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abraCadabra aluMni
Representing the Abracadabra Chapter at the UC Berkeley Ball at the Grand Hyatt in Hong Kong the Sunday before Thanksgiving were Rey Espineli ’80, Roy Huang ’79, and Phil Yang ’80.
Kent Soffel, Cornell ’65
The Washington Chapter House Corporation presented Kent Soffel, Cornell ’65, with his Meritorious Service Award for his long-time service and dedication to the Washington Chapter and its House Corporation. In the photo are (from left to right) Ed Rich, Dick Edwards, Kent Soffel, and Bernie Sigler.

John gioffredi, Iowa State ’78
John Gioffredi is presented with his Meritorious Service Award for outstanding service as the Dallas/ Fort Worth Area Alumni Chapter President. Presenting the award to Gioffredi is Fred Hammert, President of the Delta Chi Educational Foundation.

dr. don Jeffrey, Troy State
Dr. Don Jeffrey has been named Vice Chancellor for the Troy University-Dothan campus. Dr. Jeffrey was most recently the interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and the former Dean of the College of Health and Human Services at Troy University.
alex Saad, Livingston ’75
The University of West Alabama thanked UWA trustee Alex Saad (center) during a UWA football game for his generous contribution to the Ira D. Pruitt Division of Nursing. Through his gift to “The University We Will Be” capital campaign, the Dorothy Sturges Saad Nursing Wing in Brock Hall was named in honor of his mother, a member of the Alabama Nursing Hall of Fame. He also endowed the Dorothy S. Saad Nursing Scholarship and the John E. Saad Scholarship for the College of Business. Presenting Saad with a framed citation are Clemit Spruiell, Vice President of Institutional Advancement, and UWA President Richard Holland.

donald e. laplante Southern California Faculty

Donald E. LaPlante, Southern California Faculty, has been honored by the Downey (California) Unified School District with the naming of the new science building at his alma mater, Warren High School, as “Donald E. LaPlante Hall.” He was honored for his 28 years of service on the District’s Board of Education.