Ops Talk Spring 2022

Page 50

Preparing to protect what matters most

Preparing and planning for emergencies can be daunt-

gencies. We have trained individuals to develop skills

ing. Writing a plan is only the start point. Good prepa-

and exercised teams of all sizes to practice and learn

ration involves training for those who execute the plan,

together. Ultimately, our greatest strength is to listen

drills, exercises, learning from all of that (and from ac-

closely to our clients and develop tailored solutions for

tual emergencies), and then ongoing plan updates. All

them: no two schools or school districts are alike, but

of these activities can add significant responsibilities

we bring our experience to bear on your particular cir-

onto individuals whose essential purpose is to educate


our youth. We aim to help you find the “Goldilocks Zone” where you do not do so much preparation that the delivery of education suffers but you do prepare enough to feel capable of managing through an emergency.

The emergency planning cycle

Supporting you as a leader in emergency management In many cases, those tasked with emergency management within school districts have other primary responsibilities. We have yet to meet anyone who is not interested in the safety of students, staff, or others

The BC Ministry of Education’s Emergency Manage-

under your care. Often, the biggest hurdles facing you

ment Planning Guide for Schools, Districts and Au-

are time, resources, or experience. The ongoing need

thorities (2015) outlines the five elements of the emer-

to perform regular duties limits how far you can take

gency planning cycle: planning, organizing and equip-

your emergency program. This is where Ally can help.

ping, training, drills, and debriefing and revising the

Whether you are a school district, a 1,000+ student

plan. The cycle offers a proven way forward through

school, or a smaller education facility, Ally has the

the wilderness of emergency preparedness and is an

experience and flexibility to assist where you need it

approach shared across industries and government.

most. We can undertake the heavy lifting, addressing

The team at Ally Emergency Management Inc. col-

each element of the emergency planning cycle. If most

lectively has over 100 years of emergency manage-

of the heavy lifting is already done, we can help to en-

ment experience. We have done everything in the

hance your capabilities and fill in any gaps.

emergency planning cycle. We have helped to identify

Imagine having an ally to help you build a robust

risks and built plans to address them. We have advised

emergency management program – one that is tai-

on how to organize and equip to meet potential emer-

lored to your circumstances, one that is practiced, and


Ops Talk • Spring 2022

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