n
The North West Chapter continued to see growth this past year with a steady increase of new members to the chapter. As an initiative to help increase engagement with our chapter and connect our members, we continue to add more social events to our calendar.
We successfully held a pool tournament, archery and axe throwing events and even held an ugly sweater Christmas event that brought out many new faces.
We are grateful and thankful for the support of our previous leaders in this Chapter and especially want to thank Jason Bradshaw for his hard work and service most recently as Past Chapter President.
It has been an excellent year and we hope to continue building strong relationships between our contractor and associate members. I am excited for our upcoming meetings and events and look forward to accomplishing our goals for 2023. n
On May 22, 1992, the members of the ECAA passed a resolution at the annual general meeting to proceed with the application of professional status for what would become the PEC designation. On May 12, 1993, the ECAA received professional status under the Professional and Occupational Associations Registration Act as Professional Electrical Contractors (PEC).
The six core courses that are required for Master Electricians to receive the PEC designation are Accounting Principles, Business Development, Estimating and Finalizing the Tender, Legal Implications, Electrical Project Management, and Safety Principles. Also available is Basic Electrical Estimating (BEE), a continuing education course.
COVID saw us through many challenges and changes in the PEC Program, mainly in course delivery. Five out of the six required courses moved from an in-person delivery to online, virtual instructor led. This format allowed us to continue to deliver courses throughout the pandemic. By making this change, we have made the courses more accessible to those throughout the province and continue the virtual format to this day.
These courses are constantly being reviewed, updated, and improved to ensure
that the training provided meets the requirements of today’s industry. As PEC students complete these core courses, they build relationships with the instructors and their peers, and much of the learning that takes place comes from the open discussions during these classes.
Because of the foresight of the pioneers of this program, hundreds of Master Electricians have successfully completed the requirements to obtain the Professional Electrical Contractor (PEC) designation. As a professional and regulated tradesperson, each PEC is committed to providing a higher standard for safe electrical services. Through accountability and continuing education, PEC’s maintain these high levels of professional competence and standards by continually upgrading their knowledge and skills through annual professional development. This program has sparked interest from other associations across the country as its benefits provided to our members and industry has become known.
Congratulations to the ECAA on achieving the 60-year milestone and thank you to all who have gone before to pave the trail we are following today. n
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Hoyme Adaptors come with a variety of relay combinations to include Milli-volt DC, 24Vac and 120Vac using a combination of 1 to 4 Relays in one unit. The most common Include:
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Lifetime Members: Brian Alexander; Morley Harke; Kelly Wilde; and Randy Ancelet, PEC.
Lifetime Members: Ken Rogalsky (not shown).
Honorary Members: Darren Buium (not shown).
Lifetime Members
Neil Moffatt is a leader and advocate in and for the electrical industry in Alberta. Neil recently retired from Canem Systems, one of Canada’s leading electrical contracting companies, as the Director of the company’s HSE efforts.
Born and raised in Calgary, Alberta, Neil has been a fixture of the city’s philanthropic community for decades as a perennial volunteer supporting minor hockey and the Calgary Stampede. He has been an electrician since 1983, contributing to this industry for over 40 years. Previous to his 37 years at Canem, Neil also worked for Gendar Electrical Systems in Red Deer.
Throughout his career, Neil has been committed to excellence and innovation. He played a key role in the growth and success of Canem Systems, helping the company become a major player in the electrical contracting industry. He has served on the board of directors of the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta for the past five years, where he has worked to promote best practices and advance the interests of the industry, specifically in the areas related to Alberta’s apprenticeship system.
In addition to his passion for volunteering, Neil is also an avid golfer and curler who is looking forward to spending this next phase in life travelling and enjoying time with his wife Teraca.
l Scott HuttonScott Hutton is currently the President of Highline Electrical. A diverse electrical contracting company involved in a number of different areas. Scott joined the electrical industry in 1976 working in residential wiring for Brian French at Ardrossan Electrical. He became a Journeyman Electrician in 1981 and began his long standing career at Highline. His move from site superintendent to Junior partner with Highline started in 2000 becoming President in 2010. Scott has enjoyed working in a number of different areas in the electrical industry. Beginning in residential and service work to commercial projects, traffic signals and province wide high mast lighting, street lighting and sign bridges. Scott worked on and managed many school builds across Alberta, Eagle Hardware stores in Edmonton, Salt Lake City and Vancouver, Millennium Place and the Enjoy Centre to name a few. High Mast lighting and sign bridges are evident on the Anthony Henday in Edmonton and the Stony Trail in Calgary.
A philanthropist at heart Scott has assisted a number of football clubs in the Edmonton area with lighting and score boards for their home fields and served on the local Hockey Association as the family grew up.
Scott has enjoyed being a part of the ECAA and has served in a number of positions at the Edmonton Chapter level. He joined the Provincial board in 2014 as Open Shop Chair and was asked to join the executive in 2017.
Tim Brundage is currently the General Manager for the Stuart Olson Industrial Group, where he manages contracts associated with Electrical & Instrumentation as well as Mechanical. Tim joined the Electrical industry back in 1984 with Eldon Dane of Dane Company Electrical. Tim became a Red Seal Journeyman in 1988 and went on to gain his Instrumentation ticket in 1995. Tim has worked in all facets of the industry beginning with commercial and residential, but has spent the past twenty-six years in the Industrial sector.
Tim volunteered on the ECAA board as Fort McMurray Chapter President from 2013 to 2019. He also became the Secretary of the Provincial board in 2017, followed by Treasurer and Vice President.
Terry Barnett has been in the electrical trade since 1986. He started with Bouchard Electric, working for Jim McQuaker and Jim Gamble on oil sites and compressor stations. After that short stay, Terry moved over to Kondro Electric, where he finished out his apprenticeship. Terry admits he learned a lot from Past Provincial President, Willard Kondro, owner of Kondro Electric, as well as Neil Olson, Kondro’s top foreman at the time. Terry also worked for another Past Provincial President, Gord Harris of Harris Electric for a short time. Terry spent four years working on the Bi Provincial Upgrader in Lloydminster for many electrical contractors as a member of IBEW 529 out of Saskatchewan (Comstock, Chemco, Kondro, and Lloydminster Maintenance.) Terry then moved over to K&L Electric in 1997 and became a partner in that firm.
Tim Tarita has been connected to the electrical industry since 1982 starting at Broere Electric (Hans Broere) in Wetaskiwin. After living in B.C. for several years and gaining electrical experience he moved back to Alberta and settled in Grande Prairie in early 2000. Through the years, Tim has worked in various aspects of the trade; residential, commercial, and finally finding his niche as a service electrician.
Upon arrival in Grande Prairie he was hired by Terel Electric (Bill Alloway) as a service electrician and bucket truck operator. He was then employed by Magnum Electric (Frank Biegel) again, as a service electrician, and further to service manager. Mr. Biegel passed away in 2009, and his family offered Tim the opportunity to purchase the company, which he accepted. He credits God for all his opportunities and looks forward to building on the legacy of the great people that have went before him.
Eric Fadden has been involved with the electrical industry in Alberta since 1986 working with Woodland Electric, Western Electrical and also behind the counter at Westburne until 1990 when he relocated to the Vancouver area. After receiving his Interprovincial Electrician qualification at BCIT, he returned to Alberta in 1997 where he worked with Territorial Electric. In 2008 he founded Electri-Can Installations.
Eric’s expertise covers small to large scale commercial and light industrial both in construction and maintenance work. n
The Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA) celebrated its 60th anniversary gala event in Calgary this past December, bringing together industry leaders, professionals, and stakeholders for an evening of reflection, recognition, and celebration. The event marked a significant milestone for the ECAA, which has been instrumental in advancing and promoting excellence in the electrical industry across Alberta and Canada.
The gala event, held at the Calgary Inn Westin, was attended by more than 250 guests, including ECAA members, government officials, and representatives from various industry organizations. The theme of the evening was “Casino Royale” to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the James Bond franchise…and the night was filled with entertainment, networking, and fun that rivaled any Bond movie!
We took time out to pay special recognition to Terry Milot for his work and tireless dedication to the ECAA and to Alberta’s construction industry on making Prompt Payment Legislation a reality in province.
The evening’s entertainment included a musical comedy act, a Bond-worthy casino, before many spent the rest of the time dancing the night away!
Overall, the 60th anniversary gala event for the ECAA was a tremendous success, bringing together industry leaders and stakeholders to celebrate the accomplishments of the association and its membership along with the significant impact that has been realized over the past six decades. n
A solid foundation, a good reputation, and the ability to adapt to the changing needs of the market. And over the course of 75 years, much has changed.
Harris Electric, based out of Lloydminister, Alberta, celebrates 75 years of business in 2023. The
company is also one of the longest standing members of the ECAA. Started by Ron Harris Sr. in 1948, Harris Electric primarily focussed on television, radio, and electronics repair. Ron Sr. was later joined by his brother Alf and together they grew the company over the following
decades wiring many of the homes and farmsteads in the area and expanding to provide electrical installation services for the majority of Lloydminster’s commercial buildings, manufacturing plants, and oilfield industrial projects.
“The brothers spent over three decades building the foundation that had a big impact in and around the market focussing on commercial type applications and agriculture,” says Ken Howrie, one of the current owners of Harris Electric. As business expanded, so too did the family involvement with both Ron Sr.’s and Alf’s children eventually joining the business. “With each generational evolution, strengths of new ownership could build on the strengths of the previous ownership and evolve to fit the market at that time from 1948 to 1968, right up to 1998.”
Howrie had been a supply partner to the company for over 20 years when Gordon Harris, the last member of family to own Harris Electric, decided to retire. Partnering with Ashley Hope, a co-owner of an industrial electrical contracting company with offices across
Alberta, the two developed a plan to purchase the company.
“Gordon had asked if I would be interested in buying the company, so we had some conversations which led to more conversations, and eventually Ashley and I created a solution that would keep the company in the community and continue the Harris Electric legacy.”
Since 2009, Howrie and Hope have owned the company with their wives Shirley Howrie and Karen Hope. Together they continue to focus on the success of the previous owners with work including institutional projects such schools and hospitals, along with residential, commercial, and industrial projects. The company provides installations, upgrades, inspections, and systems management for any project.
Being in business for 75 years, Howrie says that business must evolve to remain relevant, but some things will never change. “Building and maintaining relationships with your customers and delivering on your service reliably and
consistently are key,” he says. “With most organizations or businesses small or large, in order to survive market change, economic change, and the changing of people working within your organization, the most important factors are a consistent business approach and the strength of your relationships with your customers. You can do all the advertising you want, reduce your cost of business, but in the end it’s your ability to deliver. And if service is your key, you need the right people that will deliver.”
Everyone at Harris Electric understands that their company’s success is the result of dedicated service, diligent people, and valued customers.
“Our people make the difference. We have some really great people and I’ve always believed that the strength of an organization is based on the folks that do the work,” says Howrie. “We have to be proud of what we do every day. We are proud to serve the community and to continue and be a part of the Harris Electric legacy.”
The ECAA membership includes unionized employers across Alberta whose businesses span various sectors of industry including commercial, institutional, and industrial.
These employers have an annual meeting where they elect the ECAA Labour Relations Chairman to head up the ECAA Labour Relations Committee (LRC). Representatives of the unionized contractors then volunteer to sit on the LRC.
The LRC is the authority representing the ECAA as party to the general construction agreement for electricians covered under Certificate 52 with Local Union 424 of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) as the other party to the agreement.
The committee has had many members over the years since its inception and a number of Labour Relations Chairmen over the years. In 1967, Stan Sunley became ECAA’s first president. Although Stan was still involved in labour negotiations, the ECAA presidents don’t usually chair standing committees, and Jake Matthews became ECAA’s first Labour Relations Chairman from 1967 to 1969 as well as in 1975 which was the last time the IBEW went on strike in Alberta.
Stan Sunley then became the chair from 1969 until 1979 (except 1975), followed by Joe Chomany in 1980, Gerritt Wansleeben in 1981-1982, Reg Morris in 1982-1985, Kurt Sorensen in 1985-1986, Ross Andreas in 1987, Art Thormann in 1988-1996, and the
current chair Brian Halina from 19962023.
The Edmonton Electrical Contractors Association signed the first collective agreement with Local 424 of the IBEW in 1946 representing 19 contractor members. One of them was Stan Sunley of Sunley Electric Company who founded Sunley Electric in 1934. In 1935, when the province assumed the licensing of electricians, Sunley was issued License #1 and was an active representative for electrical contractors from 1946-1979. The journeyman wage was $1.15 per hour.
In the original agreement, the Joint Grievance Committee was established which continues today and is the template that most of the union building trades have adopted. It provides a mechanism to deal with industry issues and collective agreement interpretations without having to get resolved through arbitration or litigation.
Prior to the ECAA becoming active in 1967, regional electrical contractor’s associations (which later became ECAA chapters) carried out their own negotiations with either the IBEW Local Union 254 in the south or IBEW Local Union 424 in the north. In 1998, IBEW Local Union 254 construction electricians amalgamated with IBEW Local Union 424 to create a
province-wide local under IBEW 424 for construction in Alberta and in the District of Mackenzie in the Northwest Territories.
The ECAA took over the negotiations on behalf of all of the contractors who had signed on to the collective agreements and when the Alberta government created legislation, they created the possibility of “registration” for an association that represented the majority of the contractors who had a bargaining relationship with a union in Alberta.
Once an association attained “registered” status, it automatically had the authority to negotiate with the respective union on behalf of all contractors in the province who had a bargaining relationship with the union, regardless of the contractor’s status with the association. The ECAA applied for and attained this registration status under Certificate 52 and changed its membership categories to address the difference between union members, non-union members, and associates.
In the late 1960s and early 1970s as construction labour relation associations were created across Canada, the ECAA on behalf of its unionized members joined the Alberta Construction Labour Relations Association (ACLRA). The name was later changed to Construction Labour Relations – an Alberta Association (CLR-a).
The reason for joining the ACLRA was an attempt to create a liaison amongst the unionized sector contractors to standardize as much as possible similar terms and conditions in the contracts with the Alberta Building Trades Unions. When ACLRA wanted ECAA to give up the bargaining rights under Certificate
52, the ECAA strongly opposed this and discontinued its membership in ACLRA. This then led to a Labour Relations Board challenge of ECAA’s Registration under Certificate 52 and bargaining rights which was rejected by the Board. This created a major rift between the ECAA and ACLRA. As the 1970s rolled along, relations between the now CLR-a and ECAA improved
dramatically and to the present day, the parties have worked together as part of the Registered Employers Association (REO) to create new collective agreements to the benefit of all parties. In recent years this has involved creating where required Special Project Needs Agreements (SPNAs) to address owner needs for major projects such as Syncrude,
Suncor, Surmont, Shell Scotford, CNRL, Keephills Power Generation, North West Refinery, and IPPL to name a few. The REO and Building Trades have been utilizing framework bargaining where the parties agree on common terms and conditions that should be recommended and included in the various collective agreements to have common language around certain terms and
conditions of employment so that they are common to all trades.
The ECAA together with the IBEW as part of our Collective Agreement have created a significant number of benefits for both the workers and contractors. On April 1, 1971 the Electrical Industry Insurance Benefit Trust Fund of Alberta
was established and Arthur A.O. Thormann and Arthur Bainard were the two original ECAA appointed Trustees.
HUB International would like to congratulate Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta on their 60th Anniversary.
Our insurance and risk management specialists have a deep understanding of the unique practices and needs of the construction industry. We’ll work with you to create construction insurance and risk management solutions that lay a foundation for your success.
Contractor contributions to this Health and Welfare Trust Fund provides life insurance, weekly disability, long-term disability, hospitalization, supplementary health expense, prescription drugs, hearing aids, vision care, dental care, and orthodontia for union members and contractor non-bargaining members. The Electrical Industry Pension Trust Fund was established effective April 1, 1973. Contractor contributions to the Pension Trust Fund of Alberta for union members and contractor nonbargaining members have created a world-class, multi-million dollar pension plan for the thousands of current and future pensioners.
In 1977, there were two education trusts created to which the ECAA was a party; the Electrical Industry Education Trust Fund of Northern Alberta and the Electrical Industry Education Trust Fund of Southern Alberta. The original ECAA-appointed trustees for each of the funds were Arthur A.O. Thomann and Elver Olsen. In 1999, the northern and southern trusts were consolidated into the Electrical Industry Education Trust Fund of Alberta. The ECAA appointed Trustees in 1999 were Reg Morris and Frank Geweth. The Electrical Industry Education Trust Fund of Alberta provides training for apprentice and journeyperson electricians through the IBEW Training Centre.
All three of these trust funds have both union and management appointed trustees to maintain the funds. Employee Benefit Funds Administration (EBFA) is a non-profit organization retained to administer
the pension, health & welfare, and education benefits on behalf of the plan members.
The Electrical Contractors Industry Fund, which is supported by contributions from contractors signed to a collective agreement with the IBEW, has a number of benefits provided to them at no cost. These include Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB) certification testing, Audiometric Testing, Supervisor Discipline Training Program, Better Supervision Supervisory Training Program (BSV), Industrial Construction Crew Supervisor (ICCS), Leadership for Safety Excellence (LSE), First Level Supervisor Training Program (FLST), On-Line Learning Program on the Canadian Model for Providing a Safe Workplace, The Alcohol & Drug Assistance Program, English Benchmarking, EFAB Benefits for Non-Plan Members, Certified Master Electrician Ethics Course, Electrical Safety Training System (ESTS), as well as Labour Relations Support for resolving grievances, coordinating collective agreement negotiations and collective agreement interpretation and application.
Contributions fund the Rapid Site Access Program (RSAP) which provides Case Managed Aftercare (CMAC) and Substance Abuse Expert (SAE) Services as part of the Alcohol and Drug Assistance Program.
It’s hard to believe that when I assumed the role of Labour Relations Chair in 1996 - which I had assumed was for the short-termmore than 26 years have gone by. There have been a lot of changes and new faces over the years that
have been an instrumental part of getting us to where we are today. Throughout most of that time
Sheri Mclean was the Executive Director of the ECAA and she was always there to take minutes at all the negotiation meetings and assist with the drafting of the final Collective Agreement Documents. Her dedicated work will never be forgotten. Special thanks
need to go out to former ECAA
Labour Relations Coordinator Jim Bendfeld and current ECAA Labour Coordinator Tim Brower who have been instrumental in assisting the Unionized Contractors of ECAA with their needs over the years. I started my apprenticeship 54 years ago in 1969 with a company called Doug Smith Electric whose name changed to Chemco Electrical Contractors in
Keyano College is in the heart of the Oil Sands and there is high demand for skilled trades. We work with Industry to build career programming that they need.
1978. I assumed the role of President and CEO of Chemco in 1988. It is quite a coincidence as Doug Smith Electric is going to celebrate its 60th Anniversary in 2023. It does not seem that long ago, but the days and years seem to go more quickly now.
With the downturn in the prices of
oil and gas in Alberta over the last few years and the crisis created by COVID-19, the ECAA and IBEW have worked together to be proactive to try to create work opportunities for the union members and the contractors that employ them. These are challenging times and together both parties look to create collective agreements that are for
the benefit of all parties.
On the industrial side with the Alberta government granting Div 8 Status to air products for the new hydrogen plant in Edmonton and Dow Chemical for the $10-billion expansion at Ft. Saskatchewan, work opportunities will arise in the near future. The LNG Canada facility in Kitimat should allow for a continued expansion of the necessary gas processing plants and pipelines to move product out of Alberta. In the commercial sector, infrastructure, new hospitals, and other facilities should provide opportunities in that sector as well. As Alberta shuts down its coalfired power generation facilities and converts some to natural gas, this will also create new jobs. Solar, wind turbines, and possibly small nuclear power generating facilities will increase our power generating capacities and with that will require updates to the power transmission system. As the electric powered vehicle numbers increase, there will be a larger demand on charging systems and power generation to keep up with the requirement.
As the turmoil continues in Ukraine, prices of oil, gas, and food commodities have increased dramatically with no end in sight. Inflation in Canada and throughout the world has significantly increased the lending rates making it harder for everyone to meet the increased cost of housing, fuel, and groceries.
In the end, as it has in the past, the ECAA and IBEW together will be able to reach solutions one way or another to get us ready for the future whatever it may hold. n
Alberta Construction Association congratulates the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta for attaining 60 years of excellence in serving Alberta’s construction industry. We celebrate ECAA’s leadership in ensuring highly skilled contractors and skilled trades professionals for the electrical industry. Beyond your leadership in skills, ACA thanks ECAA for many decades of informed and professional dialogue to advocate for the betterment of the whole of the construction
industry. ECAA has supported ACA as an associate member of our association. Over many years, ECAA has contributed to the success of ACA advocacy efforts by providing knowledgeable and experienced volunteers. ECAA volunteers have made massive contributions in initiating prompt pay legislation and improving Alberta’s occupational health and safety framework. ACA thanks ECAA for your efforts and looks forward to many more years of partnership to better Alberta’s entire industry.
Terry Milot is a prominent figure in the construction industry in Canada, and is known for his advocacy on fair payment practices and his contributions to various industry organizations. He is the Executive VicePresident of the Chemco Group of Companies, and he currently serves as Director-at-Large of the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta (ECAA). In recognition of his outstanding achievements and dedication to the industry, Milot was recently awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal by the Government of Alberta.
Milot’s involvement in the construction industry extends beyond his work at Chemco and his role with the ECAA. He has also been actively involved with the National Electrical Trade Council (NETCO), a partnership between the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) and the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association (CECA). As part of NETCO, Milot has contributed to the development of training and apprenticeship programs for electrical workers, helping to ensure that the industry has a skilled and competent workforce.
One of Milot’s most significant contributions to the industry has been his work on prompt payment legislation. Prompt payment refers to the timely payment of invoices for work that has been completed, which is crucial for the financial stability of contractors and subcontractors. In recent years, there has been a push for prompt payment legislation in Alberta, and Milot has been at the forefront of this effort.
Milot has worked tirelessly to raise awareness of the issue of late payment in the construction industry and to advocate for the implementation of prompt payment legislation. He has been involved with the Prompt
Payment Alliance and the Alberta Trade Contractors Council, a coalition of industry organizations and stakeholders that have come together to advocate on behalf of the construction trades on a variety of issues such as prompt payment legislation. Milot has spoken at conferences and events across the country, highlighting the impact that late payment can have on businesses and workers in the industry.
Milot’s efforts have not gone unnoticed, and he has been recognized for his work on prompt payment by a number of organizations. Previous to receiving the Jubilee Medal, he was recognized at the ECAA’s 60th Anniversary event in December 2022 in Calgary, where he received an award for his contributions to the industry. The event brought together members of the electrical contracting community from across Alberta to celebrate the achievements of the association and its members, and Milot’s recognition was a testament to his dedication and hard work.
We join in the chorus of those from across the construction industry in Alberta in congratulating Terry on this special honour; and thank him for his dedication to this issue. Terry’s commitment to the industry and his passion for making a difference have made him a valuable asset to the ECAA and the construction community as a whole, and his contributions will continue to shape the industry for years to come. n
There are many reasons to be a member of the ECAA. Whether it’s to network with colleagues, learn what’s new in the industry, or take advantage of the many benefits the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta offers, there’s a great value in joining. Need some proof? Then take a look at what members have to say…
What benefits did you receive as a result of your affiliation with the ECAA?
“I think the biggest gain for me is meeting and associating with the people involved in making this association great. In the field we are competitors, but we all share a common goal and that is that we all make a living from this industry and we all want to do what is best for it. The best part for me though is being able to give back to an industry that has provided so much for me and my family. The people involved have all become my friends and I would have never met those friends if I had never got involved. I also like the fact that they all care to leave this association a better place than when they first got here.”
— Bob Maslanko, PEC“Two of the founding principals in our company have always been continuing education and staying on top of an everchanging electrical industry. With the ECAA’s various industryspecific courses, seminars, and networking events, we have been able to achieve our goals and build a sustainable electrical contracting business.
One thing came out of our involvement in the ECAA that none of the three owners expected, but has played a vital role in the stability of our company, was the industry relationships we have built and been able to leverage over the 10+ years we’ve been in business. Through networking events such as the president’s ball, the Bob Carson classic, or the ECAA conventions, we have been able to meet and build relationships with the ECAA’s associate members that have helped us to overcome some obstacles in business that we wouldn’t have been able to otherwise. One thing that continues to surprise us is the willingness of people in the industry to lend a helping hand or offer a word of advice if needed.
Through all of the ups and downs that all business owners face, there has been one grounding constant, and that is the ECAA. We couldn’t have gotten to where we are without you.”
— Lonnie Chadwick, PEC, GSC, Power Works ElectricalNeed more proof? John Knoll, PEC says that he’s received connections, education, and mentorship. Darren Fraser, Ryfan Electric Ltd., says that he values the relationship building, contractors working together towards a shared vision, and a voice with government.
So, what are you waiting for? Join the ECAA today!
I am very pleased to have been asked to write a historical account of the Association and congratulate ECAA on its 60th anniversary, a testament to the dedication of provincial and chapter presidents, committee chairs, the membership, and staff. Some of the following information has been taken from ECAA’s 40th anniversary history book, which was compiled by Lou Galick and myself as we travelled across the province the summer of 2001 interviewing the founding fathers and early members of the Association for the publication.
Although electrical contractors’ associations have existed for many years in Alberta, there was never an all-embracing provincial association until 1962. The Alberta Electrical Association existed in the early 1920s and included power supply companies, wholesalers, distributors, and electrical contractors; however, this group dissolved in the early 1930s due to lack of interest and support. A local Edmonton association was formed in 1927; others in existence at that time were Northwest, Northeast, Calgary, and Southern Alberta. These groups realized that pooling their resources would be a benefit to all electrical contractors as well as the general public, and that a provincial association with national ties would be the logical way to
combine efforts and finances of each local group. On November 29, 1962, the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta was officially incorporated and registered under the Societies Act of Alberta, complete with constitution, bylaws, and director representation from all the previous local groups. The early days were spent developing direction and goals, and how the Association could best come to grips with problems to the benefit of the electrical contractors, industry, and the membership.
The first annual conference was in 1967. It was established that the Electrical Contractors Association of Alberta is the Provincial Voice of Alberta’s electrical industry to service its individual members, the electrical and construction industry, as well as the general public at large. Founding fathers were Mr. A.T.Wigelsworth (NW), D.W. Maltby (Edmonton), J.P. Robinson (Central), W. Manchakowski (NE), P.D. Raffin (Calgary), J.K. Matthews (Edmonton), J. Merriman (Calgary), R.C. Harris (NE), G. Hammond (Edmonton), E.S. Sunley (Edmonton), W.A. Lawrence (Calgary), J. Bury (Calgary). Mr. Stan Sunley, the man credited with being the driving force behind the formation of the provincial association, served as the first president from 1967-1969 as well as the first Alberta representative on
the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association board. Committees at that time were apprenticeship, finance, labour relations, legislation, membership, and publicity. One of the resolutions at that very first annual meeting was investigation into electrical contractors attaining “professional status”.
The Association first grew through the support of the rural chapter presidents informing their members of the benefits an association can provide to the smaller and rural contractors through communication and education. When I joined the ECAA, newly elected membership chairs were Harvey Williamson and Carmen Nicholson – Harvey, a wellrespected contractor, and Carmen, an anomaly in the electrical industry as a female electrical sales manager with Noramco. Harvey, Carmen, and I attended as many tradeshows across the province as ECAA was invited to participate in and shared the benefits of belonging to this organization. Sophie Schmaltz, who eventually became ECAA’s public member, often participated and promoted the Association at tradeshows. Sophie married into an electrical contracting family and was very familiar with the benefits of belonging to the Association. Her husband Perry was both a chapter and provincial president, represented ECAA on the Safety
Codes Council for many years, and their son Paul (the third generation) is now on ECAA’s Board of Directors.
Carmen and I started attending the chapter meetings and calling on both members and non-members as we drove across the province. Often, we were joined by the provincial president. If Carmen saw an electrical van with a nonmember logo, she would quickly put a membership package under the windshield wiper with a note asking the contractor to call for further information. Steve Warholik, a wellliked and respected salesperson in the electrical industry, followed Carmen as Membership Chair and continued the practice of attending chapter meetings, meeting with both members and non-members, and initiating membership drives with chapter presidents. As he was recently retired, he made himself available to the membership at large through his personal cell phone. All three were invaluable membership chairs and along with Sophie, honoured as Award of Merit recipients.
Through Carmen and Steve, ECAA’s associate membership grew. Both were well-known in the electrical industry and could see benefits from the contractors’ perspective and the sales side. The associate members are a vital component of the Association which is recognized by their voting seat on the Provincial Board of Directors and their own Annual General Meeting. They are active convention and industry event sponsors, board or committee participants at the chapter level, and willing meeting or Training Day
presenters. Honorary membership in the Association is bestowed on an associate member.
Monetary savings were also a reason to join the ECAA. An early partnership was formed with Federated Insurance who provided a discount on insurance to members and financial support to ECAA through a promotional allowance. Federated Insurance put together the first health insurance package for our membership. George Froese, Gary Borodenko, Wayne Budge, and most recently Reza Kamrani were regular attendees at ECAA functions, the occasional Board meeting, and very often speakers at Training Day or a convention. I was invited many times through my tenure to attend strategic planning sessions with other Association executive directors that Federated partnered with to brainstorm with Federated management and staff to see if benefits could be improved or value added to the associations. Through the years, additional companies approached the Association with discounts to our members (see list of benefits at ecaa.ab.ca), but none have the longstanding partnership Federated Insurance does.
The Professional Electrical Contractor (PEC) program added members to ECAA. On May 12, 1993, ECAA became the first trade association to receive professional recognition in North America, and the PEC designation was born. Both master electricians and young journeypersons signed up as student members for the educational courses being offered
with many completing their PEC designation. Being part of the committee who made this designation a reality is one of the outstanding highlights for me, as well as being appointed Registrar under the Professional Electrical Contractor regulation. Throughout the 25+ years, a close professional and personal relationship was maintained with government staff, especially with Adrian Pritchard and Wayne Williams.
Another membership stream was the unionized sector. ECAA became the Registered Employer Organization (REO) and held the bargaining rights with the IBEW. When an electrical contractor became signatory to the Collective Agreement, the company could become a member of ECAA with representatives sitting on the Labour Relations and Negotiation committees. I was very honoured to be recording secretary for ECAA during labour negotiations and thank Art Thormann and Brian Halina for providing me with the opportunity. I consider this one of the most interesting and educational responsibilities I held.
Whenever there was a major industry issue, ECAA travelled across the province to ensure electrical contractors were aware of the issue and the impact it would have on the industry and answer any questions that were raised. In 1996, the Department of Labour proposed a “Recognized Tradesperson” to replace the master electrician program. Meetings were held around the province, 2400 questionnaires were filled out, and information
was compiled and personally presented to the Honourable Murray Smith (then Minister of Labour). In 2001, the government proposed changes to the master electrician program. Kelly Morris was Chair of the Master Electrician Committee at this time. No other trade had a master’s designation so why did electrical need one? ECAA had been
administering the master’s program for the Department of Labour on contract since 1993. Many meetings were held across the province with both telephone and letter writing campaigns to keep this very important title, which differentiated the journeyperson electrician from one that ran his own business. A number of contractors signed up as
members to support the Association in this endeavour, which resulted in a committee being formed with representatives from the Department of Labour and ECAA to enhance the master’s program and keep it alive. This was a huge win for ECAA, with the master’s program eventually finding a permanent home with the Safety Codes Council, and ECAA’s Professional Electrical Contractor & Master Electrician regulation being amended to include the Certified Master Electrician (CME) and the Registered Master Electrician (RME); thereby providing another revenue stream for the Association.
Electrical contractors have a choice where they choose to spend their hard-earned dollars and it was very important that we, as the ECAA staff, made sure members knew they were valued and their support in the Association very much appreciated. Any and all concerns were answered as promptly as possible, and if we didn’t have the answer, we made sure we found out where it could be obtained. Throughout the years ECAA had, and still has, very dedicated staff. I enjoyed working with each and every one of them and wish them continued success.
Early in my employment, I became a member of the Canadian Society of Association Executives (CSAE) and achieved my Certified Association Executive (CAE) designation. This national body had an Edmonton chapter where many long-standing friendships were garnered. Relationships with other Association leaders, as well as finance and hotel
We’ve been connecting people and powering communities throughout Canada, for over 40 years.
representatives benefitted me as a new Association executive as well as the ECAA. Through ECAA’s Legislation Chair, Terry Milot, close communication still remains with the Mechanical Contractors Association, the Alberta Roofing Contractors Association, the Sheet Metal Contractors Association of Alberta, Alberta Trade Contractors Council, Alberta Energy Efficiency Alliance, Alberta Construction Association, and the Canadian Electrical Contractors Association.
COVID provided the greatest challenge during my tenure and had a part in my decision to retire. Board members had to focus on their own employees and businesses, while members demanded answers and guidance. We were an essential service, so the office had to remain open through the government mandating a work-from-home policy. Many hours were spent listening to webinars and partaking in Zoom meetings. ECAA was very fortunate to be part of an industry committee led by the Calgary Construction Association which enabled us to provide timely and accurate communication to our membership, and I thank Bill Black for assisting us in providing the needed information.
I feel very blessed to have been part of the ECAA family for over 30 years. I thoroughly enjoyed my employment, especially watching the provincial and chapter presidents grow and gain confidence during their time on the Board. Many friendships have been formed with staff, Board members, and members. I thank
Art Thormann and Ways & Means for taking a chance and hiring me, the initial guidance provided by Gordon Knox, and the support of my family throughout the years. I would like to thank ECAA for the two scholarships started in my name and look forward to meeting the first recipients of these scholarships. I also thank Brian Halina and the
Labour Committee for my incredible retirement gift. I am sorry we were unable to travel with the ECAA group to Africa in February, however we have just returned, and it was truly a trip of a lifetime. The experience will be with us forever as well the memories made over the past 30+ years, so thank you again for my wonderful career with ECAA. n
Chemco is proud of our relationship with the ECAA. We are connected by the same pillars that have guided our success for 60 years.
We share values:
Rooted in education
Strong stakeholder relationships
This is the foundation that we are both built on - one of strength, character and integrity.
Congratulations on your milestone Anniversary ECAA. On behalf of the team at Chemco, thank you for promoting excellence in the electrical industry. We’re proud to be connected with the ECAA since the beginning.
Opening our doors in 1963 as a local electrical contractor, Chemco has grown into a multi-disciplined industrial contractor providing construction and maintenance solutions across Canada.