This fall, the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) makes great art accessible by o ering even more opportunities for teachers and students across the GTA and Canada to connect with the museum.

Art education virtually! Starting October 12, the AGO’s acclaimed Virtual School Programs return with more partners and more daily sessions, bringing live curriculum-based art education into classrooms across Ontario and the country – all free of charge. Led by AGO Art Educators, each daily session has a special theme. These curriculum-based conversations for JK to Grade 8 emphasize art, wellness and creativity – essential skills for young people’s development.
Starting September 27, new self-led tours for AGO Teachers’ Access Program (TAP) members and their school groups are free, every Tuesday through Friday. Advance reservations are required. For this school year only. Not a TAP member? Join today! Registration for AGO TAP is free with a valid Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) card or proof of full-time teacher status. AGO TAP Members receive free year-round admission to the museum, invitations to educator events, a monthly Educators’ eNewsletter as well as resources and tools for use in the classroom.
Beginning October 12, the AGO welcomes back JK to Grade 12 school groups for in-person guided tours and artmaking sessions. Engaging tours, led by AGO Art Educators, highlight the AGO Collection. Facilitated artmaking sessions are delivered in the beautiful Dr. Anne Tanenbaum Gallery School, where students can learn about techniques and processes in studio.
Listings by region
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Index to advertisers
Aga Khan Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 & 9
Air Riderz Adventure Park 11
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) 2 & 3
Balls of Fun Inc 35
Blue Mountain Ski Resort . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IBC Brooks Farms Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Cineplex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Dairy Farmers of Ontario 38 Famous People Players 10 Forsythe Family Farms 2009 Inc 29 Hardwood Ski & Bike . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Hockey Hall of Fame & Museum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Horseshoe Resort 42 & 43
Kreative Kidz Art Bus 14
Lakeridge Resort 30 Legislative Assembly of Ontario 5 Little Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 McCluskey Transportation Services Ltd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
National Air Force Museum of Canada 31 Oakville Galleries 33 Ontario Heritage Trust 17
Roseneath Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . OBC Shaw Festival . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 & 21 Textile Museum of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
The Rose Brampton 36 & 37
The Royal Agriculture Winter Fair 22 & 23 Toronto Circus Centre Inc 24 Toronto’s First Post Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
uFly Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Young People’s Theatre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 & 27

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Greater Toronto
Active Kids Zone
951 Alness Street
Toronto, ON M3J 2J1
T: (416) 650-5060 | F: (416) 650-5065
E: fun@activekidszone.com www.activekidszone.com
Aga Khan Museum
77 Wynford Drive
Toronto, ON M3C 1K1
T: (416) 646-4677 | F: (416) 646-4665
E: learn@agakhanmuseum.org www.agakhanmuseum.org
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
4 & 5, 3600 Ridgeway Drive Mississauga, ON L5L 0B4
T: (905) 820-7500
E: info@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com
All About Kids
115, 2005 Sheppard Avenue E Toronto, ON M2J 5B4
T: (416) 496-3232 | F: (416) 496-7937
E: cpigeon@allaboutkids.ca www.allaboutkids.ca
All Fired Up paintable ceramics
8 & 10 Brentwood Road N Toronto, ON M8X 2B5
T: (416) 233-5512
E: info@afu-ceramics.com www.afu-ceramics.com
Allan Gardens Conservatory
19 Horticultual Avenue Toronto, ON M5A 2P2
T: (416) 392-7288 www.toronto.ca
Alphabet Kids Inc.
4588 Bathurst Street, 1st Floor Culinary Kitchen
Toronto, ON M2R 1W6
T: (416) 606-1074
E: clientcare@alphabetkids.ca www.alphabetkids.ca
Amazon Indoor Playground and Party Centre Ltd.
1500 Royal York Road Toronto, ON M9P 3B6
T: (416) 245-1459
E: info@amazonindoorplayground.com www.amazonindoorplayground.com
Archers Arena
3, 1140 Sheppard Avenue W Toronto, ON M3K 2A2
T: (647) 99 ARENA (2-7362)
E: info@archersarena.com www.archersarena.com
Archery Circuit
8 3791 Victoria Park Avenue Toronto, ON M1W 3K6
T: (416) 662-8828
E: archerycircuit@gmail.com www.archerycircuit.com
Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO) 317 Dundas Street W Toronto, ON M5T 1G4
T: (416) 979-6608
E: groupsales@ago.ca www.ago.ca
Artbarn School
101, 250 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M4R 1A7
T: (416) 518-6108
E: artbarnschool@me.com www.artbarnschool.com
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7
T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Ashbridge’s Bay Park
1561 Lake Shore Boulevard E Toronto, ON www.toronto.ca
Basecamp Climbing 677 Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M6G 1L3
T: (416) 855-0430
E: info@basecampclimbing.ca www.basecampclimbing.ca
Bata Shoe Museum
327 Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M5S 1W7
T: (416) 979-7799
E: education@batashoemuseum.ca www.batashoemuseum.ca
Bay of Spirits Gallery
334 Dundas Street W Toronto, ON M5T 1G5
T: (416) 971-5190
E: info@bayofspirits.com www.bayofspirits.com
Black Creek Pioneer Village
1000 Murray Ross Parkway North York, ON M3J 2P3
T: (416) 667-6295, ext. 2
E: bcpvinfo@trca.on.ca www.blackcreek.ca
Bloor West Village Toronto Ukrainian F al
205 2336A Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M6S 1P3
T: (416) 410-9965 | F: (416) 410-9965
E: info@ukrainianfestival.com www.ukrainianfestival.com
BMO Field
170 Princes’ Boulevard Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 815-5982
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.bmofield.com
Cabbagetown Farmers’ Market
Riverdale West Park Toronto, ON M4X 1B8
E: info@cabbagetownmarket.ca www.cabbagetownmarket.ca
Camp Robin Hood & The Robin Hood Leadership Centre
PO Box 10034 RPO Yonge & Finch Toronto, ON M2N 0B6
T: (416) 736-4443 | F: (905) 640-3450

E: office@camprobinhood.ca www.camprobinhood.ca/school-programs
Canadian National Exhibition –CNE
210 Princes’ Boulevard, Press Building, Exhibition Place Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 263-3330 | F: (416) 263-3838
E: info@theex.com www.theex.com
Casa Loma – Liberty Entertainment Group
1 Austin Terrace Toronto, ON M5R 1X8
T: (416) 923-1171 | F: (416) 923-5734 E: info@casaloma.ca www.casaloma.ca
Cedar Ridge Creative Centre 225 Confederation Drive Toronto, ON M1G 1B2
T: (416) 396-4026
E: crcc@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Centennial Park Conservatory 151 Elmcrest Road
Etobicoke, ON M9C 3S1
T: (416) 394-8543 www.toronto.ca
Centreville Amusement Park 84 Advance Road Toronto, ON M8Z 2T7
T: (416) 234-2345
E: info@centreisland.ca www.centreisland.ca

Greater Toronto
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)

E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Children’s Art Studio Inc. –Wychwood Barns
162, 601 Christie Street Toronto, ON M6G 4C7
T: (647) 808-8590
E: childrensartstudioinfo@gmail.com www.childrensartstudio.ca
Children’s Art Studio Inc. –Youngplace

180 Shaw Street Toronto, ON M6J 2W5
T: (647) 808-8590
E: childrensartstudioinfo@gmail.com www.childrensartstudio.ca
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
1303 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4T 2Y9
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
City of Toronto – City Hall 100 Queen Street W Toronto, ON M5H 2N2
T: (416) 392-CITY (2489)
E: 311@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
CN Tower
290 Bremner Boulevard Toronto, ON M5V 3L9
T: (416) 86-TOWER (868-6937) | F: (416) 601-4722

E: groupsales@cntower.ca www.cntower.ca
Coca-Cola Coliseum
45 Manitoba Drive Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 263-3900
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.coca-colacoliseum.com
Colborne Lodge Museum
11 Colborne Lodge Drive Toronto, ON M6S 0A4
T: (416) 392-6916
E: clodge@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Crock A Doodle
3422 Lake Shore Boulevard W Etobicoke, ON M8W 1N3
T: (416) 238-7608
E: etobicoke@crockadoodle.com www.crockadoodle.com/etobicoke
Cummer Skateboard Park
6000 Leslie Street
Toronto, ON M2H 1J9
T: (416) 395-7803 www.toronto.ca
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org

Greater Toronto
Design Exchange Museum
234 Bay Street, Toronto Dominion Centre Toronto, ON M5K 1B2
T: (647) 490-5599
E: meet@dx.org www.dx.org
Design TO
PO Box 31027 College Square Toronto, ON M6G 4A7
E: hello@designto.org www.designto.org
Elgin and Winter Garden Theatre Centre
189 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M5B 1M4
T: (416) 314-3718
E: ewg@heritagetrust.on.ca www.heritagetrust.on.ca/ewg
Enoch Turner School house
106 Trinity Street Toronto, ON M5A 3C6
T: (416) 327-6997
E: enochturner@heritagetrust.on.ca www.enochturnerschoolhouse.ca
Evergreen Brick Works Skating Rink
300, 550 Bayview Avenue Toronto, ON M4W 3X8
T: (416) 596-1495
E: info@evergreen.ca www.evergreen.ca
Exhibition Place
1, 100 Princes’ Boulevard Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 263-3600
E: info@explace.on.ca www.explace.on.ca
Factory Theatre
125 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON M5V 2R2
T: (416) 504-9971 www.factorytheatre.ca
Famous PEOPLE Players
343 Evans Avenue Toronto, ON M8Z 1K2
T: (416) 532-1137
E: info@famouspeopleplayers.com www.famouspeopleplayers.com
Filmberries Studio
603 207 Shaughnessy Boulevard Toronto, ON M2J 1J9
T: (647) 895-9951
E: ekaterina@filmberries.com www.filmberries.com
Fizzical Fizzicks
25 Salem Avenue Toronto, ON M6H 3C2
T: (416) 516-1616
E: info@fizzicalfizzicks.com www.fizzicalfizzicks.com
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)

E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Ford Performance Centre
400 Kipling Avenue
Etobicoke, ON M8V 3L1
T: (416) 251-5219
E: info@lakeshorearena.ca www.lakeshorearena.ca
Fort York National Historic Site
250 Fort York Boulevard Toronto, ON M5V 3K9
T: (416) 392-6907
E: fortyork@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Franklin Children’s Garden Centre Island Toronto, ON
E: torontoisland@toronto.ca www1.toronto.ca
Gallery Indigena
The Distillery Historic District, 46 Gristmill Lane Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (416) 366-3000
E: toronto@galleryindigena.com www.galleryindigena.com
Gardiner Museum
111 Queen’s Park Toronto, ON M5S 2C7
T: (416) 586 – 8080 | F: (416) 586 – 8085
E: friends@gardinermuseum.com www.gardinermuseum.on.ca
Gibraltar Point Lighthouse
Jack Layton Ferry Terminal Toronto, ON M5V 2X3 www.lighthousefriends.com/light. asp?ID=1090
Gibson House Museum 5172 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M2N 5P6
T: (416) 395-7432
E: gibsonhouse@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Go Tours Canada
30 Gristmill Lane Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (416) 642-0008
E: tours@gotourscanada.com www.gotourscanada.com
Groove School of Dance
400, 491 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M5N 1A7
T: (416) 901-2914
E: angela@grooveschoolofdance.com www.grooveschoolofdance.com
Harbourfront Centre
235 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4000 | F: (416) 973-6055
E: info@harbourfrontcentre.com www.harbourfrontcentre.com
Heritage Toronto
3rd Floor, 157 King Street E Toronto, ON M5C 1G9
T: (416) 338-1338
E: info@heritagetoronto.org www.heritagetoronto.org
High Park Zoo
Deer Pen Road Toronto, ON www.highparkzoo.ca
Hockey Hall of Fame Brookfield Place, 30 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M5E 1X8
T: (416) 360-7765 | F: (416) 360-1316
E: info@hhof.com www.hhof.com
Hot Docs 402, 720 Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5S 2T9
T: (416) 203-2155 | F: (416) 203-0446
E: info@hotdocs.ca www.hotdocs.ca
Hot Docs Ted Rogers Cinema
506 Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M5S 1Y3
T: (416) 637-3123
E: boxoffice@hotdocs.ca www.hotdocs.ca
Image Centre
33 Gould Street Toronto, ON M5B 1W1
T: (416) 979-5164
E: ric@ryerson.ca www.ryersonimagecentre.ca
Discover how hockey can be used as a tool to captivate students.
Provide your students the opportunity to learn more about the history of Canada’s game, and how it parallels our country’s cultural identity with the Hockey Hall of Fame Education Program.
Available at three levels (Junior, Intermediate and Senior), programs include pre-visit, Hall visit and post-visit curriculumbased activities covering a variety of subject areas including Math, Language, English, Phys-Ed, Business and Diversity.
To enjoy the full benefits of the program, we encourage you to visit the Hockey Hall of Fame for a full day of interactive, fun and educational activities where your students will:
the world’s largest collection of hockey artifacts, from grassroots to the professional level,
through captivating, bilingual exhibits and multimedia kiosks.
how global the game of hockey has become through exhibits featuring artifacts from over 70 countries.
the challenges and successes of diversity, both from a sports and social perspective.
their own SportsCentre and call the play-by-play in our broadcast zone.
their skills against life-size, animated versions of today’s greatest NHL goalies and shooters in our model rink.
about the Stanley Cup’s rich history and how it has shaped the passion of the game – plus best of all, get hands-on access to hockey’s most coveted trophy!
Learn more about the Hockey Hall of Fame Education Program and group visits at HHOF.com/educationprogram

Greater Toronto
imagineNATIVE Film & Media Arts Festival – TIFF Bell Lightbox 446, 401 Richmond Street W Toronto, ON M5V 3A8

T: (416) 585-2333
E: info@imaginenative.org www.imaginenative.org
Joe Rockhead’s Indoor Rock Climbing 29 Fraser Avenue Toronto, ON M6K 1Y7
T: (416) 538-7670
E: climb@joerockheads.com www.joerockheads.com
Just Bounce Trampoline Club Inc.
3731 Chesswood Drive North York, ON M3J 2P6
T: (416) 635-0206 | F: (416) 635-1631
E: info@justbounce.ca www.justbounce.ca
Kennedy Bowl
2300 Lawrence Avenue E Scarborough, ON M1P 2R2
T: (416) 759-6181
E: bowl@kennedybowl.com www.kennedybowl.com
Kreative Kidz Art Bus

794044 3rd Line EHS Mono, ON L9W 5Y7
T: (647) 235-4464
E: info@kreativekidzartbus.com www.kreativekidzartbus.com
Legislative Assembly of Ontario
111 Wellesley Street W Toronto, ON M7A 1A2
T: (416) 325-0061
E: tourbookings@ola.org www.ola.org
LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre
1 Bass Pro Mills Drive Vaughan, ON L4K 5W4
T: (866) 579-9024
E: LDCTorSchools@ legolanddiscoverycentre.ca www.legolanddiscoverycentre.ca
Liberty Entertainment Group (Casa Loma)
1 Austin Terrace Toronto, ON M5R 1X8
T: (416) 923-1171 | F: (416) 923-5734

E: info@casaloma.ca www.casaloma.ca
Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex
25 British Columbia Road (Exhibition Place) Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) LIBERTY (542-3789)
F: (416) 260-0598

E: info@libertygrand.com www.libertygrand.com
Little Canada
10 Dundas Street East Toronto, ON M5B 2G9
T: (647) 578-4663
E: media@little.canada.ca www.little-canada.ca
Looking Glass Adventures 2944 Danforth Avenue Toronto, ON M4C 1M5
T: (647) 498-5596
E: info@lookingglassadventures.com www.lookingglassadventures.com

Enoch Turner Schoolhouse
Step inside an 1858 classroom and explore the past.

The Enoch Turner Schoolhouse — originally known as the Ward School — was the first free school in Toronto, and is an important part of the story of public education in Ontario. Today, the schoolhouse welcomes students and learners of all ages to explore Victorian education in a growing city.
Program topics include:
Mrs. Henderson’s Classroom (60 min) | Ages 6-11
Our most popular program! Students step back in time to 1858 to experience an average school day for a Victorian child.
Victorian Childhood (40 min) | Ages 6-11
Learn about what children in industrial Toronto did for fun, including the games and toys they played with.
Dancing and Decorum (40 min) | Ages 6-11

Discover the importance of dance as a social activity in Victorian society, as well as the importance of proper etiquette.
General Tour (30 min) | Older youth or adults
Learn about the history of the building and its role in advancing public, accessible education and the history of the nearby community.
Greater Toronto
Mackenzie House Museum
82 Bond Street
Toronto, ON M5B 1X2
T: (416) 392-6915
E: machouse@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Mad Science of Toronto
14 1170 Sheppard Avenue W Toronto, ON M3K 2A3
T: (416) 630-5282
E: toronto@madscience.on.ca www.toronto.madscience.org
Maple Leaf Square 15 York Street Toronto, ON M5J 0A3
T: (416) 815-1111
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.mlse.com
Mariposa Cruises by Hornblower
425, 207 Queens Quay W, PO Box 101 Toronto, ON M5J 1A7
T: (866) 627-7672 www.hornblower.com
Massey Hall 178 Victoria Street Toronto, ON M5B 1T7
T: (416) 872-4255
E: contactus@mh-rth.com www.masseyhall.com
Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament
10 Dufferin Street Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (888) WE JOUST (935-6878)
E: toronto@medievaltimes.com www.medievaltimes.com
Meridian Arts Centre
5040 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M2N 6R8
T: (416) 733-9388 | F: (416) 733-9478

E: customerservice@tolive.com www.meridianartscentre.com
Meridian Hall
1 Front Street E Toronto, ON M5E 1B2
T: (416) 368-6161
E: education@tolive.com www.meridianhall.com
Miles Nadal Jewish Community Centre
750 Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5S 2J2
T: (416) 924-6211 | F: (416) 924-0422
E: info@mnjcc.org www.mnjcc.org
Mirvish Productions
400 322 King Street Toronto, ON M5V 1J2
T: (800) 461-3333
E: audienceservices@mirvish.com www.mirvish.com
Montgomery’s Inn
4709 Dundas Street W Toronto, ON M9A 1A8
T: (416) 394-8113
E: montinn@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Mysterious Minds Escape and Mystery Rooms
3rd Floor, 322 Bloor Street W Toronto, ON M5S 1W5
T: (416) 922-6061
E: info@mysteriousminds.ca www.mysteriousminds.ca
MZTV Museum of Television
64 Jefferson Avenue Toronto, ON M6K 1Y4
T: (416) 599-7339
E: mztv@mztv.com www.mztv.com
Neighbour Note
45 Runnymede Road Toronto, ON M6S 2Y1
T: (647) 492-3696
E: info@neighbournote.ca www.neighbournote.ca
Neuberger Holocaust Education Centre and Museum
4600 Bathurst Street North York, ON M2R 3V2
T: (416) 635-2883
E: neuberger@ujafed.org www.holocaustcentre.com
Ontario Heritage Trust
10 Adelaide Street E Toronto, ON M5C 1J3
T: (416) 325-5000 | F: (416) 325-5071
E: programs@heritagetrust.om.ca www.heritagetrust.om.ca
Ontario Science Centre
770 Don Mills Road Toronto, ON M3C 1T3
T: (416) 696-1000
E: schoolbookings@ontariosciencecentre.ca www.ontariosciencecentre.ca/teachersplus-students
OVO Athletic Centre
20 British Columbia Road Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 815-5400
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.mlse.com
Pawsitively Pets
2nd Floor, 125 Brentcliffe Road Toronto, ON M4G 3Y7
T: (416) 901-4776
E: info@pawsitivelypetskidscamp.com www.pawsitivelypetskidscamp.com
Pirate’s Life
627 Queen’s Quay W Toronto, ON M5V 3G3
T: (416) 476-3836
E: crew@piratelife.ca www.piratelife.ca
1303 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON M4T 2Y9
T: (416) 323-7249
E: info@playdium.com www.playdium.com
REEL Canada
504 – 720 Bathurst Street Toronto, ON M5S 2R4
T: (416) 642-5796 | F: (647) 557-2111
E: contactus@reelcanada.ca www.reelcanada.ca
Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada
288 Bremner Boulevard Toronto, ON M5V 3L9
T: (647) 351-FISH (3474)
E: TGServices@ripleysaquariumofcanada. com www.ripleysaquariumofcanada.com
Riverdale Farm
210 Winchester Street Toronto, ON M4X 1B8
T: (416) 392-6794
E: farm@toronto.ca www.riverdalefarmtoronto.ca
Rogers Centre
One Blue Jays Way Toronto, ON M5V 1J1
T: (416) 341-1000 | F: (416) 341-1103
E: fanfeedback@bluejays.com www.rogerscentre.com
Roseneath Theatre
651 Dufferin Street, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Roy Thomson Hall
60 Simcoe Street Toronto, ON M5J 2H5
T: (416) 872-4255
E: contactus@mh-rth.com www.roythomsonhall.com
Greater Toronto
Royal Alexandra Theatre
260 King Street W Toronto, M5V 1H8
T: (416) 872-1212
E: groups@mirvish.com www.mirvish.com
Royal Ontario Museum
100 Queen’s Park
Toronto, ON M5S 2C6
T: (416) 586-8000
E: info@rom.on.ca www.rom.on.ca/en/learn/school-visitsrom. on.ca
Scarborough Museum
1007 Brimley Road Toronto, ON M1P 3E8
T: (416) 338-8807
E: shm@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Scotiabank Arena 500, 50 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5J 2L2
T: (416) 815-5500
E: fanservices@mlse.com www.scotiabankarena.com
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Sky Zone Trampoline Park
1A 45 Esander Drive Toronto, ON M4G 4C5
T: (647) 363-5552
E: toronto_jump@circustrix.com www.skyzone.ca
Spadina Museum: Historic House & Gardens
285 Spadina Road Toronto, ON M5R 2V5
T: (416) 392-6910
E: spadina@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts
27 Front Street E Toronto, ON M5E 1B4
T: (416) 366-7723
E: customerservice@tolive.com www.stlc.com
St. Lawrence Market
92 – 95 Front Street E Toronto, ON M5E 1C3
T: (416) 392-7219
E: stlawrencemarket@toronto.ca www.stlawrencemarket.com
1, 192 Spadina Avenue Toronto, ON M5T 2C2
T: (647) 490-4659
E: info@steamlabs.ca www.steamlabs.ca
Stratford Festival 55 Queen Street Stratford, ON N5A 4M9
T: (519) 273-1600
E: groups@stratfordfestival.ca www.stratfordfestival.ca
TD Gallery of Inuit Art 79 Wellington Street W (TD Centre) Toronto, ON M5J 2Z9
T: (416) 599-5321 www.art.td.com
Textile Museum of Canada 55 Centre Avenue Toronto, ON M5G 2H5

T: (416) 599-5321
E: info@textilemuseum.ca www.textilemuseum.ca
The Classical Theatre Project 189 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M5B 1M4
T: (416) 915-6750
E: boxoffice@thectp.ca www.thectp.ca
The Distillery Historic District 200 9 Trinity Street Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (416) 364-1177
E: inquiries@thedistillerydistrict.com www.thedistillerydistrict.com
The Haunted Walk of Toronto 30 Gristmill Lane Toronto, ON M5A 3C4
T: (416) 238-1473
E: toronto@hauntedwalk.com www.hauntedwalk.com
The International Festival of Authors (IFOA)

Harbourfront Centre / 235 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4760
E: info@festivalofauthors.ca www.festivalofauthors.ca
The Market Gallery
2nd Floor, South St. Lawrence Market, 95 Front Street E Toronto, ON M5E 1C2
T: (416) 392-7604 | F: (416) 392-0572

E: marketgallery@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
The Pottery
498 Runnymede Road Toronto, ON M6S 2Z5
T: (416) 690-9475
E: paul@thepottery.ca www.thepottery.ca
The Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery 231 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4949
E: info@thepowerplant.org www.thepowerplant.org
55 Centre Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, M5G 2H5 (416) 599-5321 x2236 schoolvisits@textilemuseum.ca textilemuseum.ca
The Shaw Festival — the perfect intermission from life! Nestled in the heart of Niagara-on-theLake — a short and very lovely drive down the beautiful Niagara Parkway from Niagara Falls — The Shaw is one of North America’s finest cultural attractions. Each year, from March to December, The Shaw offers an eclectic array of award-winning musicals, family-friendly offerings, quirky comedies, bold dramas, sweeping classics and thrilling whodunits along with concerts and events in the fresh air, part of our Outdoors @ The Shaw offerings.
The Shaw Festival’s 2023 Season features 14 productions presented in the Festival’s three theatres.
Highlights includes: Prince Caspian by C.S. Lewis – the chronicles of Narnia continue, this time in the more intimate Royal George Theatre. The Apple Cart, a political comedy by none other than Bernard Shaw, the Festival’s namesake. Stephen Sondheim’s Gypsy, often considered the greatest musical of all, featuring Momma Rose, the original stage mother. Blithe Spirit, Noël Coward’s charming drawing room comedy featuring one of his best characters, Madame Arcati. The Shadow of a Doubt, a lost play by Edith Wharton. And so much more, all leading up to the holiday season when Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol and the beloved musical Bridgadoon will grace our stages.
The Shaw also offers so much more beyond the stage experiences for students’ enjoyment and to enhance their theatre outing … Engaging backstage tours reveal the wide range of professions and careers in a theatre company as students check out what happens behind the scenes; fun, hands-on workshops led by Shaw professional artist-teachers; and post-show chats with actors. Also, video educational resources provide in-depth information prior to the theatre visit (available for select plays). Looking for a full day or overnight visit, then package your theatre visit with Fort George and relive the sights and stories of Canada’s history or stay overnight at Great Wolf Lodge for some waterpark fun!
Shaw can help you coordinate these school getaways with your students.
The Shaw Festival is a place where people who are curious about the world gather to share the unique experience of live theatre.
Contact: Wes Brown, Senior Manager,

Greater Toronto
The Queen’s York Rangers Museum
660 Fleet Street W Toronto, ON M5V 1A9
T: (416) 203-4622
E: info@qyrang.ca www.qyrang.ca
The Rock Oasis 204, 388 Carlaw Avenue Toronto, ON M4M 2T4
T: (416) 703-3434
E: infotoronto@rockoasis.com www.rockoasis.com
The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair 39 Manitoba Drive, Exhibition Place Toronto, ON M6K 3C3
T: (416) 263-3400
E: info@royalfair.org www.royalfair.org
The Second City Training Centre 3rd Floor, 99 Blue Jays Way Toronto, ON M5V 9G9
T: (416) 343-0011
E: groupsales@secondcity.com www.secondcity.com
Thornhill Outdoor Education Campus
7015 Leslie Street
Thornhill, ON L3T 6L6
T: (905) 731-CAMP (2267)
E: outdoored@adventurevalley.ca www.gtaoutdoored.com
TIFF Kids International Film Festival
TIFF Bell Lightbox, Reitman Square, 350 King Street W Toronto, ON M5V 3X5
T: (416) 599-TIFF (8433)
E: customerrelations@tiff.net www.tiff.net
Time Travel – Trail Adventure 305A – 56 The Esplanade Toronto, ON M5E 1A7
T: (416) 238-1473
E: toronto@hauntedwalk.com www.timetraveltrail.com
Todmorden Mills Heritage Site 67 Pottery Road Toronto, ON M4K 2B9
T: (416) 396-2819
E: todmorden@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Tommy Thompson Park
1 Leslie Street Toronto, ON M4M 3M2
T: (416) 667-6295
E: visitorservices@trca.on.ca www.tommythompsonpark.ca/education
Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
101 Exchange Avenue Vaughan, ON L4K 5R6
T: (416) 661-6600 | F: (416) 661-6898

E: info@trca.ca www.trca.ca
Toronto Botanical Garden
777 Lawrence Avenue E Toronto, ON M3C 1P2
T: (416) 397-1340 | F: (416) 397-1354
E: info@torontobotanicalgarden.ca www.torontobotanicalgarden.ca
Toronto Circus Centre Inc.
1630 Danforth Avenue, PO Box 72079 Toronto, ON M4C 0A1
T: (416) 433-7731
E: info@torontocircuscentre.com www.torontocircuscentre.com

Toronto Dance Theatre
80 Winchester Street Toronto, ON M4X 1B2
T: (416) 967-1365
E: info@tdt.org www.tdt.org
Toronto International Festival of Authors
235 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4760
E: info@festivalofauthors.ca www.harbourfrontcentre.com
Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF)
TIFF Bell Lightbox, Reitman Square, 350 King Street W Toronto, ON M5V 3X5
T: (416) 599-TIFF (8433)
E: customerrelations@tiff.net www.tiff.net
Toronto Island Park
Jack Layton Ferry Terminal Toronto, ON
T: (416) 396-7378
E: torontoisland@toronto.ca www.torontoisland.com
Toronto Music Garden
235 Queens Quay W Toronto, ON M5J 2G8
T: (416) 973-4000
E: camps@harbourfrontcentre.com www.harbourfrontcentre.com
Toronto Railway Museum
17, 255 Bremner Boulevard Toronto, ON M5V 3M9
T: (416) 214-9229
E: info@trha.ca www.torontorailwaymuseum.com
Toronto Rock Lacrosse Club
2nd Floor, 1132 Invicta Drive Oakville, ON L6H 6G1
T: (416) 596-3075 | F: (905) 339-3473
E: info@torontorock.com www.torontorock.com
Greater Toronto
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
500 145 Wellington Street W
Toronto, ON M5J 1H8
T: (416) 598-3375 | F: (416) 598-9522

E: studentconcerts@tso.ca www.tso.ca
Toronto Zoo
2000 Meadowvale Road Toronto, ON M1B 5K7
T: (416) 392 – 5944
E: schools@torontozoo.ca www.torontozoo.ca
Toronto’s First Post Office
260 Adelaide Street E Toronto, ON M5A 1N1

T: (416) 865-1833
E: info@tos1stpo.com www.townofyork.com

Walk T.O.
88 Northcote Avenue Toronto, ON M6J 3K3
E: tours@walkto.ca www.walkto.ca
York Museum
2694 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6M 1V1
T: (416) 394-2759 | F: (416) 394-2803
E: yorkmuseum@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
York University
4700 Keele Street Toronto, ON M3J 1P3
T: (416) 736-2100
E: study@yorku.ca www.yorku.ca
Young Peoples Theatre
165 Front Street E Toronto, ON M5A 3Z4
T: (416) 862-2222
E: yptboxoffice@youngpeoplestheatre.org www.youngpeoplestheatre.org
Zero Gravity Circus 38 Lakeshore Avenue Toronto, ON M5J 1X7
T: (416) 469-1440
E: info@zgcircus.com www.zgcircus.com
Zion Schoolhouse
1091 Finch Avenue E Toronto, ON M2J 2X3
T: (416) 395-7435
E: zionschool@toronto.ca www.toronto.ca
Visit us at Toronto’s First Post Office: a museum and National Historic Site, in the heart of Toronto’s Old Town neighbourhood. Discover the 10 original blocks of the Town of York and early Toronto. Affordable, hands-on programs are adapted to meet the needs and interest of your group, and can be combined with a visit to St. Lawrence Market and other nearby attractions.


Young People’s Theatre (YPT) launches the next stage in the company’s 57-year history, co-led by Indigenous artist and new Artistic Director Herbie Barnes, and Executive Director Nancy Webster. This new era also marks the unveiling of YPT’s expanded and renovated theatre complex, more than 10 years in the making. As Canada’s largest and oldest professional theatre for young audiences, the company produces and presents a full season of theatre and arts education programming, serving approximately 150,000 patrons annually. With the purchase of a multi-use building across the street from its historic theatre, YPT has expanded its footprint, increased its accessibility, refreshed its lobbies, and upgraded the theatrical equipment capabilities of its 450-seat Ada Slaight Stage and 115-seat Studio. United in vision, the two facilities now anchor the corner of Front and Frederick Streets in downtown Toronto creating Canada’s largest theatre complex for young people.
YPT is staffed with professional artist educators who create programs and resources designed to connect the shows presented on stage to the Ontario curriculum, and fully engage students. These resources include complimentary study guides, play companion workshops, pre- and postshow Q&As with cast members, and teacher preview evenings. We are also thrilled to bring back last season’s incredibly successful program: Indigenous Artists in Schools. In these engaging workshops, teachers and students learn about Indigenous culture directly from Indigenous artist educators through oral storytelling, dance and visual art.

The enriched learning experiences of YPT’s Education and Participation Department provide young people with opportunities to develop their whole being. Learn more at youngpeoplestheatre.org.

Durham Region
Aspire Climbing & Fitness Inc
1400 Victoria Street E
Whitby, ON L1N 0M2
T: (905) 430-9813
E: whitby@aspireclimbing.com www.aspireclimbing.com
Brooks Farm
122 Ashworth Road
Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0
T: (905) 473-3246
E: info@brooksfarm.com www.brooksfarm.com
Camp Robin Hood & The Robin Hood Leadership Centre
PO Box 10034 RPO Yonge & Finch
Toronto, ON M2N 0B6
T: (416) 736-4443 | F: (905) 640-3450

E: office@camprobinhood.ca www.camprobinhood.ca/school-programs
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)

E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Claremont Nature Centre – TRCA
4290 Westney Road N Goodwood, ON L0C 1A0
T: (416) 667-6295 x 4
E: vservices@trca.on.ca www.trca.ca/cnc
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Earthbound Kids
155 Uxbridge-Pickering Townline Pickering, ON L4A 7X4
T: (905) 642-6087
E: info@earthboundkids.ca www.earthboundkids.ca
Enrichment Studies Unit / Queen’s University
195 University Avenue
Kingston, ON K7L 3N6
T: (613) 533-3181
E: esu@queensu.ca www.esu.queensu.ca
Brooks Farms
At Brooks Farms, children learn about grain seeds and their everyday uses, tour the barnyard to see farm animals and their habits, and take a wagon/train ride to see the entire farm operation.

They can explore the apple orchard, various fruit, vegetable, and grain fields, the sugar bush, and pick their own fruits and vegetables.
For the older children, explore a comparison of rural and urban life based on the unique perspective of farmers and farm life in the 21st century. As well, we will discuss the vast technology changes in farming over the years and investigate environmental issues such as climate change and its immense impact on growing food and healthy living.
Our indoor farmers market, café, and bakery are now open.
We have also extended our season with Festive Nights every weekend in mid November until the end of December.
Flying Squirrel Sports
1400 Victoria Street E
Whitby, ON L1N 0M2
T: (289) 732-5327
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard
Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)

E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Forsythe Family Farms

1025 Cragg Road
Greenbank (Uxbridge), ON L9P 1R3
T: (905) 887-1086
E: forsythefamilyfarmtours@gmail.com www.forsythefamilyfarms.com
Durham Region
Ganaraska Forest Centre
10585 Cold Springs Camp Road Campbellcroft, ON L0A 1B0
T: (905) 885-8173 | F: (905) 797-2545
E: education@grca.on.ca www.ganaraskaforestcentre.ca
Fly Toronto / Whitby
75 Consumers Drive, Building l Whitby, ON L1N 9S2
T: (289) 224-4000
E: info@iflytoronto.com www.iflytoronto.com
Kids Zone Family Fun Centre
12 Stanley Court Whitby, ON L1N 8P9
T: (905) 666-KIDS (5437) www.kidszonedurham.ca
Kreative Kidz Art Bus
794044 3rd Line EHS
Mono, ON L9W 5Y7
T: (647) 235-4464
E: info@kreativekidzartbus.com www.kreativekidzartbus.com
Lakeridge Resort
790 Chalk Lake Road
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1R4
T: (905) 649-2058
E: josborne@lakeridgeresort.ca www.ski-lakeridge.com
National Air Force Museum of Canada
220 RCAF Road, PO Box 1000
8 Wing/CFB
Trenton, ON K0K 3W0
T: (613) 965-3874
E: education@airforcemuseum.ca www.airforcemuseum.ca
Durham Region
Oshawa Museum
1450 Simcoe Street South (Lakeview Park) Oshawa, ON L1H 8S8
T: (905) 436-7624
E: programming@oshawamuseum.org www.oshawamuseum.org
Oshawa Zoo And Fun Farm 3441 Grandview Street N Oshawa, ON L1H 0J5
T: (905) 655-5236 www.oshawazoo.ca
Located less than 70 km from downtown Toronto, Lakeridge Resort nestled in the beautiful Oak Ridges Moraine offers year-round fun for everyone.

Skiing and snowboarding is for everyone of all ages! Featuring 23 runs spread over 70 acres, we offer a wide range of trails for skiers and snowboarders, from novice to expert, including mogul runs, banked slalom run, two dedicated snowboard terrain parks, snowcross and a separate snow tubing park which provides fun for everyone young or old. We are your first choice for beginners to experts whether you ski, snowboard, snow tube, climb or mountain bike. School team building programs are offered in spring and fall.
790 Chalk Lake Road (off Lakeridge Road / Durham 23) Uxbridge, Ontario, L9P 1R4
Toll free from Toronto: 905-686-3607

Snow Hotline: 905-649-2058
Email: josborne@lakeridgeresort.ca
Lakeridge Experiential Education Facility video clip: ski-lakeridge.com/education/team-building/l-e-e-f-activities-offered
75 Consumers Drive Whitby, ON L1N 9S2
T: (289) 807-2848
E: info@playdium.com www.playdium.com
Putting Edge – Whitby Entertainment Centrum
75 Consumers Drive Whitby, ON L1N 9S2
T: (905) 430-3206
E: whitby@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com
Reptilia Zoo
1400 Victoria Street E Whitby, ON L1N 0M2
T: (905) 493-9537
E: bookings.whitby@reptilia.org www.reptilia.org
Roseneath Theatre
651 Dufferin Street, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Station Gallery
1450 Henry Street
Whitby, ON L1N 0A8
T: (905) 668-4185
E: art@stationgallery.ca www.stationgallery.ca
The Georgian Peaks Club
PO Box 400
Thornbury, ON N0H 2P0
T: (519) 599-6771
E: marg@georgianpeaks.com www.georgianpeaks.com
The Rock Oasis
Ajax Community Centre
75 Centennial Road Ajax, ON M4M 2T4
T: (905) 231-3434
E: infoajax@rockoasis.com www.rockoasis.com
Treetop Eco-Adventure Park
53 Snow Ridge Court
Oshawa, ON L1H 7K4
T: (905) 655-1113
E: info@treetopeco-adventurepark.com www.treetopeco-adventurepark.com
Tribute Communities Centre
99 Athol Street E
Oshawa, ON L1H 1J8
T: (905) 438-8811
E: william.balfour@spectraxp.com www.tributecommunitiescentre.com
Uxbridge Historical Centre
7239 Concession Road 6, PO Box 1301
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1N5
T: (905) 852-5854
E: museum@uxbridge.ca www.uxbridgehistoricalcentre.com
Willowtree Farm
975 Regional Road 21
Port Perry, ON L9L 1B5
T: (905) 985-4973
E: info@willowtreefarm.ca www.willowtreefarm.ca
WindReach Farm
312 Townline Road
Ashburn, ON L0B 1A0
T: (905) 655-5827
E: info@windreachfarm.org www.windreachfarm.org
Durham Region
York-Durham Heritage Railway 19 Railway Street Uxbridge, ON L9P 1E5
T: (905) 852-3696 | F: (905) 852-5192

E: ydhr@ydhr.ca www.ydhr.ca

Halton Region
Aerosports Trampoline Parks Oakville

2 & 3, 2679 Bristol Circle Oakville, ON L6H 6C8
T: (905) 829-2989 www.aerosportspark.ca/oakville
African Lion Safari
1386 Cooper Road Cambridge, ON N1R 5S2
T: (519) 623-2620 | F: (519) 623-9542
E: admin@lionsafari.com www.lionsafari.com
AgScape – Ontario Agri-Food Education Inc.
8560 Tremaine Road, PO Box 460
Milton, ON L9T 4Z1
T: (905) 878-1510 | F: (905) 878-0342
E: info@agscape.ca www.agscape.ca
Andrews Farm Market & Winery
9365 10th Sideroad
Milton, ON L9T 2X9
T: (905) 878-5807 www.andrewsscenicacres.com
Art Gallery of Burlington
1333 Lakeshore Road Burlington, ON L7S 1A9
T: (905) 632-7796 | F: (905) 632-0278
E: info@artgalleryofburlington.com www.artgalleryofburlington.com
Art Gallery of Hamilton 123 King Street W Hamilton, ON L8P 4S8
T: (905) 527-6610
E: education@artgalleryofhamilton.com www.artgalleryofhamilton.com
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7
T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Aspire Climbing and Fitness Inc.
104 Bronte Street N Milton, ON L9T 2N5
T: (905) 864-1442
E: info@aspireclimbing.ca www.aspireclimbing.com
Big Village – a global fairtrade market
12 Garnet Drive Georgetown, ON L7G 1K6
T: (905) 702-1787
E: liz@bigvillage.ca www.bigvillage.ca
Bronte Creek Provincial Park
1219 Burloak Drive Oakville, ON L6M 4J7
T: (905) 827-6911
E: bcppfriends@gmail.com www.brontecreek.org
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)

E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Oakville Galleries 2022-23 School Programs
With a commitment to fostering creativity, confidence, and critical thinking skills in children and youth, Oakville Galleries presents school programs that give students opportunities to look at, discuss, and make art where they are encouraged to experiment with new ideas and specialized materials.
As one of Canada’s premier contemporary art museums, Oakville Galleries offers innovative field trips and in-class visits that make the visual arts accessible and engaging for all students.
All programs are designed to promote inquiry-based learning; to support the development of students’ collaborative and innovative learning abilities; and to emphasize big ideas and interdisciplinary engagement.
Please contact education@oakvillegalleries.com to discuss program packages, content and ideas!
Location Programs can take place in your classroom or at our Gairloch Gardens location (1306 Lakeshore Road East). On-site programs include a guided tour of a current exhibition.
Program Fees
Duration: full day Fee: $12 per student (minimum fee of $250 applies) on site or $15 per student (minimum fee of $300 applies) in your classroom. Available: Year-round
School Programs with Oakville Galleries

Enrich your students’ education with hands-on visual arts workshops taught by professional arts educators, with innovative field trips and in-class visits!
Visit oakvillegalleries.com
Halton Region
Fallsview Indoor Waterpark
5685 Falls Avenue
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6W7
T: (905) 374-4444
E: reserve@niagarafallshotels.com www.fallsviewwaterpark.com
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)

E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Fly Toronto / Oakville
2007 Winston Park Drive
Oakville, ON L6H 6P5
T: (289) 795-4000
E: info@iflytoronto.com www.iflytoronto.com
Kreative Kidz Art Bus
794044 3rd Line EHS Mono, ON L9W 5Y7
T: (647) 235-4464
E: info@kreativekidzartbus.com www.kreativekidzartbus.com
Marineland of Canada
7657 Portage Road
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8
T: (905) 356-9565
E: groupsales@marineland.ca www.marineland.ca
Mountsberg Conservation Area
2259 Milburough Line Campbellville, ON L0P 1B0
T: (905) 854-2276
E: web@hrca.on.ca www.conservationhalton.ca
Niagara Parks Botanical Gardens / Butterfly Conservatory 2565 Niagara Parkway Niagara Falls, ON L2E 2S7
T: (905) 356-8119
E: npinfo@niagaraparks.com www.niagaraparks.com
Oakville Galleries at Centennial Square
120 Navy Street Oakville, ON L6J 2Z4
T: (905) 844-4402 | F: (905) 844-7968
E: education@oakvillegalleries.com www.oakvillegalleries.com
Oakville Galleries in Gairloch Gardens
1306 Lakeshore Road E Oakville, ON L6J 1L6
T: (905) 844-4402 | F: (905) 844-7968
E: education@oakvillegalleries.com www.oakvillegalleries.com
ONE AXE Pursuits
24 Henderson Street Elora, ON N0B 1S0
T: (519) 846-8888
E: hello@oneaxepursuits.com www.oneaxepursuits.com
Putting Edge – Oakville Entertainment Centrum 2085 Winston Park Drive Oakville, ON L6H 6P5
T: (905) 829-8833
E: info@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com

Roseneath Theatre
651 Dufferin Street, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774 Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
573 Parkside Drive Waterdown, ON L8B 0G7
T: (905) 689-1652
E: info@soup-to-go.ca www.soup-to-go.ca
Stratford Festival
55 Queen Street
Stratford, ON N5A 4M9
T: (519) 273-1600
E: groups@stratfordfestival.ca www.stratfordfestival.ca
Toronto Rock Lacrosse Club
1132 Invicta Drive, Second Floor Oakville, ON L6H 6G1
T: (416) 596-3075 | F: (905) 339-3473

E: info@torontorock.com www.torontorock.com
Town of Oakville
1225 Trafalgar Road Oakville, ON L6H 0H3
T: (905) 845-6601 | F: (905) 815-2025
E: service@oakville.ca www.oakville.ca
Aerosports Trampoline Parks

100 Westcreek Boulevard Brampton, ON L6T 5W7
T: (905) 796-2376 www.aerosportspark.ca/brampton
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
3600 Ridgeway Drive
Mississauga, ON L5L 0B4
T: (905) 820-7500
E: lexie@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com
Albion Hills Field Centre – Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
16500 Peel Regional Road 50 Caledon , ON L7E 3E7
T: (905) 667-6295
E: vservices@trca.on.ca www.trca.ca/ahfc
Art Gallery at the Rose Theatre
1 Theatre Lane Brampton, ON L6V 0A3
T: (905) 874- 2800
E: roseeducation@brampton.ca www.rosetheatre.ca
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7

T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Aurora Historical Society
15372 Yonge Street Aurora, ON L4G 1N8
T: (905) 727-8991
E: community@aurorahs.com www.aurorahs.com
Balls of Fun Inc.

15 & 16, 3615 Laird Road Mississauga, ON L5L 5Z8
T: (905) 828-4386
E: ballsoffuninfo@gmail.com www.ballsoffun.ca
Beaux Arts Brampton
70 74 main Street N Brampton, ON L6V 1N7
T: (905) 454-5677
E: info@beauxartsbrampton.org www.beauxartsbrampton.org
Benares Historic House – Museums of Mississauga
1507 Clarkson Road N Mississauga, ON L5J 2W8
T: (905) 615-4860 | F: (905) 615-4861
E: museums.mississauga@mississauga.ca www.museumsofmississauga.com
Bradley Museum – Museums of Mississauga 1620 Orr Road Mississauga, ON L5J 4T2
T: (905) 615-4860 | F: (905) 615-4861
E: museums.mississauga@mississauga.ca www.museumsofmississauga.com
Peel Region

Brampton Soccer Centre
1495 Sandalwood Parkway E Brampton, ON L6R 0K2 T: (905) 458-4036 www.brampton.ca
Carassauga Festival Inc. 3rd Floor, 5600 Rose Cherry Place Mississauga, ON L4Z 4B6
T: (905) 615-3010
E: info@carassauga.com www.carassauga.com
Cassie Campbell Community Centre
1050 Sandalwood Parkway W Brampton, ON L7A 0K9
T: (905) 840-4041 www.brampton.ca
Champions of History – Early Societies Programs & Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787) E: info@championsofhistory.com www.championsofhistory.com
Charles F. Watson Family Gardens Highway 10, east side of Peel Village Parkway Brampton, ON L6W 1C8 www.tourismbrampton.ca
Balls of Fun is North America’s

ball gym. Located in Mississauga, this 7,000 sq. foot gym is designed for

6 months – 8 years of age. The
has two structures (with 7
throw, kick,


Join Performing Arts Brampton for a full school year of fun and learning with Arts Adventures! This incredible education series provides opportunities for students to experience live performance that captivates, inspires, educates, and entertains.

We are back and beaming with excitement as we welcome both returning and firsttime friends of Performing Arts to our programming. This season we are thrilled to welcome audiences to shows at two theatres: The Rose Brampton and LBP Brampton.
The Arts have always been an integral part of communication and education; a way to share histories, illustrate ideas, and establish collective understanding as a larger community. We aim to be both educational and entertaining. All shows offer curriculum connections and most come with study guides full of resources and activities educators can use before and after the show. Explore ideas and conversations in a way that engages your students’ senses!

In addition to our line-up of shows for Kindergarten through Grade 12, we are pleased to bring you additional arts education programming for the upcoming school year. From the Centre Stage Conservatory, to the Heartbeats co-op program, to open mic opportunities and more, our programs venture into the community and provide a platform for your students to become the performers!
For more information visit therosebrampton.ca, call (905) 874-2800 or email us at roseeducation@brampton.ca

Peel Region
Chinguacousy Park Sandra Hames Centre
9050 Bramalea Road
Brampton, ON L6S 6G7
T: (905) 458-6555 | F: (905) 458-6252
E: raquetinfo@brampton.ca www.brampton.ca
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Claireville Conservation Area
8180 Highway 50, north of Steeles Avenue Brampton, ON L6T 0A6
T: (416) 661-6600 | F: (416) 661-6898
E: info@trca.ca www.trca.ca
Creature Quest Inc. PO Box 102
Caledon Village, ON L7K 3L3
T: (416) 554-1940
E: info@creaturequest.ca www.creaturequest.ca
Crock A Doodle –Mississauga-Meadowvale 5602 Tenth Line W Mississauga, ON L5M 7L9
T: (905) 824-8428
E: meadowvale@crockadoodle.com www.crockadoodle.com/mississaugameadowvale
Dairy Farmers of Ontario 6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8

T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
Donald M. Gordon Chinguacousy Park 9050 Bramalea Road Brampton, ON L6S 6G7 T: (905) 458-6555 www.brampton.ca
Downey’s Farm Market
13682 Heart Lake Road Brampton, ON L7C 2J5 T: (905) 838-2990
E: info@downeysfarm.com www.downeysfarm.com
Eldorado Park 8520 Creditview Road Brampton, ON T: (905) 874-2860 www.tourismbrampton.ca
Ellison Travel & Tours Ltd 311 Main Street South, PO Box 1990 Exeter, ON N0M 1S7 T: (519) 235-2000 E: CathyE@ettravel.com www.ellisontravel.com
Folklore Music & Drum Circles 3022 Prentiss Road Mississauga, ON L5L 3X1 T: (416) 806-6870
E: jimarnold@folkloremusic.com www.folkloremusic.com

Peel Region
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)
E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
Gage Park
45 Main Street S
Brampton, ON L6Y 1M9
T: (905) 874-2820 www.brampton.ca
Glow Zone 360
4800 Dixie Road Mississauga, ON L4W 2R1
T: (905) 629-4966
E: mississauga@glowzone360.com www.glowzone360.com
Glow Zone 360
7, 9446 McLaughlin Road N Brampton, ON L6X 4H9
T: (905) 497-4569
E: brampton@glowzone360.com www.glowzone360.com
Heritage Mississauga
1921 Dundas Street W Mississauga, ON L5K 1R2
T: (905) 828-8411 | F: (905) 828-8176
E: info@heritagemississauga.org www.heritagemississauga.com
Historic Bovaird House
563 Bovaird Drive E Brampton, ON L6V 3W4
T: (905) 874-2804
E: bovairdhouse@yahoo.ca www.bovairdhouse.ca
Kidnetix Brampton
15, 35 Van Kirk Drive
Brampton, ON L7A 1A5
T: (905) 459-7529
E: play@kidnetix.ca www.kidnetix.ca
Kreative Kidz Art Bus
794044 3rd Line EHS
Mono, ON L9W 5Y7
T: (647) 235-4464
E: info@kreativekidzartbus.com www.kreativekidzartbus.com
Living Arts Centre
4141 Living Arts Drive Mississauga, ON L5B 4B8
T: (905) 306-6100
E: info@livingarts.on.ca www.livingartscentre.ca
Loafer’s Lake Recreation Centre
30 Loafer’s Lake Lane Brampton, ON L6Z 1X9
T: (905) 846-2370 www.brampton.ca
Marineland of Canada
7657 Portage Road
Niagara Falls, ON L2E 6X8
T: (905) 356-9565
E: groupsales@marineland.ca www.marineland.ca
Meadowvale Theatre
6315 Montevideo Road
Mississauga, ON L5N 4G7
T: (905) 615-4720
E: meadowvale.boxoffice@mississauga.ca https://culture.mississauga.ca/ meadowvale-theatre
Parkinson Coach Lines – Peel Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776 | F: (905) 451-5499
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Peel Art Gallery, Museum & Archives (PAMA)
9 Wellington Street E Brampton, ON L6W 1Y1
T: (905) 791-4055 | F: (905) 451-4931
E: infopama@peelregion.ca www.pama.peelregion.ca
20 Biscayne Crescent Brampton, ON L6W 4S1
T: (905) 769-9070
E: info@playdium.com www.playdium.com
Playdium Park
99 Rathburn Road W
Mississauga, ON L5B 4C1
T: (905) 273-9000 | F: (905) 273-4222
E: info@playdiumpark.com www.playdium.com
Professor’s Lake Recreation Centre
1660 North Park Drive Brampton, ON L6S 5S8
T: (905) 791-7751 www.brampton.ca
Roseneath Theatre
651 Dufferin Street, 3rd Floor Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
Sky Zone Trampoline Park 3636 Hawkestone Road Mississauga, ON L5C 2V2

T: (289) 804-6041
E: Mississauga_Jump@circustrix.com www.skyzone.com
South Simcoe Railway Heritage Corporation
PO Box 186 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
T: (905) 936-5815
E: info@southsimcoerailway.ca www.southsimcoerailway.ca
The Rose Brampton
1 Theatre Lane Brampton, ON L6V 0A3
T: (905) 874- 2800
E: roseeducation@brampton.ca www.rosetheatre.ca
Toprock Climbing
8, 284 Orenda Road Brampton, ON L6T 5S3
T: (905) 452-5444
E: info@toprockclimbing.com www.toprockclimbing.ca
Toronto Ontario Temple 10060 Bramalea Road Brampton, ON L6R 1A1
T: (905) 799-1122 www.churchofjesuschrist.org
Treetop Trekking Brampton –Heart Lake Conservation Area 10818 Heart Lake Road Brampton, ON L6Z 0B3
T: (855) 552-0090
E: brampton@treetoptrekking.com www.treetoptrekking.com
Ufly Simulator
6 1535 Meyerside Drive
Mississauga, ON L5T 1M9
T: (416) 777-2261 / (905) 565-0197
E: ufly@uflysimulator.ca www.uflysimulator.ca
Wet’n’Wild Toronto 7855 Finch Avenue W Brampton, ON L6T 0B2
T: (416) 369-0123
E: info@wetnwildtoronto.com www.wetnwildtoronto.com
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
1, 250 Don Hillock Drive
Aurora, ON L4G 0G9
T: (905) 695-8577
E: info@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com
Air Riderz Trampoline Park
3, 570 Applewood Crescent
Vaughan, ON L4K 4B4
T: (905) 695-7011
E: info@airriderz.com www.airriderz.com

Archery Circuit
8 3791 Victoria Park Avenue Scarborough, ON M1W 3K6
T: (416) 662-8828
E: archerycircuit@gmail.com www.archerycircuit.com
Artistic Way Ltd.
1003 Eglinton Avenue W Toronto, ON M6C 2C7
T: (416) 760-9027
E: art@artisticway.ca www.artisticway.ca
Aspire Climbing & Fitness Inc
231 Trade Valley Drive
Vaughan, ON L4H 3N6
T: (905) 851-5770
E: vaughan@aspireclimbing.com www.aspireclimbing.com
Aurora Historical Society
15372 Yonge Street Aurora, ON L4G 1N8
T: (905) 727-8991
E: community@aurorahs.com www.aurorahs.com

Black Creek Pioneer Village
1000 Murray Ross Parkway
North York, ON M3J 2P3
T: (416) 667-6295, ext. 2
E: bcpvinfo@trca.on.ca www.blackcreek.ca
Blue Mountain Ski Resort

190 Gord Canning Drive Blue Mountain, ON L9Y 1C2
T: (833) 583-BLUE (2583)
E: mail@bluemountain.ca www.bluemountain.ca
York Region
Brooks Farms
122 Ashworth Road
Mount Albert, ON L0G 1M0

T: (905) 473-3246
E: info@brooksfarms.com www.brooksfarms.com
Camp Robin Hood & The Robin Hood Leadership Centre

PO Box 10034 Yonge & Finch PO Toronto, ON M2N 0B6
T: (416) 736-4443
E: office@camprobinhood.ca www.camprobinhood.ca/school-programs
Cineplex – Education Cinema & More
Various locations in Ontario
T: (800) 313-4461
E: groupsales@cineplex.com www.cineplex.com/groupsales
Dairy Farmers of Ontario
6780 Campobello Road Mississauga, ON L5N 2L8
T: (905) 821-8970
E: questions@milk.org www.milk.org
than an hour’s drive from the Greater Toronto area. Studies show that recreational team building activities can boost student morale and productivity.
Make Horseshoe your base camp for adventure all year round with activities to get people of all ages moving outdoors There are so many amazing winter activities such as 28 alpine ski and snowboard runs, 30 km of cross country trails, Ontario’s longest snow tubing hill, fat biking, snowshoeing and slopeside skating!

In the warmer months, explore the cross country and downhill mountain biking trails, climb your way from on the golf course, practice for gems

Y e a r - R o u n d F u n

H o r s e s h o e R e s o r t i s t h e p e r f e c t p l a c e t o b r i n g y o u r s t u d e n t s , a l l y e a r r o u n d ! D u r i n g t h e w i n t e r s e a s o n , c h o o s e f r o m a c t i v i t i e s s u c h a s a l p i n e s k i i n g & s n o w b o a r d i n g , c r o s s c o u n t r y s k i i n g , s n o w t u b i n g , s n o w s h o e i n g a n d f a t b i k i n g O v e r t h e w a r m e r m o n t h s , t h e r e a r e l o t s o f f u n a c t i v i t i e s i n c l u d i n g m i n i p u t t , h i k i n g , g e m m i n i n g , b i k i n g , t r e e t o p t r e k k i n g a n d m o r e !

E N g a g i n g P r o g r a m m i n g
O u r a d v e n t u r e p r o g r a m m i n g i s f a c i l i t a t e d b y t a l e n t e d , e x p e r i e n c e d a n d c e r t i f i e d c o a c h e s d e d i c a t e d t o c r e a t i n g a u n i q u e l e a r n i n g e x p e r i e n c e f o r y o u r g r o u p
I n s p i r i n g A D v e n t u r e s
I n t r o d u c i n g o u t d o o r a c t i v i t i e s t o s t u d e n t s g i v e s t h e m a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o i m p r o v e t h e i r f i t n e s s i n a f u n e n v i r o n m e n t , e n r i c h t h e i r b o n d s w i t h t h e i r c l a s s m a t e s , c u l t i v a t e s h a r e d e x p e r i e n c e s a n d e n h a n c e c r i t i c a l t h i n k i n g s k i l l s w h i l e e n j o y i n g t h e s c e n i c l a n d s c a p e
A D V E N T U R E L I V E S H E R E . T H E U L T I M A T E F I E L D T R I P
York Region
Electric Moon Theatre Company
298 John Street, PO Box 87586
Thornhill, ON L3T 5W0
T: (416) 500-2701
E: carrie@electricmoontheatre.com www.electricmoontheatre.com
Focus UP – Improvisation / Stage Combat
201 5 Claxton Boulevard Toronto, ON M6C 1L6
T: (844) FOCUSUP (302-8787)

E: info@focusupcreativity.com www.focusupcreativity.com
FUNtastic Forest
14 Connie Crescent, Unit 12 Concord, ON L4K 2W8
T: (905) 738-6386
E: info@funtasticforest.ca www.funtasticforest.ca
Hardwood Ski and Bike
402 Old Barrie Road W Oro-Medonte, ON L0L 2E0
T: (705) 487-3775
E: info@hardwoodskiandbike.ca www.hardwoodskiandbike.ca
Hillary House National Historic Site and the Koffler Museum of Medicine
15372 Yonge Street Aurora, ON L4G 1N8
T: (905) 727-8991
E: community@aurorahs.com www.aurorahs.com
Horseshoe Resort
1101 Horseshoe Valley Road W Barrie, ON L4M 4Y8
T: (705) 835-2790
E: info@horseshoeresort.com www.horseshoeresort.com
In Play Inc. Indoor Playground
551 Bryne Drive
Barrie, ON L4N 9Y3
T: (705) 730-5582
E: barrie@inplayinc.ca www.inplayinc.ca
Joe Rockhead’s Indoor Rock Climbing
29 Fraser Avenue
Toronto, ON M6K 1Y7
T: (416) 538-7670
E: climb@joerockheads.com www.joerockheads.com
Kidnetix Yorkdale
100 Bridgeland Avenue North York, ON M6A 2V1
T: (416) 904-2556
E: play@kidnetix.ca www.kidnetix.ca
Knights in the Classroom – O.E.I. Onsite Education Inc.
2 Amberglen Court Holland Landing, ON L9N 1J6
T: (905) 967-0141 www.knightsintheclassroom.com
Kortright Centre for Conservation
9550 Pine Valley Drive Woodbridge, ON L4H 2Z6
T: (416) 667-6295
E: info@kortright.org www.kortright.org
Kreative Kidz Art Bus 794044 3rd Line EHS Mono, ON L9W 5Y7
T: (647) 235-4464
E: info@kreativekidzartbus.com www.kreativekidzartbus.com
Lake St. George Field Centre
950 Bethesda Side Road Richmond Hill, ON L4E 3G2
T: (416) 667-6295, ext. 4
E: vservices@trca.on.ca www.trca.ca/lsg
Latcham Art Centre
2 Park Drive Stouffville, ON L4A 4K1
T: (905) 640-8954
E: info@latchamartcentre.ca www.latchamgallery.ca
LEGOLAND® Discovery Centre
1 Bass Pro Mills Drive Vaughan, ON L4K 5W4
T: (866) 579-9024
E: LDCTorSchools@ legolanddiscoverycentre.ca www.legolanddiscoverycentre.ca
Lionel’s Farm
11714 McCowan Road Stouffville, ON L4A 4C4
T: (905) 640-PONY (7669)
E: lionels@lionelsfarm.com www.lionelsfarm.com
Markham Fair
10801 McCowan Road Markham, ON L3P 3J3
T: (905) 642-3247
E: office@markhamfair.ca www.markhamfair.ca
McMichael Canadian Art Collection
10365 Islington Avenue
Kleinburg, ON L0J 1C0
T: (905) 893-1121
E: shop@mcmichael.com www.mcmichael.com
Mess For Fun
3, 73 Alness Street
North York, ON M3J 2H2
T: (416) 736-7101
E: messforfun@gmail.com www.messforfun.com
Of Rock & Chalk
482 Ontario Street
Newmarket, ON L3Y 2K7
T: (905) 895-ROCK (7625)
E: info@roackandchalk.com www.rockandchalk.com
53 Roseborough Crescent Thornhill, ON L4J 4V1
T: (416) 346-7228
E: steve@puppets-cool.com www.puppets-cool.com
Putting Edge
7621 Weston Road Woodbridge, ON L4L 0J9
T: (905) 761-3343
E: vaughan@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com
Putting Edge
410 Progress Avenue
Scarborough, ON M1P 5J1
T: (647) 943-7450
E: scarborough@puttingedge.com www.puttingedge.com
Reptilia Zoo
2501 Rutherford Road Vaughan, ON L4K 2N6
T: (905) 761-6223
E: bookings.vaughan@reptilia.org www.reptilia.org
Roseneath Theatre
651 Dufferin Street, 3rd Floor
Toronto, ON M6K 2B2
T: (416) 686-5199
E: education@roseneath.ca www.roseneath.ca
Sharon Temple National Historic Site and Museum
18974 Leslie Street
Sharon, ON L0G 1V0
T: (905) 478-2389
E: melissa@sharontemple.ca www.sharontemple.ca
Shaw Festival
10 Queen’s Parade, Box 774
Niagara-on-the-Lake, ON L0S 1J0
T: (905) 468-2172
E: boxoffice@shawfest.com www.shawfest.com
South Simcoe Railway Heritage Corporation
PO Box 186
Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
T: (905) 936-5815
E: info@southsimcoerailway.ca www.southsimcoerailway.ca
Thornhill Outdoor Education Campus
7015 Leslie Street
Thornhill, ON L3T 6L6
T: (905) 731-CAMP (2267)
E: outdoored@adventurevalley.ca www.gtaoutdoored.com
Toronto & Region Conservation Authority
101 Exchange Avenue Vaughan, ON L4K 5R6
T: (416) 661-6600
E: info@trca.ca www.trca.ca
Toronto Botanical Garden
777 Lawrence Avenue E Toronto, ON M3C 1P2
T: (416) 397-1340
E: info@torontobotanicalgarden.ca www.torontobotanicalgarden.ca
Town of Georgina
26557 Civic Centre Road, RR #2 Keswick, ON L4P 3G1
T: (905) 476-4301
E: info@georgina.ca www.georgina.ca

Treetop Trekking Stouffville –Bruce’s Mill Conservation Area 3291 Stouffville Road
Whitechurch-Stouffville, ON L4A 7X5
T: (844) 369-0009
E: stouffville@treetoptrekking.com www.treetoptrekking.com
Uplands Golf and Ski Club
46 Uplands Avenue
Thornhill, ON L4J 1K2
T: (905) 763-7373
E: uplandgc@istar.ca www.golfnorth.ca
York Region
Vaughan Sportsplex II
8301 Keele Street
Vaughan, ON L4K 1Z6
T: (416) 661-9115
E: vaughansportsplex@mail.com www.gtasportsplex.com

Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum and Community Centre
14732 Woodbine Avenue Stouffville, ON L4A 2K9
T: (905) 727-8954
E: wsmuseum@townofws.ca www.townofws.ca
Winged Canvas Art Hub
12, 91 Anderson Avenue Markham, ON L6E 1A5
T: (905) 205-1231
E: hello@wingedcanvas.com www.wingedcanvas.com
York-Durham Heritage Railway 19 Railway Street
Uxbridge, ON L9P 1E5
T: (905) 852-3696
E: ydhr@ydhr.ca www.ydhr.ca
Attridge Transportation
4150 Harvester Road
Burlington, ON L7L 0C1
T: (905) 333-4047 | F: (905) 333-3866
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation
1775 North Sheridan Way
Mississauga, ON L5K 1S5
T: (905) 855-7771 | F: (905) 855-2256
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation
27 Mill Street South
Waterdown, ON L0R 2H0
T: (905) 690-2632 | F: (905) 690-2817
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation
10 Akron Road
Etobicoke, ON M8W 1T2
T: (416) 255-5199 | F: (416) 255-7606
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Attridge Transportation

193300 Amaranth – East Luther Townline Grand Valley, ON L9W 0N5
T: (519) 928-9788
E: customerservice@attridge.com www.attridge.com
Chapman Cultural Tours Ltd.
131 Saramia Crescent, Suite B
Concord, ON. L4K 4P7
T: (905) 737-8687
E: info@chapmantours.ca www.chapmantours.ca
Dignity Transportation Inc.
900 Magnetic Drive Toronto, ON M3J 2C4
T: (416) 398-2222
E: info@dignitytransportation.com www.dignitytransportation.com
Ellison Travel & Tours Ltd.
311 Main Street S, PO Box 1990
Exeter, ON N0M 1S7
T: (519) 235-2000
E: group@ellisontravel.com www.ellisontravel.com
Ellison Travel & Tours Ltd.
4 – 1930 Hyde Park Road London, ON N6H 5L9
T: (519) 672-7020
E: group@ellisontravel.com www.ellisontravel.com
First Student Canada – All Regions Durham Region
Trip Specialist with 30 locations across Ontario
T: (866) 652-4352
E: EasternCanadaCharterQuotes@ firstgroup.com www.firstcharterbus.ca
Greyhound Canada Transportation Corp.
610 Bay Street, 2nd Floor Toronto, ON M5G 1M5
T: (800) 661-TRIP (8747)
E: canada.info@greyhound.ca www.greyhound.ca
McCluskey Transportation Services Ltd.
163 Carlingview Drive, Unit 200 Etobicoke, ON M9W 5E7
T: (416) 246-1422
E: mccluskey@bellnet.ca www.mccluskeytransportation.ca
Parkinson Coach – Durham Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776 | F: (905) 451-5499
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach – Halton Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776 | F: (905) 451-5499
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach – Peel Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776 | F: (905) 451-5499
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach – York Region
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776 | F: (905) 451-5499
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Parkinson Coach & Tours
10 Kennedy Road N Brampton, ON L6V 1X4
T: (905) 451-4776 | F: (905) 451-5499
E: info@parkinsoncoach.com www.parkinsoncoach.com
Stock Transportation Ltd.
60 Columbia Way, Suite 800 Markham, ON L3R 0C9
T: (905) 940-9977
E: info@stocktransportation.com www.stocktransportation.com
The Magic Bus Company 274 Unwin Avenue Toronto, ON M5A 1A3
T: (416) 516-7433 | F: (416) 516-6774 www.magicbuscompany.com
Toronto Bus Company Ltd.
110 Skyway Avenue
Toronto, ON M9W 4Y9
T: (416) 945-3436
E: info@torontobusco.com www.torontobusco.com
Toronto Student Transportation Group
2 Trethewey Drive, 2nd Floor Annex Toronto, ON M6M 4A8
T: (416) 394-4BUS (287) | F: (416) 394-3806
E: transportation@torontoschoolbus.org www.torontoschoolbus.org
Toronto Transit Commission
1900 Yonge Street Toronto, ON M4S 1Z2
T: (416) 393-3030
E: charters@ttc.ca www.ttc.ca
Wheelchair Accessible Transit Inc. 2727 Steeles Avenue W, Suite 303A Toronto, ON M3J 3G9
T: (416) 884-9898 | F: (416) 661-0303
E: info@wheelchairtransit.com www.wheelchairtransit.com