Ops Talk Spring 2022

Page 24

Grading on a curve Vernon’s BX Elementary School expansion nearly complete BY JAMES PETERS At the end of July 2021, about the

think there were many reasons

the size of the original. Ten of the

only thing left to finish on the BX

for that happy scenario, includ-

classrooms will be used as soon

Elementary School expansion in

ing the cooperation between the

as the kids return, and two will re-

Vernon, B.C. was some final grad-

general contractor, Sawchuk De-

main available for future growth.

ing and additional landscaping.

velopments of Kelowna, and our

The student population has been

The construction project, which

local architectural company, MQN

steadily increasing for years at BX

got underway in May 2020, will be

from Vernon. But another impor-

Elementary, which ultimately saw

completed ahead of time and on

tant factor was the school teach-

five portable classrooms added to

budget, according to Project Man-

ers, the administrators and the stu-

the school grounds to accommo-

ager Archie Stogianos.

dents, who all deserve a round of

date this growth. With construc-

applause – everyone really handled

tion now complete, all of the por-

the disruption professionally.”

tables have been removed from

“I’ve been in construction for most of my adult life and I can’t remember a project going this

The nearly $12-million expan-

site. The new classrooms are a true

smoothly,” says Stogianos, who is

sion has added an additional 240

extension of the original building,

also the Director of Facilities for

seats to the school through 12 ex-

and all were built to the maximum

Vernon School District No. 22. “I

tra classrooms – nearly doubling

allowable square footage – roughly


Ops Talk • Spring 2022

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