6 minute read
lifelong Committment
life to date giving Club levelS of living aluMni
nEw FounDER ............................. $100,000+ oRDER oF THE SCRoLL (Scr) ..................... $75,000+ MARTLET CLub (M) ........................... $50,000+ oRDER oF THE SCIMITAR (Sc).................... $25,000+ oRDER oF THE SHIELD (Sh)...................... $10,000+ SIR EDwARD CokE CLub (C) ...................... $5,000+ kIMbALL’S CLub (K) ........................... $2,500+ FounDERS’ CIRCLE (F) .......................... $1,000+ PRESIDEnT’S CLub (P) ............................$500+
The following list represents lifetime donations to the Fraternity combined with donations to the Foundation reported to us (last date: 12/31/04). Based on that information, the 410 loyal members in the Founders’ Circle and the 688 loyal members in the President’s Club ($500-$999) have not been printed here due to limited space. Those who gave to the Fraternity this past year (July 1, 2006 to October 31, 2007) may be identified by the (F) or (P) designation after their names in the 2006-07 Delta Chi Loyalty Fund Listing on pages 6-8.
Please note: Gifts to the Fraternity after 10/31/07 will be recognized in the 2007-2008 Annual Report with will appear in the Fall/Winter 2008 Quarterly.
Delta Chi – A Lifelong Commitment!
NEw FOuNDER ($100,000+) James Dodson, OK ’58 Fredrick Hammert, OK ’60 Steven Michels, MARQ ’87 Roy Payne, COR ’52 Phil Yang, ABRA ’80 MARTlET Club ($50,000+) Tim Crown, KS ’86 Robert Hendershot, PUR ’72 Michael Carroll, AUB ’71 ORDER OF ThE SCIMITAR ($25,000+) Gary Monk, AUB ’65 Forrest Hoglund, KS ’56 Miles Washburn, MASS ’87 ORDER OF ThE ShIElD ($10,000+) Paul Bohlman, OHST ’70 Raymond Borelli, IL ’58 Lawrence Clarkson, DEP ’60 John Elfervig, LATECH Edward Fusco, EMBRID ’73 Ray Galbreth, MO ’69 Larry Gies, IL ’88 Greg Hauser, MIST ’75 Monte Johnson, OHST ’69 Chuck Mancuso, FLST ’84 Mike Moskos, DEP ’85 Paul Picciani, UCONN ’89 Steven Sparling, WMI ’88 L Eugene Tanner, IN ’55 Gene Thompson, ID ’46 John Tunila, UCONN ’81 Jimmie Underwood, KS ’51 Mike Woolbright, LB ’86 SIR EDwARD COKE Club ($5,000+) Jim Alex Jr., ORST ’74 Harry Allgauer, PUR ’52 J T Arenberg, IL ’47 James Ascher, KS ’52 Jonathan Beinke, GATECH ’94 Brian Blankenship, GATECH ’98 Boyd Boehlje, IAST ’61 Smith Boyd, LIV ’74 Francis Bradley, TX ’89 John Brogan, IL ’36 Brian Crawford, GATECH ’92 David Drews, GATECH John Edenfield, GATECH ’06 David Entzminger, ID ’76 Dale Espich, DEP ’51 Geoffrey Farmer, OHST ’71 Travis Freeman, IL ’47 John Gioffredi, IAST ’78 Thomas Glasgow, MIST ’68 Carl Goltermann, IL ’50 James Graham, IL ’81 Jeffrey Hainline, IL ’77 Gregory Heckman, IL ’84 Steven Henslee, OKST ’75 George Hopkins, IAST ’61 Gordon Jones, SCAL ’51 Richard Kauders, COR ’69 Scott Klinefelter, NIA ’76 Kenneth Lies, IL ’81 Brian LoCicero, MARQ ’88 Charles Marshall, IL ’51 Edward McCallum, KS ’56 John Melvin, OHST ’55 John Mica, FL ’67 Harold Missimer, PAST ’66 Max Mohler, IN ’60 Michael Moriarty, OSHK ’71 Joseph Neirinck, BALST ’63 Alan Niemann, OKST ’82 Aaron Otto, KSST ’98 Edward Park, GATECH ’97 Barry Peters, WMI ’89 Donald Petit, STAN ’36 Robert Riddett, LEH ’74 Phillip Ruppel, SIL ’65 Jonathan Sattler, APPST ’87 Keith Snook, LATECH ’96 Marc Solondz, IN ’87 Frank Voris, IL ’61 Dean Wilkerson, LATECH ’92 Chad Wolett, AZST ’94 Jeff Woods, MO ’89 Ken Young, AUB ’69 Michael Zung, TX ’92 KIMbAll’S Club ($2,5000+) Robert Anderson, TX ’68 Kenneth Aschom, MIST ’76 Larry Audlehelm, IA ’71 Steve Austin, OKST ’75 Howard Baulch, SMU ’76 Carl Benson, SMU ’60 Alan Bermensolo, ID ’76 Peter Bix, EMBRID ’80 Paul Bohannon, OKST ’72 Jeff Boone, SAC ’86 Jack Caperton, SMU ’49 Richard Chenoweth, IL ’58 Chi Chung, GATECH ’98 Kelvin Cole, CEMO ’70 Jeremy Coullard, SYRA ’69 Ratheen Damle, TX ’01 Anthony Deley, IL ’85 Michael Dickerson, AZ ’78 John Dorner, ILST ’91 Robert Eason, LEH ’75 David Edwards, GAS ’86 Barry Eller, FL ’71 Ralph Fabozzi, EMBRID ’73 Sherwood Fawcett, OHST ’41 Dennis Fielder, FL ’66 James Gaebe, IL ’59 John Galvin, IN ’54 David Geiselhart, IL ’87 Anthony Goczalk, EMBRID ’77 Brian Godsy, HUNTS ’81 Mark Goebel, DEP ’78 Max Goecker, BALST ’88 Warren Haeberle, MARQ ’78 David Hale, JACKST ’70 Brian Heeren, IN ’86 Milton Herchenrider, PAST ’48 Lawrence Herkimer, SMU ’48 Bill Humphrey, PUR ’85 Robert Kaiser, OHST ’51 Charles Kelley, HUNTS ’80 Herbert Klein, SCAL ’40 Peter Korch, JOHNS ’84 Lee Lahr, DEP ’52 Donald Landis, PAST ’62 Donald LaPlante, SCAL Faculty William Leasure, GATECH ’93 Albert Leyerle, OHST ’54 Jeffrey Long, IL ’74 Edward Loseman, LB ’72 Donald Lukens, OHST ’54 Michael Majestic, WAST ’90 James Marascio, BRY ’93 Von Mason, PUR ’60 Timothy McCarty, IL ’89 Ronald McCoy, AUG ’84 Kenneth Merrick, DEP ’48 Thomas Monroe, MIST ’47 Russell Nash, UCONN ’75 Eric Nelson, NYU ’37 David Nelson, AZ ’81 Jerry Perkins, OKST ’68 Kirk Price, EMBRID ’71 Mark Putney, IA ’51 Charles Rahe, SIL ’65 Scott Reed, IL ’81 Timothy Riedling, LOU ’89 Clifford Ruemmler, OK ’87 Mark Schramka, NW Edward Schussler, DEP ’65 Steven Shockley, GATECH ’92 Lyle Sprinkle, GATECH ’96 James Storey, JACKST ’63 Michael Stout, DEP ’78 Paul Strombeck, CEMO ’70 Bill Tallman, EMBRID ’95 John Tate, ID ’64 James Thokey, TX ’41 Wally Tiedemann, EMBRID ’77 Trent Unterbrink, TRIST ’98 Charlie Valder, AUG ’82 Jon Vice, AL ’70 Thomas Viola, NHAV ’82 William Vollbracht, KS ’60 Glen Vondrick, AZ ’78 Keith Waltz, BALST ’82 Michael Welsh, ILST Faculty Bill Williams, GAN ’83 Michael Yim, GATECH ’93
The following is a list of departed brothers who, based on Fraternity records since 1960 and Foundation records through 12/31/04, had reached at least the Kimball’s Club.
NEw FOuNDER ($100,000+) Gene Johnson, OK ST ’58 Clayton Roberts, FL ’31 Bernhard Shaffer, PAST ’25 ORDER OF ThE SCROll ($50,000+) George Obear, DEP ’30 MARTlET Club ($50,000+) Donald Isett, KS ’28 LaVon Linn, NB ’38 Francis Zwickey, MIST ’24 ORDER OF ThE SCIMITAR ($25,000+) Carl Benson, PUR ’32 Victor Johnson, PUR ’32 Marsh White, PAST Faculty ORDER OF ThE ShIElD ($10,000+) Clyde Andrews, IL ’30 Philip Barbour, COR ’20 Chauncey Cook, TX ’30 Earl Drew, IL ’29 Douglas Holsclaw, AZ ”25 Henry Jackson, WA ’34 Joseph Lacchia, NYU ’25 Lyle Lynn, IA ’34 SIR EDwARD COKE Club ($5,000+) Albin Ahlberg, C-K ’20 John Arens, PAST ’37 Thomas Chisholm, SMU ’47 Oliver Christman, PAST ’20 Ivan Davis, IL ’25 Charles DeLong, IL ’26 Arthur Elliott, MIST ’38 Frank Granat, WA ’51 Charles Honig, TX ’40 Luther Hoy, PAST ’38 Christopher Johnson, KY ’77 James Page, AL ’53 Michael Pucin, IL ’31 Francis Plumly, PAST ’46 Milton Rose, IL ’29 Kenneth Snyder, IL ’30 Ralph Smith, SMU ’32 Dean Sweet, OHST ’49
KIMbAll’S Club ($2,500+) Hugh Behny, SCAL ’47 Fred Brooks, ABRA ’40 Jefferson Coleman, AL ’29 John Copeland, IN ’49 John Cox, SMU ’42 Peter Fromm, SAC ’69 John Hurt, IN ’35 Charlton Johnson, SCAL ’40 Robert Kessler, PUR ’36 Eric Larson, IL ’35 George Mack, SCAL Alumnus Charles MacGregor, MICH ’29 Claude McNorton, AUB Faculty William Monroe, MIST ’43 Harold Myers, PAST ’36 Roland Oberholtzer, PAST ’36 Arthur Oustalet, LSU ’44 D P Paiste, PAST ’31 Arloe Paul, IAST ’33 Easton Roberts, SCAL ’34 William Ross, Purdue ’52 Joseph Thompson, IL ’34 Richard Tully, OHST ’57 M J van Loben Sels, STAN ’32 John Warner, DEP ’43 Theodore Winkler, PAST ’39 John Woodward, SMU ’32