Portage & District Business Review 2023

Page 20

The PLP Active Transportation Committee is just that and more

This past May, the Portage Active Transportation Committee relaunched the Annual Bike Week.

By Lisa Kopochinski


ith its vision of having the Portage la Prairie area

regrouping and taking a strategic approach to reviewing what

be a place where making healthy transportation

work had been done prior to the pandemic, and what gaps

choices are easy, the Portage Active Transportation

needed to still be filled.

Committee (PATC) was formed in 2009 and has evolved to a place today that its members are proud of. “To achieve this, our mission has been and continues to be to promote viable, inclusive, and accessible year-round active transportation options in the Portage la Prairie area,” says PATC Member Morag Morison. “We promote initiatives in the area, as well as organize and execute projects and events to promote various forms of active transportation, such as our annual Bike Week event.”

Unique events “This past May, we relaunched the annual Bike Week and hosted 12 unique events throughout the week in partnership with many local organizations and businesses,” recalls Morison. The PATC is also very excited to be working on bringing the Greasy Chain, a community bike shop where people can come and tune up their bikes or build/bring a bicycle, back to life in a new location.

The PATC is comprised of 14 members who meet monthly. In

“This project is taking significant time and effort from many

addition to planning special events and projects, there are also

people, so it’s currently a large focus of ours and will continue to

subcommittees for other community members who also wish

be in the coming years,” she adds.

to be involved.

Additionally, the committee is continuing to seek out more

While the committee was forced to take a break during the

opportunities to promote active transportation in all seasons

COVID-19 lockdown, its focus over the past has been about

in the community and will be launching fun social media

20 Portage la Prairie & District Chamber

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