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Donor list
2006-07 Delta Chi Loyalty Fund Donors
Please join the loyal Delta Chis listed below who have stood up to be counted during the 2006-2007 school year with gifts to their Fraternity.
Non Life Loyal members can renew their subscriptions to the Quarterly by donating $35 for three years or $50 for five years, or they can become Life Loyal Delta Chis by submitting a $350 ($295 for an active, student member) check for Life Loyal membership to Delta Chi Fraternity, P.O. Box 1817, Iowa City, IA 52244 or by going to www.deltachi. org/life loyal and clicking on “Donate online.” Existing Life Loyal members can also see their names in this list next year by making a donation during the ’07-’08 school year. You may be wondering.... why does Delta Chi need a Loyalty Fund program? That’s easy. Delta Chi must increase its income in order to remain competitive. Our undergraduates are already doing their part. In fact, did you know that our alumni outnumber our undergraduates by 16 to 1, yet undergraduates provide for more than 80% of the Fraternity’s budget? Our alumni can do better. And we feel that special recognition must be given to those stepping forward to do their part. Read the box on the next page to see what a Life Loyal Membership brings you. The Fraternity needs your direct support. More importantly, our undergraduates need your support. If you join now, it will save your Fraternity the cost of sending out solicitation letters and allow that much more of your gift to go where it is needed most! Gifts to the Delta Chi Fraternity are not tax deductible.
The Delta Chi Fraternity would like to extend a special thank you to Brothers Steve Michels, Marquette ’87, and Don LaPlante, USC Faculty, for their generous support of the Fraternity’s “A”s’ Academy through their earmarked gifts to the Foundation. In addition to their support, an additional $1,332 was donated to the Foundation and designated by the donors to be for the grant to Delta Chi for the “A”s’ Academy, and we wish to thank those unidentified individuals as well.
AbRACADAbRA Alan George .........’50 L# David Kellogg........’07 L•• Yun Kim . . . . . . . . . . . .’93
AlAbAMA • Brian Bugge .........’97 • David Tate...........’82 L# Jon Vice . . . . . . . . . . . .’70 • Stan Williams........’60
AlbERTA Gordon Lee Paul Welke ..........’04
AMERICAN • Jonathan Ginsberg ...’94
APPAlAChIAN STATE L•• Reed Davis..........’02 L•• Matthew Fendley . . . . .’06 L(F) John McPherson.....’91 Paul Pennell.........’07 ARIZONA • Glenn Baird .........’75 L# Chad Becker.........’97 L# Andrew Dipsia .......’07 • Charlie Hong ........’95 • Geoffrey Knight ......’93 L# Enrique Pumar.......’07 L# Trevor Richman ......’07 Louis Storm.........’67
ARIZONA STATE L# Joseph Feathers......’06 • Jason Hansen .......’94 L# Chad Wolett .........’94
AubuRN L•• Mike Carroll .........’71 • Robert Dade.........’68 L# Gary Monk..........’65 • Bradford Snuggs .....’02 Dale Wingo .........’59 AuGuSTA Carlo Bracci Sr Leonard Manning Sr . .’81 L•• Charles Valder .......’82
bAll STATE L(F) PATRICK AlDERDICE ’92 L# Brian Martin.........’99
bRyANT L•• James Marascio .....’93
CAl POly • Gary Caulkins........’68 Steven Nyholm ......’97 • John Reed ..........’94 L# Marc Zaccaria .......’07
CENTRAl MIChIGAN Mark Dabran ........’84 L•• Nicholas Vincent .....’06
CENTRAl MISSOuRI L•• Jason Butler.........’99 • Brian Capps .........’78 L# Karl Grindel .........’01 L# Thomas Ketteman ....’72 Paul Niemann .......’74 Mitchell Schupp......’00
ChICO L# David Temko ........’07
ClEMSON • Christopher Diak .....’94 L# Christopher Gardner ..’06 L# David Postlewaite ....’06
COASTAl CAROlINA L# John Adamec........’06
COlORADO L•• Chad Brue ..........’95 Ian Patrick ..........’91
COlORADO STATE L# Gage Osthoff ........’07 L Tim Ulrich...........’04
Each brother supporting Delta Chi Fraternity with a $350* (one time) contribution will be honored as a life loyal and will be afforded the following important benefits and privileges: • Special nametag at international meetings • Invitation to the Life Loyal Delta Chi reception at Convention • Permanent special recognition on the Delta Chi website • $100 off Convention registration • Special Life Loyal lapel pin • Lifetime subscription to the Quarterly
*Special price of $295 for active, student members. Please note: Gifts to the Fraternity after 10/31/07 will be recognized in the 2007-2008 Annual Report with will appear in the Fall/Winter 2008 Quarterly.
CONNECTICuT • Greg Ellner ..........’82 Aaron Spicker .......’86 • Ronald Topping . . . . . .’58
CORNEll L# Dustin Dennis .......’07 L# Matthew Findlay......’07 • Henry Kao ..........’87 Timothy Sharp.......’02
CREIGhTON Ronald Dorsey.......’95 Kevin Stewart........’89
DAVIS COlONy L# Chris D ’Alo .........’07 • Aaron Hunger
DENISON •(F) Neil Fackler..........’76 L# Thomas McGilly......’07 • Mark Snider .........’01 DEPAuw • Norman Buck........’40 • Greg Fox............’88 • Herbert Grimes ......’49 • Derek Maitland.......’01 Christopher Terhune ..’02
DuQuESNE L# Matthew Guercio .....’09 L# Paul Matvey .........’06 • Andrew Wachter .....’00
EAST CAROlINA Michael Nichols ......’93
EAST STROuDSbuRG COlONy L# Stephen Blank .......’07
EASTERN IllINOIS •(F) Stephen Anderson....’72 Russell Griffin .......’67 • Larry Heaton, II ......’78
1,000 INITIATES Club
Washington.... 1,975 DePauw ........ 1,316 Illinois ........ 1,942 S. California ..... 1,309 Arizona ....... 1,916 Alabama ........ 1,292 Michigan St. ... 1,875 Auburn ......... 1,116 Penn State..... 1,696 NW Missouri .... 1,098 Cornell ....... 1,658 Michigan........ 1,072 Kansas ....... 1,638 Minnesota....... 1,061 Purdue ....... 1,546 S. Illinois ....... 1.034 Iowa ......... 1,519 W. Michigan . . . . . 1,020 Miami ........ 1,518 Abracadabra ..... 1,015 Idaho......... 1,424 As of 6/30/07
EASTERN wAShINGTON COlONy • Daren Carstens ......’91
ElMhuRST • Lance Marshall ......’93
EMbRy-RIDDlE •(F) Lee Clements........’80 Steven Cloyd ........’97 Matthew Dorney .....’97 L# Steven McCowan.....’98 L•• Kirk Price ...........’71 L•• Bill Tallman..........’95 Jason Thomas.......’02 L••(F) David Wright ........’78
FERRIS STATE L# Ryan Kriesch ........’07
FlORIDA COlONy L••(F) Eric Broadie .........’99 L••(F) David DeBari ........’84 • Michael Dresback ....’95 L•(F) Russell Driscoll ......’57 • Michael Hoepner, Jr. ..’99 Thomas Jaeger ......’72 L# Andre Krumholz......’08 Herbert Laird ........’52 L# Marc Levitt..........’08 • Arthur Lieb..........’00 Jason Mesiarik.......’97 Roger Miller.........’42 L••(F) Keith Shriver ........’79 • Mark Spiecker .......’93 • Christopher Waite ....’89 • Wayne Williams......’85
FlORIDA STATE Joseph Blunk........’65 Corrigan Byrne.......’93 • Robert Hoerter.......’63 L•• Robert Hutchinson ...’94 L cHucK Mancuso ...’84
FROSTbuRG L# Jonathan Palmer . . . . .’07
FullERTON Dwight Millard .......’86 • Michael Morrissey....’82 (F) John Nevin..........’69 L# Jason Nussbaum.....’93 GANNON L•• Bill Williams .........’83 • Glen Ziccarelli........’93
GEORGIA SOuThERN L# Rusty Williams.......’05
GEORGIA TECh • Jimmy Andrews......’92 George Barnes.......’02 David Chellgren ......’99 L# Benjamin Howard ....’07 William Lawder ......’02 • Matthew Mason......’01 L# Steven Shockley .....’92 L••(F) Andrew Smith .......’94 L•• Lyle Sprinkle.........’96 L# Ty Watson ..........’06 L# Troy Watson.........’07
GORhAM STATE L•(F) Dana Dow ..........’73
hObART Eliot Lothrop ........’01 L(F) DUANE MEYER . . . . . .’58
hOuSTON L# Joe Pyle ............’61
IDAhO • Max Hoskins ........’68 Kevin Jones .........’00 L#(F) Johnathan Koelsch ...’95 L# MichaelKoelsch ......’99 L# Thomas Koelsch .....’03 Matthew Kundrat.....’02 • Glen Schorzman .....’67
IllINOIS L•(F) Mark Borelli .........’81 L•• Raymond Borelli .....’58 L#(F) Gregory Cazel........’84 L Lynn Dueser.........’63 L# Scott King ..........’07 L#(F) Michael Kinkelaar.....’79 • Kenneth Lies ........’81 (F) William Odell ........’80 L# Frank Voris..........’61 •(F) Thomas Wilson . . . . . .’81
1890 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Founded 1900 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .858 1910 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,157 1920 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4,285 1930 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,413 1940 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11,940 1950 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16,424 1960 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22,484 1970 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32,661 1980 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43,751 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61,398 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81,474 2007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93,467 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ???,???
IllINOIS STATE Martin Grant.........’91 Fred Lotter ..........’76
INDIANA L# Harry Bolton.........’65 Brandon Hayden .....’97 Calvin Immel ........’51 L# George Rambow III...’97 L# Mark Stahl ..........’80 Christopher Staton ...’01 Brian Weyhrich ......’02
IOwA L• Ben Berg ...........’43 L•• Doug Galbreth .......’04 L•• Thomas Halupnik.....’70 L• John Hogle..........’47 • Alan Okamura .......’64 L•• Tom Rockwell .......’81
IOwA STATE • Nathan Bibus ........’97 Adam Koltz..........’65 Scott Schaefer .......’85
JACKSONVIllE STATE • Robert Butler ........’82 Benjamin Smith......’02
JAMES MADISON • Matthew Cunningham ’02 L# Christopher Kane.....’07 • Bradley Ross ........’02
JOhNSTOwN • James LeVan ........’80 L# Joshua J. Staph......’06
KANSAS • Ronald Boyle ........’61 Matt Hamill..........’98 L# Braden Hopkins......’96 L• Matthew Kenton .....’00 L•• Jimmie Underwood... ’or
KANSAS CITy Billy Johnston .......’72 James Wilcher.......’88
KANSAS STATE L# Michael Carlin .......’07 L•• Michael Dichiser .....’95 L•• Tony McClain ........’00 • Eric Nelson..........’00 L aaron otto .......’98
KENT STATE L••(F) Steve Bossart........’90 L# Brett Norris .........’07 L#(F) Darren Talbert .......’91 L•• Michael Weaver ......’02 L# Richard Wilson ......’04
KENTuCKy L# Justin McNeil........’07 Ralph Wilson ........’51
KETTERING-b L•• Keiran Butterfield.....’00 • Rene Owczarski......’02
lAKE FOREST L# Stacy Lloyd IV .......’00 • Jack Schofield .......’56
lIVINGSTON • Rodney Harris .......’69 • Jerry McGriff ........’67
lONG bEACh • Carlos Bejines .......’93 L# Alvaro Castillo .......’97 • Quentin Fleming......’80 L@ MiKe WoolBriGHt .’86
lOuISIANA TECh L•• Samuel Guy .........’07 L••(F) Stephen Henson •(F) Robin Sipes .........’94 L# Stuart Snook ........’93 L•• John Ziegler, Jr. ......’01
lOuISVIllE L••(F) Eddie Beavers .......’85
MANKATO L•• Mike Davy ..........’01 Michael Hubbard .....’98 • John Poslusny
MARQuETTE L# Phillip Hutchinson ....’90 Thomas Nelson L• Michael Spica........’00 MARShAll COlONy Brian King ..........’07
MARylAND James Mead ........’96 James Wallingford....’92
MASSAChuSETTS • Richard Trombetta....’90 L MILES WASHBURN ..’87
MIAMI James Beeler ........’63 • Douglas Burgher . . . . .’82 Gregory Drensky .....’96 ••(F) James McNamee.....’62 •(F) Gavin Ryan..........’82 Blake Schmidt .......’08 Andrew Thornton.....’98
MIChIGAN • Joe Burak...........’98 • James Fuger ........’82 Keith Hellems........’62 •(F) John Holmes ........’65 • John Levinson .......’73 L•(F) Jeff Schoenherr ......’91
MIChIGAN STATE • Robert Alati .........’94 Mark Bourdo ........’84 L••(F) David Clapper........’70 L••(F) Jim Ferrara..........’81 L#(F) Martin Flynn.........’79 • Stephen L. Kerber ....’02 • Michael B Suthers ....’70
MINNESOTA Richard Allen ........’71 • Clark Cummins ......’56 Douglas Gillespie.....’63 • Matthew Johnson ....’01 • Peter Livingston......’83 L# Michael Tompkins . . . .’81
MISSISSIPPI STATE • Charles Foretich......’86 • Robert Hubbard......’88 L# Michael Provencher...’03
MISSOuRI ••(F) Joseph Bevirt........’53 •• David Foster.........’99 Dennis Fowler .......’79 L# Ray Galbreth ........’69 • Gary Schmedding ....’61 L••(F) James Sheahan ......’79
MISSOuRI STATE •• Scott Leigh..........’90 •• Gary Liberty .........’88 L••(F) Matthew Wolniewicz ..’88
MONTClAIR L#(F) Father Art Humphrey
MONTEVAllO •• Stephen Condrey.....’78 Mark Gore ..........’80
NEw hAVEN •(F) Michael Regan.......’83
NEw MEXICO STATE L•• Jeff McAdoo.........’00 L# Jonathan Nichols.....’05
NORTh CAROlINA STATE Jonathan Moore .....’90 L•• Samuel Shapiro
NORTh DAKOTA L•• Michael Ross........’01 • Lon Sears...........’89
NORThERN MIChIGAN John V. Lawler .......’93
NORThwESTERN L# Kenneth Bellaire......’99 Jeremy Gabe ........’02 L MARK SChRAMKA L# Coh Yoshizaki........’07
Nyu • Eric Nelson..........’37
OhIO STATE L••(F) Navy Banvard........’80 L•• Paul Bohlman .......’70 John Bramlet ........’95 • George Carter........’59 • Brian Code ..........’80 L• Sherwood Fawcett....’41 L MONTE JOHNSON ...’69 Albert Leyerle........’54 L•• John Lushbaugh .....’49
continued on p.8
• ............................................................. $50 – 99 •• ........................................................... $100 – 249 # ............................................................ $250 – 499 ALL CAPS ...................................................... $500 – 999 bOlDFACE, All CAPS .......................................... $1,000 – 2,499 Boldface, all caps, italic .................................... $2,500 – 4,999 Boldface, all caps, italic, underline ........................... $5,000 – 9,999 Boldface, all caps, italic, underline, @ ........................ $10,000 and up l = Life Loyal with additional giving from 7/1/06 to 10/31/07. Others are listed on www.deltachi.org. 2006-2007 Donors who, by combining their gifts to their Fraternity with gifts to the Foundation through 12/31/04, have reached the lifetime giving level of the Founders’ Circle (F) ($1,000) are indicated above while donors who have reached higher levels are on page 10 and departed donors who had reached at least the Kimball’s Club ($2,500) in their lifetime are on page 10.
Theodore Nemeth ....’98 Geoffrey Westerfield ..’01
OKlAhOMA David Dobie .........’41 L• John Gaskill .........’42 L•• Fredrick Hammert ....’60 L•• Fred Stalder .........’42 • Kevin Wineinger......’88
OKlAhOMA STATE Frank Aaron, Jr. ......’67 Leslie Davidson ......’66 • Scott Hines..........’93 • William Lewis........’84 L# Jerry Perkins ........’68 • Michael S. Smith .....’70 • Don A Wilkinson .....’70
OREGON STATE L•• Richard Hover .......’68 Ben Innes...........’76 L• Mark Landstrom .....’83 L KURT LUTTERMAN...’83 • Ralph Smith.........’64
OSGOODE hAll ••(F) John Dean ..........’67
OShKOSh L•• Richard Howarth . . . . .’92 L MIChAEl MORIARTy ’71 L# Dan Roskom ........’75 PARSONS • Maurice Keesey ......’68
PENN STATE •(F) Charles Evans .......’32 •(F) Nadeem Kureshi .....’85 Christopher Nardo....’89 L•• Michael Rimer .......’86
PITTSbuRGh L# John Helter II ........’06
PuRDuE Mark Alteri ..........’05 L•• Bill Humphrey .......’85 • Kenneth Klutzke......’78 L•• Harry Powell ........’49 Jeffrey Shirrell .......’01 Jason Shirrell........’01 L# Nicholas Smith ......’06 John Stasny.........’57 • Walter Taggart .......’59
RADFORD L# Daniel Lane .........’97 Daniel Schuster ......’97
RuTGERS L# Brian Weinfeld . . . . . . .’07
SOuTh DAKOTA STATE L# Matthew Mack.......’07
SOuTh FlORIDA • Richard Walther......’01 SOuThEAST MISSOuRI L# Daniel Janowski......’09 Daniel Montgomery...’80 L•• John Schulte ........’80 Bruce Skinner .......’96 (F) Robert Topolski ......’79
SOuThERN CAlIFORNIA • Kevin Dawson .......’83 Richard Eimers ......’66 • Mark Haney .........’02 L# Todd Holmes ........’07 L# Carey Jue ...........’84 • Terence Kahn ........’65 L Donald. LaPlante L# Rawiri Merito ........’07 L# Noah Miller..........’06 L••(F) Michael Nangano.....’82 L••(F) John Samore ........’94 L•• Corey Shigematsu....’97 L# Clayton Stone........’07
SOuThERN IllINOIS L#(F) Brad Cole ...........’93 • Michael Curto........’01 L# Forrest Fairall ........’81 Ryan Garth..........’96 William Kiley ........’70 •• Gordon Rains........’70 Raymond Yano ......’65
STANFORD • Lloyd Aubry . . . . . . . . .’48 William Woolf .......’39 STEPhEN F. AuSTIN L# Daniel Meek .........’06
SyRACuSE (F) James Crawford .....’69 L# Chad Davis..........’05
TEXAS •• Roger Abernathy . . . . .’50 • Robert Blakley .......’70 L# Ratheen Damle ......’01 L• Lorenzo Ramirez . . . . .’07 • James Thokey .......’41
TEXAS A&M L# Rod Arnold..........’88 Brandie Wilkinson . . . .’95
TEXAS STATE L# Chris Cashdollar .....’94
TEXAS TECh • Steven Herring.......’86 (F) John White
TRI-STATE • William Butz, Jr.......’01 L# Thomas Griffin.......’04 • Oliver Mereau........’02 (F) Donald Stripling......’70 L TRENT uNTERbRINK .’98 L# David Wertz .........’03
TROy STATE L# Henry Faulk .........’75 L•• Bert Kelly ...........’89
TRuMAN STATE L# Alexander Horowitz ...’06 L••(F) Larry Nothnagel......’79 • Cary Tompkins IV ....’02
uClA • Francis Barker .......’40
uNION •• Edward Langholz.....’57
VAlDOSTA L(F) Steven Corbett.......’77 • Terry Shamblin ......’78
VIRGINIA COMMONwEAlTh L•• Robert Bayers .......’91
VIRGINIA TECh • Michael Indjeian......’95 Marc Povell .........’00
wAShINGTON •• Donald Holman ......’51 L••(F) Robert LaBouy.......’66 Michael Mowrer......’69 Craig Smith .........’78 • Eric Thoreson........’65
wAShINGTON STATE •• Howard Clerf ........’51 • Brian Gentry.........’97 Peter Krebs .........’96 L# Mike Majestic........’90
wAyNE STATE Michael Papciak......’63
wEST ChESTER Gregory Black .......’02
wESTERN CAROlINA COlONy L•(F) Wayne Phillips II .....’94 L# Bryan Thomason.....’07
wESTERN MIChIGAN Aaron Banach .......’92 L•(F) James English .......’89 • William English ........ L# Jacob Lonc .........’07 L•• Barry Peters.........’89 L STEVEN SPARlING...’88 John Swander, Sr ....’62
whITEwATER Randall Hoyt ........’96 L•(F) Stuart Lyngaas.......’73
wIllIAM & MARy L# Scott Babinowich.....’07
yOuNGSTOwN • David Dickson .......’75
Congratulations to the 2008 Borelli Family Leadership Award Winners
This award was established by Raymond Borelli. Illinois ’58, “AA” Emeritus, and Mark R. Borelli, Illinois ’81, to honor the memory of: Pamela Anne Borelli (beloved daughter and sister) and Mrs. Patricia Ann Borelli (beloved wife and mother)
the requirements for the borelli family leadership award are:
• Academic Achievement • Chapter Leadership • Campus Involvement
it is our pleasure to recognize these outstanding brothers
andrew t. Cahan
Radford University
andrew S. lindSey
Jacksonville State