Air Defence Missile System Modernisation (1st stage) Mission The modernised Kvadrat medium-range air defence missile system is designed to defend friendly troops and installations against modern high-speed manoeuvring strategic and tactical aircraft, as well as against attack heli copt ers and cruise missiles, under conditions of mass attack, in hostile electronic countermeasures and fire counteraction environment.
Scope of modernisation The upgrading of the Kvadrat ADM system envisages modificatio n of: (a) the SURN reconnaissance and guidance radar post: • replacement of the analogue moving target selectio n system with a digital one, featuring a suppressio n coefficient increased up to 28 30 dB; • introduction of the tracke d target classificatio n system (aircraft, helico pter, cruise missile and other classes of air targets); • extention of the illuminatio n channel waveband from 6 to 12 lettered frequencies; • replacement of ele ctro- vacuu m UHF
amplifiers with solid-state ones, including substitutio n of their hi gh- voltage power units for low-volta ge ones, as well as introducing new electronic elements; • replacement of the cathode-ra y tubes of display system with colour LCDs, which nota bl y incr e as es the amount of data displaye d and extends service life (up to 10,000 - 15,000 hours), and also reduces power consumption and the number of operating adjustments; (b) the self-propelled launcher vehicle: • introduction of testing and monitoring system providing real-time recording with subseque nt pla ybac k of all data on operation of the ADMS major elements includi ng radar, launcher and missiles. The ADMS is equipped with a testing and measuring equipment set providing integral c he c k-u p of radar/launcher electro ni c equipment. A follow-on modernisation of the Kvadrat ADMS envisa ges considera ble improvement of its co m bat ca pa biliti es by introducing some of the elements of the advanced BukM1-2 medium-range ADMS.