Portage & District Business Review 2023

Page 34

Green horizons Azure fuels prosperity in Portage la Prairie

By Vanessa Vredenburg


n an era where environmental

to combat climate change and the

as a whole. During the construction

consciousness and economic

Canadian government’s commitment

phase, Azure’s initiative is anticipated

growth go hand-in-hand, Azure

to achieving net-zero carbon emissions

to generate approximately 1,500

Sustainable Fuels Corp.’s (“Azure”)

by 2050. Utilizing certified, in-use

employment opportunities. Once in

proposed renewable fuels production

commercial technology, the Facility will

operations, the Facility will create

facility (the “Facility”) in Portage la

convert non-fossil-based oils – primarily

approximately 150 long-term jobs,

Prairie marries both sustainability and

canola and soybean – into high-quality,

including numerous high-skilled jobs,

economic prosperity. The proposed

eco-friendly, and sustainable alternative

enhancing the province’s workforce

Facility signifies not only a crucial step

to traditional jet fuel. At full capacity, the

and contributing to its prosperity.

toward a greener future, but also offers

Facility would produce approximately

Azure’s commitment to investing in

an array of economic benefits to the local

1 billion litres of SAF per year. Azure is

training programs ensures that the local

community, making it a pivotal moment

targeting initial SAF production in 2027.

workforce will acquire valuable skills,

for the entire region.

The impact of the Facility on the local

enhancing employability and fostering a culture of continuous learning.

The Facility Azure proposes to build

economy is profound. More than just

and operate will produce a significant

a source of employment, it’s a catalyst

The successful implementation of

amount of sustainable aviation

for growth and learnings within the

Azure’s Facility in Portage la Prairie

fuel (SAF) which will contribute

community. Azure is excited about

hinges on collaborations among key

substantially to reducing carbon

the economic benefits it will bring to

stakeholders, including government

emissions, aligning with global efforts

the region, Manitoba, and Canada

bodies, industry leaders, key partners,

34 Portage la Prairie & District Chamber

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Portage & District Business Review 2023 by DEL Communications Inc. - Issuu