Mission The Veresk mobile electro-optical system is designed to perform trajectory measurements, data processing and trans mission in real time, to automaticall y track air targets (fixe d/rotarywing aircraft, missiles, bombs, etc.) an d determine their polar and Cartesian spatial coordinates with high precision from mobile and stationary instrumentation posts.
Mobile Electro-Optical System
The system is powered by a 3-phase 220/380V, 50Hz AC po w er sourc e, and consumes 10 kW. The Veresk can steadily operate at temperature ranging from -25°C to +50°C. The system is capable of performing 1,000- km m ar c hes at a speed of up to 20 km/h on unpaved roads and up to 40 km/h on highwa ys.
Composition • electro-optical theodolite (weight is less than 1,000 kg) • data processing and control equipment • Ural-type truck fitted with a platform and a cover for the theodolite, and a box body for the control equipment • ED-16 mobile diesel electric powerplant • remote optical viewing device The Veresk system is operated by a crew of two. The crew can de plo y the system fro m travelling to operational configuration within four hours. It is capable of conti nuousl y worki ng and carr yi ng out all rel e va nt measurements for at least eight hours a da y.
Coordinate control system: azimuth angular speed, deg/s elevation angular speed, deg/s TV measuring system:
up to 100 up to 30
field of view angle operating spectral range, micrometre IR measuring and tracking system: field of view angle
1°33'/7°44' 0.6-0.9
operating spectral range, micrometre Laser rangefinder: emission wavelength, micrometre RMS range tracking error, m RMS angular coordinates measurement error, ang.sec
3.0 - 5.0 ±0.1
1° - 4.5°
1.064 3 5