WWR Day One I found a note while walking home. Not just any note. It was stuck to a piece of wood with a red tag attached to it. Usually red tags mean to keep something in place for official use. This wood was in an odd place, on the side of the convenience store, next to the bus stop. Usually this would have been reported to the authorities, but an unusual bout of curiosity made me look. The note read to stop taking my medications and keep a handwritten journal. Day Six My thoughts are starting to become clear. Tonight is the first meeting, at least that’s what the note said. I have told no one, not even my wife, Esther. I will go to this meeting and hope this isn’t a trick. Day Eighteen The meeting was true. There are others that have received the same kind of note in different locations. Others have stopped taking their medications. We are calling ourselves Clarities. Now that the fog has lifted, let me explain a few things for whomever may find this
Devin Jeneau journal in the future. My name is Mark. I am a lawyer in the year 2153. During the postindustrial age in the early 2000’s, there was an era developing at the same time that is now called the prepharmaceutical years. That was when big pharma companies began to control the health industry in any way possible. In 2092, pharma companies succeeded in their goals and started the Pharmaceutical Era. At this same time, normal, everyday people finally got their wishes for equality. Except this equality was under pharmaceutical agenda. Everyone was to take these medications every day that eventually dulls the mind and made people more complicit. Over time, pharma started messing with people’s genetics. All women have shoulder-length blonde hair, men have brown hair close to the scalp, and everyone was the same tan skin color. In the beginning, people weren’t doing what they were told. After riots, protests, and several “accidental” deaths, the government came up with FASMA: Federal Assigned Search and Monitor Act. This started weekly inspections to make sure people were swallowing their pills, Delgado Community College 51