AKUP-1 Automated Jammer Control System
The AKUP-1 (1L213M) automated jammer co ntrol system is designed to control operation of a group of jam ming stations of three jamming companies. Each jamming company can com prise up to nine ja m ming stations (six SPN-4s and three SPN-2s) and one automated control post.
The AKUP-1 automated jammer control system co mpri ses one AKPB automated battalion command post and three APUR automated company control post. Each post incorporates: • a co m ma nd ve hicle; • a com munications vehicle; • an electric powerplant (a 2x16-kW diesel generator and an industrial power converter); • a spare parts, tools and accessories kit (one for the whole s ystem).
Number of systems controlled: by AKPB automated battalion command post up to three APUR CPs by APUR automated company control post up to 9 SPN-2/SPN-4 (in any combination) AKPB battalion CP’s coupling range, km: with radar data source up to 20 with APUR company CP up to 20 Number of distributed targets: by AKPB CP 50 by APUR CP Data transfer rate, bit/s Into/out-of action time, min Operational readiness time (after turning-on, without data feed), min Continuous operation time, hrs
20 1,200 not more than 45
not more than 45 24
The ja m mi n g co m pa nies o per ation is coordinated by the automated battalion command post. The AKUP-1 jammer control system is fitted with the automatic testing and fault-finding equipment capable of tracing malfunctions to individual line replace able units. It can operate reliably with temperatures ranging from -50oC to +40 oC and relative air humidit y of up to 98%. The AKPB and APUR control posts are manned with seven- and six-person crews respectivel y.