3 minute read
The V Foundation


At the 55th International Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, the Board of Regents announced Delta Chi’s partnership with The V Foundation for Cancer Research and named The V Foundation as the Fraternity’s preferred charitable organization.
The V Foundation started with the dream of Jim Valvano, the passionate and committed former North Carolina State basketball coach and award-winning broadcaster, as he battled cancer. Wanting to see the battle through to victory, Valvano recruited friends and family to lead The V Foundation in his quest to eradicate the disease that ultimately claimed his life.
It has been 14 years since ESPN and Jim Valvano founded The V Foundation for Cancer Research. And what significant work has been accomplished during that time! Since 1993, The V Foundation has raised more than $70 million and awarded cancer research grants in 37 states and the District of Columbia.
The V Foundation has an excellent track record for finding and funding elite young scientists. Between 1994 – when the first V Scholar grants were awarded – and 2003, The V Foundation awarded 109 V Scholar grants to promising young researchers nationwide to help them establish their laboratories.
The V Foundation also takes great pride in its fiscal responsibility and is proud to announce that it gives 100 percent of all new direct cash donations to cancer research and related programs. Recognized for its prudent fiscal management, The V Foundation has earned a top four-star rating from Charity Navigator, America’s largest charity evaluator, for a fourth consecutive rating.
As the excitement unfolded at Convention, Delta Chi made a pledge to donate $100,000 as a collective effort of all our chapters, colonies, alumni chapters and alumni by the 56th International Convention. Convention is fast approaching this summer, and we only have a few months to make the final push to meet the Fraternity’s pledge.
According to The V Foundation records, Delta Chi’s chapters, colonies, and members have raised over $86,000 (as of May 15, 2008) of its pledge. The Fraternity has reached over 85% of its goal, but this begs the question: Will Delta Chi merely meet its goal? Or will her dedicated members step up and exceed the pledge? The V Foundation is an outstanding cause, a cause that touches many of our members personally. Delta Chi can exceed its goal and be a worthy partner in the fight against cancer! 1. Donate via The V Foundation’s web site at www.jimmyv.org, click on “How to Donate” at the top of the page. In the comments box please put “DELTA CHI FRATERNITY” to be sure The V Foundation can track our progress. Then forward the email copy of your donation to hq@deltachi. org for Delta Chi’s records.
2. As a chapter or colony collects donations through planned events, please send the check directly to The V Foundation, along with a note briefly describing the event. Include the name of the event, date, location, how much money the event raised, how many man hours were contributed, the name of the chapter or colony’s contact person, the name of the chapter or colony and identification as The Delta Chi Fraternity. Please email a copy of the note to hq@deltachi.org for our records as well. Donations should be mailed to:
DID yOu KNOw...
• One in every two men will get cancer in his lifetime
• Three out of every four American families will have at least one family member diagnosed with cancer.
• Cancer is the second leading cause of death, responsible for one in four deaths.
• Other than accidents, cancer is the leading cause of death among children.
• Common causes of cancer: tobacco use, environmental factors, sun exposure, and unhealthy diet.
• Passion, Friendship and
Commitment. These themes run deep in The V Foundation.
• Friendships, Character, Justice and Education. These are Delta Chi’s core values. The V Foundation for Cancer Research 106 Towerview Court Cary, North Carolina 27513
3. Get involved at the local level by volunteering at sponsored events already scheduled in your area by logging onto www.jimmyv.org and clicking on “Events.”