Radar Upgrade (Version 2)
Purpose The P-18 radar modernisation programme is proposed to repl ac e vacuum-tube components with solid-state technology and improve the radar performance.
• trans mitter control display and automatic frequenc y control am plifier; • automatic radar data reading and recording equipment; • receiver and coherent local oscillato r.
Equipme nt to be modernised includes: • active ja m ming suppres sion equipment; • digital passive int er fer e nce su ppr es sio n equipment;
Target detection range (POD=0.8), km: RCS = 2.6 sq.m, active noise directed-barrage jamming spectral density = 200 W/MHz generated by four jammers from 200-km range and 10,000-m altitude: at 3,000 m 84 at 10,000 m 150 at 20,000 m 162 Number of suppressed directions 4 Active noise jamming suppression ratio, dB, not less than 23* Clutter suppression ratio, dB, not less than 26 Asynchronous jamming suppression ratio, not less than Simultaneous suppression ratio, times, not less than: passive jamming asynchronous jamming Receiver operating frequency adjustment Automatic radar data display and target tracking Automatic jamming source tracking Throughput (targets processed within a 10-sec scanning cycle * - with jammin g/no ise ratio of 25 - 40 dB
20 20 20 electronic available available up to 120 (automatically)