Radio Set
Mission The R-163-50U radio set is designed to provide preset radio communications in the telephone, telegraph, digital data and coded signal modes between ground mobile systems at a range of up to 20 km. The R-163-50U is a fifth-ge neration radio set boasting high reliability and long service life under harsh climatic and me chanic al effects. It featur es incre as e d oper ational fre qu e nc y range, capa bilit y to preset frequencies at 1kHz freque nc y pitch; minimal preset frequency tuning time (up to 0.1 sec); incr e as e d com munic ations stability/ qualit y in hostile ECM e nviro nm e nt ; ja m- proof re ce ptio n/tr a ns mi ssio n of coded m e ss a ge s (with message pre-storage at transmit phase and readout at receive phase). Main operational modes – simplex, duplex (with additional receiver), automated mode, standby mode, address call, adaptive communications, automatic relay, and remote control. In the stand-by receive mode the radio set performs frequenc y sca nning, selects standby ja m-free frequenc y, and automaticall y stops scanning at the operational freque nc y on receiving a call. Radio sets of the same type can be automatically switched onto standby jam-free frequenc y for selective address call operation. When interfaced with external computer,
the R-163-50U radio set allows quick change of co m m u nic atio n co nditio ns by superior command posts, as well as automatic retransmission if the relay station is equipped with the additional R-163UP receiver. The radio set can be re motel y controlled at a distance of up to 10 m, being mounted on various vehicles, including helicopters. With the additional heat sink (B-11 unit) fitte d, the R-163-50U operation time is unlimited. The R-163-50UP is proposed as the R-173/R123 radio set replacement.
Waveband, MHz Frequency grid pitch, kHz Transmitter output power, W Standby frequencies Receiver sensitivity, microV Communications range, km: spike antenna
30-79.999 1 30 (automated control system output) 10 (manual) 16 (automatic) 1.2 20 (ASh-2M)
antenna mast assembly Integrated power supply, V Dimensions, mm Weight, kg
40 (AMU-5) 22.1 -29.7 428x239x222 27
Mean time between failures, hrs
at least 3,200