Portage & District Business Review 2023

Page 28

Portage la Prairie Mayor Sharilyn Knox loves her role By Lisa Kopochinski


hen asked what Portage la

While she has only been Mayor for one

up. Born in Winnipeg, she was adopted

Prairie Sharilyn Knox enjoys

year, her interest in city politics was

at five days old and grew up in Shoal

most about her position, she

ignited years before when she began to

Lake, northwest of Brandon, until her

says it is the constant sense of discovery

observe Portage la Prairie for both its

Grade 11 year, when her family moved to

that it brings.

successes and challenges.


“Every day as Mayor feels like a deep

“It was this combination of recognizing

“For my education, I pursued the

dive into getting to know our city on

the existing challenges and envisioning

Certificate of Applied Management

a deeper level – its diverse residents,

a brighter future that inspired me

thriving businesses, and the ever-

to become actively involved in

program at the University of Manitoba.

flowing stream of visitors. There’s

conversations with our leaders and,

always something new and promising

therefore, took the jump into city politics.

on the horizon, and I appreciate the

I wanted to contribute my efforts and

opportunity to work collaboratively with

ideas to help address these challenges

our community to address challenges,

and work towards a better, more

As a resident of Portage la Prairie since

foster growth, and contribute to the

prosperous future for our city.”

2012, her interest in city politics was

city’s ongoing success. It’s a position that

This academic journey provided valuable knowledge and skills that have helped shape my professional and personal development.”

ignited when she began to observe

on the place I call home, and that, to me,

Her beginnings and interest in politics

is the most rewarding aspect of being

To understand Mayor Knox, it’s best to

of recognizing the existing challenges


get an idea of her background growing

and envisioning a brighter future that

allows me to make a meaningful impact

Hill’s Drug Store 200 Saskatchewan Ave. E. 204-857-4631

the city for both its successes and its challenges. It was this combination

Hill’s Clinic Pharmacy 103, 140 9th Street S.E. 204-239-1368


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Portage & District Business Review 2023 by DEL Communications Inc. - Issuu