Delaware State University Office of Student Success Fall 2022 Newsletter

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Greetings and Welcome to the Hive!

We are excited to extend a warm welcome to our Hornet family, most especially our newest parents and families. The OSS staff and I are looking forward to another exciting year of engagement and learning with our students and parents at Delaware State University (DSU). College is a period of transition, not only for your student but also for you and other members of your family. Moreover, college can be an exciting time and, sometimes, a difficult time. Therefore, partnering with parents is critically important to support our students in attaining their goals.

You can expect to receive periodic newsletters throughout the academic year to keep you up to date on the happenings in the Office of Student Success. Please help us by communicating with us via A good way of staying up to date on OSS information is to visit our website at Success. You can find several sources of information that will keep you informed on all things student success. We will strive to provide the most up to date information possible to help you navigate the campus community and find access to resources. We are thrilled to begin the 2022 2023 school year at DSU. If at any time during the school year you need to contact me, please feel free to call

Coming together is a beginning;

a new


progress; working together is success! Henry Ford

302 857 6072 or email
Welcome to
academic year!!!! Sincerely, Ms. Jarso Jallah Saygbe IN THIS ISSUE OSS GOES DOWNTOWN | PG. 2 OSS LAUNCHES EAB'S NAVIGATE | PG. 2 2022 HORNET STUDENT GPS | PG. 7 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS | PG. 8 DIRECTOR'S CORNER | PG. 3 IMPORTANT DATES | PG. 8 ADVISOR DIRECTORY | PG. 9 BEST PRACTICES (PARENTS) | PG. 5 TIPS FOR STUDENTS | PG. 5 7 FALL 2022 VOLUME 1: ISSUE 2 Delaware State University Office of Student Success Parent Newsletter ADVISING MATTERS: Delaware State University Office of Student Success Parent Newsletter THRIVE IN THE HIVE

OSS Goes Downtown Dover

With the historic acquisition of Wesley College last year, Delaware State University (DSU) has expanded its footprint in Dover with its DSU Downtown campus, which houses the Wesley College of Health and Behavioral Sciences (WCHBS). WCHBS focuses on the fields of Public Health, Nursing, Occupational Therapy, Kinesiology, Psychology, and Social Work.

As DSU expands, the Office of Student Su needs of students on the DSU Downtown feature services from the WCHBS academi g , y director, Mrs D Michelle Rush, and the Integrated Academic Support Services (IASS) team, led by Ms Anna Cortese, Director, with the downtown location managed by Mr Jason Blank Students will be able to find tutoring support and academic advising services in the lower level of Budd Hall.

OSS Launches EAB

In September, the Office of Student Success (OSS) team launched a new tool, EAB Navigate Navigate streamlines the case notes, referral, and resource processes for the OSS team while providing students a platform to schedule tutoring, advising, and other related services. Navigate will allow faculty and staff to act collaboratively as a care team for students, monitoring their academic

progress, professional needs, and personal concerns Navigate also includes an app feature, which keeps students connected to OSS resources on the go The Navigate app can be accessed directly in the DSU Hub app or on your various app stores, the Apple store or Google Play store.

DSU Downtown Budd Hall Front Entrance
New Staff Welcome! Please help us welcome our new additions to the Office of Student Success
Ms. Nikia Wongus OSS Administrative Assistant & Budget Analyst Ms. Lorraine Williams Wesley College of Health and Behavioral Sciences
Advisor Mr. Timothy Patterson W C Jason Library Digitization Copy Cataloger Ms. Angela Harper College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences

Director's Corner

Ms. Ondrea Murphy - Library Services

Welcome to Hornet Nation! My name is Ondrea Murphy, and I am the Executive Director for Library Services here at Delaware State University. I am honored to have the opportunity to introduce myself and welcome your students to the library. The William C. Jason and Parker Library are the center of intellectual inquiry and share with the University the aspiration to be a vibrant and dynamic learning environment The library’s continued goal is to ensure that its collections are research driven, accessible, current, and diverse We acquire and maintain

information resources, offer effective instruction on the retrieval and use of materials in all formats, and provide state of the art technology for students with an anytime, anywhere, any device philosophy. In support of the Institution’s mission, it is the mission of the Delaware State University William C. Jason and Parker Library to provide materials and services to meet and supplement the academic needs of the University community on and off campus, to develop well rounded and responsible citizens, and to encourage students to discover their creative capacities For this reason, print materials, electronic books, electronic journals, subject specific and multidisciplinary databases that support academic disciplines and colleges are essential and ensure information is accessible to traditional and nontraditional students in support of teaching, learning, and research.

We are excited to assist your students in meeting their academic goals and look forward to their successful educational journey here at Delaware State University! For further information about the libraries, pleasevisit our website, contact us by phone at 302 857 6191 or email us atlibref@desu edu

Hornet Highlight

The Hornet Highlight recognizes current DSU students, their experiences, & contributions to the University Read all about their commitment to student success and how they share their talents with others to make DSU an exceptional place to learn and grow.

Kayla Eason - First Year Student, Kinesiology | Buffalo, New York

I am Kayla Eason from Buffalo, New York, and I am proud to be a Delaware State University Hornet. After what seemed like forever, graduation was finally approaching. High school was an extreme challenge to the Class of 2022 because of all the COVID 19 induced changes, but it felt like things were slowly reaching a new normal I couldn’t wait to walk across that stage, grab my diploma, and decompress before officially becoming a Hornet with my twin sister Maya at the end of August My summer was planned out I was going to spend the next two months working at a summer camp, attending graduation parties, going to the beach, and hanging out with my friends, but plans changed.

Continued on next page... 3

Hornet Highlight (cont.)

I knew for months that Maya was going to attend DSU’s Summer Academy, a program to help incoming freshmen transition into college and get a jump-start on their education, but I said repeatedly that I was not interested in attending. As I have already shared, my calendar was booked, but that did not stop Maya and my parents from extolling the virtues of the program: a head start on my college education, a practice run at being away from home and being a young adult, starting the fall semester with DSU college credits already under my belt, and the most appealing virtue? Not having to experience the first day of college jitters with hundreds of other freshmen. After a lot of internal fighting, I made the decision to apply – and I have not regretted it once. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. To be able to experience this HBCU quietly and at my own pace allowed me to see the legacy that the school was built on, and to realize that I was now a part of its present and future. The Summer Academy staff, peer mentors, and professors were all very understanding, patient, kind, and helpful. The small class sizes allowed me to interact with my teachers and peers and prevented me from feeling embarrassed asking a question or providing an answer. It was a great opportunity to meet many different people, from many different backgrounds; people that I can now call my friends.

Before I knew it, five weeks had flown by, and we were on our way home for two weeks of remote study. I wouldn’t admit it aloud to my family, but I missed being on campus! I missed being with my friends, meeting for lunch, and playing basketball with classmates. Summer Academy was exactly what I needed to end my high school chapter and begin my college chapter. I would recommend this program to any high school senior ready to do a new thing and experience all of life’s offerings. Why wait for tomorrow when you can start creating your best self today?

DSU Launches a One Stop Shop App: DSU HUB

DSU is always striving to make innovations to support student success, campus services, and connection to the greater community. The University has just launched its very own app, called DSU Hub. The app, which can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play Store, features a campus GPS, a centralized place for campus resources, communication capabilities, and allows students to be aware of campus happenings. In future months, the app will have modules for faculty, staff, parents, and alumni.

To read more, click here or on the phone image. Download app: GOOGLE PLAY | APPLE STORE


Best Practices - Parent Edition

Establish Communication Expectations

your scholar

Student Self-Advocacy


the first time, it is key that

sure to have an open and honest

your student and how often they should be

Be prepared to listen to understand rather than respond. If your student calls with a challenge, be sure to hear them out completely before responding. Now that they are a collegestudent,itisimportantthattheylearnself-advocacyskillswithyoursupport.

Growing Personally, Academically, and Professionally

Your student is growing and changing as they experience what college has to offer both academically and socially. When your student returns home to visit, they will have changed. Don’t worry! Be sure to set expectations for their visit because even though theyarechanging,youarestilltheirparent.

Enjoy This Time

You have done the work preparing your young scholar for their education. Trust that you have given your child everything they need to succeed. Take a deep breath and as you let itout,dosomethingniceforyourself.Youhaveearnedit!

Tips for Students

Email,Phone,andOfficeLocation EABNavigatetoscheduleanappointment Drop-inhours-Pleaseverifywithyouradvisors Tofindyour academic advisor,studentscanview the academic advisement directory; click here to view it.Thereareseveralwaystocontactanacademicadvisor: Checkyourschedulein Banner Self-Service foryourinstructor’snameandemail Click Changetheboxlabeled“Startswith”to“Contains.” Typeyourprofessor’sname,andtheircontactinformationwillappear. Yourprofessor’scontactinformationshouldbealsobepostedonBlackboard. Tocontactyourinstructor: How
contact my advisor?
contact my instructor?
Asstudentsentertheircollegeexperience,parentsarealsoenteringanewphaseoftheirlives. Asparentsofcollegestudents,pleaserefertothetipsbelowtohelpbothyouandyourstudent transitiontothisnewphase. Because
may be living away from
expectations and new boundaries are established. Be
conversation about what you expect from
References Ms.AnnaCortese, Mrs.SonyaMcCray, Mr.JustinBlank, Integrated Academic Support Services: Who can I contact about tutoring and assistance with my writingassignments? Email Call 302.857.7381 for an appointment Counseling Services: 5 Where can I get support for my well-being?

Tips For Students (cont.)|Phone:302-857-6326

The Office of Financial Aid virtualmeetingroomisopenMonday–Thursdayfrom8:30 AM–8:00PMandFridayfrom8:30AM-2:30PM.





The Office of Student Accounts isopenMonday–Thursdayfrom8:30AM–8:00PMand Fridayfrom8:30AM-1:00PM.



The Campus Contacts serviceisopenMonday–Fridayfrom8:30AM-4:30PMtoaid you.

DaytimePhone:302.857.6060|After-HoursPhone:302.857.6290 RefertoyourHornetStudentGPSGuide

The Center for Disability Resources (CDR)’smissionistoprovideequalopportunities andequalaccesstoeducation,programs,andactivitiesforallstudentswithdisabilitiesat DelawareStateUniversity.OfficeHours:Monday,Tuesday,Thursday,Friday-8:30AM4:30PM;Wednesday8:30AM-6:30PM.Pleaseseetheofficepersonnel'scontact informationandhoursbelowtobeassistedvirtually.

Dr. Ann Knettler, Director of Student Accessibility Services, ADA & 504 Compliance. WorkCell:302.922.7841

Ms. Juliana Senyk, M.A. - Student Accommodations


Coordinator Websiteandmoreinformation:StudentAccessibilityServices Who do I contact if I need accomodations for class? What if I need to contact someone at the University and I don't know their department? Who do I contact about my bill? Who do I contact about scholarships or financial aid? RefertoyourHornetStudentGPSGuide The Office of Records & Registration isopenMonday–Fridayfrom8:30AM-4:30PMat How do I contact the Registrar?
Mr.PhillipHolmes-PHolmes@desu.edufordirectmatters Youwillneedtocontactthe Department of Housing and Residential Education by: Who do I talk to about my Housing? DirectorytoDepartmentChairsandAssistants-ClickhereHornetGuidePg.25 DSUHub AlistofyourcollegeDeansanddepartmentChairsislistedinourHornetGuide. How do I get in contact with my Dean or Department Chair?

Tips For Students (cont.)

Advising Questions: ClickAcademicAdvisementDirectorytoemailyourAdvisor

Email: StudentSuccess@desuedu

Blackboard Questions:

MondaytoFridayfrom8:30AMto4:30PMcall3028577122oremail blackboard@desuedu

Forafter hourBlackboardsupport,call844.570.6766orclick

Banner Self Service/ All Other Technology Questions: Call3028577028oremail:Support@desuedu

Student Success workshops: Clickheretoviewworkshops:https://wwwdesuedu/academics/student success/services/student success workshops

What Office Do I Call? Hornet Student GPS Your Communication Guide for Navigating the DSU Experience

On April 14, 2022, the Office of the President debuted the “2022 Hornet Student GPS” guide Along with the guide is a message about providing a solution to the difficulties when it comes to navigating our offices here at DSU

The message read The “2022 Hornet Student GPS” is our initial attempt to help you better navigate your University experience. Inside these pages, you will find contact names, emails, and phone numbers, but you will most importantly find in red processes and protocols for seeking assistance, addressing student issues, and escalating concerns We will adapt this guide based on your feedback, but we are trying to make our commitment clear; we want a more seamless experience for our entire University, particularly for you, our students.

We wanted to extend this guide to the peripherals of our beloved parents and families, as we know these contacts are essential to communicate specifically with our office and other offices that we work closely with

Select the format preferred

view the GPS: FLIPBOOK

Who can I contact if I need additional assistance?

How can I find out information about my student's record?

Oftentimes our office receives calls from parents who want to know specific information about their student's academic or behavioral record (grades, class schedule, advisors, etc). University staff members are prohibited from providing any information about a student's recordbytheFamilyEducationalRights&PrivacyAct StudentscansignaFERPAwaiverso that University officials can discuss these matters, but students must do so with the office of the Registrar. The Office of Records & Registration is open Monday Friday from 8:30 AM

I am worried about my student. Where can I get help?

Many parents often call the Dean of Students Office when they are concerned about their students. Our office can contact other staff members to put resources in place for a student who is struggling To speak to someone about your concerns, please call the Office of Student Success at 302 857 7527 or email us at Thrive@desuedu Likewise, you can also contact the Dean of Students, Dr. Jasmine H. Buxton, Sr. Associate Vice President for StudentAffairs,at302.857.6300or302.857.7585,

References https://www desu edu/about/administration/student affairs

8 FALL 2022 VOLUME 1: ISSUE 2 SEPTEMBER 12 (MONDAY) ………………........................……… ACADEMIC EARLY ALERT PERIOD SEPTEMBER 12 (MONDAY) ………………..… EAB'S NAVIGATE APP RELEASED FOR STUDENTS SEPTEMBER 29 (THURSDAY) .......................………………......................……………… CONVOCATION OCTOBER 10 14 (MONDAY FRIDAY) ..…………… MID TERM EVALUATIONS ADMINISTERED OCTOBER 13 (THURSDAY) ………………..…………………… LAST DAY TO REMOVE INCOMPLETES OCTOBER 17 (MONDAY) .........................………………………………………… MID-TERM GRADES DUE OCTOBER 17 NOVEMBER 23 (MON WED) ..................... ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT PERIOD OCTOBER 24 25 (MONDAY TUESDAY) .............................. PRIORITY PRE REGISTRATION OCTOBER 26-NOVEMBER 23 (WED.-WED)...PRE-REGISTRATION FOR SPRING & SUMMER NOVEMBER 30 (WED) .............. LAST DAY TO DROP/WITHDRAW FROM THE UNIVERSITY NOVEMBER 24 27 (THURS SUN) THANKSGIVING RECESS (UNIVERSITY CLOSED) DECEMBER 9 (FRIDAY) ……………………................................ RESIDENCY STATUS FINAL AUDIT DECEMBER 8 (THURSDAY) ………….……................................................... LAST DAY OF CLASSES DECEMBER 12 16 (MONDAY FRIDAY) FINAL EXAMINATIONS DECEMBER 16 (FRIDAY) ………................. RESIDENCE HALLS CLOSE @ 5 PM FOR FALL 2022 DECEMBER 19 (MONDAY) …………………………................................................ FINAL GRADES DUE DECEMBER 26 JANUARY 2 (MON MON) WINTER RECESS (UNIVERSITY CLOSED) Important Dates To Know - Fall 2022 Frequently Asked Questions: Parent/Families If you are concerned about an issue affecting your student, we encourage you to begin by urging your student to speak to their academic advisor or individuals representing the department with which the concern originates. Our staff members are trained to work with college students and help them work through concerns and problems. To speak to someoneaboutyourconcerns,pleasecalltheOfficeofStudentSuccessat302 857 7527or emailusatThrive@desuedu I
have a concern about my student's experience at DSU.
I speak to for assistance
and information?

OSS Academic Advisors Directory

College of Agriculture, Science & Technology (CAST)

Agriculture (Pre-vet; General Ag), Biology (General; Health Professional; Research; Forensic Biology; Biological SciencesMedical Lab), Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering/Physics (Electrical; Optical; Biomedical), Mathematics (Mathematical Education; Math & Data Analytics), Natural Science (Food Science; Textiles & Apparel Studies)

Dr. Leroy Hawkins

Mr. Franck Yehiri

Mrs. Lynae Spratley

Dr. Marcel Poe

Last names: A - F

Last names: G - L

Last names: M - S

(302) 857-7726

(302) 857-6643 (302) 857-7349

Last names: T - Z

College of Humanities, Education & Social Sciences (CHESS)

Art, Criminal Justice, Education, English, History, Law Studies, Liberal Studies, Mass Communications, Music (Music Education; Music Industry; Music Therapy), Political Science, Sociology

Ms. Angela Harper

Dr. Carole Kpota-Middleton

Ms. Amy Kellen

College of Business (COB)

Last names: A - C

Last names: D - M

Last names: N - R

(302) 857-7984

Phone Ext

(302) 857-3708 (302) 857-6837 (302) 857-6181

Accounting, Aviation (Aviation Management; Professional Pilot), Finance (Financial Economics; Finance & Banking), Hospitality & Tourism, Management (Business Analytics; General ManagementJR & SR; Human Resource Management; Marketing; MIS/ERP), Sport Management

Mrs. Tamekca Faria-Frisby

Ms. Janet McCrea

Ms. Symone Merritt

Mrs. Tamekca Faria-Frisby

Last names: A - D

Last names: E - L

Last names: M - S

Last names: T - Z

Major Phone Ext OfficeAdvisor Students Email (302) 857-6907 (302) 857-6904 (302) 857-6958 (302) 857-6907

Wesley College of Health & Behaviorial Sciences (WCHBS)

Kinesiology, Nursing, Public Health, Psychology Social Work,

Degree - Social Work


Temporary Changes

Ms. Michele Rush

Ms. Taylor McIntosh

Ms. Lorraine Williams

Last names:

Last names:

Last names:

Transfer & DSU Legacy Students


1st Year

(302) 736-2302

BOA 108G BOA 108F BOA 108C BOA 108G

(302) 736-2432 (302) 736-2304

Ext Office (302) 857-6198

Library 214B Library 214H Library 214J Library 214I Major Phone Ext OfficeAdvisor Students Email
A - C; D – F **
K - R; G and H **
S – Z; I and J **
Budd Hall Rm. 16 Budd Hall Rm. 12 Budd Hall Rm. 14 Major Phone Ext OfficeAdvisor Students Email
Transfer & Legacy Dr. Danielle Archambault All
Library 221A
Advisor Students Email
Library 214F Library 214G Library 214C Major
OfficeAdvisor Students Email

OSS Program & Services Directory

Office of Student Success Administration

Mr. Jeffrey Attakorah

Associate Vice President

Assistant Vice President

Administrative Assistant/Budget Analyst

Project / Program Assistant

Academic Services For Student Athletes (ASSA)

Ms. Ahira Smith

Mr. Kendal Harris

Ms. LetKellae Bickham

Athletic Advisor

Athletic Advisor

Athletic Advisor

Academic Certification Specialist

Office of Student Success - Program & Services

Mr. Kevin Noriega

Ms. Anna Cortese

Mr. Justin Blank

Ms. Gloria Knowles

Coordinator of Student Transitions

Academic Intervention & Retention Specialist

Director, Opportunity Scholars Program

Director, Integrated Academic Support Services

Assistant Director, Writing Studio

Coordinator, Integrated Academic Support Services

Coordinator, Retention Programs & Services

(302) 857-6072 (302) 857-6388

(302) 857-7542 (302) 857-7201

Library Rm. 229

Library Rm. 223A

Library Rm. 232

Library Rm. 209

(302) 857-7974 (302) 857-7263 (302) 857-7415 (214) 399-5566

Library Rm. 226

Rm. 227B


(302) 857-7646

(302) 857-7252 (302) 857-6188 (302) 857-6387 (302) 857-7539

(302) 736-2571 (302) 857-6334

Office of Undergraduate Research, Experiential Learning & Honors (URELAH)

Mrs. Shonda Poe

Ms. Danielle Craig

Mrs. Terry Paul Smith


Assistant Director

Secretary / Program Assistant

(302) 857-6715

(302) 857-7958 (302) 857-7514

Library Rm. 214A

Library Rm. 208

Library Rm. 221B

Library Rm. 206A

Library Rm. 207

Budd Hall Rm. 03

Library Rm. 213

Library Rm. 223B

Library Rm. 200

Library Rm. 223

227A Remote/Virtual Phone Ext OfficeName Position Email
Phone Ext OfficeName Position Email
10 FALL 2022 VOLUME 1: ISSUE 2
Phone Ext OfficeName Position Email
Phone Ext OfficeName Position Email
Contacts: THRIVE@DESU EDU | (302) 857 7527 Click here for the OSS brochure Ms. Jarso Jallah Saygbe | Editor In Chief Dr. Danielle Archambault | Co Managing Editor Ms. Lorraine M. Williams | Co Managing Editor Mr. Jeffrey Attakorah | Deputy & Copy Editor Editorial Staff Thank you for taking the time to read our newsletter We hope you found it informative and useful. If you have any questions or concerns, or need to reach out to the Office of Student Success, please feel free to contact us via the information provided in this newsletter Contact Information Parents! Guardians! Families! We want to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to fill out our parent satisfaction survey: Click here for the survey PARENT SATISFACTION SURVEY Please share! Your newsletter comments and feedback are welcome and encouraged Share your inspirational stories and DSU successes with us! Please send information to OSS SUCCESS STORIES 7 11 FALL 2022 VOLUME 1: ISSUE 2 Delaware State University was founded in 1891 and is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE) For important safety and consumer information, please visit desu edu/consumer information OFFICE OF STUDENT SUCCESS (OSS) WILLIAM C. JASON LIBRARY - SECOND FLOOR BANK OF AMERICA BUILDING - SUITE 108 DOWNTOWN CAMPUS - BUDD HALL - LOWER LEVEL Satellite Locations Main Location

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